Part 4. Being at home for yourself and not getting pulled into other people's realities. Other people's emotions and dramas can cause us to self-abandon and be with them in their stories. This causes us to leak energy and leak consciousness.
Being at home for ourselves and assisting those in need from a place of empowerment serves both parties much better. When we have a dysfunctional inner nurturer we tend to want to fix and save the world. We can see it as a noble cause because we see what people need or needs fixing. However, assisting from an empowered place allows you to follow the inspiration to help without losing yourself in the process.
An example is to throw a drowning person a life saver rather than jumping in with them. Your greatest gift to the world is to be the light for those around you by leading by example from a place of wholeness.
Accepting responsibility for your environment. Each of us exist in our own unique reality and our external environment is part of our greater selves.
Our environment can be a reflection showing us what we're not or perhaps something we need to work on that is showing up magnified to get our attention.
Our environment can also be our expression which is showing us what we are. This increasingly becomes the case as we evolve in consciousness and we create and live in a real reality beyond the AI simulated matrix we have known forever.
Taking responsibility for our environment does not mean we allow people to get away with dysfunctional behaviour. We can get the gifts from a negative encounter with someone who is behaving badly towards us without losing our power to them. Perhaps the reason our greatest self orchestrated the encounter was for us to establish better boundaries and assert ourselves. It could also have been orchestrated to prompt us to express a part of ourselves that we have been holding back.
The mirrored world around us has also served to show us what we're not to better understand who we are. The more mirrors we dissolve and the greater the self-knowledge we accumulate, the sooner we will be living a life of grace in the true dream of the Infinite.
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Seeing the perfection in life and mining the gems of your experiences.
Having the backdrop to how you view life as one of underlying perfection can help keep you out of the holographic world of mirrors and in the real dream of the Infinite. If your intention is always to see the benevolence of life you will have a greater chance of uncovering the gifts of your experiences.
Overcoming the initial shock of a traumatic experience is where you'll need to start before you can step back to see the bigger picture and uncover the hidden gifts. A situation can seem very one-dimensional when viewed through the lens of trauma. Releasing layers of trauma can reveal new aspects to the story that were not previously apparent. Once the core truth of the situation has been reached the insights can reveal themselves and you can release the story.
This is the first episode in the series of exploring the 13 signs of spiritual maturity that I have noticed on my own journey over the last 20 years. There are many more but these are just some that have stood out to me.
This episode covers your ability to bounce back from seeming major setbacks as a yardstick of your spiritual maturity. If you spend weeks or months trying to overcome a major setback there is most likely some trauma that needs to be released so you can return to your seat of power as the sovereign of your reality.
If you find yourself locked in victimhood and self-pity after a setback you are perhaps missing seeing the gifts in the situation. The quicker you can see the perfection in a situation the less negative impact it has on you and you can settle back into your body with peace in your heart. The bigger the setback, the bigger the self-presencing and seeing the bigger picture is required to deal with it gracefully.
Divine timing is not something that we can control. It is something we must align with and surrender to. Trying to work on our small self's timeline is an agenda and black magic as we are trying to enforce our will on life. When we are in alignment with Infinite intent, we are feeling the currents and flows of life and allowing them to carry us rather than forcing their direction.
Sometimes the gift of foresight can be a curse as you want to experience what you have seen is your visions right here, right now. Generally the vision is there for guidance and there are potentially many steps that need to be taken before that vision can be materialised in the physical.
Life can even go as far as taking you in a particular direction that seems like it is taking you to your vision directly, but then pivots 90 degrees in another direction that may seem like it's leading you away. This is life being a trickster teacher. If we are in surrendered trust, in alignment with infinite intent, and fluid enough to let go of where we thought we were going, including any attachments surrounding that, we can coordinate with divine timing and have a graceful journey to these visions, relationships, and other opportunities that can bring us immense joy.
Are you holding back on expressing your true authentic self out of fear, false humility, or self-judgement? If so, you could be casting a shadow in your life that can show up as opposition, hostility, or even negative entities around you.
Firstly, you need to plug your energetic leaks from trauma, belief systems, and programs. Then you can start to fill out your inner space with your true presence. You are here to be the biggest version of the real you that you can be. Holding back on that doesn't benefit anyone. Expressing as the real you is your greatest gift to the world.
Find what brings you the greatest joy and start navigating towards that. The more we pander to others or show up how we think others want us to, the greater the shadow we cast. The more we show up how we want, the greater the light we shine.
What is truth?
What is the difference in personal truth and societal truth?
Can you hear the ring of truth when it sounds?
Can you feel truth? If not, then maybe you have some trauma or programming that needs to be released before you can establish your connection with truth. Once established, truth can be your inner GPS for navigating life with grace.
The truth about something or someone that can change day to day as new facts and perception present themselves, however, the truth as a phenomenon, as a body feeling or knowing, is something that doesn't change.
Orgonite is a natural energy device that comprises of metal shavings (usually aluminium) and quartz crystals encased in polyester resin. It turns stagnant orgone energy (otherwise known as chi, prana, or life force energy), into positive orgone energy. For example, it can transmute the harmful emissions from a wi-fi router into energy that is beneficial to the human body.
Discovered by Wilhelm Reich in the 1940's where he used his cloud-busters to bring rain to the deserts it has evolved into similar devices today that are used to combat the harmful energies emitted from cell phone towers and chemtrails.
In this episode I speak about some of personal experiences using orgonite and some anecdotal evidence from clients and neighbours.
The view from the top of the mountain can lose it's appeal once you've gotten there. If you have spent a time working your way to the top of an area of your life, like starting a successful business, playing a high level of sport, or overcoming a severe illness or injury you can be hit with the question of what now?
After an intense journey of striving and dedication to reach your goal you could find yourself looking back at your achievements along the way rather than opening up to a completely different journey now that this part, albeit a big part, has been completed. It takes courage to release a potential lifetime of focusing on a particular goal to embrace something completely different. It can feel like you've wasted your time as it may not apply to your next step, but it always does.
While it is beneficial to look back at previous achievements as inspiration for greater achievements in the future, it is important not to dwell there lest they become limits and you forsake the bounty of the moment to live there. Be fluid and open to change always and the path will always reveal itself in divine timing.
In a world full of of inauthenticity and fakeness there is a palpable need for realness.
We have been conditioned to be what other people want us to be, what we think we need to be to succeed, what we think we need to be to survive, and what other people think we are. None of that is who we truly are and most people go through their entire lives either never knowing themselves or being too afraid to be themselves lest they be judged and rejected.
The greatest gift you can give to the world is to be your true, authentic self. Firstly, you need to embody what that is, and that is the journey of mastery. Dissolve the belief systems, programs, and traumas that have caused you to be someone you are not, and your relationship with your true self will develop from there.
We can learn from our own experiences, from reading the symbols of our environment, but also from the experiences of others.
Learning from other people's experiences feels like life's way of teaching us in a graceful way, so we can avoid tougher paths of evolution.
Our environment is our greater self, so everything that goes on in our sphere of experience that catches our attention is worth taking note of.
We can also learn from the positive experiences of others and be inspired to do great things as a result.
You are your environment. Your environment is you. Feel the symbiosis and allow life to guide you in a graceful manner.
The trap of social media that makes us think what we are seeing is authentic and how we are trying to live up to an impossible state of being.
Trying to skip steps to go straight to the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow means we miss all the good stuff along the way.
Delusions of grandeur that make us think we are further ahead than what we are. Sometimes we need a reality check.
Comparing yourself to your spiritual teacher and feeling less than. Just because they make it look easy, doesn't mean it is. They have gone through many trials and initiations to get where they are. You will have to do the same and you will be better for it.
Don't wish away the journey so you can just get to the final destination. Spoiler alert! There is no final destination!
Apart from your children, you are not responsible for other people in your life. You are not responsible for other people's happiness. You may have loved ones that you need to care for because it feels right, but we sometimes think we have a responsibility for much more than we actually do.
This can be as a result of a dysfunctional inner nurturer who feels the need to fix and save everyone because of a need to be seen or feel needed. Checking in on our alignment with source and our inner family can guide us to feel what is ours to do and engage with and what is not.
There are many programs that can lead us to thinking the world will fall apart without us and somehow we are required to maintain the equilibrium of the cosmos. This is an affliction of light workers in particular, some of whom gain their sense of self and life's purpose from feeling they are needed to fix and save the world. There are certain functions that you may be here to fulfill by allowing life to pour through you, but be mindful that your small self, through a programmed mind/heart, is not taking them on as burdens of responsibility.
Alignment with Infinite intent and your inner family will give you a clearer picture of what is yours to engage with.
Life is unknowable. The sooner we realise that, the sooner we can start surrendering to Infinite intent. Our mind tries to trick us into thinking we can know anything, that life can be known. The known exists in the past and is a constantly changing truth that we must keep up with and let go of simultaneously.
Stepping into the unknown takes immense trust and courage. We have to eliminate programs of the mind and heart, so we can tap into our inner knowing in deep communion with source and our highest self that sees the road ahead where our small self can't. It is a full body, cellular knowing that is unmistakeable.
Even when we follow that inner knowing it can take us places we didn't expect and so we need to be completely fluid to be ready to move when life directs us to.
You can't skip steps on your spiritual journey, particularly bypassing your physical world. You have to deal with your trauma, programs, and belief systems that are like plugging the holes in your boat before you cast off in the ocean.
In a fast-food, on-demand, and instant gratification culture people can get sucked into believing that they can everything they want with a click of their fingers. Spiritual work is not like that. There is no magic bullet, like a plant medicine ceremony, that will solve all of your problems. All areas of your being need to be addressed.
Even when you think you're ready because you've grasped something mentally doesn't mean you are ready. Perhaps there are experiences that need to be had to embody the perception before you can move on. Life will decide that in divine timing.
There is no escape from your physical reality. Attempts to by-pass this will only delay the inevitable. Do the work. Stay the course. Surround yourself with a team of people that can assist you in all areas of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.
Be mindful of those that are trying to plug into your energy field to siphon off your light. They may be obvious where you feel drained after being in their company. These ones will tend to create drama a lot and suck you into their world where they will steal your energy.
There are those that are more subtle and will be more like petty tyrants who want everything off you for free. Make sure there is an equal exchange in your relationships with family, friends, and particularly clients and you feel energised after your interactions with them.
Solitude is very important so you can distinguish what is your energy and what is another's and you can cut those cords that are causing you to leak energy.
Would you go back to being asleep?
Would you give up the awareness and power you've accumulated to go back to being in ignorant bliss?
When you are feeling the burden of the eternal journey it is good to look back to see how far you've come and what a privilege it is to see the beautiful vistas of life from where you currently exist beyond the masses.
Check in with your heart resonant communities or support systems when you're feeling low and know that it takes great courage to reach out for help when you've sent a lifetime being the one taking care of others.
You are so crucial to the successful elevation of the world to higher levels of existence and all you need to do is keep singing your song of self as your highest authentic expression.
The need to control life = lack of trust in life.
Trying to force you will on life is a form of black magic.
Attachment to outcome pushes what your focusing on farther away.
Engaging life with an empty mind and an open heart, through inspiration eliminates the need to control through the mind of the small self.
The small self is the part of us that is programmed through belief systems and thinks it has to make life happen.
Our highest self knows the way. We just need to get our small self out of our own way to achieve the dreams of our heart.
No one can truly understand us. We are an eternal mystery, even to ourselves.
Speaking your highest truth with discernment and innocence and trusting that whatever comes out doesn't need to be understood by anyone else.
Whoever needs to hear your message will get it, but those that it's not for won't!
Don't try to dilute or filter your authentic expression to accommodate others just so they can maybe understand you. This will make it more difficult for those who the message is for to hear what you have to say.
Don't let the pain of being misunderstood stop you from expressing your highest truth. If the message is coming from a pure and truthful place trust that they will get what they need from you, even if it appears to be harsh.
What to do when a soul contract has ended and the dynamic of the relationship has to change?
Changing roles fluidly in the relationship as the moment requires can allow both parties to flourish independently and together. If you played the role of the rescuer, but the person no longer needs to be rescued, stand back and allow them to figure it out for themselves so they can find their own inner strength and wholeness.
Persisting in old ways of relating to each other can lead to tension and confusion. Focus on your own journey and hold space for the relationship and the person so it, and they, can flourish in divine timing.
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