
  • Join Amanda for a transformative meditation experience that harnesses the unique energy of an eclipse. Discover the incredible power of water to entrain your energy, clarify your mind, and amplify your intuition.

    In this bonus episode, you'll learn how to use a simple glass of water and a few crystals to create a powerful meditation practice. By focusing on the gentle flow of water and the energy of the eclipse, you'll be guided into a state of deep relaxation and heightened awareness.

    Key points covered in this episode:

    The significance of water in meditation How to use crystals to enhance your meditation experience A guided meditation to connect with the energy of the eclipse The power of intention setting and manifestation

    Don't miss this opportunity to experience the profound benefits of water meditation and harness the transformative energy of the eclipse.

    Additional Resources:

    Harnessing the Full Moon in Astrology Blog

    Full Moon Ceremony For Healing, Illumination, Clarity, and Karmic Balance

    How to Clear Your Energy with Epsom Salt

    5-Minute Open Eye Meditation

    HOST: Amanda Rieger Green // // @SoulPatholoy

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  • A Pisces Full Moon Eclipse arrives on September 17th, which also happens to be a Super Moon! As the moon's gravitational pull intensifies, it can stir up deep-seated emotions and subconscious thoughts. This heightened sensitivity can bring to light hidden patterns and beliefs that may be hindering our progress.

    September is often a time of clarity, detoxification, and leveling up. As we navigate this eclipse season, we're experiencing accelerated growth and facing challenges with a sense of adventure- and Amanda says, ‘bring it on’! Eclipse seasons are often characterized by unexpected events and challenges. However, by embracing this energy with openness and curiosity, we can uncover valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

    This full moon Pisces eclipse is likely bringing something to completion. Instead of approaching this closure with fear or worry, try to find compassion for the experiences that have shaped you. Embrace change with hope and excitement. Take this opportunity to become aware of what is coming to a close in your life.

    This full moon eclipse offers an excellent time to eliminate toxicity from your life. Consider the toxins in your body, environment, relationships, behaviors, and addictions. Examine your own toxicity levels. Are you holding onto judgment, insecurity, or self-pity? Are you involved in toxic relationships? Are you addicted to unhealthy behaviors? By being honest with yourself about your darkness and light, you can break free from quantum limitations. Embracing your shadow with open arms can lead to a profound transformation. Once you identify areas of toxicity, take practical steps to address them. Improve your communication skills, set healthy boundaries, and cultivate a loving heart.

    As you navigate this eclipse season, pay attention to synchronicities and the signs that are guiding you. Embrace the magic and pure love that surrounds you. This is a time for cosmic upgrades and clearing energetic space.

    Raise your frequency and work with water to enhance your healing and detoxification. Use water meditation to entrain your vibration with your healing intentions. Drink water consciously, infusing it with your desire for cleansing and detoxification. Find opportunities throughout your day to utilize the power of water. Infuse your water with intention and be present.

    This is a time of profound transformation. Embrace the challenges, trust the process, and allow yourself to grow and evolve.

    Additional Resources:

    Harnessing the Full Moon in Astrology Blog

    Full Moon Ceremony For Healing, Illumination, Clarity, and Karmic Balance

    How to Clear Your Energy with Epsom Salt

    See for privacy information.

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  • September is the Capstone Month in numerology which means it is the month when the numerology for your Personal Year and Personal Month coincide, providing powerful energy and profound potential. This month is a culmination, a crescendo, a critical point, and a doubling down of the energy numerologically.

    September is an 8-universal month, in an 8-universal year which means the energy is amplified this month with the 88 code. It is a time for getting clear, taking practical action, embracing quality over quantity, and navigating the balance of empowerment and disempowerment.

    The 8-energy calls for exploration of inner richness- get serious about finding your passion, your motivation, and your meaning. You reap what you sow this year, so focus on your inner sovereignty instead of outer chaos. Take time to feel your feelings, find your courage, and then take action. Develop a deep resolve and resiliency and embrace the call within your soul. You are uniquely and divinely made to evolve, heal and grow. This month is a time for taking responsibility and then reaching for the stars.

    Amanda breaks down the significance of your personal year/month code and what to pay attention to this month (read more about the characteristics here):

    1: Initiation, individuality, new beginnings

    2: Balance, harmony, relationships

    3: Creativity, expression, communication

    4: Structure, stability, foundation

    5: Freedom, adventure, change

    6: Love, nurturing, responsibility

    7: Spirituality, introspection, wisdom

    8: Power, leadership, abundance

    9: Completion, transformation, spiritual awakening

    This is a beautiful month for growth, clarity, awakening, & awareness. Whatever adjustments you make will have a ripple effect in the months ahead and it will propel you forward.

    Focus on the bigger picture & stay on your Eagle’s Perch, friends! Shed your old skin and live in your highest integrity. Ask your higher soul and guides for help - the more you ask, the more you receive. Trust you have the resources that will guide you through!

    Read more about September’s Capstone Numerology and the 8-Universal Year on Amanda’s Blog!

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  • As Mercury turns direct today, we are experiencing a surge of energy and potential. September is the capstone month in numerology - there is a 88 code with September being a 8-month in our 8-universal year. This month, dive deep into bringing clarity and balance in your life. What is out of whack or what needs fine tuning? Where can you take new action or shift your perspective? Focus on self-discovery, empowerment, and harnessing your inner magic. The number eight, associated with abundance and infinity, encourages you to think big and take bold steps toward your goals. This month is a time of growth, renewal, and spiritual awakening. Pay attention to your dreams and intuitions.

    Amanda will share insights on upcoming astrological events:

    8/23-9/22 Virgo Season: Focus on health, wellness, and service. The Sun in Virgo encourages practical action and attention to detail.

    8/28 Mercury Goes Direct: Embrace the clarity and focus that Mercury direct brings. Communication, intelligence, and problem-solving are enhanced.

    9/1 Uranus Stationing Retrograde: Prepare for a period of radical change and transformation. Uranus's influence can bring sudden insights and breakthroughs.

    9/9 Mercury Moves into Virgo: Tap into fresh ammo, insights and drive in the days before and after.

    9/17 Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: Set intentions on what you’re ready to heal, dedicate yourself to purifying and healing an area in your life and take action around cleaning your house, head, & heart.

    9/22 Sun Moves into Libra & Venus Moves into Scorpio: Focus on balance, beauty, relationships, and harmony.

    9/26 Mercury Moves into Libra: About fairness and diplomacy - don’t be surprised if unfairness shows up

    Tips for Optimal Energy:

    Balance: Pay attention to your internal and external balance. Identify areas that need attention and take steps to address them. Self-Reflection: Use this time to explore your fears, desires, and limiting beliefs. Identify areas where you can cultivate more empowerment and abundance. Intention Setting: Set clear intentions for your goals and desires. This will help you align with the positive energy of the month. Self-Care: Prioritize self-care activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

    Remember: This is a time of great potential. Embrace the energy, trust your intuition, and take action towards your dreams.

    Related Episodes & Resources:

    Discover Your Heart’s Desire with Soul Urge Numerology Navigating the Energy of 2024: A Year of Transformation, Manifestation, and Karmic Payout Unveiling the Power of an 8-Year in Numerology

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  • In this episode, Amanda dives deep into Soul Urge Numerology, a powerful tool for self-discovery and empowerment. Learn how to calculate your Soul Urge number and unlock the secrets of your heart's true desires. We'll explore how your Soul Urge interacts with your Life Path and Attitude numbers, creating a unique blueprint for your life. Plus, discover the vibrational frequencies associated with each number and how they can guide you towards fulfillment. Get ready to uncover your hidden potential and live a life aligned with your true purpose!

    The Soul Urge Number is derived from the vowels in your full birth name. Each vowel holds a numerical value based on the Pythagorean numerology system:

    A = 1

    E = 5

    I = 9

    O = 6

    U = 3

    Y = 7 (usually)

    Soul Urge Number Meanings:

    1: Individualistic, independent, quick-thinking, resourceful, ambitious. A pioneer who takes immediate action.

    2: Collaborative, sensitive, intuitive. Seeks balance between giving and receiving. Thrives in supportive roles.

    3: Fun-loving, creative, magnetic, energetic, sociable. Expresses creativity through social interaction.

    4: Orderly, structured, practical, determined, focused. Builds solid foundations.

    5: Freedom-seeking, dynamic, adaptable, adventurous. Thrives on change and new experiences.

    6: Wise, nurturing, supportive, compassionate, loyal. A natural healer and counselor.

    7: Knowledge-seeking, analytical, spiritual, introspective. Values deep understanding.

    8: Driven, ambitious, successful, powerful, materialistic. Possesses strong leadership qualities.

    9: Humanitarian, compassionate, idealistic, spiritual. Strives to make a positive impact.

    11: Intuitive, visionary, spiritual, connected to the bigger picture. A natural healer and teacher.

    22: Master builder, leader, visionary. Capable of creating lasting change.

    33: Master teacher, healer, humanitarian. Possesses unconditional love and wisdom.

    Utilize your Soul Urge Number to help you make informed life choices and consider its relationship to your attitude and life path numbers. Write out the challenges and blindspots for each to crack your own personal code! Grab Amanda’s 2024 numerology guidebook & audio companion for deeper numerology insights and practical guidance.

    By understanding your Soul Urge number and its interplay with your life path and attitude, you can unlock your full potential and create a life of purpose and fulfillment.

    Numerology resources:

    - Soul Urge Blog

    - Alphabet Numerology Chart

    - Address Numerology Blog

    - 2024 Numerology Guidebook

    Related episodes:

    - Numerology 101: How to Decode the Numbers in Your Life

    - Find Magic, Synchronicity, and Peace with Numerology

    - Thinning the Veil with Numerology: Master Numbers, Angel Numbers, and More

    - How to Align with the Divine Codes of the Universe

    We love to answer your questions! Send us an email and we’ll try to answer on an upcoming episode: [email protected]

    See for privacy information.

  • The current energy feels chaotic, like weathering a storm. In this turbulence, we have an opportunity to dig deeper, find stillness, and focus on what truly matters. Let’s explore how to navigate this intense period and discover clarity amidst the chaos.

    Prioritize What Truly Matters: Life is moving at warp speed, and it’s essential to identify priorities. What aspects of your life are critical and non-negotiable? Trim unnecessary tasks and revise your commitments. Reflect on your passions. What excites you? What does your heart desire?

    Embrace Chaos for Clarity: Over the next three weeks, we’ll experience wonky, chaotic energy. The upcoming full moon on the 19th intensifies this tension.

    The solution lies in stillness. Tune into your well-being and align your personal antenna.


    - What is my honest truth right now?

    - What does my body need for health and vitality?

    - How can I add value and peace to my life?

    - If I could do one thing for myself today, what would it be?

    Find Moments of Stillness: Take 30 seconds of silence daily. Set intentions, say a prayer, and condition your day. Amidst the noise, find your sanity and stillness.

    Astrological Insights: The Aquarius Full Moon (Moon in Aquarius, Sun in Leo) prompts us to embrace our light and sovereignty for the greater good. The first of three Jupiter/Saturn Squares occurs on the 19th. These aspects bring tension to the surface, urging resolution by next June.

    Karmic Healing: Notice what arises in the coming weeks. It’s deep-seated, karmic material. Allow divine timing to reveal more. You’re growing and learning.

    Resilience and Resolve: In this 8-year, practice resilience—roll with the punches and flow with life.

    Resolve comes from faith and trust. Show up in your gifts and highest light.

    Your Spiritual Journey: As spiritual beings having a human experience, we evolve, embrace our uniqueness, serve, and recognize our value.

    Additional Resources:

    - It’s time to reanalyze your energetic boundaries: listen to The Root Chakra and Boundaries

    - The audio companion for the 2024 Numerology Guidebook is out now!

    HOST: Amanda Rieger Green // // @SoulPatholoy

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  • The Lion’s Gate Portal is a cosmic event that takes place each year between July 26th and August 12th. It is an ancient and mystical event where the Earth, Sun, Star Sirius, and Orion Constellation create a portal and alignment- a galactic bridge between the human and the divine. The Lion’s Gate Portal creates a powerful time for empowerment, abundance and spiritual evolution.

    Because we’re in an 8-Year in numerology, this year’s event is extra potent, dynamic and powerful. The Lion’s Gate Portal is a beautiful time of manifestation - it is an empowering gateway to access your higher consciousness and connect with your higher self.

    You may experience flashes and insights from your past lives during this period which can provide an opportunity to heal on a quantum level. If what’s coming up for you doesn’t feel relevant to you now, acknowledge those behaviors and old versions of yourself may be from a past life. Get clear and present about why you may be behaving in a certain way and know that they may not be reflective of where you are today.

    Make time for yourself on August 8th to harness the power of the 888 numerology code. Spend time in meditation, light a candle, burn sage, sit with yourself, breathe, get quiet and cosmic. This is a mystical time and if you miss it - you miss it! Activate the solar plexus chakra and work with citrine, pyrite, gold and tiger’s eye crystals.

    With the Sun in Leo, it’s a time of fertility and abundance. Your mind is open and fertile to co-create your reality and birth something new. Using your visualization and imagination is imperative. Get still, envision, dream and really see yourself in the future you desire. Get out of the details and the “how to” and embrace this energy for downloads, insights, and creative inspiration.

    Use this time to connect with higher self and investigate your soul’s meaning and purpose: “I am open and fertile.

    My ideas, insights, desires, and passions are coming to life. Show me, I am open.”

    The 888 code amplifies abundance, risk and reward, faith over fear. It creates flow, balance, and harmony; reaching for infinite potential, expanding selves and our consciousness. It’s a time for uplifting ourselves, our sovereignty, and harnessing our empowerment. If you feel disempowerment, fear, and disillusionment - this is a good time to face your fears and dream big: “Today may I experience a more expanded, expansive, joyful reality!”.

    Celebrate this time, get creative, and do something intentional to live higher, lighter, and brighter! See how you can spread your light and give your heart freely and generously.

    For more on the Lion’s Gate Portal and 888 Numerology Code, and for a step-by-step Lion’s Gate Portal Meditation Practice, check out Amanda’s blog.

    The audio companion for the 2024 Numerology Guidebook is out now!

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  • August is a particularly potent month for growth and transformation. We're in the midst of the Lion's Gate Portal (7/26-8/12), a powerful time for manifestation and abundance. It’s a great time to get focused on where you’ve evolved so you can pinpoint where you’re going!

    Mercury retrograde on August 5th will bring about changes and challenges. Embrace these opportunities for growth - it is a chance to rewire, upgrade, and bring out the glitches that need to be worked through to LEVEL UP!

    Leo season is a time for shining your light and expressing your creativity. Be bold, have courage, let your personality shine, and feel at home in your own skin. True self-confidence is magnetic - embrace your unique self!

    This month is about revision, editing, and refining your goals. How have you grown this year? What has shifted and changed for you since this time last year?

    When the Mercury Retrograde moves into Leo on August 14th, think about your heart's desires and what you're truly passionate about. Even if your goals seem unrealistic, explore them.

    The new moon on August 4th is a perfect time to set intentions for your creative self-expression and explore your passions. The full moon on August 19th may bring up emotions and fear; focus on clearing, healing and personal power. When the sun moves into Virgo on August 22nd, we shift towards practicality and grounding - prioritize organization, health and wellness.

    Use these journal prompts to aid in your reflection, growth, and connection this month:

    - What aspects of my inner self need more attention and recognition this month? How will I create time for these aspects of myself?

    - Reflect on a recent experience that brought you closer to your spiritual self. What did you learn from it?

    - In what ways do I balance my material ambitions with my spiritual needs? Are there areas I feel out of balance?

    - Describe a time where your intuition guided you to make a significant decision. What practices can I incorporate into my routine to enhance my intuitive abilities?

    Grab Amanda's 2024 Numerology Guidebook & Audio Companion for the 2nd half of the year - only $18!

    We love to answer your questions! Send us an email and we’ll try to answer on an upcoming episode: [email protected]

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  • On today’s episode, Amanda answers listener questions about numerology:

    - 2024 numerology vs. personal year number: Does 8 overrule yours?

    - Calculate car numerology: Can you change a car's numerology?

    - Numerology name meaning: How to find your numerology name number?

    - Repeating numbers meaning: What do seeing repeating numbers signify? How to use numerology codes?

    - Connecting with deceased loved ones: Signs from beyond in numerology?

    - Numerology signs not working: What if my sign isn't manifesting?

    - Numerology of death dates: Does a person's death date hold meaning?

    - Numerology wedding dates: Does your wedding date influence your marriage?

    When you see number codes, get excited that you are noticing the synchronicity. Let it lift your energy field and enjoy the magic! Spirit is getting your attention and calling you into conscious awareness. Notice in the moment:

    - What emotions or thoughts are present?

    - What's the current state of my energy?

    - What message does this number hold for me?

    - How can I heal or learn from this experience?

    Use it as an opportunity to call in more peace and ease, acknowledge that things are good and you’re In the flow, or use it as a moment to celebrate your state of joy and a chance to ask the universe for more!

    Remember that the year of the 8 is telling us to go farther, faster! The next few months are critical, crucial and transformative. The energy is charging forward and reaching new heights, but you can also grow right where you are now & learn to Bloom Where You’re Planted.

    Numerology resources:

    - Alphabet Numerology Chart

    - Address Numerology Blog

    - 2024 Numerology Guidebook

    Related episodes:

    -Find Magic, Synchronicity, and Peace with Numerology

    - Thinning the Veil with Numerology: Master Numbers, Angel Numbers, and More

    - Numerology 101: How to Decode the Numbers in Your Life

    - How to Align with the Divine Codes of the Universe

    We love to answer your questions! Send us an email and we’ll try to answer on an upcoming episode: [email protected]

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  • On today’s episode, Amanda dives into the energy for the second half of July and talks about the upcoming Capricorn Full Moon on July 21st!

    The recurrence of the Capricorn Full Moon this month emphasizes the importance of deep reflection and learning. Capricorn is about taking responsibility, determination, strength, and reclaiming personal sovereignty and agency. Listen back to Summer Solstice, Capricorn Full Moon, and Facing Your Fears and reflect on what you have achieved the past month. What fears have you faced? Where have you grown? Where has your perspective shifted?

    The 8 numerology of 2024 is starting to pick up momentum; remember that July's 6 energy, combined with the 8-year, intensifies emotions and service-oriented tendencies. Level up your emotional intelligence and resilience by challenging negative thought patterns and the "you should," "need to," and "have to" rhetoric whenever it comes up for you. Notice what kind of disease or disruption it creates in your body.

    Set intentions at 6:17am ET on July 21st (at the exact moment or shortly after) the Full Moon is in Capricorn. Let go of anything that is creating a power struggle in your life. Where can you recognize and eliminate power dynamics within yourself, your relationships, or your environment? Where can you take practical action around something you’ve been putting off? Exercise your empowerment and responsibility and feel the satisfaction of a job well done.

    The coming months will be energetically intense. Take time to slow down, breathe, gather facts, and trust your wisdom. The second half of 2024 is a pivotal time for reclaiming personal agency and sovereignty. Where do you feel seen? Who recognizes you? Where do you feel most comfortable being yourself?

    Focus on taking action, setting intentions, and cultivating inner peace and get ready to level up in the months ahead!

    Astrology Calendar:

    July 20 Mars enters Gemini: Brings assertive communication. Combined with Jupiter in Gemini, this period emphasizes thoughtful expression and fact-checking. Slow down, breathe, and trust your wisdom. July 21 Capricorn Full Moon: Presents an opportunity to set intentions and release power struggles.Foster mindfulness and avoid judgmental thinking. July 22 Sun transitions into Leo: Infuses energy with playfulness and creativity. Incorporate joy and whimsy into daily life. July 25 Mercury enters Virgo: Highlights the importance of practical tasks and planning July 26 Chiron retrograde in Aries: May trigger ego-related challenges. Reassess personal agency and authority.

    Check out Amanda’s 2024 Numerology Guidebook and send us your questions for next week’s episode: [email protected]

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  • Last week, Amanda shared her guide to working with crystals and today we share Part Two of the conversation as Amanda answers your questions and dives into the best crystals to use in any situation:

    - Protection or energetic fortification

    -Balancing yin & yang

    -Enhance your psychic connection

    -Aid a broken heart

    -Babies, kids, & pets

    -Physical ailments or chronic disease

    -Grief or soothing pain & suffering

    -Clear the energy in a room

    -Intuitive development, enhancing your extrasensory gifts, and dream recall

    -To connect with your loved ones on the other side or your spirit guides

    -Focusing and grounding

    -Activating romance, sexuality and sensuality

    -Inspiration, passion, joy, and happiness

    -Being present in your body, mind, and actions

    -Regenerating creativity and passion

    Amanda answers your questions about crystals:

    -Which crystals should you avoid wearing too long?

    -Which crystals love essential oils?

    -How many stones should you work with at a time?

    -What is a crystal grid & how to use it?

    -How long should you charge your crystal grid under the moonlight?

    -How to create a new moon ritual

    -How to use a crystal grid to clear the energy of a room

    -Why you should create a crystal grid under your bed

    -Where do precious metals and gemstones fit in?

    Remember these tips to use your crystals effectively:

    -Trust your intuition

    -Be practical & reasonable

    -Don't second guess yourself

    -Cleanse & energize your crystals

    -Experiment and have fun

    -Put them in your bra, pocket, car, desk, vanity

    -Work with 2-3 at a time

    -Meditate with them

    For more guidance, explore Amanda’s free Crystal Guidebook, find 4mm (women) or 6mm (men) bracelets on Amazon for the crystals you want to work with, or head to your local metaphysical store to get started!

    How do you work with crystals & which are your favorite? Send us an email: [email protected]

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  • Crystals serve as conduits to enhance our consciousness and our healing. They connect with us to help accelerate our growth, grounding us, and granting access to energies or talents that might otherwise elude us. It is important to recognize that we do not need crystals to recognize empowerment, clarity, or healing - the energy already resides within you.

    Crystals are a mineral-rich living object that hold a certain structure and vibrate at a consistent frequency. When we attune to the frequency in which they vibrate, we are able to align our energy fields to tap into or harness those energies.

    Utilize crystals as a resource, a gift that you get to choose to work with. They allow you to work with your consciousness and belief: “I believe and trust this crystal has these attributes and vibrations”. It’s not about giving your power away - it’s about the crystals enhance, attune, awaken, remember and activate cells within your DNA that you are not conscious of.

    Here’s a step-by-step guide on working with crystals:

    Set Intentions and Communicate:

    When you acquire a crystal, express gratitude and intention:

    - Thank you for coming home with me

    - Thank you for finding me

    - I’m glad to have you

    Hard-wire your intention immediately:

    - May we work together for the greatest good, highest light, and evolution

    - As I work with you, may optimal healing unfold

    Clear and Cleanse Your Crystal

    - Use salt water or a salt bath (avoid for any salt-based crystals)

    - Employ sage or palo santo to clear its energy

    - Rinse the crystal and place it in the sunlight or moonlight for recharging

    Meditate with Your Crystal

    - Hold the crystal in your right hand

    - Sit outdoors, play meditation music, and allow energy exchange

    - Note: the left side of your body absorbs energy, while the right side emits it

    Research and Learn

    - Explore for metaphysical and healing properties

    - Write your learnings down

    Organically Attune to Frequencies and Energies

    - Follow your intuition in wearing the crystal, placing it on your body, or in your home

    - Journal your experience & remember there’s no right or wrong- tune into nature’s wisdom

    Monthly Recharge

    - Choose an intentional date to cleanse and clear their energy

    - Create a ritual - put them under the new or full moon, or do it on the solstice, your birthday, the first of the month

    Embrace Breakage

    - If a crystal breaks, it signifies a breakthrough, healing, or completion: the work is done

    - Thank the stone and meditate to review what you’ve learned or healed through your work together

    Respect Nature

    - Always seek permission before taking a stone from its natural habitat

    - Listen to your intuitive answer and honor its history and energy

    Remember, crystals enhance intuition and creativity, harmonizing the brain’s hemispheres as you utilize your reasoning and logic along with it. Enjoy the magical, exciting journey of working with them!

    For more guidance, explore Amanda’s free Crystal Guidebook, find 4mm (women) or 6mm (men) bracelets on Amazon for the crystals you want to work with, or head to your local metaphysical store to get started!

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  • We're hurtling towards July, the year's halfway mark. It feels like a whirlwind – so much has happened, yet time seems to stand still. It's not about dwelling on the past or rushing into the future- it's about understanding where you are now and charting your course forward. Amanda’s 2024 Numerology Guidebook can guide you in reviewing the past six months.

    The number 6, associated with July in numerology, signifies nurturing and taking responsibility. It's also a reminder to let go of negativity like regret, remorse, and resentment. Be mindful of your feelings and how they manifest in your body. You might take criticism or rejection more personally this month. Combat the potential burnout of July by slowing down, being present, and prioritizing self-care. Communicate your needs openly and honestly & don't take on others' burdens without being asked. This is a month for subtraction, not addition.

    Ask yourself: "Did I take care of myself today?" Schedule decompression time – relax, unwind, and focus on self-nurture. Be gentle, kind, and loving towards yourself. Use a feelings chart to identify your emotions and their physical sensations. Become hyper-aware of your mind, body,and spirit.

    The Cancer New Moon on July 5th fosters intimacy. Plan a cozy night in with your loved ones – a home-cooked meal, poolside relaxation, or simply curling up with a good book. Focus on creating a safe and nurturing environment during this month. This is a great time for forgiveness, especially regarding past traumas that hindered your growth.

    Pay attention to your dreams this month. Dreams help us process our subconscious. Analyze the mood, objects, and your overall feelings within the dream. Before bed, sip water with the intention of remembering your dreams. Upon waking, take another sip and record your dreams in a journal to understand their hidden messages.

    This year's erratic energy is about to shift. Slow down and cultivate a nurturing dialogue with yourself. This strengthens your inner voice and builds your point of attraction. Practice small, inconsequential intuitive exercises to hone this muscle. Be clear and present in your "now." If something feels overwhelming, politely decline or delegate.

    This month is a turning point. Don't let frustration fester. Use it as a springboard for positive change. Take direct action to address what's bothering you. Where can you be seen? It's time to claim your personal sovereignty. Acknowledge your worth and accomplishments.

    Remember, breakthroughs often happen when you least expect them. Embrace the journey, prioritize self-care, and trust the power of your intuition. July may be elusive, but it's also a month brimming with potential for growth and transformation.

    Ready to build your soul tribe with Amanda as your spiritual guide? Join The Conscious Collective by Soul Pathology, a 6-month community mentorship program kicking off July 1st! To hear more, listen to Amanda’s bonus episode where she shares what’s in store!

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  • The combination of the Summer Solstice on June 20th, a full moon in Capricorn, and Saturn and Neptune both standing still in Pisces, is creating a potent mix of energies for the next few weeks. We might feel disoriented, off-kilter, unsettled, delusional or divisive. Our emotions could cloud our judgment, making it hard to see things clearly.

    There is something being activated within us that is unresolved - deep, karmic challenges, fears, wounding, suffering, or disease that are bubbling up to the surface. It’s time to courageously face these fears: What is not resolved within you that if you were to face, would give you the release, freedom, clarity and courage to do the healing work that’s needed? How are you limiting your destiny?

    This is a turning point in the year. Change is inevitable, and the energy for the next 30 days provides an invitation to adapt and evolve. We might feel a strong urge to escape, but the key is to lean into our intuition and trust ourselves.

    The unusual planetary alignments might make us feel like we've lost our usual intuitive nudges. Don't give up! Instead, see it as an opportunity to fine-tune our inner compass and learn to listen to the subtler signals from the universe. The key to navigating this intense period is to find stillness within ourselves. By quieting our minds and bodies, we can better understand the messages being sent our way.

    The Summer Solstice, on June 20th under the sign of Cancer, is a powerful time to listen to yourself and your soul. Create sacred space to honor the moment: take a bath, light a candle, do an epsom salt clearing, meditate or journal. Spend quality time in communion with yourself to reconnect with your true nature and rediscover the small moments that truly bring you happiness.

    The full moon in Capricorn, following the solstice, is a time to take action on the insights we've gained. It's about mastering our energy and expressing ourselves authentically in the world: What are you getting clear around internally, and how are you taking action to express it externally?

    The period between June 20th and July 21st is potent for growth and transformation. We may be reevaluating limitations and making big decisions to level up. Take healthy action, show up, be accountable - but surrender the results to the universe.

    Remember, you are not alone in this. There are tools and resources available to help you navigate this intense, but ultimately transformative, period. Find your stillness, listen to your inner voice, and embrace the changes coming your way.

    Additional Resources:

    - The Conscious Collective: join Amanda’s 6-month spiritual mentorship program (starts July 1st!)

    - How to Clear Your Energy with Epsom Salt

    - Conscious Neuroplasticity: Shifting Patterns to create Spontaneity and Creativity

    - 2024 Numerology Guidebook (audio for the 2nd half of the year coming soon!)

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  • During your personal growth journey, you’ll encounter moments of disconnection—times when you feel detached or out of body. These are akin to spiritual growth spurts, as your entire being realigns and recalibrates. Know that everything is interconnected, so when you feel a physical ailment, search for the meaning in it (a great resource to check out is The Encyclopedia of Ailments and Diseases by Jacques Martel).

    Consider that disease might be your higher self’s way of getting your attention. When faced with suffering or pain, ask yourself:

    - How can I extend grace to myself?

    - What lessons lie within the experience?

    - What deeper meaning can I extract?

    Translate your pain into profound understanding; your higher self reaches down to lift you up, and reinvigorate your spirit. You are resilient, strong, and capable.

    When you have a big decision in life; a karmic juncture presenting itself to you and it feels like a call to action in your soul, there is no “right” or “wrong” decision to be made. Take notice:

    - Does it feel aligned?

    - Do you feel resistance?

    - Does it feel like you will be denying a part of your soul if you choose one option or the other?

    Sometimes you aren’t ready to change your behavior or take the leap, and we find ourselves taking karmic turns that drain our life force. These repetitions serve as important lessons, to help reinforce alignment with our heart’s desires.

    When you’re in a heightened emotional state, it can be difficult for your higher self to get through, so your higher self communicates through other people’s sound, clear judgment - people who can get your attention when your higher self can’t connect with you directly. When you hear the message that needs to be delivered to you (no matter where it comes from) your whole body registers it and you’ll feel the wisdom, clarity, and truth, from your higher self coming through.

    Recognize the signatures of your higher self. Create code words, symbols, or signals to establish a playful connection. Turn skepticism into curiosity, allowing unseen truths to emerge. Working with your higher self expands your soul and enriches your life. Follow its call—it leads to a more blissful existence.

    As you prioritize your happiness, your love and joy ripple outward, impacting the world around you. Your well-being matters, not just to you but to others as well. Your higher self is always there to pull you up higher and brighter but your job is to reach, ask, and pull it down into your reality.

    Ready to connect deeper with your higher self? Join The Conscious Collective by Soul Pathology, a 6-month program designed to help you put your innate gifts into action! Learn more about this mentorship experience led by Amanda as your spiritual guide - kicking off July 1st - at

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  • Join Amanda as she explores the profound connection to your higher self—the constant companion that guides you along life’s path. Your higher self, an infinite and conscious part of you, serves as a direct link to the universe. It expands your perspective, illuminates your soul’s path, and invites you to pay attention.

    In this episode, Amanda answers key questions:

    What is the higher self? How to connect with your higher self Examples of where you higher soul shows you you’re in the right place The easiest way to activate your highest self Optimal times to connect with your higher self

    Consider these approaches as a guide for conversing with your higher self:

    Hey soul, hey higher self - while I’m sleeping this evening, can you bring me peace, and show me the way forward? Hey soul, guide and direct me today - I trust that the greatest good will unfold Hey soul, connect me with these people for this meeting for the highest outcome. May it be in the highest good of everyone involved. Hey higher soul, orchestrate this as if it’s already happened for the most optimal direction forward for everybody Connect my higher self with this other person’s higher self for the highest greatest good Hey higher soul, connect me with ideal people, places, experiences for the highest evolutionary aim, in the highest good of humanity Help me wake up peaceful, rested, and revitalized Help me understand this better Hey soul, today I’m available for peace, being a vessel of service, being in the right place at the right time Today I am available for the highest and greatest good for all Hey soul, I need you take the reins today Thank you for providing clarity, acceptance and knowing

    Just start practicing! Your higher self is directing you to learn the lessons that are going to give you the growth - what you came down here to learn in this lifetime. Activate your higher consciousness, trust the process, and experience true insights. Embrace the journey of connecting with your higher self for a more aligned and purposeful life!

    Let us know the ways you connect with your higher soul - email us at [email protected]

    Ready to build your soul tribe with Amanda as your spiritual guide? Join The Conscious Collective by Soul Pathology, a 6-month community mentorship program kicking off July 1st! To hear more, listen to Amanda’s bonus episode where she shares what’s in store!

    For more tools from Amanda, check out her free resources from Soul Pathology

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  • Are you seeking and craving a spiritual mentor? Ready to embark on a transformative journey towards inner peace, wisdom, and spiritual awakening? Looking for a deep spiritual dive and your soul tribe?

    Amanda is kicking off a spiritual community mentorship program to activate your innate gifts, elevate your lifestyle and alchemize your mind, body, and spirit.

    This is a dedicated 6-month intensive for the person who wants to understand their innate gifts and put them to practical use while feeling sustainable fulfillment, freedom, peace, happiness, and a greater overall well-being.

    From July 1st to December 31st, this community mentorship program will be a sacred space where souls unite to discover their true essence and elevate their consciousness.

    Life can be challenging, but when you have an accessible toolkit, know how to use the resources in it, and have a community to support you, it’s pretty remarkable how the most challenging of life’s circumstances become heart-opening, mind-blowing, faith-expanding adventures!

    Build your spiritual tribe with Amanda Rieger Green as your spiritual guide!

    Check out the schedule and learn more at

    Got questions? Email us at [email protected]

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  • Buckle your seatbelts, June is going to shake up the energy field this month! The energy of the 5-month is going to be drastically different from the 4 in May. June is about flexibility, adaptability and a shift in perspective. There is a new moon in Gemini on June 6th which will provide “lightning strikes” type energy so get your intentions ready.

    The numerology for June is a 5 (6 month + 8 year = 14, 1+4=5). The 5 is about variety, adventure, expansion, and freedom. The most challenging energy for a 5 is being stuck or bored. There will be tidal waves of energy this month, so take advantage of the moments when you feel creative, motivated, clear and on point. When you feel inspired, have a clear mind, and feel a surge of vitality - use it wholly and effectively (and then give yourself a pat on the back for doing so!).

    This month, the lessons that come up will be deep-seated karmic, energetic lessons that are challenging to navigate. If you are struggling over the next few weeks, don’t feel like you need to find the answers. Get centered and still and let it process through your body. A great antidote for this month is moving your body - whether it be going for a walk, dancing in your car, or doing jumping jacks - move your body consistently to rid yourself of the stagnant energy.

    Take 10 minutes for yourself to feel relaxed, flexible and free. Ask yourself:

    What does freedom look like to you today? When do you feel free? Free to be yourself? Free in the world? Feel Flexibile? Spontaneous? Creative? What feels like a big exhale for you? How are you going to use your freedom to embrace your freedom?

    Set an intention at the beginning of this month that joy, freedom, fun, adventure is yours for the taking!

    What are your innate talents and gifts? What are you excellent at? Where do you feel useful, fulfilled, valuable in what you know how you do it? What are you really good at? What talents do you do wholeheartedly and joyfully?

    If you can figure out your natural talents and use them - you will feel free. There is momentum on the horizon over the next 6 months for radical change and consciousness. Combining the 5 energy of the month + 8 the energy of the year is creative, empowered, risk and reward. Faith over fear - calculated risk - being prepared and taking a leap.

    Stay tuned for more info on The Conscious Collective by Soul Pathology: a spiritual mentorship program kicking off July 1st!

    Send us an email at [email protected]

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  • Welcome to Gemini Season! As the energetic and communicative vibes of Gemini kick off, it’s time to embrace self-expression and connect with others. There are big shifts in consciousness and the energetic field happening right now: the energy is speeding up and the veil is thin, so strap in for an exciting (but potentially overwhelming) time.

    Important dates:

    May 21-June 20th Gemini Season May 25th Jupiter enters Gemini May 26th Full Moon in Sagittarius

    Gemini Energy: Gemini, ruled by Mercury, encourages curiosity, socialization, and sharing information. Tap into your wisdom and integrity during this season, considering what you say, who you say it to, and your motives behind it.

    Full Moon in Sagittarius: Full Moons are about illuminating things in a way that we didn’t see before. Use the Sagittarius Full Moon to illuminate the darker, hidden truths within yourself. Tell yourself the truth even if it’s painful. What ugly truth about yourself, your attitude, or your shadow self are you ready to face? Take the deficit and turn it into an asset. Crystalize your self-knowledge into wisdom.

    Jupiter in Gemini: Jupiter enters Gemini for the first time in 11 years, emphasizing expansion, opportunity and reaching new horizons. Take advantage of this energy to turn limiting beliefs into assets. Cultivate internal self-worth and richness to manifest external abundance. Get clear on the belief systems you hold that may be contradictory to what you want to manifest in your life.

    Energetic Currency: Take notice of the energy you encounter throughout your day. What people, situations, or environments create discomfort? Take your own energetic temperature to see what energy you are projecting into the world. Energy leaves a signature, so try to leave places better than you found them by adjusting your own energy and beam love and light to others who may be bringing the vibe down.

    Synchronize your brain & heart, and the left & right hemispheres of your brain with this trick to manage anxiety, stress, and find clarity & stillness during Gemini Season!

    Work on getting still and feeling grounded: listen to Amanda’s episode on The Root Chakra & Boundaries.

    Learn more about your own natal chart with a free Cafe Astrology report to find out where Jupiter is your chart.

    Let us know how you’re feeling energy in your daily life! Send us an email: [email protected]

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  • The sun is unleashing massive solar flares which have triggered extreme weather patterns - aurora borealis, tennis ball sized hail, tornadoes, and more - and you better believe it’s changing the electromagnetic frequency of the planet and having an effect on our bodies & consciousness.

    Solar flares are like stem cells for the soul: they are upgrading us and most people are experiencing it in our physical bodies - via extreme fatigue, disrupted sleeping patterns, or challenged areas in the body. We are sensitive beings and this energetic shift we are going through can be causing energy levels to swing high to low, or feeling motivation or creativity swing in and out of view.

    We are in a period of significant consciousness upgrades. Energy is accelerating at compounding rates and it can be confusing from a linear perspective to digest things. We are experiencing a tremendous amount of change and turmoil - it can be deep and spiritual, physical and physiological, emotional:

    Is it going to get easier? YES Are we at a new baseline and new norm? YES Is it confusing? YES Are our physical bodies and our realities changing? YES

    Breakdowns and breakthroughs are happening simultaneously so grounding, being present, being clear, and using boundaries are super important. If you haven’t listened yet, check out last week’s episode about grounding: The Root Chakra and Boundaries.

    Use the Delta state, the programmable state of brain frequency, to re-program while you ground:

    Today I declare

    A fantastic afternoon Ease Clarity Being in the right place at the right time Abundance Radical healing in my physical body Miracles over my day Things will be easier Peace over my life

    Where is your opportunity? Being grounded, being still, and doing practical things:

    How can I take this one step at a time? Use Amanda’s favorite 4-6-8 breath cycle as you inhale & exhale through your nose for a physiological mental reset.

    Inhale 4, hold 1, exhale 4 Inhale 6, hold 1, exhale 6 Inhale 8, hold 1, exhale 8 Inhale 8, hold 1, exhale 8 Inhale 6, hold 1, exhale 6 Inhale 4, hold 1, exhale 4

    Feel a difference in your physical and mental emotional state.

    Catapulte over your fears. Where can you make a quantum leap? Bust up a fear pattern and lasso the fear with the infinity of the 8. Heal and minimize your fears so you can expand your faith, happiness, health, wellbeing, and consciousness.

    You are here to grow and bring in light - take a little time (consistently) to build something big into reality and leave this place better than you came into it.

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