Relationship expert Angela N. Holton joins us to share Conscious Dating strategies that focus on self-love and connection, even in the midst of social distancing and quarantine.
Angela N. Holton, is an International Dating & Relationship Expert, Speaker, Author and Founder of Love Sanctuary, an online spiritual and personal development site centered on helping women and men create more love in their lives from the inside-out. She is the Creator of The Conscious Dating Method, a modern and revolutionary approach toward dating and relationships and the author of The Conscious Dating Method Workbook Journal.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.
Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy (
Join The Spark Joy Club today! (
In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
How Angela became an international dating coach
Angela's definition of self-love and why it's so important as we date
How to build self-love into our homes, schedules, and routines
The Conscious Dating Method - how to become what we are seek
How letting go is a common theme across both tidying and dating
Tips for navigating dating during quarantine and beyond
Social distance dating ideas
How to make dating a priority when there are other things fighting for our attention
Tips (do's and don'ts) to help you make online dating spark more joy and how to get started
Angela's favorite dating tip:
Have fun and date with curiosity.
What sparks joy for Angela:
Waking up and sharing her gifts.
To connect with Angela, you can find her at ( and on instagram @angelanholton (
You can also pick up Angela's book, The Conscious Dating Method Workbook and Journal (
"Relationships begin and end with relationship with self."
"We are naturally wired for connection."
"How are you learning how to be in a relationship if you're not dating?"
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home (
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Angela Holton. -
David Allen, master personal productivity specialist, joins us to explore the intersection between his famous Getting Things Done Method and KonMari.
“Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them. We should be looking toward a world of no problems, only projects.”
After decades of in-the-field research and practice of his productivity methods, David wrote the international best-seller Getting Things Done (
Published in over 28 languages, TIME magazine heralded it as “the defining self-help business book of its time.”
Today, David is considered the leading authority in the fields of organizational and personal productivity. The David Allen Company, run by David and his wife Kathryn, oversees the certification academy and quality standards for Global Partners offering Getting Things Done courses and coaching around the world.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.
Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy (
Join The Spark Joy Club today! (
In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
-David's journey to becoming one of the most important names in increasing productivity
-Learn what the Getting Things Done (GTD) method is all about and how you can use it to increase your productivity and gain more time that spark joy
-Practice with David using the GTD method to something as simple as receiving a wedding invitation
-David has worked from home since the early 1980's and he shares his tips for WFH that sparks joy
-David shares what is meant by "ambient anxiety", an "external brain", and the "two minute rule"
-What are Open Loops and how they impact your productivity
-Find all of David's books and guides here: David Allen on Amazon (
-Learn some of David's time honored tips to increase your ability to Get Things Done with joy!
David's favorite productivity tip:
"Your head is for having ideas and not for holding them. Stop using your head as your office."
What sparks joy for David:
David's new video series "Two Minute Tips for Turbulent Times" coming soon.
And, walking his little Cavalier Springer Spaniel in the park!
To connect with David, you can find him at ( and on Twitter at GTDGuy (
"If you think about something twice, then you are paying it to much attention."
"You have to decide what the thing means to you to decide what to do with it."
"You need a discreet space to do your work, answer your email and focus. It's best if there is no other activity in that space . And, it should be a place where everyone in the home knows you are "on the job" even if you need to put yellow caution tape around your workspace!"
"What has your attention?"
"Your head is for having ideas, not holding them. Stop using your head as your office."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home (
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: David Allen. -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Veteran professional organizer and TV host Peter Walsh joins us to uncover the deeper meaning behind our clutter and share tips to help you create comfort and joy at home during these challenging times. Peter starred in the popular organization and design series Clean Sweep with Peter Walsh ( on Discovery’s TLC Network. The series produced over 120 episodes and has run almost continuously since 2003.He is the author of six best-selling books on the subject of organizing including How to Organize (Just About) Everything; It’s All Too Much: An Easy Plan for Living a Richer Life with Less Stuff, and Does This Clutter Make My Butt Look Fat?His new book is Let It Go, Downsizing Your Way to A Richer, Happier Life.Peter was a regular guest on The Oprah Winfrey Show where he was dubbed the “Get Your Life Organized Guy” which led to his own series, Extreme Clutter with Peter Walsh ( on OWN.We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Join The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy: How Peter got his start-you’ll never believe what he WASN’T interested in doing in the beginning How it all came together for Peter and organizational design became his great passion The importance of humor and empathy in working with people who are experiencing guilt and shame over clutter Peter’s take on why we accumulate so much-the hope of chasing a dream life through acquiring more and more “stuff” How Peter shocks his clients with his plan for discarding 70-80% of their stuff-but they find he was on the money! What Peter thinks of Marie Kondo. Peter and Marie on the Rachel Ray Show ( Stories about what often gets edited from reality organizing shows. To go behind the scenes of Tidying Up with Marie Kondo check out:Ep 67 | Review of Netflix's "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" ( 68 | Behind the Scenes: Netflix's "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" with Tricia Fidler and Jane Grodem ( Suggestions on how to manage the uncertainty of life during the pandemic Peter’s annual challenge on his YouTube channel. Peter Walsh's 31 Days to Get Organized ( How to play Trash Bag Tango! ( Peter’s great ideas for turning family organizing into learning games while we are staying home The importance of a schedule and maintaining a sense of routine while social distancing and staying at home Peter’s own experience surviving the coronavirusFavorite organizing tip:“Retreat into quiet at least 5 minutes a day. Although it may not seem to be a tidying tip, it will help you center yourself and to give you the space to step back into the busy world.Also, take a media break!”What is sparking the most joy for Peter:“We are seeing what is happening in the world could be a massive reset button. Staying connected with those we love and getting back in touch with those people who are most significant in our lives.”How to get in touch with Peter:Peter Walsh Design (’s Books ( Clutter with Peter Walsh ( Sweep with Peter Walsh (’s very active FaceBook community ('s YouTube channel (“I’ve discovered over nearly 20 years of doing this that we are all human and all in the same boat. We all go off the rails occasionally!”“At the end of the day, you are stronger than your stuff.”“Stuff is associated with happiness. People buy things thinking that they are buying happiness but they are really buying a shadow of happiness. Instead of buying a product, we are buying a promise.”“What is the vision you have from the life you want? Does the stuff you own help you get what you want from this room?”“If you don’t respect your space, if you overload it, it’s the same as dishonoring as person, you are dishonoring your space. You will never be happy in that space.”“Stuff is a distraction. Issues around clutter are about loss and trauma and neglect and abandonment.”“The issue is really, ‘How do I deal with the fear and the anxiety we are all facing at the moment.’ And, people are looking to organizing as a way of feeling some control.”You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Peter Walsh.
Sarit Sela, fellow KonMari Consultant, shares her favorite minimalist inspired buying and shopping strategies that can enhance your KonMari journey and help you maintain a clutter free lifestyle.
Sarit Sela is a minimalist mom, Bronze certified KonMari consultant and visual storyteller.
She is an Israeli living in Stockholm, Sweden for the last 8 years and is the founder of Minimalist Me, Her mission is to bring a creative, visual world of minimalism, scandinavian design and KonMari to her clients.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.
Join The Spark Joy Club today! (
In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
-Learning how and why Sarit became a KonMari Consultant
How minimalism has played an important role in Sarit’s personal journey and in her work with clients
What minimalism means to Sarit. It’s not what you may think!
Sarit's method of working with her clients using the KonMari Method and minimalism
How it's not about the number of things you own in any category. It's important to not focus on the number but on the joy and use of the items to YOU
The challenges, and JOYS, of being a mom in our consumerist culture and how to help your children be more focused and mindful
How Sarit has navigated setting up her business in both Sweden and Israel and the differences in both cultures when it comes to tidying
What makes a good KonMari Consultant in Sarit’s view
Sarit's favorite tidying tip:
"It's important that when you open your wardrobe and feel that it is pretty to look at. It's not about the number of clothes but that you put things around you that spark joy."
What sparks joy for Sarit:
"Soon, I will be in Tel Aviv to lead a workshop on minimalism. It's going to be one of the biggest events I have done so far."
Sarit’s parting words of wisdom:
"Many people are concerned with the habits of others in their homes. But I have found that if you change your habits, you will be able to help others."
To connect with Sarit, visit her websits and blog Mimialist Me ( or follow her on Instagram (
- "You will know exactly what you need and don't need. It must work for you."
- "Combining the two things, KonMari and miinimalism, was something that felt unique."
- "Who needs five boxes of pasta at any one time?"
- "I think there are two things to teach kids. The first is to learn to tidy and the second is to carefully chose the things they want in their lives."
- "It's so important for a KonMari Consultant to have compassion."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home (
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Sarit Sela. -
Welcome to the 2020 Spark Joy highlights show! Make sure you listen all the way through because we share an important announcement towards the end.
This year was a wild one and really unlike no other, so we look forward to highlighting some positive moments of joy for the show and announce and celebrate our giveaway winners.
Our show wouldn’t be possible without each and every one of you…. our listeners...many whom have been with us from day one.
YOU spark the most joy! We are so grateful for your thought-provoking questions, inspiring stories of tidying highs and lows, and your dedicated listenership over the past 3 1/2 years.
Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy (
Join The Spark Joy Club today! (
But first, a Joy Check!
What Sparked Joy this year for Karin:
As hard as this year was, I have been inspired by the perseverance and determination of people everywhere. That has helped me to keep going and has helped me see what I gained and learned this year. Hopefulness!
What Sparked Joy this year for Kristyn:
Leaning on the Spark Joy and For the Love of Tidy communities as we collectively got stuff done ( during a trying season.
Joyful Show Highlights 2020
Spark Joy Ep 131 | Getting Things Done with David Allen (
Spark Joy Ep 144 | Essentialism with Greg McKeown (
Spark Joy Ep 127 | Taking a Look at Why It's All Too Much with Peter Walsh (
Spark Joy Episode 132 | Where Does all the Stuff Go with Secondhand Author Adam Minter (
The 3rd Annual Spark Joy Giveaway!
Each of our three winners will receive a special KonMari Prize Bundle that includes:
• A signed copy of Marie Kondo’s tidying sequel, Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up (
• A fifty-dollar gift card to the KonMari Shop on
• On behalf of For the Love of Tidy, a 2-hour Virtual Tidying Lesson (
And here are our winners!
A Yooper Learning to Let Go!
Spark Joy is the only podcast I listen to weekly - others that I have found around simple living or minimalism either is too much of just a general conversation that I get bored, has too many ads or clearly their agendas are to sell and pitch their guests books etc.
I love that Kristyn and Karin have guests that have skills and professions that cover a range of topics and I appreciate their style of asking them specific questions about what they do. I live in the Midwest and would love to hear more from people who live in areas with extreme weather and how they deal with their tools, winter equipment and wardrobe etc. Keep up the good work and inspiration!
New Listener & Ready to Let Go!
"I only discovered this podcast recently. I reluctantly subscribed thinking, “Oh, goodie. ANOTHER decluttering podcast.” *eye roll
After the first 5 minutes, I realized, it was SO MUCH MORE than that. The advice offered here by the hosts, combined with the interviews is absolutely priceless! I am hooked and fully intend to “binge-listen” each and every episode as I begin my KonMari journey."
So informative!
Despite having read Marie Kondo's books and watched the Netflix show, I wanted more KonMari content as I completed my Tidying Festival. Kristyn and Karin are so kind, and I love their variety of guests. I have learned a lot from the episodes, and have been able to carry the lessons into my own life.
Congratulations to our winners!
The Spark Joy Podcast is saying goodbye...
After three years, 161 episodes, over 95 hours of KonMari themed tips and over 2.5 million downloads, we’ve decided to end this run of the Spark Joy podcast.
Your dedication to our mission has been absolutely incredible.
While new episodes are paused, our mission continues.
Here are some ways you can continue to listen while you tidy and access our show and community:
• All 161 episodes will remain live and available to you during your tidying event. You can revisit your favorites or start from Episode 0 ( to binge-listen all of our episodes.
• The Spark Joy Club will remain active and live! You can request to join by heading over to and clicking Join the Club ( to gain exclusive access to the community, The Tidy Home Joy Journal (, monthly live videos, accountability, advice from organizing experts, and inspiration from hundreds of active tidying companions.
• If we have updates about the show in the future we’ll announce them via Spark Joy's Facebook (, Instagram (, and Twitter (, so make sure to follow us on your favorite platform. You can also join our mailing list ( or reach out to us directly at
Karin and I will continue to serve clients in-person and virtually through The Serene Home ( and For the Love of Tidy (, respectively.
Make sure to connect with us via our individual social media accounts, subscribe to our mailing lists, or reach out to us directly so we can continue to address your burning tidying questions.
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home (
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( -
Karen Purze of Life in Motion Guide joins us to discuss a sensitive, but very relevant aspect of home organization - managing your legacy including vital information and end of life planning. Our guest helps families make end of life plans and decisions so they can focus on what truly matters in the end - people not paperwork.She is creator of When Karen’s parents both got sick suddenly and simultaneously, she helped them make difficult choices about health, housing, finances, and everything else as they gradually lost their independence. She is on a mission to make it easier for others to get their personal information organized.We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy ( The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy:- Karen's personal experience with helping her family make end of life decisions during an emergency inspired her brand, Life in Motion, which helps others who don't know where to start or what to do first- Reasons why it's important organize vital information and plan the end of your life- The KonMari clutter category that intersects with legacy management- Kristyn's quest to reach the end of her personal to do list ( Where to start: planning for an emergency (medical and household)- A review of Karen's Life in Motion Guide ( - the binder Kristyn is actively using to manage her important information (see exclusive discount code below)- The inspiration behind Karen's guide and how it differs from other resources that help you make plans- The importance of recognizing the process of life planning is in motion, with information that evolves over time- How to securely protect your passwords ( and other important codes- The most essential things to focus on first when organizing your legacy- Reasons people resist pulling this information together and common myths and mistakes. Karen's decision matrix ( to the rescue- How to help loved ones organize their legacy and end of life plans- Maintenance: how often you need to revisit the information you've gathered and sharedKaren’s favorite legacy organizing tip:Don't think of this as something you're doing yourself. Do it for the people you love and trust the mostWhat's sparking the most joy for Karen:Moving back to her apartment in Chicago after a four month long construction projectConnect with Karen at ( for Spark Joy listeners, pick up a copy of Karen's Life in Motion Guide ( binder using code SPARK15 for a 15% discount. Gems:"It's our responsibility as adults to not leave a mess for other people to clean up.""The average person in the US and Canada is likely to live over nine years in poor health.""Being organized facilitates prolonged independence by making it easier for others to help us.""It's not enough to just gather this information or store also need to share it.""We can't predict, but we can prepare.""I created [Life in Motion Guide] for the feeling I had when I was done."The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Karen Purze.
René Brooks joins us to discuss organizing her home while managing a late in life diagnosis of ADHD.René is living and thriving with the diagnosis and empowering others to do the same. She has taken a late in life diagnosis and used it to uplift others. René is the founder of Black Girl, Lost Keys, a blog that empowers black women with ADHD, helping them to live well with the disorder.We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy ( The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy: - Learn what ADHD is and the symptoms related to this category of challenges. Here is a well-known symptom checklist for ADHD self testing: Adult ADHD Self Report Scale ( Remember only an MD or a qualified health professional can give you an "official" diagnosis.René shares her own experiences in getting diagnosed and treated. We learn more about the special challenges facing women of color in address this disease.Hear René solutions for managing the day, your work and your life with techniques for overcoming barriers.Listen to our conversation with Craig Selinger in Ep 105 | Hope for Kids and Adults with ADHD (é shares her tips for paper and content management.René’s favorite organizing tip:With the holidays coming up, make a plan to keep gifts in the car until you are ready to wrap them! This way, they won’t get lost or forgotten in a closet. Out of site is out of mind, which can be a trap for someone with ADHD.What's sparking the most joy for René:René loves her active, engaged Twitter community. You should definitely check it out!Follow René on her website at ( twitter @blkgirllostkeys ( FaceBook @BlackGirlLostKeys (é recommends her book, Clean Up the Trash (, as very relevant to our listeners!Gems:"When you are having difficulty organizing your thoughts and your things, you find that increasingly run you out of time to do anything. In fact, starting to get organized and then stoping part way through is very common!""When you look over your life, you begin to see the patterns of ADHD didn't just happen overnight.There are many pieces to the pie, but black women with ADHD are very isolated because they don't have a place that they fit in.""If I don't have a time set for myself to look at email, it's not going to happen.""You have to be willing to look at the goal of completing something and not worry too much about the method you used to accomplish it. The things that work change over time."The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: René Brooks.
Rachel Kanarowski, certified Meditation Coach, shares simple science-based meditation tips to enhance your focus, increase your emotional intelligence, and release stress.Be still. Focus on your breath. Reflect.Today we explore meditation. A practice with deep cultural history and widespread contemporary relevance. A great complement to your KonMari practice and lifestyle.Today’s guest is Rachel Kanarowski. Rachel is a certified meditation coach based in Chicago who ditched her blazers after more than a decade in high-stress marketing and media jobs.We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy ( The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy:- How a podcast ( inspired Rachel to be kinder to herself and embrace Sharon Salzberg's Loving Kindness through tough times - How Loving Kindness is different from breath or transcendental meditation formats and leads to structural changes in our brains that make us more compassionate- Three common myths and misconception that show up around meditation and mindfulness practices- What to beware of when integrating KonMari with meditation at home- Tips for meditation first timers or those who are struggling to maintain a consistent practice- Rachel's favorite meditation apps: Unplug (, Headspace (, Calm (, 10% Happier ( Guided Meditation: 36:03 - 42:41 min. markRachel’s favorite wellness tip:Make a plan to feel the way you want to feelWhat's sparking the most joy for Rachel:Taking pictures outside to observe the seasons changingFollow Rachel on Instagram @rachelkanarowski ( To book a private mindfulness meditation experience for yourself or your company contact Rachel via ( future podcast: The Year of Living Better (coming soon!)Gems:"I immediately started to feel a really big shift in the relationship I had with myself.""I call myself a no beads, no incense, very science-based meditation coach.""May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you live with ease.""[Loving Kindness meditation] helps you refill your own cup...and it helps that cup get bigger.""You're creating the habit by choosing an activity that occurs on a reliable basis and stacking meditation or mindfulness practice with whatever that other thing is.""My practice helps me be kind to myself when everything isn't perfect or isn't sparking joy."The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Rachel Kanarowski.
We asked the members of the The Spark Joy Club to send us their burning tidying questions and respond they did!The Spark Joy Club is home to over 200 tidiers in the process of organizing their own home and finding joy in all aspects of their lives. They are our own tidying laboratory and we all find solutions to so many issues we all share along the way.We want to hear from you. Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life.Head over to Apple podcasts to subscribe and review the show, which helps us reach others along their tidying journeys.To extend your tidying experience, you can join the Spark Joy Club!Visit and click “Join the Club” to become a member of the Spark Joy Community or join us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy ( Joy Club member Question #1Katie Grosskopf asks: “Tips for when you get stalled or stuck in the tidying process- how do I jump start my momentum!”Vision is key and we discuss this all the way back in Spark Joy podcast Ep | 5 How to Visualize Your Ideal Lifestyle and Living Environment ( is ALSO key and We discuss this in Spark Joy podcast Ep | 73 How to Plan Your KonMari Tidying Journey ( Joy Club member Question #2Rosemary J. writes: “I'd like some quick win ideas, to something short and sweet and easy to finish.”We call this sorting the low hanging fruit. Those categories or subcategories are ones that you can accomplish quickly to give yourself an enthusiasm boost. Take a listen for our tips on how to accomplish a quick win.Spark Joy Club member Question #3Paige Adelle asks: “I'm interested in how to joy-check furniture. Do I move it? Do I take everything off my shelves? Do I leave furniture in sets or do one item at a time?”For the most part, consider the use of the room and whether the furniture in that room supports it. Does the furniture in your dining area support nourishment and family gathering? Or is it just in the way? We discuss how to tidy the Komono category of furniture.Spark Joy Club member Question #4Melinda Nina De J writes: “How do we gift experiences instead of things when many places are closed for Covid?”We discussed some options for safety during the summer, and many of them do apply all year round. Check out Spark Joy podcast Ep 139 KonMari Quick Tips: Safe Summer Fun 2020 ( Joy Club member Question #5Christine Mundis writes: “Holiday decorations! I tend to hold onto decorations I’m no longer using, just in case. How do I sort holiday decorations?”This Komono category is very closely attached to the sentimental category, so we suggest considering this category of seasonal items adjacent to sentimental. Listen for more tips on this subcategory. Thank you to all our Spark Joy Club members who submitted questions! If we didn’t get to yours on the podcast, keep tuning in and follow our journey in The Spark Joy Club.We are pleased to introduce the following new members of The Spark Joy Club, joining at the Joy Sparker level:Welcome!Vivian BakerSusan ShirkJoin over 150 serious Tidiers who are making 2020 their very last year of being disorganized. We welcome you to extended conversation around taking action, living, and maintaining a tidy lifestyle.Please join the conversation by visiting and selecting "Join the Club."The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy (
Client Kelly shares how working with For the Love of Tidy for 12 hours total 100% virtually (through screens) helped her achieve an organized warm minimalist home. We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy ( The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy:- With a few incomplete tidying attempts behind her, Kelly recalls her path to KonMari - How Kelly was inspired by the Minimalism documentary (, Courtney Carver's capsule wardrobe (Spark Joy Episode 39 (, and seeing Kristyn speak about KonMari during an event at Room & Board- Kelly's vision of a decluttered basement with a lot of open space- How Kelly handled the days when she felt less enthusiastic about following through with the plan- How the 12 hours Kelly spent actively decluttering virtually with Kristyn compared to the years she spent accumulating and managing clutter- Why Virtual KonMari Tidying Lessons worked best for Kelly's goals and circumstances- How Kelly embraced the "thank you" and found value in taking the time to make thoughtful decisions- How decluttering helped Kelly relax, read more, clean more efficiently, and gain clarity about her design taste- How Kelly's progress impacted her kids, as she gifted two hours of her sessions to her teenager and modeled the change she wanted to see for themWhat sparks joy for Kelly Riding the high of finishing her KonMari event and welcoming a new puppy into her space!Gems:"There is something special and different about actually going through The Joy Journal while you are in a Virtual Tidying Session.""I wanted to free up my mental space to think about other things.""There was a to do list around that basement that brought a certain level of weight to my day.""I wanted to make it a habit and really commit to keeping it that way.""If you're going to tidy virtually, you really have to make that commitment. Show up for yourself.""I have struggled over the years with clutter. I can say it now. I don't have to hold my head down in shame because I did something about it." "Having a decluttered space plays a big role in helping to remain calm throughout this stressful time.""It took dedication and work." The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy (
We can’t predict, but we CAN prepare. We’ve invited Emergency Preparedness Expert Cari Butler to the show to you KonMari your emergency needs to protect you, your home, and those you care most about. Cari is the owner of Emergency Cafe, L.A.'s Premier Emergency Preparedness Concierge Service. She has over 15 years of experience educating and empowering her clients to be prepared and provides personalized consultation services for individuals, families and businesses.We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy ( The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy:- How the Universe put all of the resources Cari needed to support her path to becoming an emergency preparedness concierge, which started 15 years ago- The three steps to getting started getting prepared: 1) Get your supplies 2) Create a plan 3) Practice your plan-Who needs prepare for emergencies and the different levels of preparedness you can embrace -How to organize and store important items in case of an emergency- How to distinguish "what sparks joy" vs. "what should I grab in an emergency" - The difference between a grab and go bag vs emergency kit and what is typically in each- The essential items that is often overlooked or left out of kits- The importance of sharing legacy information Cari’s favorite organization tip:Filing paper into throw away, keep, and file Emergency organization tip: Keep everything together and set a reminder on your calendar to make sure everything in the kit is freshWhat's sparking the most joy for Cari:Spending time with her kids as they attend college virtually from homeContact Cari via ( and on Instagram @emergencycafe ( Cari's top emergency preparedness tips here ( for Spark Joy listeners, enter the code "SPARKJOY10" when shopping on ( Gems:"The Universe knew that this was my path.""The people who hire me are the people that really understand the importance of being prepared.""Bottom line...GET OUT! The joy is going to be that you are alive! Everything can be replaced." "It's fight or flight."The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Cari Butler.
We share four reasons why it’s hard to let go and tips to help you release your possessions that are not serving you anymore with confidence and gratitude.We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Join The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy:- What's sparking joy for Karin: Blankets made from recycled sari fabric- What's sparking joy for Kristyn: Cataloging 550 clothing items in my closet using the Stylebook App ( and her TEDx Talk: Confronting Your Online Order History is the New Self-Care ( Four common reasons it's hard to let things go: - Because it's sentimental - Because just in case I need it "someday" - Because I don't want to be wasteful - Because it's valuable- Emotions that surface that prevent us from letting go: guilt, shame, fear, anger- References to Spark Joy episodes: - Ep 21 | Book Review: The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning ( - Ep 55 | Digitizing Your Sentimental Items with Bonnie Shay ( - Ep 42-44 Sell Your Clutter series ( - Ep 143 | Quarantine Friendly “Someday” Projects for Today! ( you to our newest Spark Joy Club members, at the Joy Sparker Level:- Rachel Maloney- Brian CrimminsJoin over 200 serious tidiers who are making 2020 their very last year of being disorganized. We welcome you to extend conversation around taking action, living, and maintaining a tidy lifestyle. The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy (
Luke Reynolds, author of Even More Fantastic Failures!, shares stories of successful people whose past challenges positively impacted their path to success.Luke is a passionate believer in the power of stories to transform lives—especially stories that help us understand that we all fail and flounder sometimes. Luke has been a public-school English teacher at both the secondary and middle school levels, and he currently is an assistant professor of Education at Endicott College. He completed his PhD at Boston College and focuses on teaching, writing, and reading as three crucial paths towards compassion, kindness, and connection. We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy ( The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy:- Luke tells us about his book, Even More Fantastic Failures, and how he decided to write about how failure can define our later successes.- We discuss how failure can be an important part of learning who we are and what we want in our lives. - Learn techniques to learn from past failures in order to get on a path to success while tidying.- Hear Karin’s favorite story in the book about President Obama.- How to use failure and setbacks to get back on track.- Learn about the universal experiences of failure that Luke found in common with many of the people he writes about.Luke’s favorite organization tip:Luke recalled the story of Alan Naiman. Alan Naiman was a very modest and humble person, but saved all his life to leave a legacy of millions of dollars to his favorite causes. “Focusing on small moments and simple acts of love and connection can make a big difference in the world and create a profound legacy.”What's sparking the most joy for Luke:“Luke is grateful for his very organized wife! He says he can always tell when she’s been in a room, because it always feels better for her being there. (Wow, what a compliment!)Learn more about Luke and his latest book release, Even More Fantastic Failures, at (, exclusively for Spark Joy podcast listeners, Luke is giving away a copy of the hardback edition of his book! To win, be the first to email with “Even More Fantastic Failures” in the subject line.Gems:“I know there’s a lot of failure that happens that redirects someone to getting where they want to be.”“Even when people achieved some great thing, it didn’t mean that the struggle is all over.”“All of that path, all of that letting go, prepared us for what was really for us.”“Nothing is wasted, it all matters.”The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Luke Reynolds.
Spark Joy Club member Jennyfer Vargas-Fernandez joins us from Texas to share her KonMari journey. We’re shining the light on all of the tidying progress our Club members have made while listening to Spark Joy Podcast and leaning on the community. Jennyfer Vargas-Fernandez has been a member of The Spark Joy Club since January 2020 and has worked with a KonMari Consultant in Houston, Texas. Her goal in joining The Club was to finish her KonMari tidying journey, once and for all.Jennyfer is a Labor and Delivery Registered Nurse in The Woodlands, Texas. She is currently working on her Master of Science degree in Nursing Administration. She is married with two daughters ages 9 and 2. She enjoys spending time with her family, bike riding, and singing. We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy ( The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy: - What motivated Jennyfer to get tidy - How Jennyfer managed her family, KonMari event and work on the front lines of the pandemic - The most important tools Jennyfer depended on while completing her tidying festival - Why hiring a KonMari Consultant to meet her mid-way through her journey worked out very well for Jennyfer! She worked with Ashley and Jane at Simply Maven ( Ashley is featured in Episode 69 ( of Spark Joy - Jennyfer's favorte episodes of Spark Joy: 69 (, 74 (, and 131 (’s favorite tidying tip:“Do it now!”What's sparking the most joy for Jennyfer:“Riding my new bike!”Parting words of wisdom:“Don’t be hard on yourself. Go ahead and get that help!”Gems:“We just filled everything up and said GO GO GO!”“I had a closet full of clothes that I had just never worn before... it was quite a shock to put it all on the bed and see how much was there.”“I renamed my junk drawer to my everything drawer because of Kristyn!”“What really kept me going was the influence it had on my kids.” The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Jennyfer Vargas Fernandez.
KonMari Consultant Ivanka Siolkowsky shares how her love of minimalism and environmentalism intersects with KonMari and her mental health advocacy.Our guest today is Ivanka Siolkowsky. Ivanka is a former Elementary School Teacher whose life was transformed when she began learning the many benefits of minimalism and organization!Although she was always considered a tidy individual, after decluttering, and applying minimalism to her surroundings, it was as if the pieces of her life puzzle all fell into place. It is because of these life-altering improvements that Ivanka decided to become a full time Professional Organizer - to help others find that same inner peace in their daily lives!She is a Master KonMari Consultant with The Tidy Moose, which is based in Toronto, Canada. How Ivanka went from KonMari reader to trainee practically over nightSpark Joy podcast episodes about minimalism: 7 (, 34 (, 39 (, and 119 ('s take on minimalism and how it shows up in her work and lifeHow Ivanka's shopping habits weighed down her mental health and was the catalyst for a year of no shoppingHow Ivanka determines the number of things to keep in her home and an inspiring TEDx Talk: "How many towels do you need?" ( Ivanka adopted a zero waste lifestyle over the last two years and her favorite recycling tipThe blogger ( that fit a year's worth of waste in one jarHow organizing her classroom had a direct impact on Ivanka's mental health and her student's ability to learnWhat's sparking the most joy for Ivanka:Practicing gratitudeIvanka's favorite organizing tip:Organizing in rainbow order (red, organge, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet)What's sparking the most joy for Ivanka:Practicing gratitudeTouch base with Ivanka on Instagram: @tidymoose ("Not just surrounding yourself with things that spark joy, but surrounding yourself with only the things that you need.""There is a huge physical weight having these items around.""I really had to focus on what joy meant to me, not who I was trying to impress.""The less you have the less you have to focus on organizing and keeping organized.""Only 10% of what we donate ends up on the floor of the donation center.""The more I do it the better I feel and the more money I have in the bank.""When I work with my clients I'm really trying to help them get their life back from a mental health standpoint.""I've got everything that I need and nothing that I don't."The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Ivanka Siolkowsky.
KonMari Consultant Kadra Pixton joins us to share how she tidied her family of seven with the help of another consultant, which inspired her to become one herself.Kadra loves helping overwhelmed families transform their homes into peaceful spaces that facilitate connection. She is a Certified KonMari Consultant as well as Mama to 5 young daughters ages 3-10. She is a writer, an artist, and she loves exploring nature near her home in the Pacific Northwest. We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy ( The Spark Joy Club today! ( this episode, you’ll enjoy:- How Kadra’s home went from a “disaster” to Joy Sparking!- Managing the challenge of 5 children, a job and a busy home.- Kadra’s work with a KonMari consultant using the Marathon Method-doing the tidying festival within a very short amount of time. - Why Kadra decided to become a KonMari consultant.- How Kadra brings joy to her clients in unexpected ways.- Kadra’s tips for tidying with kids.- How to set a spatial limitation on kid’s belongings.Kadra's favorite organizing tip:Everyone should have a power spot. Create a space that you control and maintain. If you have a space that’s just yours, a small spot that energizes you, it can begin to spread throughout your entire home.What's sparking the most joy for Kadra:Simplicity-the pandemic has forced us to KonMari our time and our relationships. We have become more thoughtful about the time we spend and who we spend it with, because we had to. It has helped us think more clearly.Kadra's parting words of wisdom:Make the investment in yourself-find an accountability partner OR better yet, consider a life-changing experience with a KonMari consultant.You can find Kadra on Facebook ( Instagram (“We did the KonMari marathon 7 hours a day for 9 days with a KonMari consultant!”“There’s a lot of fear over not having enough lately, but if we focus on abundance and love, we will have what we need.”“It’s important for the parents to do the process first. Because then you will understand the method more and will be less likely to get overwhelmed.”The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home ( can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Kadra Pixton.
Melissa Rappaport Schifman, author of Building a Sustainable Home joins us to discuss the impact a green home has on our health, wealth, and soul.
Our guest today is Melissa Rappaport Schifman. Melissa is the founder of Green Intention LLC, where she writes, speaks, and advises clients on healthier and more sustainable homes and workplaces. She has her MBA and MA in Public Policy from the University of Chicago and lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband and two daughters.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.
Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy (
Join The Spark Joy Club today! (
In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
Melissa's personal and professional green home journey
How Melissa defines green building and sustainable home
The benefits to moving into a more sustainable home environment on your health, wealth, and soul
Busting the myth that a sustainable home always costs more - the longer term impact of green living on our lives and the planet
The lifestyle and mindset change required to live more sustainability and how it intersects with getting organized
The aspects of a sustainable home that you'll never see
Melissa’s favorite home improvement tip:
Filter your water.
What sparks joy for Melissa
Decarbonizing her home.
EXCLUSIVELY for Spark Joy listeners:
email us at with interest in receiving a copy of "Building a Sustainable Home" and a 30 min. cost benefit analysis with Melissa to think through a sustainable home improvement project
“If we don't take care of the earth we don't get to drink, eat, or breath."
"Start with your own home. It's the one thing you have control over."
"Every action does make a difference."
"For our health, our wealth, and our soul."
"Clean water, clean air, and clean house."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home (
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Melissa Rappaport Schifman. -
*Spark Joy podcast is THREE years old! *In celebration of our anniversary enter to win one of three prize bundles of three great gifts each to mark this major milestone.Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, AND a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy.Enter before November 24, 2020 for your chance to win! Details on how to enter below.We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoy_podcast.In this episode, you’ll enjoy:Spark Joy podcast has been downloaded over 2.3 million times! At this point in our first year, we had just hit a quarter of a million downloads, last year we hit 1.5 million, so this has been quite a year for growing our audience. Not only is Spark Joy two years old, but this is also our 148th episode! Thank you to our listeners for all your support and encouragement. Our goal for the show remains to introduce guests to our audience who have interesting perspectives and inspiring journeys related to organizing and living a life of joy. So far, we have interviewed nearly 110 guests and presented over 44 episodes focusing on KonMari specific topics. This year, we have also presented four episodes related to the pandemic on staying safe, healthy and managing during this difficult time. We are so grateful to be able to help each other during this time.Last year we launched The Spark Joy Club on Patreon and the response has been amazing! We hoped our listeners would consider joining, but we never imagined we would now be 200 members strong, supporting each other along their tidying journeys.A special welcome and Thank You to our newest Spark Joy Club members:* Christine Mundis* Tina from Berkeley* Sarah Laubacher* Katherine Grosskopf* Kelsey Ross* Talia Saunderson* Inken BroughThank you for your support!The Spark Joy Anniversary Give-A-Way contest prizes!Win one of three bundles consisting of Spark Joy: An Illustrated Master Class on the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up, signed by Marie Kondo, a fifty dollar gift certificate to the KonMari Shop ( to select your own Joy Sparking gift, and a two-hour Virtual Tidying Session from For the Love of Tidy!Three lucky winners will receive a bundle of all these prizes!To be eligible for all of the prizes above, all you need to do is head over to: for detailed instructions on how to leave a review via iTunes. Once there, follow the Apple Podcast instructions to leave us a rating and review in iTunes to help us reach more ears, minds, and hearts. Most important step: Send an email to: letting us know you left us a review and what screen name you left it under. This will act as your official entry. Don’t forget this step! It is the only way we can officially log you as entered into the contest.Submit your star rating and review by November 24, 2020. We’ll announce the winners during our season finale “Best of” show that will air on December 1st. **Contest runs from September 1 to November 24, 2020.* Winners will be announced during our Best of 2020 show on December 1st, 2020***You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy
Scout Sobel joins us to discuss mental health and creating a life that sparks joy while facing symptoms that work against your serenity.
Scout started Scout's Agency with an emphasis in podcast PR. Most of her clients are women and she loves helping them find their voice in podcasting and other media.
This did not come without her own trials and tribulations.
Scout has been living with a severe case of bipolar disorder for 14 years. She once was unable to hold a job, go to school, or function in today's society. These experiences led her to host her own podcast, SCOUT, a podcast about mental health with a dose of entrepreneurship.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.
Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy (
Join The Spark Joy Club today! (
In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
- Scout’s journey to entrepreneurship and branding in podcasting and other media spaces with an emphasis on helping others find their voices in her PR business
- Learn about Scout’s mental health diagnosis. You’ll learn about bipolar disorder: what it means, and what it doesn’t
- How just looking for help can start the journey toward wellness, even if you aren’t feeling much hope in the moment
- The ways that Scout brings joy into her work life
- How organization has helped Scout make her work life work
- How to find a good therapist
Scout’s favorite tidying tip:
“Look at something in your life, it can be anything, and ask yourself the yes or no question, ‘Does it bring you joy?’ if it doesn’t, it’s out. Set that as the standard for your life.”
What sparks joy for Scout
“I have been able to connect with women and have conversations around things that really mean something to people while also connecting with other women who are out there doing incredible things and spreading incredible messages.”
You can find Scout on Instagram: @scoutsobel
And be sure to check out her podcast: Scout on Apple Podcasts (
“Everything goes into a calendar. Every little thing: every call, every task, every email I need to send..I don’t want to have to remember anything at all and I don’t want to think about what I have to do until the day before.”
“I just write, write, write until I can drive the negative energy out of me.”
“Be clear on what your goals are for the future.”
“This is your life, these are the cards that you are dealt and you can take responsibility for your recovery.”
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home (
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Scout Sobel. -
Tara Latta shares how working with For the Love of Tidy for 17 hours enhanced her KonMari tidying experience and instantly impacted her health, relationships, and career.
Tara Latta is Kristyn's client, a For the Love of Tidy Graduate of Tidy. They've tidied for 15 hours over a four months plus a recent two hour Virtual Tidy used to address sentimental items.
We want to hear from you! Tell us your burning tidying questions or share stories about how KonMari has impacted your life. Find us at and click “Ask Spark Joy” to leave a question or comment for a chance to be featured on next week’s show.
While you’re there, sign-up to join our Spark Joy podcast community and get notified when each episode airs. You can also join the Spark Joy podcast community on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter at the handle @sparkjoypodcast.
Book a custom Virtual Tidying Experience with For the Love of Tidy (
Join The Spark Joy Club today! (
In this episode, you’ll enjoy:
- What initially inspired Tara to head down the KonMari path and find a "magic bullet" organizing solution
- What led Tara to move from DIY decluttering to hiring Kristyn/For the Love of Tidy (
- Tara's small space (1,000 sq ft Chicago high rise) and her favorite storage boxes
- Tara's vision and anchoring word "spacious"
- How reframing Tara's narrative around paper help free her to complete the process
- Moments where Tara felt blocked or ready to give up, that were remedied by finding community in The Spark Joy Club (, Reddit, Discord, and Saya Hillman's Cross it Off Day (
- The questions Tara would ask herself when she felt overwhelmed:
- Is there too much clutter out for this round of sorting?
- Is the workspace clean?
- Am I maintaining the categories that are finished?
- New habits that emerged after decluttering
- How KonMari impacted Tara's relationship with her weight, family, and career path
- What it was like to tidy with a KonMari Consultant in-home and virtually as Tara transitioned to quarantine at home
- Tara's advice for those on the fence about hiring a professional home organizer to help them dig out and choose joy
What sparks joy for Tara
Summer in Chicago!
Tara's apartment and journey was also featured in Bloomberg: Purging Your Stuff Is the New Conspicuous Consumption (
"Because I had started KonMari and stopped at the paper category several times over the years, I accepted I really needed support and accountability."
"The process took me nine months, so I like to tell people I birthed a home of joy."
"Everything has a home and everything I see brings me joy."
"There is space within the space."
"As you let go of items that not longer serve you, you make the physical and mental space to become who you want to be."
"Every session I felt motivated and inspired with nuggets of wisdom and customized ideas of how to sort through and organize my belongings."
You can find Karin Socci at The Serene Home (
You can find Kristyn Ivey at For the Love of Tidy ( Special Guest: Tara Latta. - Laat meer zien