Many thanks to our listeners for waiting for the release of Episode 38! (Brian is fired for taking so long to post!) Thor, Alex, and Brian talk Detachment options in 8th edition 40K and update listeners with our recent gaming experiences and insights.
Please note- we make reference to a Patreon page in this episode that has not been completed (again, Brian is fired for being busy!). We will post details for the Patreon page on our Facebook page once it goes live.
Thanks for listening!
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
We are very excited to present our interview with Black Library author Gav Thorpe discussing his latest book Jain Zar! Join Alex, Thor, and Brian as we talk briefly about our first awkward stumblings and initial 8th edition impressions in the first segment before getting into our interview. We discuss Aeldari lore with Gav Thorpe, the nature of the Phoenix Lords, as well as discuss his time with Games Workshop as a codex writer in the second second segment. We wrap up the interview in the third segment with our discussion of Thorpe's latest work Jain Zar.
Please visit and subscribe to Gav's blog:
And definitely buy Jain Zar if you have not already!
A huge thanks to Gavin Thorpe and listener Robert Lamborn for helping this interview to happen. We do apologize for the release date delay due to some technical issues with the recording. There are some odd audio spikes and sync problems in the first segment that were unavoidable. Thank you all for understanding.
Time stamps:
8th edition discussion: 0:00-55:30
Gavin Thorpe Interview Part 1: 56:00-1:49:00
Gavin Thorpe Interview Part 2 Jain Zar discussion: 1:49:00- 2:55:00
Join Thor, Alex, and Brian as we turn off the swear filters and send off 7th Edition 40K with blunt honesty followed by 8th Edition hype train gushing. This episode will serve as a stopgap between now and the release of 8th Edition. We also tease some of the coming topics that we are really excited to record this summer!
Join us for the second half of Episode 32 where we discuss our playtesting of the Ynnari Warhost as well as a conversation between Alex and Brian discussing things we can do to stay active in 40K while we all play the Wait and See Game as 8th Edition looms large. The first interview was retrieved audio from a technical glitch. (ala Super Guppy!)
As a note: we referenced an interview with Doug Johnson from Tablewar (TABLEWAR!) that was irretrievable due to a technical error/file glitch on Brian's end. (Seeing a theme here...) We are attempting to reschedule with Doug and hope to re-record that interview to help you with tip for photographing your painted minis!
Thor, Alex, and Brian talk Gathering Storm 3, 8th Edition rumors, and finally get to the Optimistic Archon: Incubi segment. The last third segment of this episode is on the torture operating table and in need of serious editing help and will be released mid-month along with an interview with Doug Johnson of Tablewar fame talking about ways to improve your pics of your minis and Adepticon!
Our coverage of The Gathering Storm continues this month with the Fracture of Biel-Tan! Thor, Alex, and Brian discuss the background on birth of the Yncarne, the shear bad-assery of the Visarch, and the Yvraine (not Lady Malys for whatever reason) backstory. Brian and Alex talk hobby ideas for armies the Ynnari Warhost and the upcoming Splintermind hobby hangout in the second segment, and all three of us discuss our initial impressions of the Ynnari detachment while Brian channels his inner Robin Williams to heal the hurt.
If you would like to join Brian and Alex for our March 5th hobby hangout at 10:00AM EST send an email from a Gmail account and your name to to sign up!
We're 50% better! We cover the Gathering Storm Part 1: Fall of Cadia. We talk fluff, GW's new direction with campaign releases, formations that make sense, and debate exactly how swanky Trayzn's voice sounds. Also covered is the confessional moment as Brian admits how bad of a Reaver problem he has resulting from the Gangs of Commorragh. #KeepingupwiththeKeffers
*Note: An apology for Brian's super janky audio. Aside from recovering from a cold, his laptop reset to the default internal mic instead of his fancy mic.
The FAQ is here! Thor and Brian review the now official 40K FAQ, Brian inappropriately promotes his commission painting service, and we feature the inaugural Optimistic Archon segment: Mandrakes!
As always, we can be reached at
Check out Brian's VERY WIP commission page at
It's the two year anniversary episode! Thor is back as we are joined by our favorite returning third chair Alex to talk recent changes by GW, supplements, and recap that questionable piece of fluff from the Death Masque box. We are also joined by Lawrence from Tabletop Tactics for a special interview where he talks about the list and tactics used to win his third No Retreat championship in a row!
After month+ delay caused by real life and exploding laptops, we're back! (Okay....Brian is back while Thor's work is killing him) With Thor out Brian lets his hobby and real life ADHD take Splintermind back to the good ol' days of the Horus Heresy as he talks 30K gaming with Bill from the Bay Area Horus Heresy Gamers Facebook group. Returning guest Andrew (Woozl from TDC) joins us to help out with a listener request for an True Kin escalation league list. With Brian flying solo on a brand new laptop and without old pre-edited bumper tracks there's a bit of dodgy audio and little bit of salty language, but a fun time nonetheless.
Join hosts Thor and Brian as we talk Skitarii and Cult Mechanicus with with a regular opponent of Thor's. This episode also features interviews with Michael Basc from Worlds End Radio and Objective Secured, Nick Thrower(AKA The Burning Eye on as he discusses his Hero for a Day charity tournament, and a very special public service announcement from Gav Thorpe!
Join us as we talk Dark Eldar in narrative campaigns. We are joined by Faultline Gaming co-founder and Alien Skies all-Xenos campaign architect Zach Pfiefer to talk reviving your gaming scene with clubs and designing custom missions and games days. Joining us later are two returning guests and fellow Faultline Silicon Valley battle brothers Andrew Whitehead and Justin Keefer as we share our experiences in the Alien Skies campaign and talk more about hobby and narrative gaming using Dark Eldar and Corsairs. A baby and a Border Collie may or may not ruin the professional quality of an outdoor recording at some point....
We are joined by very special guests Skari from the SkaredCast YouTube channel and Lawrence Baker from Tabletop Tactics to talk Dark Eldar tactics! With all of the doom and gloom over passengers of jinking transports having to snapfire and other silliness we thought it was time to bring on a couple of heavy hitters that have been winning consistently with Dark Eldar in today's crazy meta. This is our best tactics episode to date!
Please visit the SkaredCast channel on YouTube and Tabletop Tactics
We are joined by the ITC's top-ranked Imperial Knights player and co-host of The Dice Decide podcast Chris Jones! Now that the Renegade box game is out we're about to see a ton of Imperial Knights on the table. Chris takes inside the cockpit of Imperial Knights and gives us tips and strategies to deal with these beasts!
We are joined for the second half of our Imperial Armour 11 coverage by Eric from the Variance Hammer blog to talk the offerings for Craftworld Eldar players.
Check out the blog here: Variance Hammer
We are joined by Alex (Cavalier AVA from the Dark City) to review the Corsair list form Imperial Armour 11. We talk list entries, modeling, and the sad, sad puppy that is Dissonance weaponry. This episode is nearly three weeks late due to a Google search for Superguppies and real life challenges. Splintermind: Always late, but worth the wait!
Join host Brian as he interviews Justin from the It Will Not Die podcast, James Stagg from the 1HourANight Facebook page, Adam AKA Loopy from the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge, Spellcheck from, and a very reluctant unnamed guest as we talk staying motivated in the hobby in 2016! At the end of the episode we finally draw the winners of the iTunes review promotion. Winners: Please contact us through the Facebook page or via PM at!
Please visit the sponsor of the promotion over at and check out their great products!
Check out the sites and shows of our guests!
It Will Not Die Podcast
Masters of the Forge
Note: The Revised episode corrected the awful audio of the drawing! Don't edit after working an 11 hour day kids!
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