
  • The Tribe of Wandering Shoes

    A Story Under the Stars in Four Parts. Just like the seasons!

    The Summer Adventure

    In a large clothing store downtown, among other items for sale, there were some rather peculiar sports shoes. In addition to being very comfortable, cheerful, and available in various colors, they would occasionally swap laces and positions for fun. And, believe it or not, they talked to each other.

    Lately, during the closing hour from 1:45 to 2:45, they would plot how one day they could fulfill their dream: they wanted to wander the world aimlessly, thus becoming the Tribe of Wandering Shoes.

    Hidden behind thick curtains were the fitting rooms, where, invisible to the store staff and customers, lived a lively little witch. Her name was Soletta the Witch, and she had a glowing magic wand from which she cast spells whenever she pleased.

    By day she spied, and by night she schemed, wandering around the store as if it were her own; it was no surprise she knew about the plot of the sports shoes.

    When they decided to take action, Soletta the Witch cast a spell, first tripling their number and with a flick of her wand and a puff of air, sent them sliding down the escalator. Suddenly, they found themselves free outside.

    Now, free and multiplied, the Tribe of Wandering Shoes was ready for adventure.

    It was summer, the days were so hot and sunny that they decided to go to the beach. This would be their first stop. After packing for the journey, they set off.

    Step by step, they reached the seaside just at sunset: an incredible light reflected on the waves, turning them silver, and upon arriving at the beach, they swayed like leaves in the wind. The cool sand was pleasant to step on, but the grains that got into their shoes as they walked caused a lot of itching. They started jumping, dancing, and having fun, waking up all the umbrellas which reopened along with the drowsy deckchairs. At that point, everyone was laughing and dancing with the shoes; joy, as we know, is contagious.

    After a wonderful evening together, they went to their hotel, and after a refreshing sleep, they got up early. The sun was still low on the horizon, and all agreed it would be nice to take a walk in the pine forest. After a hearty breakfast, they set off in single file: one, two, three, one, two, three, forward march.

    They walked in the shade along a tree-lined avenue. Seeing them, people were curious and said: “What beautiful colorful shoes” and they, happy and indifferent, continued: one, two, three, one, two, three, forward march.

    Reaching the pine forest, they sat under a huge tree. Everything was pleasant and relaxing until a bright flash, a sudden bolt from the blue, grazed them. They closed their eyes in fright, and when they opened them, they saw a vast field of mushrooms in front of them.

    Were they magical mushrooms? How could they have appeared so suddenly? And what about the pine forest? Was it perhaps a fantastic and enchanted place?

    Seeing the bewilderment of the Wandering Shoes, some mushrooms began to speak in unison: “We are part of a magic spell. This is the Pine Forest of Wonders. We communicate with fantastic creatures and, together with them, protect the animals and plants living in this habitat.”

    “We are very curious about this,” said the surprised Wandering Shoes, “what else do you do?”

    The mushrooms responded again in chorus: “At night we illuminate the undergrowth with iridescent lights, our stems grow, and our caps change color.”

    And they continued: “We traverse secret paths, where magical plants grow that emit an enveloping and intoxicating fragrance. We enter caves where elves, squirrels, owls, bunnies, and many others live. We have the power to communicate with them.”

    “But if you are wondering why we appeared to you, it is because, unexpectedly, something fantastic has happened. The bright flash that grazed you has given you a superpower that now allows you to know the magical secrets of the pine forest.”

    The mushrooms invited the entire Tribe of Wandering Shoes, astonished and speechless, to stay in the pine forest and wait for the night. Mystery hung in the air until dusk when the forest magically transformed into an enchanted fairy tale.

    And as the mushrooms had said, the shoes with their newfound superpower became part of it. They quietly explored the secret paths, entered the caves following the mushrooms, and met the elves and all the other inhabitants of the pine forest — magical and non-magical.

    At one point, all the shoes found themselves asleep under the big tree. Awakening before dawn as if from an incredible and fantastic dream, the pine forest returned to their eyes as it was the day before. They lay for a while, reflecting on the mystery of the magical mushrooms.

    Drawn to the fantastic life of the nighttime pine forest, they returned once, twice, three times, and more. They learned the secret language used by the animals, mushrooms, and elves to communicate with each other, and thus the Wandering Shoes became part of the fairy tale.

    They spent the rest of the summer days breathing in the sea air and watching the sunsets, while the waves whispered mysterious melodies on the sand. But they spent the nights in the pine forest. Occasionally, they looked at each other and whispered incredulously: “Do we really have a superpower?!” “Who knows?”

    And all in chorus: “Maybe Soletta the Witch knows something!”


    And maybe, just maybe, she does. Yes? No? What do you think?

    From summer to autumn, the adventure of the Tribe of Wandering Shoes continues with a slightly spooky, but not too scary, Halloween story! Don’t miss the next thrills and surprises.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    Una storia Sotto Le Stelle in quattro parti. Proprio come le stagioni!

    L'avventura estiva.

    In un grande negozio di abbigliamento del centro cittadino, erano in vendita, fra l’altra merce, delle scarpe sportive un po’ particolari. Oltre ad essere comodissime, simpatiche e di vario colore, di tanto in tanto si scambiavano per divertimento i lacci e i posti dove erano in bella mostra. E, udite udite, parlavano fra di loro.

    Ultimamente, durante l'ora di chiusura ai clienti, precisamente dall'una e quarantacinque alle due e quarantacinque, complottavano su come un giorno avrebbero potuto realizzare il loro sogno: desideravano girovagare per il mondo senza meta, trasformandosi così nella Tribù delle Scarpe Erranti.

    Nascosti dietro grosse tende c’erano i camerini di prova, dove invisibile a chi lavorava nel negozio e ai clienti, non ci credereste… abitava una piccola strega tutto pepe. Il suo nome era Streghetta Soletta e possedeva una bacchetta magica luminosa dalla quale lanciava sortilegi e incantesimi quando gli pareva e piaceva.

    Di giorno spiava e la notte tramava, gironzolando per il grande magazzino come se fosse suo; figurarsi se non era a conoscenza del complotto delle scarpe sportive.

    Nel momento in cui decisero di passare all’azione, la Streghetta Soletta con un incantesimo, prima le triplicò di numero e con un tocco della bacchetta magica e un soffio le fece scivolare giù dalla scala mobile. Tutto ad un tratto si ritrovarono libere all’aperto.

    Adesso si, che libera e moltiplicata, la Tribù delle Scarpe Erranti era pronta per l’avventura.

    Era estate, le giornate erano talmente calde e soleggiate che decisero di andare al mare. Questa sarebbe stata la loro prima tappa. Preparato il necessario per il viaggio, si misero in cammino.

    Un passo dopo l’altro arrivarono in riva al mare proprio all’ora del tramonto: una luce incredibile si rifletteva sulle onde che si coloravano d’argento e giunte sulla spiaggia dondolavano come foglie al vento.

    La sabbia raffreddata era piacevole da pesticciare, ma i granelli che entravano nelle scarpe mentre camminavano causavano un gran pizzicore. Iniziarono a saltare, ballare e, divertendosi, svegliarono tutti gli ombrelloni che si riaprirono insieme agli sdrai ormai assonnati. A quel punto, tutti ridevano e ballavano insieme alle scarpe; l’allegria, si sa, è contagiosa.

    Passata una gran bella serata in compagnia se ne andarono in albergo e dopo una dormita rigenerante, si alzarono di buon’ora. Il sole era ancora basso sull’orizzonte e tutte d’accordo decisero che sarebbe stato bello andare a fare una girata in pineta. Dopo una abbuffata per colazione, partirono in fila indiana: uno, due, tre, uno, due, tre, avanti marcia.

    Camminarono all’ombra lungo un viale alberato. A vederle, la gente si incuriosiva e diceva: “che belle scarpe variegate di colore” e loro beate e indifferenti: uno, due, tre, uno, due, tre, avanti marcia.

    Giunte in pineta, si misero all’ombra di un albero grandissimo. Tutto era piacevole e rilassante, ma un bagliore luminoso, un lampo improvviso a ciel sereno, le sfiorò. Chiusero gli occhi per lo spavento e quando gli riaprirono, videro una grande distesa di funghi davanti a loro.

    Erano forse funghi magici? Come potevano essere apparsi così all'improvviso? E la pineta allora? Forse era un luogo fantastico ed incantato?

    Vedendo lo sbigottimento delle Scarpe Erranti, alcuni funghi iniziarono a parlare in coro: "Noi facciamo parte di una magia. Questa è la pineta delle meraviglie. Comunichiamo con creature fantastiche e, insieme a loro, proteggiamo gli animali e le piante che vivono in questo habitat.”

    “La cosa ci incuriosisce molto” dissero le Scarpe Erranti sorprese, “che altro fate?”

    I funghi risposero di nuovo in coro: “La notte illuminiamo il sottobosco con luci iridescenti, i nostri gambi crescono e i nostri cappelli cambiano colore.”

    E continuarono: “Percorriamo sentieri segreti, dove crescono piante magiche che emanano un profumo avvolgente ed inebriante. Entriamo nelle caverne dove vivono folletti, scoiattoli, gufi, coniglietti, e tanti altri. Noi abbiamo il potere di comunicare con loro.”

    “Ma se adesso vi state chiedendo come mai siamo apparsi per voi, è perché inaspettatamente, una cosa fantastica è successa. Il lampo luminoso che vi ha sfiorati vi ha donato un super potere che ora possedete e vi permette di conoscere i magici segreti della pineta.”

    I funghi invitarono l’intera Tribù Delle Scarpe Erranti, sbigottita, stupita e senza parole, a rimanere nella pineta ed aspettare la notte. Il mistero aleggiava nell’aria finché all’imbrunire, il bosco si trasformò magicamente in una fiaba incantata.

    E come gli avevano detto i funghi, le scarpe con il loro super potere ne fecero parte. Esplorarono, quatte quatte, i sentieri segreti, entrarono nelle caverne a seguito dei funghi e conobbero i folletti e tutti gli altri abitanti della pineta — magici e non.

    Ad un certo punto, tutte quante le scarpe si ritrovarono addormentate sotto il grande albero. Svegliatesi prima dell’alba come da un sogno incredibile e fantastico, la pineta tornò ai loro occhi quella del giorno prima. Rimasero sdraiate per un bel po’ ripensando al mistero dei funghi magici.

    Attratte dalla fantastica vita della pineta notturna, ci tornarono di nuovo una volta, due volte, tre volte ed anche più. Impararono il linguaggio segreto che usavano gli animaletti, i funghi ed i folletti per comunicare fra di loro e così anche le Scarpe Erranti erano entrate a far parte della fiaba.

    Passarono il resto dei giorni estivi respirando l’aria di mare e osservando i tramonti, mentre le onde sussurravano sulla sabbia melodie misteriose. Ma le notti le passavano in pineta. Ogni tanto, si guardavano e sottovoce bisbigliavano incredule: “Ma siamo veramente in possesso di un super potere?!” “Bho, bho, chi lo può sapere?”

    E tutti in coro: “Forse la Streghetta Soletta ne sa qualcosa!”

    E forse forse qualcosa ne saprà davvero. Si? No? Ma voi cosa ne pensate?

    Dall’estate all’autunno, l’avventura della Tribù Delle Scarpe Erranti continua con una storia di Halloween un po' spaventosa, ma non troppo! Non perdetevi le prossime emozioni e sorprese.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    In the elementary school for household pets of all kinds, one of the most popular classes was that of the talking cats. There was a somewhat strange cat: he spoke in hops, wrote words backwards, numbers upside down, and often had his head in the clouds.

    Everyone said, "But that cat is half mad!"

    One spring morning, the cats had gotten up an hour earlier because the teacher, a very pretty, white and yellow kitten, was going to take the class to the park near the school to play and have a picnic. Everyone was very happy and couldn't wait to leave, dressed elegantly as usual: some with a colored bow on their head, some with a blue tie, and some with an orange scarf, but each with their own multicolored backpack.

    But if everyone was ready and happy to spend a different day outdoors, just imagine the Half-Mad Cat!

    He was at least three times and three quarters happier than the others. So happy that for the occasion he wore a bow and a half on his head, three ties around his neck, a rainbow scarf, and an umbrella on his wrist.

    Along the way between his house and the school, he did incredible acrobatics, walking on his hind legs and having fun doing somersaults: three forwards and one backward.

    Passersby stopped to watch him because he was funny and also a bit ridiculous. He was really curious and half mad, this cat!

    Before departure, the lovely teacher checked that everyone had what they needed: nothing was missing, not even great joy — which in the end was the most important thing.

    "Ready, let's go!"

    In no time, the Half-Mad Cat was already on the road. Seeing a traffic cop passing by, the cat said to him:

    "Excuse me, Mr. Traffic Cop, we're in a hurry, could you lend me your tools to direct traffic?"

    The cop, chuckling under his mustache, played along and replied:

    "You seem nice, but be careful. I'll be watching you."

    With the whistle in his mouth and the baton in his paw, the cat began:

    "Stop! Right! Stop! Left! Turn here! Go there! Everyone do the roundabout!"

    In doing so, he had blocked all the traffic, and the traffic light was cracking up with laughter, flashing red, green, and yellow.

    Despite all this commotion, the school-kitten crossed the street, thanking the traffic light, Mr. Traffic Cop, and, of course, the Half-Mad Cat.

    In pairs, they entered the park along the tree-lined avenue. At the end was a little grey elephant making sure everyone kept pace and in line.

    Once they reached the central meadow and set down their backpacks, it was free rein for everyone who could now jump, run, and play on the grass.

    The little elephant kept an eye on everyone: "Careful, kittens! Don't get too close to the pond because if you fall in, I have to fish you out."

    But as if nothing happened, the cats chased each other, did somersaults, and had the time of their lives. The children played with them too, and some flew kites of different colors and shapes that everyone looked up at.

    In all this joyful celebration, the Half-Mad Cat, who often did as he pleased, decided to copy the children, opened his umbrella, and flew into the sky like a kite.

    A strong gust of wind made him flutter a bit to the right and a bit to the left. Suddenly, the umbrella closed, and the Half-Mad Cat landed precisely in the pond with all the kites.

    "Splash! Splush! Splish! Splesh!" And endless meowing.

    "Oh no! Help. Help. Help. Save the Half-Mad Cat!"

    Luckily, under the west bank of the pond was the famous Gorgonzola Bath, where the local mice went to sunbathe together. Alerted by this commotion, they immediately realized that a rescue was needed.

    There was no time to lose!

    Without hesitation, they dived into the pond and, helping each other, saved the Half-Mad Cat.

    The entire school let out a sigh of relief, while the mice, soaking wet but happy, began to joyfully hop around.

    The little elephant, who didn't even have to get wet, thanked the mice who were already playing hide and seek with the cats.

    And the Half-Mad Cat?

    Well, as if nothing had happened, he was drying off in the sun apart, watching the clouds in the sky that were smiling and dancing, winking at him.

    On that magical spring day, the picnic turned into a great adventure and, with full bellies, the cats walked back to school.

    The fact is that in every backpack, a mouse had snuck in, wanting to live with a cat, because by now they had all become friends.

    With the usual imagination and a pinch of magic, from then on, cats and mice loved each other very much and went to school together.

    "One had never seen such a cheerful class," said the little elephant.

    And the Half-Mad Cat?

    After the dive into the pond, he no longer spoke in hops, and wrote words straight, but with his new mouse friends, he enjoyed coloring the blackboard with the chalkboard eraser.

    Mad, yes, but only halfway!

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    Nella scuola elementare per animali domestici di ogni genere, una delle classi più frequentate era quella dei gatti parlanti. Lì c’era un gatto un po’ strano: parlava a saltelli, scriveva le parole al contrario, i numeri capovolti e aveva spesso la testa fra le nuvole.

    Tutti dicevano: “Ma quel gatto è mezzo matto!”

    Una mattina di primavera, i gatti si erano alzati un’ora prima, perché la maestra, una gattina molto carina, bianca e gialla, avrebbe portato la classe nel parco vicino alla scuola per giocare e fare un picnic. Tutti erano contentissimi e non vedevano l’ora di partire, vestiti eleganti come al solito: chi con un fiocco colorato sulla testa, chi con una cravatta blu, e chi con una sciarpa arancione, ma ognuno con il suo zainetto multicolore.

    Ma se tutti erano pronti e contenti di passare una giornata diversa all’aria aperta, immaginatevi voi il Gatto Mezzo Matto!

    Era contento almeno tre volte e tre quarti più degli altri. Ma così contento che per l’occasione aveva indossato un fiocco e mezzo in testa, tre cravatte al collo, una sciarpa arcobaleno e un ombrello al polso.

    Lungo il tragitto tra la sua casa e la scuola, faceva acrobazie incredibili, camminando sulle zampe posteriori e divertendosi a fare salti mortali: tre avanti e uno indietro.

    I passanti si fermavano a guardarlo perché era simpatico e anche un po' ridicolo. Era proprio curioso e mezzo matto questo gatto!

    Prima della partenza, la maestrina tanto carina controllò che tutti avessero l’occorrente: non mancava proprio niente, neppure una grande allegria — che in fondo era la cosa più importante.

    “Pronti, si parte!”

    In men che non si dica, il Gatto Mezzo Matto era già sulla strada. Vedendo un vigile urbano che passava da quelle parti, il gatto gli disse:

    “Scusi Signor vigile, siamo di fretta, non mi potrebbe mica imprestare i suoi attrezzi per guidare il traffico?”

    Il vigile, sogghignando sotto i baffi, stette al gioco e rispose:

    “Mi sembri simpatico, ma fai attenzione. Io ti terrò d’occhio.”

    Con il fischietto in bocca e la paletta nella zampa, il gatto iniziò:

    “Alt! A destra! Alt! A sinistra! Gira di qua! Vai di là! Fate tutti il girotondo!”

    Così facendo aveva bloccato tutto il traffico e il semaforo si sbellicava dalle risate lampeggiando rosso, verde e giallo.

    Nonostante tutto questo putiferio, la scolaresca attraversò la strada ringraziando cortesemente il semaforo, il Signor Vigile e, ovviamente, anche il Gatto Mezzo Matto.

    In fila per due lungo il viale alberato, entrarono nel parco. In coda c’era un piccolo elefante grigio che controllava che tutti tenessero il passo e la fila.

    Una volta giunti nel prato centrale e posati gli zainetti, via libera per tutti che ora potevano saltare, correre e giocare sull’erba.

    L’elefantino teneva tutti sott'occhio: “Attenzione gattini! Non avvicinatevi troppo al laghetto perché se ci cascate dentro vi devo ripescare io.”

    Ma come se nulla fosse, i gatti si rincorrevano, facevano capriole e si divertivano a più non posso. Anche i bambini giocavano con loro e qualcuno faceva volare aquiloni di diversi colori e forme che tutti guardavano a naso in su.

    In tutta questa gioiosa festa, il Gatto Mezzo Matto, che spesso faceva come voleva, per copiare i bambini decise di aprire l’ombrello e volò in cielo come un aquilone.

    Una forte folata di vento lo fece svolazzare un po’ a destra e un po’ a sinistra. Improvvisamente, l’ombrello si chiuse e il Gatto Mezzo Matto finì preciso nel laghetto con tutti gli aquiloni.

    “Splash! Splush! Splish! Splesh!” E miagolii a non finire.

    “Oh no! Aiuto. Aiuto. Aiuto. Salvate il Gatto Mezzo Matto!”

    Per fortuna, sotto la sponda ovest del laghetto c’era il famoso Bagno Gorgonzola, dove i topolini della zona andavano a prendere il sole in compagnia. A questo trambusto si allertarono e si resero conto immediatamente che c’era da fare un salvataggio.

    Non c’era tempo da perdere!

    Senza esitazione, si tuffarono nel laghetto e aiutandosi l’uno con l’altro, salvarono il Gatto Mezzo Matto..

    Tutta la scolaresca tirò un miagolio di sollievo, mentre i topini, molli fradici ma contenti, si misero a saltellare gioiosamente.

    L’elefantino, che non si era nemmeno dovuto bagnare, ringraziò i topolini che stavano già giocando a nascondino con i gatti.

    E il Gatto Mezzo Matto?

    Beh, come se nulla fosse, si asciugava ai raggi del sole in disparte, osservando le nuvole in cielo che sorridendo e danzando gli facevano l’occhiolino.

    In quel giorno magico di primavera, il picnic si trasformò in una grande avventura e, a pancia piena, i gatti si incamminarono verso la scuola.

    Il fatto sta che in ogni zainetto si era infiltrato un topolino, che voleva andare a vivere con un gatto, perché ormai erano tutti diventati amici.

    Con la consueta fantasia e un pizzico di magia, da allora gatti e topi si vollero un gran bene e andarono a scuola tutti insieme.

    “Non si era mai vista una classe così allegra”, diceva l’elefantino.

    E il Gatto Mezzo Matto?

    Lui dopo il tuffo nel laghetto, non parlò più a saltelli e le parole le scriveva diritte, ma con i suoi nuovi amici topolini si divertiva a colorare la lavagna con la cimosa.

    Matto sì, ma solo a metà!

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    Once upon a time, there was a castle, long abandoned, surrounded by a large garden; only two gardeners remained to care for it and cultivate the flowers. The roses, with their vivid colors, shone in every season on the green lawns and flowerbeds. The castle overlooked an old town. From a distance, it appeared magnificent, and perhaps it had been.

    "What secrets might lie inside the castle?" the roses wondered.

    One evening, after sunset, they discussed this with the fireflies, who were also naturally very curious.

    The Red Rose, always the most adventurous of the group, approached whispering to the fireflies with a confident and velvety voice: "Friends, how about an adventure in the castle tonight?"

    The brightest firefly, Lucilla, responded enthusiastically: "It would surely be fun! But how will we get in?"

    "Ah, I heard the gardeners talking about a key hidden under the third stone near the old well," said the Yellow Rose, joining and rubbing its petals as if sharing a precious secret.

    The Blue Rose intervened timidly, "But we must be careful, I've heard that the castle hides ancient mysteries and playful spirits."

    Lucilla laughed lightly, "Oh, do not fear, Blue Rose. With our light and your beauty, no mystery can withstand us!"

    "And what if we encounter some obstacle?" asked the White Rose, always the most prudent of the group.

    "We will face them all together," replied the Red Rose with determination. "After all, we are not just flowers and insects, we are the explorers of the enchanted castle!"

    The decision was made and in the dark and magical night, they bravely made their way along the path leading to the castle's entrance. After a short stop at the well to get the key, they approached the great door silently. Unlocking it, they pushed with all their might and with difficulty, managed to open it a crack.

    A rusty and scraping sound echoed: SCREEEK. CRREEK. SCREEEK.

    All the geckos, insect eaters, got scared and running up and down the castle walls fled away in an instant along with the bats. The fireflies, followed by the roses, sneaked into the grand hall, where a very high ceiling was decorated with the most fantastic designs; majestic and fantastic statues stood on the sides—a shiver of magic made the rose petals tremble. Moving together, they entered a huge hall, resembling a museum: medieval soldiers' armors with swords on one side, and Japanese samurais with their sharp, gleaming katanas on the other.

    Every room in the castle was fascinating and rich in history, and there were so many of them! Halls, corridors, staircases, and secret rooms to discover. The explorers were enchanted every time they opened a door or turned a corner, but when they realized that the first light of dawn was approaching, the roses hurried back to the garden, and the fireflies, having become invisible, disappeared into the air. In their flight, the roses tripped over each other, and a cloud of lost petals of various colors fluttered in the air. Fortunately, the gardeners, rushing to their aid, glued them back with dew. By now, they had discovered the theft of the keys and the great movement of the night. All the flowers and insects in the garden, upon waking, whispered to each other the tale of the magical night:

    "What secrets are yet to be discovered in the castle?"

    The following evening, there were no speeches. In front of the castle's entrance were the roses and fireflies, but also tulips, ladybugs, crickets, lilies, bees, butterflies, camellias, grasshoppers, and even two sunflowers, tall and imposing, who took the lead in front of the group.

    Again, the great creaking: SCREEEK. CRREEK. SCREEEK.

    Once inside, all together, they climbed a wide staircase. At the top, there was a dark tunnel with a large carved door at the end, which, touched by the two sunflowers, magically opened. Inside, a wonder! A large, dusty hall containing shelves overflowing with books large, small, and medium-sized. It was the castle's secret library!

    Surprisingly, there was a lot of movement: books jumped from one shelf to another, shaking off the dust, and words came out from the open pages and filled the hall with a great chatter. Every book wanted to have its say because it had been so long since anyone read or listened to them. One of the roses, along with a camellia, were resting and chatting on a wooden bench when a small children's book fell on the rose's corolla. "Oh, oh, oh, who's the culprit?" she exclaimed almost amused, and at the same time, an idea came to the two flowers, lighting up their petals with joy.

    "Wonder of wonders!" said the rose, "We must make this library known to all the children and inhabitants of the town. Each of these dusty books is waiting for nothing more than to be opened, read, and cherished with care!"

    So at dawn, the group of explorers, while returning to the garden, were already devising an action plan for the following night. Sunset came again, and with it the night and its magic. That evening, in front of the castle staircase, there were really everyone: the roses and fireflies, tulips, ladybugs, crickets, lilies, bees, butterflies, camellias, grasshoppers, and the two sunflowers from the previous night but also dahlias, irises, centipedes, geraniums, beetles, petunias, spiders, and even the two gardeners who were now in cahoots and agreed on what to do.

    Once again, the great door was opened with the usual great creaking: SCREEEK. CRREEK. SCREEEK.

    Once inside, all together, they climbed the staircase and walked through the dark tunnel to the library. At the entrance, this time appeared the old librarian custodian, who had been there for time immemorial and who had not shown himself the previous evening because he wanted to see what would happen. His hair was gray, he wore a cloak faded from use and all covered in cobwebs, two half gloves full of holes, and a pair of glasses perched on his nose, without which he couldn't see from here to there.

    Intimidated, the garden inhabitants stopped, except for the roses who, bowing, greeted the old librarian and expressed, on behalf of everyone, the desire to open the castle to the children — particularly the enchanted library, where books could be consulted, read, and appreciated by everyone in the town.

    What did the old librarian custodian of ancient secrets think of this idea? "This is an enchanted castle," he said, "with goodwill, anything can come true!"

    No time was wasted, and the company immediately began with the preparations. During the night, they dusted and reorganized the shelves, and by dawn, only the final touches were left. The gardeners dressed as butlers, with dark suits, white gloves, and black shoes, to greet the children at the entrance. The roses went to the beautician to smooth their petals and trim their thorns: their task was to accompany the curious boys and girls and provide all the information the young visitors wanted to know.

    Now everything was ready. The gardener butlers, the roses, and all the garden inhabitants sprang into action. The little visitors were amazed, impressed by the armors, paintings, and secret passages. But once they reached the library hall, they wasted no time and began to choose books to read. The sunflowers, perched on two ladders, made sure that the books jumped from the shelves into the hands and backpacks of those who had requested them. At the exit, the butlers made a grand gesture of thanks to each visitor, handing out three sweets: two to munch on and one to give to someone else.

    The enchanted castle had returned to its splendors, and everywhere stories and wonders of its past were told while the roses and fireflies, satisfied, had become the guardians of the garden, together with the two faithful gardeners. What a beautiful adventure they had started together! "Come in, come in, little explorers of the enchanted castle! Choose a book and a new adventure will start immediately!" — said a sign at the entrance of the blooming garden: "You're all welcome!"

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    C'era una volta un castello, ormai abbandonato da tempo, circondato da un grande giardino; solo due giardinieri erano rimasti a curarlo e coltivare i fiori. Le rose, con i loro colori vivaci, brillavano in ogni stagione sul verde dei prati e nelle aiuole. Il castello dominava una vecchia cittadina. In lontananza appariva magnifico, e forse lo era stato.

    "Che segreti ci saranno dentro il castello?" si chiedevano le rose.

    Una sera, dopo il tramonto, ne parlarono con le lucciole, anch'esse curiosissime per natura.

    La Rosa Rossa, che era sempre la più avventurosa del gruppo, si avvicinò sussurrando alle lucciole con voce sicura e vellutata: ”Amiche, che ne dite di un'avventura nel castello stasera?"

    La lucciola più brillante, Lucilla, rispose con entusiasmo: "Sarebbe divertente di sicuro! Ma come faremo ad entrare?"

    "Ah, ho sentito i giardinieri parlare di una chiave nascosta sotto la terza pietra vicino al vecchio pozzo," disse la Rosa Gialla, unendo e sfregando i petali come se stesse condividendo un segreto prezioso.

    La Rosa Blu intervenne timidamente, "Ma dobbiamo fare attenzione, ho sentito dire che il castello nasconde misteri antichi e spiriti giocosi."

    Lucilla rise lievemente, "Oh, non temere, Rosa Blu. Con la nostra luce e la vostra bellezza, nessun mistero potrà resisterci!"

    "E se incontriamo qualche ostacolo?" chiese la Rosa Bianca, sempre la più prudente del gruppo.

    “Li affronteremo tutti insieme," rispose la Rosa Rossa con determinazione. "Dopo tutto, non siamo solo fiori e insetti, siamo gli esploratori del castello incantato!"

    La decisione fu presa e nella notte buia e magica, con coraggio si incamminarono per il sentiero che portava all’ingresso del castello.

    Dopo una breve sosta al pozzo per procurarsi la chiave, si avvicinarono silenziosamente al grande portone. Aperta la serratura, spinsero con tutta la loro forza e con fatica, riuscirono a socchiuderlo.

    Un suono arrugginito e graffiante risuonò:


    Tutti i gechi, mangiatori d’insetti, si spaventarono e correndo su e giù per i muri del castello fuggirono via in un battibaleno insieme ai pipistrelli.

    Le lucciole, seguite dalle rose sgattaiolarono nel grande atrio, dove un soffitto altissimo era decorato con i più fantastici disegni; ai lati si ergevano statue maestose e fantastiche — un brivido di magia fece tremare i petali delle rose. Proseguendo tutte insieme, entrarono in un salone immenso, che sembrava un museo: armature di soldati medioevali armati di spada da un lato, e di samurai giapponesi con le loro Katane affilate e luccicanti dall'altro.

    Ogni stanza del castello era affascinante e ricca di storia, e ce n’erano tantissime! Saloni, corridoi, scale, e stanze segrete da scoprire. Le esploratrici rimasero incantate ogni volta che aprivano una porta o giravano un angolo, ma quando si accorsero che stava arrivando la prima luce dell'alba, le rose corsero via per tornare nel giardino e le lucciole, diventate invisibili, sparirono nell'aria.

    Nella fuga, le rose inciamparono l'una con l'altra, e una nuvola di petali persi, di vari colori, svolazzò nell’aria. Per fortuna i giardinieri, correndo in soccorso, li rincollarono con la rugiada. Ormai avevano scoperto il furto delle chiavi e il gran movimento della notte. Tutti i fiori e gli insetti del giardino, al risveglio, si bisbigliavano l’uno con l’altro il racconto della magica notte:

    "Quali segreti da scoprire ci saranno ancora nel castello?"

    La sera successiva, non ci furono discorsi. Davanti all’ingresso del castello c’erano le rose e le lucciole, ma anche tulipani, coccinelle, grilli, gigli, api, farfalle, camelie, cavallette e anche due girasoli, alti ed imponenti, che si misero davanti al gruppo.

    Di nuovo il gran cigolio:


    Entrati, tutti insieme, salirono una larga scalinata. In cima c'era un tunnel buio con in fondo una grande porta intarsiata che, toccata dai due girasoli, si aprì magicamente.

    All'interno, una meraviglia! Un grande salone polveroso che conteneva scaffali traboccanti di libri grandi, piccoli, e pure medi. Era la libreria segreta del castello!

    Sorprendentemente, c'era un gran movimento: i libri saltavano da uno scaffale all'altro, scuotendosi la polvere di dosso e le parole uscivano dalle pagine aperte e in tutto il salone inizió un gran chiacchierio. Ogni libro voleva dire la sua perché era da tanto tempo che nessuno li leggeva o ascoltava.

    Una delle rose, insieme a una camelia, si stavano riposando e chiacchieravano su una panca di legno, quando da uno scaffale un piccolo libro per bambini cadde sulla corolla della rosa. “Oh, oh, oh, chi è il colpevole?” esclamò quasi divertita ed, allo stesso tempo, un'idea venne ai due fiori facendo illuminare i loro petali di gioia.

    “Meraviglia delle meraviglie!” disse la rosa, ”Dobbiamo fare in modo di far conoscere questa biblioteca, a tutti i bambini e gli abitanti della cittadina. Ognuno di questi libri polverosi non aspettano altro che essere aperti, letti e custoditi con cura!”

    Così all’alba il gruppo di esploratori mentre ritornavano nel giardino stavano già studiando un piano d'azione per la notte successiva.

    Arrivò di nuovo il tramonto e con esso la notte e la sua magia.

    Quella sera, davanti alla scalinata del castello c’erano davvero tutti: le rose e le lucciole, tulipani, coccinelle, grilli, gigli, api, farfalle, camelie, cavallette e i due girasoli della notte precedente ma anche dalie, iris, millepiedi, gerani, coleotteri, petunie, ragni e pure i due giardinieri che oramai erano in combriccola e d’accordo sul da farsi.

    Ancora una volta il grande portone fu aperto con il solito gran cigolio:


    Una volta entrati, tutti insieme salirono la scalinata e percorsero il tunnel buio fino alla libreria. All’ingresso questa volta apparve il vecchio custode libraio, che era lì da tempi immemorabili e che la sera precedente non si era fatto vedere perché voleva osservare cosa sarebbe successo. I suoi capelli erano grigi, indossava un mantello stinto dall'uso e tutto ricoperto di ragnatele, due mezzi guanti bucherellati e un paio di occhialini calati sul naso, senza i quali non ci vedeva da qui a lì.

    Intimoriti, gli abitanti del giardino si fermarono, eccetto le rose che inchinandosi salutarono il vecchio libraio ed espressero, a nome di tutti, il desiderio di aprire il castello ai bambini — in particolare la libreria incantata, dove i libri potevano essere consultati, letti e apprezzati da tutti quanti nel paese.

    Cosa ne pensava di questa idea il vecchio libraio custode di antichi segreti?

    “Questo e’ un castello incantato” disse, “con la buona volontà tutto si può avverare!”

    Non si perse tempo e la comitiva inizio subito con i preparativi.

    Nella nottata spolverarono e riorganizzarono gli scaffali e all'alba erano rimasti solamente i ritocchi finali. I giardinieri si vestirono da maggiordomi, con tanto di abito scuro, guanti bianchi e scarpe nere, per ricevere all'ingresso i bambini. Le rose andarono dall'estetista per lisciarsi i petali e accorciare le spine: il loro compito era di accompagnare le bambine e i bambini curiosi e fornire tutte le informazioni che i piccoli visitatori volevano sapere.

    Ormai tutto era pronto. I giardinieri maggiordomi, le rose e tutti gli abitanti del giardino entrarono in azione.

    I piccoli visitatori rimasero a bocca aperta, impressionati dalle armature, i dipinti e i passaggi segreti. Ma una volta giunti nel salone della libreria, non persero tempo e iniziarono a scegliere i libri da leggere. I girasoli, arrampicati su due scalette, controllavano dall’alto che il libri saltassero dagli scaffali nelle mani e gli zainetti di coloro che li avevano richiesti. All’uscita, i maggiordomi facevano un grande saluto di ringraziamento ad ogni visitatore consegnando tre dolcetti: due da sgranocchiare e uno da regalare a qualcun altro.

    Il castello incantato era tornato ai suoi splendori e dappertutto si raccontavano storie e meraviglie del suo passato mentre le rose e le lucciole soddisfatte erano diventate le guardiane del giardino, insieme ai due fidati giardinieri.

    Che bella avventura avevano iniziato insieme!

    “Avanti, avanti, accomodatevi, piccoli esploratori del castello incantato! Scegliete un libro e una nuova avventura inizierà immediatamente!” — diceva un cartello all'ingresso del giardino fiorito: “Siete tutti benvenuti!”

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    One fine day, in the squares of the city of Ciclopoli, large billboards appeared advertising a bicycle race; everyone could participate, from zero years and up. There wasn’t much information, but it suggested that those interested should contact the Association of Bicycles with Wheels, located at Via dei Manubri Number Eight, behind the playground. The citizens got informed. The start was scheduled for the first Saturday of June from the Piazzale of the Astronomical Observatory, next to the Municipal Library. The finish line was at the top of the Hill of Dreams, and the prize was a star for everyone who crossed the finish line. Registrations had already started and, of course, were free for everyone. Many requests for participation were received.

    There was a lot of talk about the event, and all the inhabitants of Ciclopoli, including animals, wanted to lend a hand. Volunteers were certainly not lacking. Finally, the day of departure arrived, and the city turned into a great festival. There was a lot of chatter from the balconies of the houses and even from the dome of the Astronomical Observatory, where some inhabitants had climbed to watch the start. Spectators from everywhere cheered on the race participants.

    Kites in bright colors were tied to the tricycles to keep an eye on the kids. In the playground, where the city's permanent puppet theater was located, the puppets peeked out to watch the show themselves; the strings moved, and a round of applause filled the air. The church bells rang in celebration. All the participants were ready at the start with bikes, unicycles, and tricycles, and all together they formed a varied and numerous group.

    The start took place despite the great confusion. Fortunately, some fawns were on duty along the race route. They had a megaphone and wore special headphones, which worked with voice transmission to communicate with each other. Little clouds in the clear sky acted as flying race assistants, drawing arrows to indicate the path to the runners at each intersection.

    Shortly after the start, a fawn took the megaphone: “Attention, attention, the grandfather with the green jacket has a flat tire.” Everyone stopped to wait for the tire to be repaired. Shortly after, a second fawn: “Everyone stop! The kid in the yellow shorts needs to pee.” Another brief stop and a little further ahead, the first refreshment stop. Sandwiches, sweets, and fruit were already ready to be distributed, and everyone lined up to refresh themselves. Tall-stemmed flowers wearing multicolored aprons served the cyclists as they arrived. After a great feast, they set off at full speed again. A small hare was running among the bushes at the edge of the road, and a boy in a purple shirt, curious as he was, left the race course to chase it. The nearby fawn took his megaphone: “New communication! Stop, everyone, a cyclist has gone off course,” he hurried to reach him and brought him back to the road. Everyone back on the saddle.

    Pedaling, pedaling, they reached the great Field of Happiness full of flowers where the grandparents got lost chasing butterflies and the children lay down to rest. Time was passing. “Let's hurry, let's hurry, the top is still far away,” said the grandparents. Owls, marmots, squirrels, and martens began to follow the runners, cheering them on. Meanwhile, the fawn on the lookout: “Help, the grandmother with the pink skirt has fallen,” but fortunately nothing was broken, and the race resumed quickly.

    The fastest cyclists happily reached the top of the Hill of Dreams in the early afternoon. The rest of the group arrived at sunset when it was already dark. It was later than expected, and at that point, they couldn't return to the city. How could they spend the night up there? They had no supplies, let alone blankets and sleeping bags. The animals following them understood the problem, and from the nearest farmhouse, they procured milk and cheese for everyone. They ate abundantly and, tired, lay down on the grass around the top after parking their bicycles. It was a bit chilly. In the night air, there was a great buzz. The stars were deciding what to do. They held hands and transformed the sky into a great blanket. How wonderful, a great warmth enveloped all the cyclists who fell asleep.

    Suddenly, while everything seemed calm, first a flash, then a thunder, and a powerful breath as if caused by the breath of a giant from the top of the hill. No fear, it was just the automatic anti-theft alarm to wake the sleeping cyclists. Awake and with their ears well-tuned to listen, they heard a strange tinkling coming from the free parking lot around the curve. This caused a commotion among the race participants, who jumped to their feet and ran towards the parking lot just in time to see some magpies, some real thieves: bicycle thieves. They had just stolen many parts: bolts, bells, chains, handlebars, rims, and spokes, carrying them away in flight.

    “What a disaster! And now what do we do?” The fawns did not lose heart and with their powerful means available, they sent an S.O.S. to an elderly carpenter, who was also a blacksmith in the nearby village. Received the signal, he didn't hesitate for a moment and left for the rescue with the siren on his work van. Before dawn, all the bicycles, unicycles, and tricycles of every kind had been skillfully and quickly repaired — as best as the situation allowed. But the fact is that from the first to the last, the cyclists were able to set off again towards Ciclopoli. Their means fixed as much as possible, hopping and limping here and there, they went down the descent, and everyone was laughing their heads off.

    What great fun! Each one carried with them the promised prize in memory of the cycling race on the Hill of Dreams: a shining star and even a piece of the blanket made of the sky from the previous night.

    And the Magpies?

    Well, they had been working for years on building their bicycles, and the race with an overnight stay on the hill offered them an opportunity not to be missed. Their bikes were completed, and that very evening, they were seen pedaling towards the sunset and disappearing on the horizon.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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  • Pedalando Verso Le Stelle

    Un bel giorno, nelle piazze della città di Ciclopoli, si videro dei grandi cartelloni che pubblicizzavano una corsa in bicicletta; tutti potevano partecipare, da zero anni in su. Non c’erano molte informazioni ma si suggeriva agli interessati di rivolgersi all’Associazione Biciclette Con Le Ruote, locata in via dei Manubri Numero Otto, dietro al parco giochi.

    I cittadini si informarono. La partenza era prevista per il primo sabato di Giugno dal Piazzale dell’Osservatorio Astronomico, accanto alla Biblioteca Comunale. L’arrivo era sulla cima della Collina dei Sogni e in premio una stella per tutti coloro che avrebbero tagliato il traguardo.

    Le iscrizioni erano già iniziate ed ovviamente erano gratuite per tutti. Molte furono le richieste di partecipazione. Si faceva un gran parlare dell’evento e tutti gli abitanti di Ciclopoli, animali compresi, volevano dare una mano. I volontari certamente non mancavano.

    Finalmente il giorno della partenza arrivò e la città si trasformò in una grande festa. Si sentiva un gran chiacchiericcio dai balconi delle case e persino dalla cupola dell’Osservatorio Astronomico, dove alcuni abitanti erano saliti per assistere alla partenza. Gli spettatori da ogni dove incitavano i partecipanti alla gara. Ai tricicli furono legati dei piccoli aquiloni dai colori vivaci per non perdere di vista i ragazzini. Nel parco giochi, dove c’era il teatrino stabile della città, le marionette si affacciarono per guardare a loro volta lo spettacolo; i fili si misero in movimento e un battito di mani riempì l’aria. Le campane delle chiese suonarono a festa. Tutti i partecipanti erano pronti al via con bici, monocicli e tricicli, e tutti insieme formavano un vario e numeroso gruppo. La partenza avvenne nonostante la grande confusione.

    Per fortuna, alcuni cerbiatti prestavano servizio lungo il percorso della gara. Avevano un megafono e indossavano una cuffia speciale, che funzionava con trasmissione vocale per comunicare fra di loro. Delle nuvolette a spasso nel cielo sereno facevano da assistenti di gara volanti disegnando delle frecce che indicavano la strada ai corridori ad ogni incrocio.

    Poco dopo la partenza, un cerbiatto prese il megafono: “Attenzione, attenzione, il nonno con la giacca verde ha bucato.” Tutti si fermarono ad aspettare che la ruota fosse riparata. Poco dopo un secondo cerbiatto: “Fermi tutti! Il ragazzino con i pantaloncini gialli deve fare la pipì.” Un’altra mini fermata e poco più avanti la prima sosta di rifornimento. Panini, dolcetti e frutta erano già pronti per essere distribuiti e tutti erano in fila per rifocillarsi. Dei fiori dal gambo lungo che indossavano grembiuli multicolore servivano i ciclisti man mano che arrivavano. Dopo un gran mangia e bevi si ripartì di gran carriera.

    Un piccolo leprotto stava correndo fra i cespugli ai bordi della strada, ed ecco che un ragazzino con la maglietta viola, curioso com'era, uscì dal percorso di gara, per inseguirlo. Il cerbiatto nelle vicinanze prese il suo megafono: “Nuova comunicazione! Stop, fermi tutti, un ciclista è andato al di fuori del percorso,” si affrettò a raggiungerlo e lo riaccompagnò sulla strada. Di nuovo tutti in sella. Pedala, pedala, giunsero al grande Prato Della Felicità pieno di fiori dove i nonni si persero dietro le farfalle e i bambini si sdraiarono a riposare. Il tempo passava. “Corriamo, corriamo, la cima è ancora lontana.” dissero i nonni. Gufi, marmotte, scoiattoli e martore iniziarono a seguire i corridori incitandoli. Intanto, il cerbiatto in avanscoperta: “Aiuto, la nonna con la gonna rosa è caduta,” ma per fortuna niente di rotto e la corsa riprese spedita.

    I ciclisti più veloci arrivarono contenti per primi in vetta alla Collina Dei Sogni nel primo pomeriggio. Il resto del gruppo giunse al tramonto, quando faceva già buio. Era più tardi del previsto e a quel punto non si poteva tornare in città. Come potevano passare la notte lassù? Non avevano rifornimenti e tantomeno coperte e sacchi a pelo. Gli animali che erano al loro seguito capirono il problema, e dal casolare più vicino procurarono latte e formaggio per tutti. Mangiarono in abbondanza e stanchi, si sdraiarono sul prato intorno alla cima dopo aver parcheggiato le biciclette. Era un po' freschino. Nell’aria notturna un grande brusio. Le stelle stavano decidendo il da farsi. Si presero per mano e trasformarono il cielo in una grande coperta. Che meraviglia, un tepore avvolse tutti i ciclisti che si addormentarono.

    Improvvisamente, mentre tutto sembrava tranquillo, prima un lampo, poi un tuono e un soffio potente come provocato dal respiro di un gigante dall’alto della collina. Niente paura, è solo l’allarme antifurto automatico per svegliare i ciclisti addormentati. Svegli e con le orecchie ben tese ad ascoltare, sentirono uno strano tintinnio che proveniva dal parcheggio gratis dietro la curva. Questo creò uno scompiglio tra i partecipanti alla gara che saltarono in piedi e corsero verso il parcheggio facendo in tempo a vedere delle gazze ladre, ma proprio ladre davvero: ladre di biciclette. Avevano infatti appena rubato loro molti pezzi: bulloni, campanelli, catene, manubri, cerchi e raggi, portandoli via in volo.

    “Che disastro! E adesso che facciamo?

    I cerbiatti non si persero d’animo e con i loro potenti mezzi a disposizione inviarono un S.O.S. a un anziano falegname, e anche fabbro del villaggio vicino. Ricevuto il segnale, non esitò un istante e partì per il soccorso con la sirena accesa sul suo furgoncino da lavoro. Prima dell’alba tutte le biciclette, monocicli e tricicli di ogni sorta erano stati con destrezza e velocità riparati — al meglio che la situazione permetteva. Ma fatto sta che dal primo all’ultimo i ciclisti poterono ripartire alla volta di Ciclopoli. I loro mezzi rimessi come fosse possibile, saltellando e zoppicando in qua e là andavano giù per la discesa e tutti ridevano a crepapelle.

    Che gran divertimento! Ognuno portava con sé il premio promesso in ricordo della gara ciclistica sulla Collina Dei Sogni: una stella luccicante ed anche un pezzetto della coperta fatta di cielo della notte precedente.

    E le Gazze Ladre? Beh, da anni stavano lavorando alla costruzione delle loro biciclette e la gara con pernottamento sulla collina offrì loro un’opportunità da non perdere. Le loro bici furono completate e quella sera stessa, vennero viste pedalare verso il tramonto e sparire all’orizzonte.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    On the outskirts of a big city, there lived four little dogs who took a walk around the neighborhood every day to stretch their legs with their owners. They spent the rest of the time on armchairs or lying in the sun in the garden.

    In a corner near the wall, behind the house, hidden by a tree, there were some old used and slightly broken objects. One of the dogs, named Tachi, decided to go exploring to see if there was anything interesting and found what seemed to be an old ball — but a bit strange, with a kind of leg.

    "What could it be? It looks like a suspicious object!" she thought. "Better call reinforcements immediately. Woof, woof, woof!"

    The other three rushed over, barking — just in case there was someone or something to scare off.

    "A ball, a ball!" they shouted and got into position to play.

    The most mischievous and smallest in size, Pippa, started to kick the object with her little paws but stopped immediately exclaiming, "Oh, but how hard this ball is!"

    "It's hard indeed, silly, can't you see it's a globe?" said Luca and Lillo, the other two members of the family, while Tachi remained thoughtful and not entirely convinced.

    But once it was clear what it was, they all started to observe it as, magically turning on itself, it showed distant countries they had heard about from their owners who, to tell the truth, were great wanderers!

    At the end of the day, after many adventures, naps, a walk at sunset, and a good dinner, they all went to bed; but thinking about the globe, none of the four could sleep much. As soon as they closed their eyes, they began to travel with their imagination and thought of exciting adventures that transported them to unknown and fantastic places to visit.

    In the morning, there was a lot of whispering. "Slept well?" they asked each other. "No, I traveled to unknown countries," "I thought of flying," "I of sailing the oceans," "I climbed very high mountains."

    Thinking and thinking, they decided it would be really nice to turn these dreams into reality. They continued to chatter, and after a few hours, they all agreed and pronounced the fateful words: "We will be the four four-legged adventurers, traveling the world, all for one and one for all." The decision was made; but how could they start the adventure?

    Luca thought of the old wise dachshund Ettore, who lived in the neighborhood and was a storyteller wizard by trade. They met him almost every day during their sunset walks. Ettore, sitting in front of his house, would narrate with sparkling eyes stories of fantastic travels to a group of puppies with their owners; all intent on listening.

    Once they heard him tell about Paris and its majestic Eiffel Tower rising into the sky above the clouds, the imposing monuments, the huge gardens to visit and then, attention attention, croissants with butter and jam for breakfast, baguettes filled with all sorts of things for lunch, and succulent and tasty bones for dinner.

    "Here’s who could help us: Ettore the Wizard Dachshund!” they exclaimed with joy.

    Immediately, sneaking out of their garden, they passed through a small gap in the fence and headed towards Ettore's house. They arrived at five o'clock sharp, and Ettore invited them in for tea with cookies. The four adventurers, between one cookie and another, told him about the globe they found by chance and their desire for adventures.

    The wizard dachshund, who had already guessed everything, said, "With a spell, I can accompany you around the world and visit a place of your choice."

    The fantastic four four-legged adventurers shouted in unison, "Let's go to Paris!"

    “With pleasure," replied Ettore.

    All ready for departure, the wizard dachshund took his super magic wand, which he tapped three times on the ground "toc toc toc", and at the words "Woofwoof and Woofwoof" small glowing stars came out; each one took a dog by the paw, lifting them into the air, and following the wizard, they set off for the adventure.

    At first, they closed their eyes in fear, but: "Look, look!” said their guide, and opening their eyes they saw they were flying over oceans, seas, mountains, lakes, cities, and enchanted forests: "How wonderful!”

    Soon, suddenly, in the distance appeared the city of Paris. Floating like feathers in the wind, in a flash, they arrived almost touching the Eiffel Tower, which with its height, pierced the clouds passing through the middle. The group landed on the roofs of Paris: “How wonderful, Paris is really magical and fascinating!"

    As they strolled through the streets of Montmartre, they decided to send a postcard to their owners to let them know about their trip.

    To our house on the other side of the ocean.
    Third street on the right.
    Ninth on the left.
    Garden with lemon tree.
    Squirrels running around.
    Possible hummingbird sighting.
    City of who knows, go find out.

    Shipping method:
    Fast and magical light beam.
    Signature required upon delivery.

    After sending the postcard, they saw the famous Ferris wheel and without hesitation got on. On the second round, while enjoying the view of the city, an unexpected gust of wind made them spin in the air and fall into the water of the Seine with a splash, a "plop", and then a great movement of paws and a collective barking: "Woof help, woof help, woof help, woof help, save us, we can't swim!”

    Luckily, a boat was slowly sailing right at that moment in the river. The crew rushed to save them all by throwing the lifeboat and pulling them on board.

    At the same time as the rescue, a big trouble arose. The sailors were none other than pirate dogs. Black flags with skulls and crossbones waved on the boat.

    The boatswain arrived on the deck of the ship and, scratching his nose, observed the scene, incredulous and also worried. The boat was on a special mission and carried a large treasure well hidden in the hold. Removing his round glasses, he said: “Oh, are you 007 spies?”

    In doubt, the four dogs were taken prisoners and tied to the back of small chairs.

    In that hubbub, the captain appeared on deck. He wore a bandana with skulls, a belt with pistols, a sword and boots, and an eyepatch over his right eye, but he didn't look threatening. He advanced towards the four prisoners with determined steps on the creaking wood of the deck. Staring at the four prisoners, he raised his sword and shouted authoritatively to his crew: "Stop everyone! I know these four dogs, they are my friends. Untie them immediately and offer them bones and croissants at will."

    The pirate captain, approaching, said: “Oh, don’t you recognize me? I am Odi, my owner is a friend of yours." So, Tachi, Pippa, Luca, and Lillo, remembered him. They did somersaults with joy for being saved and for having found a great friend. Addressing the crew, he said, “I lived in their house, across the ocean, hosted by their owners and treated like a king.”

    Late as a broken clock, the wizard dachshund, like a lightning bolt, arrived on deck ready to fight to defend the four four-legged adventurers, but he could do nothing but breathe a sigh of relief and greeted Odi the Pirate with a paw shake.

    All happy and content, they spent a few hours of joy admiring Paris from the boat with their pirate friends. In the evening, Ettore the wizard dachshund organized the return trip, which included the pirate captain, Odi.

    The five four-legged adventurers, once home, across the ocean, stretched out warmly by the fireplace, recounted their fantastic Parisian adventure.

    Woof, woof, woof, woof, and woof.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    Alla periferia di una grande città, abitavano quattro piccoli cani che ogni giorno facevano un giro nel vicinato per sgranchirsi le zampette insieme ai loro padroni. Il resto del tempo lo passavano in poltrona o sdraiati al sole in giardino.

    In un angolo vicino al muro, dietro la casa, nascosti da un albero, c'erano dei vecchi oggetti usati e un po' rotti. Uno dei cani, quella che si chiamava Tachi, decise di andare in esplorazione per vedere se c’era qualcosa di interessante e trovò quello che sembrava essere un vecchio pallone — ma un po' strano, con una specie di gamba.

    "Che cosa sarà mai? Sembra un oggetto sospetto!” Meglio chiamare i rinforzi immediatamente, pensò: "Bau, bau, bau!"

    Gli altri tre accorsero subito abbaiando — in caso ci fosse da spaventare qualcuno o qualcosa.

    ”Un pallone, un pallone!" gridarono e si misero in posizione per giocare.

    La più birichina e più piccola di taglia, la Pippa, iniziò a calciare l’oggetto con le sue zampette ma si fermò subito esclamando: ”Oh, ma com'è duro questo pallone?!”

    “E’ duro si, sciocca, non lo vedi che è un mappamondo?" le dissero Luca e Lillo, gli altri due componenti della famigliola, mentre Tachi rimaneva pensierosa e non veramente convinta della cosa.

    Ma una volta chiarito cosa fosse, tutti si misero ad osservarlo mentre, magicamente girando su se stesso, mostrava paesi lontani dei quali avevano sentito dire dai loro padroni che, per dirla proprio tutta, erano proprio dei gran girelloni!

    Alla fine della giornata, dopo tante avventure, pisolini, una camminata al calare del sole ed una buone cena, andarono tutti a letto; ma pensando al mappamondo, nessuno dei quattro riuscì a dormire un gran che. Appena chiudevano gli occhi, iniziavano a viaggiare con la fantasia e pensavano ad avventure emozionanti che li trasportavano in posti sconosciuti e fantastici da visitare.

    Al mattino, c’era un gran bisbigliare. "Dormito bene?" si domandavano gli uni con gli altri. “No, io ho viaggiato in paesi sconosciuti," "Io pensavo di volare," "Io di navigare sugli oceani," “Io invece di scalare montagne altissime."

    Pensa e ripensa, decisero che sarebbe stato davvero bello trasformare questi sogni in realtà. Continuarono a parlottare, e dopo qualche ora, tutti d'accordo pronunciarono le fatidiche parole: "Saremo i quattro avventurieri a quattro zampe, a giro per il mondo, tutti per uno e uno per tutti." La decisione fu presa; ma come sarebbe stato possibile iniziare l'avventura?

    A Luca gli venne in mente il vecchio saggio bassotto Ettore, che viva nel vicinato e che di mestiere faceva il mago cantastorie . Lo incontravano quasi tutti i giorni durante le passeggiate al tramonto. Ettore seduto davanti alla sua casa narrava con occhi scintillanti di emozione storie di viaggi fantastici ad un gruppetto di cuccioli con i loro padroni; tutti intenti ad ascoltare.

    Una volta lo sentirono raccontare di Parigi e della sua maestosa Torre Eiffel che si alzava in cielo fino a sopra le nuvole, dei monumenti imponenti, dei grandissimi giardini da visitare e poi, attenzione attenzione, croissant con burro e marmellata per colazione, baguette ripiene di tutto un po’ a pranzo ed ossi succulenti e saporiti per cena.

    "Ecco chi ci potrebbe aiutare: Ettore il Bassotto Mago!” esclamarono con gioia.

    Immediatamente, quatti quatti, uscirono di nascosto dal loro giardino, passarono da un piccolo varco nella staccionata e si incamminarono verso la casa di Ettore. Arrivarono alle le cinque del pomeriggio in punto ed Ettore li invito’ per il te con i biscotti. I quattro avventurieri, fra un biscotto e l’altro gli raccontarono del mappamondo trovato per caso, e del loro desiderio di avventure.

    Il bassotto mago, che tutto aveva già intuito, disse: "Con un incantesimo io posso accompagnarvi in giro intorno alla terra ed andare a visitare una località da voi scelta."

    I fantastici quattro a quattro zampe, in coro gridarono: "Andiamo a Parigi!"

    “Con piacere," rispose Ettore.

    Tutti pronti per la partenza!

    Il bassotto mago prese il suo super bastone magico, che battuto tre volte per terra "toc toc toc", e alle parole "Babau Babau!" ne uscirono piccole stelle luminose; ognuna prese per la zampetta un cane alzandolo in volo, ed a seguito del mago, partirono per l’avventura.

    In un primo momento chiusero gli occhi timorosi, ma: "Guardate guardate," disse la loro guida, e aperti gli occhi videro che sorvolavano oceani, mari, montagne, laghi, città e foreste incantate: "Che meraviglia!”

    Dopo poco, improvvisamente, in lontananza apparve la città di Parigi. Volteggiando come piume al vento, in un soffio arrivarono quasi a toccare la Torre Eiffel, che con la sua altezza, bucava le nuvole passandovi nel mezzo. La compagnia si posò sui tetti di Parigi: “Che meraviglia, Parigi è davvero magica e affascinante!"

    Mentre passeggiavano per le strade di Montmartre decisero di mandare una cartolina ai loro padroni per fargli sapere del loro viaggio.

    Alla nostra casa dall'altra parte del oceano.
    Terza strada a destra.
    Nona a sinistra.
    Giardino con albero di limoni.
    Scoiattoli che gironzolano intorno.
    Possibile avvistamento colibrì.
    Città di chissà chi lo sa, vallo a sapere.

    Modalità di spedizione:
    Raggio di luce veloce e magico.
    Richiesta firma alla consegna.

    Spedita la cartolina. Videro la famosa ruota panoramica e senza esitazione ci salirono sopra. Al secondo giro, mentre si godevano il panorama della città, una inaspettata folata di vento li fece volteggiare in aria e giù a precipizio nell'acqua della Senna con un tonfo, un "pluff" e poi un grande movimento di zampe e un collettivo abbaiare: "Bau aiuto, bau aiuto, bau aiuto, bau aiuto, salvateci non sappiamo nuotare!”

    Per fortuna un battello navigava lentamente proprio in quel momento, nelle acque del fiume. Accorse l'equipaggio che li salvò tutti e quattro gettando la scialuppa e tirandoli a bordo.

    Nello stesso istante del salvataggio, si presentò un grosso guaio. I naviganti non erano altro che cani pirati. Sul battello sventolavano bandiere nere con il teschio e ossa incrociate.

    Il nostromo arrivò sul ponte della nave e grattandosi il naso osservò la scena incredulo e anche preoccupato. Il battello era in missione speciale e trasportava un ingente tesoro ben nascosto nella stiva. Rimuovendo i suoi occhiali tondi disse: “Oh, ma che siete spie 007?”

    Nel dubbio i quattro cani furono presi prigionieri e legati alla spalliera di piccole sedie.

    In quel frastuono, apparve sul ponte il capitano. Indossava una bandana con teschi, cinturone con pistole, spada e stivali, e una benda all’occhio destro, ma non aveva aria minacciosa. Avanzò verso i quattro con passi decisi sul legno scricchiolante del ponte. Fissando i prigionieri, alzò la spada e gridò con autorità alla sua ciurma: "Fermi tutti! Questi quattro cani io li conosco, sono miei amici. Slegateli immediatamente e offrite loro ossi e croissant a volontà."

    Il capitano pirata avvicinandosi disse: “Oh, ma non mi riconoscete? Io sono Odi, la mia padrona è amica della vostra." Così, Tachi, Pippa, Luca, e Lillo, si ricordarono di lui. Fecero capriole dalla contentezza per essere stati salvati e per aver ritrovato un grande amico. Rivolgendosi all ciurma disse “Io ho vissuto nella loro casa, al di là dell'oceano, ospitato dai loro padroni e trattato come un re”.

    In ritardo come un’orologio scarico, il mago bassotto, come un fulmine, arrivò sul ponte pronto a dare battaglia per difendere i quattro avventurieri a quattro zampe, ma non poté fare altro che tirare un sospiro di sollievo e salutò Odi il Pirata con una stretta di zampa.

    Tutti felici e contenti passarono alcune ore di gioia ammirando Parigi dal battello con i loro amici pirati. Alla sera Ettore il bassotto mago organizzò il viaggio di ritorno che includeva anche il capitano pirata, Odi.

    I cinque avventurieri a quattro zampe arrivati a casa, dall’altra parte dell’oceano, distesi al caldo accanto al caminetto, raccontarono della loro fantastica avventura parigina.

    Bau, bau, bau, bau e bau.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    Once upon a time in the small town of Carotopoli, there was a retired rabbit named Padellino. He lived in a small house at the end of a large vegetable garden.

    One morning, as he was looking out of a small window scratching his head as if he had a big problem, he saw three carrots, two celery ribs, four tomatoes, an onion, an eggplant, and a potato rolling behind the group coming down the path towards his house. The path was slightly downhill. "How wonderful!" he exclaimed. "With these fresh vegetables, I can try cooking so I won't get bored anymore! How come I never thought of this before?!”

    Padellino, who had been the station master of Carotopoli before retiring, knew about trains, schedules, and everything needed for that job, but he had never cooked before; he usually only ate carrots.

    Asking around, he obtained a frying pan and a pot with their lids, all second-hand and not used for who knows how long. But he needed them and, after a good cleaning, they were ready for use, better than new. He made two ladles from tree bark and the kitchen sprang into action. The fire blazed from the small stove like never before, and the flames multiplied. The little rabbit, with great passion, began experimenting with tasty and fragrant dishes.

    The large garden had always been cultivated by some retired elders. They immediately approved of little Padellino's idea, providing him with all the seasonal vegetables. First, a means of transportation was needed; they fixed up an old wheelbarrow that had a large rubber wheel in front and made it slide towards the house. Satisfied and filled with goodness, the elders, ready for delivery, first heard whistling, then a light breeze, a sudden puff, and, as if by magic, the wheelbarrow sped along the path. With each load, a whistle, a new puff, and the wheelbarrow went. The elders were amazed, barely holding the handle and not getting tired.

    But they weren’t too surprised. In a giant tree that dominated one side of the garden, an elf had always lived there because of an old enchantment. Perhaps he was using his magic to help the elders. Because only they, at rare moments, had heard magical music in the air and sensed his mysterious presence.

    On the other side of the large garden, there was a farm with a chicken coop. The elders told the farmer what was happening. "What great news," he said, and was happy to provide fresh eggs to rabbit Padellino every day. A pleasant smell spread around, other little rabbits passing by were invited to taste. "Mmm... good," they would say and lick their whiskers.

    They volunteered as helpers, setting up outdoors on six small tables, using cut tree trunks. More rabbits came, built chairs with flowered backrests and legs made of intertwined branches. They improvised plates and cups using rolled and shaped vegetable leaves artistically. "Well done, well done," applauded little Padellino.

    "Why don't we open more small restaurants nearby?" they said, and the girls and boys who would come to taste our dishes would pay: "for an appetizer, a bunch of daisies; for a main course, five primroses; for a sandwich, some violets; for a second course, unfaded poppies; dessert will be free. And we will be happy to work for them."

    From there, they thought of having the children of the whole town taste the food. They agreed, making deliveries on multicolored scooters driven by rabbits. Some retired grandmothers were also contacted to organize the deliveries. They gladly agreed. They put on hats adorned with vegetables and took service: "don’t drive too fast, stop at the stops," and so on. In the whole town, there was heavy traffic of rabbits on scooters having fun and waving: "hello, we're coming... hello, hello, make room." Cars and bicycles made way, and the traffic lights turned green at their arrival.

    Everything was going well, when one morning the tax office woke up, perhaps it had suffered from insomnia at night or perhaps it hadn't digested dinner, who knows...!!! The clerk began to send taxes to be paid by rabbit Padellino. Luckily, the morning the first payment request arrived, the sun was cheerful and smiling, so he got a little less angry. He had plenty of charm to sell, but he didn’t want to pay; his greatest pleasure was to give everything away for free.

    The elf, who was always wandering around the garden, learned about little Padellino’s problem. He was a free spirit, but, as in fairy tales, he possessed something magical and it was a flute. Playing it, his music reached other magical creatures like him and by magic enchantment, they appeared immediately. Of course, they were invisible, but with their magic, they were ready to help the little rabbit. Every envelope that arrived at the post office was blown back with a puff, flying back and opening up. The sky seemed to be covered with paper that, by magic, made its way back to the tax office. In the following days, the returned documents piled up and up on the desk. It was a real mystery, and the head of the tax office realized the mistake. What to do with those papers! And then a great idea flashed through his mind. He gathered the town’s gnawing mice, who in no time chewed up all that paper and made bags of confetti for the carnival.

    You should know that the elf was in possession, in addition to the magical flute, of a branch covered in equally magical leaves, obtained from a centuries-old tree, which in its cavity hid the secrets about the life of these fantastic creatures. For each leaf of the magical branch, the elf could grant a wish. Word had spread, so that the children of the town made a proposal to him. The elf, having become their friend and no longer invisible, listened to them. Their wish was to send flying balloons, painted in the colors of the rainbow, around the world to bring food to those who had none. Meanwhile, little Padellino continued to cook as much as possible together with his assistants. Each leaf of the enchanted branch, with its magic, could guide a balloon to deliver food cooked by the rabbits with great passion, to children in every corner of the world. And so it was done. Meanwhile, the grandmothers had woven small wicker baskets and, inside, placed one by one, in a fistful of soil, seedlings taken from the large garden. The baskets, tied to the flying balloons, reached their destination. The enchantment had no end; the children took the seedlings which, put in the ground, watered and grown, would bear their fruits, and in turn, other seeds sprouted.

    As the balloons loaded with all the goodness arrived, the clapping of the children's hands echoed from every part. Tasting that delicious food was like a dream come true, bringing joy and happiness. The rabbits and the elf discovered that the true power of magic lies in kindness and helping others.

    The children wrote thanks on the balloons and with a farewell hug and a push, they helped them rise into the air and off around the world. The elf with his branch of magical leaves had fulfilled the great wish, making all the girls and boys happy.

    In Carotopoli, a big party was organized in honor of the little bunny Padellino and his helpers, the grandfathers, the grandmothers, and even the farmer took part. He made available the farmyard, which was filled with songs, dances, and the telling of folk verses. Every type of food created by Chef Padellino was on the festively laid tables, and at the end of the evening, there was a grand fireworks display as a sign of joy and gratitude. All the guests were surprised and enchanted.

    The elf, after the party, which he attended from the giant tree, spreading magic everywhere, returned to being invisible but remained to protect the large garden of Carotopoli and obviously, everyone lived happily ever after — each helping others as best they could.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    C’era una volta nella cittadina di Carotopoli, un coniglietto in pensione di nome Padellino. Abitava in una casetta in fondo a un grande orto coltivato a verdure.

    Una mattina, mentre stava guardando fuori da una finestrella grattandosi il capo, come se avesse un grande problema, vide arrivare sul sentiero tre carote, due costole di sedano, quattro pomodori, una cipolla, una melanzana e una patata che ruzzolava dietro al gruppo. Si dirigevano verso la sua casetta; il sentiero era leggermente in discesa.

    "Che meraviglia!" esclamò.

    "Con queste verdure fresche posso provare a cucinare così non mi annoierò più! Come mai non ci avevo pensato fino ad ora?!”

    Padellino, che prima di andare in pensione era stato il capo stazione di Carotopoli, si intendeva di treni, orari e tutto il necessario per quel lavoro, ma non aveva mai cucinato prima d'ora; di solito si nutriva solo di carote.

    Chiedendo in giro, si procurò una padella e una pentola con i relativi coperchi, tutto di seconda mano che non veniva usato da chissà quanto tempo. Ma a lui servivano e, dopo una bella ripulita, erano pronti per l’uso, meglio che nuovi. Costruì due mestoli con la corteccia di un albero e la cucina entrò in funzione. Il fuoco si sprigionò dal piccolo fornello come non mai, e le fiammelle si moltiplicarono. Il coniglietto, con grande passione, iniziò a sperimentare piatti gustosi e profumati.

    Il grande orto era da sempre coltivato da alcuni nonni in pensione. Approvarono immediatamente l’idea del coniglietto Padellino, fornendogli tutte le verdure di stagione. Per prima cosa, era necessario un mezzo di trasporto; aggiustarono una carriola ormai fuori uso, che aveva una grande ruota gommata davanti e che la faceva scivolare verso la casetta. Soddisfatti e riempita di ogni bontà, i nonni, pronti per la consegna, sentirono prima fischiettare, poi un leggero vento, un soffio improvviso e, come per incanto, la carriola andava veloce lungo il sentiero. Ad ogni carico, un fischiettio, un soffio di nuovo e la carriola andava. I nonni erano stupiti, tenevano appena il manubrio e non facevano fatica.

    Ma non erano poi tanto sorpresi. In un albero gigante che dominava su un lato dell’orto, viveva da sempre un elfo, che era lì per un incantesimo. Forse stava usando la sua magia per aiutare i nonni. Perché solo loro, in rari momenti, avevano sentito nell’aria una musica magica e percepito la sua misteriosa presenza.

    Dall’altra parte del grande orto, c’era una fattoria con un pollaio. I nonni raccontarono al contadino cosa stava succedendo. "Una bella novità," disse, e fu felice di fornire ogni giorno le uova fresche al coniglio Padellino. Un buon odore si diffondeva in giro, altri coniglietti, che passavano da quelle parti, furono invitati ad assaggiare. "Mmm... buono," dicevano e si leccavano i baffi.

    Si proposero come aiutanti, apparecchiarono all’aperto su sei piccoli tavolini, usando tronchi di alberi tagliati. Arrivarono altri coniglietti, costruirono delle seggioline con spalliere fiorite e gambe fatte di rami intrecciati. Improvvisarono piatti e bicchieri usando foglie d’ortaggi girate ed arrotolate, dandogli una forma ad arte. "Bravi, bravi," applaudì il coniglietto Padellino.

    "Perché non apriamo altri piccoli ristoranti nelle vicinanze?" dissero, e le bambine e i bambini che verranno ad assaggiare i nostri piatti pagheranno: "per un antipasto, un mazzetto di margherite; per un primo, cinque primule; per un panino, delle viole; per un secondo, dei papaveri che non siano sfioriti; il dolce sarà gratis. E noi saremo felici di lavorare per loro."

    Da lì, pensarono di far assaggiare il cibo ai bambini di tutta la cittadina. Si misero d’accordo, facendo consegne su monopattini multicolori guidati da coniglietti. Furono contattate alcune nonne, anche loro in pensione, per organizzare le consegne. Accettarono di buon grado. Si misero in testa un cappello adornato di ortaggi e presero servizio: "non guidate troppo veloci, fermatevi allo stop," e via dicendo. In tutta la cittadina c’era un gran traffico di coniglietti su monopattini che si divertivano e salutavano: "ciao, stiamo arrivando... ciao ciao, fate posto." Le macchine e le biciclette si facevano da parte e i semafori diventavano verdi al loro arrivo.

    Tutto procedeva per il meglio, quando una mattina si svegliò l’ufficio delle tasse, forse nella notte aveva sofferto d’insonnia o forse non aveva digerito la cena, boh... boh...!!! L’impiegato addetto iniziò ad inviare tasse da pagare e pagare al coniglietto Padellino. Fortuna che, la mattina che arrivò la prima richiesta di pagamento, il sole era allegro e sorridente, così si arrabbiò un po' di meno. Lui che di simpatia ne aveva da vendere, ma di pagare non ne voleva sapere; il suo grande piacere era dare tutto gratis.

    L’elfo, che si trovava sempre a gironzolare nell’orto, venne a conoscenza del problema del coniglietto Padellino. Era uno spirito libero, ma, come nelle fiabe, possedeva qualcosa di magico ed era un piffero. Suonando, la sua musica raggiunse altre creature magiche uguali a lui, e, come per incanto, apparvero immediatamente. Ovviamente erano invisibili, ma con la loro magia si misero a disposizione per aiutare il coniglietto. Ogni busta che arrivava all’ufficio postale veniva rispedita con un soffio, facendola volare indietro e aprendosi. Il cielo sembrava tappezzato di carta che, per incantesimo, riprendeva la strada dell’ufficio delle tasse. Nei giorni seguenti, i documenti rinviati crescevano e crescevano sulla scrivania. Era un vero mistero, e il responsabile dell’ufficio tasse comprese l’errore. Cosa fare di quei fogli! Ed ecco che gli balenò in mente una grande idea. Radunò i topini roditori della cittadina, che in men che non si dica, rosicchiarono tutta quella carta e ne fecero sacchi di coriandoli per il carnevale.

    Dovete sapere che l’elfo era in possesso, oltre al piffero magico, di un ramo ricoperto di foglie altrettanto magico, ottenuto da un albero millenario, che nella sua cavità nascondeva i segreti sulla vita di queste creature fantastiche. Per ogni foglia del ramo magico, l’elfo poteva esaudire un desiderio. La voce si era sparsa, così che i bambini della cittadina gli fecero una proposta. L’elfo, diventato loro amico e non più invisibile, li ascoltò. Il loro desiderio era di inviare palloni volanti, dipinti dei colori dell’arcobaleno, in girotondo per il mondo a portare cibo a chi non ne aveva. Intanto, il coniglietto Padellino continuava a cucinare a più non posso insieme ai suoi aiutanti. Ogni foglia del ramo incantato, con la sua magia, poteva guidare un pallone per consegnare cibo cucinato dai coniglietti con tanta passione, ai bambini in tutti gli angoli del mondo. E così fu fatto. Nel frattempo, le nonne avevano intrecciato piccoli cestini di vimini e, all’interno, posizionavano una per una, in un pugno di terra, delle piantine prese dal grande orto. I cestini, legati ai palloni volanti, arrivarono a destinazione. L’incanto non aveva fine; i bambini presero le piantine che, messe a terra, innaffiate e cresciute, avrebbero dato i loro frutti, ed a loro volta, altri semi germogliavano.

    All’arrivo dei palloni volanti carichi di tutte le bontà, i battiti di mani dei bambini rimbombavano da ogni parte. Gustare quel cibo delizioso era come un sogno diventato realtà, portatore di gioia e felicità. I coniglietti e l’elfo scoprirono che il vero potere della magia è nella gentilezza e nell’aiutare gli altri. I bambini scrivevano sui palloni grazie e con un abbraccio di saluto ed uno slancio, li aiutavano a rialzarsi in volo e via in giro tondo per il mondo. L’elfo con il suo ramo dalle foglie magiche, aveva esaudito il grande desiderio, rendendo tutte le bambine e bambini felici.

    A Carotopoli venne organizzata una grande festa in onore del coniglietto Padellino ed i suoi aiutanti, i nonni, le nonne e persino il contadino ne fu partecipe. Mise a disposizione l’aia del podere, che si riempi di canti, balli e racconti di stornelli. Ogni tipo di cibo creato dal Cuoco Padellino fu sulle tavole imbandite ed alla fine della serata ci fu un grande spettacolo luminoso di fuochi d’artificio, in segno di gioia e gratitudine. Tutti gli ospiti furono sorpresi ed incantati.

    L’elfo, dopo la festa, alla quale partecipò dall’albero gigante, spargendo magia ovunque, ritornò ad essere invisibile, ma rimase a proteggere il grande orto di Carotopoli ed ovviamente tutti vissero felici e contenti — ognuno aiutando gli altri come poteva.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    C'era una volta, un ingegnere, non di oggi ma del domani. Era un bambino che tutte le mattine andava a scuola, ma il pomeriggio, dopo aver fatto i compiti, scappava dietro il giardino di casa, dove c’era un magazzino pieno di attrezzi da lavoro e non solo. Un alone di magia e una luce brillante illuminavano la sua mente di inventore.

    Era lì che, nascosto da tutti, liberava la sua fantasia e la passione di progettare e costruire oggetti meccanici.

    Era da qualche giorno che aveva notato un orsetto che gironzolava sempre nei paraggi del suo laboratorio segreto e magico, così un pomeriggio lo invitò a entrare. Aveva bisogno di un aiutante e questo orsetto sembrava essere adatto al ruolo.

    “Bene, mi piacerebbe lavorare con te. Mi sembra che tu sia proprio un bravo inventore,” disse l’orsetto Scintilla. “E tu come ti chiami?” chiese sorridendo, rivolgendosi al bambino.

    “Io mi chiamo Gabriele e sogno di fare l’ingegnere.”

    Da quel momento, felici come non mai, fecero il patto di condividere tutti i loro segreti e fantastiche avventure. Immaginarono di essere inventori di tecnologie sconosciute e piloti coraggiosi alla scoperta di posti mai visitati. Così iniziarono a costruire una macchinina che andava senza benzina! L’orsetto Scintilla passava gli attrezzi a Gabriele e nel frattempo imparava il mestiere. Unirono un pezzo dopo l’altro e, una volta finita, dipinsero la vettura del futuro di un giallo brillante e la misero in giardino, pronta per la partenza.

    Nei pomeriggi seguenti, con la loro ingegnosità, fabbricarono un camion dei pompieri che aveva le ruote, la scaletta e il lampeggiante, ma era senza sirena e senza pompa per l’acqua. L’orsetto lo dipinse di un rosso scintillante e pareva proprio funzionante; ma mai fu usato, perché non capitò nessun incendio da spengere.

    “Oggi costruiremo un trenino,” disse Gabriele.

    In due e due quattro, il trenino era pronto per la partenza: i vagoni erano di legno e panoramici, andava con trazione a molla caricata da una manovella. Una tecnologia mai vista prima! Una volta finito, lo posizionarono in giardino e lo misero in movimento. “Choo! Choooo!” Faceva un passo avanti e uno indietro e per la matematica di uno meno uno fa zero, non si muoveva di lì. Gli alberi del giardino, che non ne potevano più dal ridere, decisero di collaborare e unendo i loro rami, si misero a spingere facendolo girare 3 o 4 volte intorno alla casa.

    L’orsetto Scintilla, felice per l’invenzione che avevano collaudato con successo, canticchiava allegramente e fischiettando diceva: “Finalmente ora ci possiamo riposare!”

    “Neanche per idea! Dobbiamo costruire la cosa più importante,” si pronunciò Gabriele.

    “E che sarebbe?” domandò Scintilla.

    “Un aereo! Vroom Vroom, Zoom Zoom… non senti il rumore già nell’aria?”, rispose l’ingegnere del domani.

    Scintilla si addormentò comunque, sotto un albero del giardino e Gabriele gli si avvicinò per riposarsi un po' anche lui. Appisolatosi accanto al suo amico, insieme sognarono sogni fantastici, spazi infiniti da sorvolare e un cielo intero da esplorare.

    Una volta svegli e riposati, tornarono nel magazzino e, preparati gli attrezzi, si misero all’opera per costruire un aereo un po’ fantasioso: tre eliche davanti e una dietro, due ali che si piegavano e si allargavano come quelle delle aquile, una cabina di pilotaggio con due posti di seduta con bottoni, pulsanti e leve di ogni genere. Ovviamente c’era anche un motore costruito con vecchi pezzi di ricambio trovati qua e là e appariva molto potente. C’era pure il carrello d’atterraggio con le ruote gonfiate.

    Gabriele e Scintilla erano soddisfattissimi del loro lavoro, ma si resero conto che non sarebbe stato facile dare inizio al volo, anche perché lo avevano costruito nel magazzino e sopra di loro c’era il soffitto!

    Provarono comunque a mettere in movimento l’aereo spingendolo in circolo, ma niente da fare. Posizionarono l’aereo davanti a un ventilatore per farlo alzare con la corrente d’aria, ma niente da fare. Pensa e ripensa, quale magia poteva intervenire per risolvere la situazione?

    Allora un pomeriggio decisero di fare un buco nel tetto. In quattro e quattr'otto, inventarono una carrucola e issarono l’aereo fino sul tetto e forse da quell’altezza, avrebbe preso il volo! Magari con un piccolo aiuto dagli abitanti dell’Universo.

    Rimasero lassù fino a quando fece buio e con il naso all'insù guardarono la luna e le stelle fare capolino fra le nuvole.

    La mattina seguente, tornarono sul tetto di buon'ora, era domenica e non c’era da andare a scuola.

    Il sole, sorprendentemente, sembrava essersi fermato sopra di loro.

    “Che magica coincidenza!” I due inventori si sbracciarono a più non posso, urlando a squarciagola per farsi notare.

    Il sole li notò e si avvicinò tanto da sentire la loro voce. Così Gabriele e Scintilla, con tutto il loro coraggio dissero: “Tu che sei la stella più importante, ci potresti portare in giro per il cielo, nell’aereo che abbiamo appena finito di costruire. Saresti così gentile da aiutarci a prendere il volo dal tetto???” Il sole diventò per un attimo pensieroso, ma sorrise e rispose: “Procuratevi una corda e giratela bene intorno all’aereo. Sarà una bella avventura anche per me.” Fece scendere due raggi di sole, dei più resistenti e calati fino al loro tetto, i due inventori li legarono saldamente alla corda. L’ingegnere del domani e l’orsetto salirono come due razzi sul loro aereo, il sole lo tirò verso l’alto a più non posso, e via nello spazio contenti come due grandi piloti coraggiosi!

    Sotto di loro la terra appariva come un pallone gigante in movimento e sospeso nell’universo. Quasi non ci credevano, era bellissima colorata e magica per tutti i suoi abitanti: le piante, gli animali e tutte le persone! Improvvisamente, una nube scura che volava vicino, urtandoli, un colpo, un botto, Bang…Bang…Bang, dondolarono in aria, per poco l’aereo non andò sottosopra. Ma i due bravi piloti ripresero il controllo dell’aereo e videro la nuvola che, a dir poco distratta, cambiò direzione e scusandosi con un inchino, si allontanò per la sua strada.

    Nello scontro, l’aereo non aveva mantenuto l’altitudine e si era abbassato abbastanza da vedere un'immensa pianura ed al centro una base spaziale! Gabriele e Scintilla, con meraviglia e stupore, poterono osservare ingegneri, scienziati, e perfino astronauti con le loro futuristiche tute astrali, che andavano avanti e indietro intorno a missili, apparentemente pronti per il lancio. Si stavano sicuramente preparando per una grande missione nello spazio!!!

    Sembrava proprio un posto incredibile e affascinante. C’era anche una gigantesca insegna, che catturò la loro attenzione perché diceva: “Scuola per ingegneri con specializzazione in astronomia, scienze spaziali e vita nello spazio.” Gabriele rimase stupito, sorpreso, emozionato e fu in quel preciso momento che pensò che forse un giorno il suo sogno si sarebbe trasformato in realtà.

    Gabriele e Scintilla erano immersi nei loro fantastici sogni, che li accompagnarono per tutto il viaggio di ritorno. Durante l’incredibile avventura anche il sole si divertiva ma avvicinandosi l’ora del tramonto, mentre la terra girava, riconobbe in lontananza la casa col buco nel tetto ed il giardino pieno di invenzioni. Così giunto in posizione staccò i raggi luminosi dalle corde di sostegno e l’aereo, accompagnato da un vento gentile, planò dolcemente sul prato con i due viaggiatori, e radioso scomparve all’orizzonte.

    Nel frattempo, i genitori di Gabriele erano preoccupati, non lo vedevano da un intero giorno, era sparito, ed anche l’orsetto Scintilla, che ormai tutti conoscevano, non si trovava più. Quando atterrarono tutti volevano sapere dove fossero stati e cosa avessero fatto tutto il giorno, ma l’avventura era stata così magicamente fantastica che, come un grande sogno, per ora doveva rimanere segreta. Forse un giorno, si sarebbe sentito parlare di un grande ingegnere astronauta e del suo orsetto assistente.

    Gli anni passarono e la loro macchinina servì alla mamma per i vasi di fiori, mentre le coccinelle e altri insetti ci saltellavano felici sopra, il camion dei pompieri diventò la casa degli scoiattoli che si divertivano a scendere e salire la scaletta. Nel trenino abitarono le lucertole che uscivano quando c’era il sole, e di sera usavano i seggiolini come comodi lettini. L’aereo fu usato per anni come una preziosa scatola di sogni segreti da realizzare.

    Gabriele nello spazio e sulla luna ci è andato per davvero e l’orsetto Scintilla lo ha visto andare in volo nell’universo — la notte con il naso all'insù a guardare il cielo pieno di stelle, dal buco nel tetto.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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  • The Hole in the Roof

    Once upon a time, there was an engineer, not of today but of tomorrow. He was a boy who went to school every morning, but in the afternoon, after doing his homework, he would escape to the back of the garden, where there was a shed full of tools and more. A halo of magic and a bright light illuminated his inventor's mind. It was there, hidden from everyone, that he unleashed his imagination and passion for designing and building mechanical objects.

    He had noticed a little bear wandering around his secret and magical workshop for some days, so one afternoon, he invited it in. He needed a helper, and this little bear seemed perfect for the role. "Well, I'd like to work with you. You seem like a very good inventor," said Sparky the bear. "And what's your name?" he asked with a smile, turning to the boy. "My name is Gabriele, and I dream of becoming an engineer." From that moment, happier than ever, they made a pact to share all their secrets and fantastic adventures. They imagined themselves as inventors of unknown technologies and brave pilots discovering uncharted places. So, they began to build a car that ran without gasoline! Sparky passed the tools to Gabriele and meanwhile learned the craft. They assembled it piece by piece, and once finished, they painted the future car a bright yellow and placed it in the garden, ready for departure.

    In the following afternoons, with their ingenuity, they manufactured a fire truck that had wheels, a ladder, and a flashing light, but no siren or water pump. Sparky painted it a sparkling red, and it looked operational; but it was never used, as no fire broke out to extinguish. "Today, we'll build a train," said Gabriele. Quick as a flash, the train was ready for departure: the cars were made of wood and had panoramic windows, powered by a spring wound with a crank—a technology never seen before! Once finished, they placed it in the garden and set it in motion. "Choo! Choooo!" It moved a step forward and one back, and by the math of one minus one equals zero, it didn't move from there. The garden trees, having laughed enough, decided to collaborate. Joining their branches, they pushed, making it go 3 or 4 times around the house.

    Sparky, happy about the invention they had successfully tested, hummed cheerfully and whistled, saying, "Finally, now we can rest!" "Not at all! We have to build the most important thing," Gabriele declared. "And what would that be?" asked Sparky. "A plane!Vroom Vroom, Zoom Zoom... can't you already hear the noise in the air?" replied the engineer of tomorrow. Nonetheless, Sparky fell asleep under a garden tree, and Gabriele approached to rest a bit himself. Dozing off next to his friend, they dreamt fantastic dreams together, of infinite spaces to fly over and an entire sky to explore.

    Once awake and rested, they returned to the shed and, tools ready, set to work to build a somewhat fanciful plane: three propellers in front and one behind, two wings that folded and expanded like those of eagles, a cockpit with two seats equipped with buttons, switches, and levers of all kinds. Naturally, there was also an engine built from old spare parts found here and there, looking very powerful. There was even the landing gear with inflated wheels. Gabriele and Sparky were very pleased with their work, but they realized that taking off wouldn't be easy, especially since they had built it in the shed and there was a ceiling above them!

    They tried to set the plane in motion by pushing it in a circle, but to no avail. They positioned the plane in front of a fan to lift it with the airflow, but still no luck. Thinking hard, what magic could intervene to solve the situation? Then, one afternoon, they decided to make a hole in the roof. Swiftly, they invented a pulley system and hoisted the plane up to the roof, and perhaps from that height, it would take off! Maybe with a little help from the inhabitants of the Universe. They stayed up there until it got dark, and with their noses up, they watched the moon and stars peek out from the clouds.

    The next morning, they returned to the roof early, it was Sunday and there was no school. The sun, surprisingly, seemed to have stopped right above them. "What a magical coincidence!" The two inventors waved their arms as much as possible, shouting at the top of their lungs to get noticed. The sun noticed them and came close enough to hear their voices. So Gabriele and Sparky, with all their courage, said, "You, being the most important star, could you take us for a ride in the sky, in the plane we just finished building. Would you be so kind as to help us take off from the roof???" The sun became thoughtful for a moment, but smiled and replied, "Get a rope and wrap it well around the plane. It will be a nice adventure for me too." It sent down two of its sturdiest sunbeams, lowered to their roof, and the two inventors tied them tightly to the rope. The engineer of tomorrow and the bear climbed like rockets onto their plane, the sun pulled it upwards as hard as it could, and off into space they went, happy as two great, brave pilots! Below them, the earth appeared as a giant moving balloon suspended in the universe. They could hardly believe it; it was beautiful, colorful, and magical for all its inhabitants: plants, animals, and all people! Suddenly, a dark cloud flying nearby, bumping into them, a hit, a bang, Bang…Bang…Bang, they rocked in the air, the plane nearly turned upside down. But the two skilled pilots regained control of the plane and saw the cloud, to say the least distracted, change direction and, apologizing with a bow, went on its way.

    In the collision, the plane hadn't maintained its altitude and had lowered enough to see a vast plain and in the center, a space base! Gabriele and Sparky, with wonder and astonishment, could observe engineers, scientists, and even astronauts in their futuristic space suits, moving back and forth around missiles, seemingly ready for launch. They were surely preparing for a grand mission in space!!! It seemed like an incredible and fascinating place. There was also a giant sign that caught their attention because it said: "School for engineers with specialization in astronomy, space sciences, and life in space." Gabriele was amazed, surprised, excited, and it was at that precise moment he thought that maybe one day his dream would come true.

    Gabriele and Sparky were immersed in their fantastic dreams, accompanying them throughout the return trip. During the incredible adventure, the sun too had fun, but as the sunset approached, while the earth turned, it recognized in the distance the house with the hole in the roof and the garden full of inventions. So, arriving in position, it detached the luminous beams from the support ropes, and the plane, accompanied by a gentle wind, glided softly onto the lawn with the two travelers, and radiant, disappeared on the horizon. Meanwhile, Gabriele's parents were worried, they hadn't seen him for an entire day, he had disappeared, and even Sparky the bear, now known to everyone, was nowhere to be found. When they landed, everyone wanted to know where they had been and what they had done all day, but the adventure had been so magically fantastic that, like a great dream, for now, it had to remain a secret. Maybe one day, there would be talk of a great astronaut engineer and his bear assistant.

    Years passed, and their little car served as a flowerpot holder for mom, while ladybugs and other insects happily hopped on it, the fire truck became the home of squirrels who enjoyed climbing up and down the ladder. In the train lived the lizards that came out when the sun shone, and at night they used the seats as comfortable beds. The plane was used for years as a precious box of secret dreams to be realized. Gabriele did indeed go to space and the moon, and Sparky the bear saw him fly into the universe — at night, with his nose up, looking at the sky full of stars, through the hole in the roof.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    In here and there, in a country that no one knows where, nor when, in a place that doesn't exist, there was an enchanted square. In the middle stood a magical fountain with jets and water features. Opposite, there was a school surrounded by a small garden with two trees and eight flower pots. Above the square, the church with its bell tower dominated the scene.

    The “Rainbow” ice cream shop, near the fountain, was the favorite spot for children. Their ice creams, served in a spectacular way, flew between the tables, creating a lively hustle and bustle.

    When a child passed by the fountain, the water droplets magically turned into words and, in turn, into tales. These came to life, accompanied by a melody that filled the air.

    One afternoon, after school, a group of children gathered in the square. After enjoying a “flying” ice cream, they began to play around the magical fountain. Suddenly, creating an enchanted atmosphere, the words came to life in the air: “Once upon a time,” and so the fairy tale began. Guided by the magic words of the fountain, the children lived an incredible adventure.

    Among jets of water of every shape and color, they were transported to a distant land, a seemingly peaceful little kingdom: the Kingdom of the Sun. A magical land where it was always summer and sunflowers grew all year round to become giants.

    While the children, for their amusement, explored the fantastic kingdom, something truly incredible and extremely dangerous happened. In one plantation first, and then in all the others, the sunflowers began to grow and grow, turning into terrifying dragons.

    The flowers' corolla turned upside down to form a head with two bright, protruding lights for eyes, and a beak that looked like a hook. The yellow petals lengthened, transforming into a braided hairdo from which they drew strength. The green stem thickened enormously, forming the body of the dragons.

    Suddenly and all together, the dragons began to march towards the castle and the surrounding city. Their steps were majestic, sounding like thunder, and their fiery footprints shone with sparks of every color. The dragons were impressive but above all wicked; their intentions were clear, they wanted to devastate the kingdom to conquer it.

    The frightened children immediately began to run breathlessly to warn the inhabitants, but by a spell, along the way, they were transformed into little warriors. Dressed in golden armor, helmets adorned with colorful feathers like a rainbow on their heads, and fiery swords in their hands. Thus transformed, there was nothing to do but fight the evil dragons and save the Kingdom of the Sun.

    They began to advance slowly and courageously towards the dragons, who, however, did not hesitate in their march. Despite their determination, the little warriors did not know how to stop them. The monsters were getting closer and closer, and soon they would reach them, when suddenly the clouds on the horizon opened and a leader appeared on a winged horse, who, in the blink of an eye, took command of the brave little warriors with his drawn and incandescent sword like the sun.

    The task was dangerous, but now they were ready for battle! They followed the Knight who, with cunning and magical power, led them in the attack against the evil dragons.

    The inhabitants of the kingdom, who had rushed to help the little heroes, stood still like incredulous spectators in front of these courageous children, who with the mysterious knight, in a storm of fire and sparks, were repelling the monstrous dragons. As they retreated, they began to shrink and their appearance changed into that of the bright sunflowers everyone knew and loved.

    It was the Kingdom of the Sun and everything was now back to what it should be.

    The flaming swords extinguished and the children turned towards the citizens of the kingdom who applauded and celebrated them with songs and dances. Together they shouted: "Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! For the Paladin of the Sun and his brave little allies."

    And so peace returned to the kingdom of the sun. Bidding farewell with a bow, the knight and the winged horse continued on their way towards the horizon from which they had come, and at sunset, the children found themselves, by magic, in the enchanted square in front of the Fountain of Tales. An endless wonder, because from there, thanks to the magic words, every time the children stopped after school, they always lived new fantastic adventures.


    You can read or listen to this Story Under The Stars in: Italian — English — Spanish — French — Japanese — Chinese —
    Request your language and we will do our best to accommodate you!

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to other languages, and the reading of the stories in all these languages, is not magic but the work of Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps is a bit magical... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you enjoy these stories, please share them, and if you can afford it, Consider A Donation.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

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    An elderly, somewhat absent-minded grandmother lived in the countryside. On sunny days as well as cloudy ones, she would wander through woods and meadows. In spring, she gathered strawberries, and in autumn, she filled a small basket with mushrooms to take home.

    One beautiful day in May, she walked along, humming, accompanied by chirping birds that knew her well and followed her on her wanderings.

    Chirp... Chirp... Chirp...

    “Good morning, grandmother, where are you off to today?”

    “Good morning to you, my friends who live in the forest, I am going for a walk.”

    She continued on her way along the paths, stopping in some green clearings, and, truth be told, losing her bearings. She was captivated by clouds that changed direction and shape as they flew, transforming into animals of strange forms, fantastic faces, and mysterious objects in a fairy-tale world.

    During her roaming, she suddenly found herself in front of a strange, dilapidated structure. Imagine if the grandmother didn’t venture to discover what it might hide.

    A talkative sparrow that had followed her chirped.

    Chirp... Chirp... Chirp...

    “Be careful, grandmother, it could be dangerous to enter this abandoned and unknown place.”

    The grandmother nodded her head and continued determinedly towards the building.

    In front, there was a little entrance garden with a dangling gate and at the end, a half-open, rickety door with a faded sign above it: Ceramic Factory. “This is getting interesting,” thought the grandmother.

    Once inside, she seemed to hear whispering voices. As curious as she was, she went forward and what did she see?! Broken plates everywhere, chipped vases, amphorae and pitchers without handles, cups in search of their saucers to stand upright. A real disaster!

    “But what happened to you?” asked the grandmother.

    A less broken teacup began to speak. “Once, this was a factory; the workers were so skilled at making and painting ceramic objects that they made them magical. Unfortunately, one unlucky day, a fire reduced the factory to what it is now, and we were left here, waiting for someone to come and save us, but so much time has passed that our fate is sealed.”

    The teacup stopped talking, sighing and looking around with a sad air.

    The grandmother, thoughtful, sought a solution. “Who could fix these objects?” she wondered. “There must be some emergency service for these ceramics that need repairing!”

    Suddenly, the “absent-minded” but decidedly ingenious grandmother put a plan into action.

    Quickly, she took out the cellphone that her grandson had given her and which, on his advice, she always kept in her pocket, and called the Emergency Service.

    On the other end of the phone, a professional voice asked for information and who was speaking.

    “I am a grandmother,” explained the old lady, “and I need emergency assistance; I am in the forest on the hill and there has been a big accident, there’s a lot of confusion and I can’t make heads or tails of it!”

    “How can we find you, grandmother?” asked the voice on the phone, worried.

    “Don’t worry, I will send two fantastic birds, my friends, who will lead you through the forest to me.” In a flash, the ambulance, with its siren blaring, traversed the rough paths and arrived at the site.

    “Thank goodness for the birds, grandmother, otherwise who would have found you?!” said the driver, rushing out and ready to help. They were about to load her onto the stretcher when she started yelling: “Are you daft! I am healthy; I didn’t call you for me, but for all those broken ceramics inside the Factory that need to be fixed immediately!”

    The driver was dumbfounded and speechless, as he had never encountered such a situation before; but he obviously understood the good intentions of the somewhat strange grandmother and, considering they had already arrived, he obliged her in carrying out that incredible “emergency intervention”.

    One by one, those beautiful, albeit broken, magical objects were transported to a specialized ceramics shop, restored, and placed in a real museum that everyone, absolutely everyone, could visit.

    When the grandmother received the letter from the Museum with the news, she was overjoyed and decided to celebrate with a lovely afternoon tea in the garden. It was right there, to her great surprise, that she found the teacup from the abandoned Factory waiting for her.

    At exactly 5 o'clock in the afternoon, with steaming tea in the Talking Cup, magically, the conversation continued... The birds that accompanied the grandmother every day arrived just in time for tea, and when they saw the grandmother chatting with the magical cup, a great chirping and flapping of wings began to erupt in the air like applause. The clouds, and the sun peeking out above them, had followed the entire adventure and, happy for the happy ending, greeted the Grandmother with a big smile. The absent-minded, yes, but truly ingenious Grandmother.


    You can read or listen to this Story Under The Stars in: Italian — English — Spanish — French — Japanese — Chinese —
    Request your language and we will do our best to accommodate you!

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to other languages, and the reading of the stories in all these languages, is not magic but the work of Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps is a bit magical... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you enjoy these stories, please share them, and if you can afford it, Consider A Donation.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    In the vastness of the universe, there was a town called Ficulle. It looked normal, but it was flying.

    Continuously circling along with Earth in the Milky Way, it always paused for half an hour on the weekends. All the residents took this time to sit quietly and relax while sipping a nice frothy cappuccino. And then off they went again!

    After their break at the space bar, the town continued its journey. The residents resumed flying, and although it may seem a bit strange to you, the birds went back to walking, and to drink from the fountains, they had to hop two or three times.

    This town was truly enchanting and magical. The flowers in the gardens lit up with moonlight (even during the day!), the river was made up of trails of shooting stars, and the trees changed the color of their leaves depending on the wind... and the mood.

    When you think about it, life in a flying town is quite interesting.

    All the houses were colorful, but the paint changed, and the houses continuously shifted colors, just like the leaves do. Each had a clock on the facade, but they chimed at different times because the hands flew left and right.

    For meals, residents glued plates, glasses, and cutlery to the floating tables. If a piece of bread fell, someone below would catch it in flight. Dogs always had their noses up to take advantage of a flying snack, naturally.

    Grandparents took to the sky on their straw brooms for errands but yelled continuously to avoid collisions: "Make way, make way, we're a bit blind!" Kids on their flying bikes laughed their hearts out, while butterflies, bees, and even hornets grumbled because there was too much aerial activity. They urgently requested designated paths!

    Besides, the town's only traffic light had a single blue light, giving the go-ahead for the sky. There was indeed a bit too much movement, and occasionally the space police took action. Those who didn't follow the rules were sentenced to walk on the ground!

    Only after sunset did the residents stop flying and sleep deeply until dawn. Fireflies with their little night wings could fly peacefully alongside bats with their cloak-like wings.

    One early morning, an intergalactic circus landed in a large field near the library. What a surprise, what magic! Clowns, acrobats, trapeze artists, and jugglers put their noses out of the tent and began to walk upside down. The mayor had an idea: "Maybe they can fix the erratic clock hands." And so they did.

    The head trapeze artist had noticed that the only clock keeping accurate time was the one on the tower of the astronomical observatory. Without hesitation, he grabbed a rope and his trapeze, and swinging back and forth like a pendulum, he managed to magically connect all the hands of the erratic clocks to those of the tower. From that moment on, all the clocks chimed in unison.

    What incredible joy! The circus artists were welcomed in the flying town, and as if in a fairy tale, the performances started precisely at 19:36. The circus shows attracted the whole town, and as the audience entered the tent, magically and astonishingly, they stopped flying and the popcorn stayed still in their bags, ready to be munched.

    The performers gave their best, and the clowns handed out colorful balloons to all the children to release into the sky upon exit. The children were happy, and so were the circus performers.

    Even the Big Dipper and her niece, the Little Dipper, hearing applause and laughter from the colorful tent, decided to interrupt their perpetual journey through the Milky Way for an hour. They got themselves a nice frothy cappuccino and saw what was happening.

    They had heard about this flying town where everything was topsy-turvy and chaotic. But as they approached the circus, they saw a welcome banner that read: "Here, there's entertainment, flying, playing, fun, and it's all free." The Big Dipper turned to her niece and said, "What's all this gossip the universe is spreading? This seems like a nice, peaceful place to live and visit! There's even a traveling circus... maybe that's flying too!


    You can read or listen to this Story Under The Stars in: Italian — English — Spanish — French — Japanese — Chinese —
    Request your language and we will do our best to accommodate you!

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to other languages, and the reading of the stories in all these languages, is not magic but the work of Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps is a bit magical... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you enjoy these stories, please share them, and if you can afford it, Consider A Donation.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    At the end of summer, in a small country town, the fair was an event: people met and blah blah blah... at every corner of the streets. The main square was invaded by fun and exciting rides: the roller coaster, the Ferris wheel, the merry-go-round for the little ones, and much more.

    The stands of the candy sellers, with cotton candy, mint hard candies, and freshly made crunchies, attracted children like bees to honey. Stalls full of various merchandise awaited the first buyers who, looking left and right, chose at their will.

    Suddenly, dark clouds on the horizon announced a big storm. A rush of people who didn't have umbrellas to shelter with! The rides were immediately halted. The wind did its part: there was a large fluttering of goods of all kinds.

    A stall selling straw hats of Florence was left so empty that it couldn't be emptier. The hats, as if they had lives of their own, landed on people's heads. Other little hats, which looked like souvenirs, flew onto the heads of dogs and cats wandering scared nearby. The little animals grumbled amongst themselves: "What have we come to the fair for, to take a shower?" They were about to run away, when suddenly they started to dance. What was the mystery in the little hats?

    A man soaked in rain watched them: they were so good that a brilliant idea came to mind. "Let's make a show of dancing dogs and cats touched by magic under the rain!" And so he did.

    After the storm passed, he set up a show for the following evening. Wearing the little hats, the animals jumped, danced, and performed somersaults. The audience flowed in large numbers and the show pleased both young and old. What a success!

    The animals spoke to each other and, agreeing, asked to organize shows in major cities. Caught up in the excitement, the man rented a hot-air balloon with a colorful balloon with all the colors of the rainbow to fly his friends.

    They crossed plains, lakes, and mountains and, while flying over a valley, three little hats that were perched precariously on the balloon, carried by the wind, fell down into the meadows. "Help, help, save them!" but three goats picked them up and, placed on their heads, began to dance. What magic had touched them!

    Our small travelers from the balloon shouted: "Let's take the goats into the company!" And so they lowered ropes, joined forces, and, pulling and pulling, managed to bring them on board. Everyone was happy.

    As they explained to the goats what they were going to do and why they were flying in the sky, they reached the first stop which was in Venice. The lagoon, the canals, and St. Mark's Square framed the show. Satisfied, they departed for other cities.

    The second stop was in Rome, the eternal city, they flew over the Colosseum and arrived in Piazza di Spagna; the Spanish Steps accompanied them like a gentle dance towards the sky. Ready for another destination, they reached Naples; the view of Vesuvius in the distance, the gulf at sunset was spectacular, they performed in front of the Castel dell'Ovo.

    The grand finale was in Florence. What was the best place to dance? The square of the church of San Miniato al Monte on the hill, thought the man. The multicolored hot-air balloon landed and the show began. The bells mysteriously rang from the bell tower, like on a festival day. The citizens climbed the high steps of the staircase, but at the top remained motionless like statues and speechless. The surprise, the atmosphere, the magic of the place: goats, dogs, and cats not only danced, but slowly rose swirling around the church and on the square. The sound of a mysterious music coming from the walls of that immense and ancient building accompanied them. They flew with such lightness that they seemed like wingless angels, but with the "straw hats of Florence."

    After this magical adventure, the showman brought dogs and cats back to the fair square in the small town and returned the hats to the seller. Everyone returned to their owner, carrying great happiness in their hearts. The fair's rides spun again for a few more days, for the joy of children and young people. The goats returned to graze freely in the valley, transported by a mysterious but joyful force.


    You can read or listen to this Story Under The Stars in: Italian — English — Spanish — French — Japanese — Chinese —
    Request your language and we will do our best to accommodate you!

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to other languages, and the reading of the stories in all these languages, is not magic but the work of Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps is a bit magical... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you enjoy these stories, please share them, and if you can afford it, Consider A Donation.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    Three little siblings: a little girl with red curls on her head and two little boys with straight hair; every morning they went to school. They had fashionable backpacks from which they took out all the necessary items, but from each of the three backpacks a new toy came out. A child named Carletto had a worn-out and faded backpack, just a small notebook, an eraser, and a worn-out pencil; when the teacher noticed, she scolded him.

    Curious about the toys, one day he followed the three siblings. They arrived near a building, very narrow and very tall, yellow and green in color, which ended with a tower. In front of them walked little mice in single file; "how strange," he didn't have time to think it when the little animals fluttered behind a hedge. Hidden there was a small window with a grate; the mice went through it, the children followed, and him, cunningly, followed them a minute later. There was a ladder so high that it seemed to reach the sky. The mice's tail, transformed into a propeller, made them go up like rockets. Once at the top, they opened a door, turned around and said, "Come on, come on, Carletto, we've been waiting for you for a long time!" Carletto climbed up with the enthusiasm of someone heading towards a discovery, incredulous but eager to understand and discover. At the top, he passed by the animals who gave him a big bow; he thought: "Have I become a king by magic?" He looked around: "I am in a dream..."

    The room had a loft; toys of all kinds were scattered in every corner. He was struck by an old wooden horse with wheels, a string to pull it, and a whistle under its tail. A puppet theater was putting on a show. A spinning top seemed like a flying carousel; a nutcracker soldier sat on the loft and spoke up: "You are Carletto, I know you, the child who is perched under the roof, with a glove that covers only one finger, a patched jacket, but with big eyes that seem like street lamps; I see you from the theater stage, I would like to call you, but I have a role to respect." Carletto was more than amazed.

    The three siblings entered, astonished by his presence; the toy room was a secret. The mice consulted each other, they were the guardians. A robot, who had a brain, proposed that Carletto become part of the magic. "Enterprising, as brave as he is, and he likes theater," said the nutcracker, standing tall as befits a soldier.

    The secret was not only about the toys, but there was a real super secret. A team of soldiers, who were all lined up on the loft, came down every night to protect the dreams of the children in their little beds. Everyone was happy with the decision taken.

    In a corner, on a small stool, there was a cricket eating a sandwich; from joy, it rolled to the ground. The little sister insisted on taking Carletto as a fourth sibling and, as such, they behaved at school and outside. If someone asked Carletto: "Have you ever seen a very tall building, half yellow and half green with a tower?" "Yes, yes," he replied smiling, "but only in a dream."


    You can read or listen to this Story Under The Stars in: Italian — English — Spanish — French — Japanese — Chinese —
    Request your language and we will do our best to accommodate you!

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to other languages, and the reading of the stories in all these languages, is not magic but the work of Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps is a bit magical... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you enjoy these stories, please share them, and if you can afford it, Consider A Donation.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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    The garden of the house at Beehive Street Number 7 was surrounded by a wall and closed with a gate. One day the owners, with their two children, decided to coat the inside of the wall with biscuits, honey, and jam in layers, as if they were bricks and cement; some of it melted but, pressed down, the coating was done.

    What a strange idea! But it was spring and the bees sucked the sweet jam like pollen from the flowers. The honey dripping from the wall reached the flowers, transforming them into sweets, the small stones of the path became colorful confetti. Curiously, the rain couldn't reach the lawn because it remained suspended like strands of strawberry jelly.

    The homeowners, along with their two children, were amazed and didn't know what to think. It really seemed like magic, okay they were a bit strange, but this was truly a mystery, the mother with a very long braid to sweep the ground, the father with a pair of mustaches that looked like two wings to cut the air, and the children who went to school dressed so "ridiculously" that all the other kids made fun of them.

    The news about the candy garden had spread in the air and by now everyone was talking about it. The birds perched on the wall fed on sweets, the butterflies became sugar flowers themselves, and the lizards lay in the sun with full bellies.

    On a warm summer evening, the garden was filled with fluttering fireflies like fairies with luminous wands. A big party had begun, attracting all the children and young people of the village. Entering the garden, everything was incredibly surprising and so good to eat that they didn't stop until there wasn't a crumb of sweetness left.

    After that fantastic night no more sweets were found to eat, but the magic remained and so in the air a great joy lingered. The garden appeared greener and more lush than before, with butterflies of every color landing on the flowers.

    The following morning, upon waking, the young parents thought of removing the garden wall. So all the children and little animals could freely come in to play with their two children, who no longer appeared strange in their eyes, but very charming playmates.

    "What a miracle!!!"


    You can read or listen to this Story Under The Stars in: Italian — English — Spanish — French — Japanese — Chinese —
    Request your language and we will do our best to accommodate you!

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to other languages, and the reading of the stories in all these languages, is not magic but the work of Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps is a bit magical... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you enjoy these stories, please share them, and if you can afford it, Consider A Donation.

    Each story is currently written and narrated in both Italian and English.

    The translation from Italian (the original language) to English and the reading of the stories are performed using Generative Artificial Intelligence — which perhaps has a touch of magic... We hope it has done a good job!

    If you like it, make sure to tell your friends, family, and teachers, and subscribe to this podcast to stay updated. You’ll be able to read or listen to new stories as soon as they become available.


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