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What lurks in Chicago radio personality Cara Carriveau's basement? Subscribe to this podcast to find out! Cara has a knack for striking up casual conversations and you'll feel as if you are eavesdropping on candid conversations with rock stars, actors, comedians, authors and all types of entertainers. She has been a radio on-air personality in Chicago for two decades, currently on 101.9 WTMX "The Mix". This podcast is not affiliated with any radio station - it really is from Cara's Basement!
The Rizzcast Podcast explores the exciting and sometimes intricate life of being an entrepreneur and creative, while encouraging the pursuit of passions and dreams from a Biblical worldview.
Justin Rizzo is a worship leader, songwriter, and filmmaker based in the Midwest, USA. He is passionate about authentic worship and creativity, focused on bringing glory to Jesus and surrendering our lives to Him. Justin also dedicates himself to raising up and coaching worship leaders and creatives of all types, nurturing their growth and success. In addition, he owns Firelight Creative, a production company that has produced multiple award-winning musicals and films, and hosts gatherings for creatives both online and in person. Justin travels extensively to lead worship and speak at events worldwide. -
Podcast, trajanje preko 60 minuta.
Emisija rodonačelnika gonzo novinarstva i pisanja u Srbiji.
Dule Nedeljković preferira bona fide stil pisanja i identičnog govora. Insistira da naziva stvari pravim imenom a takva iskrenost se očekuje i od gostiju u podkastu. U trenutku kada se društvo brendiralo na njihove i naše, postoji Treći svet, koji ne trpi ograničenja i ne govori „mi“ umesto „ja“. Svako kome je govornica nedostupna ili ima iskrenu želju da se ispovedi, dobro došao je.
Razgovori će biti usmereni ka budućnosti, svaki gost će biti instruisan pred snimanje. Svi će dobiti unapred temu razgovora i neće se tolerisati nespremnost za spremnost u učestvovanju. Gonzo novinarstvo je novinarski stil koji se piše subjektivno, često uključujući samog izvještača kao deo priče putem naracije u prvom licu. Gonzo novinarstvo ima tendenciju da favorizuje stil na račun tačnosti i često koristi lična iskustva i emocije kako bi se prikazao kontekst teme ili događaja koji je pokriven. Karakteriše ga upotreba citata, sarkazma, humora, preterivanja i psovki. Ocem gonzo novinarstva smatra se Hanter S, Tomson, američki novinar i pisac. Ako vas još nešto zanima, guglajte! -
"I Was There" looks at the creation of Broadway's greatest works -- from the perspective of the original cast who brought it to life. From auditions to previews, rehearsals, and performances, the podcast looks at changes made along the way, the creative and personal challenges faced by the cast and creative team, and what it was like to birth one of Broadway's greatest musicals.
Hosted by David Meyers. -
Hmm, što reći.
Osoba koja voli pričati je, bez ikakve nade, počela snimati noćni podcast. Ako ne znate što je noćni podcast, dajte da objasnim. Podcast koji se snima po noći sa samo upaljenom lampom, tako da dobijemo taj intimni doživljaj. Upravo tako biste i vi trebali slušati. U mraku, na slušalicama. Podcast o knjigama. Podcast o filmovima. Podcast o random pričama. Ukratko, podcast o svemu.
Ako vam se ovo što ste čuli sviđa, drago mi je i nadam se da se slušamo opet. -
In a genre-redefining first, Breakthrough bursts onto the singing competition scene with an electrifying, audio-only series that strips away the superficial to reaffirm what matters most: pure talent. The captivating new Audible Original invites listeners on an intimate musical journey where it doesn't matter what you look like or who you know, just how you sound. Based solely on what they hear, expert celebrity judges Kelly Rowland (Destiny’s Child, The X Factor) and Sara Bareilles (Waitress, Into the Woods, Girls5eva) coach and evaluate five undiscovered artists as host Daveed Diggs (Hamilton, Blindspotting, The Little Mermaid) leads competitors through a series of high-stakes singing and songwriting challenges for one top spot.
As musically gifted as they are artistically unique, each finalist is driven by the same dream: to become music’s next must-listen. But to break through, they’ll have to dig deep, pushing their vocal, songwriting, and recording chops to their absolute limits while keeping their feet (and emotions) firmly grounded. With Kelly and Sara leading the way, each contestant will discover just how bright their star can shine as they remind each of us that pure talent is never just a shot in the dark.
Listen to all of the songs from Breakthrough on Amazon Music or wherever you get your music:
This is an Audible Original, produced by At Will Media.
The piece is a lengthy, enthusiastic review of Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas Is You" written from the perspective of Martha Mae Butterworth, a spirited elderly woman who is obsessed with Christmas. Martha Mae's personality shines through as she dissects the song while constantly going off on tangents about her own Christmas traditions, her long-suffering but patient husband Harold, her extensive collections of Christmas decorations, and her position as the self-appointed Christmas Queen of Maple Street. The review is written in a warm, conversational style, as if Martha Mae is chatting with friends over hot cocoa. She frequently mentions her competitions with her neighbor Mrs. Henderson, her various Christmas-related mishaps, and her ever-growing collections of holiday decorations that drive her husband Harold to gentle exasperation. The piece combines musical analysis with personal anecdotes, all filtered through Martha Mae's exuberant love of everything Christmas-related. The review ends with a playful outro where Martha Mae needs to hurry back to her Christmas preparations, including a plug for "quiet please dot AI" delivered in her characteristic enthusiastic style. The overall tone is humorous, warm, and filled with the kind of excessive Christmas spirit that makes Martha Mae both endearing and amusingly over-the-top in her holiday devotion.
Vratimo zajedno zabavu u čitanje i čitanje u naše živote.
Kroz kratke, zabavne i informativne osvrte na knjige koje čitam i volim nastojat ću vam pomoći da pronađete one knjige zbog kojih ćete osjećati da je vrijeme izdvojeno za čitanje dobro iskorišteno, da ste se zabavili, opustili, ponešto naučili, otkrili sasvim nove lepeze interesa te na nov i drugačiji način razmislili o zanimljivim temama.
Hvala vam unaprijed na vašem vremenu, strpljenju i povjerenju!
Tipkamo se i čitamo
i IG @bibliovca -
A returning fan to the Warrior cats series combs through all 70-something books in a hedonistic exercise of nostalgia and literary curiosity. Along the way, he is joined by other fans, new and old, from within the Warriors community to discuss the canon works, the fan works, and the impact the books have had on their lives. And also whatever else they think of.
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories narrated by Hugh Bonneville.
A woman struck dead after hearing a haunting whistle. A series of child-like drawings scrawled throughout a country estate. A prize horse wandering the moors without an owner.
To the regular observer, these are merely strange anomalies. But for the master detective Sherlock Holmes they are the first pieces of an elaborate puzzle.
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