
  • In this conversation, Garrett discusses the topic of anxiety and stress, drawing insights from the passage in Luke chapter 12 verses 22 to 31. He shares personal experiences and biblical references to highlight the importance of focusing on the goodness and provision of the Lord in times of anxiety. Garrett emphasizes the faithfulness of the Lord and encourages listeners to shift their attention from worldly concerns to the kindness of God.


    Anxiety and stress are common challenges faced by individuals, including real estate agents, and it's important to address these issues.Focusing on the faithfulness and provision of the Lord can bring peace and comfort in times of anxiety and stress.The passage in Luke chapter 12 verses 22 to 31 serves as a reminder to trust in the goodness and kindness of God, who knows our needs and has promised to provide for us.


    Understanding Anxiety and Stress

    The Faithfulness of the Lord

    God's Promise of Provision

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this conversation, Garrett and Tyler discuss the topic of motivation and how to stay motivated in a difficult market. They emphasize the importance of understanding one's purpose and aligning goals with that purpose. They caution against comparing oneself to others and getting demotivated by external factors such as social media or news. They also highlight the significance of prioritizing family and personal well-being over achieving external measures of success. Overall, the conversation encourages listeners to focus on serving others and seeking the Lord's guidance in staying motivated.


    Motivation is driven by purpose, not just goals. It is important to understand why you are doing what you are doing and what the real return on investment is.
    Comparing oneself to others and getting demotivated by external factors such as social media or news can hinder motivation. It is important to focus on one's own journey and purpose.
    Prioritizing family and personal well-being is crucial for long-term motivation and success. Achieving external measures of success should not come at the cost of neglecting important relationships and self-care.
    Seeking the Lord's guidance and aligning goals with His purpose can provide clarity and motivation in challenging times.
    Motivation is an ongoing process and requires continuous evaluation and adjustment to stay aligned with one's purpose.


    00:00 Introduction and Definition of Motivation
    06:08 Motivation as Removing Demotivators
    13:57 Understanding Purpose and Avoiding Comparison
    23:23 Being Motivated by Purpose, Not Goals
    29:06 Balancing Goals and Priorities

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this episode, Garrett discusses the book 'Buy Back Your Time' and shares specific ways for real estate agents to buy back their time. He emphasizes the importance of leveraging tasks and hiring support to focus on dollar productive activities. Garrett suggests using a showing assistant, hiring a transaction coordinator, and delegating administrative tasks. He also shares his experience with hiring an intern and an executive assistant. The key takeaway is that buying back time allows agents to spend it on activities that truly matter.


    Leverage tasks and hire support to focus on dollar productive activities.
    Consider using a showing assistant to save time on showing houses.
    Hire a transaction coordinator to handle paperwork and administrative tasks.
    Delegate tasks like putting up lock boxes and signs to an intern or assistant.
    Invest in an executive assistant to handle various tasks and free up mental space.
    Buying back time allows agents to spend it on activities that truly matter.


    00:00 Introduction and Importance of Buying Back Time
    03:22 The Challenge of Being Busy and the Need for Leverage
    06:06 Using a Showing Assistant to Save Time
    08:21 Hiring a Transaction Coordinator for Administrative Tasks
    10:32 Investing in an Executive Assistant
    13:17 The Benefits of Buying Back Time

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this episode, Garrett discusses how to deal with a difficult day in the real estate industry. He shares practical tips for managing time and attention when faced with challenges, such as putting problems in a time block and focusing on controllable tasks. From a spiritual perspective, Garrett encourages listeners to remember the truth of the gospel and the faithfulness of God. He emphasizes the importance of reaching out to a godly friend for support and encouragement.


    When faced with a difficult day, put problems in a time block and focus on controllable tasks
    Remember the truth of the gospel and the faithfulness of God
    Reach out to a godly friend for support and encouragement


    00:00 Introduction and Trusting God in Difficult Times
    03:00 Managing a Difficult Day in Real Estate
    08:14 Finding Peace and Perspective in Challenging Times
    15:09 Trusting God's Faithfulness in the Midst of Difficulties
    21:28 Conclusion and Encouragement

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this episode, Garrett discusses the importance of understanding what moves the needle in your business. He shares a story about one of his coaching clients who felt like he was working long hours but not making progress. Garrett emphasizes the need for clarity on what actually pushes your business forward and identifies lead generation as a key needle in most businesses. He encourages listeners to identify the needles in their own business and prioritize activities that move those needles forward.


    Understanding what moves the needle in your business is crucial for making progress.
    Lead generation is often a key needle in most businesses.
    Identify the needles in your business and prioritize activities that move them forward.
    Clarity on what pushes your business forward helps you make better use of your time and resources.


    00:00 Introduction and Small Talk
    05:23 Learn, Connect, and Care
    09:12 Conclusion

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • *We are replaying our top episode of the year! Truthfully, just to give Garrett and Tyler a one week break :) - Hope you enjoy!

    Money is all around us. Money drives so much of what we do. But as Christian real estate agents and professionals how should we properly think about money? How do we protect ourselves from falling in love with money in a sinful way? Tune in as Garrett and guest host Cole Ordiway share their thoughts

    Prioritizing wealth and power over God. 0:03Money, heart condition, and faith. 5:43Trusting God's provision and holiness. 13:21Prioritizing obedience over financial success. 18:17Prioritizing faith and clients in the real estate business. 21:15

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this episode, Garrett Maroon discusses the concept of the hierarchy of attention. He explains that we often allow our attention to go anywhere and everywhere without being specific about where it should actually go. He encourages listeners to create a hierarchy of attention, starting with God, followed by spouse, children, work, and other commitments. Garrett emphasizes the importance of giving more attention to the relationships and responsibilities that are most important and cannot be easily replaced. He reminds listeners to be intentional about where they direct their attention and to prioritize the eternal over the temporal.


    Create a hierarchy of attention to prioritize where your attention should go
    Start with God, followed by spouse, children, work, and other commitments
    Be intentional about where you direct your attention
    Prioritize the relationships and responsibilities that are most important and cannot be easily replaced


    00:00 Introduction and Welcome
    05:05 Prioritizing God, Spouse, and Children
    08:59 The Importance of Prioritizing Relationships

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • The conversation explores the concept of the hierarchy of attention and the importance of being intentional with our focus. It begins with a review of a podcast review from a listener who was struggling with balancing work and personal life. The hosts discuss the tendency to prioritize work and external validation over important relationships and spiritual growth. They emphasize the need to prioritize God, family, and close relationships over work and other distractions. The conversation also touches on the challenges of maintaining boundaries and the danger of allowing worldly desires and ambitions to dictate our attention. The hosts encourage listeners to be intentional with their attention and to surround themselves with a community that holds them accountable.


    The hierarchy of attention is a concept that involves prioritizing who should receive our attention and at what level.
    It is common for agents to prioritize work and external validation over important relationships and spiritual growth.
    Being intentional with our attention means being mindful of where we direct our focus and ensuring that our priorities align with our values.
    It is important to set boundaries and not allow worldly desires and ambitions to dictate our attention.
    Surrounding ourselves with a community that holds us accountable can help us stay focused on what truly matters.


    00:00 Introduction and Podcast Review
    04:33 The Hierarchy of Attention and the Influence of the Industry
    09:04 Being Intentional with Our Attention

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • This episode discusses the power and necessity of community, particularly for Christian real estate agents. The host emphasizes the importance of being in relationship with other believers and the depth of connection that can be found in Christian community. He encourages listeners to find a local church and join a local group like Faithful Agent to foster these relationships. The episode also touches on the need for vulnerability and honesty in sharing struggles and seeking support from others. The host concludes by highlighting the calming and guiding voice of the Lord that can be heard in the midst of community.


    Being in community with other believers is powerful and necessary for Christian real estate agents.
    Christian community provides a depth of connection and support that is unique.
    Vulnerability and honesty are important in sharing struggles and seeking support from others.
    Finding a local church and joining a local group can foster these relationships and provide a sense of community.


    00:00 The Power and Necessity of Community
    04:34 The Importance of Vulnerability and Honesty
    09:13 The Calming and Guiding Voice of the Lord in Community

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • The origin story of Faithful Agent, a community for Christians in real estate, is shared in this conversation. The hosts, Garrett and Tyler, discuss how the idea for Faithful Agent came about and how it has grown since its inception. They emphasize the importance of being excellent in business, home, and as passionate disciple makers for Jesus. The hosts also talk about the challenges they faced in starting the community and the unexpected support they received. They express their vision for Faithful Agent to be a community where Christians in real estate can come together, encourage one another, and boldly live out their faith.


    Faithful Agent is a community for Christians in real estate to be excellent in their work, home, and as passionate disciple makers for Jesus.
    The idea for Faithful Agent came about when the hosts realized there was a lack of community and support for Christians in the real estate industry.
    The hosts emphasize the importance of living out one's faith in all aspects of life, including business and home.
    Faithful Agent aims to create a space where Christians in real estate can come together, encourage one another, and boldly live out their faith.


    00:00 The Origin Story of Faithful Agent
    14:23 Challenges and Unexpected Support

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • The Lord is a God of provision. But what happens when we began to doubt that and work in our own strength?

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this live podcast episode, Garrett and Ashley discuss tips and tricks for social media success. They emphasize the importance of showing up authentically and building relationships with the right audience. Ashley shares her strategy of creating Facebook groups based on shared interests and engaging with members through conversations. She also highlights the use of tools like Group Leads and Zapier to collect and manage contact information. The ultimate goal is to convert the audience into clients by providing value and building trust. In this conversation, Ashley Edge shares her expertise on lead generation and CRM strategies for real estate agents. She explains the process of setting up an email campaign and the importance of multiple touches to engage potential clients. Ashley also discusses the role of social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, in building relationships and growing a real estate business. She provides practical tips for creating niche groups and offers advice for agents who are hesitant about using social media. Additionally, Ashley announces her coaching program for agents looking to grow their business beyond 12 to 24 deals per year.


    Show up authentically on social media and focus on building relationships with the right audience.
    Create Facebook groups based on shared interests and engage with members through conversations.
    Utilize tools like Group Leads and Zapier to collect and manage contact information.
    Convert the audience into clients by providing value and building trust.


    00:00 Introduction and Technical Difficulties
    03:03 Starting the Live Podcast Episode
    04:04 Recording Live in Front of an Audience
    07:37 Tips and Tricks for Social Media
    08:20 Building an Audience and Creating Groups
    13:09 Showing Up Authentically on Social Media
    15:04 Starting a Facebook Group
    22:02 Converting the Audience into Clients
    27:30 Tools and Tricks for Social Media
    29:20 Introduction to Lead Generation and CRM
    29:57 Transition to Email Campaigns
    30:22 Setting Up the Email Campaign
    31:39 Cadence and Subject Lines for Email Campaigns
    33:08 Choosing a CRM and Email Campaign Platform
    34:38 Alternative to CRM and Email Campaigns
    35:11 Choosing Social Media Platforms
    40:11 Building a Facebook Group
    45:24 Creating a Niche Group
    48:48 Overcoming Resistance to Social Media
    50:05 Narrowing Down Group Choices
    51:12 Coaching Program Announcement

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this episode, Garrett discusses the biblical response to commission lawsuits in the real estate industry. He emphasizes the importance of not reacting out of fear or anxiety, but instead trusting in God's sovereignty and provision. Garrett encourages Christian agents to stand out from the world by demonstrating calmness and faith in the midst of chaos. He suggests that this can be an opportunity to share the hope of Christ with others.


    Reacting out of fear and anxiety is not the biblical response to commission lawsuits.
    Christian agents should trust in God's sovereignty and provision.
    This is an opportunity for Christian agents to demonstrate calmness and faith in the midst of chaos.
    It is a chance to share the hope of Christ with others.


    00:00 Introduction and Purpose of the Episode
    05:03 Avoiding Fear and Anxiety
    09:22 Sharing the Hope of Christ

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • The conversation explores the concept of balance and how it can lead to the pursuit of perfection. It highlights the struggle women face in trying to be who God says they are while also conforming to societal expectations. The importance of seeking first the kingdom of God and trusting that all other things will be added is emphasized. Taking action in obedience to God's general call is discussed, and the idea that calling is character-driven is introduced. The conversation concludes by addressing the search for purpose in challenging times. In this conversation, Michelle Myers discusses the importance of seeking God's will and finding identity in His calling. She emphasizes the need to focus on character traits rather than external achievements. Michelle encourages listeners to look to Jesus as an example and to prioritize time with God. She also highlights the book of Ecclesiastes as a source of wisdom and reminds us that true contentment comes from fearing God and keeping His commands. Michelle's ministry, She Works His Way, offers practical guidance and accountability for women seeking to align their lives with God's purposes.


    Fear of failure can hinder us from stepping out in faith and seeking God's will.
    Our calling is rooted in our character traits and the desire to pursue godliness.
    We can find guidance and inspiration by studying Jesus' example in the gospels.
    Working His way means prioritizing obedience to God and trusting Him with the outcomes.
    The pursuit of success and external achievements can lead to dissatisfaction and a never-ending cycle of striving.


    00:00 The Problem with Pursuing Balance
    05:23 Striving to Be Who God Says We Are
    08:09 Seeking First the Kingdom of God
    12:01 Taking Action in Obedience
    15:09 Calling is Character Driven
    16:20 Finding Purpose in Challenging Times
    18:14 Finding Identity in God's Calling
    19:32 Following Jesus' Example
    21:13 Working His Way
    24:19 Practical Application and Accountability
    25:54 The Meaninglessness of Pursuing Success
    28:35 The Singular Priority of Obedience
    30:48 Where to Find More Resources

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this episode, Garrett opens up about his struggles and anxieties regarding money. He shares his desire for a win in his real estate business and the impact it has on his emotions and finances. Garrett reflects on the challenges of the current real estate market and the need to trust in the Lord for provision. He discusses the difficulty of keeping the mind focused on the Lord and the distractions that can hinder trust. Garrett encourages listeners to seek support from fellow agents and to remember the eternal perspective in the midst of anxiety and stress.


    Struggles and anxieties about money are common in the real estate business.
    Trusting in the Lord for provision can bring peace in challenging times.
    Keeping the mind focused on the Lord can be difficult, but it is essential for trust.
    Seeking support from fellow agents can provide encouragement and accountability.


    00:00 Introduction and Christian Joke
    00:29 Struggling with Money and Needing a Win
    01:27 Challenges in the Real Estate Market
    03:24 The Difficulty of Trusting in the Lord
    04:23 The Challenge of Keeping the Mind on the Lord
    05:36 Distracting Ourselves from Pain
    06:06 Encouragement to Trust in the Lord
    07:30 Seeking Support from Fellow Agents
    08:00 Embracing the Eternal and Encouragement to Hang in There

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Tune in as Garrett talks with the co-founder of Faith Driven Entrepreneur, Henry Kaestner. Henry shares his heart for the Gospel and the desire for Christians to be exceptional in business.

    Faith-driven entrepreneurship and willful vs. faithful actions. 0:00Complete devotion to the Gospel in business. 2:29Balancing ambition and contentment as Christians. 7:11Balancing faith and ambition in the workplace. 11:06Prioritizing faith over business success. 15:18Balancing faith and business as a real estate agent. 19:38Faith-driven entrepreneurship and seeking God's guidance in decision-making. 23:52

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Garrett gets real. The struggle with success-ism and the reality of reliance on self not Christ

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • The balance of contentment with ambition is an impossible equation. What's the appropriate Biblical thinking? Tune in as the guys discuss

    The importance of contentment in real estate. 0:00Parenting, storytelling, and humor. 1:32Finding joy and contentment in unexpected moments with children. 4:20Balancing ambition and contentment in faith and business. 8:28Balancing ambition and contentment in life and faith. 13:07Prioritizing life's buckets and finding contentment. 17:05Finding contentment in daily life. 22:12Contentment and ambition in life. 25:48Contentment and the gospel in business. 29:26

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • In this short episode Garrett shares more about his Rule of 8's in lead generation

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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  • Reclaim an intentional life through being authentically who The Lord made you to be

    Overcoming struggles in real estate and life. 0:00Doubling profits without increasing work hours. 3:08Defining one's life and success through authenticity. 9:49Redefining success in real estate and personal life. 12:12Prioritizing profit over industry ranking. 18:38Creating a personalized scoreboard for a business. 22:37Staying on track in real estate despite obstacles. 25:18Finding one's niche and excelling in it. 30:18Being authentic and successful in business. 32:35Life's purpose and legacy. 37:46

    Interested in Group Coaching from a Biblical Perspective? Click here to learn more and have a quick chat with Garrett to see if it's a good fit!

    Help us fund the continued work of The Faithful Agent by sending us your Hampton Roads and Richmond, VA buyer and seller referrals!

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