
  • As a creative, where do you stand on AI? Do you see it as a friend or foe? In this episode of Social Pros, we speak to Simon Berg, Founder of Ceros, who talks about the use of AI in the creative space and how we can find that happy place in the middle…

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    New AI tools are coming at us thick and fast. That genie has well and truly left the bottle and as creatives, it’s time to decide whether we will embrace it as a part of our work processes or get left behind.

    While this might sound harsh to some, it’s the conversation that everyone is having and it was great to dive into it with British entrepreneur and thought leader in AI and creativity, Simon Berg.

    Simon opens up about his journey from struggling with academic and family constraints, to finding solace in creative expression. He emphasizes the significance of embracing AI as a collaborator, providing many of his own experiences navigating its potential and challenges.

    He also talks about the importance of authenticity, how to effectively brief AI tools, and the role of constructive feedback in personal and professional growth. Simon also expresses his vision for a future where productivity is driven by creativity, underscoring the necessity for organizations to adapt to the insanely quick advancements in AI technology.

    In This Episode:

    1:08 - The early days of Ceros and what it is today 2:33 - What it was about the creative space that Simon felt needed a solution like Ceros 4:56 - How Simon came to start interacting with AI and how he feels about it as a creative
    8:23 - Simon’s advice for creatives worried about gen AI uprooting everything they’ve known 13:06 - Why we should play with AI and the benefits 15:08 - How organizations should support and onboard their people when introducing new AI tools 18:54 - Unpacking the concerns around the opportunity for AI tools to inherit bias 19:37 - How to brief your AI companion better so the results are authentic and accurate 25:36 - Simon’s advice to someone looking to express themselves more creatively 25:46 - Why you need to surround yourself with people who tell you what you need to hear not what you want to hear 29:51 - What Simon is most looking forward to over the next five years 32:30 - Where to connect with Simon 33:43 - Simon’s advice to Social Pros


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  • If you want to connect with your audience in the here and now, you’ve got to lean into the moment. That’s one of the key takeaways from this episode with Renee D. Edwards, Global Social & Brand Marketing Executive. Renee brings bags of experience and wisdom to this episode, having worked with huge brands like IBM, Intel, and Samsung.

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    All brands want to build that all-important connection with the audience on social media. But it is definitely easier said than done. Luckily, we have Renee D. Edwards on the show to give us some pointers on embracing and building your community on social media.

    For Renee, sometimes social pros need to “color outside the lines” and try something a little different – whether that be spending extra time engaging in the comments or collaborating with brands and content creators. We hear in this episode how social comments are “the new Twitter,” and why social pros should spend time connecting with people and other brands via comments.

    Renee shares her take on why she values collaboration over competition. While social media is a highly competitive place, sometimes it pays dividends to collaborate with other brands to create fun, refreshing content that stands out on your audience’s social feed. We also hear her thoughts on AI, authentic content, working with content creators, and more.

    In This Episode:

    2:22 - Renee shares what she’s working on and is most passionate about 4:05 - The themes Renee is seeing in the B2B space 6:57 - Leaning into the moment on social 8:35 - How B2B and B2C social strategies differ 10:35 - Being social savvy on LinkedIn as a B2B leader 13:27 - How AI is shaping how social platforms are used 14:18 - Why comments are the new Twitter 18:55 - Best practices for handling comments on social media 20:43 - How to balance collaboration with competition 22:40 - Renee’s favorite campaigns as a Webby Awards judge 25:21 - Highlights from Renee’s career 27:08 - Renee’s experience being an advisory board member of Storythings 29:09 - What brands can learn from content creators 32:54 - Renee’s favorite brands to follow on social media 35:44 - How to connect with Renee 36:53 - Renee’s advice for those looking to become a social pro


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  • Is your brand ready for the future? Being a future-ready brand is about more than just hopping onto the latest tech trends. In this episode, we hear about what marketers can do to keep their brands ahead of the game. We welcomed Mitch Duckler, Managing Partner at FullSurge & Bestselling Author of The Future-Ready Brand and The Indispensable Brand, to share insights he uncovered in his research.

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    Mitch Duckler, as Managing Partner of consultancy firm FullSurge, is well-versed in what brands can do to drive and accelerate growth. And a big part of growth is looking forward to the future.

    So how can you make your brand future-ready?

    When writing his recent book, The Future-Ready Brand, Mitch interviewed CMOs from Fortune 500 companies to get their perspectives on new technology, audience expectations, and how they’re preparing for the future. We hear some brilliant insights into how CMOs at some of the top brands are experimenting with technology like AI and AR, and why they’re trending cautiously right now.

    Mitch talks in detail about the differences in generations and how Gen Z, an important demographic for brands, prefers content that’s authentic, not polished, and brands with a clear purpose.

    In This Episode:

    2:03 - A background on Mitch, his role, and book 3:27 - The most surprising feedback Mitch received from CMOs 5:28 - How brands are balancing using AI with maintaining brand identity 8:13 - Why brands with a clear purpose are popular with Gen Z 10:48 - How brands are pivoting due to societal changes 12:57 - How brands are targeting different generations on different platforms 15:28 - Why control has shifted to the consumer on social media 18:24 - How emerging technologies are helping brands meet their audience where they are 23:12 - What smaller brands can do with limited resources 27:14 - Mitch’s tip for anyone looking to become a marketer or social pro


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  • Why do people follow brands on social media? What prompts them to unfollow? How close are social media followers to becoming customers? These are important questions that just about every social pro has asked themselves. We can make guesses and predictions, but what does the data say? Hootsuite’s Social Media Consumer Report is full of incredibly useful data for marketers, and their Head of Content, Sarah Dawley, joins this episode to talk us through it.

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    Social media is changing all the time, and with it, consumer expectations, preferences, and behavior. Hootsuite’s latest report provides solid data answering the key questions marketers have about social media. Sarah Dawley, the Head of Content at Hootsuite, joins us in this episode to highlight the most important findings for social pros to be aware of.

    The data that Sarah takes us through answers key questions on why people follow and unfollow brands, the top things consumers are looking for, and how brands can tap into that. We talk about some of the more surprising findings around purchase intent, plus the not-so-surprising findings too.

    Sarah gives her take on AI in social content generation and how it relates to (and potentially harms) the audience’s need for authentic content. We also hear some great tips on how brands can reuse and repurpose content, Hootsuite’s fantastic method for promoting the report, and why B2B social content should never be boring.

    In This Episode:

    2:30 - An introduction to the report 4:38 - How brands can connect with their audience 6:17 - The top thing that surprised Sarah about the data 8:05 - Why people unfollow or don’t follow brands in the first place 12:11 - How the use of AI affects authentic content 15:01 - How can teams use AI 17:33 - Why people follow brands on social media 21:17 - Advice on building an efficient content strategy 23:16 - The trick with repurposing content 24:32 - How Hootsuite promoted their latest report 27:40 - What holds B2B brands back? 30:13 - Where to find the report 31:42 - Sarah’s top tip for social pros


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  • Get ready to learn about the magic of marketing! Bennie F. Johnson, CEO of the American Marketing Association, joins the Social Pros podcast to shed light on why he believes marketing is equal parts art, science, and magic.

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    The American Marketing Association is probably an organization you’re familiar with, and in this episode, we welcomed none other than the CEO himself, Bennie F. Johnson, for a fantastic conversation. Bennie shares some background of AMA and how it supports those on the academic and practitioner side of marketing.

    We hear his thoughts on AI and the ethical and legal considerations that marketing pros need to know about – some of which differ by state and country. Bennie also explains why LinkedIn is the platform of choice for his personal brand and AMA.

    Bennie shares his advice for the future marketing leaders out there, and we chat about why marketing today doesn’t just belong in the creative realm. There’s also a science to it (with a dash of magic too). He outlines how marketing pros can communicate the value of marketing to a wider organization, the importance of taking risks, and his advice for the Social Pros community.

    In This Episode:

    2:15 - How the American Marketing Association supports the marketing community 6:05 - Why marketers need communities more than ever 8:35 - How marketers can embrace AI 12:07 - What marketers need to know about different privacy regulations 14:20 - Balancing communication with community members 18:31 - How Bennie speaks to future marketers 21:45 - How marketers can communicate their value to a wider organization 25:53 - Why risk and curiosity are key to marketing 30:44 - Leading authentically in marketing 32:30 - Bennie’s one tip for those wanting to become a social pro


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  • In the world of podcasting, the most important element is the story you’re trying to tell. You can have all the best equipment at hand, but it’s the story that makes it. We’re getting a little meta this week with a podcast episode about podcast episodes and storytelling with Elaine Appleton Grant, CEO of Podcast Allies and Host of the Sound Judgment podcast.

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    Now, we’re no strangers to sharing great stories on this podcast. But this episode is a little different. We peek behind the curtain and look at what it takes to unravel these stories in a podcast. And it all begins with the host.

    The host of Sound Judgment and CEO of Podcast Allies, Elaine Appleton Grant, gives us a masterclass on how to tell a great story by asking great questions and being curious above all.

    Elaine shares plenty of anecdotes from her career and the brilliant public speakers and podcasters she’s met along the way, including the former host of this very podcast, Jay Baer. In each of these stories, Elaine breaks down the key lessons she’s learned and teaches to others, including the importance of preparation, asking questions that really dig into the details, and how to be a good listener.

    There’s so much to take away from this episode if you’re interested in starting a podcast or want to improve your hosting skills. But equally, there’s plenty of value if you’re in the business of telling stories on social media.

    In This Episode:

    2:25 - Why it’s so important to share and tell stories 4:00 - What Elaine learned from Jay Baer’s Standing Ovation podcast 5:50 - Elaine gives a breakdown of what her podcast is about 7:51 - Elaine’s background in storytelling 9:51 - How Elaine approaches getting into deeper stories on her podcast 16:34 - How framing questions the right way helps you mine for stories 22:54 - How to become a great listener 25:25 - Why curiosity is the key skill 26:29 - How looking for different perspectives can uncover multitudes of stories 33:08 - How do you start becoming an expert storyteller 37:11 - The final two questions


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  • Joseph Galbo, Social Media Specialist at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, is a certified friend of the Social Pros podcast! We’re thrilled to have him back as a third-time guest on the show to talk about his work at CPSC and his tips for making safety content fun and engaging.

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    How do you take something like product safety information and turn it into a library of fun, interesting, and entertaining content? Well, Joseph Galbo, Social Media Specialist at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, shares his secrets in this episode.

    We hear a rundown of what social is like at CSPC, how it’s changed since we last spoke, and Joseph’s creative approach to getting important information out there.

    Joseph shares stories of unique social campaigns he’s worked on, from the CPSC album drop to its Marvel-like universe of characters, including Potato the Dog, Copernicus Jackson the Cat, and Quinn the Quarantine Fox, who all share important messages with the public.

    Aside from talking about safety memes, Joseph chats about the importance of engagement data, evergreen content, and communicating different safety issues around the U.S.

    In This Episode:

    3:35 - What social media is like at CPSC and what’s changed 6:25 - How CPSC strikes a balance between serious information and fun content 8:40 - Joseph explains the album drop campaign 13:50 - Taking a more creative approach to communicating with the public 15:52 - How Joseph gets creative ideas approved 19:28 - How government agencies are evolving on social 26:47 - How CPSC uses engagement data and social listening 29:34 - Joseph explains his favorite projects and why CPSC has a Marvel-like universe of characters 32:47 - Joseph asks our Social Pros hosts about following government accounts 37:08 - Why people are looking for more hopeful content on social 38:13 - Joseph’s top tip for anyone looking to become a social pro


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  • This episode with Fractional VP of Social Media at Social Proof Agency, Robyn Nissim, is a masterclass in social media. Hear about her journey from in-house roles to fractional work, the importance of investing in social media, and much more.

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    This episode welcomes Robyn Nissim, who shares her journey from Head of Social at big brands such as Alo Yoga and Anastasia Beverly Hills to her current role as Fractional VP of Social Media for a variety of brands. Robyn reflects on the pivotal shift towards a digital-first approach and emphasizes the importance of adapting in the dynamic social landscape.

    Host Leanna Pham and guest co-host Sunny Hunt talk to Robyn about how vital it is to invest properly in social, and she highlights the percentage of online users that are influenced by brand social media—a compelling stat that shows just how important it is for brands to be engaging effectively. They talk about the value of tracking impressions, click-through rates, and cultural impact, emphasizing the need for brands to align their strategies with the digital behaviors of their target audience.

    The conversation also explores Robyn’s thoughts and advice on innovative influencer marketing strategies and the role of social media teams within organizations. Robyn shares her favorite structure for her social teams, advocating for cross-functional collaborations and strategic content planning. They also discuss finding the balance between leveraging trends for brand visibility and maintaining a robust content strategy grounded in brand authenticity.

    In This Episode:

    0:40 - Robyn expands on her current role 2:14 - What she loves about building teams 3:54 - How she approaches brands that aren’t investing in social 6:13 - Why brands need to invest in roles and responsibilities within the social team 8:42 - Robyn’s ideal social team breakdown 11:32 - How social teams can share their insights with the whole organization 13:06 - Ways small teams can get a seat at the table 15:03 - Trends Robyn is seeing in social currently 21:17 - Advice for starting an influencer program 23:35 - Robyn’s favorite activation and why 26:04 - In-house roles vs fractional roles


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  • How does an Ivy League school manage its social media with a small team? We asked Maya Wesby, Social Media Manager at Harvard Graduate School of Education, for some insider insights into her role on this week’s Social Pros.

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    With a small social media team consisting of Maya Wesby (Social Media Manager) and a student intern, a key part of Maya’s role is wearing many different hats. While challenging, Maya’s realm of responsibility includes creating social-first content for multiple platforms, videos, editorial content for the website, and even a podcast on top of it all.

    Maya joins this episode of Social Pros to share her secrets to balancing it all and creating engaging content for students, alumni, faculty members, and anyone else interested in learning about the school.

    In this episode, we hear how Maya has become a master at prioritizing the best content to work on, how she jumps on opportunities to create new content, and where she gets inspiration from. We also hear a bit about her personal branding on LinkedIn and why she’s a big fan of the platform.

    In This Episode:

    1:38 - Maya gives us an introduction to her role 4:13 - Who Maya’s audience is on different platforms 5:11 - The challenge of managing different brand voices across social media channels 7:07 - Balancing social-first content to build a community with the institution’s needs 8:18 - How Maya prioritizes what content to work on in a small team 10:08 - Maya’s experience with generative AI 13:06 - How Maya seeks out student events that make great social content 14:50 - The types of engagement Maya seeks out and how she manages reporting 16:45 - Maya shares some of her favorite content projects 20:26 - How to review last year’s content and take it up a notch 23:29 - Why Maya uses LinkedIn for her personal brand 27:54 - Maya’s top tip for those looking to become a social pro


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  • HeyOrca, the uniquely named social media scheduler, is one to keep an eye on for some community-driven content inspiration. Their CEO, Joe Teo joins this episode of Social Pros to share his vision behind collaborative work, building a community, and the story behind the name HeyOrca.

    Full Episode Details

    Joe Teo is the CEO, aka “Chief Executive Orca,” at HeyOrca, a social media scheduler built to make collaboration between social teams simpler. He joins the Social Pros podcast to share his philosophy on a community-first approach to social media and advice for social pros to lean into the communities they want to build.

    Joe explains where the idea behind HeyOrca came from and how important it was to build a tool that makes collaboration easier within social and marketing teams. He talks about customer feedback and how that’s helped HeyOrca to evolve, optimizing video content for social, and the important question you should ask yourself before you post something.

    In This Episode:

    2:04 - A little background on HeyOrca 4:07 - How Joe pivoted his focus to community building 8:00 - Why Joe works closely with users and uses audience feedback to evolve the platform 10:42 - How Joe stays on top of all the evolving changes in social media 14:54 - Joe shares details of his new project, the HeyOrca Podcast 18:13 - Joe explains what it’s like to work with non-profits and faith-based organizations 21:58 - Why Joe has invested more time in his personal brand 27:20 - The important question to ask yourself while building your personal brand 29:00 - Where the name HeyOrca came from 34:07 - Joe’s tip for social pros


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  • Social media for brands has evolved and a big driver of the shift has been the emergence of the creator economy. Audiences resonate with organic, user-generated content on a level rarely seen with other strategies. To talk more about how creators can evolve on social, we welcomed Katelyn Sorensen, the CEO of Planoly.

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    Planoly is the first social media management tool built by creators, for creators, and CEO Katelyn Sorensen shares her story on the podcast. In this episode, we hear how Planoly helps creators manage their content more effectively and how it partners with many creators to promote the tool.

    Katelyn is a big fan of the supportive nature of the creator economy, and Planoly’s partnership program makes it easier to connect with creators who want to tell the world how much they love Planoly.

    We discuss the realities of being a creator and how consistency can pay off in a field with a low barrier to entry but a huge mountain to climb to reach success. Katelyn talks a bit about the evolution of Instagram, and we swap stories on our very first Instagram posts. Thankfully, we’ve all learned a lot since those days…

    Katelyn also talks about why it’s a good thing that the creator community is less focused on follower counts and more on engagement – which is the real key to success on social.

    In This Episode:

    1:33 - What is Planoly and how do creators use it? 3:23 - How the creator economy has evolved in recent years 6:20 – Katelyn talks about how earlier creators she’s worked with have evolved 8:40 – How Planoly finds great creator stories and works with the community 11:43 – Planoly AI features to help with creator burnout 16:23 - Why creators are less focused on follower counts these days 18:19 - Our very first Instagram posts and what we’ve learned since 20:07 – Katelyn’s favorite moments at Planoly 22:08 - What’s next for Planoly? 25:13 - How Katelyn balances the “always on” world with real life 28:52 - Katelyn’s advice for those looking to become a social pro


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  • Are you ready to build a brand and become a creator? Then this episode of Social Pros is for you. We revisited one of our favorite episodes from 2023 with DoctorJonPaul. They are the Executive Producer of the BFF: Black, Fat, Femme Podcast, a writer, media critic, speaker, educator… and the list goes on. Hear their secrets to balancing it all while staying grounded.

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    It’s hard to explain everything DoctorJonPaul, Executive Producer of the BFF: Black, Fat, Femme Podcast, achieves with their content, but it’s an inspirational feat. DoctorJonPaul somehow manages to balance writing, creating, podcasting, public speaking, educating, and everything in between and has built a brand that people stop and take notice of.

    We hear how they got their start on X originally but expanded to create a web of content and a strong personal brand that goes beyond just one platform. DoctorJonPaul explains why they decided to experiment with different platforms, and we hear about the origin story behind the podcast.

    Creating so much content requires focus, and DoctorJonPaul shares their method for balancing it all and staying focused on what matters most. They also impart some words of wisdom on the nature of social media and why it’s important to stay true to your own brand and priorities.

    In This Episode:

    1:58 - How DoctorJonPaul became a creator 6:31 - Finding balance as a business owner and creator 8:05 - How to decide what to create each day 12:00 - Being intentional with self-promotion 16:09 - DoctorJonPaul’s take on the changes to Twitter/X 19:08 - The importance of branching out into different platforms 23:07 - The origin story of the BFF: Black, Fat, Femme podcast 32:58 - DoctorJonPaul’s advice for creators


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  • Higher education may have been slower to adopt modern marketing practices and technology like AI, but higher ed marketer Bart Caylor is on a mission to change that. As President and Founder of Caylor Solutions and The Higher Ed Marketer, Bart joins the Social Pros podcast to share his lessons on the best marketing practices for higher ed.

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    Bart Caylor, President and Founder of Caylor Solutions and The Higher Ed Marketer, predicts a declining demand for higher ed in the future, meaning schools will face greater competition for a smaller pool of potential students. So, it’s more important than ever that higher ed invests in great marketing practices.

    In this episode, Bart shares his predictions for the future of higher ed marketing, what he tries to teach institutions that have been slower to adapt to modern marketing practices, and how schools can utilize AI effectively. Bart believes that AI is often underused, but the trick is learning how to train the AI to give you the results you need.

    He shares his thoughts on the importance of content creation, managing marketing budgets, and how to become an authority in the higher ed space. We also hear about his journey to create The Higher Ed Marketer podcast and his book, Chasing Mission Fit: A Marketing Guide to Fill Your Institution with Students Who Will Succeed.

    In This Episode:

    1:42 - Bart explains how he first entered the higher ed marketing space 3:08 - How higher ed marketing has evolved 5:12 - Bart’s predictions on its future 7:38 - How higher ed marketers can adopt AI and get better at prompting 12:11 - Bart’s favorite use cases for AI 16:28 - Why the “early adopters” are only a few months ahead of everyone else 18:23 - Bart’s thoughts on younger people getting into higher ed marketing 22:16 - Using the necessary skills to succeed in modern marketing 24:10 - Why you don’t have to market to everyone 25:34 - Where Bart finds inspiration 28:57 - Emerging trends that marketers should pay attention to 31:40 - Insights and themes in Bart’s podcast 34:09 - How marketers are making mistakes 38:00 - Bart’s top tip for those looking to become a social pro


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  • Brands and agencies are increasingly using influencers and creators to collaborate on social media content, but it’s still a brand new world for many in the social media space. Nathan Jun Poekert, Fractional Head of Social & Consultant, Founder of JUN Social, joins us on the Social Pros podcast to share his take on the current landscape of influencer marketing and collaborating with creators.

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    For influencers/creators and agencies to work in harmony, both sides may need to evolve in one way or another. This is one of the top takeaways from Nathan Jun Poekert, Fractional Head of Social & Consultant, Founder of JUN Social, in this episode of Social Pros.

    As someone who’s collaborated with creators many times, Nathan shares his experiences and why he always prefers to work with creators who treat their work like a business, not just a creative venture. He gives his thoughts on influencer pay, how to attribute success the right way, and why timeliness is the golden ticket to great social content.

    Nathan’s mic drop moment in this episode is around the approval process when it comes to bringing new ideas to clients and getting them out there. He says that social pros need to work fast to jump on trends, but sometimes agencies make this tough with long-winded approval processes.

    In This Episode:

    1:24 - Nathan’s perspective on working with influencers 4:28 - Why attributing success is so important when working with influencers 7:55 - Why creators who treat their work like a business are the most successful 10:40 - The growing pains of the creator industry 16:39 - Why Nathan believes social agencies need to evolve 22:09 - Why social agencies need to move fast and what’s stopping them 28:22 - The importance of giving social pros the freedom to enact ideas 30:51 - What a Chief Social Officer role could look like 34:10 - Why consistency both on social and the buying experience is key 35:58 - Who will be the first big company to make a CSO role? 39:48 - Nathan’s top tip for those looking to become a social pro


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  • Content creators each have their own journeys and secrets to success, but for Justin Tse, content creator and CEO of Feature Media, it’s all about staying focused and consistently creating content that you love.

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    Two years since he was last on the show, Justin Tse, content creator and CEO of Feature Media, joins us on this episode of Social Pros to share some insights into how to succeed in content creation.

    Justin explains how he’s able to stay focused and invested in his own work while maintaining a healthy audience in multiple niches. Starting out as a tech channel, Justin has branched out into lifestyle, travel, and car content, and this has proven to be beneficial in many ways, especially when it comes to brand partnerships.

    We hear Justin’s advice on finding inspiration versus copying what others are creating and why it’s so important to build your own formula for success. Justin also shares his advice for new content creators and explains what he would focus on if he started from scratch today.

    In This Episode:

    2:58 - How Justin stays interested in content creation 5:51 - Justin tells us about winning Youth Entrepreneur of the Year in Canada 7:04 - Justin’s advice for younger listeners to stay relevant 9:47 - How Justin balances being true to himself and listening to audience feedback 11:51 - Justin shares details about his pivot toward travel content 13:36 - The benefits of working in multiple niches 15:38 - The value of collaborations with creators 16:56 - What’s changed in content creation since Justin first launched his Creator Cashflow course 19:14 - Pivoting between short and long-form content 19:51 - Becoming an influencer without a plan 21:36 - Content that inspires Justin 22:42 - Where Justin would start if he were to begin his creator journey from scratch 24:50 - Why content creation is sometimes about going with the flow 26:46 - Best practices for those working with brand partnerships 29:22 - Can brands compete with influencers? 32:48 - Why Justin moved away from podcasting 33:58 - Justin’s platforms of choice 36:59 - Balancing evergreen content with timely content 37:58 - Recent content projects Justin has worked on 39:59 - Justin’s top tip for those looking to become a social pro


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  • If you're in the market for career advice, this is the episode of Social Pros you need. We speak to Eric Stark, Co-Founder and President at Slate who provides some excellent reminders on how to be a decent human being, a great colleague and ultimately progress in your career.

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    This week’s guest is Eric Stark, Co-Founder and President at Slate, and previously with the NFL in several different capacities. He joins this episode to tell us about his transition from working in social for a massive organization like the NFL to launching and running his own successful start-up.

    He opens up about his own career progression and how he believes social pros, wherever they are in their career, can set themselves up for success. Eric has a deep understanding of what it’s like to manage the expectations of multiple teams when it comes to social and provides his thoughts on how to get your wins acknowledged and appreciated by your organization. Plus, why it’s important not to be too precious about what goes out on the channels you manage.

    Eric also chats about how some of the best people he knows in social don’t maintain a personal brand and why that is often a good thing…

    In This Episode:

    1:35 - Eric explains what Slate is and what it does 4:46 - Why they expanded beyond sports and some new power users 9:23 - How social media is the centrepiece of the marketing team 10:31 - The best ways to grow and be promoted when you’re in social 12:20 - What Eric would tell his younger self 14:20 - Eric’s advice for social media managers who feel undervalued by their organization 16:23 - Why you shouldn’t wait to share your exciting wins with the organization as a whole 21:36 - Thoughts on whether having a personal brand is vital for those in social 23:56 - The benefits of having a strong personal brand 28:14 - What it’s like running a company like Slate now


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  • If you want to showcase the experience of being a student, who better to ask than the students themselves? We shine the spotlight on Boston University’s student creator program with Director of Social Media, Dave McDonald. Much like with user-generated content, student creators bring authenticity, creativity, and expert knowledge to their audience.

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    Dave McDonald, Boston University’s Director of Social Media, joins Social Pros to talk about his Terrier Creator Program - a program for student social media creators to produce content about student life.

    The program has been a huge success since its launch. BU’s social media content is fresh, engaging, and highly targeted to its audience because student creators have in-depth knowledge of what the target audience wants to see and engage with.

    Dave explains how the program operates, his approach to coaching students, and why he prefers to let the students flex their creativity rather than restrict them with formal creative briefs. Dave also speaks about the importance of following trends, optimizing content for platforms, reporting on metrics, and ensuring creators always have the chance to bring new ideas to the table.

    In This Episode:

    1:22 - Dave explains his day-to-day responsibilities and the programs he runs 2:31 - How Boston University builds its international social presence 4:25 - Why reporting is so critical for Boston University’s social push 5:30 - What the Terrier Creator Program involves 8:42 - How the program optimizes content creation for each platform 10:07 - Why the program is open to new ideas from student creators 13:04 - How student creators highlight the student experience on social 14:09 - How Dave coaches student creators and other university departments 16:26 - The art of the pivot – how Dave coaches people through campaign pivots 17:45 - The importance of testing new ideas and jumping on trends 19:01 - How Dave balances the creator program with scheduled social content 20:30 - Why student creators don’t get strict creative briefs 23:03 - Dave’s advice on working with student content 24:27 - Dave shares some standout content stories 25:57 - What’s next for Dave’s team 28:59 - Dave’s top tip for becoming a social pro


    Grab your free Social Media Audit Bundle Learn more about the Terrier Creator Program at Boston University Connect with Dave on LinkedIn

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  • Animal pics brighten our day here at Convince & Convert. We’re sure you can relate! But we’ve found out that there’s so much more to San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance’s social than animal pics. We’re thrilled to welcome their Senior Social Media Manager, Taylor Moore, onto Social Pros to tell us more.

    Full Episode Details

    Everyone loves animal content on social feeds, right? But what goes into the marketing behind animal content for San Diego Zoo, and how do they tap into humanity’s love for animals and garner meaningful results in the process?

    On this episode of Social Pros, Taylor explores why wildlife conservation sits at the very heart of their content strategy and tells us the importance of storytelling on social.

    Plus, she shares the story of how she posted a certain viral ‘dik-dik pic’ and why great content can be cheeky as long as it’s relevant to your cause.

    In This Episode:

    2:14 - Taylor explains what the San Diego Zoo is and stands for 2:40 - The difference between San Diego Zoo and the Safari Park 5:46 - How they drive awareness through social 8:31 - How Taylor and her team stay inspired 11:18 - The story behind that dik-dik post 14:14 - Social pros love-hate relationship with content creation 15:49 - Their reptiles vs mammals performance metrics 20:16 - How they use Twitch and why it works 26:46 - How Taylor’s career has evolved and what’s next for her 33:19 - How you can connect with Taylor


    Grab your free Social Media Audit Bundle Connect with Taylor on LinkedIn Follow Taylor on Instagram That viral dik-dik pic…

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  • If you feel like your social strategy has plateaued, Michael Corcoran, Ex-Head of Social at Ryanair and Managing Partner of Frankly, has some bold suggestions for how you can refresh your approach on this episode of Social Pros.

    Full Episode Details

    Do you ever feel like you’re posting the same type of content over and over, but not getting the reach or ROI you once were? It can be easy to get stuck in a rut when you’re making risk-free decisions. This is why Michael Corcoran believes it’s time to be bold and question your choices.

    In this episode of Social Pros, Michael tells us how brands can pull themselves out of the “sea of sameness” by re-evaluating their priorities on social. He shares how he helped transform Ryanair’s content marketing strategy as their Head of Social and gives us three foundations for a successful strategy.

    Michael believes social media is “the biggest pyramid scheme since Tupperware” and in this episode, he tells us why!

    In This Episode:

    2:07 - Michael’s time at Ryanair 6:10 - What impacted Michael’s marketing at Ryanair 12:18 - Why social platforms should provide entertainment 15:24 - The benefits of lo-fi and creator content 16:45 - Why social media has become a pyramid scheme 26:51 - Michael’s advice for how to break onto social 35:54 - Why social pros need to challenge themselves and their peers 36:14 - Why social shouldn’t be about quick wins 37:04 - Social will continue to evolve 49:03 - Michael’s last two questions


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  • Cut through the noise on LinkedIn with expert advice from Social Media Strategist and Brand Marketer, Jacqueline Joyner, as she joins this episode of Social Pros.

    Full Episode Details

    When it comes to creating and consuming B2B content, LinkedIn is the place to be. But with content saturation placing obstacles in your way, how can you create the content that gets your message heard?

    Joining Social Pros to share her expert insights, predictions, and expertise is Social Media Strategist and Brand Marketer, Jacqueline Joyner. She explains why there’s no secret sauce for social and why she champions experimentation, gut feeling, and demonstrating value.

    Don’t get her wrong though - there are some best practices she swears by! Jacqueline explains why leveraging data is essential to running a successful social media strategy.

    In This Episode:

    1:44 - Discussing Jacqueline’s career 5:33 - Why evolution is vital for sustained success on social 6:20 - What to bear in mind when approaching social 8:30 - Can gut feeling and snap decisions create great content? 10:39 - Why you should let content live and breathe 11:00 - Balancing data with creativity 13:52 - Persistence or consistency? 15:29 - Where to start with LinkedIn content 18:13 - How Jacqueline built toward success 22:09 - Where should paid social fit into your strategy? 27:44 - The power of copy 33:13 - The final two


    Grab your free Social Media Audit Bundle Connect with Jacqueline on LinkedIn Follow Jacqueline on Twitter/X

    Visit for more insights from your favorite social media marketers.