
  • In this episode, we'll explore the top 15 riskiest holidays for short-term rentals and provide valuable insights on how to navigate these challenging periods. From Christmas gatherings to Halloween parties, we'll cover everything you need to know to protect your property and ensure a smooth rental experience.

    Our team has managed tens of thousands of guests across multiple cities and countries, and we've seen firsthand the challenges that come with high-risk rental days. With our extensive experience, we've developed a comprehensive approach to safeguard properties during these times. We'll discuss the importance of setting appropriate minimum night policies, thoroughly vetting guests, and implementing robust security measures. Whether you're a seasoned host or just starting, these tips will help you make informed decisions and keep your rental property safe and profitable throughout the year.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Minimum Night Policy: Ensure you have a minimum stay requirement of at least 2-3 nights during high-risk holidays to deter one-night parties and potential property damage.

    Guest Vetting: Screen your guests carefully by reviewing their profiles, previous reviews, and the purpose of their stay. Clear communication can help you address any concerns upfront.

    Security Measures: Increase security deposits and ensure comprehensive insurance coverage to protect against potential damages during these holidays.

    House Rules and Agreements: Clearly outline your house rules and require guests to sign rental agreements that include clauses about parties, noise levels, and property use.

    Noise Monitoring: Install noise monitors to detect potential disturbances early, allowing you to address issues before they escalate.

    Thanks for watching! Managing short-term rentals during high-risk holidays can be challenging, but with the right strategies in place, you can protect your property and maximize your profits. Be sure to implement these tips and adjust your policies as needed based on your experiences. Don't forget to check out for more resources and AI prompts that can help streamline your property management process.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • Today, we’re diving into an often overlooked but crucial aspect of managing short-term rentals—setting up a reliable internet connection. If you’ve ever faced internet issues at your rental property, you know just how frustrating it can be for both you and your guests. We’ll start by breaking down the basics: what’s the difference between a modem and a router, and why should you care?

    Understanding these basics is the first step to ensuring your property stays connected without a hitch. Stick around as we explore the best equipment options, practical setup tips, and maintenance advice to keep your network running smoothly.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    ✅ Modem vs. Router: Learn the key differences between a modem (connects to your ISP) and a router (distributes the internet throughout your property), and why it’s essential to have both in good working order.

    ✅ Equipment Recommendations: Discover the benefits of investing in separate, high-quality devices. We’ll discuss top picks like Google Nest WiFi Pro and Orbi Mesh Network Routers.
    Remote Management Tips: Manage your network efficiently from afar using tools like LastPass for password sharing and Notion for documenting setup details and troubleshooting steps.

    ✅ Boosting Coverage with Mesh Networks: Ensure every corner of your property, including outdoor areas like pools, has strong internet coverage with mesh network systems.

    ✅ Marketing with StayFi: Learn how StayFi routers can help you collect guest emails and boost direct bookings by creating a splash page for internet access.

    Thanks for tuning in! Ensuring a reliable internet connection for your short-term rental can significantly enhance your guests’ experience and your operational efficiency. By investing in the right equipment and implementing these tips, you’ll avoid common internet issues and keep everyone connected seamlessly.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

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  • I'm thrilled to have you with us again. If you've been tuning in year after year, I hope you've implemented many of the tips we've shared and built a strong foundation of positive reviews for your property. These reviews are essential as they help attract more guests and keep your property booked. But reviews alone aren't enough. Today, we're going to dive into some crucial metrics that Airbnb provides, which can significantly impact your property's performance. These metrics will help you understand how many people are seeing your property and, more importantly, how many are booking it.

    Understanding these metrics is vital for any Airbnb host. It’s not just about getting views; it's about converting those views into bookings. We'll cover the key metrics that Airbnb offers, like search impressions, first page search impressions, search to listing page views, and listing to booking conversions. We'll also discuss how to use these insights to tweak your listing and improve your performance. Whether you're new to the short-term rental game or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you navigate the competitive landscape and optimize your property for success.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Search Impressions: Increase your visibility by ensuring competitive pricing, offering flexible booking options, and highlighting key amenities. First Page Search Impressions: Understand that while you can’t always control being on the first page, you can improve your chances by keeping your listing competitive and up-to-date. Search to Listing Page Views: Make sure your title and cover photo are compelling enough to get potential guests to click on your listing. Listing to Booking Conversion: Address potential deterrents like high fees, non-instant booking settings, or strict house rules that might stop guests from booking after they click. Comparing Metrics: Use Airbnb’s benchmark data to compare your property's performance and adjust your strategy accordingly to ensure you’re not underpricing or missing opportunities.

    I hope these insights help you optimize your Airbnb listing and boost your bookings. Remember, the short-term rental market is constantly evolving, and staying on top of these metrics can give you a significant advantage. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe to our YouTube channel for more tips and tricks on mastering short-term rentals.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • Today, we're tackling a question we've been getting a lot lately: should you add people to your Airbnb listing photos? This topic has sparked quite a bit of debate among hosts, and it's essential to understand both the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a decision.

    My team and I have managed tens of thousands of guests across the United States, both in my personal portfolio and for other owners. From this experience, we've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't in Airbnb listings. We'll explore how featuring people in your photos might help your listing stand out in a crowded market, but also how it could backfire if not done correctly.

    In this episode you'll learn:

    Unique Appeal: Adding people to your photos can make your listing stand out among a sea of similar-looking properties, grabbing potential guests' attention as they scroll through search results.

    Visualization: Photos with people can help potential guests imagine themselves enjoying your space, creating a personal connection and making your property more appealing.

    Subtle Integration: Use people sparingly and discreetly in your photos. They should complement the setting without being the main focus, ensuring the property itself remains the star.

    Activity Showcase: Highlight the activities guests can enjoy at your property, such as using the BBQ grill, lounging in the living room, or reading by the fireplace. This adds context and appeal to your amenities.

    Professionalism and Balance: Maintain a professional look by avoiding random or poorly staged images. Ensure that the presence of people in your photos adds value and enhances the visual appeal of your listing.

    So, should you add people to your Airbnb listing photos? It depends on how you do it. If used correctly, featuring people can enhance your listing's appeal and help potential guests envision themselves in your space. However, it's crucial to strike a balance and avoid overdoing it. Remember to focus on what adds value to your guests and aligns with your property's unique features.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • I’m excited to dive into one of the most crucial aspects of running a successful short-term rental (STR) business—revenue management. It's a topic that can seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and strategies, you can significantly boost your earnings and occupancy rates.

    We all know that setting the right price can make or break your rental business. While tools like PriceLabs are fantastic for dynamic pricing, there are additional strategies that can push your revenue even higher. In this video, we'll cover the importance of setting an absolute minimum price, the benefits of having different rates for weekdays and weekends, and how to leverage special event pricing to your advantage. By the end of this video, you'll have a clear understanding of how to fine-tune your pricing strategy to capture those last-minute bookings and maximize your revenue. So, let’s get started!

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Absolute Minimum Price: Determine the lowest price you're willing to accept to fill last-minute gaps without compromising the quality of guests. Weekday vs. Weekend Rates: Set different minimum prices for weekdays and weekends to reflect varying demand and occupancy rates. Special Event Pricing: Adjust your pricing for major events and high-demand seasons to ensure you’re not leaving money on the table. Dynamic Pricing Tools: Utilize tools like PriceLabs to analyze market data, booking lengths, and windows to set competitive prices. Comp Set Analysis: Regularly review your competition to stay informed about market trends and adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

    I hope you found these pricing strategies helpful. Remember, fine-tuning your pricing can make a significant difference in your STR revenue.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • In today's episode, we're focusing on 41 factors that could be affecting your short-term rental listing's performance. These aren't about whether you have a five-bedroom or a four-bedroom property, nor are they about pricing, which we've covered recently. Instead, we're talking about the finer details that can significantly impact how your listing performs on sites like Airbnb, VRBO, and We've managed tens of thousands of guests across multiple states and countries, and we've learned a lot along the way. So, let's dive into these key factors and see how you can optimize your listings to attract more guests and increase your bookings.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    How to ensure your property photos are bright, high-resolution, and professionally taken to attract potential guests. The importance of using captions to highlight features in your photos, helping guests visualize their stay. Tips for creating catchy and informative titles that highlight key features and appeal to your target audience. How to use bullet points and clear, concise language to highlight your property's amenities and unique features in your listing descriptions. The best practices for responding to guest reviews promptly, showing that you care about their experience and addressing any concerns.

    Thanks for tuning in to this episode of the Short-Term Rental Riches Podcast. I hope you found these tips helpful and are ready to implement some of these strategies to improve your listings. Remember, optimizing these non-property factors can make a significant difference in your rental performance. If you haven't already, check out our past episodes for more in-depth discussions on various aspects of managing short-term rentals. And don't forget to visit for more resources and tools to help you along your journey. Until next time, happy hosting and see you soon!

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • Today, we're diving deep into a topic that's crucial for every investor: analyzing the supply and demand in your market. Whether you already own a property or are thinking about diving into a new market, understanding this dynamic can significantly impact your pricing strategy and overall investment returns.

    In the fast-evolving short-term rental market, staying ahead means not just keeping up with current trends but also anticipating future changes. With platforms like Airbnb and VRBO expanding rapidly, the number of listings can fluctuate significantly, affecting both availability and pricing. Today, we'll explore practical, easy-to-implement strategies to gauge the supply and demand in any market. This knowledge will not only help you position your property more competitively but will also guide you in making informed investment decisions that could lead to better financial outcomes.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Utilize Industry Tools Understanding Market Dashboards Creating a Competitive Set Interpreting Data Correctly Adapting to Market Changes

    Remember, having a clear grasp of these elements can dramatically enhance your ability to set competitive prices and maximize your earnings. Be sure to implement these strategies to stay ahead of the curve in the bustling world of short-term rentals. For more tips and tricks on building a thriving rental business, don't forget to visit our website at and check out our past episodes. Keep investing smart and remember, knowledge is the key to success!

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • In today’s episode, we’re unpacking a comprehensive list of factors that play a critical role in the success of your rental ventures. As someone who has been immersed in the short-term rental market for over a decade, I’ve witnessed firsthand how these elements can make or break your business. From essential pricing strategies to guest experience enhancements, we're covering the gamut to ensure you're well-equipped to thrive in this dynamic industry.

    Navigating the short-term rental landscape requires a keen understanding of a myriad of components that influence both your property’s appeal and its operational efficiency.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Dynamic Pricing Strategies: Learn how to adjust your pricing based on seasonality, local events, and market demand to maximize your earnings. Enhancing Guest Experience: Discover the importance of amenities, design choices, and customer service in securing repeat bookings and stellar reviews. Regulatory Compliance: Understand the impact of local regulations on your rental operations and how to navigate them effectively. Marketing Techniques: Explore innovative ways to market your property on platforms like Airbnb and VRBO to stand out from the competition. Operational Best Practices: Gain insights into the best practices for managing your property, from automated check-ins to efficient cleaning protocols, that can save you time and enhance guest satisfaction.

    Thanks for tuning in to today’s episode on the critical factors affecting your short-term rental property. Remember, each point we've discussed today has the potential to significantly impact your rental's success, so take the time to evaluate how you can implement these strategies in your own business.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • Building a team isn't just about filling roles; it's about fostering a group that shares your vision and dedication. Today, we'll cover everything from analyzing resumes to conducting effective interviews, ensuring you find the right fit for your business. This video is perfect for rental owners looking to expand their operations without compromising quality or losing personal touch.

    As the short-term rental market grows, the need for a reliable and skilled team becomes essential. Hiring the right people can significantly alleviate the daily pressures of management and improve guest experiences, which in turn boosts your business reputation and profitability. We'll dive into how you can identify and attract individuals who not only have the necessary skills but also embody the core values of your brand.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Understanding Resumes Discover the top questions to ask potential hires to reveal their true potential Remote Work Considerations How to use hypothetical scenarios during interviews to gauge problem-solving skills and decision-making capabilities. Importance of hiring candidates who share your core values for sustained business growth and a harmonious workplace.

    If you found these tips helpful, don’t forget to like, subscribe, and click the bell icon so you never miss out on our latest content. Hiring the right team can transform your short-term rental business, and we're here to help you make that transition smoothly and successfully.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • In today's episode, we're diving deep into the topic of managing deliveries at your short-term rental properties. In an era where online shopping is the norm and guests expect convenience at their fingertips, it's crucial for property managers to navigate the complexities of receiving deliveries while ensuring a seamless guest experience.

    As the demand for short-term rentals continues to soar, property managers must stay ahead of the curve in providing exceptional service and meeting guest expectations. Whether you're managing a single-family home, condominium, or urban apartment, mastering the art of handling deliveries can make all the difference in guest satisfaction and property success.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Understanding the suitability of your property for receiving deliveries Setting clear guidelines in house rules regarding the acceptance of deliveries Exploring alternative delivery solutions Implementing practical solutions such as designated delivery boxes or drop-off locations to streamline the delivery process

    Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Short Term Rental Riches Podcast. We hope you found valuable insights and actionable strategies for optimizing deliveries at your short-term rental properties. Remember to subscribe for more tips and tricks to unlock the full potential of your property portfolio. Until next time, happy hosting!

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • In this week's episode, we dive into a highly effective strategy for increasing your rental income and enhancing guest satisfaction simultaneously. Discover how to capitalize on 'gap nights'—those unbookable days between reservations that often go unnoticed.

    These gaps can easily become revenue losses if not managed wisely. But here's the good news: with a strategic approach, these very same gap nights can transform into additional income and even happier guests. This episode dives deep into practical ways to recognize, value, and fill these gaps, ensuring you're not leaving money on the table.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Learn what gap nights are and why they're a crucial aspect of your STR management strategy Adjusting Minimum Stay Requirements The Art of Offering Discounts Explore how using dynamic pricing tools like Pricelabs and AI technologies such as can automate the process of identifying and filling gap nights Guest Satisfaction & Reviews

    It's clear that the power of gap nights, when harnessed correctly, can significantly contribute to both your STR's profitability and guest satisfaction.

    Remember, it's all about staying proactive, flexible, and guest-focused. So take a moment to review your calendar for upcoming gap nights and start applying these strategies today.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    You can find all of our links here including our website, recommended resources, upcoming live event, short-term rental playbook, Instagram, and more!

  • Hey everyone, welcome back to the Short Term Rental Riches Podcast. It's not always sunshine and rainbows, and today we're taking a serious look at the state of the economy and what it means for us in the short-term rental world. With the impact of inflation hitting hard and credit card debt reaching new heights, it's essential to understand how these macroeconomic factors influence our industry. But don't worry, it's not all doom and gloom. We've got some real insights and actionable advice to help you navigate these choppy waters.

    In this episode, we're breaking down the nitty-gritty of what's happening across the country, with a special focus on the short-term rental market. Thanks to a report from KeyData, we have access to precise data from thousands of properties, giving us an accurate picture of the challenges and opportunities we face. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, this episode is packed with valuable information to help you make informed decisions during these uncertain times.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Economic Overview: An honest look at the current economic challenges Nationwide Data Analysis: Insights from KeyData's report that reveals nationwide trends Despite the downturn, learn about markets that are still thriving and how proper management can lead to success. Practical tips and strategies for improving property performance

    That wraps up our deep dive into the state of the economy and its impact on short-term rentals. Remember, while the landscape may be shifting, there's always opportunity for those prepared to adapt and innovate. Don't miss our next episode, where we'll explore overlooked opportunities for boosting your rental's revenue. Until then, keep striving for excellence in your properties and remember, the best investment you can make is in your own knowledge and preparedness. Stay tuned, and here's to your continued success in the world of short-term rentals!

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    👉 MAXIMIZE your STR success with my FREE resources 👈

  • Today, we're peeling back the layers of what it truly means to provide an exceptional guest experience, drawing lessons from one of the most prestigious hotels in the world: Claridge’s. Nestled in the heart of London, Claridge’s is a beacon of luxury, not merely for its plush interiors or the exorbitant price tag attached to its rooms but for something far more crucial - its impeccable service.

    While watching a documentary on this iconic hotel, I was struck by the realization that the core principles of their success are not confined to the realms of luxury hotels. They are, in fact, incredibly relevant and applicable to short term rental (STR) operations, no matter the scale or location. So, let's delve into the world of high-end hospitality and uncover how the lessons from Claridge’s can transform the guest experience in our own STR businesses.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Exceptional Service Overcomes Shortfalls Personalized Experiences Create Loyalty Pets Welcome Remembering Guests Never Say "I Don't Know"

    As we wrap up this episode, it's clear that the principles of luxury hospitality hold valuable lessons for anyone in the short-term rental business. It's not about the price point or the lavishness of your property but how you make your guests feel. Exceptional service, personalized experiences, and attention to detail can set your STR apart in a crowded market. Remember, in the world of hospitality, it's the small gestures that leave a lasting impression.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

    👉 MAXIMIZE your STR success with my FREE resources 👈

  • Today's episode is a bit different and quite the rollercoaster. It's one of those stories you hope never to have to tell, but here we are, sharing a real-life experience that could have easily turned into an STR host's worst nightmare: our first squatter scare. Now, I know what you're thinking – "squatter" is a strong word, especially when referring to a guest who has overstayed their welcome. But when a routine check-out transforms into a lock-in situation with a guest refusing to leave, it feels nothing short of a squatting scenario. Before we dive in, I want to reassure you, especially if you're new to the short-term rental game or considering diving in, that this is not the norm. My team and I have managed tens of thousands of reservations, and this is the first time we've encountered such a stressful situation. So, take this episode as a learning opportunity, one that arms you with the knowledge to prevent, manage, and navigate through the rare but possible challenges of being an STR host.

    This experience was eye-opening for us in many ways.But, it's not just a story of stress and panic; it's a tale of learning, adaptation, and reinforcement of our operational protocols. So, buckle up as we walk you through the entire ordeal, step by step, and share the vital lessons learned along the way.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Red Flag Recognition The complexities of managing bookings from OTAs like The importance of having a comprehensive rental agreement Dealing with Overstayed Guests Preventive Strategies and Lessons Learned

    Remember, the goal here isn't to scare you but to educate and prepare you for the realities of being an STR host. By sharing our story, we hope to equip you with the knowledge and tools to protect your investment, maintain your peace of mind, and continue to provide exceptional experiences for your guests.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

  • In today's digital age, the bulk of our interactions with guests happen through written communication—be it through Airbnb messages, emails, or text messages. While this modern convenience allows for efficiency and clarity, it also poses unique challenges. Without the benefit of face-to-face interaction, ensuring your message is both clear and warmly received requires a nuanced approach.

    This episode sheds light on the art of written communication for short-term rental hosts, focusing on crafting house rules and guest messages that are inviting rather than intimidating.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Embrace Emojis for Tone Focus on Positives Explain the Why Be Clear and Concise Visual Enhancement

    Remember, the goal is not just to inform but to make your guests feel at ease and excited about their stay. Check out our resources for templates and further tips on elevating your Airbnb listing through effective communication.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

  • In this episode of the Short Term Rental Riches Podcast, we dive deep into a common scenario every rental property owner faces: guests leaving personal items behind.

    Discover how to turn potentially stressful situations into opportunities for outstanding hospitality. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned pro in the short-term rental business, this episode is packed with invaluable insights to elevate your guest experience and operational efficiency.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Implement Clear Policies Effective Communication with Guests Secure Storage Solution Streamline the Return Process Leverage the Opportunity for Exceptional Hospitality

    By following the tips we've outlined, you can ensure that every guest leaves with nothing but fond memories (and all their belongings). Remember, it's the little things like getting back a forgotten item that can turn a good stay into an unforgettable one. So, take this opportunity to review your policies and procedures, and make sure you're prepared to handle left-behind items with grace and efficiency.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

  • In today's episode, we're venturing into the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, for the first-ever live interview on the Short Term Rental Riches podcast, straight from the bustling halls of the STR Wealth Conference. The energy here is palpable, with a crowd of over 2,000 attendees, all eager to soak in the wisdom of industry leaders. Among these luminaries is Marc Hostovsky, whose innovative approach to furnishing short-term rentals has set the stage for a fascinating conversation.

    Marc's company, Minoan, isn't just another furniture supplier; it's a game-changer for hosts looking to distinguish their properties in a crowded market. As we dive into this special episode, prepare to uncover the layers of strategy, design, and financial savvy that Marc brings to the table, offering a blueprint for success in the competitive world of short-term rentals.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    Revolutionizing STR Furnishings Strategic Partnerships Maximizing Guest Satisfaction Avoiding Common Pitfalls Future-Proofing Your STR

    As we wrap up this enlightening conversation with Marc, it's clear that the journey to STR excellence is paved with more than just good intentions. It requires a meticulous eye for design, a strategic approach to partnerships, and a relentless pursuit of guest satisfaction.

    Remember, in the world of STRs, it's the details that define your success.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

  • Join us for an insightful conversation with Mike, a trailblazer in the short-term rental (STR) and boutique hotel industry, as we explore his journey from STRs to owning boutique hotels. Having started in the world of STRs, he quickly identified the untapped potential within the boutique hotel niche, transitioning with impressive success.

    His story is a testament to the power of vision, hard work, and the importance of adapting to the evolving landscape of the hospitality industry.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Strategic Growth from STRs to Boutique Hotels Discover the unique challenges of running boutique hotels compared to STRs Leveraging Technology and Systems for Efficiency The Importance of Direct Bookings Creative Financing and Finding Deals

    His experiences offer a roadmap for anyone looking to diversify their real estate investment portfolio or venture into the world of boutique hotels and STRs. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, there's a wealth of knowledge to be gained from Mike's approach to real estate investment.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.

  • Today, we're unpacking an often overlooked but crucial aspect of STR management: booking windows. Understanding the dynamics of booking windows can significantly impact your pricing strategy and, ultimately, your profitability. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting out, recognizing the multiple booking windows your property might have and knowing exactly what they are is key to maximizing your returns.

    So, stay tuned as we break down the inside scoop on booking windows, explaining why they vary and how you can master them for your property. We'll explore how booking windows aren't just about how far in advance a booking is made; they're about understanding market dynamics, seasonal trends, and event-driven demand.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Dynamic Pricing Tools Are Essentia Understand Your Property's Booking Window Strategic Pricing for Major Event The Importance of Minimum Expiring Prices Last-Minute Discount

    Remember, understanding and optimizing your booking window isn't just about keeping your property booked; it's about maximizing every booking's value.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

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  • Welcome back to another episode of the Short Term Rental Riches podcast, where we delve into the world of real estate with a sharp focus on Airbnb hosting and vacation rentals. This time, I'm thrilled to share some fresh insights I gained from a recent 15-day cruise. Not only was it a test of remote work capabilities thanks to Starlink internet at sea, but it also proved to be a treasure trove of lessons that can be directly applied to enhancing our short-term rentals. From impeccable service to the meticulous attention to detail, the cruise industry has perfected the art of guest satisfaction, and there's so much we can learn from them.

    Whether you're just starting your journey or looking to elevate an existing property, understanding the importance of service, communication, and attention to detail is key to success. Let's explore how we can implement these lessons from the cruise industry to ensure our guests leave rave reviews and keep coming back for more.

    In this episode you’ll learn:

    Exceptional Communication and Service Invest in the First Impressions Furniture and Durability Matters Leverage Technology Wisely The Power of a Strong Team

    Remember, the journey to short-term rental success is continuous, and there's always room for improvement. So, take these insights, apply them to your properties, and watch as your business thrives.

    Need help managing your short-term rental and you don’t want to go it alone? Shoot us a message here and we’ll see if we can help.

    Are you enjoying the podcast? Please subscribe, leave a rating and a review, and share it! This helps us reach others that may find the info helpful as well.