Marc and Nick sit down with Jennifer Womble, chair of the Future of Education in Technology Conference (FETC), the largest gathering of its kind in North America. They discuss the many challenges faced by educators and schools impacted by an ever-evolving technological landscape.
Show Notes:
Jennifer Womble on X, BlueSky LinkedIn
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Check out Marc's new book, CAPTIVATE
Catch the second part of Marc and Nick's in-depth conversation with Dr. Todd Whitaker (author of What Great Teachers Do Differently and What Great Principals Do Differently). It is a master class in instructional leadership from the classroom to the superintendency.
Show Notes:
Dr. Whitaker on X, website
Follow Marc on X, online, or YouTube
Check out Marc's new book, CAPTIVATE
There are so many great lessons in this conversation we couldn't fit it into one episode! Don't miss Dr. Todd Whitaker (author of What Great Teachers Do Differently and What Great Principals Do Differently) share gems on how to hire and retain the very best teachers, improve classroom management, and be the best leader you can be for your school community.
Dr. Whitaker on X, website
Follow Marc on X, online, or YouTube
Pick up a copy of Captivate
Marc and Nick sit down with two outstanding school leaders, Dr. Michael Lubelfeld and Dr. Nick Polyak to discuss the importance of promoting and supporting cultures of innovation and inclusivity to meet the needs of all students. This is a masterclass for educators in leadership roles as well as those learning how to lead.
Show Notes:
Dr. Lubelfeld on X
Dr. Polyak on X
Follow Marc on X, online, or YouTube
Check out Marc's new book, CAPTIVATE
Marc and Nick sit down with Neulight co-founder, Dr. Andrew Lawrence to discuss how his company is helping educators leverage the power of A.I. to implement Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) more efficiently and effectively than ever before.
Show Notes:
Check out Neulight
Dr. Lawrence on LinkedIn
Follow Marc on X, online, or YouTube
Check out Marc's new book, CAPTIVATE
In their first visual podcast, Marc and Nick sit down with the one-and-only Vicki Davis, known worldwide as the Cool Cat Teacher. Topics include: the role of AI in teaching and learning, computational thinking, and the power of making meaningful connections with students.
Show Notes:
You can explore Vicki’s insights, projects, and resources at
Follow Marc on X, online, or YouTube
Check out Marc's new book, CAPTIVATE
Recorded at AMLE 24 in Nashville, Marc sat down with five of the Sparkle Sisters, a group of innovative middle school educators from across the United States. Pull up a chair and catch P. Sloan Joseph, Katie Powell, Ruby Voss, Amber Benson, and Dr. Simone T. Lewis as they discuss topics, including: collaboration, AI, evolving classrooms, and the power of making connections.
Show Notes:
Guests' X handles:
P. Sloan Joseph
Katie Powell
Ruby Voss/Amber Benson
Dr. Simone T. Lewis
Check out Marc's new book, CAPTIVATE
Marc and Nick sit down with tech guru, Jose Moreno, to discuss how his company, Neulight, is using AI to change the way schools implement Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). And that is just the beginning...
Show Notes:
Neulight Website
Jose Moreno on LinkedIn
Neulight on LinkedIn
Neulight on Facebook
Neulight on Instagram
Follow Marc on X, online, or YouTube
Check out Marc's new book, CAPTIVATE
Marc and Nick sit down with disrupter, Dr. Anashay "Teach 'Em" Wright, to discuss the importance of promoting the promise and power of children.
Show Notes:
Find Dr. Wright online: X, Website, LinkedIn
Follow Marc on X, online, or YouTube
Check out Marc's new book, CAPTIVATE!
Marc and Nick sit down with math guru and force of nature, Libo Valencia to discuss his book, "Math Play," and why he believes that math can be every student's favorite subject!
Show Notes:
Libo on X Libo's websiteFollow Marc on X, online, or YouTube
Marc and Nick sit down with esteemed educational leader and hip hop artist, Dr. Mervin Jenkins (aka "Spectac") to discuss how he has successfully interwoven his two passions into one outstanding journey.
Show Notes:
Life Thru Music FlocabularyFollow Marc on X @marcisseks or online: marcisseks
Marc and Nick sit down with two brilliant education policy experts, Dr. Sarah Robert and Dr. Jennifer Gaddis to discuss the importance of school food and how American institutions can and must do a better job sourcing food and providing more enriching experiences for students.
Show Notes:
The Guardian article: "School Food Fights" Open access copy of Transforming School Food Politics Around the WorldFollow Marc on X @marcisseks or online: marcisseks
Marc and Nick sit down with two amazing staff developers and instructional gurus, Tara Koehler and John Sammon to discuss their new book, The Tapas Approach to Project Based Learning.
This conversation is perfect for PBL pros and newbies alike!
Find Tara and John online:
John’s X John’s Facebook Tara’s X Tara’s Facebook Tara’s Instagram Book WebsiteFollow Marc on X @marcisseks or online: marcisseks
Back together for the first time since defending their doctoral dissertations, Marc and Nick sit down with Dr. Gholdy Muhammad to discuss her fantastic new book, Unearthing Joy.
Dr. Muhammad is a professor of Curriculum and Instruction with a focus on literacy, language, and culture at the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has served as a classroom teacher, literacy specialist, school district administrator, curriculum director, and school board president. Her scholarship has appeared in leading academic journals and books.
Dr. Muhammad's Culturally and Historically Responsive Education Model has been adopted across thousands of schools throughout the United States and Canada.
And she's really funny, too!
Dr. Muhammad online:
Website X -
Marc and guest co-host, Alex Andrade, sit down with Dr. Romie to discuss how educators can cure "busy brain."
Dr. Romie is a board-certified physician, award-winning wellness speaker, and the founder of “brainSHIFT at Work.” She brings together over 20 years of authority in neurology, integrative medicine, and mindfulness to not just deliver programs, but create cultural change.
Dr. Romie is on a mission to transform mental health and wellness in the workplace and currently works with Fortune 500 companies, professional athletes, & global associations. She is also the Chief Wellness Officer for Evolution Hospitality, where she scaled a mindfulness & wellness program to over 7000 employees. Her expertise is featured in the national media such as NPR, NBC, TED talks, and Forbes. Find the cure for your busy brain at or @drromie on social media.
Dr. Romie's socials:
In his final conversation from AMLE 22, Marc sits down with the PBL Diva herself, Dr. Simone T. Lewis. They discuss all things PBL, gamification, sources of creative inspiration, and, of course, footwear!
Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online:
Guest: Dr. Simone T. Lewis
For more on Dr. Lewis:
Home Learning Support Website Instagram Twitter -
In Part 2 of this conversation from AMLE 22, Rick Wormeli, acclaimed educator, speaker, and author, takes a deep dive into the legitimacy and ethics of grading.
Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online:
Guest: Rick Wormeli
Ways to find/contact Rick:
Website Email -
Marc is joined by the one-and-only Rick Wormeli, acclaimed educator, speaker, and author of nine books. In Part I of this conversation, Rick discusses strategies for schools to rethink homework and cease using it in ways that are punitive or dissuade student interest and engagement in learning.
Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online:
Guest: Rick Wormeli
Ways to find/contact Rick:
Website Email -
Marc is joined by Cathleen Beachboard, educator, author, and missionary of hope. Cathleen shares the importance of building hope in our students and ourselves. She also provides strategies to measure hope and teaches the pathways that help it blossom.
Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online:
Guest: Cathleen Beachboard
Website: The School of Hope
Nick and Marc are joined by Dr. Mike Brown, school leader and founder of EdRevolution. In this two-part discussion, they discuss the importance of establishing rich relationships, expanding the lens through which we view history, and building connectedness in communities in order to shape the schools our students need right now.
Listeners are welcome to ask a question, suggest a topic or share their thoughts: [email protected]
Follow Marc on Twitter @marcisseks or online:
Guest: Dr. Mike Brown
LinkedIn: Mike Brown
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