
  • Welcome to our FIRST EPISODE on 'Smart Kids On Air'!
    We present our mini-series, Kiddie Quotes, brought to you by Sydney and the lovely kids at Smart Kids!

    Miley came up with an interesting statement when she handed in her assignment one week, and we decided that it was essential to investigate the thought process that led to her claim: "Every year, the president will sell us cabbages!"

    Tune in with us and let us know what you think about our president selling cabbages or any other type of food!

    小 Miley 才剛上一年級,單字造句竟然崩出這一句耐人尋味的話!
    於是我們不只找了 Miley 好好來聊聊,也「採訪」了其他同學看看他們怎麼看這件事情!

    今年秋天, Smart Kids 美語想重新啟動 Instagram 上的 #童言童語 系列!
    這次不但要有圖片、有聲音,還要解開寶貝們童言童語背後的 「神邏輯」,讓老師、孩子及家長之間的交流更加多元、有趣!

    請持續關注我們 Smart Kids 的 Podcast, YouTube, 臉書和IG!

    Facebook 臉書連結在這:Smart Kids 美語
    Instagram (IG) 趕快追蹤起來:@smartkids_tpe
    YouTube 頻道懇請大家訂閱:Smart Kids 美語 (YT)
    網站陸續架設中請看這裡:Smart Kids


    Smart Kids 美語
    📞 課程相關資訊請聯絡學務主任 :
    Robert 0909-434-311 (LINE/ 電話)

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