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Tüm dünyanın içinden geçtiği ekonomik değişimin içinde YATIRIM yapmanın zorluğunu herkes yaşıyor. Fırsatların ardındaki hikayeyi, nereden çıktıklarını, neden fırsat olduklarını merak edenler; YATIRIM TAVSİYESİ DEĞİLDİR Podcast'e hoşgeldiniz!
Bora Özkent ve Eray Türker'in beraber hazırladığı Yatırım Tavsiyesi Değildir podcastte Eray Türker dünyada olanları soruyor; Bora Özkent, bildiklerini, öğrendiklerini, analizlerini aktarıyor!
Eray Türker soruyor; Bora Özkent cevaplıyor!
Keyifli dinlemeler.. -
Join our trading community over at to improve your stock and options trading skills.
Want to level up your trading? Take the SPX Income Masterclass here:
Check out the SMOT YouTube channel for quantitative options strategies and education here:
For the SPX Premium Blog and Alerts, head over to Patreon here: -
Το Pitch Me Up είναι ένα εβδομαδιαίο podcast που υποστηρίζεται από μια ομάδα angel investors. Κάθε Τρίτη, ιδρυτές start-ups, έρχονται στο στούντιο για να pitch-αρουν το εγχείρημά τους στον Guy Krief και τον Λάκη Γαβαλά. Έχουν στη διάθεσή τους μόλις 4 λεπτά για πείσουν τους «αγγέλους» του Pitch Me Up αλλά και οποιονδήποτε άλλο ακροατή του podcast να επενδύσει στην επιχείρησή τους. Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες για τους angel investors αλλά και για τις επιχειρήσεις που παρουσιάζονται στο
Yaparım! Diyenler'in her bölümünde farklı sektörden başarılı bir girişimciyle akıllarındaki iş fikrini hayata nasıl geçirdiklerini, büyüme yolculuğu sırasında yaşadıkları zorlukları, şirketlerini Özel Sermaye (Private Equity) / Girişim Sermayesi (Venture Capital) yatırımlarıyla nasıl farklı bir noktaya taşıdıklarını konuşuyorum. Bir girişim kurmayı düşünenlere ya da girişimini büyütmek isteyenlere yönelik tavsiyelerini alıyorum. Yeni bölümlerden anında haberdar olmak, içerik ile ilgili soru, yorum ve gelecek bölümlere yönelik konu / konuk önerilerini paylaşmak için Twitter'da @yaparimdiyenler ya da e-mail üzerinden iletişimde kalın.
نبذة عن تكيات فلك - تعودنا على الاستعراض بالنجاحات ولكن هذه النجاحات تكلّف! وخلف هذه النجاحات عامل واحد: الفشل. نسعى في #تكية_فلك أننا نسلط الضوء على هذه المطبات الخفية في طريق النجاح من باب نشر المعرفة وتبادلها, فنأمل من خلال هذه السلسلة أن نلهم مثابر اليوم يكون مؤسس الشركة اليونيكورنية القادمة بقوة.
Let's give you a brief about our Takkyas: Parading success comes at a cost, and that cost is: failures. In #Takkyat_Falak we put the spotlight on these hidden bumps down the road. #Takkyat_Falak originated from that concept and is here to celebrate and reflect on the journey, and not just the destination. Through these sessions we hope to inspire the future unicorn founder struggling to find their way today, and this is where we work day and night for Falak's legacy to stand. -
The Small Business Tax Savings Podcast is designed specifically for small business owners. We focus on tax savings and ways to have a financially sound back bone to your small business. Our goal is to have you paying the least amount in taxes as legally possible.Hosted by by Mike Jesowshek, CPA, this is a quick hitting podcast aimed to get you important information without all the fluff. You can find episodes, blog posts, information on our software TaxElm and more on our website:
saas.unbound is a podcast where inspiring founders and experts share their stories of founding and scaling their businesses all the way to success and eternal love from their customers.
At saas.unbound we have casual chats with entrepreneurs who have already walked from 0 to 1, to 10, and sometimes to a life-changing exit.
They share their experiences, actionable insights, and mistakes to avoid.
Your host is Anna Nadeina, Head of Growth at, passionate Growth Marketer, and a big believer in sustainable growth and the power of networking.
saas.unbound is brought to you by
For those interested in the venture capital, particularly in the UK and investors through the Enterprise Investment Scheme, EIS, Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme, or SEIS, and Venture Capital Trusts.
Guests are leading people in the industry, whether fund managers, company founders or experts from other service providers. The aim is to dig deeply into topics, getting away from the promotional material that predominates elsewhere. Venture capital investing is a long-term endeavour and we will focus on topics that are relevant at any time. New episodes come out every two weeks (although we do take holidays!)
Your host, Brian Moretta, is Head of Tax Advantaged Services at Hardman & Co. The latter supplies independent research in the industry and he has examined many EIS funds, VCTs and companies. His background is an actuary turned fund manager who then moved into equity research. He also has some academic chops, being an Honorary Fellow at Heriot-Watt University where he does some lecturing. He has always had a strong interest in getting underneath companies, getting beyond the superficial and understanding how they really work and finds this space fascinating. Some of this is because transparency is hard, some because the industry is not well understood. This podcast is an attempt to shine a bit more light on what is going on.
Every episode has show notes at If you want to contact us or give feedback, whether about the podcast or anything else you can email us at Any feedback from listeners is welcome as well as suggestions for future guests. We really hope you enjoy the podcast! -
If you’re considering a holiday home or apartment in a seaside resort as an investment for your future, this podcast is for you.
Scarborough’s Spa Properties are going to boom over the next 4 years, despite the current economic doom and gloom in 2022. Company Director Jon Stanton introduces his journey so far and – along with some sage advice and top tips from ‘the boots on the ground’ – and explains how you too can make your property pay, as well as having free holidays for life!
Jon Stanton
Jon left a successful career spanning thirty years in IT to pursue his passion for property management and has been leading the team at Spa Properties for almost fifteen years.
As well as leading the team at Spa Properties, Jon is an advocate of ongoing business development and professional networking, as well as a senior member of the Scarborough Hospitality Association.
Twitter: -
Welcome to Speak Bold. We're on a mission to uncover the inspiring stories behind the scenes of the movers and shakers in crypto, fintech, and business. Through our exclusive interviews, you'll discover how they turned their ideas into successful ventures and navigated the challenges of an ever-changing industry. This is a podcast that uncovers the fascinating intersection of innovation and opportunity.
Learn all about investing in real estate in Portsmouth, Virginia with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Portsmouth plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Portsmouth).
Yıldız Ventures sunar: Yıldız'ın İzinde Podcast Serisi
Girişimcilik ekosisteminden yıldız*ladığımız konu ve konuklarla farklı girişimcilik serüvenlerini, Arzu Aslan Kesimer’in moderatörlüğünde dinleyicilerle buluşturuyoruz. Podcast serisinde dinleyiciler, girişimcilik dünyasının yıldızlarının deneyimlerini ve tavsiyelerini keşfetme fırsatı buluyor. -
Finansal Bağımsızlık yolunda atılması gereken adımları anlatan ve genel olarak mevcut finansal düzeni sorgulayan bir podcast.İletişimMail : borsadabirbasina@gmail.comTwitter :
İş hayatında gerçekten fark yaratmak isteyenlerin dinlediği iş dünyası podcast!
Dünyada ve Türkiye'de pazarlama, teknoloji, girişimcilik, insan kaynakları, beyaz yaka gündem konularını şeffaf bir biçimde konuşuyor bazen gündemdeki konuları yorumluyor, bazen de konuşulmayan konuları masaya yatırıyoruz.
Bu arada siz kimsiniz derseniz, biz Hande Aydın ve Hakan Şık. Herhangi bir konuda bize ulaşmak isterseniz: