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Here’s Where It Gets Interesting finds the stories of America you probably haven’t heard. Host Sharon McMahon, a longtime teacher and one of today’s most influential voices, will ignite your curiosity about the fascinating stuff that wasn’t in history textbooks. She’s joined by notable thought leaders who share insights about history, culture, and politics, and inspire us to grow into more thoughtful, well-informed citizens.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information. -
Die Erinnerung an die Verbrechen des NS-Regimes beginnen zu verblassen: Nur 59 Prozent der deutschen Schüler:innen ab 14 Jahren ist bekannt, dass Auschwitz-Birkenau ein Konzentrationslager der Nazis war. 81 Prozent der Schüler:innen aus Österreich konnten bei einer Befragung entweder gar keine oder nur eine falsche Definition des Begriffs »Antisemitismus« anführen.
Das Projekt ANNE FRANK — DER PODCAST will das Bewusstsein unter Jugendlichen für die Verbrechen der Nazis erhöhen: Unter wurde das berühmte Tagebuch chronologisch und audiovisuell aufbereitet, die Podcast-Folgen von bekannten Persönlichkeiten und Influencer:innen aus Deutschland und Österreich eingesprochen. -
Since 2005 Amateur Traveler has been talking about a different destination every week. It covers destinations all of the world with an emphasis on culturally rich travel. Learn more about your world. Amateur Traveler won its creator Chris Christensen a Travel+Leisure award as the "best independent travel journalist".
Countdown To Apollo is an in-depth look at the historic Apollo missions. Exclusive interviews from Apollo astronauts, space historians, and NASA scientists all tell the hidden and historic story of Apollo. This is a production from Xploration Station and an audio adaptation of a full 8 part TV documentary series. Visit Xploration Station to WATCH every episode.
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The Hensley Henson lectures for 2017-18 are based on Prof. MacCulloch's six-year-long project of writing a new life of Thomas Cromwell. Grounded in a new examination of Cromwell's vast and complex archive, they reassess the religion and religious policies of the man at the heart of the revolution in the early Tudor Church. They scrutinise his complex relationship with his King and the personal agendas that he pursued as the only Vice-Gerent in Spirituals in the history of the kingdom.
There are many surprises in the story of the first stages in the Tudor Protestant Reformation and in the dissolution of English, Welsh and Irish monasteries.
In four lectures, we will pursue them into the archives and assess their meaning. -
La SISMED – Società Italiana degli Storici Medievisti, costituita nel 2006, riunisce studiosi professionali della storia e della civiltà del Medioevo. La sua finalità è la promozione dello studio e della conoscenza del medioevo, sia nelle istituzioni di insegnamento che nella comunicazione sociale, nella consapevolezza che nell’età medievale sono state vissute esperienze, politiche, religiose, artistiche, che costituiscono aspetti essenziali dell’eredità culturale italiana ed europea.
Nell'aprile del 2011, all'interno dell'assemblea annuale dei soci, si è tenuta una tavola rotonda sul tema «Un "canone" europeo per la storia medievale?» di cui sono disponibili gli interventi dei relatori e dei partecipanti. -
Der Schweizer Sagenpodcast. Willst du die Sagen hautnah miterleben? Dann lohnt sich ein Ausflug dorthin. Auf siehst du auf einer interaktiven Karte, wo sich die Sagen zugetragen haben. Mit dem Handy wirst du dann direkt zum Ort der Sage geführt.
Produktionsstudio: Ellie Media -
Perspectives, insights, historical background, and more on WIPO’s Madrid System for the international registration of marks – featuring experts and practitioners.
For comments or questions, contact us at
More on the Madrid System:
Disclaimer: The views expressed in the podcast are those of the presenters and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Secretariat of the World Intellectual Property Organization or any of its member states. -
The Indian Ocean World Podcast seeks to educate and inform its listeners on topics concerning the relationship between humans and the environment throughout the history of the Indian Ocean World — a macro-region affected by the seasonal monsoon weather system, from China to Southeast and South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.
Based out of the Indian Ocean World Centre, a research centre affiliated with McGill University’s Department of History and Classical Studies, under the direction of Prof. Gwyn Campbell, the Indian Ocean World Podcast is part of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada funded Appraising Risk Partnership, an international collaboration of researchers dedicated to exploring the critical role of climatic crises in the past and future of the Indian Ocean World. -
Historycast è il primo podcast indipendente di storia creato in Italia. È stato fondato da Enrica Salvatori nel 2006 con la collaborazione di Marco Della Croce. Dal 2023, con la collaborazione di, esce in una versione che ripropone tutti i 44 episodi in archivio nella stagione n.1, insieme a nuove ed esclusive puntate in stagioni successive. Enrica Salvatori è professore associato di Storia medievale all’Università di Pisa. Insegna Storia Medievale, Storia degli Insediamenti Tardo Antichi e Medievali e Storia Pubblica Digitale. Ha fondato con Maria Simi il Seminario di Cultura Digitale, E' impegnata nel settore della Digital Public History.
"Sono sempre stata convinta che lo storico debba impegnarsi per far percepire l’utilità sociale del suo mestiere: per questo ho cominciato a occuparmi oltre che del Medioevo anche di Storia Digitale e Storia Pubblica, ossia dei nuovi modi di poter “condividere” (non più semplicemente “divulgare”) la storia con i diversi pubblici. Il coinvolgimento in questo settore mi ha portato forse un po’ fuori strada rispetto al campo d’indagine originario e mi ha dato un curriculum indubbiamente composito e poco tradizionale, ma anche tante soddisfazioni e molto divertimento. Spero di riuscire a restituire almeno un poco il piacere ricevuto dal curiosare nelle pieghe del tempo."
Sito ufficiale:, in, Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast, Amazon podcast, Audible e altri.
Podcast realizzato con la collaborazione di .
Intro Eleonora Di Giacomo e Alessandro Vanni.
Musiche in licenza Epidemic Sound
Funtarctica is the Antarctica podcast, here to uncover all the hidden tales of Polar explorers from the "Heroic Age" to the present. From the truth about Ernest Shackleton's Whisky to the trauma of having to kill all your puppies after your ship has been crushed by the ice – Funtarctica has it all!
New episodes every other Tuesday.
Get bonus content on PatreonHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Entre 1860 et 1917, la Suisse accueille une diaspora constituée de révolutionnaires, mais aussi d’étudiants et surtout d’étudiantes issues de l’Empire russe qui, depuis Genève ou Zurich, rêvent à la chute du tsar.
Comment la Suisse est-elle devenue le berceau de la révolution d’Octobre 1917? Comment des générations d’idéalistes de tous poils ont-ils précipité la chute du tsarisme en février 1917 depuis ici? Quel rôle ont joué les femmes dans cet événement capital?
Clandestinité, fureur et rivalités crues: pour la première fois, une série podcast conte cette épopée dans sa globalité.
Marco findet, er hat den besten Opa von allen. Denn, wenn Marco seine Großeltern besucht, sitzen er und sein Großvater Jo auf der Terrasse in der Sonne und reden stundenlang. Und Jo erzählt Marco von früher: Wie es war, als in Berlin die Bomben gefallen sind, vom Hunger nach dem Krieg und wie er später als junger Mann aus der DDR geflüchtet ist.
Jeden Montag erzählen Leonie Bartsch und Linn Schütze von einem
wahren Kriminalfall. Es geht um bewegende Schicksale und True Crime Stories, die uns nicht mehr loslassen. Linn und Leo tauchen mit euch in die Recherche ein, sprechen mit Überlebenden, Zeug:innen und Expert:innen, nehmen euch mit vor Ort und in den Gerichtssaal.
Macht euch bereit für spannende und berührende Erzählungen, viele „Richards“ und die ein oder andere Anekdote über Freddo, den Mitbewohner oder die Podcast-Oma.
Dieser Podcast ist emotional, manchmal schockierend und auch sehr
persönlich. Wir freuen uns, wenn ihr reinhört und Teil der Exi-Community werdet!
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