
  • Summary

    Tamara K. Anderson shared her personal journey of overcoming adversity through faith in God's help, emphasizing the importance of perseverance and seeking support from others. She discussed the role of Satan in causing resistance and doubt, and how God can strengthen and empower individuals to overcome these challenges. Tamara also shared practical principles for finding hope and faith in challenging situations, including praying for miracles and opening one's eyes to see the blessings in everyday life. She launched a new podcast focused on exploring Jesus Christ's teachings and women's stories in the Bible, and encouraged listeners to subscribe and follow her on YouTube for more content.

    OutlineIf you want to move forward with something positive in your life, expect resistance from the adversary. Things don’t always go you planned, even if you’re inspired by God.God can strengthen us to do ANYTHING! Importance of learning to level up, bring in more light and get rid of things that drag us down.God sends angels (both seen and unseen) to help us and support us in difficulties.

    Bonus principle:

    “Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. Lord, I pray thee, open his eyes.” —2 Kings 6:16-17New Podcast: Bible, Women & BathrobesApplying biblical teachings and women in the Bible.Tamara Anderson and co-hosts discuss lessons from Jesus' teachings and women in the Bible.Podcast covers modern applications of biblical teachings and historical background on women in the Bible.Subscribe to the Bible, Women & Bathrobes podcast for more inspirational stories and connection.She emphasizes the importance of God's love and support in difficult times.

    Tamara Anderson 0:00

    Have you ever set a goal to do something and then it's like all hell broke loose to try to stop you from accomplishing that goal? And you wonder, why did I try this to begin with? Why is this so difficult? If you have, you're not alone, I'm going to share with you three key principles of making positive progress, including overcoming the adversary in my personal journey and give you an update of everything that's been going on for the past year as I promised I would stay tuned.

    Tamara Anderson 0:37

    Welcome to Stories of Hope in Hard Times, the show that explores how people endure and even thrive in difficult times, all with God's help. I'm your host Tamara K Anderson. Join me on a journey to find inspiring stories of hope and wisdom learned in life's hardest moments.

    Tamara Anderson 1:03

    Hello, and welcome to another episode of Stories of Hope in Hard Times. I'm your host, Tamara K Anderson. And I'm so excited to be with you today. I promised you that as I paused this podcast to launch Women Warriors of Light, the group that God has kind of been nudging me to start for several years now, that I would give you progress updates. And it's been about a year since I've done that. So I apologize that I haven't done that sooner. I have been feverishly working towards this goal. And I am so excited to tell you that we launched that women warriors of light launched on March 28, we had our official launch virtual launch.

    Tamara Anderson 1:49

    And it was wonderful. And I am so happy that it's finally started. But it's the beginning of the beginning. People are like, aren't you glad it's done? And I'm like, oh, it's the beginning of the beginning. And I have to tell you guys, I started a new podcast. And I'll tell you about that at the end of this episode.

    Tamara Anderson 2:09

    But first, I want to talk you through some of the struggles that I've experienced over the past year. And I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever felt that they needed to act on something only to have the adversary...

  • In this quick update I share 4 tips that revolve around a Bible verse I have learned by example which have helped me move forward while moving on to my new project: starting Women Warriors of Light. I also share about a giveaway I have going on right now. More details below.

    As I have started working on my new project, starting my women’s group called Women Warriors of Light there is a Bible Verse that has come to life as I have experienced setbacks and yet been given the guidance to know how to overcome the obstacles placed in my path.

    Bible VerseLet us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God. ~Hebrews 12:1-24 Principles to Succeed when Upping Our GameLay aside every weightLay aside every sin (including distractions) which so easily beset usRun with patience the race set before usFocus on Jesus to help us do all of the above and move forward with faith.
    GiveawayI also share about a giveaway I have going on. You can see more about that here: of today’s episode

    Tamara Anderson 0:03

    Have you ever felt like you're hitting obstacles when you're trying to hit a big new goal? If so, you're not alone. I'm going to share with you some quick tips today that I have learned over the last couple of months as I have been launching a new company and share with you some personal examples as well as give you an update as well as an opportunity to enter a giveaway where you will win over $450 in items with my new women warriors of light group. Stay tuned.

    Tamara Anderson 0:42

    Welcome to stories of hope in hard times, the show that explores how people endure and even thrive in difficult times, all with God's help. I'm your host Tamara K Anderson. Join me on a journey to find inspiring stories of hope and wisdom learned in life's hardest moments.

    Tamara Anderson 1:07

    Hello, and welcome to an update version of the stories of hope in hard times podcast. I'm your host Tamara K Anderson. And oh, my goodness. First of all, thank you to everyone who has reached out since I finished my podcast in January. Thank you for the sweet comments. I feel so blessed to have been able to connect with so many of you on a personal level. Over the last four years as I've been doing this stories of hope in hard times podcast.

    Tamara Anderson 1:35

    And as I promised you when I did that last episode, I would give you periodic updates. And so today, I wanted to just share with you some quick updates on how I'm doing as well as share with you for tips that I found to help me succeed, as I've kind of been upgrading to a new level, which is starting this women warriors of light company and I am so so excited for it. But I also have to talk to you about some obstacles that I've faced along the way.

    Tamara Anderson 2:08

    One of the most common questions I've gotten from friends, and from even some of you who I've never met is Tamra, how has it been, you know, stopping the podcast, how's that felt? And there really was some grief involved and just changing from podcasting every week to now focusing on other little goals and trying to get this women warriors of light group started. It has been a more difficult transition than I imagined it would.

    Tamara Anderson 2:42

    So I've learned a lot

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  • A few months ago I felt like there was a giant wall in front of me every time I tried to edit a podcast. Here I tell the story of my wrestle with God to try to figure out what He was trying to tell me and teach me.

    Episode Discussion PointsI share some journal entries from October 2022 about how I literally felt sick and ill every time I needed to record or edit a podcast.Brainstorming how to deal with podcasting burnout, including reaching out to fellow podcasting friends.Reading the story of Balaam in Numbers 22 about his progress being stopped by an angel that his donkey saw.Balaam said, “All that the Lord speaketh, that I must do.” (Numbers 23:26)At some points in my life I had felt like my blocks have been my own fears, but I didn’t feel that was true this time. I felt like I, like Jacob of old, had been wrestling with an angel.I was finally guided to ask the right question, “What is keeping me from progressing?” And God’s answer to me, and how it impacts this podcast.“Focus on the peace,” when an answer is hard.

    If you are struggling with your progress being stopped, take it to God. You may need to wrestle with Him a bit for an answer, find some quiet time to read your scriptures, ponder and pray.

    Specifically ask God this question, “What is keeping me from progressing?” And then listen.Ask God to help you see and be able to act on the right answer.Then move forward with faith and trust in God and the path He points you toward.

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #progressstopped #wrestlewithGod #answerstoprayer #prayer #Godguides #trustGod #podcasting


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:

  • Several years ago I went on a hike with my family in Great Basin National Park to see the Bristlecone Pine trees. What I learned about these trees helped me see more clearly how we can all stay strong during times of adversity.

    Episode Discussion PointsHow we visited in October 2019 in Great Basin National Park, and Nathan wasn’t very happy about hiking in the snow.As we approached the grove of Bristlecone Pines I was amazed by what I learned reading the placards about these ancient and resilient trees.


    Facts About Bristlecone PinesSome Bristlecone Pines can live nearly 5,000 years and are the oldest living things on our planet.Most of these pine trees have been alive 3,000 to 5,000 years. Imagine them clinging to rocks when the Romans, Jesus Christ, Cleopatra and the construction of the pyramids.The species are native to the Rocky Mountains and other ranges of the southwestern United States.The usually grow at elevations above 5,500 feet and up to 11,200 feet.We went and saw the Great Basin Bristlecone pines at their high elevationspiral out from seemingly impossible soil of limestone rockBristlecone pines in Great Basin National Park grow in isolated groves just below the tree-line. The conditions in which they live are harsh (with temperatures that drop well below freezing), a short growing season, and high winds that twist the trees into almost human-like forms along their limestone ridges. Because of these conditions Bristlecone Pine grow very slowly, and in some years do not even add a ring of growth.Often they twist into gnarly shapes which makes them very strong and they stay standing for centuries even after the tree dies.The Bristlecone Pines grow in rugged conditions in the high mountains and in the middle of desert valleys.They have an unusual ability to adapt to their environmentsThey can also live in isolation where other species cannot survive


    3 Tips for Strong Growth in Adversity


    1.     Grow Slow, be patient, wait on God

    Slow down in times of adversity, so you can process change, make time to absorb God’s goodness into circumstance and be able to grow strong—producing the resin needed to resist the adversary who wants you to decay.

    The bristlecone pine is the world's slowest-growing treeOne tree (which was still alive) had a sample of its core removed which dated back to 1126 BC!!!! Nutrients are scarce, slow-and-steady approach to growth, Example: Hollow Tree: different tree which is about 2000 years old,Grew too fast which made its center more subject to decay—and the tree’s center rottedBut the tree is still alive in its outer rings—being more wise and slow as it has aged.
    Related Bible Verses About Slowing Down in AdversityIsaiah 40:31 “But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.James 5:7-8 “Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain. Be ye also patient; stablish your hearts: for the coming of the Lord draweth nigh.”


    2.     Adapt to Adversity: Stronger in Christ

    Freezing, harsh, remote conditions can make you grow strong and stand the test of time.

    The environment’s combo of tough conditions—especially freezing temperatures, dry soils, high winds, and short growing seasons—makes them...
  • May I share with you my favorite Christmas tradition? Listen as I share with you a little about our Nativity program that we act out as a family every year on Christmas Eve. Bonus: You can even get a copy of the program in the show notes.

    Christmas Nativity ProgramYears ago when I was a little girl we began acting out the nativity each year and have kept the tradition each Christmas Eve with our family.I share what this looks like and even give you a peek into what our simple program looks like.Download a copy of my Bible-Based Nativity Christmas Program here.Remember, acting the Nativity out can be as simple or complex as you want it to be, but it doesn’t have to be perfect.The purpose is to have fun and to point us to Jesus Christ during the holiday season. He is the reason for the Christmas season after all.I testify that Jesus Christ lives and loves each of us! Merry Christmas!

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #nativity #christmasprogram #holidaytraditions #christmastraditions #nativity #bible #christmasstory #JesusChrist #BirthofChrist


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:

  • After a move across the country when I was fourteen, Christmas didn't feel quite the same until a knock at our door set in motion a series of events that changed Christmas for the better.


    When I was fourteen years old, my family moved across the country from Virginia to Arizona. This was a hard move for me as a teenager and I had a hard time making new friends. As Christmas approached, it was a transition to even see the difference in the weather. It didn’t even feel like Christmas in Arizona.

    That all changed when twelve days before Christmas a piece of a nativity showed up on our doorstep along with a note about how this was a holiday 12-days of Christmas gift to our family. Each night after that another piece of the nativity showed up.

    On Christmas day evening, a sweet family in our congregation showed up with the final piece of the nativity: Jesus Christ.

    This family noticed the new family struggling to fit in and adapt and they loved us with the pure love of God. To this day I am thankful that God blessed and filled us with love because of the gift of another family that holiday season.

    Holiday Bible VerseIsaiah 9:6, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.”Invitation

    If you are feeling lonely or discouraged this holiday season, I invite you to give of yourself—for it is in giving that we receive.

    Talk to God and ask Him who needs to feel His love this holiday season, and how you can be a part of that. He will inspire you to know what to do.

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #christmasstory #holidaystory #christmasgift #giftoflove #giftofhope #lonely #JesusChrist


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:

  • Debbie learned from her parents example the importance of choosing to still celebrate Christmas even when a tragedy struck their family during the holiday season.

    Episode Discussion PointsFavorite holiday tradition: buying an ornament the different places they went, and getting one for each of her children too (so they could have ornaments when they got married.)This tradition eventually evolved into Debbie getting each ornament out and telling the story of each ornament.Debbie shares the Christmas season when she was five years old when her oldest brother died in an accident.The miracle that even though the entire town shut down and turned Christmas off after it that they were able to celebrate Christmas every year with joy since then.Debbie says it was almost like her mom tried to celebrate Christmas more joyfully after that—but it was definitely a choice for her to do that.We always remember those who have passed on when the anniversary of their death occurs, but we can choose whether to celebrate it with sadness or with joy (or maybe a bit of both).If you are mourning a death right now and even have a small desire to begin to change that to be something positive, it all starts with a small desire. Then ask God to help you begin that process of healing so you can find more joy and less grief in the memory.
    Favorite Bible VerseProverbs 3:5-6 “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.”

    This is especially applicable when we talk about losing those we love to death.

    Connect with DebbieWebsite: Debbie’s story—Rediscovering her Self-Worth after Divorce, on my podcast.Awesome Christmas presents: The Mystic Trilogy: Mystic Angel, Mystic Lake, and Mystic Mansion.For younger gift recipients: Nessumsar Family - Legend of the Crow, Book 2 is Immanence.

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #death #grief #holidaygrief #holidayhope #JesusChrist


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:

  • Krista shares the story of her grandfather spending his first Christmas away from his wife as a soldier in Korea where he spent a humble and joyful Christmas in an orphanage as he shared a simple gift. She also shares how she has found joy during the holidays even after her daughter has passed away.

    Episode Discussion PointsHoliday tradition—pick any box of sugared cereal for Christmas Morning breakfastKrista tells the story of her grandfather leaving his brand new bride to go serve in the Korean War.Her grandpa said it was hard to see the little children who were orphaned due to the war.Someone in the village set up a little makeshift orphanage in a bombed out villageHe and a buddy would take anything they could and visit the children in the orphanage.Taking the hard tack candy from his care package and giving it to the children in the orphanage—and their joy since this was their only Christmas present.The children then danced for them in their bare feet and ragged clothes to say thank you.
    Lessons LearnedBe thankful for the blessings we have and never take them for granted because things can so easily be taken away.Even in the hardest, darkest days there can still be things that bring us hopeAllow others to come into your darkness and bless your lifeIf you are away from family during the holidays, look for someone to serveTrue joy doesn’t come from decorations, family or lights—it comes from serving and giving what you can.
    To People Grieving Loved Ones During the HolidaysIf you feel stuck—it is okayBe patient with yourself and allow time and grace as you go through all the emotionsDon’t pretend grief doesn’t existTry not to be stuck forever. Allow yourself moments and times to grieve, and then say, “I don’t want to be stuck here.”Remember the joyful times—Krista wants her angel daughter to know (in heaven) that her death didn’t only bring sadness to her life, that she also remembers the joyful times as well.Each Christmas Krista and her husband write their angel daughter a letter and stick it in her stocking. In this letter they make a promise to her of something they will do that coming year to better themselves, serve others or add goodness. Because these are the things that will help them become more like her and be prepared to be where she is in heaven.

    Favorite Bible Verse about Jesus ChristIsaiah 12:2, “Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord Jehovah is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation.”It is a process to truly learn to trust God and have Him become our salvation.
    Connect with KristaListen to her podcast where she shares the story of losing her young daughter to a brain tumor here: Krista Isaacson: Courageously Trusting God With Heavy BurdensBuy her book Unbearable Burden on Amazon. This makes a great Christmas Gift—especially to someone struggling with grief. Krista Walker IsaacsonInstagram: @kristamisaacson

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #christmasstory #koreanwar #orphanage #christmascandy #service #grief #loss #peace


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:...

  • Rhonda joins us to tell the story of Heidi, who was a young girl in Berlin during World War II and a valuable lesson she learned about Christmas and perspective when things don’t go as you expect.

    Episode Discussion PointsHoliday tradition of having biscuits and gravy on Christmas morning—which goes back several generations.Rhonda has been working with Heidi, an 86-year-old who went through WWII in Berlin as a child.Heidi came out of the war with hope and resilience—never losing her dimpled smile.Heidi’s Holiday story has its setting in Berlin in 1944—when the situation there was dire with daily bombings and very little food. There were no Christmas presents—no tree.Heidi and her mother decided their big celebration was they were going to make a cake and they had been saving their sugar.Unfortunately, Heidi accidentally put salt in the mixture instead of sugar, so when the cake was done is was awful and too salty.Her mother slumped on the floor and sobbed at this point and Heidi thought she ruined Christmas. And unfortunately that was the theme of Christmas of 1944 in Berlin.Good interview question for family history: “Tell me about a time when you didn’t think you would make it.” Those are the moments that we learn what we are really made of—those are the stories family wants to hear—how you made it (without sugar coating it), what you learned, and how you leaned on God—and how it made you into the person you are today.If you need a good Christmas gift idea—give someone you love the gift of recording their story (even on your phone) this holiday season.
    LessonsWhen we have hard times or are going through grief, depression or financial challenges (even and especially during the holidays) sometimes it helps us have empathy for others in their hard times.“Sometimes the happy ending is in the bigger story arc. The bright side comes from carrying on and surviving.”Sometimes we have seasons where we feel we are losing battles—but keep trying.“Whatever you’re feeling right now is okay.”Its okay to sob on the floor and then get up the next day and keep living.Try to keep a broader perspective in hard times and a hope that things will get better.If you are having a good and happy holiday season, be aware of those who may be struggling. Ask God to help you find and help someone in need.Be sure to follow God-thoughts to be kind to someone.
    Favorite Bible Verse about Christ“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.” ~Proverbs 3:5-6Invitation

    Ask someone this question this holiday season:

    “Tell me about a time when you didn’t think you would make it.”

    Then listen and learn from them and their story (and maybe record it).

    Connect with RhondaConnect with Rhonda on her website: the FREE Interviewing Tool Kit here: for a great Christmas gift? Rhonda and her team can help you give the gift of a professional interview with a loved one for Christmas—learn more on her website.Rhonda is also a writing coach and helped Rob A. Gentile with his #1 Best-Seller, Quarks of Light. (You can find my interview with Rob here:
  • Joan shares a poignant story from wondering where God was when she was broke at Christmas time to receiving a Christmas miracle. Enjoy her holiday story of hope!


    Episode Discussion PointsMaking new traditions that fit your family better (like Thanksgiving breakfast)Holiday story being brokePraying to God for helpMiracle that happened
    Lessons LearnedAlways trust that God is listening—orchestrating miracles even years in advanceHe knows our needs and will not leave us or forsake us.Make or keep mementos to remind you of miracles (or journal about it)Follow thoughts (inspiration) when we are feeling stuck, need guidance or miracles


    Bible Verse

    Ps. 91:1-2 "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”


    Need a Christmas Gift?

    Get Joan’s book, Fly on the Wall (for 8-12 year olds) about a boy who gets what he wants only to find out it wasn't what he really needed. Find it here on Amazon

    Connect with JoanWebsite:

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #holidaystory #christmasmiracle #holidays #miracle


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:

  • Jo Ann tells the story of a memorable Christmas when she was five-years-old and her Swedish grandmother gave her the gift of tradition. Enjoy this warm and happy holiday memory.

    Lessons LearnedIt is important to bring out and pass on traditions from the past and pass them on to future generations in our family. And if you don’t have traditions to pass on, start your own traditions.Gather as families during the holidays and share stories of Christmas past or stories of our ancestors.Pass down ornaments from grandparents to grandchildrenTraditions are often something that have brought you love or joyful feelings.If you have a favorite Christmas memory, write it down so it can be passed on to future generations as well. (And this would be a great Christmas gift to give to your family.)
    Connect with JoAnnListen to my interview with Jo Ann about surviving and recovering from her stroke here.Visit her website here her award-winning book, Begotten With Love, where she shares this story and more about her grandparents.

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #Christmasstory #holidaytraditions #traditions #sharetraditions #humor


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:

  • Did you know there are 4 research-based habits you can incorporate into your life to help you live feeling more balanced and with less stress? Join us today as Dr. Michael Olpin shares what these four habits are and why they are so important to living a more happy and whole life.

    Episode Discussion Points

    Research has shown if you do at least 4 habits consistently you will get your body and mind in the state of balance.

    You don’t change a behavior overnight, but over the course of 9-weeks Dr. Olpin sees these behaviors changing his students. So, in his Mind, Body Wellness class he invites the students to participate in a Behavioral Contract where they promise to incorporate at least the 4 key habits into their lives during that semester. After reporting on in weekly, they find their lives are much more balanced and they are able to handle their stress better.

    Getting Your Mind and Body In Balance

    1.Exercise: this is one of the best things for us! The physiological effects of exercise are huge! This is the MVP of wellness.

    2.Nutrition: there are lots of diets, but Dr. Olpin recommends thinking about what our ancestors ate and focus on that. Eat as natural as possible. Try to stay away from sugars, liquid oils & processed foods.

    3.Managing Stress: There are two approaches to managing stress.

    First, preventing stress by how we think about things (Example it is near impossible to be stressed and grateful at the same time.) Other examples of positive thoughts to prevent stress are: acceptance, forgiveness, discovery, observing mindfulness, but gratitude or thankfulness are the most powerful.“Stress doesn’t happen to us like a virus or pathogen. Stress is a result of how we are thinking about our environment.”Second is turning the stress response off once it starts through meditation, yoga and other things.

    4.Get Enough Sleep: Studies show that if you don’t get enough sleep you will start hallucinating (showing the importance of dreaming). Sleep in a place as dark and quiet as possible. Also getting rid of screen time as early as possible before bed can impact sleep.

    Spend Time in the Sun Every Day: This is especially important early in the morning. Getting a little sun every day will affect your sleep at night.If there is any blue light at night, melatonin doesn’t kick in and you have a hard time falling asleep. And melatonin is the hormone which helps us sleep deeply.Science seems to back Ben Franklin’s adage early to bed early to rise. At least sleep from 11pm-3am—which are the golden hours.

    *Bonus: How to Think in Peace-Promoting Ways

    Reading uplifting literatureBeing kind

    Incorporate one of these habits into your life today and see if you can add all four in your life over the next month.

    Connect with Dr. OlpinWebsites: and get his free newsletter or reach out to contact him on either website. You can also invite him to come and speak to your organization.Textbook: Stress Management for Life: A Research-Based Experiential ApproachAward winning book: “Unwind: 7 Principles for a Stress-Free Life”Additional book: “The World is NOT a Stressful Place: Stress Relief for Everyone.”You can also get his workbooks with his online classes...
  • Michael didn’t set out to be a college professor, he just wanted to learn to manage his stress, but this quest led him to not only lower his blood pressure but influence tens of thousands to live a more healthy lifestyle.

    Episode Discussion PointsLooking younger than you are has pros and consThe diagnosis and curiosity around “meditation” that led to his becoming a professor of stress management, health and wellness.Stress plays a part in high blood pressureDr. Olpin has learned several tools, including meditation, that help bring out bodies back into balance, and when a body is in balance it can heal.Everyone has more stress than is usefulWhat turns on the stress responseStress makes every health problem worseAs stress levels go up, immune function goes down.The impact of losing his older brother to suicide had on him and his journey toward acceptance which included forgiving and letting guilt and negative self-talk go.How God helped him change his thinking so he could work toward peace, and how meditation helped him hear God’s spirit speaking to him and guiding him.When he meditates before prayer, his prayers and his ability to listen are exponentially more powerful.How are thoughts are like bees busy buzzing around and meditation calms them and puts them back in the hive. And once they are quiet they can hear inspiration.Studies show that people who meditate frequently can get into the theta and delta levels in their brain (*which usually appear when people are in deep sleep). People who meditate are biologically 12 years younger than their age.Every system in the body breaks down when we are in a stress response (fight or flight)Meditation helps stop the stress response and bring the body back to normalMeditate means to focus—whether it be on a mantra, watching the sunset, a campfire, or the ocean waves rolling in.
    A Simple Meditation You Can Do AnywherePut one hand on your chest and try NOT to make your chest or shoulders move as you breathe.Put your other hand on your stomach to help you breathe deep and expand.Breathe in naturally through your nose.Then exhale as slow and soft as you can.Don’t worry about how fast or slow you are breathingSimply focus on your breath, and bring your mind back if it wanders (don’t get mad at yourself if it does wander).Then move through your body from the top of your head taking each part and relaxing or releasing the muscles with each exhale (ex: inhale, breathe out—relax your eyebrows, inhale, breathe out—relax your cheeks and jaw, inhale, breathe out—release your neck and shoulders, inhale, breathe out—release your arms, then hands, your back…on down to your toes.)This type of breathing is the exact opposite of fight or flight breathing and will automatically calm you down.His goal with his mind body wellness is to help people live at their peak levels.The waves of stress never stop, but we can learn to be peaceful through the waves of life.
    Favorite Bible Verse

    Proverbs 3:5-6—especially where it says, “Lean not unto thine own understandings.” Don’t get cocky. Lean on God and He will steer you in better direction than you could go on your own.

    Every time Dr. Olpin tries God and His promises things work out for the best.

    “We can’t out-God God.”

    Dr. Olpin likes to apply this verse every time he presents by saying a prayer before he teaches and asking for God’s help to reach His children. And it always goes better.

    Connect with Dr. OlpinWebsites: and
  • I’ve been dealing with some major burnout and strong emotions lately, so I thought I’d share a quote from a book I read recently which really resonated about how to deal with and process strong emotions.

    Awesome Quote“Acknowledge your emotions. All of them. Even the ugly and scary ones. Resisting them only lets them build up and makes them harder to deal with. Don’t be ashamed of your strong emotions. Give them a voice. If it’s not safe to express to people, write them out. Vent them on the page. If you don’t have time to express them, take a minute to admit them to yourself. And when you have the time, give them that voice and that time. You owe it to yourself to have every emotion you feel.”—Full Rigged, by Rebecca Connolly, Sophia Summers, and Heather B. MooreTips to Deal with Strong Emotions

    Baseline Hack: Acknowledge ALL Emotions—don’t bottle them up inside (it only makes it worse).

    Talk it Out to Someone You Trustfriend, family member, accountability group
    Vent Them Through Writingwrite or journal about the feelings or emotions
    Admit Them to Yourself & GodPersonal story about me being angry and having to talk to God to get the emotion out.Jeremiah 33:3 - Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.
    Take Time to Process All EmotionsNot always fineBe patient with yourself as you process all your emotions.

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #strongemotions #anger #frustration #exhaustion #processemotions #talkitout #write #journal #talktoGod #forgiveness #mercy #patience


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:

  • After trying to unsuccessfully rebound after a few divorces, Coree finally figured out the importance of becoming a whole person through healing with God. She shares her passion to help those who have gone through the pain of divorce find the healing journey that puts them in a position to thrive.

    Episode Discussion PointsFunny story of a snake while she was helping a woman in Paraguay on a healing journeyWhat Coree thought life would look like for her when she was in high schoolHer first marriage ended in divorce after 10 years and why she shouldn’t have done a quick rebound marriage, and another marriage.Coree finally realized she needed to do some healing before she moved forward, but she had to hit rock bottom to figure out she needed to heal. She realized the common denominator was her. AFter reading a book about the Law of Attraction she realized she was attracting what she was putting out there: “Two broken people attract each other.”In order to attract a whole and healed person, you need to be a whole and healed person.How once she came back to church and started learning the truth and developing a relationship with God, that God was able to help her heal.She also found it was important to have a good support group of friends.Half way through her healing she got a coach to keep her accountable.God designed us to have relationships with others—because in relationships with others is where we grow.How Coree likes to make quiet time in the morning to connect with God. This usually includes prayer, praise music, talking to God about what she should do that day and how she wants to do what He wants her to do that day. “Help me to stay out of my agenda and do Your agenda today.”How she has learned to give God the troubles she is facing and how she asks God to help her with those.At the end of the day Coree likes to write things she can celebrate from the day or how she has seen God’s hand. She also records the answers she gets.Because there is always bad happening, recording and looking for good has given her a “different pair of eyes” to see and attract good in her life. “If you really want change in your life, you’re going to have to be intentional about making it happen.”Inner peace takes time to achieve, but now Coree is in such a better place and has awesome friends.
    Advice to DivorceesYou’re not alone in your journey—even though it may be unique to you, God is with you.Allow God in to help you heal. Healing is worth it in the end.Treat your heart like a garden and pull out the hurtful things there: fear, rejection, hatred, anger, shame and guilt so we can let the flowers grow.Be realistic about where you are and start right there at the crossroadsBe intentional—don’t just wander. Know what you want and where you want to go. Be real with yourself about where you are in your journey.Set goals. (Example: Don’t tear down your former spouse because God loves them and it won’t make you any bigger.)For the really hard days—Set a goal to do one thing for yourself every morning before you leave home (ex: make sure your clothes match or that you get a shower).Read a declaration for you and your life daily. (Check out the Patricia King’s book she used for her declarations here.) Replace the Adversary’s Negative thoughts with Positive Affirmations. Write positive affirmations all over to remind you of your worth, for example: on your phone, on your car visor, on you mirror.Make new happy memories: Once you tackle little things start setting bigger goals to tackle places or things you are avoiding because of memories (like visiting certain restaurants). Hack: To make it...
  • Exhausted? What can you do when you are beyond weary, and how can God help? Listen as I share 7 Bible principles I have learned from being weary.

    7 Bible Principles to Remember When You’re Weary1.     God is With You & Will Help YouIsaiah 41:1010 Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.Isaiah 43: 2-52 When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee: when thou walkest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.3 For I am the Lord thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: …4 Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: …5 Fear not: for I am with thee:



    2.     Take Time to RestGenesis 2:2-32 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.Remember one of the 10 Commandments—Exodus 20:88 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Something that pricked me last week in my scripture study—Isaiah 58:13-1413 If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words:14 Then shalt thou delight thyself in the Lord; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.



    3.     God can Strengthen and Renew

     My Bible verse mantra:

    Philippians 4:1313 I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.


    Key: Take my yoke upon you!


    Matthew 11:28-3028 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.


    4.     Submit & Let God guide you


    Proverbs 3:5-85 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.8 It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones.


    5.     Be...
  • Paul was devastated when his son was diagnosed with Down Syndrome, but he came to see not only the power and impact of one life but how God works in the details of our lives.

    Episode Discussion PointsHow his birth date ended up changing the outcome of his life.God is in the details of our life—learning to submit to God in all thingsThe story of Mark (their 5th of 6th child) being bornHearing the news that Mark had Down Syndrome, which initially devastated himWhat helped him literally and figuratively “get up off the closet floor” after the diagnosisThe Down Syndrome support group they joined in the Chicago area which changed their entire perspective on being parents of a child with disabilities and how to be an advocate for your child.How their advocacy and Mark changed an entire school district’s opinion of special needs childrenSometimes you have to take a step of faith into the darkness, and give yourself grace if you move slower than you think you should—God doesn’t give up on us.“Life isn’t a summation of good and bad. It is a picture you build over time."The significance of the Footprints in the Sand story for him personallyLesson in divine love from being buried in the snow on a Scout Campout with MarkChoosing how to react toward life’s difficulties with softness or angerSometimes prayers bring about miracles, and other times you have to learn to let someone you love go, like his daughter SarahWe’re here to learn and grow but when it is time to pass on we can take comfort in what Sarah shared with her father, “It's nice over there.”The importance of remembering times when God has helped you through hard times and reminding yourself that if He did it then, He will do it again.A father’s perspective on the influence and capacity of his childThe power and impact of one life
    Lessons From MarkIt’s not about him, its about Mark and what Mark has taught him and those around him throughout their lifeThe spiritual impressions he personally learned that every person has great worthDon’t underestimate the power one person can have to change people and programs with God’s helpLesson in divine love after being buried in the snow on a Scout Campout with MarkThese special needs souls have a divine gift to influence so many people
    Favorite Bible Verse

    Psalm 46:10, “Be Still and know that I am God.”

    Connect With PaulBuy His book, “Mark and Me.”Website: PaulTaylorauthor.comFacebook and Instagram @PaulTaylorAuthor

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #specialneedschild #downsyndrome #Godinthedetails #peace #thepowerofone #Godslove


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:

  • Have you ever poured out your soul and cried before God? Does He hear and listen? Does He weep with us. Listen as I share a particularly poignant Bible Story which has helped me answer these questions.

    Bible Story of Weeping— John chapter 11Story of Lazarus dying and his sisters Mary and Marht"Lord if you had been here” moments (verses 21 & 32)When we are weeping—Jesus feels our sorrow (verse 33). Also see Hebrews 4:15-16“For we have not an high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”"He sees the joy of your future but He feels the pain of your present."Jesus weeps with us because He loves us (verse 36)Jesus has power to raise one from the dead and also heal one who is weepingBrokenness may sometimes be a prerequisite to having a breakthrough with God3 examples from my personal life where I felt so broken but then had an epiphany breakthrough while I was weeping.Sometimes we don’t get the miracle we are so desperately praying for—but perhaps we learn something even better—that He sees us and hears us and weeps with us in our brokenness.

    3 Bible Tips to Remember When Weeping1. You’’re not alone in your weepingMary and Martha weptJoseph weptHannah weptDavid weptJesus wept
    2. When you are weeping God is there with you.Jesus is there with you in your painJesus weeps with you.
    3. Trust in God’s timingTrust that in time your weeping and sorrow will turn to joy (Psalm 30:5).Trust that though God weeps with you, He sees the joy coming for you and can and will heal you.

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtime #crying #weeping #BibleStory #healing #JesusChrist #MaryandMartha #Lazarus


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here:

  • Sharon cried when her husband was told he was going to go blind, but she learned to adapt to caregiving with imagination and flexibility as she faced each challenge with faith, hope and God.

    Episode Discussion PointsHow she became an amateur silversmithWhen her husband was building homes for Habitat for Humanity during his retirement, she began writingWhen her husband started having vision problems it took them a while to get a final diagnosis that he would eventually go blind.How they got medical help for his condition, but were also proactive in trying to get him trained so that when he did go blind it wouldn’t be such a tragic shockThe importance of taking care of yourself when you are a caregiver so you don’t get worn outWhen she was anxious--The process of learning to lay your problems at Jesus feet (at the cross) and leave them there—not to go back and “chew on them.”Part of truly giving our burdens to God is learning to trust Him—and so it is a process of learning to work at it a bit at a time with God’s help.Part of abounding in hope is remembering that sometimes we don’t get the miracles we want, but watch for the miracles God sends. Will wanted a miracle of the healing of his sight, but got a miracle of peace and the understanding that he would see again in heaven.Having a “knowing hope” of things we know will happen in heaven eventuallyEven when you have hard things enter your life you can still find things that bring your joy, so be creative and find things you enjoy by trying different activities.How we need each other and weren’t meant to do it alone.If you are feeling alone, serve others!After her husband died, she wondered what her purpose was, and she figured out that she could help and serve others. Now she serves the church and the poor in her community.“You don’t ever have to be lonely if you reach out and help others.”The story behind her book “Scaredy.”The doors that have opened to help her publish her bookScaredy is about a 10-year-old boy facing his bullies. He and his friend end up in a fantasy world which teaches him self-confidence to help him conquer their bullies.Using imagination and fantasy can help children learn to problem solve, which is a skill we all need to use in life.
    Advice for CaregiversBe good to yourselfTake time to read and pray dailyGo on outings by yourself or with a friendForgive yourself for making mistake. You are only human.Take time to be aloneDo things that renew you and your spiritBe flexible and modify your caregiving needs to meet the constraints of your family (ie: if you like shopping maybe you can also learn to shop online).Stay connected to God because he can help you to manage the emotions of the changes in your life. (This takes practice, so be patient with yourself when you feel like you have failed).Plan fun activities you can still doSet up weekly time for you to get away and get a break by building a network of friends to help you.It is okay to take overnight getaways without them and leave them with someone you trust.
    Favorite Bible VersesRomans 15:13, “May the God of hope fill you with joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”Philippians 4:6-7, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your heart and your minds in Christ Jesus."
    Connect with SharonWebsite: a copy of...
  • Music is such a powerful tool to connect us to God and has been throughout the ages. King David wrote the Psalm section as songs of praise unto God—and you can tell his mood in the different Psalms.

    —from psalms of thanksgiving, praise, lament, courage, sorrow, anger, mourning, adoration, meditation.

    1. Listen tosong about loss and almost crying—broken my heartstory—Let us all press on in the work of the Lord, “in the fight for right, let us wield the sword, the mighty sword of truth.” “Fear not. Though the enemy deride. Courage for the Lord is on our side.”
    2. Sing or playHappy journal entry from May 11, 2003—Played the piano “if you’re happy and you know it” Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes” for my kids.Journal entry just a few days later where we were having a hard day and the music I sang in an octet expressed my understanding of grief and sorrow.
    3. DancePsalms 149:3 - Let them praise his name in the dance: let them sing praises unto him with the timbrel and harp.Fun times dancingWalking out of a concert—community college

    How to Decide what Music is Uplifting

    I use this scripture as a great deciding guide:

    Philippians 4:8 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.Need increased connection with God?

    Look at what you are listening to and choose music which will bring you closer to God.


    Make a music favorites playlist

    #tamarakanderson #storiesofhopeinhardtimes #podcast #hope #God #hardtimes #ConnectiontoGod #dance #upliftingmusic #happymusic #music#musicplaylist


    You can find the transcription of today's episode here: