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We used to read and discuss Philip Pullman's phenomenal His Dark Materials series but now that we've completed that adventure, we're diving into genre entertainment and nerd cultural touchstones.
Look for us on YouTube and pretty much anywhere else podcasts are available. Our first episode should drop soon! Please join us and listen!! -
Wim Helsen vraagt zijn gasten om een korte tekst mee te brengen die voor hen een bijzondere betekenis heeft, hen inspireert of beïnvloedt. Hij polst naar de reden waarom zijn gasten juist die tekst gekozen hebben, wat ze erin lezen en wat hij voor hen betekent. Biedt hij soelaas, hernieuwde energie en inspiratie? Zorgt hij voor een glimlach, of voor ontroering? Een kort gesprek van tien minuten. Winteruur staat voor eenvoud en beperking. In stilte luistert de hond Ighor mee.
Tower Junkies is a podcast celebrating the work of Stephen King hosted by two lifelong Constant Readers. We do non-spoiler and spoiler reviews of King's published work and take a critical look at his film and television adaptations as well. We also discuss the latest King news and check-in with each other on our ongoing King obsessions. It's the podcast where all things serve the King.
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They lost it at the movies—Broadway shows did, that is. Go past the silver screen with host Mark Peikert to figure out why these film versions of stage hits flailed in celluloid or superseded their origins.Produced by Dori Berinstein and Alan Seales for the Broadway Podcast Network.
Quarantine Creatives is now Willoughby Hills. Join TV producer/director Heath Racela as he chats with interesting guests with unique perspectives on our ever evolving relationships to work, home, community, culture, food, the environment, and more. -
Book reviewer, Tara Scott, and award-winning author, Kris Bryant, discuss queer books, movies, TV shows, graphic novels and narrow down selections for listeners. Grab a glass of wine, dram of whisky, or cup of coffee and join them as they suggest to you, the listener, and to each other, something wonderfully queer and inspiring to check out.
Have you wondered how anyone ever makes it in Hollywood?
Crew Call is a show about life in the entertainment industry. You’ll hear from the people who work outside the spotlight and below-the-line to make your favorite TV and Movies—Cinematographers and Assistant Directors, Independent Film producers, Costume Designers, Grips, Set Decorators, and more.
Crew Call is a show made by and for the crew. If you’re new to the business, going to school, or just interested in a Way-Behind-the-Scenes look at how movies and TV get made, we’ve got you covered. -
TV journalist and broadcaster Julia Raeside talks with comedy writer Joel Morris about the week's action on TV's spangliest celebrity dancefloor...
I mean, they live in the same house, and watched it, so it's a waste otherwise.
Part of the Cheese & Pickle family of podcasts.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Chaque lundi, un épisode pour booster ta culture générale, et t'aider à oser lire des livres, oser voir des films.
Oser Lire, Oser voir, c'est le podcast qui permet un accès direct, simple et bienveillant aux grands classiques de la littérature et du cinéma. Si tu veux améliorer ta culture littéraire et cinématographique, si tu as besoin de clés pour mieux comprendre des œuvres (et du coup, mieux les apprécier), ou si t'as simplement envie d'être capable de parler de classiques de la littérature et du cinéma, même sans les avoir vus ou lus, alors ce podcast est fait pour toi ! Bonne écoute...
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Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
In de vijfdelige podcast ‘Sunset Confessions’ gidst filmkenner Ben Van Alboom je door een halve eeuw Gentse filmfestivalgeschiedenis - van de avontuurlijke beginjaren tot nu.
Vijftig jaar Film Fest Gent levert niet enkel een unieke filmcollectie op, maar ook een verzameling goeie verhalen. Ben Van Alboom gaat op zoek naar iedereen die mee Film Fest Gent-geschiedenis geschreven heeft: van zij die erbij waren in het begin tot zij die onmisbaar geworden zijn de laatste jaren. Onder meer filmjournalisten Roel Van Bambost en Patrick Duynslaegher, regisseurs Lukas Dhont en Stijn Coninx, actrice Natali Broods en historica Lies Van de Vijver schetsen mee aan dit wondermooie portret.
‘Sunset Confessions’ is een podcast van Film Fest Gent in samenwerking met De Morgen. Vanaf half augustus te beluisteren via De Morgen.
We’re sisters who usually like the same books and tv shows and whatnot. So when the other sister refuses to read/watch something the other one loves it’s suuuuuper frustrating (because we have great taste, what’s not to love about what WE ALREADY LOVE?)
That’s where ‘My Sister Made Me View It’ comes in. The other one has to watch/read/whatever she has been refusing to watch/read/whatever and then we podcast about it.
Bienvenue dans Pixel & Pellicule!
Votre émission parlant de cinéma, de jeux-vidéo, d'actualité ou non, de pop-culture. Il y aura beaucoup de positivité, on parle de ce qu'on aime et on en parle avec passion.
"To boldly go where go where no man has gone before"
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
About the Show: Conversations with creative guests, broadly, but not strictly about one of three possible subjects:
I LOVED THIS! - In which the guest gets to gush about a story they are absolutely in love with.Author's Commentary - In which the guest author talks about deleted scenes, changed characters and other alterations they've mad to one (or more) of their stories.Studying the Scares - In which the guest picks a moment from a work of horror (or, perhaps, the entire work, if they just can't narrow it down) so we can talk about what makes it so effective and memorable, as well as the influence it has had on them.Theme Music: "Mysterious Blues Guitar Logo" by Remstunes - used with Envato License
Lead-in Music: "Everything You Know is a Myth" by Crypt-of-Insomnia - used with Envato License
Cut-in Music: "Mystery Clock Suspense" by Crypt-of-Insomnia - used with Envato License
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Devenir écrivain est le podcast de référence pour démarrer et réussir ta carrière d'écrivain.
Tu veux écrire, (faire) publier et promouvoir ton roman ?
Retrouve Lucie Castel, autrice publiée à l'international, pour ta dose de conseils, de stratégies et de motivation.
Tes autres intervenants ponctuels : Johanna Vogel, coach de projets littéraires, et Dimitri Pawlowski, éditeur et formateur.
Télécharge notre modèle de fiche de personnage gratuitement sur notre site : -
Fascination & Frustration's Ruth and Michelle talk about each Episode of 2008's BBC Merlin. The episodes are spoiler free for future Merlin content, so if it's your first ever watch through, listen along safely! This podcast aims to have critical and positive conversations about this beloved TV show. Keep the magic secret, but come and join the conversation on out website or social media using #DestinyAndChicken
Paulien Cornelisse leest 'Taal voor de leuk' en 'De verwarde cavia' voor.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.