
  • Namaste dear ones,

    Welcome to Day 2 of Daily Prayers for Peace : Metta Meditations. Here is the Live replay for you to listen to if you please :) Each day is a little bit different (more or less) depending on what Iā€™m channeling through in the moment.

    I often begin with an introduction, opening of space & prayer followed by a Metta Meditation and then a song called ā€œReturn to Loveā€ by Susie Ro (listen here) Finally, I close up the space and there is a small window for sharing and Q&A.

    I have edited the song out of these replays due to the audio quality and subbed it for an angelic Solfeggio frequency track instead. You can listen to Return to Love directly using this link :)

    I hope you enjoy listening to these daily prayers.I am so grateful for this online community, for the sharings, love and prayers.

    Feel free to share them or write me a comment :)

    Many blessings.

    May Peace Prevail on Earth .. through all time, space and dimensions.

    Love, Nhi Nhi

    This is a public episode. If youā€™d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Namaste dear ones,

    As many of you may already know, I have been hosting Daily Prayers for Peace : Metta Meditations on the Insight Timer app. I am in complete awe of the hundreds of beings who have joined me Live over the last days.. honestly, THANK YOU!

    I am so grateful for this online community, for the sharings, love and prayers.

    I have recorded each of the Live events for you to re-listen to in your own time (especially for those who couldnā€™t make it live). Each day is a little bit different (more or less) depending on what Iā€™m channeling through in the moment.

    I often begin with an introduction, opening of space & prayer followed by a Metta Meditation and then a song called ā€œReturn to Loveā€ by Susie Ro (listen here) Finally, I close up the space and there is a small window for sharing and Q&A.

    I have edited the song out of these replays due to the audio quality. You can listen to it directly using this link :)

    I hope you enjoy listening to these daily prayers.

    Feel free to share them or write me a comment :)

    Many blessings.

    May Peace Prevail on Earth .. through all time, space and dimensions.

    Love, Nhi Nhi

    Nhi Nhi Le is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.


    * WOMEN WHO GATHER RETREAT : In January 2024, I am hosting an Empowerment Coastal Womenā€™s Retreat in Blairgowrie, Victoria, Australia. There are only 3 spots left, prices starting at $600 AUD pp (early bird ends in November). Find more information here.

    * MANIFESTATION 4.0 MASTERCLASS : Come and join my yearly Manifestation portal .. every time with more magic and practices to elevate your life. This time, Iā€™ll be diving into Quantum Human Design, Brainwave States and Sounds, Relationships for Manifestation and more. Find more info & register here.

    * CEREMONIAL ONLINE STORE : I have launched an online store to help you ritualize your life .. sharing my favourite Premium Teas Iā€™ve sourced from Japan, Taiwan, China and soon Vietnam for you to try and enjoy!Also, I am collaborating with a sweet sister to share our favourite Ceremonial Cacao from Venezuela to all those who want to connect with this medicine. It is honestly one of the most potent cacao I have tasted. I only ever share what I deeply connect with :) !

    * 1:1 MENTORSHIPS : It truly is my deepest joy and greatest passion to help navigate souls through their life journey with more empowerment, joy and aliveness. I have 2 spots available for 1:1 Mentorship.Whether you are feeling stagnant or loss in your life, struggling to make ends meet, want to launch your soul business, create your website .. I got you. Feel free to check out my offerings.

    * CREATIVE STUDIO : Interested in expressing your authentic self through creative expression? My mission is to help you become crystal clear on your story so you can creatively and confidently share your soul work. I create safe and courage spaces for play, authentic expression, love and truth to flow effortlessly.

    Are you ready to express yourself through creative channels of photography, website design and sacred offerings to serve humanity? Feel free to check out my work here.I will be available for in-person photoshoots in Australia from Jan to mid-February 2024. Iā€™m currently in Barcelona, and will most likely be in California in May 2024.

    Infinite Blessings .. to you and to All.

    Nhi Nhi Le

    This is a public episode. If youā€™d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
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  • Namaste dear ones,

    A few days ago I shared a talk on Insight Timer about Elevating your Abundance Heartset. It was really special and powerful, so I thought I would publish it on here as many have asked for it as well to re-listen to. Itā€™s raw and unedited, so you may hear sounds of birds and planes :)

    A few highlights from the transmission :

    * You essentially attract into your life what you truly believe you are worthy of at the core level.

    * Wealth / money doesnā€™t have a ā€œsoulā€. Itā€™s just pure energy.. therefore it does not judge whether people are good or bad. It gravitates towards those who are MAGNETIC and believe deep down they are worthy of it.

    * If you donā€™t like what is happening in your outer reality - then itā€™s up to you to shift internally.

    * You always have the power to plug into the reality you wish to live. This is the power of perception.

    * Abundance is your divine birthright. We are inherently abundant. Somewhere along the way we started to focus on the wrong things. Itā€™s about coming back to your center and remembering what truly makes you happy.. itā€™s often hidden in the mundane every day simplistic moments or experiences.

    * Lack is a state of mind .. which then becomes a state of being if we focus on it too much. Chasing one thing after the other. Seeing the negative. The feeling of not-enough. Focus on nurturing yourself from the inside outā€¦ love yourself. You have everything within you youā€™ll ever need.

    * When you love yourself and illuminate your light into the worldā€¦ blessings flow your way effortlessly.

    * ā€¦. and so much more !

    I hope you enjoy listening to this transmission. Please leave a comment or share it on your social media if youā€™ve learnt something :) !

    A few announcements before I check out :

    * 40 Days Devotional Journey with Goddess Lakshmi begins Feb 19th 2023.

    We begin the journey this Sunday 12pm AEST ! I invite you to join us on a magical and powerful devotional practice honoring Goddess Lakshmi - the Goddess of Wealth, Fortune, Power, Luxury, Beauty, Love, Fertility and Auspiciousness.

    * *NEW COURSE* : How to Manifest Powerfully Audio Course on Insight Timer

    Hooray! I have a new course all about Manifestation and Creating the Life of your Dreams now up on Insight Timer. A total of 10 sessions comprising of a talk + guided meditation.. itā€™s free if youā€™re an Insight Timer member :)

    * I have 2 VIP Mentorship spots now open.

    Learn more about what I do and schedule a free discovery call with me if you feel called to work with me :)

    * Iā€™m Open for 1:1 Sessions including Theta Healing, Spiritual Coaching Sessions, Manifestation Work, Energy Clearings + more.

    * Manifesting Miracles in Everyday Live - Video Course

    This course contains wisdom sharings, contemplations, exercises, formulas, meditations, mantras, energy work and more. With over 35 video sessions, this course will teach you everything you need to know about Manifestation and the Law of Attraction to help you move forward with more ease, flow and empowerment.

    * The Energies of the Evening Audio Course

    Join this 7 day course on Insight Timer by Reuben Lowe and I. This is your daily guided sleep meditation for every night of the week. A guided reflection of your day, followed by a gentle closing of the evening. This course has been designed for you to listen to in the evening for deep relaxation, healing, and if you feel the need, for restorative sleep.

    Sharing a picture I took when I was in the forest a few days ago.. harnessing the pure power of Mother Nature and Father Sun. Look aroundā€¦ look withinā€¦ We are blessed with this life. We are so abundant. We are always supported and so divinely guided.

    Thank you beautiful beings! See you soon.

    With infinite love and blessings, Nhi.

    This is a public episode. If youā€™d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Namaste dear ones,

    As promised earlier in my previous Newsletter, here is the audio replay from yesterdays Live event : the Full Moon in Leo Transmission.

    It begins with an opening & cleansing of space as always, followed by a sharing regarding the Leo energy, guided meditation practice and Q&A at the end.

    Itā€™s about an hour long in total, so please feel free to skip to any part you feel called :)

    Thank you once again to everyone who tuned in live - over 300 of you! And to those listening for the first time, I hope you are able to take something away from this sharing :)

    Last night after the Live event I drove down to the beach to take a cold cleansing bath in Mama Oceanā€¦ I was the ONLY in there.. a few people watched me from the pier and mustā€™ve thought I was crazy! But I love every single moment. It was cold at first.. but as I relaxed I started to feel warm :) soooo exhilarating! Then I began to I sing a beautiful song .. and it goes like thisā€¦ ā€œI release control, and surrender to the flowā€¦ of loveā€¦ that will heal me..ā€ ā€¦ it is by Alexa Sunshine Rose. You can listen to it here .

    Sometimes in order to shine bright and stand in our power - we have to learn to release control and surrender to the flowā€¦ to truly trust in the process and know that every moment is divine orchestration at playā€¦ as long as we live in love and allow our heart to guide our way.

    A few announcements before I check out :

    * *NEW COURSE* : How to Manifest Powerfully Audio Course on Insight Timer

    Hooray! I have a new course all about Manifestation and Creating the Life of your Dreams now up on Insight Timer. A total of 10 sessions comprising of a talk + guided meditation.

    * 40 Days Devotional Journey with Goddess Lakshmi begins Feb 19th 2023.

    I invite you to join us on a magical and powerful devotional practice honoring Goddess Lakshmi - the Goddess of Wealth, Fortune, Power, Luxury, Beauty, Love, Fertility and Auspiciousness.

    * I have 2 VIP Mentorship spots now open.

    Learn more about what I do and schedule a free discovery call with me if you feel called to work with me :)

    * Iā€™m Open for 1:1 Sessions including Theta Healing, Spiritual Coaching Sessions, Manifestation Work, Energy Clearings + more.

    * The Energies of the Evening Audio Course

    Join this 7 day course on Insight Timer by Reuben Lowe and I. This is your daily guided sleep meditation for every night of the week. A guided reflection of your day, followed by a gentle closing of the evening. This course has been designed for you to listen to in the evening for deep relaxation, healing, and if you feel the need, for restorative sleep.

    Thank you beautiful beings! See you soon.

    With infinite love and blessings, Nhi.

    This is a public episode. If youā€™d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Blessed Solstice dear ones ā€¦

    Inspiration struck me today and so I channeled this guided meditation for you.

    Hand on heartā€¦

    I hope you enjoy this short 10 minute guided meditation.

    If you enjoy it, please Like, Share, Tag me! and Subscribe..

    Thank you .. from the bottom of my heart :)

    Hand on heartā€¦ letā€™s take three deep grounding breaths togetherā€¦

    Allow your breath.. to guide you deeper into your heart spaceā€¦


    Turning.. the wheel of time

    Today we honor the shortest day and the longest night..

    A loving reminder that through dark times,

    we give birth to the brightest of lights.


    The changes of the seasons

    Father Sun appears to be standing still

    He illuminates our hearts and souls

    A little bit longer and stronger today..


    The Northern Hemisphere..

    We celebrate the first day of Winter

    The colder and crispier it all becomes..

    A time of YIN..

    We honor the cycle of darkness

    A time for introspection, reflection, hibernation..

    An invitation for Yin centered practices..

    Warming soul food

    Layers of clothes and thick blankets..

    Fires burning and the smell of charcoal wood

    The energy weā€™ve been exerting outwardsā€¦

    Itā€™s time to call that energy back inā€¦

    Soonā€¦ the light returnsā€¦

    Make every moment count


    The Southern Hemisphere..

    The summer breeze and fire heat..

    A time of YANGā€¦

    We honor the cycle of lightness

    A time that fuels creativity and inspiration

    An invitation for Yang centered practices

    Light summer salads and ice creams

    Floral dresses and shorts

    Sandy beaches and cooling waters..

    The energy weā€™ve been conserving can now be shared with the world

    Through activities we feel the most aligned toā€¦

    Soonā€¦. The darkness returns..

    Make every moment count


    Here and now ā€¦ I take a pause

    Feel planted into the fertile soil

    Hand on heart

    I take a deep inhaleā€¦. And exhaleā€¦..

    I drop fully into my heart

    I hear the whispers of my soul

    I abide to the stillness and set my intentions for my journey aheadā€¦


    I light up the candle inside my heart..

    My intentions are heard..

    A grounded vision for the future

    An alignment with my highest self

    I am the light and my light radiates everything I touch, wherever I go..

    I am a divine reflection and embodiment of Love ā€¦


    I feel my ancestors and guides around me

    And I say a centered prayerā€¦

    Oh Sacred Mother Earth,

    we honor you..

    we honor all of your cycles

    And everything you bountifully provide for us.

    Connecting with the elements

    Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether ..

    Connecting with the Forests, Mountains, Ocean, Desert, Rivers, Heavens..

    I am reminded

    I am the Earth

    I am the Sun

    I am everything ā€¦.

    And I am nothing ..

    I surrender to the effortless flow of the divine grace

    May divine grace move through me

    May lightness infuse my every breath

    May love always be my anchor and guiding light ā€¦

    Solstice Blessingsā€¦

    From my heart to yours, namaste.

    Love Nhi

    This is a public episode. If youā€™d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Namaste beautiful soul,

    IĀ“ve been quiet and MIA on here the last few months. It feels as though life is happening so quick - so much unravelling and my priorities have changed. I felt guilt creep in saying I needed to be more consistent with my posting and sharing.

    When I sat with it and let it pass, sitting with love and compassion for myself - my higher self said ā€œWhy? Why not just fully enjoy life and immerse in it all. Why put the pressure on yourself to keep showing up? Where is this NEED for showing up coming from? Is it from lack or love? Is it from not wanting to let others down? And in sacrifice for what?ā€

    IĀ“ve come to realize that this is what differentiates me from many other creatives. I donĀ“t post for the sake of it. To keep up with the algorithms. To make sure my community doesnĀ“t ā€œforgetā€ me. To make sure I can sell my offerings. Very quite the opposite of it.

    Life in my experience unfolds in such majestical ways when I surrender to the flow and be fully fully present in the NOW. In the NOWness is when I deepen, strengthen and expand my capacity to love for it is the gift in the moment that truly awakens me.

    And so here is gift from my heart to yours.

    A piece of writing I turned into a guided practice.

    May this offering from my heart support you in some way.

    Infinite love and blessings, Nhi.

    If you enjoy this episode, please take a moment to hit Like, leave a Review or Comment and share it on your social media and tag me :) ! If it is in your capacity to support me deeper, you are welcome to become a paid subscriber of as little as $5 a month (a cuppa tea for me).

    This is a public episode. If youā€™d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Hi dear ones,

    Blessed Solstice to you!

    Wherever you are in the world right now, may you enjoy this special episode. This is the replay of the Live Event I did on Insight Timer. Thank you to the 350+ souls who joined this gathering.

    This episode includes an Opening of Sacred Space, a heart-sharing on the Yin and Yang energies of the Summer Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Southern Hemisphere. It is then followed by a Guided Meditation to honor Father Sun, Mother Earth and the Gods and Goddesses of the Sun in a piece of poetry I wrote. I hope you enjoy it!

    I am offering this replay to ALL SUBSCRIBERS, but if you do want to support me by becoming a paid subscriber for as little as $8 per month, it will support me a lot as a teacher and creative. By becoming a paid subscriber you will get access to ALL my replays like the Quantum Healing and more! If you feel the calling, please click the button below.

    If you listened to this episode, please support me by sharing it, clicking the Heart button or comment below! I would love to hear about anything that may have moved through you :)

    Thank you and many blessings!

    With love,


    Thank you for reading Nhi Nhi Le. This post is public so feel free to share it.

    This is a public episode. If youā€™d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Welcome to Episode 3 of the Space for Grace Podcast. I invite you to journey with me through a talk and guided practice on Overcoming Negative Thinking.

    You are not your negative thoughts. Learning the art of overcoming negative thinking can help you navigate your daily life with more ease and grace.

    This episode came about whilst I was channelling for a Live Talk a few days ago, and I felt guided to share it on here :)

    I truly hope this offering from my heart can support you in some way.

    Thank you so much!

    Infinite love and blessings, Nhi.

    If you enjoy this episode, please take a moment to hit Like, leave a Review or Comment and share it on your social media and tag me :) ! If you would like to support me deeper, you are welcome to become a paid subscriber of as little as $5 a month (thatĀ“s one coffee / tea .. and chocolate bar mmmmm!) Xoxo

    You can listen to the Space for Grace Podcast on Substack, Apple and Spotify.

    Apple :

    Spotify :

    This is a public episode. If youā€™d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit
  • Thank you for tuning into this episode on Feeling your Feelings.

    This was intentionally created in light of the deep pain, frustration, anger and sadness that is rippling through the planet right now as 18 precious beloved children have tragically left Earthplane. Sending so much love to all those affected, and to You if you are going through your own personal process.

    I truly hope this offering from my heart can support you in some way.

    Thank you so much!

    Infinite love and blessings, Nhi.

    If you enjoy this episode, please take a moment to hit Like, leave a Review or Comment and share it on your social media and tag me :) ! If you would like to support me deeper, you are welcome to become a paid subscriber of as little as $5 a month (thatĀ“s one coffee / tea .. and chocolate bar mmmmm!) Xoxo

    You can listen to the Space for Grace Podcast on Substack, Apple and Spotify.

    Apple :

    Spotify :

    This is a public episode. If youā€™d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit