
  • We all have a sense of what romantic music is. But can that type of music really make you feel and act romantic? This episode begins with some interesting evidence on the power of music in the game of love.
    Look around you and notice all the buttons you could push. Buttons are everywhere. When you think about it, you can do almost anything with “just the push of a button.” And people like really pushing buttons – even when it is pointless. For example, pushing the elevator button after it is already lit or pushing the crosswalk button over and over to try to change the light. Buttons are a fairly recent invention and they have changed our world. Here to explain how and dive deep into the world of buttons is Rachel Plotnick. She’s an assistant professor of Cinema and Media Studies at Indiana University and author of Power Button: A History of Pleasure, Panic, and the Politics of Pushing (
    It seems we are wired to play games – board games, card games, sports, gambling – we love to play games. But why? Are games just a fun way to play – a distraction from work? Or are games doing something much more important than that? Joining me to reveal why humans need games and what they do for us is Kelly Clancy. She is a neuroscientist and physicist who has held research positions at MIT, Berkeley, University College London and she is author of the book, Playing with Reality: How Games Have Shaped Our World (
    How much do product reviews influence what you buy – or don’t buy? Do people really read them and pay attention to them? Listen as I reveal the results of a recent survey on the power of product reviews.
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  • Getting car sick can really ruin a trip – for EVERYONE in the car! But maybe you’ve heard – there are now motion sickness glasses. Do they work? Reader’s Digest tested them and a lot of their readers left reviews. Listen and you will hear what they said.
    How can you be in a relationship and still be your individual self? That can be a tricky balance. And it has gotten even trickier as we have moved into our “It’s-all-about-me” culture. Joining me to offer some insight into this is internationally recognized family therapist, speaker, and author Terrence Real. author of the book US: Getting Past You and Me to Build a More Loving Relationship ( Terry’s website is
    Who doesn’t want to smell nice? Soaps, candles, laundry detergent, perfume – we really want everything and everyone to smell ever so lovely. But why? When did this all start? Listen to my guest Elise Pearlstine, a natural perfumer, consultant, and educator and author of a book called Scent: A Natural History of Fragrance. ( If you have ever wondered why flowers or the smell of cut grass or vanilla smell so good, listen to find out.
    One of the worst things about summer is getting into a hot car that has been sitting in the sun. However, there is a way you can cool the car down before you get in it. Listen and I will tell you this fast and effective technique.
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  • There’s more to making a great burger than meets the eye. This summertime episode begins with expert advice on preparing the perfect burger on the grill from the guy who wrote the bible on the topic. Source: Steve Raichlen author of The Barbecue Bible (
    If you’ve ever felt you were in a rut or that your life is on autopilot, you need to listen to Jodi Wellman. She will inspire you to lead a life of purpose and intention – and without regret. It is not about doing the big and grandiose things as much as it is savoring the joys you have and anticipating what’s to come and making time to do the things you will regret if you DON’T do them. It’s a magical formula that she explains so well in this episode. Jodie is a former corporate executive turned executive coach who has a master’s degree in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, and she is author of the book You Only Die Once: How to Make It to the End with No Regrets ( Her website is
    Where do bad words come from? I don’t just mean your garden variety, 4-letter swear words but other words that aren’t so nice as well. Why is swearing more acceptable today than it used to be? What is the point of swearing in the first place? All of these and more questions are handled masterfully by my guest Jess Zafarris. She is a writer and journalist and author of the book Words from Hell: Unearthing the darkest secrets of English etymology (
    Some of the old health advice grandma used to give has been proven to be untrue. Still, many of these myths persist today and are believed by a lot of people. Listen as we blow up a few of these myths that you might still think are true.
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  • In an argument there are usually two things going on that make it so difficult. Listen as I begin this episode by explaining what those two important things are and how to fix them so you can then move forward and resolve the argument. Source: Jim Ferrell author of The Anatomy of Peace (
    Everyday you open and close your fridge a million times without giving it much thought. Yet, your refrigerator is part of a technology that has completely changed our lives. The concept of refrigerating food is only about 150 years old, but it is impossible to imagine life today without it. Listen as I speak with Nicola Twilley about this. She is a writer, frequent contributor to The New Yorker, host of the podcdcast Gastropod ( and author of the book: Frostbite: How Refrigeration Changed Our Food, Our Planet, and Ourselves ( . She reveals the good and bad consequences of refrigeration. And there are plenty of both.
    Why are there volcanoes? That molten hot lava that comes to the surface when a volcano erupts came from somewhere but most of us don’t really understand where or how or why. Do volcanoes have a purpose? While they are destructive, could they also be helpful – even necessary? Why do volcanoes erupt? Why do they go dormant? To understand all of this and why you might even owe your existence on earth to volcanoes, listen to my guest Tamsin Mather. She is a professor of earth sciences at the University of Oxford and author of the book Adventures in Volcanoland: What Volcanoes Tell Us About the World and Ourselves (
    For many women, carrying a purse is a necessity. And because they go everywhere and carry everything, purses can get pretty gross. Yet they are seldom cleaned. Listen as I explain the problem this creates which is not just a “yuck factor” issue, it can be a real health concern.
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  • When dogs meet they often sniff each other. It appears we humans do the same thing (to other humans, not dogs). This episode begins with an explanation of how people judge other people based on how they smell. And we do it all subconsciously.
    Do you consider yourself resilient? Are you able to bounce back after a big challenge? Can you become more resilient? There is little doubt that being resilient is important to your personal and professional success. Listen to my conversation with Stephen Magness. He has been a consultant for NASA, the Houston Rockets and other major organizations and has written for Runner’s World and Sports Illustrated. He has been featured in The New Yorker, Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Men’s Health. Stephen is author of the book Do Hard Things: Why We Get Resilience Wrong and the Surprising Science of Real Toughness (
    It is harder and harder to protect your privacy. It is clear that data is being collected about you that is extremely sensitive and personal. For example, what you search for online, your religious beliefs, your sexual preferences, how well you sleep, what organizations you belong to and so much more has likely been captured, recorded and stored away somewhere. And it gets worse, as you will hear from my guest Carissa Veliz. She is an associate professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and the Institute for Ethics in AI, as well as a tutorial fellow at Hertford College, at the University of Oxford and editor of the Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. Carissa is author of the book, Privacy is Power: Why and How You Should Take Back Control of Your Data (
    Cooking on the grill is great but it can get a little boring if it is always hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken breasts and steaks. But it doesn’t have to be. Listen as I reveal how to cook some things on the grill you never imagined that taste great – for example, pineapple, avocado, watermelon and pound cake.
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  • Sunscreen has been around for a long time. Has it changed much? Are there advancements in “sunscreen technology”? As summer begins, I explore the newest advancements in sunscreen.
    We revere leaders. School mottos often say something about “Developing tomorrow’s leaders today…” Everyone should aspire to be a leader. But what if you don’t want to be a leader? If everyone becomes a leader – who is left to follow? Is everyone “leadership material”? To hear the surprising science about leadership, listen to my guest Dr. Elias Aboujaoude. He is a psychiatry professor and researcher at Stanford University, and author of the book, A Leader's Destiny: Why Psychology, Personality, and Character Make All the Difference (
    Over the last few years we have heard about the supply chain in the news. It’s that somewhat vague process of making and getting products to where they need to be. So how does it all work? Why does it sometimes fail? Why does it often seem so fragile? Joining me to help us understand the supply chain and explain why you should care about it is Peter Goodman. He is the Global Economics Correspondent for The New York Times and he is author of a book called How the World Ran Out of Everything: Inside the Global Supply Chain ( 
    With summer comes lightning. How likely are you to get struck? And is it true that if you have been struck once, it is more likely to happen again? Listen for the answers and details. Source: What-are-the-chances-of-being-struck-by-lightning Source: and
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  • Of course, you know what a tank top is – but do you know why it is called a tank top? A tee-shirt looks like the letter T. But a tank top doesn’t look like a tank. So where did the name come from? Listen as I start this episode with the explanation that goes back to the 1920s.
    We have all likely felt a sexual attraction to someone. When you see that person across the room at a party and you can’t take your eyes off him or her – that is sexual attraction. It is very different from other kinds of human attraction, like being attracted to someone as a friend or someone you want to work with. True sexual attraction is based solely on a person’s appearance. It is a universal yet very individualized pull towards someone else and it can be very powerful. Joining me to discuss the science of this little known human experience is James Giles. He is lecturer at the University of Cambridge Institute for Continuing Education and is well known for his writings on philosophical psychology and human relationships. He is author of the book, Sexual Attraction: The Psychology of Allure (
    The whole world of work has changed a lot in the last several years. Today, people don’t stay in one job or even in one career like they used to. Additionally, people are questioning their work and asking themselves, “Is this really what I want to be doing?” It also seems people are looking to find more meaning in their work, not just a paycheck. To help understand why things have changed and how best to navigate these changes is Jennifer Tosti-Kharas . She is a professor of management at Babson College and author of the book Is Your Work Worth It?: How to Think About Meaningful Work (
    It is a mystery that has confounded people since the invention of laundry: Why does one sock go missing and where does it go? Listen as I explain one very plausible solution that explains why you have socks without a mate.
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  • We all know sunscreen is important – but only if you cover all the places you need to cover. Interestingly, there are several spots people often miss that leave them vulnerable to the harms of the sun. This episode begins with a list of the most likely places you miss so you won’t miss the next time.
    Imagine if there was a drug that could make you healthier, improve longevity, plus give you happiness and more success. Would you take that it? Actually, this drug exists according to Stephen Trzeciak, M.D. All you have to do is reach out and help other people. It may sound simplistic but there is solid science to show that the act of helping others has tremendous benefits. Listen as Stephen explains how it works and how much helping you have to do to get the benefits. Stephen is author of the book Wonder Drug: 7 Scientifically Proven Ways That Serving Others is the Best Medicine For Yourself (
    Do you know what to do if you get bitten by a snake? How would you respond if someone near fell to the ground from a heart attack or seizure? Do you know what to do if you get lost ? These and other emergencies happen all the time and it is important to know in advance what to do so you don’t panic when something bad actually happens. Here to explain how to prepare for almost any emergency is Dr. John Torres. He is an emergency room physician as well as a senior medical correspondent for NBC and author of the book Dr. Disaster’s Guide to Surviving Everything (
    Being left-handed can be challenging because the world is made for right-handed people. Yet, for students, being left-handed may be a good thing . Listen as I explain some interesting research that illustrates some differences between how left and right-handed students compare in school.
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  • Whenever you see the equal sign, you know what it means. So how did these two little parallel lines come to mean - Is equal to? This episode begins with a story that goes back almost 1,000 years to reveal the answer. Source: Professor Stewart's Hoard of Mathematical Treasures ( 
    Do you feel safe? Do know what you would do if someone attacked you or broke into your home? Are you doing all you can to keep you and your family out of harm’s way? Perhaps most importantly, are sure you or your home are not an easy target for criminals? These are important questions we should all be asking ourselves according to Spencer Coursen. Spencer is a nationally recognized threat management expert and author of the book The Safety Trap: A Security Expert’s Secrets for Staying Safe in a Dangerous World ( Listen and you will feel better about staying safe in an uncertain world. 
    Probably everyone has something about themselves they would like to change. But as we all know, change is hard. But what if it could be easier than you think? And what if you didn’t really have to change as much as you might think? That’s what Nicole Vignola is here to discuss. Nicole is a neuroscientist and organizational consultant and author of the book Rewire: Break the Cycle, Alter Your Thoughts and Create Lasting Change (
    If you have a lawn, you have likely come to hate the dandelion. It is a prolific weed that drives people crazy. Actually, it didn’t start out that way. The dandelion was deliberately brought to North America and is used in some surprising ways. And insects love dandelions. Listen as I reveal why.
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  • 10% of the human population is left-handed but what about other animals? Do they have a preference for which paw, foot, fin or wing to use? And what about the octopus? Do they prefer one arm over the other 7? Listen as I begin with the fascinating explanation?
    If you are productive, you get a lot of things done. At least that is the conventional view of productivity. I invite you to come and listen to a different approach to productivity from Laura Mae Martin. She is the Executive Productivity Advisor at Google and author of the book Uptime: A Practical Guide to Personal Productivity and Wellbeing ( I promise you will come away from this discussion with some great ideas you can implement in your day that will make you more productive and make your life easier.
    The modern skyscraper is a recent invention. After all, skyscrapers couldn’t have really existed much before electricity or the invention of the elevator. But in the last 130 years or so, skyscrapers have come to define the modern city and they keep getting taller and taller. You are about to get a peek into this fascinating industry most of us know very little about from Jason M. Barr. He is a professor of economics at Rutgers University-Newark and one of the world’s foremost experts on the economics of skyscrapers. Jason is author of a book called Cities in the Sky: The Quest to Build the World's Tallest Skyscrapers (
    We think taste is all about eating – but you really do “eat with your eyes.” In other words, the color of food and what it looks like before you eat it impacts what it tastes like. Listen as I explain.
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  • Gasoline is expensive and we all need to make sure we are squeezing every mile out of every gallon. You have probably heard a lot of suggestions on how to conserve gas. This episode begins with a few effective methods you may not have heard of before from Popular Mechanics. 
    Do you believe in luck? That is likely going to depend on how you define it. Some people believe luck is a magical force in the universe while others think of luck as something you calculate with probabilities and statistics while others believe you can create your own luck. To get a better understanding of how luck works, I invite you to listen to my conversation with Jeffrey Rosenthal, professor in the University of Toronto’s Department of Statistics and author of several books including Knock On Wood: Luck Chance and the Meaning of Everything (
    You don’t have to go too far before you begin to realize that life can be cruel and unfair and that bad things happen to everyone. What is most important is how you deal with and accept and ultimately make peace with the difficult things. Clinical psychologist Janina Scarlet works with people who must accept and come to terms with events that are unfair and often devastating. Janina is author of the book, It Shouldn’t Be This Way: Learning to Accept the Things You Just Can’t Change ( If you’ve ever had trouble making peace with something bad that has happened to you, you should listen to what she has to say. 
    People want to look their best. As we age, it seems natural for people to want to look youthful. However, there is a limit to it. Listen as I explain the negative consequences of trying to appear too young and what to do instead if you really want to appear younger than your actual age.
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  • Ever try to get your dog or cat to recognize themselves in the mirror? This episode begins with an explanation as to why the result is almost always disappointing.
    You hear a lot of concerns expressed about people's cellphone use. Are we spending too much time on our phones? What are people doing on their phones? Is it causing harm? Here to discuss some of the research about cellphone use and what it does to people is Faye Begheti. She is a practicing neurology doctor and neuroscientist at Oxford University Hospitals and author of the book The Phone Fix: The Brain-Focused Guide to Building Healthy Digital Habits and Breaking Bad Ones ( Listen as she explains that it is not so much about simply being on your phone – it’s more about what you are doing while you are on it.
    Paradoxes are those quirky little things that often seem to make no sense but actually help us think differently and problem solve better. For example, if I tell you I always tell lies – is that a lie? How can it be the truth if I always tell lies? Here to help you better understand paradoxes and why we have them is George Szpiro. He is a journalist with a PhD in mathematical economics and author of the book Perplexing Paradoxes: Unraveling Enigmas in the World Around Us (
    Several years ago I spent a weekend teaching myself to juggle. It wasn’t easy but with a little persistence (about a weekend’s worth for me), the basics can be mastered. And it turns out that knowing how to juggle is good for you in a lot of ways. Listen and I will tell you how.
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  • So many of us fantasize about being rich. Wouldn’t it be great to win the lottery or inherit a ton of money or be born into a wealthy family? Well it isn’t always as wonderful as you might imagine. Listen as I begin by explaining what being rich does to some people – especially young people. Source: Dr. Stephen Berglas author of Reclaiming the Fire (
    Almost no one dreams about math. Almost everyone dreams about falling or being chased. These are just some of the fascinating things I discuss about dreams with Dr. Rahul Jandial. He is a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist who has been studying why people dream and what happens in the brain when dreams occur. If you have wondered about your dreams and how they affect you, you need to hear this conversation. Dr. Jandial is the author of several books, his latest is called, This Is Why You Dream: What Your Sleeping Brain Reveals About Your Waking Life (
    Do you like solitude? We all like it somewhat – and some of us like a lot of solitude. Is that a problem? After all, humans are social creatures. We like to be with others. Still there are many people who cherish “alone time.” To understand why solitude is so important, listen to my guest Netta Weinstein. She is a psychologist and director of the European Research Council's 'Solitude: Alone but Resilient (SOAR)' project. She is also professor of psychology at the University of Reading and an associate researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute at the University of Oxford. Netta is author of the book Solitude: The Science and Power of Being Alone (
    Every once in a while, you will see something on a menu labeled “organic seafood.” What does that mean? How can seafood be organic? Listen and I will explain why it is probably not as organic as you would like it to be.
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  • Why do they call it PLASTIC surgery? It seems like a weird word to use. What’s even weirder is that the term goes back a couple of centuries, even before we had plastic as we know it today. This episode begins with an explanation and once you hear it, it’ll all make sense. Source: Lindsey Fitzharris author of The Face Maker (
    What does the word “evil” mean when you hear it? What is evil? Is it some sinister force in the universe? Is it even possible to explain what it is? What makes someone do cruel and evil things? Perhaps evil isn’t something itself but the result of something else. Listen to my conversation with Simon Baron Cohen, a professor of developmental psychopathology at the University of Cambridge and author of four books including The Science of Evil: On Empathy and the Origins of Cruelty (
    Most people in the world know how to ride a bike. It is the most popular means of transportation on earth. And it makes you wonder how that happened so fast. The modern bicycle was invented not all that long ago – yet there are now twice as many bicycles as cars in existence. You are about to discover that the history of the bicycle is more interesting than you ever knew. Listen as I discuss this with Jody Rosen, a writer for The New York Times magazine and author of the book Two Wheels Good: The History and Mystery of the Bicycle (  
    If you live in or visit a place that has fireflies (or lightning bugs), you know they are fascinating to watch. However, the population of fireflies is diminishing. Listen as I explain why this is happening.
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  • The sound of crickets on a summer night can be quite pleasing. And the little critters making that sound have some interesting characteristics and abilities I bet you never knew. Listen to my explanation and you’ll have renewed respect for the crickets of summer. Source: Hugh Raffels author of Insectopedia (
    Friendships are at an all-time low. People have fewer friends than ever before and the number of people who feel lonely is at record high levels. Why is friendship so hard? Well, it’s not really, according to Anna Goldfarb. She makes friends quite easily and she says you can too if you are willing to try. Want to know how? Then you need to listen to Anna. She is a friendship journalist who has reported for The New York Times, Time magazine, and the Washington Post and she is author of the book, Modern Friendship: How to Nurture Our Most Valued Connections (
    If any podcast can make the topic of housework exciting – it is this podcast. What’s so interesting is a lot of what we learned about how to do housework is ineffective, outdated and sometimes just plain wrong. The result is that you may be wasting time and money and not doing a particularly great job at keeping your house and clothes clean. To rescue is Melissa Pateras. She creates very popular TikTok videos about house cleaning tips and tricks ( and she is author of the book, A Dirty Guide to a Clean Home: Housekeeping Hacks You Can't Live Without (
    There are a lot of reasons to get your kids to play outside in the sunshine. One of the important reasons has to do with their eye health. Listen as I explain the connection between playing outside and vision in children.
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  • Here is a problem about spaghetti that has stumped some of the brightest minds in science, including Nobel prize winning physicist Richard Feynman: Hold one strand of spaghetti at each end and try to break it into two pieces. You will find that it is impossible. There now appears to be an explanation thanks to some very high-speed cameras. Listen and I will tell you what it is.
    You want things. I want things. We all want things. That is what human desire is all about. Have you ever stopped to wonder why you desire those particular things? For an explanation of human desire, we turn to Luke Burgis. He is an entrepreneur and a philosopher and he has written a book about desire titled, Wanting ( Listen as he offers insight into what triggers all of our desires – big and small.
    If we evolved from apes, why are there still apes? That’s one of many questions people ponder about evolution. Perhaps you’ve also wondered if humans are still evolving, or have we stopped? Can we predict how evolution will change the world? These are just some of the questions I tackle with Marlene Zuk. She is an evolutionary biologist and author of the book Paleofantasy: What Evolution Really Tells Us about Sex, Diet, and How We Live ( Listen and you will have a better understanding of how we evolved to be who we are.
    When a child gets hurt, what you do and say in response is critical. And it isn’t only because the correct response can soothe the child and alleviate their stress, it can also affect the way the child recovers from an injury. Listen to hear the science of this important phenomenon. Source: Judith Acosta author of Verbal First Aid (
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  • Even though we have celebrated Memorial Day for a long time, it wasn’t made an official national Holiday until 1971. And it wasn’t always called Memorial Day either. We start this episode with a few fascinating facts about this interesting American holiday and day of remembrance.
    Why is your personality the way it is? Why are you the way you are? Why is it that you are different than everybody else? There is some fascinating new research about how personalities come to be. And here to discuss it is Brian Little one of the leading researchers in the subject of human personality. Brian is the author of the book, Me, Myself and Us: The Science of Personality and the Art of Well-Being. (
    Doesn’t it seem that people argue more now than they used to – and often about the most ridiculous things? People argue about politics and social issues and just about everything else. It makes you wonder if arguments actually accomplish anything or are they more destructive than constructive. Joining me to discuss why we seem to like to argue is Lee Siegel. Lee is the author of seven books as well as a writer and cultural critic who has written for Harper’s, The New Republic, The Nation, The Atlantic Monthly, The New Yorker, The New York Times. His latest book is Why Argument Matters. (
    If you or someone around you gets stung by a bee, do you know what to do? You should because it can be serious or even life-threatening for some people. Listen as I explain what the American Academy of Dermatology recommends you do and NOT do.
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  • Look at any can of cooking spray and it will say on the label that it has zero calories. How can that be? It can’t be. Listen as I explain how they get away with saying that when it isn’t really true and I’ll reveal how many calories there actually are.
    No doubt you have heard of Ozempic. It is a drug that allows a lot of people to lose weight. While it is extremely effective, there are risks and concerns. But what is the bigger risk – the risks of taking the drug or the risks of remaining overweight? That’s the question I explore with Johann Hari. He is a writer and journalist who has written for The New York Times, The Guardian, and other newspapers. His TED Talks have been viewed over 70 million times, he is the author of some bestselling books and he has taken Ozempic and lost weight. He has also thoroughly researched all sides of the debate on these drugs and the results of his work are in his book Magic Pill: The Extraordinary Benefits and Disturbing Risks of the New Weight-Loss Drugs (
    All the conveniences of living in a digital world are hard to argue with. Still, all these digital gadgets have made many cherished analog things obsolete. Think about how your smartphone has replaced the need for a watch, or camera or a bookstore or record store – even a map. Everything is digital now. This segment isn’t about longing for “the good old days” of analog but rather looking at how important our analog world was a few decades ago and how some analog things still persist because they are still the better way (think of a pencil and a piece of paper). Joining me to talk about all things analog is Deyan Sudjic, Director Emeritus of the Design Museum in London, professor of Design Studies at the University of Lancaster in the UK and author of the book, The World of Analog: A Visual Guide (
    No matter what language people speak, when they get hurt they say “OUCH!” or something very close to it. Listen as I explain the reason and purpose of OWWW or OUCH! Source: Jonathan Goldman author of The 7 Secrets to Sound Healing (
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  • Whenever I fly, I see people on the plane who look like they are doing important work on their laptops. That may actually be a really bad idea because it is hard to do high quality work at 30,000 feet. Listen as I explain why.
    We have become a pretty wasteful world. We waste a lot of food, we create a lot of packaging that goes to waste and despite our best efforts we only recycle a fraction of all the things we could. There is likely no one big solution to any of this but there are some interesting things being done you should hear about that are making a difference. Here to explain these solutions and reveal the magnitude of the waste problem is Pulitzer-prize winning journalist Edward Humes. He is author of over two dozen books. His latest is Total Garbage: How We Can Fix Our Waste and Heal Our World (
    Creativity sounds so magical – like it is some mystical gift some people were given that allows them to create the most wonderful things. However, creativity has been studied and the science of it is less magical and more practical. Being more creative and accomplished at anything is a skill we can all develop. We may not become the greatest or most creative at a chosen skill, but we can all become better at anything we put our mind to if we understand how. Here to explain is Anna Abraham. She is a professor and the Director of the Torrance Center for Creativity and Talent Development at the University of Georgia and author of the book, The Creative Brain: Myths and Truths (
    When it comes to family dinner, many parents serve different food to their children – like mac and cheese or chicken nuggets because kids seem to prefer it. Is that a good idea? Listen as I reveal the dangers of dumbing down your kids’ meals.
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  • Why do you suppose it is that dogs love to hang their heads out of a moving car window? What’s the thrill? More importantly, should you let your dog do it? This episode begins with an explanation of why dogs love it so much and if it is really safe.
     Modern medical surgery is nothing short of amazing. It is hard to imagine but many of us wouldn’t be here if it were not for the miracle of surgery. Yet, the history of surgery is remarkably short. In fact, there couldn’t have been surgery until four major problems were solved first. Ira Rutkow, MD is a general surgeon and historian of American medicine. Listen as he tells the story of modern surgery – including many of the problems encountered along the way and the amazing resistance to some important advances. Ira is author of the book, Empire of the Scalpel: The History of Surgery ( Once you hear it, you’ll be glad you didn’t need an operation 160 years ago.
     Do you ask a lot of questions of other people? The truth is most people don’t ask very many questions during the day and the questions we do ask tend to be mundane things like “How’s it going?” or “What kind of work do you do?” However, by asking the right kinds of questions you can learn and understand so much more. Plus, asking questions can be a great way to connect with other people if you do it right. What kinds of questions should you ask? Here with some great advice is Chad Littlefield. He is co-founder and Chief Experience Officer of We and Me, Inc., an organization whose mission is to create conversations that matter. He is also coauthor of the book Ask Powerful Questions (
     A nap can be wonderful. It can also leave you feeling groggy and feeling more tired. Listen as I explain the keys to taking a nap that research says will leave you feeling more rested and satisfied.
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