
  • Welcome to the First Ever RISE UP CON, Where Fandom Becomes Faith.

    Ever heard of ComicCon... where all of the Star Wars, Star Trek and comic book super fans pour into San Diego's convention center by the thousands for days on end every year?

    Well, actor, director, and author Kevin Sorbo (Hercules '95-'99) thought having a similar atmosphere for Christian actors, writers, producers, musicians, creators, and entrepreneurs was needed.

    After having Kevin on the Strong By Design podcast in 2023, our team decided it was a great opportunity to attend the first ever event and surround ourselves with men and women influencing American culture in a positive way while also standing firm in their Christian faith.

    This special compilation episode highlights some of the many interactions, interviews, conversations and events that took place at the Strong By Design booth in Sevierville Convention Center, just outside of Knoxville, TN. Hosts Jared Haley and Chris Wilson were honored to participate and meet people from all over the country spreading the Gospel and the love of Christ.

    If you would like to learn more about the recent event from May 30-June 1st, here is the link,

    "God is a Creator. We're created in His image. We are designed to create." -Jared Haley

    Time Stamps
    00:16 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    01:18 - What is RiseUP Con?
    2:55 - Former Disney animator Davy Liu on using our talents to glorify and serve the King of Kings
    4:56 - The 'Jake Muller Adventures' with Darby and Micah: What to expect in this adrenaline fueled audio drama
    5:58 - Faith on Film with actor Ben Davies
    9:45 - PROVERBS 22:6 - Jared Moon speaks about breaking the cycle of generational incarceration
    12:39 - Meet Lucas of 'WWE Bros' - future superstar ;)
    14:25 - Inside the jungle life of the 'Wild Brothers'
    16:41 - Where women and babies matter with Laura Klassen
    18:40 - Listen to 1232: an audio epic podcast by Callie Sioux
    22:25 - Why MYFIRESIDE pits are real men essential with Adam Kovar


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  • The journey of creating ‘The Lion Within Us’ has been fueled by Chris Grainger’s desire to help others and glorify God. He is blessed to be in several leadership positions in a professional and spiritual capacity. First and foremost, He is a devoted husband to a loving wife. Together, they lead a family of three beautiful girls and one amazing son.

    There was a point in time where Chris's life was spiraling out of control and he felt helpless. By the Grace of God, he was able to take inventory of his life, analyze and improve habits, and become the man that God had called him to be. Though he has faced difficult storms involving love and loss, he has been blessed beyond measure and God has never left his side. He wants to use his testimony to encourage others and let them know that they too can find joy and fulfillment in the midst of the most difficult storm.

    On this episode of the Strong by Design Podcast, Chris and host Jared Haley discuss the importance of father's being the spiritual leader in the home, as opposed to outsourcing it to the local schools or church. What does this look like practically? Listen and learn how you can be intentional in these areas, and allowing God to reveal his design for the family.

    "Let's view our calendar through the lens of priorities, and put the big rocks in first." — Chris Grainger

    Time Stamps

    00:41 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast

    02:24 - Get to know today's special guest, Chris Grainger, founder of 'The Lion Within Us'

    07:37 - Leading with Faith: Chris on the father's role in a family

    10:40 - What does spiritual leadership look like in the home?

    15:27 - Chris on viewing your calendar through a Christian lens

    19:50 - What is the number one thing holding dads back from jumping in and being intentional?

    21:22 - Why we need to disconnect to reconnect

    27:08 - Digital safety 101: How to protect kids from sexual immorality

    32:00 - Preventing porn exposure: Why sex education matters

    37:51 - Chosen to lead: Dads and their spiritual responsibility

    49:15 - Why it's important to pray with (and for) your spouse

    52:23 - Ready to UNLEASH the LION within? Connect with Chris Grainger


    · TheLionWithin.Us

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  • Tyrannosaurus Rex, Brontosaurus, Velociraptor, Triceratops… all fake?!?

    No way?! It can’t be?! What about all of the fossils they’ve found over the past 150+ years? Why would the Smithsonian and other institutions ever promote an extinct animal species that never really existed? What did they have to gain?

    We all grew up learning about the amazing, wonderful and terrifying world of the dinosaur. Giant reptiles that roamed the earth 25-65 million years ago and have been extinct for as long.

    Geez! How did their bones survive such a long period of time and stay fully intact? Why do we never find an entire dinosaur but instead just a few bones here and there… but we’ve filled in the gaps with such detail? Why do museums all over the world never show the actual bones but replicas of the ‘real thing’ and the real bones are tucked away somewhere else? Why is there nothing recorded about dinosaurs before 1842?

    And what about ‘Giants’? Supersized people that may have existed in many different cultures all over the globe in various time periods that ranged from 7 to over 10 feet tall? Is everyone just telling fairy tales and stories or did extra-large people or human-like creatures once walk the planet?

    These are all great questions that the Tin Foil Hat Club will investigate in the 2nd Conspiracy Theory episode here on the Strong By Design podcast show! And we just scratched the surface with our third topic of debate… to be continued!

    "Once you accept the premise, your mind is then trying to create truth from that premise." — Stephen Ohocinski

    Time Stamps

    00:37 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    01:01 - Get to know today's special guests, the Tin Foil Hat Club
    04:07 - Last time with the Tin Foil Hat Club: Popular conspiracy recap!
    06:30 - How stories change the world
    08:15 - Conspiracy theory #1: Dinosaurs never existed?
    12:01 - How what you believe shapes what you conspire
    13:41 - Meet the man who invented the dinosaur
    24:41 - Cui Bono? Exploring the motives behind dinosaur fakery
    35:19 - 'Is Genesis History?': How science connects to the Bible
    36:00 - The Tin Foil Hat Club's take on reimagining a dinosaur-free world
    39:53 - Conspiracy theory #2: Were giant humans real?
    48:44 - How the society benefits from hoaxing giant people
    56:10 - Understanding the 'Slow Drip' theory
    57:47 - Conspiracy theory #3: The unsolved mystery of JonBenét Ramsey… to be continued


    Got Questions or other good topics? Email us at [email protected]

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  • Pastor Daryl Black delivered a message several months ago titled 'Biblical Sexuality - You Asked For It'

    This message at Grace Family Church in Florida is based on feedback from the congregation... what did they want the church to talk about. His words are truthful, kind and powerful.

    Our host Jared Haley attends GFC and found the message to be one of the best he's ever heard on the topic. Today he and host Chris Wilson dig deeper on what biblical sexuality is and what it means to us now in a time of confusion.

    Pastor Daryl believes the only controversial subjects are the ones we aren't willing to talk about with both grace and truth. We are truly honored to have him on the show!

    Side Note - Pastor Daryl was an X Factor contestant several years ago and we open the show discussing this amazing adventure. As you will discover in the video link below, his voice is phenomenal.

    Biblical Sexuality | You Asked For It Wk# 3| Daryl Black

    From the GFC Florida page on YouTube...
    No matter who you are, you are an image bearer of God! He created you with glory, dignity, purpose, and diversity. You are fearfully and wonderfully made.

    "We don't let them choose what food to eat. We don't let them choose whether or not they're going to go to school. But we're going to let them pick their gender for the rest of their life." — Pastor Daryl Black

    Time Stamps
    00:40 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    01:45 - Get to know today's special guest, Pastor Daryl Black
    06:38 - Pastor Daryl shares his 'X Factor' audition story
    18:25 - The power of worship: Pastor Daryl on connecting with God through music
    21:56 - From California to Florida: Pastor Daryl's calling to Grace Family Church
    27:40 - The 'WHY' behind his unique service sign-offs
    31:33 - The TV effect: How transgender representation shapes society
    35:13 - Transgenderism's impact: Why it's stronger on the younger generation
    40:50 - Pastor Daryl's challenge to believers: Standing firm in God's truth
    47:44 - Understanding the push for transgenderism
    55:05 - Will you follow God or follow yourself?
    59:58 - Pastor Daryl on discerning God's truth vs. worldly truth
    1:06:11 - Why listening is an act of Faith
    1:13:23 - Why you shouldn't let your fear keep you from God's truth

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  • Today’s guest on the Strong By Design podcast can help you create space in your mind.

    Scott Paglia is a licensed acupuncturist and practitioner of Chinese medicine in Bellingham, WA. Scott got into acupuncture and herbs after almost dying in South Korea while pursuing the practice of meditation.

    Over the decades since his early pursuits, Scott has met many great teachers and applied their teaching to his practice. He has focused most of his studies on neuroplasticity and the effect meditation has on the nervous system. Find out in today’s episode how to simply begin the practice of meditation.

    FUN FACT: Scott has actually been into meditation since he was in middle school until the present moment.

    "As thoughts lessen, as that peace increases, part of that comes back with you."— Scott Paglia

    Time Stamps

    00:45 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    03:24 - Get to know today's special guest, Scott Paglia
    05:13 - Scott shares his early love for meditation and his journey into Chinese medicine
    10:10 - How to hear your inner voice through meditation
    13:01 - Discover how consistent meditation changed his mind and body over time
    16:00 - Scott discusses common reasons for acupuncture visit, top conditions treated, and the treatment plans they offer
    22:01 - Acupuncture 101: Here's what you can expect during a treatment
    29:14 - The cons of Western medicine
    36:09 - The difference between traditional Eastern and modern Western healthcare practices
    42:18 - Healing from the root: Why choose Acupuncture Health Center?
    44:04 - The healing power of meditation
    51:30 - One minute to spare? Learn how to meditate with these tips!
    1:04:51 - How are you managing your resources?
    1:11:32 - Where you can go to connect with Scott Paglia


    · Acupuncture Health Center

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  • We all have moments of doubt in our lives. Times when we feel God has abandoned us or that we are separated from God. So, is it okay to have these feelings, is it normal to have these thoughts?

    Have you ever asked the question:

    Why me Lord? How can God be good if He let this happen to me? Why would a good God let that happen to someone else? Has God forsaken me? Am I under attack right now? Why am I struggling to believe in God right now?

    In this episode on the Strong By Design podcast, hosts Chris Wilson and Jared Haley talk about doubting our faith in God, what it looks like to experience feelings of unbelief, questioning God’s plan for our life and feeling like we are under attack.

    "It's okay to question. It's okay to wrestle.... It's okay to have emotions with God that isn't just all lovey-dovey." — Jared Haley

    The Great Commission even mentions doubt…

    Matthew 28: 16-20

    16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

    2 Timothy 4:3-4
    For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.

    Time Stamps

    00:40 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    03:40 - Hosts Jared and Chris' perspective on the act of questioning God
    05:42 - Jared reveals how he came to accept questioning and wrestling with God
    17:19 - How wrestling with God helps you grow spiritually
    18:40 - The importance of feeling safe to question
    20:58 - Chris and Jared discuss the connection between science and faith
    23:43 - Is it possible for a Christian to doubt God and still have Faith?
    40:24 - Bible verses about Faith and Doubt
    50:03 - What does Jesus mean by 'Whatever You Ask in My Name' in John 14:13-14?
    54:00 - Who is the greatest man in history?
    57:21 - Struggling with doubt? The power of seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance


    · The Bible App

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  • Erik is truly a man of integrity, work ethic and an overcomer.

    Growing up with a complicated childhood and broken home, to raising himself from the age of 14. Unfortunately, finding trouble along the way, desperately trying to fill the gaping voids in his life.

    As a young man Erik found himself empty and tired of settling for less. After the feverish pursuit of the Holy Spirit, Erik decided to surrender and trust the One that would never let him down.

    Now, Erik and his wife of nearly 19+ years and their two children live in Northern Idaho and live a humble and blessed life. Together they are breaking the cycles handed down to them of divorce, addictions, depression, abuse, and lies. They are leaving a new legacy for their next generation built on a biblical foundation.

    On this episode of the Strong by Design Podcast, Jared and Erik discuss the value of establishing and maintaining healthy rhythms, and how those rhythms affect your mind, body, and spirit.

    “A divorce can cause generational struggles to get back on track.” -Erik Allen

    Time Stamps

    00:47 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    02:25 - Get to know today's special guest, Erik Allen, founder and host of 'The Erik Allen Show' and 'Top MMA Podcast'
    07:05 - Erik's jail experience: How his complicated, abusive childhood affected him
    08:45 - How a simple church invitation from a woman reshaped the course of his entire life
    10:40 - Erik talks about his calling to break the cycle of abuse, addiction and divorce
    18:34 - Discover how he is helping entrepreneurs get known and noticed online
    20:06 - Erik on managing the chaos of daily life
    22:56 - The power of leading your kids by example
    29:25 - How to stay connected with God through community
    36:25 - The power of Prayer
    38:14 - Where you can go to connect with Erik Allen



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  • No one really goes to see bulging biceps and Godzilla sized quads at the Mr. Olympia thinking their ‘true love’ is there waiting for them…

    But in this case, true love for Micah and Diana was exactly what the Mr. O provided.

    Our guests today on Strong By Design are Micah LaCerte, magazine cover model, world champion WBFF muscle model and owner of Hitch Fit Gym and his beautiful wife Diana, fitness expert, personal trainer, gym owner, model and fitness competitor.

    And boy are they in GREAT shape!

    But what makes them really ‘tick’ is their passion for people and for their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Their story of love and helping others transform their bodies and minds is truly fantastic and inspiring!

    From their highly successful personal training gym, HitchFit, in Kansas City, MO and online, to their SoulFIT Retreats and now live events, Micah and Diana are changing the world but it feels like they’re just getting started.

    “So many people think it’s just a physical transformation, but it’s so much more.” -Micah & Diana LaCerte

    Time Stamps

    00:56 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    03:57 - Get to know today's special guests, Micah & Diana LaCerte of Hitch Fit
    05:43 - Love at Mr. Olympia: Micah and Diana's instant connection
    11:17 - Micah and Diana talk about how they started Hitch Fit
    15: 40 - Fit anywhere, anytime: How Hitch Fit works
    23:07 - Discover the Hitch Fit-Critical Bench connection
    27:34 - Micah and Diana on transforming lives both in-person and online through fitness
    30:51 - Faith-fueled fitness: How they began incorporating faith into their fitness journey
    38:28 - Micah and Diana on nurturing mind, body and spirit through 'SoulFIT Retreats'
    46:50 - Learn how to 'Lean In' to your challenges and 'Level Up' in your life
    52:56 - What's next for Micah and Diana?
    56:38 - Where you can go to connect with Micah & Diana LaCerte




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  • Bridgette is a firecracker, best-selling author, speaker, mother of 4 and loves Jesus. Oh, and she’s the sister of Kirk and Candace Cameron.

    In this episode on the Strong By Design podcast host Chris Wilson speaks to Bridgette Cameron, younger sister to superstar Kirk Cameron (Growing Pains, Fireproof, Left Behind) and the little ‘big’ sister of Candace Cameron Bure (Full House / Fuller House) and Melissa Fleming.

    Have you ever wondered what life would be like with famous family members? Well, Bridgette had not just one famous sibling but two! Find out what growing up in a house with two famous child actors was like, the realization that God’s plan and our plan can look very different and that His plans for us are far better than our own.

    Also be sure to check out Bridgette’s best-selling book ‘Overlooked’ on her website which shares her journey and recounts a terrifying, life-changing moment that brought her closer to God.

    "I felt overlooked, like, 'God, did you forget about me? You created me, but you're not opening any doors for me’.” — Bridgette Cameron

    Time Stamps

    1:16 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    3:08 - Meet today's special guest, Bridgette Cameron Ridenour
    3:58 - What's it like growing up with celebrity siblings, Kirk and Candace?
    11:36 - How she and her brother started their spiritual journey despite not growing up in a Christian home
    16:06 - Discover how their spiritual journey influenced the whole family and saved her parents' marriage
    19:32 - How a terrifying, life-changing event brought her closer to God and her purpose
    23:45 - Bridgette shares a profound moment when she felt God's presence speaking to her through Jeremiah 29:11
    30:05 - Little fun fact about their childhood pets!
    32:30 - Bridgette's speaking career: How her new book emphasizes faith and trust in God's timing
    36:40 - The power of handing the pen over
    40:39 - Bridgette acknowledges God for the meaningful work their family is doing
    48:48 - Where you can go to connect with Bridgette Cameron Ridenour and get her new book, 'Overlooked'



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  • Discover the transformative power of God’s Word with our special guest James Early.

    James started an amazing bible ministry years ago that is reaching men and women who need it most, behind bars.

    While many people in our society consider prisoners to be beyond help, it is clear in our conversation with James that God’s Word can work miracles anywhere it’s heard.

    Please join us today for this heartwarming message about discipleship, courage and obedience hosted by Chris Wilson and Jared Haley. Plus, there is some fun storytelling about James and Chris’s ‘Connecticut Connection’ and Jared’s short stint in a Colorado prison.

    "I've planted seeds, I've watered the seeds, but like the Bible says, 'God gives the increase'." — James Early

    Time Stamps

    00:49 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    2:40 - Meet today's special guest, James Early, Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster
    3:55 - Discover the surprising connection between Host Chris Wilson and James
    10:30 - James recounts the roots of his passion for sharing God's word, and his journey into podcasting and Bible ministry
    14:45 - Discover his prison ministry's transformative impact, bringing hope and redemption to confined hearts
    21:00 - Witnessing an inmate's remarkable transformation
    30:02 - Finding spiritual connection through our questions and doubts
    36:47 - Co-host Jared Haley shares his prison venture
    44:10 - When faith is restored from responding to the Bible
    48:53 - How to connect with James Early, 'The Bible Speaks to You' Podcast + Free Resources & Coaching Program



    · The Bible Speaks To You Podcast

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  • Is public speaking really feared more than death?

    Actually, according to the National Institutes of Mental Health, 75% of people rank the fear of public speaking number one.

    Fortunately for our amazing Strong By Design audience, we have an expert public speaker on the show today. Sabine Kvenberg is an author, actress, singer, songwriter, coach and amazing human being.

    Sabine shares her passion for coaching others to overcome their fears of speaking and performing in front of others to become their best selves. If you need that spark and courage to speak in front of others, you’re in the right place. Plus, listen up closely as this is the first and only episode in nearly 7 years with a guest who sings during the interview!

    “We have to become the person we are meant to be, to live the life we are destined to live.” -Sabine Kvenberg

    Time Stamps

    00:59 - Welcome to the 'Strong by Design' Podcast
    2:38 - Meet today's special guest, Sabine Kvenberg
    4:37 - Sabine's passion for public speaking: Innate or developed?
    11:10 - Sabine on transforming fear of the unknown into fuel for dreams
    14:52 - Real vs. Reel: The difference between live stage and filming
    23:54 - Sabine recounts the moment that lifted her to new heights of success
    29:02 - Just do it: The power of making things happen
    34:31 - Sabine's success stories: Transforming clients into confident public speakers
    38:50 - Sabine talks about her new book, 'Become Empowered,' and the inspiration behind it
    45:32 - Discover how her podcast aims to empower listeners to take action and make a lasting impact
    53:04 - The power of expertise: Why hiring a coach matters
    55:04 - Where you can go to connect with Sabine Kvenberg, and level up your communication skills



    · VIP Guest List – Become Book Launch

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  • In this episode, we delve into a transformative approach to weight loss and wellness with Brandice Lardner, the visionary behind Grace Filled Plate. As a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach, Brandice offers a fresh perspective that goes beyond conventional dieting methods.

    Brandice's philosophy is simple yet profound … she believes that there's more to life than endless cycles of restriction and guilt. Rooted in her faith, she champions the idea that God's grace extends to every aspect of our lives, including our relationship with food.

    Throughout the conversation, Brandice shares practical insights and strategies to help listeners break free from the shackles of diet culture and embrace a healthier, more balanced approach to eating. She emphasizes the importance of self-compassion and forgiveness, urging her audience to release themselves from the burden of "diet baggage."

    Drawing on her own experiences and those of her clients, Brandice demonstrates how cultivating a mindset of grace can lead to profound transformation, both physically and emotionally. By shifting the focus from deprivation to abundance, she empowers individuals to make sustainable lifestyle changes that honor their bodies and nourish their souls as God intended for us.

    "God's grace gives us the strength to accomplish our diet goals." -Brandice Lardner

    Time Stamps

    1:15 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast
    1:21 – Meet today's special guest, Brandice Lardner
    3:11 - Her struggle with food since her teenage years, overeating and eating disorders
    3:58 - Creating her ministry, Grace Filled Plate
    5:47 - Why do we need God's grace in our eating?
    9:45 - How to open a conversation with someone about faith-based dieting
    10:51 - Brandice believes that God's biblical principles work for everyone
    12:26 - Give ourselves a week, three days, or 24 hours to celebrate our wins!
    16:17 - How to align body image with God's word
    17:52 - Appreciation for all things; God calls us to be thankful in all circumstances
    23:09 - Brandice shares that 'God is the weight loss plan'
    25:07 - Follow your gut instinct - Why we cannot do everything all at once!
    27:23 - Her group coaching program - Graduate School for Food Freedom
    36:45 - Can faith-based nutrition be available to the youth?
    45:05 - How to connect with Brandice, her Podcast, programs, and courses



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  • Dan KILLMODE Long is back at the Critical Bench Compound to sit down with friend and host Mike Westerdal. His energy, passion and heart for people is undeniable as you will soon discover.

    He is known as the man with the most energy in the galaxy... and a super passionate 7-figure entrepreneur known world-wide.

    Dan has been featured in and on Fox news, CNBC, ABC, Men's Health and was even on Jillian Michael's Spike TV show Sweat Inc!

    In this episode you will find out about Dan's company Kill Mode Online and how it is helping thousands of people in the health and fitness space and his newest company Fitness Passion to Profits is helping others generate 6-7 figures online.

    Dan, aka ‘Kill Mode’ is co-host of the Born to Impact podcast and is a GO-GIVER with a huge heart…. Just wait until you hear about what he has done for kids with cancer… GOOSE BUMPS!

    Dan is also a loving husband, and father of 3 grown children.

    "Those little pivotal moments are literally game changers." — Dan Long

    Time Stamps

    0:48 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast

    1:40 - Meet today's special guest, Kill Mode Dan Long, founder of Kill Mode Training Company

    3:14 - Soul Searching: Why you should not chase the Dollar

    5:40 - Dan recounts his journey until he got into Health and Fitness

    10:02 - His career shift from 'Baker Dan' to the Restaurant Industry

    15:01 - Divorce leads Dan to fight for his kid's custody

    18:39 - How Fr. Stavros of St. John the Baptist Greek Orthodox Church changed his Christian life

    26:50 - Where was 'Kill Mode' born?

    32:42 - The importance of learning how to market

    42:19 - 90 Booked Hours: Dan's turning point in the personal training field

    49:00 - The impact of COVID on making money online

    51:29 - Taking the Lead: Finding a coach who shares your values

    58:18 - Learning from your Failures

    1:01:00 - Dan talks about his Mastermind journey

    1:04:12 - 'Your network is your net worth': The ultimate goal in marketing

    1:09:23 - Dan shares the backstory that led him to launch a charity at Children's Cancer Center

    1:16:07 - What happens to the 12 percent of people who go to college

    1:17:20 - Billionaires vs Millionaires: What is the difference?

    1:20:24 - Dan shares one of his clients' empowering stories

    1:27:05 - The easiest way to start figuring out your gift

    1:30:32 - Where you can go to connect with Kill Mode Dan Long

    1:31:54 - What's the most priceless commodity?



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  • Did you know the average couple waits 6 years to get help in their marriage. That's 6 years of pain, hurt, frustration and lost opportunity.

    On this episode of Strong By Design we have special guests Dr. Robert and Sharla Snow — themselves married for 31 years — helping other married couples find and develop the tools to strengthen their relationships.

    Their podcast, The Master Your Marriage show, delivers straight-talking guidance on how to fill your marriage with fun, friendship and love, without it ever feeling like "hard work."

    Today co-hosts Jared Haley and Chris Wilson discuss the value in identifying strengths and weaknesses in your relationship, how to navigate triggers, the five areas to examine in your marriage and much more.

    No matter how long you've been struggling with your marriage, or how long it's been since you've felt that "spark," Robert and Sharla promise you, there is hope!

    "Relationships are a lot more disposable now than they used to be." - Robert & Sharla Snow

    Time Stamps

    1:02 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast

    2:55 - Meet today's special guests, Robert & Sharla Snow

    7:17- Divine Institution: How Marriage mirrors the process of becoming a better spouse

    8:27 - Discover a captivating story of their first few years of marriage

    15:04 - Marriage as a Masterclass: The goal and mission of parents

    19:45 - Sharla talks about the value of identifying the strengths and weaknesses in the relationship

    23:11 - Vision Statement: What does it look like to have a 'shared' future?

    26:13 - The value of creating rituals in a relationship

    30:24 - Value-driven Behavior: The Snow's share the ultimate goal of their podcast

    31:43 - 69 percent of relationships have THIS problem

    38:27 - Understanding the patterns that compromise goodwill

    41:52 - The importance of 'Code Words' in promoting healthy conflict

    49:43 - How to bring God into the aspect of marriage

    54:42 - Unspoken Resentments: When should you apologize?

    1:02:05 - To be Influenced: What's the kind of relationship we want?

    1:09:35 - The power of 'Friendship' in marriage

    1:14:10 - Where you can go to connect with Robert & Sharla Snow and learn more about their Podcasts



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  • Dan is the former Vice-President of the Magic Kingdom, Walt Disney World, Florida.

    He attended Boston University, graduating in 1991, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. After spending 5 years working for Walt Disney in France, Dan relocated to Florida and held a variety of executive roles at the Walt Disney World Resort, both in the theme parks and resort hotels. His last 9 years with the company, he was successively Vice President of Epcot, Vice president of Disney’s Hollywood Studios and eventually Vice President of the Magic Kingdom where he led 12,000 cast members and entertained over 20 million guests annually.

    After a fulfilling and exciting 26-year career with the Walt Disney Company, Dan and his wife Valerie made the decision to set out on a new venture and start their own consulting and speaking business. Dan provides customized, authentic presentations, insightful workshops, and one on one coaching, focusing on leadership and management practices drawing upon his extensive Disney career with relevant examples and inspiring storytelling.

    In this episode, Jared and Dan talk about Dan's book How's the Culture in Your Kingdom? The speak about the importance of leading yourself first before you can lead others. Self-awareness is not as easy to come by as you may think. We must be intentional to grow and develop our own abilities to move into a space where we can successfully lead others.

    "I may not be good at the beginning, and I may fail, but by practicing and trying, it's going to make me better, it's going to make me understand it more." - Dan Cockerell

    Time Stamps

    1:18 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast

    2:05 - Meet today's special guest, Dan Cockerell

    4:10 - Dan on seeing life in Clear Chapters

    6:57 - Torrens University Australia: Find out the focus of the school

    8:34 - Dan recounts his wife's Disney journey

    10:04 - How a simple 'HI' led to 30 years of marriage

    12:25 - The Intentionality of being present at home

    16:40 - Dan talks about his book 'How's the Culture in Your Kingdom?'

    19:14 - Dan dives deep into Physical Fitness: Ways to stay healthy

    24:49 - What is the Alphabet Workout?

    27:51 - Fixed Mindset vs Growth Mindset: Ways to keep Mentally fit

    32:23 - Moral Fitness: The integrity of being known for who you are

    37:00 - What does it take to be a good leader?

    41:45 - Motivation-Based Interviewing: The Do's and Don’ts for a job interview

    45:17 - Dan recounts the historical and fun moments at Disney

    51:14 - Who Disney was 20 years ago vs now?

    54:37 - Get the book, 'How's the Culture in Your Kingdom?'


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  • In our latest episode, we had the pleasure of hosting Jennifer Jenkins, a Holistic Registered Nurse, Health Advocate, Wellness Specialist, and Certified Health Coach on a mission to empower individuals to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives by addressing the root causes of health issues. Jennifer's passion and expertise shine through as she shares her insights into creating a movement for better health.

    Jennifer understands that raising awareness alone is not enough to drive meaningful change in people's lives. She recognizes that individuals need ongoing coaching, accountability, access to a supportive community, and a holistic plan based on credible sources of information to make substantial and lasting improvements in their health and well-being.

    Our conversation delves deep into Jennifer's approach to equipping individuals with the precise tools and strategies needed to enact profound changes in their health. From identifying root causes to implementing holistic wellness plans, Jennifer's guidance empowers individuals to take charge of their health journey.

    The heart of our discussion centers on the importance of creating a movement for better health. Jennifer shares inspiring stories of transformation from her clients, highlighting the tangible impact that her holistic approach has had on their lives. Her dedication to helping others achieve optimal health and pave the way for abundant living is evident throughout the episode.

    Join us for an enlightening conversation that explores the power of holistic wellness and the steps individuals can take to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. Jennifer Jenkins's commitment to empowering others to address the root causes of their health challenges is both inspiring and transformative.

    This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking actionable insights and strategies to embark on their own journey toward better health and well-being. Together, we can create a movement that inspires lasting change.

    "Living a healthy lifestyle should not be for the rich and famous — this should be for everybody." - Jennifer Jenkins

    Time Stamps
    1:04 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast

    1:09 - Meet today's special guest, Jennifer Jenkins

    02:36 - How her struggles with her own health served as an inspiration to start studying Nutrition

    11:00 - Work-life Harmony: The importance of surrounding oneself with others that value health

    17:23 - Nutrition is Key: How did she get started in fitness and wellness?

    25:15 - What factors contribute to food intolerance?

    29:53 - 'Voting with our Forks': Discover how to heal the Gut Lining

    35:26 - Find out what type of clients she works with

    37:19 - What does it look like to work with Jennifer

    41:04 - Consistency is Key: Jennifer on the timelines for transformational healthcare

    42:55 - Where you can go to connect with Jennifer Jenkins

    43:41 - Creating a movement for better health: Jennifer's reassuring message to those who feel isolated


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  • In this episode of the Strong by Design Podcast, Jared sits down Grace Family Church Clearwater's Associate Pastor Jeff Countryman to speak practically on how we can effectively raise our children to know and love Jesus.

    As a father of 3, now adult boys, Jeff is able to speak into what he and his wife were intentional about while raising their children in a home that loves Jesus.

    As a leader, Jeff is a humble, strong, motivated, and organized individual. His experiences have helped to shaped him into a compassionate, relational, and connected Pastor. He loves God, and he loves people with his entire heart. His priorities and passions are simple: God, Family, People, Local Church, Golf, and Working out. Now that is a GREAT list!

    "When I look back, the thing that I am so proud of is raising our kids, and they love Jesus." - Jeff Countryman

    Time Stamps

    1:14 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast

    1:37 - Meet today's special guest, Pastor Jeff Countryman

    4:41 - What does it look like to raise children to follow Jesus in this day and age

    9:49 - The importance of being intentional with naming your kids

    16:52 - The two highest callings in life: Being a husband and a father

    18:31 - Pastor Jeff recounts his family's journey with Jesus

    21:00 - Understanding why you should keep the boundaries

    28:00 - Correcting the misconception and understanding of what is love and discipline

    30:21 - The idea of Discipline: Explaining the Why

    36:40 - Why is it important to set an atmosphere for your kids

    43:29 - Discernment Sixth Sense: What is it?

    45:27 - Who is Jeff Countryman? Discover his Pastoral journey

    52:19 - Pastor Jeff shares his empowering story amid his 'Existential Crises'

    55:35 - Turn to God: How to respond when you mess up?


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  • Denis Phillips' desire to be a television meteorologist began by seeing Santa on radar when he was 6 years old. It's true! Although, severe weather really hooked him. He is one of those crazies you'll see tied to a palm tree in a category 3 hurricane... doing a live shot... sideways.

    After stops in Gainesville, Providence, and Los Angeles, Denis finally ended up in Tampa. He says the Bay area offers all the challenges weather-wise he could ever hope for: severe thunderstorms, tropical storms, and plenty of opportunities to tie himself to a palm tree! LOL

    In this episode, Jared and Denis dive into their mutual interest of severe weather. Later in the episode, Denis opens up about the challenges that come from being a 24-7 weather man, and balancing that life with also being a husband and father of six children. Denis loves his community, and is always working hard to keep them prepared for whatever weather will come their way.

    "You need to listen to what the person you trust is saying, not just go on Facebook and read some blog or get some information that it's hard to put in context sometimes." - Denis Phillips

    Time Stamps

    1:01 - Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast
    1:28 - Meet today's special guest, Denis Phillips
    7:11 - Discover what inspired him to become a Meteorologist
    10:54 - Denis talks about their 'Fundraising Tumblers'
    13:15 - Understanding the indications of a Tornado
    17:48 - Denis shares the story of a guy who encountered a giant tornado
    19:22 - Find out the motivation behind 'Rule #7'
    23:39 - Benchmark of Career: He recounts the disastrous storm 'Charlie' that hit Tampa Bay
    32:54 - El Niño vs La Niña: What is it and why is it happening?
    37:32 - Denis on being transparent with his work-life balance
    45:09 - Fun weather question: Does a Meteorologist have access to high-tech radar?
    49:08 - Denis' advice to Dads: The importance of recognizing your child's personality


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  • Hope is still very much alive!

    Today’s special guest is the man behind the Seeds of Hope Children’s Ministry, John Chalkias (pronounced Chalk-Is). John might be one of the most inspiring men we’ve ever had on the SBD podcast which is a bold statement. His passion and love for children is truly remarkable. He and his wife Susan have 9 children of their own!

    In 1996 Seeds of Hope Children’s Ministry™ opened the first home for HIV/AIDS children in Thailand. Since that time, they have been involved in bringing aid to children in several countries. Their biggest projects are in Ndola, Zambia. The Buseko Children’s Home is the first and currently the only Home in Zambia specifically for HIV/AIDS affected or infected children.

    Seeds of Hope relies on the generous involvement from people like you, who are able to support the ministry through their gifts of time, money, prayer, or gifts in kind. Seeds of Hope Children’s Ministry exists to equip children and those in need to love and serve Jesus Christ while becoming healthy, educated, responsible members of society.

    "I just want people to know that God's calling all of us... What happens if you answer those calls? Because we get them all the time. We just don't hear them." -John Chalkias

    Time Stamps

    1:20 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast

    4:17 - Meet today's special guest, John Chalkias, Executive Director and co-founder of Seeds of Hope

    9:44 - What led John to start the Child Sponsor program

    14:42 - Failure to Thrive: John's heartbreaking experience in Thailand

    20:14 - How a 'False Positive' HIV test impacts children neglected by society

    22:06 - Saving the HIV Orphans in Africa

    31:02 - John shares a shocking death story of an 18-month-old baby

    33:07 - The Vision of Eternity: The beauty of life after death

    38:10 - Anti-Retrovirals (ARVs): What is it and how does it work?

    39:09 - The importance of quality education in Zambia

    40:36 - Be in a Relationship with God: How should we respond to God's calling?

    49:07 - Discover how the school's Education and Scholarship program works

    54:00 - John shares a motivational message about God's calling for you

    54:50 - Get the books, 'Amazing Abundance' and 'You Too Can Have An Amazing Life'

    55:17 - What's next for John Chalkias with Seeds of Hope Children's Ministry

    1:02:13 - A powerful story of a little girl who came out of her shell

    1:10:47 - Connect with John Chalkias and Seeds of Hope Children's Ministry

    1:11:53 - John's book, The Eulogy (Proverbs 21:21): a story of two wicked brothers


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  • In this episode, Coach Tonya has the privilege of speaking with Kathy Mize, the CEO of Ready for Life, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing vital support, resources, and guidance to former foster care youth as they transition into adulthood.

    Ready For Life's mission is not just about giving these young adults a lifeline; it's about equipping them with the life skills and learning opportunities they need to thrive.

    Kathy shares an inspiring and deeply impactful conversation about the heart of Ready for Life's work … Youth Voice. She explains how Youth Voice has become the cornerstone of their organization's growth. The desire of these young adults is simple yet profound … to know that there is at least one person in the community who cares deeply about their existence.

    One of the most remarkable aspects of Ready for Life's work is their incredible 94% success rate. Kathy reveals how the organization supports young adults who are now raising their own children, helping them break the cycle of child abuse by providing invaluable parenting support and mentorship.

    Join us for an eye-opening conversation that sheds light on the extraordinary work of Ready for Life and the unwavering dedication of Kathy Mize.

    This episode is a powerful reminder of the importance of extending a helping hand to those who have faced adversity and the profound impact that a caring community can have on the lives of former foster care youth. It's an exploration of resilience, empowerment, and the enduring belief that every young person deserves a chance to flourish.

    "We have learned to listen and hear what they have to say, hear what the needs are, hear what the barriers are... What can we help remove so you can be successful?" - Kathy Mize

    Time Stamps

    1:03 – Welcome to the ‘Strong by Design’ podcast

    1:10 - Meet today's special guest, Kathy Mize

    2:28 - Kathy on what prompted her to start the 'Ready for Life'

    5:19 -Discover the reality of teenagers in foster homes after they turn 18

    7:06 - Ready for Life's mission for foster children

    9:05 - Learning Life Skills: The importance of listening to the Youth's Voice

    12:21 - Ways to get involved with 'Ready for Life'

    14:33 - Breaking the Cycle: How the program resonates with parenting

    17:05 - Into the future: Kathy talks about the main goal of 'Ready for Life' in every community

    19:18 - Lending a Hand: Ways to engage with foster care

    21:52 - Kathy recounts a successful story about the journey of these foster young adults

    25:25 - Kathy on why becoming a foster child is NOT a choice

    28:00 - Ready for Life: Traditions and Boundaries

    31:21 - Connect with Kathy and learn more about the 'Ready for Life' organization



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