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Az Első yard a Pénzcentrum podcast sorozata. Olyan magyarokról szól, akik maradandót alkottak az üzleti szektorban. Azokra a kérdésekre keressük a választ, hogy mi motiválja őket, hogy nőttek fel, hogyan viszonyulnak a pénzhez. Hogyan alakították a karrierjüket, mit éreztek, amikor meghatározó sikereket értek el. Szoronganak-e még a jövőn, van-e B-tervük, mit tanítanak a pénzről, sikerről, vagyonról a gyerekeiknek, fiatalabb kollégáiknak.
Excellent Executive Coaching podcast will examples of leadership coaching issues and challenges. Excellent Executive Coaching will provide leadership coaching tips, strategies and resources that can resolve leadership issues. Subscribe today to learn about coaching top global leaders and their trials and successes.
The Excellent Executive Coaching podcast is a platform of discussion and a source of knowledge sharing between professional coaches and leaders. It promotes continued education for executive coaches and leaders around the world.
This podcast is mostly devoted to personal development and leadership coaching. The host is Dr. Katrina Burrus. She is a First Master Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation in Switzerland and founding Board Member for ICF Switzerland. She has served as an adjunct professor to several universities and speaks around the world on the topics of leadership coaching and Global Nomadic leadership and has been working as an executive coach for global leaders since 1994. -
Utah's Morning News hosts Brian Martin and Amanda Dickson sit down with Susan Speirs, a CPA and board member of the Utah Association of Certified Public Accountants or UACPA, and Shane Stewart, a Certified Financial Planner with Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators or DMBA, to find out what changes in tax law you need to know in 2018 before you file your 2017 IRS returns.
Inspiration meets practical advice in this podcast from the nation’s largest network of conferences for women in the workplace. For over 20 years, we’ve delivered insights from extraordinary women, such as Michelle Obama, Maya Angelou, Indra Nooyi, Elizabeth Gilbert, Serena Williams, and Brené Brown. Now, Women Amplified offers you a taste of the Conference each month to enjoy from the comfort of your own phone! Hosted by award-winning journalist Celeste Headlee, you can expect true stories and real-world advice from the most brilliant and successful women out there. We cover topics around leadership, career advancement, self-care, transitions and other relevant issues that women face. This is your go-to listening experience to help you navigate life in your career and at home and bring your best “you” to all that you do!
Mastering the Business of Yoga (M.B.Om for short) is a podcast was designed for new yoga teachers who want to create a successful career in yoga, but don't know where to start, or what to do. Each episode is hosted by yoga teacher & business graduate, Amanda Kingsmith, and features different, successful and inspiring yoga teachers who share their experiences in the yoga world, and the business lessons they have learned throughout their careers. Guests range from full-time yoga teachers, yoga studio owners, teachers who have branched off to create their own businesses, teachers who have developed their own teacher training, and much more.
How do you create a staple wardrobe? What trends are dominating the runways? Who’s the coolest new designer to watch? Join ultimate fashion insider Liv Perez for new episodes every Monday to hear the best in fashion news, styling tips, and interviews with top industry leaders that will leave you inspired to dress and feel your best self every day.
She Dynasty pronoun-noun / SHē dīnəstē /: An unstoppable force of ambitious women who turn their visions into realities. They inspire, mentor, and propel each other into ruling an initiative, business, field, or anything they set their mind to. We’ve searched far and wide for some kickass women, and you've gotta hear their stories.
The Headhunting Housewives Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing, and becoming certified as a Retained Recruiter & Career Coach. Through this podcast, you'll hear directly from the CEO of Kaplan Executive Search & Career Advisory, Diane O'Brien. The mission of Headhunting Housewives is to help women better understand the benefits of Career Coaching, the required skills and mindsets needed to receive or give career coaching, and how to focus on serving both your corporate and candidate clients, to get them the results that they seek within 90 days! Learn more at
A Demény Fefe által vezetett „A Sztori A Lényeg” podcast egyedülálló, szabad formációban mutatja be ismert és kevésbé ismert emberek történetét és gondolkodását. Az epizódok témái kötetlenek, a beszélgetések tartalmi szerkesztésen és cenzúrázáson nem esnek át.
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Amikor klasszikus sikertörténetekről beszélünk, akkor rendre tengerentúli vagy nemzetközi példákat hozunk fel, pedig hazánkban is van mire büszkének lennünk szép számmal. Vendégeim olyan sikeres emberek, akik itthon érték el az úgynevezett amerikai álmot. Beszélnek a sikerhez vezető útról, kudarcokról, kihívásokról, álmokról, életfelfogásról, kitartásról és mindarról, ami inspirál, ami motivál és ami utat mutathat a hétköznapokban bármelyikünk számára.
The Feminist Agenda is a podcast that will explore what it means to be a professional feminist, how to bring feminism into your work no matter what you do, and we’ll talk about how we keep our agendas organized. Some guests have women's studies degrees, some don't. Learn how you can make any job a feminist job.
The Feminist Agenda aims to be a mini-podcast. We get you in and out of the conversation because we know there is a lot of patriarchy to smash and white supremacy to address.