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The Marketing Science Podcast from AZoNetwork is a series of podcasts for sales and marketing professionals working within Science, Engineering and Healthcare.
Each week we interview a different guest who shares their insights and experience from working on the front line of science communications.
#MarketingScience #SciComms #Marketing
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Le rendez-vous de ceux qui veulent tout savoir sur la vie intime des animaux et des végétaux : leurs habitudes, leur manière de se combattre et de s’aimer... Avec le naturaliste Laurent Tillon
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Mijn intentie is dat dit een podcast wordt die oprecht, ongepolijst en openhartig is en zowel de magie als de chaotische momenten van het leven weerspiegelt en van wat het betekent om een mens te zijn, met onze mooie en minder mooie kantjes.
Interviews bevatten gesprekken met personen die op mijn pad kwamen of overstaken, terwijl ze me leerden, me ontroerden of misschien zelfs verwarden
Leven hoeven we niet alleen te doen. Dat is nooit de bedoeling geweest.
Mijn dank aan Spijkers voor de toestemming om gebruik te maken van het nummer: Alle Seizoenen -
Starting a life science company is hard.
In this podcast series, we speak with recent founders about their experiences and explore the challenges they face in starting a company - as well as the challenges in their chosen field.
Finally, we ask our guests to share a book that has helped shape their journey - great reading for any future founder.
This Podcast Series is produced for LifeScience ORG, a community of CEOs and founders in the life science/biotech/pharma/medtech/industrial bio sectors.
Your host is scientist-turned-communicator (and podcast producer) Dr David Kirk.
Episode length: 10-15 Minutes -
This podcast is my take on topics in veterinary medicine relating primarily to dogs and cats. My mission is to educate and inform, for the general public, veterinarians and veterinary nurses. All are welcome. If you are interested in science, animals and veterinary medicine please give this podcast a try!
Contact me with questions/comments at: [email protected] -
Sarah Mouhamou gaat in gesprek met ontwikkelingspsychologe Telidja Klaï over alle kleine en grote stappen die peuters en kleuters nemen. Kleine kinderen ontwikkelen zich razendsnel en staan voor een heleboel eerste keren. Sarah vertelt zowel over haar eigen ervaringen met zoontje Nouh als over die van jonge ouders uit haar omgeving. Telidja biedt de nodige inzichten en handvaten zodat je als ouder of opvoeder weet hoe ermee om te gaan.
Beluister ook samen met je kind de podcast 'Sokpops eerste keer' (Ketnet Junior) waarin Sokpop voor een aantal eerste gebeurtenissen staat. Deze podcast is op maat van peuters en kleuters gemaakt. -
In deze podcast ga ik in gesprek met moraalwetenschappers, filosofen, ethici en andere academici over hun academisch onderzoek. Hun inspiratie, de opzet van hun onderzoek, hun proces, de relevantie en de conclusies die ze hieruit trekken. In het gesprek navigeren we samen door hun onderzoek op een laagdrempelige en verstaanbare manier. We focussen ons op onderwerpen die ons als mensen in de huidige wereld bezig houden.
Audio editing en muziek door Stijn Van den Bosch.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Transmission is the award-winning podcast of the Institute of Tropical Medicine in Antwerp. Explore the exciting journeys of scientists and physicians battling diseases worldwide, from confronting Ebola in distant villages to the fight against COVID-19 in bustling urban settings. Join our researchers in their quest for a healthier world, from war zones to indigenous communities, addressing pressing issues like maternal deaths, HIV stigma, and access to life-saving drugs.
Transmission: your front-row seat to the world of health, science and beyond. New episodes drop on Thursdays. -
Welcome to All Pulp No Fiction podcast - the ultimate source of evidence-based information for dental professionals! Our show is dedicated to discussing current issues related to the dental field, with a focus on providing accurate and scientifically-backed insights. We invite experts from various fields to share their extensive knowledge, ensuring that our listeners receive the most reliable information possible. Please note that this podcast is supported by GC Corporation and is tailored specifically to dental professionals only.
Welkom bij Bioruimte, de podcast waarin gastheren Nathan en Wietse de schoonheid en complexiteit van de natuur verkennen. Elke maand nemen ze je mee op een boeiende reis door het rijk van planten, dieren, fungi en ecosystemen, bespreken ze recente nieuwtjes en delen ze hun eigen avonturen.
Van grote wouden tot de microscopische wereld van eencelligen, Nathan en Wietse - gepassioneerde (student en afgestudeerd) biologen - praten met veel kennis en enthousiasme over alles wat de natuur te bieden heeft.
Of je nu een doorgewinterde natuurliefhebber bent of je interesse net geprikkeld is, pak je koptelefoon en kom alles te weten over de prachtige diversiteit van het leven op onze planeet.
Reacties zijn welkom! Contacteer de podcast via Instagram (@bioruimte_podcast), Facebook (@Bioruimte podcast) of via een mail naar [email protected]. -
Τα κέντρα συμβουλευτικής και ψυχοθεραπείας INTERNUS παρέχουν ένα ευρύ φάσμα υπηρεσιών σε ό, τι αφορά τη θεραπεία, την αποκατάσταση, την πρόληψη και την προαγωγή της ψυχικής υγείας βασιζόμενοι στη Γνωστική Συμπεριφορική Ψυχοθεραπεία (CBT).
Ο κλινικός ψυχολόγος και επικεφαλής των κέντρων Καργάκης Εμμανουήλ και οι συνεργάτες του στηριζόμενοι σε ένα σύγχρονο και συνεχές πλαίσιο εποπτείας, εκπαίδευσης και επιμόρφωσης μέσω παρακολούθησης εθνικών και διεθνών συνεδρίων ψυχολογίας εξασφαλίζουν την παροχή των πιο σύγχρονων υπηρεσιών σε θέματα ψυχικής υγείας.
Κλείστε το ραντεβού σας | ☎ 6946253300 -
‘Translating Proteomics’ explores the science of proteomics and its growing impact on biological research, biomarker discovery, drug development, food and energy security, and a range of other timely topics. Hosts Parag Mallick Ph.D. and Andreas Huhmer Ph.D. of Nautilus Biotechnology aim to share their perspectives on important issues in proteomics, deepen your love of science, and prompt you to question assumptions about what may be possible.
Welcome to 'Biomedical Frontiers: Stories with Innovators in Healthcare,' a podcast produced by the University of Virginia's Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research.
Biomedical Frontiers is a forum for in-depth discussions at the intersection of healthcare technology and translational research. We feature leading voices from the University of Virginia community and the broader biomedical industry. Each episode explores pivotal research projects and disruptive innovations aimed at translating scientific advancements into tangible healthcare solutions. Rooted in the Coulter Center's mission, this podcast seeks to dissect the methodologies and implications of explicitly translational research, examining their potential to reshape medical practice and patient outcomes.
Join us on this intellectual voyage, where we unravel the complexity of biomedical innovation, fostering a deeper understanding of its impact on healthcare and the broader scientific community. Notable guests of the podcast include Dr. Nathan Price, Chief Science Officer of Thorne Health and co-author of The Age of Scientific Wellness: Why the Future of Medicine is Personalized, Predictive, Data Rich and in Your Hands, Dr. Natasha Sheybani, a pioneering researcher in Focused Ultrasound Immunotherapy and the winner of Forbes 30 under 30 in Science, and Dr. Jennifer West, University of Virginia’s Dean of the School of Engineering.
Director & Host: Dasha Tyshlek, StratCraft, Inc.
Executive Producer: David Chen, Managing Director & Instructor of Engineering Design, UVA Coulter Center
Senior Producer: Hannah Moore, Associate Director, UVA Coulter Center
Design Director: Carolyn Wagner, Inc. & Link:
Produced by the Wallace H. Coulter Center for Translational Research at University of Virginia.
Sei il Lupo racconta il ciclo di vita, le esperienze e le emozioni di un lupo dal punto di vista del lupo stesso.
La relazione con i suoi simili, con il territorio, con gli altri animali che lo abitano e quella millenaria con l’Essere Umano, sono al centro di una narrazione che vuole coinvolgere per stimolare all'approfondimento e, soprattutto, a una migliore convivenza.
L'interpretazione è affidata alla voce di Francesco Migliaccio, i contenuti di approfondimento sono di Laura Scillitani.
Il podcast è stato realizzato con il contributo finanziario del programma a LIFE, strumento finanziario dell'Unione Europea, tutti i dettagli al seguente link:
Di seguito l'elenco completo di tutti i 20 partner:
Progetto LIFE WOLFALPS EU (Life 18 NAT/IT/000972 - Azione E5). LIFE WolfAlps EU è un progetto europeo finanziato nell’ambito del programma LIFE Natura e Biodiversità, che beneficia del supporto di sei co-finanziatori. L’obiettivo è migliorare la coesistenza fra il lupo e le persone che vivono e lavorano sulle Alpi e nel corridoio appenninico Ligure-Piemontese, costruendo e realizzando soluzioni condivise insieme ai portatori di interesse. Il progetto coinvolge un partenariato internazionale di 20 Enti ed è attivo dal 1 settembre 2019 al 30 settembre 2024.