The fascinating diagram featured in this short video was drawn by Brandon Thomas, host of EXPANDING REALITY, after he was inspired by a recent interview with me to visualize the model of energy loss and reabsorption I map out in my new book, GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE: INNER ALCHEMY & IMMORTALITY.
🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 Fellow authors are wowed …
“[R]eaders are invited to step through a magical portal beyond life’s apparent boundaries and embark on the ultimate hero’s journey—a profound inward adventure toward self-realization and spiritual freedom.” —David Jay Brown, author, DREAMING WIDE AWAKE
“This is a singularly important work, and one that warrants a second read soon after the first to fully capture its essence. I found it a most timely book of encouragement for these dark days.” —Gregory Figg, author, ENGINES OF ASCENDANCY
“This book is not merely a guide—it’s a conversation with the cosmos, an invitation to unlock your highest potential, and a masterclass in the art of becoming more than human.” —Laurence Galian, author, ALIEN PARASITES
“An excellent, mind-expanding book.” —Dawn Lester, coauthor, WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL?
Out through the In Door
Here’s a short passage from this text that speaks to the larger implications of the material introduced in Brandon’s video:
Shamanism and inner alchemy offer some of the most empowering strategies for freethinkers and other free spirits interested in “waking up” enough to craft their own storyline and direct their own fate.
Not surprisingly, both disciplines firmly agree with what I’ve been saying in my own related work for some time now: the only way out is in.
To reverse the title of another iconic rock masterpiece, this one by Led Zeppelin of “Stairway to Heaven” fame, we can say without reservation that to exit the Matrix of this dreamscape, we must go out through the in door.
Energetically speaking, this statement is meant to be taken almost literally. To transcend this place, whatever, wherever and whenever it is, we must first travel inward through the wrinkles and folds of our own conscious, subconscious and unconscious minds.
In doing so while utilizing specific techniques I’ll outline, it’s possible to amass enough energy, or personal power, to fly outward beyond the confines of this reality construct with our consciousness intact.
In other words, though there are no guarantees in life (or death), we at least have a shot—a fool’s chance maybe but a shot nevertheless—at getting out of here alive.
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✅ Is Reality an Illusion? Exploring Immortality & Consciousness
✅ DNA, Manifestation & the Power of Collective Consciousness
✅ Energy Techniques, Time Travel & the Science of Thought
✅ Reincarnation, Soul Creation & Conscious Manifestation
✅ Energy Healing, DNA Activation & Mind Reprogramming
✅ The Philosopher’s Stone & Unlocking Hidden Human Potential
✅ Nonlocal Travel, Lucid Dreaming & Consciousness Expansion
✅ Morphogenic Fields, Wave Genetics & Reality Engineering
✅ The Dragon, Unity Consciousness & Breaking Free from Illusion
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Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Preface & Introduction 1️⃣ Chapter 1 2️⃣ Chapter 2 (You Are Here) 3️⃣ Chapter 3 (🔜)
🙏 Ebook orders (hint, hint) make a monumental difference in terms of sales, marketing & rankings while providing mission-critical support for everyone involved in the delicate life cycle of great books by hard-working indie authors like yours truly.
In this deep dive into inner alchemy, shamanism and energy medicine, bestselling author and renowned sound healer Sol Luckman addresses mortality head-on ... and shares a nondogmatic solution to this “problem” that will shock and inspire you!
You don’t need to create your inner Philosopher’s Stone and “get out of here alive” to benefit massively from the author’s wisdom.
You don’t even have to practice the potent techniques he teaches for recovering energy, erasing trauma, and restoring mind-body-spirit health.
Uniquely and elegantly, this book will upgrade your life in the here and now by empowering you to …
* Simplify your existence
* Digital-detox your mind
* Maximize the power of silence
* Procrastinate your way to creativity
* Connect with the superpower of your uniqueness
* Establish a beneficial relationship with your shadow &
* Follow your bliss on your own Hero’s Journey to wholeness and authenticity
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Longevity’s Overrated. Live Forever Instead.
Sol Luckman
Thank you for getting off the beaten track enough to join me in entertaining—in a completely nondogmatic way—the admittedly radical possibility that death doesn’t have to be the end of life’s journey.
I realize this is a hefty proposition and that extraordinary claims require extraordinary support. I can only hope that you find in these pages the inspiration and tools to stop looking outward for proof of important things (if you haven’t already) and start (or continue) looking inward to decide for yourself if my concepts have merit.
This book is especially for anyone who already qualifies as—or is open to becoming—a freethinker, defined by MERRIAM-WEBSTER as “one who forms opinions on the basis of reason independently of authority.” I’d only add that, in my dictionary, freethinking also involves, wherever possible, experientially trying on a concept before intellectually judging it.
With that in mind, and with philosophical wrangling over mortality’s inevitability aside, if you’re willing to implement just some of the many empowering strategies and techniques herein, my sincere expectation is that your overall mind-body-spirit health will improve in obvious and even tangible ways, large and small.
If you do derive benefit from (or otherwise wish to weigh in on) this book, I welcome your honest feedback in the form of a review and rating on Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub, and wherever else GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is sold that works for you.
I also invite you to subscribe for free to my expanding self-help library for freethinkers, consciousness explorers and wellness aficionados at There, with a complimentary 7-day trial, you’ll have access to all my officially published books and some exclusive ones besides (and where available, their audio versions, including the audiobook of this text).
Additionally on that website, I’ve begun sharing a series of original exercises called PragmAlchemy for engaging in practical inner alchemy. If you’re interested in taking your energy and focus to the next level, with ease and grace and some restorative self-bodywork added to the mix, you can seamlessly integrate these activities into your daily routine.
Please accept my sincere gratitude once again for reading and contemplating the following chapters. Rest assured they build up to quite a stunning and inspirational denouement, so be sure to ride this ride all the way to the end!
Copyright © Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.
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🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡 REVIEWS …
“Luckman illuminates a path of alchemical transformation for healing our wounds and unlocking our full potential as conscious co-creators of reality. This empowering and inspirational book unveils the shamanic secrets to transcending the illusion of death and manifesting our highest aspirations … [R]eaders are invited to step through a magical portal beyond life’s apparent boundaries and embark on the ultimate hero’s journey—a profound inward adventure toward self-realization and spiritual freedom.” —David Jay Brown, author, DREAMING WIDE AWAKE
“The Hero of a Thousand Red Pills, Sol Luckman has had an invaluable influence on awakening consciousness and dispelling false realities. GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is a rewarding and useful map for the hero’s journey.” —Miguel Conner, author, THE OCCULT ELVIS
“This is a singularly important work, and one that warrants a second read soon after the first to fully capture its essence. I found it a most timely book of encouragement for these dark days. The author offers a superb theoretical and practical exposition of transcendence, drawing on philosophy and physics, poetry and pop culture, and synthesising them to highlight what exactly ought to be pursued through the methods of alchemical and shamanistic transformation.” —Gregory Figg, author, ENGINES OF ASCENDANCY
“Weaving together threads of esoteric wisdom, cutting-edge science, and transformative spiritual practices, Luckman offers a revolutionary blueprint for transcending the boundaries of mortality […] This book is not merely a guide—it’s a conversation with the cosmos, an invitation to unlock your highest potential, and a masterclass in the art of becoming more than human.” —Laurence Galian, author, ALIEN PARASITES
“Sol Luckman’s writing never fails to compel me toward my fullest, truest life energy. His books activate my capacity to seek out my own core sourceness. GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is exemplary of this […] This book will require you to ask yourself serious questions about the nature of the world and your place in it. It will invite you to choose to live more vividly and know yourself more deeply.” —Megan Elizabeth Morris, INTUITIVE PUBLIC RADIO
“There is a lot to unpack in this book; its innate positivity and many included useful references and techniques offer neophytes and the more experienced traveller some useful insights, while encouraging your own experimentation and individuality. Sol beautifully weaves a plethora of concepts and authors into a complex but achievable journey of inner-space growth.” —William Bullock, Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist
“This work stands out for anyone who needs a new outlook on modern life and technology or wants a guided method for self-introspection.” —Entrada Publishing
“Next level healing. This was a great book with many tools to empower yourself and have more energy to thrive in this reality.” —Misshellbreaker, HUMAN LIGHT BULBS
“In his inimitable way, Sol shows how to better understand and navigate our way through ‘reality’ via a synthesis of quantum physics, alchemy, shamanism, and literature. This, in turn, leads us to recognize that we are actually tricked into living a certain way […] Fortunately, Sol also offers us solutions, sharing exercises and activities we can use to protect ourselves and our energy […] An excellent, mind-expanding book.” —Dawn Lester, coauthor, WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL?
“Rebelliously refreshing […] A generous and digestible offering of essential wisdom and practical guidance for those following the call to go inward.” —Jacqueline Rendell, POST POST MODERN
“I highly recommend this book to all fellow consciousness explorers! It’s excellent and will challenge and encourage you. I was encouraged and will be contemplating the wealth of information shared for a long time. I love the practicality and usefulness of the information.” —April Novoa, author, LOVE IS, FEAR IS NOT
“I really enjoyed this quick read. It has great tips for detoxing from digital media and being true to oneself […] I highly recommend this, and Luckman’s other books, to anyone searching for healing and clarity in our complex, modern age.” —Janet Merran, author, TOP 40 HONEYPOT
“Reading Sol Luckman’s new book, GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE, makes me feel like when I lay my head back and look at the world while I’m upside-down. As he opens many cans of loosh, you’re invited to explore that upside-down might just be where the real world exists […] Pushing hard on tender spots is a magnificent way to release pain, and that is just what the author does with the subjects of anonymity, authenticity, alchemy, and the forces behind AI. Mr. Luckman pluckily points to the exit doors from a false reality like a rock ’n’ roll rebel researcher.” —Andrea Mai, author, THE CALM WAY
“If you’re ready to question everything you think you know about reality, energy, and human potential, this book is a wild, enlightening ride. It’s both a self-help manual and a deep metaphysical journey, perfect for seekers who want to upgrade their existence and break free from limiting belief systems.” —Laura Kennedy, INTEGRATED BEINGNESS
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🎙 Get reading for another mind-expanding chat between Sol Luckman & Intuitive Public TV.
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👉 👉 👉 Links for Sol’s GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE ...
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👉 👉 👉 Check out Post Post Modern ...
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In this deep dive into inner alchemy, shamanism and energy medicine, bestselling author and renowned sound healer Sol Luckman addresses mortality head-on ... and shares a nondogmatic solution to this “problem” that will shock and inspire you!
You don’t need to create your inner Philosopher’s Stone and “get out of here alive” to benefit massively from the author’s wisdom.
You don’t even have to practice the potent techniques he teaches for recovering energy, erasing trauma, and restoring mind-body-spirit health.
Uniquely and elegantly, this book will upgrade your life in the here and now by empowering you to …
* Simplify your existence
* Digital-detox your mind
* Maximize the power of silence
* Procrastinate your way to creativity
* Connect with the superpower of your uniqueness
* Establish a beneficial relationship with your shadow &
* Follow your bliss on your own Hero’s Journey to wholeness and authenticity
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You may have heard that daylight saving time was created to save on energy costs. I say it was purposely introduced to f*ck with people’s circadian rhythm and cause sleep deprivation twice a year.
Rule #1 when controlling the sheeple: keep them off balance and as dysfunctional as possible. Conspiracy theories aside, it can’t be denied that daylight saving time has been linked to a marked increase in heart attacks, traffic fatalities, and suicides.
Given the toll this completely artificial time takes on human health, the fact that most states still observe it should, at the very least, give one pause. Or do you not find it disturbing that the government cares more about minor energy savings than major impacts on mortality rates?
🆓 Read it for FREE on Kindle.
🆓 Or enjoy it with your FREE TRIAL.
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☠️ In this deepest of deep dives, authors Denby Sheather and Sol Luckman unpack their explorations of death and dying and the afterlife. You don’t want to miss this one.
👉 👉 👉 Links for Sol’s GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE ...
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👉 👉 👉 Check out Denby’s website ( and wonderful book DYING TO LIVE ... (affiliate link)
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Dear Reader,
Sol Luckman here. I hope this note finds you not just surviving this crazy construct but absolutely thriving in it!
As the publication date (the equinox of March 20th) of my new manual on death, dying and way, WAY beyond—GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE—is fast approaching, I wanted to let you know that you can …
🔥 Still request your free review copy;
🔥 Preorder the book and help me defeat the Dragon of the Algos;
🔥 Go ahead and post review (which would REALLY help!) on Goodreads and BookBub (those currently outside the US should go to their BookBub Settings/Reading Preferences/Country and set country to United States, then save changes before leaving your review);
🔥 Get ready to post it to your country’s Amazon as of March 20th.
That’s it for now.
🙏 I really, really appreciate your generous support!
Many blessings,
RIP … Death?
Longevity’s overrated. Live forever instead.
In this deep dive into inner alchemy, shamanism and energy medicine, bestselling author and renowned sound healer Sol Luckman addresses mortality head-on ... and shares a nondogmatic solution to this “problem” that will shock and inspire you!
You don’t need to create your inner Philosopher’s Stone and “get out of here alive” to benefit massively from the author’s wisdom.
You don’t even have to practice the potent techniques he teaches for recovering energy, erasing trauma, and restoring mind-body-spirit health.
Uniquely and elegantly, this book will upgrade your life in the here and now by empowering you to …
✅ Simplify your existence
✅ Digital-detox your mind
✅ Maximize the power of silence
✅ Procrastinate your way to creativity
✅ Connect with the superpower of your uniqueness
✅ Establish a beneficial relationship with your shadow &
✅ Follow your bliss on your own Hero’s Journey to wholeness and authenticity
This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit -
💥 Do you wish to experience youthful VITALITY again?
💥 Do you want to ERASE TRAUMA or address other issues?
💥 Would you like to LIVE LONGER & BETTER?
👍 Then you’re in the right place! Learn the art & science of life force cultivation from a pioneer …
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👀 ORDER ON KINDLE: (affiliate link)
In this deep dive into inner alchemy, shamanism and energy medicine, bestselling author and renowned sound healer Sol Luckman addresses mortality head-on ... and shares a nondogmatic solution to this “problem” that will shock and inspire you!
You don’t need to create your inner Philosopher’s Stone and “get out of here alive” to benefit massively from the author’s wisdom.
You don’t even have to practice the potent techniques he teaches for recovering energy, erasing trauma, and restoring mind-body-spirit health.
Uniquely and elegantly, this book will upgrade your life in the here and now by empowering you to …
* Simplify your existence
* Digital-detox your mind
* Maximize the power of silence
* Procrastinate your way to creativity
* Connect with the superpower of your uniqueness
* Establish a beneficial relationship with your shadow &
* Follow your bliss on your own Hero’s Journey to wholeness and authenticity
This is a public episode. If you'd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit -
🎙 Prepare for yet another “enlightentaining” discussion on Sol Luckman Uncensored. This interview originally appeared on HUMAN LIGHT BULBS and was conducted by fellow author Misshellbreakerm (, who had this to say about GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE …
“Next level healing. This was a great book with many tools to empower yourself and have more energy to thrive in this reality.” —Misshellbreakers
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🎙 Get ready for another extremely enriching discussion on Sol Luckman Uncensored. You’ll benefit from the profound gnosis of certified clinical hypnotherapist William Bullock.
✅ The Important Concept of Healing Really Being Self-healing
✅ Sol’s Powerful New Self-healing Modality, PragmAlchemy
✅ The Transhistorical and Transcultural Nature of the “Dragon”
✅ Sol’s New Book on Inner Alchemy, Shamanism & Energy Medicine
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🎙 Get reading for a truly horizon-expanding chat between Sol Luckman & Intuitive Public TV.
✅ Sol’s Powerful New Self-healing Modality, PragmAlchemy
✅ The Synergistic Relationship between PragmAlchemy & Regenetics
✅ The World’s Greatest Self-bodywork Tool, the Ouroboros
✅ Sol’s New Book on Inner Alchemy, Shamanism & Energy Medicine
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😹 Enjoy the following memes inspired by my new primer for giving the Grim Reaper a single finger salute, GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE, which you can still GET FOR FREE in exchange for an honest review here ...
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“Miguel is as gifted a wordsmith as I’ve ever encountered in the nonfiction realm. In terms of style, his book reads like something out of ROLLING STONE, only far more conscious and daringly metaphysical. THE OCCULT ELVIS takes a topic that some might consider trivial or even chintzy—the kitschy trickster King of Rock ‘n’ Roll—and makes it not just timely but absolutely relevant for today’s would-be spiritual freethinkers.” —Yours Truly
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💥 Do you wish to experience youthful VITALITY again?
💥 Do you want to ERASE TRAUMA or address other issues?
💥 Would you like to LIVE LONGER & BETTER?
👍 Then you’re in the right place! Learn the art & science of life force cultivation from a pioneer …
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🎙 🎙 Enjoy this lively interview centered on the new nonfiction sensation people everywhere are talking about: GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE by award-winning author Sol Luckman. Be sure to download your FREE REVIEW COPY ...
This interview was first published on Billy Watson TV.
🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 Praise for GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE ...
“Luckman illuminates a path of alchemical transformation for healing our wounds and unlocking our full potential as conscious co-creators of reality. This empowering and inspirational book unveils the shamanic secrets to transcending the illusion of death and manifesting our highest aspirations … [R]eaders are invited to step through a magical portal beyond life’s apparent boundaries and embark on the ultimate hero’s journey—a profound inward adventure toward self-realization and spiritual freedom.” —David Jay Brown, author, DREAMING WIDE AWAKE
“The Hero of a Thousand Red Pills, Sol Luckman has had an invaluable influence on awakening consciousness and dispelling false realities. GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is a rewarding and useful map for the hero’s journey.” —Miguel Conner, author, THE OCCULT ELVIS“Weaving together threads of esoteric wisdom, cutting-edge science, and transformative spiritual practices, Luckman offers a revolutionary blueprint for transcending the boundaries of mortality […] This book is not merely a guide—it’s a conversation with the cosmos, an invitation to unlock your highest potential, and a masterclass in the art of becoming more than human.” —Laurence Galian, author, ALIEN PARASITES
“This work stands out for anyone who needs a new outlook on modern life and technology or wants a guided method for self-introspection.” —Entrada Publishing“In his inimitable way, Sol shows how to better understand and navigate our way through ‘reality’ via a synthesis of quantum physics, alchemy, shamanism, and literature. This, in turn, leads us to recognize that we are actually tricked into living a certain way […] Fortunately, Sol also offers us solutions, sharing exercises and activities we can use to protect ourselves and our energy […] An excellent, mind-expanding book.” —Dawn Lester, coauthor, WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL?
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🎙 Settle into this far-reaching interview about the sensational new nonfiction book, GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE. And be sure to download your FREE REVIEW COPY while you can ...
This interview was first published on the Embodied Aquarian Age.
🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 Praise for GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE ...
“Luckman illuminates a path of alchemical transformation for healing our wounds and unlocking our full potential as conscious co-creators of reality. This empowering and inspirational book unveils the shamanic secrets to transcending the illusion of death and manifesting our highest aspirations … [R]eaders are invited to step through a magical portal beyond life’s apparent boundaries and embark on the ultimate hero’s journey—a profound inward adventure toward self-realization and spiritual freedom.” —David Jay Brown, author, DREAMING WIDE AWAKE
“The Hero of a Thousand Red Pills, Sol Luckman has had an invaluable influence on awakening consciousness and dispelling false realities. GET OUT OF HERE ALIVE is a rewarding and useful map for the hero’s journey.” —Miguel Conner, author, THE OCCULT ELVIS“Weaving together threads of esoteric wisdom, cutting-edge science, and transformative spiritual practices, Luckman offers a revolutionary blueprint for transcending the boundaries of mortality […] This book is not merely a guide—it’s a conversation with the cosmos, an invitation to unlock your highest potential, and a masterclass in the art of becoming more than human.” —Laurence Galian, author, ALIEN PARASITES
“This work stands out for anyone who needs a new outlook on modern life and technology or wants a guided method for self-introspection.” —Entrada Publishing“In his inimitable way, Sol shows how to better understand and navigate our way through ‘reality’ via a synthesis of quantum physics, alchemy, shamanism, and literature. This, in turn, leads us to recognize that we are actually tricked into living a certain way […] Fortunately, Sol also offers us solutions, sharing exercises and activities we can use to protect ourselves and our energy […] An excellent, mind-expanding book.” —Dawn Lester, coauthor, WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL?
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