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Trade Talk is a podcast that breaks down intermediate to complex stock trading strategies. The podcast looks to give a discussion of trading thesis from an expert point of view. Support this podcast:
Get actionable advice and the essential fundamentals of running a profitable 5-star Airbnb side-hustle or full on business. Annette’s extensive background in business operations and Sarah’s experience in high-end hospitality management and interior design make them a powerhouse duo that will deliver high impact content. With almost a decade of combined hosting experience they will not only share their own stories welcoming thousands of guests from around the world but also those of other Superhosts to deliver you a wide array of stories, insights, and profitable and creative ideas to make your listing rise to the top. Whether you’re experienced, new, or nervous to start your own Airbnb this podcast promises to be informative, fun, and from the heart.
The Wealthy Mom MD Podcast is for high-achieving women who want to create wealth in all areas of their life. Join Master Certified Coach Bonnie Koo, MD, to gain the tools and confidence to create your wealthy life.
Learn more at
Instagram: @wealthymommd
Facebook: wealthymommd -
Denver business broker Tyler Tysdal and Robert Hirsch from Freedom Factory discuss how to prepare and sell your business for maximum value. Videos and podcasts available for entrepreneurs to learn how to properly assess the value of their business and time the sale accordingly. Tyler Tysdal is a managing partner and business broker at Freedom Factory in Denver Colorado, helping entrepreneurs sell their businesses for maximum value. The Partners at Freedom Factory each have a minimum of 20 years of entrepreneurial experience, and our passion is “helping the helpers” by putting resources in the hands of our fellow producers to radically. Tysdal has years of experience as a private equity fund manager managing millions of dollars from investors in the sports and entertainment industries. Tyler Tysdal has operated Impact Opportunities Fund, Cobalt Sports Capital, and TitleCard Capital. Managing director of Tivis Ventures and Platte Management. Tyler T. Tysdal is a distinguished alumni from North Platte High School and graduated in 1989. Tysdal graduated from Harvard Business School with his MBA.
Pounding The Table A podcast by Avi Mash, Joey Solitro and Anthony Ohayon about The Stock Market, The Art of Options Trading. Each week we take a look at the news and interpret the impact on the financial markets. Support this podcast:
Investment team guests explore asset class themes and share their on-the-ground perspective. Our Portfolio Construction & Strategy Team hosts bring the client perspective as part of lively debates.Views presented are as of the date published and may not reflect the views of others in the organization. This material shall not be deemed to be a direct or indirect provision of investment management services. No forecasts can be guaranteed and there is no guarantee that the information supplied is complete or timely. Past performance does not predict future returns. Investing involves risk, including the possible loss of principal.Not all products or services are available in all jurisdictions.Janus Henderson Investors is the name under which investment products and services are provided by the entities identified in the following jurisdictions: (a) Europe by Janus Capital International Limited (reg no. 3594615), Henderson Global Investors Limited (reg. no. 906355), Henderson Investment Funds Limited (reg. no. 2678531), Henderson Equity Partners Limited (reg. no.2606646), (each registered in England and Wales at 201 Bishopsgate, London EC2M 3AE and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) and Henderson Management S.A. (reg no. B22848 at 2 Rue de Bitbourg, L-1273, Luxembourg and regulated by the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier); (b) the U.S. by SEC registered investment advisers that are subsidiaries of Janus Henderson Group plc; (c) Canada through Janus Henderson Investors US LLC only to institutional investors in certain jurisdictions; (d) Singapore by Janus Henderson Investors (Singapore) Limited (Co. registration no. 199700782N). This advertisement or publication has not been reviewed by Monetary Authority of Singapore; (e) Hong Kong by Janus Henderson Investors Hong Kong Limited. This material has not been reviewed by the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong; (f) Taiwan R.O.C by Janus Henderson Investors Taiwan Limited (independently operated), Suite 45 A-1, Taipei 101 Tower, No. 7, Sec. 5, Xin Yi Road, Taipei (110). Tel: (02) 8101-1001. Approved SICE licence number 023, issued in 2018 by Financial Supervisory Commission; (g) South Korea by Janus Henderson Investors (Singapore) Limited only to Qualified Professional Investors (as defined in the Financial Investment Services and Capital Market Act and its sub-regulations); (h) Japan by Janus Henderson Investors (Japan) Limited, regulated by Financial Services Agency and registered as a Financial Instruments Firm conducting Investment Management Business, Investment Advisory and Agency Business and Type II Financial Instruments Business; (i) Australia and New Zealand by Janus Henderson Investors (Australia) Limited (ABN 47 124 279 518) and its related bodies corporate including Janus Henderson Investors (Australia) Institutional Funds Management Limited (ABN 16 165 119 531, AFSL 444266) and Janus Henderson Investors (Australia) Funds Management Limited (ABN 43 164 177 244, AFSL 444268); (j) the Middle East by Janus Capital International Limited, regulated by the Dubai Financial Services Authority as a Representative Office. No transactions will be concluded in the Middle East and any enquiries should be made to Janus Henderson. We may record telephone calls for our mutual protection, to improve customer service and for regulatory record keeping purposes.Outside of the U.S.: For use only by institutional, professional, qualified and sophisticated investors, qualified distributors, wholesale investors and wholesale clients as defined by the applicable jurisdiction. Not for public viewing or distribution. Marketing Communication.Janus Henderson, Janus, Henderson, Intech, Knowledge Shared and Knowledge Labs are trademarks of Janus Henderson Group plc or one of its subsidiaries.
Twice a week, we bring finance to life in a fun, engaging way for anyone interested in the world of finance—whether you're a professional, a student, or just curious to learn more. Hosted by Anthony Cheung, a LinkedIn Top Voice, every Monday The Deal Room dives into the latest M&A and private equity deals, uncovering the business strategies behind them. On Fridays, The Trading Floor explores market trends, from macro themes to single stocks and crypto. Our goal? To make finance interesting and accessible for everyone
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
here at the Crypto Nation we talk about everything from crypto we all about showing love you feel me Support this podcast:
Master Trader Nick Santiago has been been beating the markets for over two decades. During this time he has racked up an impressive number of profitable trades. Nick called the stock exact day of the market peak in 2007 and called the 2009 market bottom within one week, profiting handsomely in the process. Nick hasn't rested on his laurels either. In the latest market turmoil of 2020, Nick has been earning record profits during a time where most investors are losing their shirts.
Now Nick shares his market insights and experience with his daily doses of wisdom and common sense, which as always is a rarity on Wall Street. -
We all need to make smart decisions with our money. The Long Term Investor shows you how to do it.
Hosted by the Chief Investment Officer at Plancorp and author of “Making Money Simple,” Peter Lazaroff distills complex financial matters into easily digestible lessons.
If you’re ready to get a clear plan for your investments and personal finances, you’re in the right place. -
Über 8.000 Anleger haben in den letzten 10 Jahren Gold, Silber, Platin oder Palladium bei uns gekauft, um ihre Ersparnisse und ihr Vermögen vor der Inflation abzusichern, es bankenunabhängig zu lagern und finanzielle Sicherheit in unsicheren Zeiten zu erlangen.
Darunter Privatanleger (Väter, Mütter, Großeltern mit einem Gold-Depot für sich selbst, den Hauskauf, die Rente, die Familie und die Kinder), Angestellte (z.B. um die eigene Altersvorsorge aufzustocken), Selbstständige (z.B. mit der Edelmetall-Rente oder um unternehmerisches Kapital anzulegen) und Unternehmen.
Wie baust du dir auch in Krisenzeiten nachhaltig Vermögen auf, sicherst deine Ersparnisse vor Inflation, Krieg und anderen Eventualitäten ab und schläfst ruhig, weil du dich nicht um dein bares Überleben sorgen musst?
Mit der vertrauenswürdigsten Anlage aller Zeiten: Gold.
Langfristige Stabilität, weltweite Liquidität, Steuervorteile, unabhängige Lagerung und in den letzten 20 Jahren sogar eine ordentliche Rendite ohne finanzielle Verluste.
👉 Das sind unsere Kunden:
- Privatanleger wie Väter, Mütter, Großeltern, die für sich, die Familie und die Kinder etwas tun und finanziell für die Zukunft vorsorgen wollen (Edelmetall-Rente, Kinder-Goldsparplan u.v.m)
- Studierende und Azubis
- Angestellte, die wissen, wie der Zustand des deutschen Rentensystems ist und sich privat um eine stabile Altersvorsorge kümmern, auf die auch in 20-50 Jahren noch Verlass ist
- Selbstständige, die Steuerrücklagen in Gold anlegen, statt zuzusehen, wie ihr Geld auf dem Konto wegen der Inflation dahinschmilzt
- Unternehmen, die ihr Kapital langfristig erhalten, Gold in ihre betriebliche Altersvorsorge integrieren, ihr Portfolio diversifizieren, Steuervorteile genießen und ihr Kapital vor der Inflation schützen wollen
👉 Warum schätzen unsere Kunden die Zusammenarbeit mit uns? (Auswertung von mehr als 150 Kundenfeedbacks)
1. Keine leeren Rendite-Versprechen sondern langfristige finanzielle Sicherheit mit Schutz vor Inflation und Finanzkrisen.
2. Hohes Vertrauen in mich (Ronny Wagner) als Person und meine Expertise
3. Ruhigerer Schlaf und bessere Lebensqualität, weil Basis-Bedürfnisse (Sicherheit, Stabilität, Unabhängigkeit vom System) gestillt sind und der Blick ins Alter nicht mehr voll Stress und Sorge ist.
4. Deutlich besseres Verständnis für das, was im Finanzsystem geschieht und ein klarerer, ruhigerer Blick auf die Ereignisse
5. Anonymität und Diskretion
6. Keine Panikmache sondern fundiertes Wissen, seriöse Beratung und ein rundum gutes Gefühl beim Kauf von Gold, Silber und anderen Edelmetallen
7. Das “ganz besondere Gefühl”, wenn das eigene Gold auf dem Depot angezeigt wird oder zum ersten Mal in den eigenen Händen liegt.
Haftungsausschluss/Disclaimer: Die Inhalte des Podcasts dienen ausschließlich zu Informationszwecken und stellen keine spezifische Kauf- oder Anlage-Empfehlung dar. Der Podcastanbieter und der Moderator haften nicht für etwaige Verluste, die aufgrund der Umsetzung der Gedanken und Ideen entstehen. Die Meinung von Interviewpartnern stellt nicht die Meinung des Podcastanbieters oder des Moderators dar. Jeder Mensch hat nicht nur das Recht, sondern auch die Pflicht, sich aus verschiedenen Quellen zu informieren und daraus seine eigenen Schlüsse und Handlungsschritte abzuleiten. -
Welcome to Behind the Stays — a podcast that shares the stories behind your favorite boutique hotels, short-term rentals, and hospitality brands and the hosts, operators, and entrepreneurs who’ve brought them to life.
Every Tuesday and Friday you’ll meet the military veterans, retired flight attendants, tech entrepreneurs, school teachers, single moms, hoteliers, and real estate investors who are all, in their unique ways, shaping the future of travel and hospitality.
Discover how these visionaries — from all over the world — have built stunning landscape hotels in the mountains, designed bohemian bungalows on the beach, erected eclectic off-grid and nature-immersed escapes, and so much more.
Behind the Stays is brought to you by Journey — a first-of-its-kind loyalty program that brings together an alliance of the world’s top independently owned and operated stays and allows travelers to earn points and perks on boutique hotels, vacation rentals, treehouses, ski chalets, glamping experiences and so much more.
Behind the States is hosted by Zach Busekrus, Head of the Journey Alliance. -
From financial markets and politics to business and social issues, Dan Ferris and our Stansberry Analysts offer candid discussion on today’s most important headlines. Each week you’ll hear exclusive interviews with guest investment experts, authors, and top thinkers such as Jim Rogers, Kevin O’Leary, Glenn Beck, PJ O’Rourke, and Jim Grant.
The Stansberry Investor Hour is produced by Stansberry Research, LLC. -
The Pod is a Web3 media platform on a mission to increase the overall transparency in the NFT space and give projects a platform to speak. As well as providing the NFT community the platform needed to make informed decisions.
We host Twitter spaces with the best NFT projects Monday-Friday at 2 PM EST. Which later on can be played on all your streaming platforms. -
Matching real people, asking real questions about their money, with experienced Financial Advisors. You’ll hear answers to important questions like: Is now the right time to buy a house? What to do if your business fails? How should I be saving to cover the cost of college? How much do I really need to retire and am I on track?
Join us as our guests share their stories around life's major moments. And hear the difference a conversation can make. Hosted by Morgan Stanley Wealth Management’s Jamie Roô.
For more information visit
Not all products and services are available in all countries or jurisdictions.
Join Tim Muirhead, Chief Investment Officer of Arbidyne Capital, and Michael Berman, CEO of, for this week’s episode of Trading Insights. Trading Insights with FXT is a weekly talk show hosted by that provides viewers with invaluable insights into the market from some of its leading trading veterans.
What is FXT Navigator™?
FXT Navigator is a complete set of institutional calibre tools and analytics developed by traders, for traders. It can help retail clients to access cutting-edge trading capabilities, and greatly enhance their insight and knowledge as investors.
About Michael and Tim
Tim Muirhead is the Chief Investment Officer of Australian-licensed fund manager Arbidyne Capital. He is a veteran trader with a background in engineering, and previously worked with renowned proprietary trading firm Tibra Capital. Tim is also the co-founder of Fignition Private Investment.
Michael Berman is the Chief Executive Officer of He has over 20 years of experience in the allocation of trading capital and product development. Michael is an innovative product developer, researcher and trader with deep psychological and qualitative insights. His key areas of expertise lie in psychology, economics, trading and investment. -
The Real Money Show – brought to you by Guildhall Wealth Management is a weekly radio show dedicated to educating the public about the Gold, Silver, and Fancy color diamond markets. It provides a wealth of information for investors interested in alternative ways to profit in financial markets today.
Join Ernie Varitimos, a trading coach with over 40 years of experience, as he simplifies creating asymmetric risk-to-reward options trades on the last day of expiration. Gain the confidence, skills, and strategies to achieve high performance and consistent profits. Elevate your trading and transform your financial future with clear, actionable insights.