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¡Hola! Soy Isabel Viña Bas, Médico y divulgadora.
Además, desempeño el rol de cofundadora y mente creativa detrás de las cautivadoras fórmulas de los suplementos de IVB Wellness Lab. Mi reputación como una de las principales autoridades en el ámbito de la suplementación en España es sólida, habiendo dejado huella en numerosas charlas y brindando asesoramiento que están ayudando a miles de personas a través de mi plataforma en Instagram.
Cada sábado, en este podcast, despliego ante ti un enfoque único y claro sobre todo lo que siempre has anhelado conocer acerca de las hormonas y el intrincado mundo del metabolismo. Mi misión es iluminarte con conocimientos para que sepas más y por tanto puedas tomar decisiones informadas, permitiendo que tus hormonas se conviertan en tus aliadas inseparables de tu bienestar.
Los únicos requisitos previos para embarcarte en esta apasionante travesía son un corazón ávido de aprendizaje y un genuino interés en nutrir la salud hormonal. De todo lo demás, encárgate de despreocuparte, ya lo he gestionado por ti.
Sígueme en Instagram @isabelvina para mantenerte al tanto de las últimas novedades y no dudes en compartir tus valiosas sugerencias para futuros episodios.
Prepárate para sumergirte en una experiencia transformadora.
¡Estamos a punto de adentrarnos en un emocionante viaje de descubrimiento, asi que agarrate que vienen curvas! -
The purpose of the EOA On Call podcast aligns with our mission at the Eastern Orthopaedic Association, which is to provide an educational format for the free discussion and teaching of orthopaedic methods and principles among the orthopaedic community.
Directed and hosted by the EOA podcast committee, listeners can expect to hear 1-1 interviews with thought leaders, hot topic debates from the masters, and timely reviews of clinical papers. Education is an important mission of the EOA and we are pleased to add the EOA On Call podcast channel to our robust offering of learning opportunities. -
The motivational podcast that delivers strategies from the greatest to ever do it. Done in partnership with Soho Works, a Soho House workspace.
Hear from inspiring athletes, experts, entrepreneurs, and entertainers about how they gamed their way into their greatest victories. Hosted by Charles Thorp. -
Researchers would love if they can expand time to fit in that publication, article, or review of their topic of interest; if that were true, however, there is no end to bottomless scrolling and missing the important details. PubReading would read out the abstract, results, and discussions to allow hassle-free information and a chance to create connections with like-minded individuals.
Tune in each week for real life advice and strategies for becoming your happiest and healthiest self, all while thriving in the gray area. You can have your carrots and cake, too!
Topics include: Macro nutrition, functional testing, hormone education, mom life, fitness, autoimmune life (ulcerative colitis) and so much more!
Just a quick reminder that I’m not a licensed health professional and the content of this podcast is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified professional with any questions you may have regarding your health. -