
  • Join us for SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 64, where we delve into the latest cosmic discoveries and technological advancements shaping our understanding of the universe.
    First, we explore new research uncovering the origins of sunspots and their formation closer to the Sun's surface than previously thought. Scientists are now examining the complex interactions of magnetic fields and plasma within the Sun, providing fresh insights into the solar dynamo that drives these phenomena.
    Next, we turn our attention to Mars, as NASA and ESA announce a groundbreaking joint mission set to launch in 2028. This mission will utilise the ExoMars Rosalind Franklin rover, equipped with advanced instruments to drill deep beneath the Martian surface in search of signs of life, potentially rewriting our understanding of the Red Planet's habitability.
    Finally, we discuss innovative solutions in the battle against space junk. From hunter-killer satellites equipped with plasma guns to ground-based laser systems, scientists are developing new technologies to tackle the growing problem of space debris, ensuring safer orbits for future missions.
    00:00">This is Spacetime series 27, episode 64, for broadcast on 27 May 2024
    00:44">The spectacular solar storms may have originated closer to the sun's surface
    09:18">Hundreds of disused and damaged spacecraft and bits of space debris orbiting Earth
    16:09">Scientists are looking at ways to track space junk to save propellant
    18:28">A new study claims Australians are following misleading health and wellness advice on TikTok
    26:05">Spacetime is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through various podcast providersSupport the show and access ad-free episodes at Follow our cosmic conversations on X @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the universe, one episode at a time.
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  • Venture into the cosmic depths with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 63, where we unearth some of the universe's most ancient stars hiding in the halo of our very own Milky Way. These celestial elders, dubbed SAS stars, are remnants from a time when galaxies were just beginning to coalesce, offering a unique window into the universe's formative years. With their discovery, we edge closer to unraveling the mysteries of galaxy formation and the evolution of the cosmos.
    Next, we embark on a journey alongside Europe's JUICE spacecraft, now one year into its monumental eight-year voyage to the icy moons of Jupiter. This mission promises to probe the potential habitable environments beneath the moons' frozen crusts and could redefine our search for extraterrestrial life within our solar system.
    Finally, we witness Russia flexing its spacefaring muscles with the test launch of the new heavy-lift Angara A-5 rocket, aiming to usher in a new era for Russian space exploration and retire the venerable Proton rockets.
    Join us on SpaceTime with Stuart Gary for a cosmic exploration that spans from our galactic neighborhood to the far reaches of the Jovian system, and beyond.
    (00:00) This is spacetime series 27, episode 63.
    (00:46) Astronomers have discovered three of the oldest stars in the universe
    (05:25) The Jupiter icy moons explorer, or juice spacecraft, celebrated its first year in space
    (11:15) The Kremlin have undertaken a successful test launch of their new Angara a five rocket
    (12:41) Up to 246 million older adults could be exposed to dangerous acute heat by 2050
    (15:11) There's been another Bigfoot sighting in Manchester, England

    Tune into SpaceTime with Stuart Gary, available on your favorite podcast app, and follow our journey through the stars on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.
    This episode is proudly supported by our patrons who help keep the show going. Become a supporter and access ad-free episodes. Details at
    This episode is proudly supported by NordPass. Secure your digital journey across the cosmos with a password manager you can trust. Find your stellar security solution at

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  • Set sail through the cosmic seas with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 62, as we chart a course to a newly discovered Earth-sized exoplanet orbiting an ultra-cool red dwarf star just a stone's throw away in the galactic neighborhood. The discovery of Speculos-3b, a mere 55 light-years from Earth, stirs intrigue with its eternal days and nights due to likely tidal locking, offering a unique glimpse into the conditions of potentially habitable worlds around the most common stellar inhabitants of our galaxy.
    We then drift to the Milky Way's outskirts, where a stellar slow lane has been uncovered, challenging assumptions about the mass and dark matter content at the heart of our galactic home. This revelation, derived from Gaia and APOGEE data, suggests a lighter core and less dark matter than previously believed, sending ripples through our understanding of the cosmos.
    Our voyage continues as we seek to uncover dark matter's elusive influence on stellar streams with the help of the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory. This bastion of observation promises to shed light on the ghostly gravitational effects of dark matter on these celestial ribbons, offering a new perspective on the most dominant yet unseen force in the universe.
    Join us on SpaceTime with Stuart Gary for a journey into these cosmic curiosities and more, as we navigate the mysteries of space and the wonders it holds.
    (00:00) This is spacetime series 27, episode 62, for broadcast 22 May 2024
    (00:46) Astronomers have discovered a new Earth sized planet orbiting an ultracool red dwarf
    (04:24) The Milky Way's gravitational core may contain less dark matter than previously thought
    (10:26) The Vera C. Rubin Observatory may well hold the answers to what dark matter is
    (15:46) Heat waves during the four hottest months of the year lead to 150,000 deaths
    (19:29) Chat GPT launched GPT four omni last week
    Support the show and access ad-free episodes at Follow our cosmic conversations on X @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the universe, one episode at a time.
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    This episode is proudly supported by NordPass. Secure your digital journey across the cosmos with a password manager you can trust. Find your stellar security solution at
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  • Embark on a celestial odyssey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 61, where we witness the Sun unleash its most powerful solar flare in nearly two decades, sparking a series of geomagnetic storms that dazzled the skies with extraordinary auroras. The flare, an enormous X8.7 class eruption, marked the pinnacle of a week of solar ferocity, with the Earth enduring a bombardment that produced northern and southern lights visible far beyond their usual latitudes.
    We then delve into the mysteries of Earth's magnetotail, where NASA's Magnetospheric Multiscale mission has observed unusual substorms that could reshape our understanding of magnetic reconnection and its role in auroral phenomena.
    Finally, we plunge into the depths of the sea with China's construction of the deep-sea neutrino telescope, TRIDENT, designed to scan the cosmos for neutrinos and unlock the secrets of cosmic rays and the extreme universe.
    Join us on SpaceTime with Stuart Gary for an exploration of these awe-inspiring events and more, as we traverse the vastness of space and the wonders it holds.
    (00:00) This is spacetime series 27, episode 61, for broadcast on 20 May 2024
    (00:43) The sun has produced its biggest solar flare in nearly two decades
    (10:28) NASA scientists have detected an unusual event in Earth's magnetotail
    (21:35) The south pole neutrino detector uses liquid water rather than solid ice
    (28:39) Supernova is basically a neutrino explosion that has this tiny optical signature
    (33:00) New observations confirm that April 2024 was the hottest month on record
    (35:43) A new study claims males with low testosterone may have an increased risk of dying prematurely
    (37:03) Shroud of Turin supposedly shows Jesus after crucifixion
    (42:25) Tim Mendham: crucifixion was fairly common in those days
    Support the show and access ad-free episodes at Follow our cosmic conversations on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the universe, one episode at a time.
    This episode is proudly supported by NordPass. Secure your digital journey across the cosmos with a password manager you can trust. Find your stellar security solution at
    Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

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  • Journey through the cosmic tapestry with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 60, where we unearth the echoes of creation by discovering one of the most ancient stars ever seen in another galaxy. This remarkable find could lead us to the elusive first generation of stars that illuminated the universe from darkness to the dawn of clarity. These celestial ancestors, born from the pure elements of the Big Bang, were behemoths that lived fast and died young, leaving behind the building blocks of everything we know.
    The episode then shifts focus to the Hubble Space Telescope's latest challenge, as it enters safe mode due to a gyroscope glitch. Despite the setback, the iconic observatory's legacy of over three decades of celestial observations remains unshaken as NASA seeks a solution.
    Next, we launch into the story of Snoopy, a CubeSat deployed from the International Space Station. This six-unit CubeSat embarks on a mission to measure soil moisture and improve agricultural yields by harnessing signals from commercial satellites.
    For an exploration of these cosmic milestones and more, tune into SpaceTime with Stuart Gary. Join us as we navigate the universe's past, present, and future, revealing the wonders that lie beyond the night sky.
    (00:00) NASA's Hubble space telescope goes offline following a gyroscope issue
    (00:43) Astronomers have discovered one of the most ancient stars ever seen in another galaxy
    (06:49) NASAS Hubble Space Telescope enters safe mode due to gyroscopic issue
    (09:09) A new CubeSat called Snoopy has been launched from the ISS
    (13:41) Long term daily use of aspirin could help slow and even prevent colorectal cancer
    (20:09) Some people have been comparing this festival to the Wicker man film

    Support the show and access ad-free episodes at Follow our cosmic conversations on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the universe, one episode at a time.
    This episode is proudly supported by NordPass. Secure your digital journey across the cosmos with a password manager you can trust. Find your stellar security solution at
    Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

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  • Embark on an interplanetary journey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 59, where we unravel the enigmatic atmosphere of Venus and its waterless environment. Discover the startling new study that suggests Venus lost its water reserves to space, leaving it with a mere fraction of Earth's water despite their similar origins. The episode dives into the complex chemical reactions in Venus's atmosphere that may have turned a once Earth-like planet into a scorching, inhospitable world.
    Next, we explore the innovative ideas NASA is considering for future lunar logistics, including a magnetic railroad system designed to transport materials across the Moon's surface. This system could revolutionize the way we build and sustain lunar bases, pushing the boundaries of off-world construction and resource utilization.
    The episode then shifts to the launch of a cutting-edge satellite from the International Space Station. This new eye in the sky aims to provide early warnings of volcanic eruptions by detecting trace gases, a game-changer for disaster preparedness and environmental monitoring.
    Join us as we delve into these cosmic developments and more, including the implications of AI biases and the latest in tech from Apple.

    Tune into SpaceTime with Stuart Gary for a deep dive into the latest astronomical insights and technological advancements.

    (00:00) This is spacetime series 27, episode 59, for broadcast on 15 May 2024
    (00:42) Study claims Venus loses twice as much water every day through dissociative recombination
    (06:16) NASA is looking at building a railway on the moon to transport freight
    (16:23) Ultra processed junk foods associated with higher risk of premature death, study finds
    (18:52) Apple has formally released its new Apple Air and Apple Pro iPads
    (24:15) Spacetime is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple podcasts
    Support the show and access ad-free episodes at Follow our cosmic conversations on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the universe, one episode at a time.
    This episode is proudly supported by NordPass. Secure your digital journey across the cosmos with a password manager you can trust. Find your stellar security solution at
    Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

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  • Embark on a cosmic expedition with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 58, where we delve into the mysteries of Earth’s ancient magnetic field and its role in the diversification of life.
    Join us as we explore a pivotal period over half a billion years ago when a weakening magnetic shield may have paved the way for a dramatic increase in atmospheric oxygen, fostering the rise of complex organisms and setting the stage for human evolution.
    The episode then accelerates into the realm of supermassive black holes, whose voracious energy output is revealed to be even more influential than once thought. With the help of the Webb Space Telescope, scientists uncover the hidden power of black holes to rapidly quench star formation, effectively turning vibrant galaxies into cosmic graveyards.
    Finally, we witness the ambitious ascent of China’s Chang'e 6 lunar sample return mission, aiming to harvest the first-ever samples from the far side of the Moon. This daring venture could provide unprecedented insights into the Moon's enigmatic history and even propel China to the forefront of Martian soil retrieval.
    For a journey through these profound astronomical discoveries, tune into SpaceTime with Stuart Gary. Traverse the celestial currents and uncover the secrets of the universe, one episode at a time.
    (00:00) This is spacetime series 27, episode 58, for broadcast on 13 May 2024
    (00:49) A reduction in Earth's magnetic field may have triggered diversification
    (04:11) New study shows supermassive black holes can shut off star formation in big galaxies
    (15:32) China has successfully launched its Changi six sample return mission
    (19:29) A new study claims consuming olive oil reduces dementia risk in women
    (23:44) The Westall UFO incident took place in 1966 near Melbourne's Westall school
    (30:01) Spacetime is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through various podcasting platforms
    Support the show and access ad-free episodes at
    Follow our cosmic conversations on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the universe, one episode at a time.
    This episode is proudly supported by NordPass. Secure your digital journey across the cosmos with a password manager you can trust. Find your stellar security solution at
    Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

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  • Embark on a celestial odyssey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 57, where we unravel the rapid evolution of spiral galaxies.
    Our cosmic journey begins over 10 billion years ago, as new observations from the Webb Space Telescope reveal the early formation of star bars. These stellar structures, pivotal in the maturation of galaxies, were once thought to emerge in a chaotic young universe. Yet, they now appear to have developed far sooner, indicating a surprisingly orderly galactic evolution.
    The episode takes an unexpected turn as we delve into the moon's dramatic geological past. Discover how our lunar companion turned itself inside out, reshaping its surface with titanium-rich lava flows. The tale unfolds through a blend of computer simulations and spacecraft observations, shedding light on the moon's enigmatic lopsided geology.
    As we return to Earth, we witness the changing of the guard aboard China's Tiangong space station. The Shenzhou 17 crew's safe return after six months in orbit paves the way for the Shenzhou 18 team to continue exploring the frontiers of science in microgravity, including the intriguing endeavor of raising fish in the void.
    Concluding our cosmic survey, we gaze upon the night sky's wonders in the May edition of Skywatch. Marvel at the constellation Scorpius, the radiant Antares, and the Eta Aquarids meteor shower—a celestial spectacle born from the remnants of Halley's Comet.
    For a comprehensive voyage through these astronomical discoveries, visit and support the show at Immerse yourself in the wonders of the universe with SpaceTime.
    This episode is brought to you by NordPass. Secure your digital life as you traverse the vast expanse of space with a password manager you can trust. Visit to learn more.
    Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Join us as we unravel the cosmos, one episode at a time.
    (00:00) New observations show galaxies evolved much faster than previously thought
    (00:43) New study suggests early galaxies evolved much faster than previously thought
    (12:46) In greek mythology, the constellation was named after Scorpius
    (23:39) Short period comet will make its next close up appearance in 2061
    (26:21) It's actually a good time for stargazing this time of the year
    (29:20) Many stars in the night sky are multiple stars, right
    (31:11) During mid evening, the constellation Scorpius will poke its nose up over the horizon
    (32:40) Jupiter is too close to the sun to be seen this month
    (33:59) Spacetime is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple podcastsThis episode is proudly supported by NordPass. Safeguard your digital journey across the infinite expanse with a password manager you can count on. Secure your celestial navigation at
    Tune into SpaceTime on your preferred podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.
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  • Embark on an interstellar odyssey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 56, where we delve into the enigmatic geysers of Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. Unravel the mystery behind these spectacular jets as new research draws parallels with Earth's own San Andreas Fault, suggesting a strike-slip motion akin to our tectonic shifts may be powering these icy eruptions. Discover how this celestial phenomenon could hold the keys to conditions ripe for life beneath Enceladus's frozen crust.
    The episode then shifts to the dusty red plains of Mars, where NASA scientists brace for the onslaught of solar storms as our Sun approaches its fiery peak. Learn how the absence of a protective magnetic field on Mars presents a unique opportunity to observe the effects of solar radiation on the Martian surface and the implications for future human explorers.
    In an unexpected twist, we recount the tale of space junk from the International Space Station making an unwelcome visit to a Florida home, reminding us of the ever-present dance between our orbital endeavors and the pull of Earth's gravity.
    Join us as we navigate these cosmic currents and more, including the potential impact of solar and dust storms on Mars's ancient watery past and the measures being taken to protect future missions from the Sun's wrath.
    For a voyage through the latest in space exploration and the intricacies of our solar system, tune into SpaceTime with Stuart Gary. Navigate the celestial highways with us and become part of a journey that transcends our earthly bounds.
    Support the show and access ad-free episodes at Follow our cosmic conversations on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the universe, one episode at a time.
    (00:00) Stuart Garry brings you the latest in spacetime series 27
    (00:46) New study suggests tiger stripes on Enceladus may control geyser activity
    (06:45) NASA scientists studying how solar storms and radiation will affect Mars in the future
    (14:08) Scientists confirm that space junk slammed into a Florida home last month
    (16:13) New research warns that older adults who lose sense of smell may lose mobility faster
    (19:08) Apple is expected to announce its new iPads this week with M four chips
    (21:06) Spacetime is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through Apple PodcastsThis episode is proudly supported by NordPass. Secure your digital journey across the cosmos with a password manager you can trust. Find your stellar security solution at
    Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

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  • The Space, Astronomy and Science Podcast. SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 55 *New findings point to an Earth-like environment on ancient Mars A new study using data from NASA’s Mars curiosity rover suggests there was once an Earth-like environment on ancient Mars. *Could purple be the new green in search for alien life A new study suggests that life on other planets with different atmospheres and orbiting different types of stars wouldn’t display Earth like forests of green. *HyImpulse’s SR75 rocket blasts off Germany’s HyImpulse has successfully launched its SR75 sounding rocket on a test flight from Southern Launch’s Koonibba Test Range west of Ceduna on South Australia’s west coast. *The Science Report Being vegetarian is linked to a much slower progression of prostate cancer. A new way of cleaning up per-and poly-Fluro-alkyls – the so called forever chemicals. Why do people prefer their alcoholic beverages cold. Skeptics guide to when psychics say the Russian invasion of Ukraine will end. This week’s guests include: Lígia Fonseca Coelho from Cornell university Associate professor Lisa Kaltenegger from Cornell University Shannon Curry from the University of Colorado boulder and principal scientist for NASA’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN spacecraft MAVEN And our regular guests: Alex Zaharov-Reutt from Tim Mendham from Australian Skeptics Jonathan Nally from Sky and Telescope Magazine 🌏 Get Our Exclusive NordPass deal here ➼ . The discount is incredible! And it’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✌ Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app with our universal listen link: and access show links via Additionally, listeners can support the podcast and gain access to bonus content by becoming a SpaceTime crew member through or through premium versions on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Details on our website at
    For yur daily dose of Space and Astronomy News, check out Astronomy Daily the Podcast. Available wherever you get podcasts. Or listen and get details from our website at

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  • Dive into the cosmic depths with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 54, where we journey back 3.7 billion years to uncover the oldest evidence of Earth's magnetic field. Join us as we explore pristine ancient rocks from Greenland, revealing a magnetic strength similar to today's, and potentially extending the known age of our planet's protective shield by hundreds of millions of years. This discovery could illuminate the early conditions that fostered life on Earth and the enduring power source behind our magnetic field.
    The volcanic spectacle continues as we venture to Jupiter's moon Io, unveiling that it has been a hotbed of volcanic activity for its entire 4.57 billion-year existence. The sulfur and chlorine isotopes in Io's atmosphere, analyzed through the Alma radio telescope, attest to a history of relentless eruptions powered by Jupiter's immense gravitational pull.
    Witness the marvels of the solar corona as we recap the scientific endeavors during the recent solar eclipse that graced North America. From sounding rockets to high-altitude jets, scientists harnessed this celestial event to probe the enigmatic corona, seeking to solve the mystery of its intense heat and its role in geomagnetic storms that affect our increasingly tech-dependent world.
    And in a turn towards Earthly concerns, we discuss the unsettling findings that nearly half of China's major coastal cities are sinking, posing a threat to millions.
    For a comprehensive voyage through these astronomical discoveries and terrestrial challenges, visit and support the show at Immerse yourself in the wonders of the universe with SpaceTime.
    This episode is proudly supported by NordPass. Safeguard your digital journey across the infinite expanse with a password manager you can count on. Secure your celestial navigation at
    Tune into SpaceTime on your preferred podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.
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  • Embark on an interplanetary investigation with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 53, as we delve into the perplexing presence of methane on Mars. The red planet's mysterious emissions have puzzled scientists for years, with seasonal spikes and unpredictable behavior sparking debates on their origin. Could biological activity be the source, or are geological interactions to blame? Join us as we explore a new hypothesis that suggests Mars' own soil could be sealing and sporadically releasing this elusive gas, adding another layer to the Martian enigma.
    The episode ascends further into the Jovian system with an up-close encounter of the volcanic moon Io, courtesy of NASA's Juno spacecraft. Marvel at the newly discovered jagged mountain spires and tranquil lava lakes that adorn this tumultuous celestial body, revealing a landscape both violent and serene.
    But it's not all smooth sailing in the cosmos. We report on the unexpected hiccup faced by NASA's planet-hunting satellite TESS, which has entered safe mode, suspending its quest for new worlds beyond our solar system. What caused this sudden shutdown, and what does it mean for the future of exoplanet discovery?
    Plus, don't miss our Science Report, where we unearth a connection between a form of rheumatoid arthritis and gene mutations linked to blood cancer, and discuss the climatic shifts allowing tropical fish to venture into temperate Australian waters.
    For the full cosmic journey, visit our website at and support the show at Discover the universe's wonders with us on SpaceTime.
    This episode is brought to you by NordPass. Navigate the digital universe with confidence using a password manager you can trust. Secure your cosmic exploration at
    Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.
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    (00:00) This is spacetime series 27, episode 53, for broadcast on 1 May 2024
    (00:47) New study may help explain why scientists are continuing to detect methane on Mars
    (08:55) NASA's Juno spacecraft has studied the volcanic moon IO during two flybys
    (15:45) Climate change is helping tropical fish species invade temperate Australian waters
    (17:24) Google AI chatbot Baird apparently hallucinated, citing a research paper that doesn't exist
    (19:11) Ohio based company has invented the first ever flamethrower wielding robot dogs
    (21:43) Spacetime is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through various podcast providers

  • Dive into the cosmos with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 52, as we traverse the stellar seas to discover a groundbreaking revelation: stardust from a supernova, harboring secrets from a newly identified type of star. An extraordinary find in an ancient meteorite has led scientists to a hydrogen-burning supernova, a stellar phenomenon only recently recognized by astronomers. This episode sheds light on how a tiny particle, a relic from a star that perished before our solar system's birth, is providing invaluable insights into the cosmos' intricate workings.
    The voyage of discovery doesn't end there. Rejoice in NASA's triumph as the venerable Voyager 1 spacecraft reestablishes contact after months of silence, sending clear data across the vast expanse from the very edge of interstellar space. The episode also celebrates the successful ascent of New Zealand's Electron rocket, which lofted NASA's innovative solar sail satellite, set to harness the gentle push of sunlight for propulsion.
    Join us as we delve into these celestial tales and more, including the profound implications of presolar grains on our understanding of the universe, the dynamic environments that shape star and planet formation, and the technological marvels that continue to expand humanity's reach into the void.
    For a journey through time and space that captivates and educates, tune in to SpaceTime with Stuart Gary. Embrace the enigma of the stars and become part of a community that looks beyond our world to the wonders that await.
    Support the show and access ad-free episodes at Follow our interstellar conversations on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Join us as we unravel the fabric of the universe, one episode at a time.
    This episode is brought to you by NordPass. As you navigate the celestial pathways, secure your digital life with a password manager you can trust. Visit for a special offer.
    For more space news, listen to Astronomy Daily the Podcast, available wherever you get your podcasts, or stream from
    This week’s guests include: Phil Bland, from Curtin’s School of Earth and Planetary Sciences Amir Caspi from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antinio Texas And our regular guests: Alex Zaharov-Reutt from Tim Mendham from Australian Skeptics 🌏 Get Our Exclusive NordPass deal here ➼ . The discount is incredible! And it’s risk-free with Nord’s 30-day money-back guarantee! ✌ Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app with our universal listen link: and access show links via Additionally, listeners can support the podcast and gain access to bonus content by becoming a SpaceTime crew member through or through premium versions on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Details on our website at

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  • Embark on a celestial journey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 51, as we unravel the mysteries of Pluto's heart. Scientists, armed with sophisticated computer simulations, have finally pieced together the enigmatic origins of the dwarf planet's heart-shaped feature, Sputnik Planitia. This episode delves into the colossal impact that sculpted Pluto's icy facade, challenging previous assumptions about its internal structure and the existence of a subsurface ocean.
    The cosmic surprises continue as we delve into the perplexing absence of gamma rays from a recent supernova explosion in the Pinwheel Galaxy. SN 2023 IXF's silent gamma-ray profile has left astronomers scratching their heads, prompting a reevaluation of the role supernovae play in accelerating cosmic rays to near-light speeds.
    Witness the end of an era with the final launch of a Delta rocket, a titan of the space industry for over six decades. The Delta IV Heavy's last ascent, carrying a classified payload for the National Reconnaissance Office, marks a historic milestone and paves the way for the next generation of launch vehicles.
    And in our Science Report, we explore the alarming rise in global obesity rates, the benefits of resistant starch in diets, the development of an automated toilet flushing device to combat bathroom bacteria, and a curious survey on the belief in angels.
    For an in-depth exploration of these cosmic conundrums and technological triumphs, visit and become a patron for exclusive access to commercial-free episodes and special content at Embrace the wonders of the universe with SpaceTime.
    This episode is brought to you by NordPass. Secure your digital life as you navigate the vastness of the cosmos with a password manager you can trust. Visit for a special offer.
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  • Venture into the unknown with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 50, as we embark on an interplanetary adventure that transcends the boundaries of our earthly skies. NASA confirms its bold mission to dispatch a pioneering rotocopter to the enigmatic Saturnian moon, Titan. The Dragonfly mission is set to soar through Titan's dense atmosphere, exploring its organically rich landscapes in search of prebiotic chemical processes that mirror the early Earth. With a launch date set for July 2028 and a budget of $3.35 billion, Dragonfly promises to revolutionize our understanding of this distant, methane-drenched world.
    As we bid a heartfelt farewell to the Mars Ingenuity helicopter, we celebrate its unprecedented achievements on the Red Planet. Despite a hard landing ending its aerial escapades, Ingenuity's legacy endures as it transitions to a stationary science platform, continuing to collect invaluable data for future Martian exploration.
    Amidst escalating global tensions, South Korea asserts its space prowess with the launch of a new spy satellite, keeping a vigilant eye on its northern neighbor. This strategic move marks a significant step in the intensifying space race on the Korean Peninsula, as nations jockey for celestial dominance and surveillance capabilities.
    Join us as we also delve into the Science Report, confronting the harsh realities of climate change with another bleaching event on the Great Barrier Reef and examining the global hotspots of cybercrime. Plus, we'll explore the latest in technology, from AI-enhanced chips to the ongoing evolution of smartphone supremacy.
    For the full cosmic journey, visit our website at and support the show at Discover the universe's wonders with us on SpaceTime.
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  • Prepare for a cosmic revelation in SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 49, as we journey through the Milky Way to uncover a celestial heavyweight—the most massive stellar black hole ever discovered in our galaxy. Detected by the vigilant eyes of the European Space Agency's Gaia mission, this black hole, known as Gaia BH3, imposes a peculiar wobble on its companion star, betraying its presence. Weighing in at a colossal 33 solar masses and residing a mere 2,000 light-years away in the constellation Aquila, BH3 redefines our understanding of stellar remnants and the mysterious dance of gravity and mass that shapes them.
    Then, we take a detour through the evolutionary tracks of white dwarf stars, which have long been the cooling embers of the cosmic campfire. Recent observations from Gaia have spotted a group of these stellar corpses defying the natural order, mysteriously ceasing to cool. This perplexing behavior is challenging astronomers to rethink the very nature of these ancient stars, which may not be the reliable cosmic clocks once thought.
    We'll also explore the technological advancements propelling humanity's reach into the cosmos with the development of a new, more capacious Cygnus cargo ship. Set to enhance supply missions to the International Space Station, this vessel promises to double the payload space and carry up to five tonnes of cargo, marking a significant leap forward in our orbital endeavors.
    And in our Science Report, we celebrate the end of the 2023-24 El Niño weather pattern, but with a watchful eye on the horizon for a potential return to La Niña conditions. Plus, we delve into the health risks of sugary and artificially sweetened drinks, the discovery of a jaw-droppingly large marine reptile, and the curious case of an extensive paranormal archive that sparks more questions than answers.
    For the full cosmic journey, visit our website at and support the show at Discover the universe's wonders with us on SpaceTime.
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  • Embark on an astronomical odyssey with SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 48, as we unveil the most detailed view of the expanding universe to date. The first-year data from DESI, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument survey, is in, and it's changing the cosmic game. This groundbreaking five-year study is mapping the universe in 3D, charting the enigmatic influence of dark energy over time. Will the universe meet a chilling big freeze, or will dark energy's relentless acceleration lead to a catastrophic big rip? With precision better than 1%, DESI's data is painting a complex picture of our cosmic destiny.
    Then, join us in celebrating a celestial milestone as the Solar Observatory spacecraft SOHO captures its 5000th comet. SOHO's unexpected role as a prolific comet hunter has deepened our understanding of these enigmatic sun-grazers, offering insights into the sun's atmosphere and the large-scale structure of comets.
    Plus, we follow the Soyuz MS-24 capsule's return to Earth, bringing home a NASA astronaut and the first Belarusian cosmonaut after a landmark mission. With blue skies over Kazakhstan, the Soyuz's journey from the International Space Station to the steppe marks a successful conclusion to an expedition of cosmic proportions.
    And don't miss our Science Report, where we delve into the impact of climate change on wine regions, the link between mood disorders and driving in young people, and the debate over a meteor impact ejecta potentially being alien technology.
    For more SpaceTime and to support the show, visit our website at Tune in to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app with our universal listen link:, and access show links via Support the show:
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  • Prepare to illuminate the shadowy frontiers of space in SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 47. We begin by shedding light on new findings that reveal brown dwarfs, those celestial enigmas straddling the line between the largest planets and the smallest stars, are far more star-like than we ever imagined. Born from the same intricate dance of gas and dust that gives rise to stars, these failed stars have a story more intertwined with their luminous kin than previously thought.
    Next, we peer into the future, where the clock is ticking down to an explosive cosmic event. Astronomers eagerly anticipate a nova eruption within a binary star system, set to dazzle the skies sometime before year's end. This stellar spectacle, a cyclical detonation on the surface of a white dwarf, promises to be a beacon in the night, echoing observations that date back over a century.
    We then voyage to the extreme starburst galaxy M82, a crucible of creation churning out new stars at a rate tenfold that of our own Milky Way. With the James Webb Space Telescope piercing through the cosmic dust, we get a front-row seat to the galactic winds and star-forming frenzy defining this compact powerhouse of a galaxy.
    And in the Science Report, we delve into the role of homosexual behavior in mammalian social bonding, the alarming rise in simultaneous heatwaves and sea level extremes on global coastlines, the potential psychological effects of teenage screen time, and the latest in home entertainment and security tech that's shaping our digital lives.
    For the full cosmic journey, visit our website at and support the show at Discover the universe's wonders with us on SpaceTime.
    This week's episode is brought to you by NordPass. Navigate the digital universe with confidence using a password manager you can trust. Secure your cosmic exploration at
    Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app and follow us on Twitter @stuartgary, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.

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  • SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 46: The Cosmic Dance of Neutron Stars and Black Holes
    Join us on a thrilling journey through the cosmos in SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 46, where we delve into the mysteries of a possible neutron star-black hole merger detected in gravitational waves. The LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration may have stumbled upon a cosmic ballet between the densest objects in the universe, offering tantalizing clues about the elusive mass gap and challenging our understanding of stellar evolution.
    Next, we explore the cannibalistic tendencies of stars as a new study reveals that stars often end up devouring their own planets. This celestial feast, found in roughly 8% of binary star systems examined, raises questions about the stability of planetary orbits and could reshape our knowledge of cosmic dynamics.
    And as North America was plunged into darkness by a total solar eclipse, scientists seized the opportunity to conduct groundbreaking research. From rockets piercing the upper atmosphere to jets chasing the eclipse at dizzying altitudes, we look at the scientific endeavors that took advantage of this spectacular celestial event.
    Plus, in the Science Report, we discuss the implications of "forever chemicals" in our water resources, the heart failure benefits of a diabetes drug, the discovery of Australia's oldest pottery, and the controversy surrounding a prestigious clinic's endorsement of Reiki.
    For more SpaceTime and to support the show, visit our website at, where you can access our universal listen link, find show notes, and learn how to become a patron. Listen to SpaceTime on your favorite podcast app with our universal listen link: and access show links via Support the show:
    This episode of SpaceTime is brought to you by NordPass. Secure your digital life and keep the cosmic exploration going with the password manager you can trust. Visit for a special offer. This week’s guests include: Fan Liu from Monash University Sungrazer project principal investigator Karl Battams from the U.S. Naval Research Lab Washington, D.C.. And our regular guests: Alex Zaharov-Reutt from Tim Mendham from Australian Skeptics
    Episode Chapters
    (00:00) A possible neutron star black hole merger detected in gravitational waves
    (00:47) LIGO has detected what might be either the merger of two neutron stars
    (06:22) New study confirms that some stars may have swallowed planets or planetary material
    (13:58) NASA launched a fleet of rockets and jets to monitor last weeks solar eclipse
    (16:54) A new study warns that we're likely underestimating future impact of forever chemicals
    (19:19) Mayo Clinic slammed for allowing staff nurse to promote rank pseudoscience
    (22:50) Spacetime is available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday through various podcasting services

  • SpaceTime Series 27 Episode 45 *Perseverance collects its 24th sample on Mars NASA’s Mars Perseverance Rover has just collected its 24 geological sample from the surface of the red planet. The drill core offers new clues about Jezero Crater and the lake it may have once held. *New date set for Starliner's first manned mission NASA has set May 6 as the opening of the launch window for the first manned flight of Boeing’s long troubled CST-100 Starliner. The flight to the International Space Station was originally slated for this month. *Space junk slams into a Florida home NASA says it’s analyzing an object that crashed into a Florida man's home last week which is suspected of being piece of debris jettisoned from the International Space Station. *The Science Report New research shows that the warming climate will turn Australia’s soil into a net emitter of carbon dioxide. A new study claims women with a low resting heart rate had a slightly higher chance of a criminal lifestyle. Identifying criminals by airborne forensic DNA evidence. Skeptics guide to African witchcraft trials This week’s guests include our regular guests: Alex Zaharov-Reutt from Tim Mendham from Australian Skeptics

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