Hello, bozos! Our excellent guest Dan Thomas has taken us all the way back to 1988 when everybody's favourite sentient toaster-on-wheels comes to 'the city' and causes all sorts of wacky mayhem, with just a smattering of shocking racism. Yes, it's SHORT CIRCUIT 2.
Warning: May contain instances of balls being kicked into outer space.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2025 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Find Dan Thomas:
Instagram itsdanthomas
Bluesky itsdanthomas.bsky.socialSupport the show
In a truly rule-breaking episode, we talk about it - it would be a pretty quick episode if we didn't. We're delighted to be joined by the actor James Trevena to talk about the 1999 frenzy FIGHT CLUB. Rest assured, there have been no mucky sounds subliminally pasted into the recording, although it might occasionally sound like - but that's just Chris slurping his tea.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2025 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Find James Trevena:
Instagram jamestrevenaofficial
Twitter @James43nzSupport the show
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Explosions, low-level martial arts, and 50 gallons of bouillabaisse. Yes, it's time to hit the high seas and take on some baddies, for 1992's UNDER SIEGE.
Warning: the end of the episode features Steven Seagal singing a rather offensive song.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2025 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Support the show
After a little festive break, we're back with a special guest. We were joined by the actor and director Leon Wadham - you know, from The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power - to talk about something he hasn't see for ages: 1999's strangely topical black comedy, ELECTION.
Good episode? You bet ... isode!
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2024 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Find Leon:
Instagram @leonwadham
Support the show
It's Christmaaaaaaaaaas! Fly with us to the Jolly Roger as we take a look at our Christmas Special. We've had a couple of beers and a lovely old chat about the 1991 Peter Pan adventure, HOOK. Is it a 'bangarang' or a stinky old cod-fish?
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2024 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Support the show
It's rom-com time. Sort of. Chris has chosen a film from 1999 that no bugger seems to remember. It's the partner-swapping Camden-based comedy, THIS YEAR'S LOVE.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2024 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Support the show
It's our Halloween Special and we're excited to be joined again by the excellent artist Michael Féaux Wood. Not only did Michael draw the superb poster for this episode, he's also taken us back so we can re-visit the 1986 monster fun movie, CRITTERS.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Really bloody superb poster by Michael Féaux Wood
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2024 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]
Find Michael:
Insta: @feauxwoodcreative the show
It's time for everyone's favourite superhero origin story. This one has it all: violence, gore, nudie-bits, and a lot of SHOUTING!!!! Yes, we're taking you all the way back to 1984 for THE TOXIC AVENGER.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2024 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Support the show
We mustn't dwell. No, not today. We CAN'T. Not on Sagpod Day! In this episode we go all the way back to a post-grunge 1995, as our special guest - New Zealand's First Lady Of Comedy Audrey Porne - has chosen the record store madhouse comedy, EMPIRE RECORDS.
BEWARE: For about 5 minutes, this episode contains a lot of the bad swearword. You know, THAT one. The one that's worse than feck.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2024 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]
Find Audrey:
Twitter @audreyporne
Instagram @audrey.prneSupport the show
Get out your little jetto blasters and join us. We're very lucky to be joined by the excellent writer and producer Yvonne Lorkin who - knowing this is a light-hearted fun show - has chosen 2000's DANCER IN THE DARK. We might have drunken wine during the recording. Warning: may contain some gallows humour.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2023 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]
Find Yvonne:
Twitter @yvonnmax
Instagram @yvonnelorkinsta
yvonnelorkin.comSupport the show
Podcast, baby! Sip cocktails with us as we take you back to 1996 for some lounging, dancing, and slightly annoying insecurity. It's time for SWINGERS, but is it money?
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2023 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Support the show
Hug your hummingbirds and put your bunnies back in the box, and join us aboard the Jailbird as we talk about 1997's high-flying explosion festival: CON AIR. We're delighted to be joined again by the excellent writer, sports pundit and broadcaster, Jamie Wall. Thank you for flying with us.
(This was recorded during an unbelievably violent rainstorm, but we consider that extra noise 'atmosphere')
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2024 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]
Find Jamie:
Twitter @JamieWall2Support the show
We are joined by the actor Patrick Strain, who has taken us on a breathtaking romp through 1970s Berlin on a search for Nazi gold. And most importantly, no emotions called Joy, Sadness, etc. whatsoever. Join us for INSIDEOUT.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2024 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]
Find Patrick:
Twitter @paddystrain
Instagram @pstrain89Support the show
Kumite! Kumite!! Kumite!!! We were very lucky to be joined by writer, producer, director, plus actor - he’s in Pete’s Dragon for goodness sake! - Steve Barr. And with that level of film-making pedigree, Steve has naturally chosen a naval-gazing art-house classic of cinema: 1988’s mixed martial arts extravaganza, the 100% totally and completely true story: BLOODSPORT.
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
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Email [email protected]
Find Steve:
Twitter @BarrSteveSupport the show
It's a sequel. Sort of. We're joined by Tyler Adams of the brilliant Goon Pod, where we whip out our foils and exchange words about the 1974 swashbuckler THE FOUR MUSKETEERS: MILADY'S REVENGE. If you want to listen to us chat about The Three Musketeers, go and have a listen to our guest slot on Tyler's show!
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2023 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]
Find Tyler:
Twitter @goonshowpodSupport the show
Us guuu-uuys were very lucky to be joined by a New Zealand TV legend. We had a lovely chat with the one and only Jason Gunn about his choice: THE GOONIES.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2023 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]
Find Jason:
Instagram @jasegunnSupport the show
... and now for part 2 of our 1950 sci-fi double bill. We've gone ant-crazy, and decided to watch the 1954 chiller THEM!
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2023 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Support the show
For part 1 of our 1950s sci-fi double-bill, we've gone with the 1957 size-altering scary spider tale. Join us in Chris' garage as we battle cats and bugs ... and also talk about a film (boom-boom!). It's THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING MAN. Part 2 tomorrow!!
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2023 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Support the show
Fret ye not! Direct from Satan's black hell-besmeared farting hole*, we're back, we're giggling and we're here to discuss the 1989 horror adventure WARLOCK.
* Chris' garage
Content Warning: May contain giggling.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2023 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Support the show
Strap on your fiery back-packs and flame-retardant trousers, and join us as we take to the skies for the 1991 adventure THE ROCKETEER. Go get it, kid!
Content Warning: May contain giggling.
- Presented by Robert Johnson and Christopher Webb
- Produced/edited by Christopher Webb
- "Still Any Good?" logo designed by Graham Wood & Robert Johnson
- Crap poster mock-up by Christopher Webb
- Theme music ("The Slide Of Time") by The Sonic Jewels, used with kind permission
(c) 2023 Tiger Feet Productions
Find us:
Twitter @stillanygoodpod
Instagram @stillanygoodpod
Email [email protected]Support the show
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