
  • A girl accidentally passes before a warlock who is laying a curse on someone, and wakes the next morning to find that the curse has fallen upon her instead.

    Genre: Fairy Tale

    I didn’t earn what happened to me. The curse that fell on me was meant for another. That’s what happens when petty warlocks are reckless with their magic.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    You wake to find that your appearance has altered completely. How do you make those around you believe you are still you?
    Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “Auroramorphosis” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
    “In the shadows”
    “The village”
    “Infinite land”
    “Fallen leaves”
    “A band in the inn”
    “City of magic”
    “Signs of desolation”
    “Playing in water”
    “Back in the village”
    “Dark fields”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. At center, a girl seen from knees up and from the back, wearing a hooded robe or dress, and holding the right hand behind her back. The head of a pink carnation is held in the right hand. Different sections of the girl’s hair are of different colors and textures. In front of her at waist level, soft rays of light beam out at symmetrical angles. Watermark of “Storyfeather” at center right.

  • A desperate people once made a monstrous bargain with a demon, and monsters they became.

    Genre: Fairy Tale

    : This episode contains mention of harm to human babies, comparable to what can be found in classic fairy tales such as “Hansel and Gretel.”

    Legend says that the draugamunninn were once human. They were a practical but severe people who after suffering one terrible winter too many, and after failing to feed themselves with their own hands and their own labor, began to pray to their old gods for relief. But their prayer was not answered by a god.

    It was answered by a demon.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    The title of the story is the slightly modified version of the word that resulted when I picked English to Icelandic in Google translate, and punched in the words “ghost mouth.”

    Another resource I read almost all the way through, about Icelandic names.

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “Draugamunninn” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
    “Ancient gods”
    “The ritual”
    “Hidden in the dark”
    “The forest”
    “Fallen leaves”
    “A place where evil lives”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Vocal effects created with Audacity
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. An illuminated letter “D.” Contained within the letter is a bearded man, facing forward, standing beside the curve, in stylized rays of sunlight, holding a baby in his left arm against his chest, and a dagger in his outstretched right arm. His dagger is plunged through the neck of a humanoid creature lying in right profile along the bottom curve of the letter. The creature is completely white. Its long tongue extends out of the mouth. Its tail curls out of the bounds of the letter, ending in a tip that points up. The right leg is bent up so that the long toes of the foot are seen resting along the edge of the letter. The man’s cloak also extends in front of the letter, its fur hem lying out of bounds. Watermark of the word “Storyfeather” along left edge of the square box containing the main part of the letter.

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  • A restless fairy creates a restless trinket with the power to grant its bearer three wishes, but as each wish is grant, the last wish fades away.

    Genre: Fairy Tale

    A restless fairy grew bored one day and created a restless trinket, imbuing it with all of the fairy’s magic. The magic was all bent toward one purpose, to grant the bearer of the trinket three wishes. The form the trinket first took was as a pendant, which the fairy gave to a human acquaintance with only three instructions…or warnings.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    You are granted three wishes. Each wish can only be used once and not at the same time as another wish. What do you wish for?
    Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “Nine Wishes in Three Tales” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
    “Elder wisdom”
    “Written in stones”
    “Here we go”
    “Playing in water”
    “Stars Above”
    “A story of gold”
    “The village”
    “What is hidden”
    “You are a giant”
    “Shadows and flames”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A collage of nine images in a three by three grid. From top row to bottom row and left to right, the images are as follows. Closed eyes and mouth bearing heavy makeup. Outline of a human head from left profile, containing a glowing sphere where the brain would be. Black silhouette of a person on an outdoor stage, holding out their arms to their sides, with the silhouettes of spectators standing below. Stylized image of a woman from left profile, face devoid of features, holding up the left hand with bent arm, palm directed to the face. A symbolic image of a crown floating above royal robes. Stylized image of a woman in right profile, a mirror image of woman in left profile. A cave opening showing a pile of gold coins within and branches extending across the opening. Stylized figure in left profile, kneeling on one knee, and holding one hand under a window of a structure. A disc bearing the symbol of the open eye. The whole image is set in front of a blurred sepia-toned version of the image in square format. Watermark of “Storyfeather” at center right, vertically along box with the woman in right profile.

  • The youngest of three siblings makes a wish at a mall fountain, where unseen fish supposedly live, helping people’s wishes come true.

    Genre: Fairy Tale

    I twisted my mouth to one side, and stared at the coin that I held in the middle of my palm.

    “There’s a scientific explanation for it,” my sister said.

    "For what?” I said, glancing up at the fountain. We were standing three feet away from it.

    "For the wishes coming true.”

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Rory’s Story Cubes. I rolled three cubes. They landed on “fish, magnifying glass, and fountain”

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “A Wish Upon the Fountain Fish” Copyright © 2019 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by JONATHAN SHAW*
    “Checking Inventory”
    “Afternoon Chat”
    “In Tranquil Spring”
    “Market on the Sea”
    “A Tale of Water”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Jonathan Shaw licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Jonathan Shaw at
    Find more music by Jonathan Shaw at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. At left, a child seen from waist up and from the back, wearing a bright hoodie and a flower pin in short bobbed hair, with right arm bent at the side, and right hand holding a coin. The child stands in front of a fountain with a central goblet-shaped piece spouting water over the edge. A smaller goblet-shaped piece sits above the first, spouting water, and another piece that extends beyond frame spouts water down. Small translucent fish swim in schools and clusters in the air around the fountain. Watermark of “Storyfeather” around bottom curve of fountain.

  • Alert: This episode contains heartbeat sound effects.

    Long ago, the human heart experienced an extraordinary change, all because one god wanted to find a quiet place to sleep.

    Genre: Mythology

    A tale was once told among the ancestors of the people who live at the base of the great mountain to the north, from which a waterfall plummets into a river that winds across the land. The people who now live in that rich and lovely place still remember the tale of how and why their ancestors’ hearts once grew still and frigid. And they still remember what part the everyday gods played in the tale.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Finish the sentence, “I wish I could…”
    Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “The Everyday God Who Wished to Sleep” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by BENJAMIN CARR (Scythuz)*
    "Crystal Caves”
    “Flying Fortress”
    “Ice Cavern”
    “Underwater Temple”
    “Ancient Ruins”
    “Fire Dungeon”
    “Mystical Forest”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Benjamin Carr licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Benjamin Carr at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A human torso. The entire expanse of the chest contains the image of a heart symbol split into four chambers. The borders of the heart are composed of tiles like a mosaic. Kneeling on left knee in front of the heart, and seen in left profile, is a humanoid figure in a costume reminiscent of a court jester, with a headdress shaped like feathers, and long straight hair. The left arm, held bent and slightly extended, is covered in flower and circle tattoos. The left hand is held palm up and a flame rises up from the palm. Border at top and bottom with square textures matching the colors of the main image. Watermark of “Storyfeather” along edge of bottom right chamber.

  • A moth dreams of visiting the Moon, but is too small to fly all the way.

    Genre: Mythology

    When first the moths alighted in the world below, the land of earth, they did so out of curiosity. And they did so because they were sent forth from their home by their creator. Their home and their creator were one and same, and she bore the name Moon.

    And she was the moon.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    You’re a moth; what is your flame? What draws you to it?
    Source: 500 Creative Prompts. Copyright © 2019 Piccadilly (USA) Inc.

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “The Moths in the Moon” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
    “Scroll of the wind walker”
    “Don’t move”
    “Here we go”
    “The plan”
    “Wide place”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Top center, the glowing disc of the moon under a dark sky. The bottom part of the disc is obscured by a Luna moth seen from the top, wings outstretched. A thin string connects the moth to another moth beneath, a small Cinnabar moth, also seen from the top with wings outstretched. Watermark of “Storyfeather” along inner curve of moon at top right.

  • A prideful swallow is cursed and changed into the form that she finds most abhorrent, a tree.

    Genre: Fable

    The swallow was a happy bird, but also somewhat superior. Nothing brought her joy the way flying did. Slicing through the clouds and flicking the air with the perfect points of her tail. She believed that birds were the supreme creatures of the world. Because they could fly. Some insects could fly as well, of course. But birds could fly higher, faster, and farther than any insect.

    The happy swallow pitied any creature who could not fly.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    EXERCISE: Grab a book off the shelf—any book! Don’t bother searching for anything in particular. Open it at random and begin reading. Write down every idea you get from reading what is on that single page. Now turn to another page and do the same thing. Later, scroll down the aisle, pick another book whose title arouses your curiosity; once again open the book at random, and record any ideas that come to mind.

    Source: The Daily Writer: 366 meditations to cultivate a productive and meaningful writing life. Fred White. Writer’s Digest Books. 2008.

    20 Master Plots and How to Build Them (And How to Build Them). Ronald B. Tobias. Writer’s Digest Books. 1993. I landed on page 151, the chapter on metamorphosis plot.

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “The Swallow Who Was a Willow” Copyright © 2019 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by JONATHAN SHAW*
    “Checking Inventory”
    “Cold Sanctuary”
    “In Tranquil Spring”
    “Visions of Freedom”
    “A Bitter Hope”
    “Heated Lands”
    “Afternoon Chat”
    “A Dream of First Flight”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Jonathan Shaw licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Jonathan Shaw at
    Find more music by Jonathan Shaw at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. At center a tree that splits off to two main branches close to the base, and splits further out into gnarled bare branches that extend across the top half of the image. Under the right side of the tree is a swallow in flight, seen from the top. The shadowy silhouette of another swallow appears in the background on the left side. Patterned and color-matched borders added at top and bottom to make the rectangular image a square. Watermark of “Storyfeather” at bottom right.

    This is episode #333. Gasp! What does that mean?

  • After a man stuck in the middle seat of a long flight wishes he had more room in his row, his wish comes true: his seatmates start vanishing.

    Genre: Mystery

    But saying it out loud, he sounded a little foolish to himself, so he laughed and waved a hand. “I’m probably just being a worrywart for nothing. But I figure better safe than sorry.”

    The flight attendants agreed. And they said they’d look for his missing seatmates, and if they returned in the meantime, they asked if John would come back and let them know. They would be serving the final snacks for the flight in about fifteen minutes. They would check in with him then.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Create a scene in a new environment. Make that environment extreme. Put your characters in unusual positions--working beneath a car or reaching for something while standing on a chair. By placing physical constraints on a character, you increase the dramatic effect of your words.

    Source: The Observation Deck. Naomi Epel. Copyright © 1994. Chronicle Books.

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “John's Fellow Passengers” Copyright © 2019 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by LEE ROSEVERE
    “It’s A Mystery”
    “Making A Change”
    “Small Steps”
    “Going Home”
    “Universe Calling”

    Music by Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 4.0
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Lee Rosevere at and
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Diagram. Partial view of an airplane, from nose to just behind the wings, displaying the configuration of seats. At top left are two fields. Top field reads, “Welcome, John. D.” Field below it reads, “Time remaining: 1:34.” A key to the right of the nose displays four boxes with text to the right: a purple box labeled “Available: First Class,” an orange box labeled “Available: Business Class,” a green box labeled “Available: Frugal Class,” and a clear box with a slash from top left to bottom right labeled: “Unavailable Reserved.” There is one center aisle. At the front of the plane are three rows of first class seats with four seats to a row. Behind this are five rows of business class seats with six seats to a row. Behind this are frugal class seats at six seats to a row, with rows more closely spaced than business class. The rows of frugal class seats continue to the bottom of image, separated into three visible clusters. One of the seats, third row down, second seat over is highlighted in red, and a line extends from it to a text box at left labeled “11B.” Above this box is a field labeled, “Your seat selection.” Below the seat number is a field with three buttons labeled, “Upgrade $29.99,” “Confirm,” and “Cancel.” Borders at right and left make the original vertical rectangular image into a square. The borders contain faded close-up insets of the main image. Watermark of “Storyfeather” along the side where the right wing connects to the body.

  • Two passengers find themselves alone just after takeoff, on a plane that seems to be floating in some substance that the passengers can only define as being green and gold.

    Genre: Science Mystery

    If we were asleep, and the plane crashed into an ocean with green-and-gold water, and we’re now sinking, and the rest of the passengers managed to get out, then how did they all get a chance to take their luggage? And how did they then close the cabin doors again?

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Prompt: That was the last thing I needed to see in the middle of take-off. And then there was that noise I kept hearing. Was that sound normal on a plane?

    Oops, I’m not sure about the origin of this prompt. Per my notes, this came from an app called “Fictionprompter,” but I don’t remember this app. And couldn’t find it on a casual search.

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. You can learn more about it right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “Stranded in the Green and Gold” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
    “As it happenned”
    “Haunted spaceship”
    “Experiment 4”
    “Pitch black”
    “Connecting dots”
    “Genetic marker”
    “Between two worlds”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Two women seen from behind fly through a green and yellow substance, leaving streaming wakes behind them, toward an airplane seen from behind at upper right. The woman at left and slightly ahead looks back at and stretches one arm out toward the other figure. The other woman has both arms held to the side and close to the body. Watermark of “Storyfeather” at bottom center. Borders at top and bottom to make the image square contain faint stamps of the figures, plane, and substance.

  • Do the voices coming from the food in my fridge and pantry want to harm me, help me, or just…be?

    Genre: Science Fiction

    “Tell me I’m sane,” I said.

    There was a pause on the other end. And then he finally spoke.

    “I refuse.”

    I sighed. “Freddy, come on.”

    “Give me some context, then.”

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Describe each day of the week as food.
    Source: 500 Creative Prompts. Copyright © 2019 Piccadilly (USA) Inc.

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. If you’ve got 40 minutes, I can teach you an abbreviated version of that method, right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    (If you want to learn even more, I’ve got info about my online course on that page too.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “My Food Is Speaking to Me” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by LEE ROSEVERE
    “Start the Day”
    “Under Suspicion”
    “It’s A Mystery”
    “Slow Lights”
    “Awkward Silences (version a)”
    “We’ll Figure it Out Together”

    Music by Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 4.0
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Vocal effects created with Audacity
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Lee Rosevere at and
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A fully stocked refrigerator seen from an angle with the door opening out to the left. The top third contains a freezer section. Recognizable items in the door are bottles at bottom, milk cartons, jars, butter (labeled), and at top, ice cream and a bag of chicken nuggets (labeled). Recognizable items in the main compartments include vegetables, a carton of eggs, a covered bowl, and flat cartons labeled “pizza” and “pepperoni.” Text bubbles surround the refrigerator. The three at left read as follows from top to bottom: “On toast? I’m in,” “Time for tacos. Lime for tacos,” and “Saute in me!” The five at right read as follows: “Why wait for Sunday?” and “Scramble me,” “Poach me,” “I want to be a pot pie,” and “Stew us!” (four times).

  • During his first week working at a unique pizzeria, Ronnie encounters some uncanny late-night customers, who place an order for the rarest pizza on the menu.

    Genre: Fantasy

    “What…what will this one do?” Ronnie asked as he folded fresh rosemary leaves and parmesan flakes into the dough.

    “It’ll make the customer swoon with pleasure upon first bite is what it will do.” Madeleine Miriam cocked an eyebrow. “And it’ll treat those infected gums on the left side of his jaw.”

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Describe your favorite food in no more than five words.
    Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers
    (The five words I wrote were, “Cheesy, chewy, crispy, saucy, zesty.”)

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. If you’ve got 40 minutes, I can teach you an abbreviated version of that method, right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    (If you want to learn even more, I’ve got info about my online course on that page too.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “Madeleine Miriam's Pizzapothecarium” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by ANDREA BARONI (Cyberleaf)*
    “Fugue For One Synthetic Heart (No Percussion)”
    “Ground Control”
    “March Of The Waking Lights”
    “Cozy Afternoons”
    “Evolving Cities”
    “Forest Bathing”

    Music by CHRIS LOGSDON*
    “Level 2”
    “Level 8”
    “Level 1”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Andrea Baroni and Chris Logsdon licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Andrea Baroni and Chris Logsdon at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Lying on a tabletop at left seen from one corner is a pizza box that’s slightly open to show a pizza with multiple toppings within. The box is labeled “Pizzapothecarium” along the front overlapping edge. The bottom edge reads “Supreme,” “Double Pepperoni,” and “Triple Sparkle.” Each choice has a checkbox in front of it. A fourth option is obscured by a small bottle sitting in front of the box, with a label on a string attached around the neck. The right edge of the box is labeled “Madeleine Miriam’s.” The top of the box, at a steep angle, shows a smiling woman from waist up holding up a pizza at shoulder level in the hand of her bent right arm, and resting her left hand on her hip. At right, four bottles stand on the tabletop: two with caps, one with a cork stopper, and one with a glass stopper. One label reads “Essence T. Aquaticus” with further writing below that is illegible. One bottle is labeled with a number “1,” and another with the number “9.” Words appear above the numbers but only a few letters are visible. Watermark of “Storyfeather” along bottom of pizza box. Top and bottom borders to make the image square contain distorted portions of the main image.

  • Three friends decide to do their science project on a forgotten novelty invention, a self-peeling banana.

    Genre: Science Fiction

    “What about dinosaurs?” I said after a few minutes. “We could do our project on how and why they went extinct. That’s exciting.”

    K.D. shook her head. “It might seem too basic. Like something we would have done in the fifth grade.” She loved dinosaurs. She probably didn’t want someone making fun of our project if it was about the thing she loved most. “But maybe you’re on the right track. Animals, but rare ones. What about cryptids?”

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Write an ad for a self-peeling banana.
    Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. If you’ve got 40 minutes, I can teach you an abbreviated version of that method, right here: FASTER FICTIONEER
    (If you want to learn even more, I’ve got info about my online course on that page too.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “Magenta Banana” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by ANDREW SITKOV (MuzStation Game Music)*
    “Casual Theme #1”
    “Casual Theme #3”
    “Casual Theme #2”
    “Casual Theme #6 (Triumph)”

    Music by LEE ROSEVERE
    “Start the Day”
    “Awkward Silences (version b)”
    “New Day”
    “The Long Journey”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Andrew Sitkov licensed from GameDev Market
    Music by Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 4.0
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Vocal effects created with Audacity
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Andrew Sitkov at
    Find more music by Lee Rosevere at and
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Bottom half, three kids gathered around a laptop monitor, all facing forward, two sitting and one standing behind them. They all look down at the screen. Behind them stands a banana plant bearing bunches of bananas just above the standing child’s head. Some of the bananas in the bottom bunches bear a streak of magenta color along the peel. Watermark of “Storyfeather” on laptop lid.

  • A young journalist follows her latest lead into a quirky fast food place located in her dreams.

    Genre: Mysterious Fantasy

    “Welcome to Thoughtsburger, would you like to try our new Weltschmerz platter with a side of Bitterness and Longing?”

    Ria stared at the person who had just addressed her. “Uh, no, thank you.”

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Write a menu for a fictional fast-food restaurant.
    Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers

    You might also appreciate some definitions:
    Hygge is noun in Danish that means “the feeling of coziness and contentment evoked by simple comforts, as being wrapped in a blanket, having good conversations, enjoying food, etc.”

    Weltschmerz is a noun in German that means “sorrow that one feels and accepts as one’s necessary portion in life; sentimental pessimism”

    Soñadora is Spanish for “dreamer”
    (reference: and

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. If you’ve got 40 minutes, I can teach you an abbreviated version of that method, right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    (If you want to learn even more, I’ve got info about my online course on that page too.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “Welcome to Thoughtsburger” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by ANDREA BARONI (Cyberleaf)*
    “Ground Control”
    “Fugue For One Synthetic Heart”
    “Fast Lanes Light Rain”
    “Forest Bathing”
    “Evolving Cities”
    “March Of The Waking Lights”
    “Night Time”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Andrea Baroni licensed from GameDev Market
    Vocal effects created with Audacity
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Andrea Baroni at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A woman in left profile, sitting in a booth, looking down at an open laptop. Her left hand rests on the tabletop, right hand perched over the keyboard. A hazy light glows above her head. In background is an empty countertop, above which is a sign or marquee with two sections displaying a menu with illegible characters except for one item, “Weltschmerz Special.” Above the menu is a sign that reads “Welcome to Thoughtsburger.” Watermark of “Storyfeather” along left margin.

  • To help a young man seek his fortune and his purpose upon leaving home, his parents endow him with a parting gift, a basket of lemons.

    Genre: Fairy Tale

    The couple had thirteen children by the time they were finished siring. One by one, as each child came of age, they were sent out into the world to seek their fortunes and their purposes for themselves. To each child their parents gave one gift to help them on their way. And upon receiving their gifts, each child proclaimed their grand aims.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Finish this sentence in three alternate and original ways: “When life gives you lemons…”
    Source: 500 Creative Prompts. Copyright © 2019 Piccadilly (USA) Inc.
    (I actually ended up using the other results for another story in a future year)

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. If you’ve got 40 minutes, I can teach you an abbreviated version of that method, right here: FASTER FICTIONEER
    (If you want to learn even more, I’ve got info about my online course on that page too.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “A Tale of Nine Lemons” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by ANDREW SITKOV (MuzStation Game Music)*
    “Adventure Track #1 (looped)”
    “Medieval Track #1”
    “Lyric Voices #5”
    “Casual Theme #1”
    “Magic Within”
    “Ice and Fire (peaceful part)”
    “Medieval Track #2”
    “Lyric Voices #2”
    “Peace in My World (final theme)”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Andrew Sitkov licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Andrew Sitkov at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A lemon tree full of lemons. At bottom right corner, a person holds a baby over their shoulder. The baby’s head is facing forward and obscuring the other person’s head. The baby’s own head rests on the shoulder, arms loosely curled around the shoulder. The baby’s eyes, partly open, look down and to the side, and each contains a burst of soft light. Watermark of “Storyfeather” at bottom right.

  • To save her friends and herself from being eaten, a ghost crab enters a juggling contest with a devious and possibly unbeatable opponent.

    Genre: Fable

    Four unlikely friends were frolicking in the ocean one day. They were the Ghost Crab, the Blue Marlin, the Jellyfish, and the Nautilus. The crab and the marlin splashed about on the surface, and dove back down, while the jelly and the mollusk bobbed gently under the surface.

    Overhead, there passed the shadow of the Seagull, who watched the friends with great interest, a great interest born of a keen hunger. Here she saw a variety of sweet and juicy treats for her to feast on.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Not a prompt, but a challenge to write a story that’s between 2500 to 3500 words. Aim for as short as possible without going below (or too much below). I chose a genre, fable. And at some point, I had the words “crab” and “juggling” written down. So…what was the crab juggling?

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. If you’ve got 40 minutes, I can teach you an abbreviated version of that method, right here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    (If you want to learn even more, I’ve got info about my online course on that page too.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “The Juggling Ghost Crab” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by JONATHAN SHAW*
    “Afternoon Chat”
    “Midnight Creeping”
    “Cold Sanctuary”
    “Spinning Tavern”
    “Encounter of Misdeeds”
    “Lingering Evil”
    “Showdown of Misdeeds”
    “Checking Inventory”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Jonathan Shaw licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Vocal effects made in Audacity
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Jonathan Shaw at and at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Standing on sand facing forward is a ghost crab with the left claw held up. Above the crab from left to right are a pine cone, a wedge of watermelon, and a saucer and cup of tea with tea spilling out over one edge. A bright and speckled circle of energy arcs over the objects and below the crab. Water of “Storyfeather” at bottom right. Border at top and bottom to make the image square displays a starfish pattern in colors that match the drawing.

  • When a young man sees his reflection in a pool as he has never seen it before, he is both mesmerized and suspicious.

    Genre: Mythology

    One day, he had an enticing thought. Then he chastised himself and told himself it was a silly and foolish thought. He shook his head as if shaking off the thought, but it was a sticky thought. It would not be forgotten.

    And so, he leaned down closer to his reflection, closer and closer, until his lips touched the surface of the water, and the lips of his reflection.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    The prompt was a screen capture I took of someone looking down a deep well. It was meant to be a reference image, but I ended up using it as a prompt as well. And the first thought that came to mind was reflections and mermaids. Like what if someone looked down into the waters of a lake and thought they were seeing their own reflection, but just under the surface, there really is another person... Inspired by the story of Echo and Narcissus.

    Faster Fictioneer
    Ever wonder how I’ve gotten all these hundreds of stories written? I have a method. If you’ve got 40 minutes, I can teach you an abbreviated version of that method, right here: FASTER FICTIONEER
    (If you want to learn even more, there's info about my online course on that page too.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “They Linger in the Deep” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
    “Secret water”
    “Experiment 6”
    “In the shadow”
    “Between two worlds”

    Music by ROZKOL
    “Ambiet I-IV”
    “Fever Dream”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
    Music by ROZKOL is licensed under CC BY 3.0

    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Vocal effects made in Audacity
    Changes made to the musical tracks? Just cropping to align with my narration.

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at
    Find more music by ROZKOL at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. View from below the surface of a pool looking up at a young man in a short sleeve tunic seen from waist up at a diagonal. He is gazing down. His face is reflected on the stone surface visible along the left and bottom edges. Stray water weeds cling to the rocky walls of the pool.

  • Longtime lovers the ogre and the elf each recall the first few days of their honeymoon a bit differently.

    Genre: Fairy Tale

    The ogre snapped her fingers and furrowed her warty brow. “What was the name of the place where we stayed…was it…the Twilight Twinklings Inn?”

    “No darling, that was for our first anniversary, when we went up north to see the lights.”

    The ogre brought her fist down on the table, making the forks jump. “Might of the Mermaid! That’s the place.”

    The elf nodded, then chuckled as a memory arose. “First mishap, our missing luggage…”

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Write about a couple who have a very different perspective on a shared memory.
    Source: A Writer’s Year: 365 Creative Writing Prompts. Text by Emma Bastow. Copyright © 2019 HarperCollins Publishers

    Faster Fictioneer
    I held my first free writing workshop over Zoom to teach my method of writing short stories (an abbreviated version) on 11/8/2023. The workshop is based on my course, called “Faster Fictioneer: A Doable Method to Write a Short Story from Start to Finish in Five Weeks.”

    You can watch a replay of the workshop here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    (You can also buy the course there.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “The Ogre and the Elf Go to Honeymoon City” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by ALBERT FERNANDEZ (Audio Alchemist, Potion Studio)*
    “Locations_Medieval Tavern Song”
    “Locations_Happy Village (loop)”
    “Humorous_Exploration (loop)”
    “Exploration_Forest Of Magic”
    “Exploration_Cave (loop)”
    “Battle_1_normal (loop)”

    Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
    “Desert dance”
    “A band in the inn”
    “Sand of time (bonus track)”
    “Donjon monster”
    “The bard”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Albert Fernandez and Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket
    Vocal effects made in Audacity

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy and Albert Fernandez at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. An elf man at left and an ogre woman at right sit across from each other at a small round table, barely perched on their seats, their bodies facing forward, gazing at each other. Both have long pointed ears. The ogre has two sharp teeth curving up at the corners of the mouth, and two short horns extending from the front crown of the head. The elf rests his left elbow on the table and the right hand on the left wrist. A stein sits on the table before the elf. The ogre rests her right elbow on the table, holding up a stein, left hand propped on her lap. A plate with food and a fork and knife lie on the table. Above their heads and between them hangs a chandelier with lit candles casting down a soft light.

  • An urban legend about a haunting phenomenon occurring in a little beach town becomes a news story when escalating incidents lead to the beaching of what appears to be a telepathic whale.

    Genre: Science Mystery


    “You’re looking for a story.”


    “My story.”

    “That’s right. What’s your story? Where did you come from? How did you get inside that whale?”

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    You’re barefoot in the sand on a beach, and the waves runs over your toes. Describe what you’re feeling.
    Source: Source: 500 Creative Prompts. Copyright © 2019 Piccadilly (USA) Inc.

    Faster Fictioneer
    I held my first free writing workshop over Zoom to teach my method of writing short stories (an abbreviated version) on 11/8/2023. The workshop is based on my course, called “Faster Fictioneer: A Doable Method to Write a Short Story from Start to Finish in Five Weeks.”

    You can watch a replay of the workshop here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    (You can also buy the course there.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Here’s the other episode on whales that I mention in the outro: The Watchers of the Whale

    Story: “The Incident at Soruquenty Beach” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
    “Monochromatic stain”
    “Secret agent”
    “Cold case”
    “As it happenned”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
    Vocal effects made in Audacity

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Nicholas Jeudy at
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. A woman seen from shoulders up, looking down with eyes closed. Her index fingers are pressed to her temples. Above her forehead is the depiction of a sperm whale in left profile. Concentric circles of bright spiky energy emanate from the middle of the whale’s body. The woman’s left wrist bears a hospital band with unintelligible characters written on it.

  • The inventor of a working time machine takes her closest friend on what was meant to be a quick trip to the near future.

    Genre: Science Fantasy

    I didn’t panic right away when Violeta said she had succeeded in building a working time machine.

    All of her inventions worked. All of them. But all her other inventions were a lot less…ambitious.

    I mean, a time machine. That’s the ultimate invention, isn’t it?

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Drawing challenge: Psychedelic portal
    Drawing challenge: Jukebox
    I’m combining them.
    Source: Source: 500 Creative Prompts. Copyright © 2019 Piccadilly (USA) Inc.

    Faster Fictioneer
    I held my first free writing workshop over Zoom to teach my method of writing short stories (an abbreviated version) on 11/8/2023. The workshop is based on my course, called “Faster Fictioneer: A Doable Method to Write a Short Story from Start to Finish in Five Weeks.”

    You can watch a replay of the workshop here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    (You can also buy the course there.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “Jukebox Time Portal” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by TAO & SOUND*
    “80s Synth Ambient 01 C"
    “80s Synth Ambient 02 E”
    “U Never Had To Exist – (B) Melody Loop”
    “Cry No More – Intro”
    “Cry No More – (A) Melody Loop”
    “Cry No More – Outro (long)”
    “Cry No More – (A) Drums & Bass Loop”
    “I Never Gave Up – Intro”
    “U Never Had To Exist – Intro”
    “U Never Had To Exist”
    “U Never Had To Exist– (A) Drums & Bass Loop”
    “I Never Gave Up – (A) Melody Loop”

    Music by Lee Rosevere
    “4th Ave. Walkup”
    “Try Anything Once”
    “Tech Toys”
    “As I Was Saying”
    “Max Flashback”
    “I Bet You Wonder Why”
    “Awkward Silences (version b)”
    “Going Home”
    “Glass Android”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Tao & Sound licensed from GameDev Market
    Music by Lee Rosevere is licensed under CC BY 4.0
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
    Find more music by Tao & Sound at
    Find more music by Lee Rosevere at and
    Find more stories by Nila at

    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Central image with a top and bottom border to make the format square. A woman seen from knees up, stands facing and looking forward, leaning against a multicolored jukebox at right. Her right thumb is hooked in her belt, which is hung with a few tools and devices, and her left elbow rests on the jukebox, arm bent. One brow and the corner of her mouth are raised. In the background are splashes of color that match the jukebox’s colors.

  • A fearful and captive servant, who tends a menagerie of unique and captive creatures, is dazzled by the arrival of a most magnificent creature known as a hippocampus.

    Genre: Fantasy

    At the center of my memory is the image of a horse, a horse the color of orange cream, rearing up, and glancing at me, with an oceanic glint in her eye. She has wings. She has fins. She is fast. I remember. She was fast. Slicing through the water like a ray of sunlight.

    So I don’t know how it could have happened. But I have to do something.

    I must free the hippocampus.

    What’s the Writing Prompt that inspired the story?
    Write a story based on the image you draw of a…sea horse.
    No source noted. This prompt was marked “idea,” so I think it may have been my idea.

    Faster Fictioneer
    I held my first free writing workshop over Zoom to teach my method of writing short stories (an abbreviated version) on 11/8/2023. The workshop is based on my course, called “Faster Fictioneer: A Doable Method to Write a Short Story from Start to Finish in Five Weeks.”

    You can watch a replay of the workshop here: FASTER FICTIONEER

    (You can also buy the course there.)

    I’ve Got Issues For You
    The Storyfeather Gazette is a monthly round-up of my recent podcast episodes, short stories, trailers, news, recommendations, and more that I send by email. Follow the link to look through old issues and to Sign Up: STORYFEATHER GAZETTE

    Storyfeather-themed merchandise
    T-shirts, mugs, stickers, notebooks, baby onesies, and more featuring artwork from stories and art challenges

    Story: “The Hippocampus and the Menagerie” Copyright © 2020 by Nila L. Patel
    Narration, Episode Art, Editing, and Production: Nila L. Patel

    Trip-Hop Lounge Abstract Background” by Digital Emotions (Intro/Outro)

    Music by NICHOLAS JEUDY (Dark Fantasy Studio)*
    “The ocean takes it all”
    “Experiment 7”
    “In the shadows”
    “Winter guild”
    “Fallen leaves”
    “The plan”
    “Into wild lands”
    “Northern dusk”
    “Ancien stones”
    “Dark secret”
    “Wide place”

    *These tracks were part of a music and sound effects bundles I purchased from Humble Bundle and sourced from GameDev Market.

    Music by Nicholas Jeudy licensed from GameDev Market
    Sound effects from AudioJungle and GameDevMarket

    Find more music by Digital_Emotions at
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    Episode Art Description: Digital drawing. Within a glass globe, whose edges are partly visible in frame, there floats a creature in left profile with the front half of a rearing horse and the bottom half of a sea dragon. A finlike wing extends from the creature’s back. Branching frills and ruffles of fins extend from the bottom half. The body is striped. The ruffled fins bear patches and spots of color. Glowing bubbles rise up around the creature. The globe rests on a base that’s decorated with tube-shaped coral and coiled snail shells.