26 million adult Americans have sleep apnea and 80-90% represent undiagnosed cases. Why have these numbers remained so high when there are easier diagnostic and treatment options than ever? In this episode we will:
Discuss obstacles to diagnosisSee how the lack of symptom specificity adds to the problemConsider if lack of provider awareness is really an issueLook at fear as a factor holding patients backEvaluate the difficulty of getting sleep studiesProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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Everyone loves the NCAA basketball tournament...teams colliding in a winner-take-all tournament for basketball supremacy. Haven't you ever dreamed about a similar competition between different pillows? Well dream no longer because that bedding showdown is here. Pillows are so important to our sleep, which is why I have assembled 17 of the finest to square off in a battle the likes of which have never been seen. In this episode we will:
Explain the first annual Sleep Unplugged Pillow Fight tournamentTouch upon how important choosing the right pillow is for sleepBreakdown the scoring system (25% Committee, 25% my blinded experience, 25% Sleep Specialist input, 10% Crowd/Social Media (Instagram) following, 10% 'Induced Fit', and 5% Packaging and Extras).Introduce the 17 competitors: Atluxe, Authenticity50, Bedgear, Cariloha, Casper, Coop, DozyBoy, Lagoon, Layla, Luxome, MVMI, Nest, Pillow Cube, Pluto, Silk & Snow, Tempurpedic, and TwillaProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
As we recover from yet another "spring forward" into Daylight Saving Time again, it seems a good time to revisit the topic we initially covered in episode 18. While that episode sought more to explain the origins of the practice and how to best adjust, this episode is more of a declaration as to why the entire practice should be abolished in favor of permanent standard time. In this episode we will:
Unpack the support for eliminating the clock change and why many lawmakers have ignored science and pushed for a permanent adoption of daylight saving time (DST)List the many entities and groups that support the adoption of permanent standard timeBriefly touch upon the few "cons" to permanent standard time and how they are both questionable and dwarfed by the available research in favor of permanent standard timeExplain the circadian and health benefits of permanent standard timeExplore the school performance benefit of eliminating DSTMeasure the positive environmental impact of adopting standard time all yearDive into productivity increases when the standard time is adoptedLearn why permanent daylight saving time already failed in the 1970sDebunk the noting that the practice was started to benefit farmers; not only is this not true, but farmers opposed it because of the reduction in morning lightProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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It has been a while since we have focused our attention on light therapy and sleep. For this Insomnia Monday, I thought a revisiting of light therapy might be in order. In this episode we will:
Touch on new research that serves to minimize the role that blue light plays in terms of sleep harmLook at other colors of light and how that might affect sleep and healthEvaluate research looking at light therapy and insomniaExpand our thinking about insomnia into a place that includes circadian disorders and causes/contributorsProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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In 2024, the Independent published an article entitled, "Experts Issue Warning About Using the Snooze Button." Previously, a sleep specialist said the snooze button was "one of the worst things you can do." Is any of this true? Could there potentially be a benefit? In this episode we will:
Touch upon the history of the snooze buttonList some theories why it might be harmful to sleep/healthCharacterize the typical snooze button userLook at the average time one might snoozeProvide some insight as to various snooze button motivationsLearn why snoozing can be a strategy for dealing with sleep inertiaReview some surprising research about snoozing potentially helping with cognitive abilitiesProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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Heart rate variability (HRV) is everywhere, and in no space has it made a bigger splash than in sleep medicine. Not only is HRV influenced significantly by sleep, but it is also at the core of wearable sleep technology. In this episode we will:
Define heart rate variabilityDiscuss what increased or decreased heart rate variability meansList the medical conditions often associated/predicted by changes in HRVCharacterize how HRV is utilized in sleep medicineContrast how different stages of sleep are reflected in HRV changes and how this is utilized in wearable technologyTouch upon the factors that positively and negatively influence HRVProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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If you pay any attention to sleep hygiene advice, you have probably heard many times that you should get up at the same time every day for optimal sleep. But does that mean you can never lounge around in bed a little in the morning? According to the Scottish, not at all. In fact, they have a term for it: hurkle-durkle. In this episode of the podcast, we will:
Define "hurkle-durkle"Differentiate hurkle-durkling from bedrotting, another popular social media trendReview the factors that seem to be necessary for a proper hurkle-durkle experienceExplore how this concept, applied in moderation, can be applied to our feelings of positivity or negativity about being in bed awakeProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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Transcutaneous vagal nerve stimulators are often advertised as insomnia therapies, "helping you fall asleep faster" or "helping you sleep through the night. Do they work? In this Insomnia Monday episode of the podcast, we will:
Introduce vagal nerve stimulatorsDescribe the path and role of the vagus nerveUnderstand the role of the parasympathetic nervous systemExamine the limited research on vagal nerve stimulators and sleepUnderstand the scale of the placebo effect in sleep/insomnia researchDifferentiate a statistically meaningful change in sleep/polysomnographic parameters from a "real world" meaningful change in someone struggling with insomniaList the strengths and criticisms of vagal nerve stimulators including study size and study designLearn who is the right candidate for vagal nerve stimulatorsProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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When we think about the deleterious effects of poor sleep, cardiovascular and cognitive/psychological consequences typically come first to mind. One of the less obvious and less understood effects is that of cancer which was listed as a probably carcinogen by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2007. Since that time, there has been considerable efforts to understand the role plays in cancer. In this episode we will:
Evaluate the original research looking at sleep and cancer riskList the cancer types commonly associated with poor/inadequate sleepHighlight studies that cast doubt on this relationshipReview factors related to sleep and shift work that might influence riskSpeculate on possible mechanisms that lead to carcinogenicityTouch upon steps one can take to lessen cancer risk associated with poor sleepProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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The relationship between sleep and blood glucose is a powerful one and it impacts our weight, the way we eat, and countless other health metrics. In this episode we will:
Introduce the concept of glycemic controlDefine insulin sensitivity and how it relates to diabetesLearn why sleep deficiency increases blood sugar levelsStress the role that cortisol and growth hormone play in glucose regulation and how sleep impacts bothExplore the relationship between sleep stage and glucose regulationEmphasize sleep deprivation as a negative factor in glycemic regulationUnderstand the common pathway of sleep disorders and blood sugar controlFollow the bidirectional relationship between elevated blood glucose levels and poor sleep qualityProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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While the Palisades, Eaton, and Hurst fires continue to burn in California, firefighters and other first responders work tirelessly around the clock. What does their ability to bypass sleep for 48-60 hours mean in terms of individuals with insomnia, and what does this kind of work do to their own health? In this episode, we will:
Frame the ability to temporarily derive ourselves of sleep as being a powerful tool and not necessarily a sign that sleep is bad or brokenExamine the sleep of first responders, in particular firefightersTouch upon that vast number of firefighters with undiagnosed sleep disordersThink about the role sleep schedules play in their sleep and healthProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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When it comes to insomnia treatments, there probably is no better intervention than exercise. If you are not already convinced, in this episode we will:
Discuss the benefits of exercise on various sleep parameters and insomnia specificallyOutline the amounts of exercise that seem to make the most differenceExplore the reasons why exercise might improve sleep quality and minimize the manifestations of insomniaEvaluate the types of exercise best suited to improve sleep qualityProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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Believe it or not, but the 3rd Annual Sleep Unplugged "Sleepy" Awards are upon us again. What better way to close out the year of sleep than to recognize some truly exceptions individuals and organizations within the field of sleep. Join me as we celebrate some of the brightest stars in this podcast episode:
The 2024 Sleepy Award winners are:
Social Media Warrior Dr. Upneet "Neety" Chawla
Sleep Outsider Award Equinox Hotels
Sleep Vanguard Organization Mattress Firm
Sleep Sports Organization Los Angeles Dodgers
Sleep Podcast of The Year The SRS Podcast/Dr. Jesse Cook
Best Insomnia Advice Teresa (DeNike) Power (@sleepbetternyc)
Book of the Year Navigating Life with Restless Legs Syndrome
Dr. Andrew Spector (@andrewspectormd)
Sleep Trend Farewell Sleepy Girl Mocktail
Sleep Crusader Award Dr. Michael Grandner (@michaelgrandner)Produced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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For many people who have sleep apnea, they look to surgery as a means to a "greater awakening" which can at times, lead to disappointing outcomes. What exactly is meant by "sleep apnea surgery" and why doesn't everyone get it? In this episode we will:
define sleep apnea and how we measure its severitydiscuss the adults who are most appropriate candidateslook at the various ways "success" is defined with surgical outcomes [reduction in respiratory events, health outcomes, sleep measures] and how that might be at odds with how one feels after surgerytouch upon bariatric as a form of sleep apnea surgerylist the various procedures that target the nose/nasal cavity, jaw, tongue, and throathighlight the hypoglossal nerve stimulator/Inspire therapy and talk about patient populations that work well with this therapyProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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Sleep apnea is the bread and butter of the sleep clinic and the most common cause of excessive daytime sleepiness. But do you really know the extent to which sleep apnea can ravage your health? Is it the cause of aging? In this episode we will:
Explore Brandon Peters' new book The Sleep Apnea HypothesisDissect his question, "Are you getting older or are you getting sleep apnea?"List the many common complaints of aging that are actually caused by sleep apneaTouch on the many obvious sleep complaints and not so obvious complaints linked to sleep apneaProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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We started a dialogue about napping way back in episode 17. The napping discussion continues. In this episode, we will:
Discuss reasons for nappingRevisit the current literature around performanceLook at new research on napping and cognition and memoryReexamine the research on nap length and performanceList the components of a perfect nap environmentTouch upon the potential negatives associated with nappingConclude by looking at napping and cardiovascular risk as well as risk for dementiaProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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Insomnia treatment often involves pills and when those pills fail to solve the problem (or even if them seem to help) the desire to discontinue the pills may arise. In this episode we will:
Discuss the overall theory of sleeping pillsHighlight the use of Trazodone as a sleeping aidWalk through strategies and useful ways to discontinue sleeping pillsExplain why individuals wean oof of medicationsTouch upon the dangers and risks of discontinuing sleeping pillsExplore why discontinuing medications is difficultProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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The Sleep Unplugged podcast is back to solve your holiday shopping dilemmas with some of my favorite sleep product companies. In this episode, we will explore a host of sleep-themed gift ideas and product recommendations. In this episode, we will feature the following products:
GroundingWell grounding/earthing productsBeadgear pillows and linensBearaby weighted blankets and unique pillowsBoka nano-hydroxyapatite toothpasteDore and Rose mulberry silk sleep maskLoop Dream earplugs for sleepLuminette 3 light therapy glassesLunya washable silk pajamas Mattress Firm king bed for queen priceQuietLab anti-snoring mouthpieceRematee anti-snoring beltRyze mushroom coffee and hot chocolate mixSleeper Hold travel pillowSwanwick blue-blocking glasses and lighting solutionsThe Sleep Solution/The Rested Child booksYogasleep Dohm Nova noise machine and Rohm+ travel noise machine and speakerzDen personal/pet sleep environmentZzzquil breathing stripsProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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With the holidays fast approaching, many will take to the skies bound for destinations all over the world. Sleeping on a plane can be the difference between a pleasant Thanksgiving event and a contentious meal ending in frustration. Being prepared to sleep on a plane is an artform. In this episode we will:
Discuss the ins and outs of seat selectionGo through a comprehensive list of items to help with sleep on a planeList some strategies for hitting the ground running when you arriveProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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There is a complicated relationship between sleep and weight, and it's worth unpacking this to some degree. In this episode we will:
Look at the data on weight loss in sleep apnea patients and how it impacts disease stateReview the reverse situation of how CPAP therapy affects short and long-term patient weightUnderstand the consensus opinion about sleep deprivation and weight gainSort through the different data on weight gain and one theory about the mixed resultsProduced by: Maeve Winter
Twitter: @drchriswinter IG: @drchriwinter Threads: @drchriswinter Bluesky: @drchriswinter The Sleep Solution and The Rested Child
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