Six Ways From Sunday is a podcast for open minded seekers and curious hearts. With a new episode every second Friday, we share personal stories of human spirituality and dive deep into the unanswerable questions that face us all. Guests over the last 6 years have included artists, activists, mental health specialists, Indigenous elders, grief and loss experts, ministers, therapists, LGBTQ2S+ leaders, a regenerative rancher and an entrepreneur who has summited Mount Everest. Welcome to this inquisitive and inclusive space where all ideas and beliefs centred in love are free to be shared and questioned.
The host of Six Ways From Sunday, Ben Wilson, has been a professional filmmaker and storyteller for 12 years, and has been asking difficult questions for much longer. This podcast is a passion project that started when the Bashaw United Church and Ponoka United Church formed an innovative collaborative ministry model, Rising Spirit Ministry. If you'd like to get involved with Rising Spirit Ministry, want to support the podcast or have a suggestion of a guest to join Ben on the show, please contact us through our website at risingspiritministry.com.