
  • I try to avoid conflict... most of the time.

    It creates tension that I usually find counter-productive.

    But what if this tension is actually the catalyst for growth?

    Have I been missing out?

    Our guest Tash Willcocks thinks so.

    She's a self-proclaimed former conflict avoider who now champions the idea of "running towards the conflict" to unlock its potential for positive change.

    Yes, conflict creates a tension that most of us instinctively shy away from.

    But according to Tash, this tension can foster collaboration and drive personal growth when channeled in the right ways.

    There's just one small problem.

    Conflict in the workplace often occurs when people give (or receive) feedback. But most of us aren't really great at this.

    So, instead of using feedback as a constructive opportunity, things either spiral out of control, or people conceal the key message out of politeness.

    In both cases, it's a missed opportunity.

    The art is to find that sweet spot between kindness and clarity, where we can give and receive feedback in a way that feels supportive and helps us grow.

    I have to say, Tash's journey from conflict avoidance to embracing tension is quite inspiring.

    So, if you want to turn those tough conversations into moments where you learn and grow the most, this episode has you covered.

    Tash made me think: What is the best feedback I've received, from whom, and what made it so powerful? What would be your answer...

    Enjoy the episode, and keep making a positive impact!

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to episode 223

    04:00 Embracing creative conflict

    05:45 What sparked her interest in this topic

    07:00 Take hard conversations

    10:30 Run towards the conflict

    13:00 Teaching conflict

    16:00 Opening up wounds

    19:00 Radical candor

    23:30 Avoiding hard talks

    21430 Overcoming avoidance

    27:00 Feedback and timing

    30:00 Giving & receiving feedback

    32:30 People solve problems

    35:00 Beyond reading design books

    38:00 Starving artist mindset

    39:15 Takeaways so far

    43:30 Drama triangle vs Empowerment triangle

    47:00 Creating self-awareness while drawing

    49:30 Drawing as journaling

    51:00 Ruthlessly curious

    53:00 Piece of advice

    54:45 Question to ponder

    55:00 Resources

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] ---


    Radical Candor (Book)Radical Candor (Podcast)Turn the Ship around - BookLadder of leadership MindSpring Presents: "Greatness" by David MarquetJohari WindowGiving and receiving feedback - cards Susan Wheelan Team DevelopmentDrama and Empowerment TriangleScott Berkun - Why Design is hard

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • When advice goes wrong...

    My daughter is an avid soccer player.

    On a recent cold and dark Saturday morning, I was standing on the sideline cheering her on at a match - the priceless perks of being a dad.

    At some point, the opposing team coach was shouting to their players, "You need to defend better!"

    And all I could think to myself at that moment was, "That's terrible advice."

    Not because they were defending well - rather the opposite.

    But, I mean, "defend better" - would you know what you're supposed to do?

    Should I press higher, get closer to the attacker, make more forward runs?

    This type of advice often just leads to more confusion and coordination problems.

    Now, in design, we also get this type of well-intended but counter-productive advice all too often.

    Want a classic example?

    How about "designers need to understand business"?

    No sh*t Sherlock.

    We hear this ALL the time.

    Very rarely does someone go beyond the surface and get specific about what "understanding business" actually means.

    Fortunately for us, we have someone on the Show today who does - Ryan Scott.

    Ryan has an impressive track record in design, but he also holds an MBA degree.

    This combination is quite unique and gives him the ability to look at challenges from different perspectives with empathy for both sides.

    So in this episode, we unpack what it actually takes to bridge the gap between business and design.

    You'll be surprised to hear how many skills you already have to make this crossover successfully.

    It's not easy, but it's not as hard or distant as you might think, either. MBA degree not required.

    So, if you've ever felt frustrated by the lack of respect and appreciation for design from "the business side," this conversation might just hold the clue on how you can turn that around.

    I've always said that designers can be some of the best salespeople.

    It's really time that we start using this power to our advantage.

    Because we are all selling already, every single day.

    Enjoy and keep making a positive impact!

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to episode 222

    03:00 Broad Designer Role

    05:00 Business vs. Users

    07:30 Why an MBA?

    11:00 Business for Designers

    14:00 People Skills & Clout

    15:30 Design Gaslighting

    21:00 Joining the Conversation

    22:30 The Gap

    32:00 Management-Led Design

    34:00 Shaping Your Perspective

    36:00 Sales & Brand

    38:00 Biggest Roadblock

    41:30 Reframing Our Identity

    46:15 Adapting to the System

    48:45 Imposter Syndrome

    51:45 Proving Your Impact

    54:00 Competitive Analysis

    56:30 Design Career Path

    1:01:00 Question to Ponder

    1:02:15 Resources

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie (book) - 48 laws of power by Robert Greene (book) - Maven Learning -

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


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  • AI won't take over your job...

    An 8-year-old girl with AI will!

    Don't believe me? Check ou this video which was making the rounds on LinkedIn a while ago.

    In the video a young girl coding a Harry Potter quiz game with the help of AI. In a matter of minutes.

    It's a funny and striking example of where things are heading – or should I say, where they already are.

    It'd be naive to think service design won't be affected.

    But the current conversations about AI's impact often lack depth, nuance, and practical examples.

    We don't seem to get much further than: "AI is good" or "AI is bad."

    What are we even talking about when we say "AI"? We need to unpack it. Go beyond the surface.

    Fortunately, our guest for this episode has done some of the heavy lifting for us.

    As an educator at one of the leading design institutes, Pablo FernĂĄndez Vallejo has to live in the future.

    He's always thinking about the skills future professionals will need in 4 years' time when they graduate. And of course, being able to make full use of AI is high on the list right now.

    So in this episode, we sit down and talk about big questions like: Do we need to become AI experts ourselves, or should we focus on further developing our critical thinking skills? What are the risks and opportunities of bringing AI into the design process? What are the tasks that we can safely outsource to AI and which ones should we be more careful with.

    So, whether you're an AI skeptic or optimist, I feel this conversation will challenge your thinking and help you make more informed decisions moving ahead.

    A thought-provoking question in this episode is what will happen to our professional identities when AI starts to blur the boundaries between disciplines. It's not a question of if it will happen, but how quickly.

    Curious to hear your thoughts, so make sure to leave a comment on below.

    Enjoy and keep making a positive impact.

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 221

    04:00 Grandparents' influence on AI perspective

    06:00 Over-represented large language models

    08:30 AI with a bias

    11:00 Designing at the age of AI

    14:00 Current state of designing with AI

    17:30 Automation vs. Augmentation

    19:30 AI’s Impact on Students

    26:30 AI Possibilities vs. Limits

    29:00 AI & Expertise Balance

    30:00 Calculator analogy

    32:30 AI & Service Commoditization

    35:00 How AI impacts non-digital services

    38:00 AI power dynamics

    38:30 Service design for ai

    42:30 AI as an active participant

    44:30 Gaps in the society

    47:15 Questions we should be asking

    53:00 Sustainability & AI

    55:00 Learning about past mistakes

    57:00 Tech development and society conversation

    59:30 The future we can build

    1:00:40 Resources

    1:02:00 Questions to ponder

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI by Ethan Mollick (Book) Pablo's talk on Impact of AI in Service Design Pablo's post-SDGC article on the state of the conversation

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • I crossed a line...

    Recently, while working on redesigning our online community platform, my excitement got the better of me. I dove headfirst into prototyping a few things in the backend system.

    "How hard could it be, right?" (Keep this line in mind throughout the rest of the email.)

    Sure, I know a thing or two about programming, and if everything else fails, there's always AI to help out, right?

    Well, the honest conclusion a few days later, when we brought in a true expert developer, was that I had no clue what I was doing.

    Before the developer could implement the updates properly, we had to undo all the changes I had made. So we lost time, not once, but twice.

    The silly thing is, this seems to be a habit I can't shake.

    And I see it a lot around me as well: saying yes to challenges that are better left to experts.

    Of course, there are many situations where being confident and experimental gets things done.

    Instead of waiting and debating, we build a prototype and iterate from there.

    Frankly, this approach is encouraged and celebrated in our design process.

    But... there's a major pitfall.

    In the story above, the cost of my "how hard can it be?" approach was lost time.

    That's unfortunate but not something that will cause any major, long-term damage.

    Now, imagine working in a context where the stakes are much higher.

    Where you're intervening in people's lives. Where your solutions impact the well-being of communities. Where your approach has the potential to reduce—or increase—systemic inequalities.

    KA McKercher, our guest in this episode, argues that in those scenarios, we can't just rush in and take on every project that comes our way.

    Because when we do, and we go in with a beginner's mindset, chances are high that we might end up causing actual harm to the people who need help the most.

    In those situations, losing time on a project is the least of your worries. There are clearly much bigger stakes at play.

    So the tough question becomes: How do we know which challenges are a good fit for our skillset and which ones should we say no to?

    Especially when we want to do good and contribute to a positive outcome in those high-stakes challenges.

    Having the self-awareness to know you limits and limitations is a sign of maturity and professionalism.

    If you care about growing your self-awareness, this is a conversation you don't want to miss.

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 220

    04:00 Good intentions are not enough

    06:30 Why this matters

    09:00 Lived experience aligning to design

    12:30 What's good enough?

    14:30 What is co-facilitation

    16:30 Emotional curiosity

    20:30 Being conscious of the water

    27:00 What to do

    30:30 Is it a yes or no?

    35:00 Intentions

    38:30 What's within the scope

    41:00 Material based practices

    45:30 Impostor syndrome

    48:30 Reviews on the article

    50:00 Hoping the conversation evolves

    52:00 When it's out of your scope

    54:30 When to step away

    58:00 Question to ponder

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Ethical Curiosity with Trans and Non-Binary Clients by Lucie Fielding (book)

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • You've never heard this on the Show before...

    I'm referring to a design tool that most people disregard, even laugh about when they first hear about it.

    They say it's childish, something you can't take seriously in a professional context.

    But as you'll hear in today's conversation, this tool holds immense power.

    Not only that, it helps you better align with your true self and what you truly want to contribute to the world.

    And the best thing? You already have this tool in your possession. We all do.

    So, what is this magical tool?

    It's your dreams.

    Now, I know what you're thinking. Dreams, really?!

    But hear me out, it's actually not that crazy.

    Why do we always talk about design thinking and design doing, and not about design dreaming?

    If anything, I'd argue that the times we live in demand we dream more to envision a better future.

    Our amazing guest, Courtney Morgan, helps us tap into the power of our dreams.

    She shares practical examples of the power of collective dreaming.

    We address the misconceptions around dreaming and discuss how to get people to tap into and share their dreams in a design process.

    You'll notice that the conversation doesn't begin with dreams, but we naturally gravitate in that direction and fall down the rabbit hole.

    So, if you want to go beyond the usual design tools and methods and tap into something truly transformative... make sure you don't miss this episode.

    A simple practice to become more aware of your dreams is to start writing them down. This is what I've incorporated into my morning routine. Very curious to see what effects this will have in a few months.

    Enjoy and keep making a positive impact.

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to episode 219

    03:30 Defining "one percent"

    05:00 Focus of the 1%

    13:00 Non-profit & community

    13:50 Importance of lived experiences in work

    17:00 Building trust first

    18:30 What happens with lack of trust

    21:30 Designer vs Community member role

    24:00 A "World Creator" role

    26:30 5 years ago vs today

    30:30 What is efficiency?

    33:00 What does good look like

    34:30 Patience and her son

    36:30 The role of dreaming

    39:00 Courtney's dream

    41:00 How we can become better dreamers

    43:30 Prejudice against collective dreaming

    47:30 Unsurppressing dreams

    54:00 Advice she wished someone told her

    59:30 Question to ponder

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- ⁠

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • This one is a bit different...

    Not the usual interview that you're used to.

    In this episode, you'll actually hear me answering the questions.

    Why? Well, it's become a bit of a tradition to start the year by reflecting on the lessons learned while building the Circle community.

    The Circle started 3.5 years ago as an idea to see what would happen if we created a safe space for in-house service design professionals to connect and share regularly.

    Today, it's grown to a healthy size with members from companies across the globe and in almost any industry you can imagine — from big tech to church organizations (I kid you not!). Service design professionals are everywhere these days.

    I'm very grateful for where the community is today, but it certainly hasn't been a straight line up.

    Designing a service (which is essentially what our community is) for service designers is quite hard, who would have thought? ;)

    So, for this episode, I sat down with Ru Butler who's one of our Circle Council members to discuss the biggest wins, challenges, and ambitions for the coming year.

    Even if you're not working in-house, I think you'll still enjoy this behind-the-scenes look at how we're thinking about and trying to design our community.

    I'd love to hear what you think of this episode format. Would you like to hear it more often? How could we make it better? Any other feedback is welcome, too.

    Send me a message or reach out on LinkedIn.

    Happy 2025 and take care,


    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 The Circle 2024 Special episode

    03:00 Who is Ru

    04:30 What stood out last year

    09:30 Marc's key motivations

    13:00 Ru's Circle Highlights: 1-on-1s

    17:30 Benefits of 1-on-1s: accountability

    19:00 Leading the Circle community

    24:30 Favorite sessios in 2024

    31:00 The community's growth

    37:00 The importance of community

    43:00 2025 Vision and The Loop

    46:00 The follow-through

    48:30 Seasons for the Circle 2025

    54:00 2025 Goals

    58:00 For the Self-Doubting Designers

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Advancing Service Design Talk: Increase your confidence, influence, and impact

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • First of all, I want to wish you a very happy 2025.

    We're starting the new year with a bang.

    Journey Management has been a hot topic for the last two years, and for good reason.

    The shift from mapping to management might seem small, but it's a major change in how we and our clients approach things.

    If you've been following the Show for a while, you know we are keeping up with these developments as they unfold.

    So, I thought it would be great to invite a good friend and long-time partner of the Show, Jochem van der Veer, back to kick 2025 off with some predictions.

    As CEO of TheyDo, Jochem is building one of the most innovative companies in this space. So I think it's fair to say that he has a front-row seat to how companies are adopting (or not) Journey Management.

    In this conversation, we discuss how journey management has evolved, the challenges of scaling it, which organizations are succeeding, and what's next (including AI's influence).

    Oh, and we announce a new conference...

    Join us for a great episode that's going to give you a head start on your Journey Management journey this year.

    What are YOUR predictions for this year? Leave a comment on YouTube (or Spotify). It'll be fun to revisit them next year ï»żđŸ™‚

    Enjoy the conversation, and once again Happy 2025!

    Take care,

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to episode 218

    05:00 Looking back at the previous episode

    06:45 Market shifts

    09:00 Churn discussion

    13:45 What's changed in TheyDo

    15:45 Unexpected design challenges

    19:30 Journey Management cornerstones

    21:00 Automating everything

    25:00 Jochem's Journey Management view

    29:00 Journey as a tool

    33:15 Cross-Functional challenges

    36:00 Prioritization rituals

    39:30 Customer alignment

    45:00 Team adoption patterns

    48:30 Specific problem solving

    50:00 Industry roadblock

    53:30 2026 hopes

    54:30 Upcoming Conference

    1:02:00 Jochem's 2025 outlook

    1:03:00 Chat interface

    1:07:00 Question to ponder

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] ---

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • There's a problem with the current design process that often goes unnoticed...

    A problem that can lead to less-than-ideal outcomes or, even worse, harm certain communities.

    To understand this, we must acknowledge our huge responsibility as design professionals. We're often the only ones advocating for our users' needs, the voice of those who aren't in the room.

    It's a privilege we shouldn't take lightly.

    We make decisions, and judgment calls for the people we're designing for. Of course, we do our best with the best intentions, but we always will fall short.

    Why? Because we aren't the users. We don't live their lives or experience their struggles.

    Sure, let there be no doubt: having someone advocate for users is a good start, but it's not enough.

    We can do better; we must do better.

    Our guest, ​Sloan Leo Cowan​, helps us see what "better" looks like.

    The key is to move away from "designing for" or even "designing with" users and move towards "designing by" them. It means giving up control and power. Sound impossible?

    Sloan Leo shares practical examples of how they've achieved this in their work.

    This episode will show you a way forward if you care about creating more inclusive and equitable work.

    Stop designing WITH your users! There is a better way.

    As you'll hear, Sloan Leo's perspective on design challenges the status quo. We really need this to push the boundaries of design and ensure it stays relevant.

    Keep making a positive impact!

    Take care,

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 217

    04:00 Sloan's social sector journey

    08:15 Defining Community?

    10:15 Service design "habits" (issues)

    12:45 Neutrality in Interpretation

    15:15 Facilitator vs. Interpreter Roles

    18:45 Facilitating towards beliefs

    19:30 Power Dynamics in Facilitation

    21:15 Binary thinking in service design

    26:45 Issue: Persona Development & Gender

    31:45 Origins of Community Design Issues

    36:00 How to approach the large scale

    38:15 Open source approach

    40:30 The challenges for service designers

    41:45 Benefits for Communities and Designers

    43:45 Advice for Aspiring Designers

    47:15 Recommended Resources

    51:45 Proudest Achievements

    54:15 Keys to Success

    56:45 Additional Resources

    57:30 Questions for Reflection

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] ---

    Pronouns they/he Website - or

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • There is no service design...

    Without high-quality research.

    Sure, we all know that.

    But doing good research is hard.

    Kate Towsey, often called the inventor of the ResearchOps field, can certainly attest to this.

    If you're a dedicated listener of the show, you might remember Kate from our conversation about a year ago where she shared that she was writing a book.

    Well, that book, titled "Research that Scales", has officially been published!

    And with a 4.9/5 rating on Amazon, it seems to have struck a chord with readers.

    Of course, we had to get Kate back on the show to discuss it.

    In this conversation we delve into topics like:

    Do we need to scale research, and if so why? What does "scale" actually mean in the context of research? When should you start thinking about scaling? What are the key steps to scaling research? What role can AI play in all of this? Will it take over our jobs? Why did it take Kate 3.5 years to publish the book?

    And as always, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

    It's hard to imagine a service design professional who wouldn't be interested in the topics we cover in this episode.

    Good research isn't just a nice-to-have; it's a must.

    Without giving away too many spoilers, I found it fascinating that it's not actually research that you need to (or can) scale, but something else. Something that we as a community are pretty good at.

    Can you guess what it is?

    Enjoy and keep making a positive impact!

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 216

    03:00 Quick overview about scaling research

    04:00 Why she wrote the book

    09:30 Pandemic's impact on the book

    13:00 Research rabbit hole

    15:00 Unscalable Research: What to Avoid

    18:30 What is enough research?

    22:00 The problem she saw

    25:00 The main bottlenecks

    27:45 Libriarian's role in making the change

    31:00 How the process work

    33:00 Knowledge as a network vs tree

    35:30 Maximizing efficient use of library

    39:00 Designing the system

    41:00 Knowledge vs. Learning: Value Proposition

    43:00 Cost center vs value center

    47:00 AI and Research: A Synergistic Future

    49:00 Cost of scaling: A Trade-off

    51:00 Strategic approach to scaling

    53:00 How to know when to scale

    54:30 Her readers insights

    56:00 Upcoming masterclasses

    58:00 Resources

    58:30 Food for thought

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] ---

    LinkedIn: Website: Substack:

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • What is strategy... A plan for how you intend to achieve your goals? That's how a lot of people define strategy. But there's a problem with this rigid approach...

    As Mike Tyson wisely said once: "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." Most strategies are too prescriptive about how the goal needs to be achieved.

    But we live in a VUCA world where it's getting harder and harder to predict what will happen, even just weeks ahead. The sphere of what an organization can control is shrinking (and control is an illusion anyway).

    What seemed like a wise action last week might be irrelevant today, thanks to new technology, a sudden global crisis, or a certain election outcome...

    Following your strategy in this scenario might mean you're executing what you agreed to, but it could very well lead you away from your intended goal.

    So, when there is so little we can control and predict, does that mean we shouldn't do any strategizing at all? Certainly not. We just need to adopt a more emergent approach.

    We still need a plan to align everyone, but one that allows for more flexibility and deciding in the moment what the right next step is.

    What does this type of strategy look like, and how do we get there? That's something ​Peter Compo​ has written ​a great book​ about, and I've invited him on the Show to share his learnings with us.

    We talk about:

    Why research is becoming an increasingly important capability for any organization. How we can know we'll achieve our goals if we don't know at the start which actions to take. And how to help an organization used to control and prediction embrace uncertainty and flexibility.

    I know this episode will resonate with many service design professionals. It ties strongly to our mantra of "doing the right things" and not just focusing on "doing things right."

    Strategy can be a very abstract term without much substance. But what I appreciated in our conversation is that Peter makes things super practical. It's time to roll up your sleeves and get to work on your strategy.

    Enjoy and keep making a positive impact.

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 215

    03:30 Music and emergence

    06:00 How he got into writing the book

    10:30 Pete's perspective in strategy

    16:00 The theory of emergence

    20:00 constraints & trust

    26:30 Bridging the gap of uncertainty

    30:30 Letting Go of Control

    36:30 Examples of good metrics

    41:00 False learning organization

    46:30 Trusting your team

    50:30 Aspiration-bottleneck triad

    57:00 another recommendation

    59:00 Strategy matrix

    01:04:00 Personal Impact on writing

    01:09:00 Resources

    1:11:00 Question to ponder

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- The Emergent Approach to Strategy (book) by Peter Compo - Peter Compo Music -

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • An exciting new conference is just around the corner, ​Advancing Service Design 2024​. We ​recently had a chat​ with Lou Rosenfeld, the conference organizer, about key ideas behind the conference.

    Now, we're doing a deep dive into the two-day conference program with ​Sylvie Abookire​, who's part of the curation team. In this episode, you'll hear about the main themes, the inspiring (and somewhat surprising) speakers, and of course how it all ties together to advance our field.

    Sure, you can also get some of this info on the conference website, but I promise this conversation is much more fun ï»żđŸ™‚

    I'll be presenting at the conference about the latest insights from the Salary Report and lessons learned from building the Circle community. Want to join one of my sessions? Send me an email or reach out on LinkedIn, and I'll let you know how you can attend even without a conference ticket.

    ~ ~ ~

    đŸŽŸïž Want to attend Advancing Service Design? Well, you're in luck!

    💰 Answer the simple question over here at ⁠⁠ to get a 10% discount on your ticket. But that's not all!

    🏆 When you sign up using this code, you'll automatically enter a contest where you can win sweet prizes.

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 A Special Episode with Sylvie

    02:45 Sylvie's role in the conference

    04:30 Conference schedule & format

    06:00 Biggest conference challenge

    07:30 The final 8 speakers

    10:00 What the conference means to Sylvie

    12:00 Day 1: Designing in the system

    14:30 Day 1: format

    16:00 Day 1: The panel

    17:00 Audience interaction

    19:00 Day 2: Designing with the system

    22:30 How we hope the conference impacts

    24:00 Sylvie's workshops after the conference

    27:00 The most fun part of the conference

    28:00 Key Takeaways

    28:00 Visibility & Impact

    32:00 Conference Details & Tickets

    32:30 Giveaway

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Get your tickets here -

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Grow your confidence, influence, and impact! Join the community for in-house service design professionals.


  • I remember being subscribed to this email newsletter from a guy named Josh, all about email marketing (kind of meta)...

    Every single day, a new email from Josh would pop up in my inbox, and I'd open it right away.

    These emails were different, a bit weird even, but in the best way possible. Each one would start with something that felt totally random, a story about something Josh experienced. No mention of email marketing whatsoever.

    But every time I was hooked. I just had to know how the story ended.

    And then, bam, right at the end, with just two or three lines he'd tie it all back to email marketing in a way that just clicked.

    Those emails weren't just informative; they were actually enjoyable, to the point that I looked forward to them.

    Now being able to hold someone's attention like that always seemed like a magic superpower to me... but I learned that it's not.

    In this episode, Gabrielle Dolan, who's been teaching the craft of storytelling for over 20 years, reveals how you can grow your storytelling skills and use them to communicate your message in a way that stick and, most of all inspires action.

    And as service design professionals, we know that getting people to take action is critical for change but also very challenging.

    So whether you consider yourself a natural storyteller or not, this episode is packed with practical wisdom you won't want to miss.

    Josh, by the way, stopped sending his daily emails a while ago, but as you've noticed his lessons have stuck with me.

    Enjoy the episode and keep making a positive impact!

    Take care,

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 214

    03:30 Power of stories

    06:00 Why stories make communication better

    08:00 Dealing with skepticism

    13:00 Why Organizations seek facts over stories

    14:30 Story-Resistant Culture

    18:00 Practical tips in becoming better storytellers

    23:00 Finding your stories

    24:00 Using spreadsheets

    28:00 How to be comfortable using them

    31:30 How to see if it's working (Tracking progress

    34:00 Indicators of Success

    37:00 Potential of backfiring

    39:00 Gauging level of emotion

    42:00 Advise from Ral

    44:00 How Ral's storytelling evolved

    45:30 How to use AI in storytelling

    48:30 Storytelling vs acting

    49:30 What's next in her storytelling journey

    51:30 What kept her going

    52:30 Resources

    55:30 Question to ponder

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Magnetic Stories by Gabrielle Dolan (Book) -

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • I'm excited... There's a brand new conference just around the corner – ​Advancing Service Design​ – and it's organized by none other than Rosenfeld Media, the publisher behind some of the most iconic books in our field.

    Now you might be thinking... another conference? But trust me, this one is different. That's why I invited ​Lou Rosenfeld​ himself onto the Show to give us the inside scoop.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    * Why Lou decided to launch a brand new conference.

    * Who is Advancing Service Design for?

    And what makes the conference different.

    So if you're curious about what all the excitement is about, make sure to tune in to this conversation.

    And as you can guess by the title there will be a part 2 where we'll dive deep into the full conference lineup and speakers.


    Want to attend Advancing Service Design? Well, you're in luck!

    Answer the simple question over here to get a 10% discount on your ticket. But that's not all!

    When you sign up using the provided code, you'll automatically enter a contest where you can win sweet prizes.

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to a Special Episode

    01:30 Q&A with Lou

    03:30 Long-Awaited Service Design Conference

    06:00 Why Service Design Now?

    08:45 Conference Program

    12:00 Target Audience

    14:00 Conference Success Secrets

    19:00 Benefit in Time, Support, and Labor prep

    20:00 Why Ben Reason and Patrick Quattlebaum

    23:00 Speaker Insights

    26:00 Speaker highlights

    30:00 What to expect

    33:00 What Lou looks forward to

    36:30 How to get tickets

    39:15 Topics to stay tuned to

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] ---

    Get your Advancing Service Design tickets here:

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • Sure, everyone's talking about Journey Management, but few are actually doing it well... It's one thing to map out customer journeys, but quite another to truly manage them.

    The frameworks and models look great on paper, but reality is often far messier. Most organizations struggle to get a handle on even one journey, let alone a dozen!

    So I'm excited that Florian Vollmer, a true pioneer in this field, returns to the Service Design Show to share his hard-won wisdom. You might remember him from his previous appearance on the Show where he talked about managing 100+ journeys at NCR.

    What's fascinating is that Florian got a rare opportunity when starting his new role at Autodesk – a chance to rebuild a Journey Management practice from the ground up, applying all the lessons from his previous experience.

    This is your classic "I wish I knew everything I know now at the start of this project. It would have been completed twice as fast and at half the cost."This time, we dive deep into the nitty-gritty of Journey Management, tackling tough questions like:

    Who really owns the journey? Are dedicated tools essential or just a distraction? Why getting granular at the touchpoint level is essential? What are the biggest challenges to launching Journey Management inside an organization?

    And the million-dollar question: how do you get buy-in and funding when you're just starting out?

    So if you're already knee-deep in Journey Management or just starting to explore it, I'm sure you'll appreciate Florian's honest perspective from the trenches.

    One of my biggest takeaways from this conversation was that, as Florian explains in detail, this is really hard work. So you have to have patience and be kind to yourself. Amen to that!

    Enjoy the conversation and keep making a positive impact.

    Take care,

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 213

    04:00 Looking back EP 168

    05:15 Who is Florian

    07:00 What is Journey Management

    08:30 the momentum of journey management right now

    13:00 How to manage customers

    17:00 Balancing context switching

    21:00 Evolving Role Perceptions

    23:30 good quality vs great quality

    26:00 Organic conversations vs Priorities

    35:30 Who owns the journey?

    39:30 Building momentum for change

    42:30 Biggest key lessons

    46:00 Journey management vs collaborations

    48:30 Understanding journey management

    55:15 Stay tuned for another episode with Florian

    56:30 Resources

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Journey Management Alliance

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • This might be the most profound conversation I've recorded this year...

    What if I told you that the puzzle of how to measure and quantify the value of design has already been solved?

    I know, it sounds too good to be true, right? But hear me out.

    We all struggle to express the value of design in metrics that businesses understand. The result?

    We often cut ourselves short because we can't present the impact of our work in a neat spreadsheet. It's frustrating, especially when we see decisions being made that make no sense to us based on "our data".

    There are many reasons why it's hard to quantify the return on investment of (service) design. We're creating value on a systemic level. We're doing it in co-creation, so attribution is a nightmare. The effects of our work sometimes take a long time to materialize. And the list goes on.

    So, is all hope lost? Do we throw our hands up in the air? Of course not.

    Recently, while researching better alternatives to hierarchical goal structures (which are inherently broken), I stumbled upon an article by Stacey Barr. I had never heard of Stacey or her work before. This discovery led me down a massive rabbit hole.

    Stacey is a leading expert on performance measurement. Over the last 20 years, she has developed and refined a methodology to measure, track, and improve performance that's being used in over 40 countries.

    The more I read about this methodology, the more I felt that this could be the breakthrough we've been looking for in the design field. I have to be careful not to raise expectations too high, but...

    Stacey is an unusual guest for the Show. Someone who's completely outside of our design bubble. And that's why this turned out to be such an interesting and eye-opening conversation.

    In this episode, you'll learn that there is a systemic and reliable approach to figuring out what and how you can measure the impact of design. You can take this approach and apply it to your work today! And best of all, as you'll hear, the approach builds upon a lot of the elements that we as a design community are already familiar with.

    I hope this episode will show you that we can actually get to measuring the things that matter, not just the things that are easy to measure.

    And maybe, even maybe, get you a little bit excited about measurement (yes, that's actually possible)!

    A part that I really liked in our conversation is when we rolled up our sleeves, took an abstract goal like "increasing the sense of belonging," and went step-by-step on how to break this down into more concrete and quantifiable metrics. This exercise really brought things home for me.

    Keep making a positive impact!

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00: Welcome to Episode 212

    04:00: Marc's rant on KPIs

    05:30: Who is Stacy

    08:00: Measuring service design

    09:30: Evidence and numbers

    13:00: Circle example

    16:00: Measuring qualitative aspects

    18:00: Quantifying "sense of belonging"

    21:00: Circle buddies and belonging

    27:00: If you can't experiment...

    29:30: Client's vague goals & measurement

    34:00: Handling vague ideas & measurement

    38:30: Showing value and impact

    39:00: Individual vs. team effort

    43:00: Qualitative approach

    44:00: Significant change method

    48:00: Circle community tension

    52:00: Measuring systemic impact

    58:00: Perfection and systemic impact

    1:00:30: Importance of the whole story

    1:02:30: Compassion and starting small

    1:04:00: Starting small with systemic thinking

    1:06:30: Resources for systemic design

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Results Map: Streamlined PuMP approach: What is a measure:

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • Let's start with an "easy" question today... Is design a force for good, or just another cog in the capitalist machine?

    I know many design professionals are grappling with this question. We see design's potential to have a positive impact but often find ourselves frustrated by its misuse as a tool for profit at any cost.

    The overflowing landfills, the disposable products... These are reminders of design's unintended consequences. And while we yearn to challenge the status quo, to advocate for sustainable and ethical solutions, we often face resistance from those prioritizing short-term gains. Yeah, it's a delicate balance.

    So how can we raise our voices as activists without jeopardizing our livelihoods? How do we ensure that our work benefits not only our (internal) clients but also society and the planet?

    Our guest, ​Jennifer Rittner​, has dedicated her career to exploring these questions. In the conversation, we delve into the complex relationship between design, ethics, and culture.

    Do we need a moral compass for the design industry? How much responsibility do we, as designers, bear for the impact of our work? What kind of culture do we want to shape through our designs?

    If anything, this episode invites you to step back from your daily tasks and reflect on the bigger picture.

    It's an opportunity to clarify your purpose as a professional and think about how you can align your work to that. So if that sparks your interest, join us for an inspiring chat.

    Let's be honest, in a world obsessed with instant gratification, it's crucial to pause every now and than to consider the long-term consequences of our actions. We owe it to generations to come.

    Enjoy and keep making a positive impact.

    ~ Marc

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 211

    03:30 Recalibrating Social Dynamics

    05:00 Design and Social Dynamics

    10:00 Is there an alternative?

    17:30 How her approach changed

    19:00 Marc's background

    24:00 Solution before building

    25:00 Designer reflection

    26:30 Accountability in design

    32:00 The landfill problem example

    38:00 What's holding us back?

    43:00 How to be better humans

    47:15 How we label success

    51:30 Her thoughts on designers

    58:00 Balancing what to make

    1:00:00 "The Lab culture"

    1:03:30 Power to change

    1:06:30 Resources

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Design needs to grow up and take responsibility / George Aye / Episode #194 -

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • Ever feel like the weight of the world on your shoulders as a service design professional...That you're constantly juggling your "actual" work with the complexities of organizational processes and structures?Well, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Our DesignOps friends are here to lighten that load.They enable us to focus on what we do best - design – by handling the operational intricacies that so often slow us down, and drain our energy.I've heard many firsthand stories of how transformative a DesignOps partner can be. But to fully unlock the potential of this partnership, we need to understand what's happening in the ever-evolving DesignOps world.That's why I'm very excited to have Meredith Black join us on the Show. Having contributed to building DesignOps teams at major companies like The New York Times, Pinterest, and Figma, and as co-founder of the largest online DesignOps community, Meredith is one of the most influential and well-informed people on the planet when it comes to DesignOps.In this episode, we dove into questions like:* What does it take to grow a successful DesignOps practice inside your org?* How does the shift towards remote work impact DesignOps strategies?* Why effective DesignOps might initially not look like what you'd expect?* And what's Meredith's secret for quickly gaining momentum and buy-in?Whether your organization already has an established DesignOps practice or you're just beginning to explore this field, I'm confident that the lessons Meredith shares in this conversation will make you a better service design professional.With the risk of over-exaggerating, tapping into Meredith's years of hard won wisdom feels a bit like cheating.So if you want to know how DesignOps can help you deliver your best work, don't miss out on this conversation.As you'll hear, DesignOps has faced quite some challenges in recent years. But at the same time it's clear that the train has left the station and will continue to move forward. DesignOps is here to stay and the future is brighter future than ever.

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 210

    04:00 Her credibility for this topic

    07:00 Mental shift in Design Ops

    13:00 Hard conversations

    16:30 Recalibrating expectations

    19:00 Living up to promises

    24:00 advertising model) vs subscriber model

    27:30 Building those relationships

    29:30 Make or Break in Design Ops

    33:15 Slow consistent progress vs immediate results

    37:00 Clients confusion about our role

    41:15 Judging your success

    45:00 Community building expectations

    48:00 Our hope for the community

    50:00 How we can help realize that wish

    51:30 Resources

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- DesignOps Assembly -⁠ Kate Towsey's Books - DesignOps Summit 2024-

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • Sure, AI is pretty cool, but have you heard of something called Retrieval-Augmented-Generation (RAG)... We don't often spotlight specific tech on the Show, but RAG?

    I firmly believe that RAG has the potential to shake up service design in a big way.

    Imagine having a super-powered teammate on every project. This teammate has the ability to recall every meeting, every workshop, and every sticky note, not just yours but your entire team's, even from years ago. Not just yours but your whole team's.

    Ask them a question, and a few seconds later, they've got the answer. It's like being able to have a conversation with your entire project history. Just think about the impact of this for a moment.

    Now, we all know about those fancy Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. Amazing, right? But they're not trained on your data. Ask them about your project, and you'll get... well, something made up. But what if you could combine the conversational magic of LLMs with the deep knowledge of your own data?

    In a nutshell, this is RAG's promise. It lets those powerful LLMs tap into your world, giving you answers that are not only smart, but relevant.

    I've been tinkering with RAG to unlock the wisdom hidden in our Circle community discussions. But I'm far from an expert, so I brought in someone who is: Kirk Marple, founder of GraphLit, a startup using RAG to make your knowledge AI-friendly.

    In our conversation we dove deep. How do we even start with RAG? Do you need to be a coder? How do we make sure the answers you get are any good? What about privacy when AI sees your data? And that's just the start to be honest.

    What struck me was Kirk's idea that using AI is more art than science. It's about 'prompt sculpting', not (just) engineering. There's a lot of gray area, and that's where we as a design community shine.

    We should be all over this AI thing... What do you think?

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 209

    05:00 What Kirk does in life

    10:00 AI for content discovery

    14:00 AI and service design

    16:00 Data retrieval with AI

    19:00 Tracking unstructured data

    22:00 Podcast metadata example

    24:30 Vector search explained

    30:00 AI vs human experience

    35:00 Privacy concerns with AI

    37:30 Large language models and understanding

    41:00 Importance of graphs in AI

    44:30 AI: art or science?

    48:00 AI's growth and data processing

    51:30 AI agents

    56:00 Kirk's AI roadmap

    57:30 Tips for AI beginners

    59:00 Common AI terms

    1:01:00 AI resources

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] ---

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • How can we leave the world in a better place than we inherited it... And what's design's role in all of this?In this episode, we tackle these big questions with Steve Baty. Steve is an author, former political candidate, the current CEO of the Australian Design Council, and co-founder of the renowned Meld Studios.He joins us to confront the undeniable breakdown of our existing systems. Yes, as we've discussed in previous episodes, redesigning these systems is daunting, but Steve believes a turnaround is possible – and urgent.We explore how today's design decisions shape tomorrow's world, balancing profit with doing good for our planet. And I ask Steve the burning question: How can we know we're on the right track when our work's impact won't be felt for generations?But don't worry, I can assure you this isn't just about lofty ideals. We also discuss practical steps we all can take right now to make a difference. It's a good reminder that every monumental shift begins with the small steps.For me, this episode joins the playlist that makes us rethink what good (service) design looks like. So, I would love to hear from you: What does good design mean to you in the context of creating a better world?

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to Episode 208

    04:00 Who is Steve

    07:00 Better Planet for Our Kids

    09:30 Design's Role

    13:00 The Landfill Problem

    14:30 Why Haven't We Solved It?

    17:00 Old Ways, New Challenges

    18:00 Potential Changes

    21:45 Decision-Making for Longevity

    24:30 Designer's Dilemma

    27:30 Staying Positive

    30:34 Measuring Success

    33:00 Products vs. Services

    37:00 Reconnecting People and Nature

    41:00 Accelerating Change

    44:00 Government Intervention

    45:30 What to Do?

    48:30 Good Design Defined

    51:00 Designing Standards

    53:00 Final Thoughts

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Designing Tomorrow by Steve Baty & Martin Tomitsch (Book) -

    --- [ 3. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.


  • Ever felt trapped in a service you couldn't escape...Trying to end a subscription only to face a frustrating maze of hurdles?Let's face it, service endings are often the worst experience ever.The good news is that it doesn't have to be this way.In fact, well-designed endings can be a secret weapon for your business.Think about it – when customers inevitably move on, what's the final impression they take with them?Sadly, most companies neglect or wilfully ignore this crucial stage of the customer lifecycle.They hide the cancel button, throw obstacles in your path, and make leaving feel like a punishment.It's a missed opportunity because, historically, businesses have focused all their energy on acquiring new customers rather than on gracefully saying goodbye.But what if we flipped the script?What if endings felt like graduations, where we celebrate customers moving on to new adventures?Could those who leave become our biggest fans?This isn't just a pipe dream. Joe Macleod, who's literally written the book on this topic (twice!), joins us on the Show to share how to design endings that leave a positive, lasting impact.We'll unpack the secrets of great endings, how they differ from beginnings, and the undeniable business case for getting this right.Trust me, this episode is an eye-opener.Once you hear it, you'll see opportunities everywhere to turn departing customers into brand ambassadors.So, if you don't want all your hard work building good customer relationships to go to waste when they leave, tune in and learn how to make every goodbye a fond farewell (and maybe even a new beginning!).

    --- [ 1. GUIDE ] ---

    00:00 Welcome to episode 207

    05:30 About Joe and Endings

    07:00 Ending Journey

    08:30 Joe's Passion for Endings

    15:00 Businesses & Endings

    18:00 Businesses & Status Quo?

    20:00 Reassurance Endings

    24:30 Divorce example

    27:00 Measuring quality of an ending

    35:00 Endings & Memberships

    38:00 Alumni or Death Phase?

    43:00 Healthcare Offboarding Example

    47:00 Ex-Customers = Value

    51:00 Importance of Alumnis

    53:00 Pondering about Endings

    55:00 3rd Book Preview

    57:00 Giveaway announcement

    58:00 Resources

    59:00 Key Takeaways

    --- [ 2. LINKS ] --- Endineering by Joe Macleod (Book) - Ends by Joe Macleod (book) -

    --- [ 3. CONTEST ] ---

    To enter the contest, head over to the video version of this conversation on YouTube and leave a comment there to answer the question posed in the episode.

    --- [ 4. CIRCLE ] ---

    Join our private community for in-house service design professionals.
