
  • Understanding the uniqueness of people around you is a key to success.

    Shani Bocian - the CEO of Allermi - started her career as an art historian, curator, and educator, but discovered that her passion lived in helping people feel well! The spark came by observing the incredible relief and improvement in lifestyle that her father- Dr. Bocian’s - custom allergy formulations brought to so many people in her local area. Shani knew that she could help even more people across the US and set about the business of scaling this into a profitable business.

    Her innovative approach to personalized prescribed nasal sprays captured the attention of patients and investors, but the road was not without its bumps. After many rejections and tough meetings, Shani absorbed the feedback and after some internal searching, came to understand how to effectively pitch her business. This shift in focus and being growth minded is the key point of every successful conversation with VCs, and Shani shares her recipe.

    Shani’s passion for her father's popular and effective treatments ultimately led her to the telemedicine field - which provides the ultimate convenience for patients with minor issues. Getting approval to operate Allermi in 45 states was certainly challenging, but Shani is exceptionally passionate about her mission to help people get relief!

    It just goes to show that the power of mission and determination can help to break barriers!

    🤧 Allergy season is in full swing, and Shani also had allergies. 02:45
    👨‍⚕️ Shani’s physician father developed “Bocian’s Potions” for nasal sprays: Shani combined her dad’s work and the convenience of internet selling. 03:25
    😍 When she realized she was not a teacher but an entrepreneur: she became excited about the idea of entrepreneurship and startup and fundraising. 06:27
    💦 Allermi customized nasal sprays and benefits of having customized products: reinventing the nasal spray industry. 09:05
    👃 The nose is the most inflammatory-prone area of our body. 11:10
    📺 Telehealth is revolutionary: getting evaluated by a physician online for minor issues.14:47
    💲 Funding for Allermi started with friends and family but grew to institutional and angel funding: the shift women need to make when talking to investors. 18:47
    💰 Rejections and feedback from VCs helped Shani modify her pitch: investors require data and financial projections. 23:26
    🫂 The demoralizing and hurt feelings that come when investors don’t understand your mission: having good support from people around you is crucial. 27:31
    📱 Old Girl’s Club on Slack: professional women support group for $12 /month. 30:02


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    Get your tickets for the 10th Annual She Leads LIVE conference - NYC October 17-19

    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

  • Don’t be ashamed of your authenticity.

    Jana N. Nagase is a film critic, columnist, and podcaster originally from Sao Paulo, Brazil. She is a member of the Critics Choice Association & Film Independent, and Brazilian International Press Association.

    Since 2012 she has supported the community with the columns she writes for Gazeta News, the biggest Brazilian newspaper in the US based in Florida. This year, her YouTube channel “Jana on Camera” celebrates its 10th anniversary. Jana on Camera provides behind-the-scenes interviews with artists from big studios, independent studios, and Latino newcomers in the entertainment industry.

    Jana shares her success and how she overcame many of the hardships that immigrant women face in trying to navigate the entertainment industry. She reveals her process of securing red carpet interviews from celebrities and addresses the level of preparation that’s required.

    Jana created a business from what she loves doing the most, despite many people telling her she didn’t have the right ‘look’ for this field of work. Naysayers can say what they want, but this tough lady proves that love, authenticity, and following the principles of good journalism can truly make miracles happen.

    The most important thing is to trust yourself and not let anybody else tell you who you are! Jana’s advice is to hold on to who you are in your heart and don’t change your essence or your accent - for anyone!!

    🇧🇷 Jana is a Brazilian immigrant: a broadcast communication graduate who transferred to the movie, entertainment, and TV. 03:06
    ⭐ Independent productions have more creative solutions. 04:56
    🗞️ The Gazeta News is the biggest Brazilian newspaper in the USA: the Brazilian community is big and Jana is supporting it by writing columns for the last 12 years. 06:14
    📺 Jana’s YouTube channel is about supporting and interviewing industry professionals like actors, directors, and producers from streaming platforms like Netflix and Disney+. 08:33
    🎤 How to get interviews from celebrities: talking with movie and theater professionals has some rules. 12:14
    🤓 Preparing for the interview for series and movies. 14:33
    😇 YouTube channel as business and all its challenges: Jana is proud of herself and her accomplishments, even though she never dreamed this life could happen to her. 18:06
    💎 Jane’s advice to immigrants: do what you love, believe in yourself, and nurture your authenticity. 24:21




    Connect with Adrienne:

    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

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  • Our inside wholeness is what creates prosperity.

    Ruchi Pinniger is a former Wall Street executive and founder at Watch Her Prosper. Her company provides financial mentorship, support, and services to women-led service-based businesses. After personal and family struggles, Ruchi shared a story about how one Prada bag taught her that true prosperity is in inner wholeness rather than material possessions.

    Even women would rather talk about their death than money, Ruchi explains that financial support and help are crucial to all businesses of all sizes. The numbers are data and when used properly can show a path one business should take, but creating a safe, non-judgmental space for women to discuss money is crucial for practical financial planning and support.

    Not only the financial support matters for business success but also our internal beliefs and self-care. Ruchi’s RIR concept (Recognize, Interrupt, Reframe) helps women shift from disempowering to empowering thoughts about money and success. This involves recognizing negative self-talk, interrupting it, and reframing it with positive affirmations.

    Both personal and societal conditioning are tough for women, and there is a need for a holistic approach that will include work but also balance it with well-being and self-compassion. Having more spaciousness and ease in our lives will lead to greater success. Reframing our habits and beliefs is the key and anything is possible for us after that.

    👧 Growing up without parents after 15: learning from an immigrant mom reinventing herself. 03:34
    🌺 What is prosperity and how to get it: well-being, our spirituality, and then our relationship with people and with money. 07:00
    ⚠️ Asking for support is crucial for business owners: numbers are data that provide info for the next steps.10:19
    😇 Planning and projecting in business: self-care is the first step in working things out. 13:58
    ⭐ Making yourself a priority impacts your business: let’s find time for ourselves. 17:17
    ⚡ Paying attention to the language you use with yourself: reframing it with the RIR concept. 18:41
    🧠 Subconscious thoughts are the root of our deeds and actions: everything starts in your mind. 24:30
    👀 Reframing the shame about loans: look at things from a different perspective. 33:30
    💎 The power of gratitude and trust: getting through the hard situations in higher vibration. 34:32


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    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

  • Saying Yes to opportunities in front of you is the key.

    Dina Sherman is a voice-over actress and the official announcer for the Annie Awards. She emphasizes the importance of storytelling, authenticity and the constant learning she gained through her extensive experience in animation, anime, commercials, radio, TV, and film.

    Her creative career started in elementary school with prank phone calls with impressions and continued with National awards for speaking. The transition from TV and stage to voice-overs was pivotal for her career. Her work in charity and helping underprivileged groups is a way to get back to the community and world for having a great and interesting job she adores. Dina’s focus is on literacy so her charity work in reading to kids and adults transformed towards digital format during COVID through her YouTube channel for kids.

    Women are usually pressured with all kinds of ‘shoulds’ and Dina shares how she is balancing this pressure from outside but also created within. As women go through different stages of life, exploring and enjoying all stages of wisdom and experience gained, is the road to happiness and a fulfilled life.

    👧 In times when Rolodex was in your brain: Dina’s prank phone calls with all sorts of impressions. 03:49
    🎭 Humorous and dramatic interpretation in high school: UCLA and first work on voiceovers. 05:11
    😍 Charity work, donations, working with kids and adults: reading and literacy is important for all groups. 10:14
    😇 COVID shut down the world but created creatives blossom: Dina’s readings for kids and teachers on YouTube channel. 14:27
    🤓 Being criticized and ashamed: don’t shoot yourself but appreciate your windows of opportunity. 22:00
    🌺 Women have stages in their lives and we are growing differently in each: adolescence and middle-essence discoveries. 26:45
    👂 Constant learning and the right approach to connection: hearing people and proper introduction. 31:49



    Connect with Adrienne:

    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

  • Women are real rock stars.

    A woman of many talents and passions, Amanda Samoyloff, is an actor, writer, producer, poet, and the founder of SamoyloffPR, specializing in branding and PR. Amanda started her creative journey from acting as a kid, then continued in her college days through speech and debate, but working with musicians in Hollywood, gave her a specific view towards PR.

    Combining her experience with rock stars, Amanda wanted to inject that Rock ‘n’ Roll vibe into clients’ branding while establishing women in the media landscape. As women are not being represented enough in the media, especially in male-dominated fields, women need to ensure diverse voices are heard out there. Women have the common issue of imposter syndrome, but we need to believe in ourselves and as soon as we pull from the backend into the spotlight it will significantly boost our businesses.

    Today, Amanda shares strategies about personal branding, the best time to hire a PR, how to leverage your story, and how to prepare before a product launch. Women need to be recognized, but to achieve that, it's important to ditch perfectionism, find time for ourselves, and believe in our strength. Establishing a healthy reward system and finding time for creative activities is crucial for preventing burnout.

    We need to shine our light, so let's just keep beating that drum and let’s get out there to rock!

    🧑‍🎤 National speech and debate award: after college, Amanda started doing PR for rock musicians in LA. 03:50
    👩‍💼 In 2020, she applied this experience to female founders and startups. 06:32
    🎭 Amanda has been acting since childhood, but her writing and poetry came in college. 09:47
    ⚡Steps for starts is getting to know your impact, and problems you are trying to solve: get to the podcast and then reverse engineer that to get a PR headline. 11:54
    ⚠️ Getting PR too late: get your PR campaign going at least 9 months before the product launch. 18:15
    ▶️ We have to claim our expertise: believe in yourself and stand in front of your company. 23:13
    ✍️ Poetry comes to Amanda usually when she's physically in motion: stories about relationships and growth. 28:17
    🔥 If your reward system is only linked to work, you will become burnout. 32:30
    🛑 If you don't work on yourself, your business isn't going to go anywhere: find time for yourself too. 34:14




    Connect with Adrienne:

    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    > >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

  • You must listen to this transformational, impactful, and thought-provoking episode with futurist and my new friend who I wish I could hang out with every single day, Latia Vaughan! Latia helps us to see that if you embrace who you are, and own your power, it will make the world turn!

    Futurist, thought leader, strategist, and best-selling author, Latia Vaughan works with people and businesses, helping them evolve and own their power. She represents ~1% of African American Woman Futurists in North America, and her data-driven insight, and future foresight, have not only illuminated industries but have also ignited a transformative spark in individuals and organizations alike!

    Latia left the corporate world to serve humanity in a more impactful way. She began coaching women and helping them build their businesses, as well as helping organizations with transformational consulting work. She emphasizes that evolution is not always pretty, but rather filled with messy parts and growth, as well as learning to collaborate together. She now leads a life dedicated to launching people and businesses into Evolution!

    If it’s not a loss, it’s a lesson - let’s turn those lessons into even bigger wins!

    👩🏾‍💼 Latia started in corporate America, but now she helps people and businesses evolve. 3:59
    🏫 The school system was built in the industrial age: think factories, you don't need to be creative, just comply. 8:24
    👉🏽 The difference between marketing and branding. 11:45
    🤯 Women are far behind in the business race: in the US, women couldn't own a business until 1988. 16:13
    🫱🏻‍🫲🏾 Ways for collaboration: setting what the mutual intention is for us to come together. 20:17
    💊 Latia's working with companies: the higher you go, there's less diversity. 24:07
    🤓 Run your business, like a jungle, not a garden. 27:33
    ▶️ Setting the confines and the climate and then allowing people to live within that realm. 29:34
    😇 We need our intuitive side when we are leading our businesses. 32:56
    ⚡ Latia is a futurist: she studies science, data, and politics to see what's coming next. 36:27
    🧠 Older people have the mental fortitude necessary to lead. 40:04
    💎 Unraveling who you are and owning your power is going to make the world turn. 42:13
    🌺 The beauty is in the jungle: we can grow when we appreciate what each of us brings to this experience. 46:54

    IG- @latiavaughan;

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    Connect with Adrienne:

    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

  • If you don’t believe in what you’re doing, how can you expect anyone else to?

    Jane Hanson is an Emmy award-winning television journalist, a coach, and a media trainer, working on helping people to communicate better. Jane believes in putting ourselves in someone else’s shoes, being respectful, and remembering there is no magic formula to good communication and relationship building.

    Statistics tell us that most of the people who are becoming entrepreneurs now are women. Jane encourages women to look around and see how many opportunities there are to help each other on our journey. We are surrounded by community, there are many ways in which we can help each other spread the word about our businesses, and the things we are passionate about.

    Never forget to have fun and not take anything too seriously!

    👠 Most of the people who are becoming entrepreneurs these days are women. 4:01
    😇 Being your own self-advocate: if you don't believe in what you're doing, how can you expect anybody else to? 7:40
    🤩 Jane never lets an opportunity slip by: don't say no, just hack it out! 11:38
    ⚠️ F.E.A.R. equals False Excuses to Avoid Risk. 15:35
    🤓 Different ways and platforms for pitching. 16:40
    👞 Putting yourself in someone else's shoes. 24:01
    👩‍💼 Jane does media training: managing available time and preparing yourself. 28:23
    🏆 Bridging - acknowledging what you can for the question, then, transition back to your message. 32:08
    🎥 Video yourself and see what is good and what needs improvement. 35:56
    🙃 Have fun with what you're doing: allow your passion to show because that's intriguing to people. 38:22



    Connect with Adrienne:

    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

  • Experts get in the way of their own discoveries!

    Carol Sanford is a positive contrarian who believes that no matter the outcome, it can be a meaningful one. As a professor, Carol ensures never to use the same idea twice, which provides a space for creating useful and valuable evolution in her thinking. Being an expert blocks people’s learning, as she emphasizes and Carol does not class herself as one.

    Carol believes that discovering who you are, takes a lifetime - the secret is not in deciding who you are, but rather discovering it. We all have work to do, we show up for our businesses, whether we like it or not, and we will discover new things every year. We do not necessarily need to strive for new content, but rather an extension and evolution of something useful to the world.

    You cannot do this alone - grow your capacity in a developmental community!

    👠 Carol doesn't view herself as an expert: experts get in the way of their own discovery. 3:36
    😇 She's a positive contrarian: for Carol, no matter what the outcome is, she makes it a meaningful outcome. 8:56
    👩‍💻 She has a School (with a capital S) where she works with business leaders. 10:53
    🤓 Carol always disrupts certainty: in every book, workshop, or podcast, she disagrees immediately. 17:21
    💡 As a professor, she never repeats the same idea she used before. 20:40
    🧠 A mental artist: creating useful, valuable evolution in her thinking. 23:16
    💎 Don't think about building something for you as a woman but for all humans. 28:22
    💲 You make more money, because you make more of a difference without trying to make money. 33:23
    😇 You can't do it alone: in a developmental community, you can grow your capacity. 34:53

    Connect with Adrienne:

    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

  • Take that chance - go down a different path!

    Nasrin Yafari is a Japanese-Iranian-American, designer, and entrepreneur who began her career in education, straight out of NYU, where she worked with people, and learned and grew into marketing. Nasrin shares her experiences in building a successful Brooklyn-based fashion brand, with a focus on taking risks and being true to herself. Taking a chance, Nasrin started her own business, going from manufacturing face masks during the pandemic to colorful jumpsuits.

    Nasrin believes strongly that it is good to go down a different path while trusting your gut. Following one dream does not mean other passions don’t exist, but rather that they can be executed over a long period of time. Many people end up jumping ship when things are difficult, but Nasrin teaches the power of pushing through dips and slumps.

    We must remember that entrepreneurship is a marathon - don’t give up when things are hard!

    🗽 Nasrin went to NYU and chose education: she loved learning and growing and working with people. 3:39
    😷 “Mixed” started with producing face masks during the pandemic: later it scaled into textiles, physical products, and manufacturing. 5:45
    ⚠️ The way education is set up, Nasrin couldn't execute her ideas: need for a shift in education. 7:11
    🧥 A product journey from masks to jumpsuits: how Nasrin designs. 10:07
    📩 Nasrin has a newsletter, which includes personal notes related to selling and empowerment. 15:52
    👠 Her story just happens to resonate with women, not men: it wasn't a conscious decision. 20:09
    🎯 In entrepreneurship, a lot of people jump ship, faced with difficulties: you just have to push through it. 23:37
    🍃 The peak season for Mixed comes in the spring and summer, but they are a year-round brand. 26:23



    Social Media Handles: @mixed_bynasrin @nasrinharumi

    Connect with Adrienne:

    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

  • Your business is not your baby; it is there to help and support you - not the other way around!

    With a degree in marketing, Lucy Vincent began her career in corporate sales and marketing where she worked for several top brands. Not wanting to build someone else’s dream, she quit without a backup plan. She knew she had the persistence it takes to succeed and launched The Agency Accelerator to equip women with strategy and support to build, grow, and scale their marketing businesses to six and multi-six figures online. Lucy helps freelancer social media managers make more than they ever thought possible without being glued to their phone 24/7 to build sustainable and profitable businesses. Her focus? Women entrepreneurs - which is why we love Lucy so much!

    Lucy believes that creating inner trust is crucial, especially as women entrepreneurs, and this trust allows us to step up to the next level. Keeping promises and commitments to ourselves is what allows us to build confidence, trust, and belief in ourselves. This is not only life-changing for us, but also for those around us - our friends and family.

    It is proven that when women have money to spare, they make the world a better place. So now it is time for us to both learn and unlearn what we need in order to reach that point!

    📈 Lucy's lessons learned from mistakes allowed her to scale her business to seven figures. 03:35
    😇 She let go of perfectionism: her advice? make as many mistakes as you can as fast as possible to scale efficiently. 07:22
    👩‍💼 Transitioning from a freelancer role to running an agency: stepping into the CEO role. 11:09
    🎯 Setting solid boundaries: you need to know what value you offer, and charge premium prices for expertise. 15:57
    🤓 Sometimes you must clear the decks to go tothe next level. 19:39
    🌸 Women entrepreneurship: creating an inner trust with ourselves is critical to step into your next level. 23:15
    👉 The most important thing for women is keeping promises to themselves. 27:38
    🤓 Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're correct! 30:38
    💚 Community support is crucial for Lucy: Her Facebook group has 34,000 members. 34:52


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    >> "I love ❤️ Adrienne and The She Leads™ Podcast!” If that thought crossed your mind at any time while listening to our special show, can I ask you to please take a moment and give our podcast some love? To do so, simply Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify. Taking this simple action helps my team and I to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! 🗺️ Also, if you haven’t done so already, please +follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!! XO -Adrienne <<

  • Knowledge is power - and we can never have too much!

    A native of Pennsylvania, Dr. Cathleen Brown, is a board-certified OB/GYN, trained in Hawaii. She went on to serve on Army bases across the country, and is now the medical director at Winona. Dr. Cat has dedicated her career to women’s health and improving access to care and achieving positive health outcomes.

    Winona is a tele-health company that aims to empower, educate, and treat women throughout the entirety of their menopause journey. Now available in 30+ states, Winona allows women to access healthcare without having to physically visit a clinic or hospital and get access to a physician at any hour of the day. Dr. Cat works collaboratively with patients. Together, the shared decision process empowers patients.

    While every woman is different, there are core things for which Dr. Cat believes women need to focus. Two of these are nutrition and physical activity. As women, we need to take care of ourselves, slow down, and not allow ourselves to be spread so thin.

    The more you learn about yourself, the more you will be able to recognize changes in yourself and the more you will be able to make the changes you need to in your own life!

    👩‍⚕️ Being a doctor is all Dr. Cat ever wanted to be: initially, she thought about being a pediatrician. 4:06
    🩺 She gravitated to OB/GYN: her mission was to change all the negative experiences women have with it. 5:44
    🤰 In 2021 she moved to Pennsylvania to work at Winona where she provides knowledge to patients. 8:28
    👂Winona is an asynchronous telemedicine platform that constantly communicates with patients. 11:54
    🧠 Going through hormonal issues and brain fog: all things that can affect your business. 15:56
    👠 The basic things every woman needs to focus on are nutrition and body movement. 21:56
    🛑 In our 40s and 50s, we need to slow down our lives and optimize our sleep. 26:01
    ⚠️ As women, we are conditioned to help everybody else: it disconnects us from ourselves. 28:35
    🏋️‍♀️ Adrienne shares her experience of getting stronger by working with weights. 31:01
    🌸 With Winona, the more you learn, the better you'll be able to recognize changes in yourself. 35:38


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    Listen to podcasts for women by women on the She Leads Podcast Network:

    > "I love Adrienne and The She Leads Podcast!”
    > Please Show Our Podcast Some Love. If you enjoyed today’s episode of The She Leads Podcast, Please Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & Spotify
    > Here’s a simply way to show us some support. Please consider rating and reviewing! This helps me and my team to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! Also, if you haven’t done so already, please follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!

  • It is important to give ourselves credit for what we have accomplished.

    Hayley Foster, Founder & CFO of Foster Inc., began her career in advertising before the Internet became popular. Moving onto digital advertising, Hayley partnered with a friend to start her first business, a promotional marketing company with offices in New York, LA, and China. Hayley refers to her time building and running her business as attending the school of hard knocks for entrepreneurs, acknowledging the lessons she learned and what she had to offer to other women.

    Haley's resilience and ability to pivot through many challenges in work and private life, but also honoring her desires, spurred her personal evolution. Crucial moments allowed her to find her passion. Hayley shares tips on reading books, building awareness, thinking about our intentions, and guiding women entrepreneurs through fast-changing circumstances.

    Hayley believes that it is vital to engage and connect with people, and her Foster Women community is a specially vetted space for women to get stronger and better in business and life without feeling like we always need to control everything.

    The way to experience life fully is only possible if we don’t control it constantly.

    🤩 How Hayley engaged and reconnected following the She Leads conference. 3:02
    👩🏻‍💼 Hayley has always been into technology: running her promotional marketing company for 12 years. 8:28
    👠 Many women come to her privately for advice on entrepreneurship: thus, the creation of Foster Inc. 10:11
    🌸 Hayley realized she wanted to niche into technology and systems coaching for women in wellness. 12:46
    😇 Life is continuously changing and if you're always trying to control it, you'll never be able to fully live it. 19:52
    🥰 Everyone in Foster Women is vetted by Hayley: emotional connection is very important. 24:41
    😊 Foster Women community members are all connected with the trust they have in Hayley. 28:49
    😎 Foster Women is all about engaging and quality, not quantity. 30:51


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  • When you do your marketing right, clients will come ready to buy.

    With a background in psychology, Alexis Caldicott is known to many as the queen of event marketing. As an international speaker, messaging consultant and marketing strategist, Alexis supports entrepreneurs and business owners in creating six figures in three days from their events and marketing.

    Not everyone who is successful is passionate about everything that they do each day, many people are passionate about what their business allows them to do and about the results clients will get. Good business decisions are not made on passion but rather based on data and numbers.

    Remember to be passionate about the impact that you have and do not doubt the experience that you have!

    👸 Alexis is a media guru, often called the queen of event marketing. 2:31
    💲 Working with a business coach: Alexis was earning 120k for 3-day events. 6:09
    👉 Successful people are not passionate about what they do each day, but they're just really good at their jobs. 8:22
    🤓 People make decisions from intuition, from passion, and that can play tricks with us: we need data and numbers 10:51
    🧪 Some people should not do events: if you can’t sell one-to-one, you can’t sell one-to-many 15:28
    🤩 Alexis is now focused on marketing: when you do your marketing right, they come ready to buy. 18:35
    😎 When you provide high-level content, whether people buy or not, they're happy. 23:44
    🙃 A mindset shift regarding sales is essential: you'll make my life better and easier by selling me something. 27:22
    🎯 Everyone is the best in the things we are most gifted with: “I get paid the most for what comes easiest to me”. 30:27
    🎭 Difference between women and men: men align better with their masks. 33:16


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    Here’s a simply way to show us some support. Please consider rating and reviewing! This helps me and my team to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! Also, if you haven’t done so already, please follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!

  • Being a part of family business means being a part of long-lasting values and reputation.

    Guillermo Salazar, a renowned family business consultant and global speaker, brings invaluable insights into effective family business governance and communication, empowering enterprises for success.

    Guillermo dives deep into the world of family business governance, communication, and legacy-building. Whether you're an entrepreneur or involved in a family business. He seriously takes into account the blood, sweat, and tears that the entrepreneur put into the business and describes owners as heroes who influenced and helped the whole family around them with the business.

    Guillermo is opening our minds to other aspects of the entrepreneurial journey that we don't often think about, and educating us on all the different considerations that we need to be thinking about when we're either, involved in a family business or we've created our own family business.

    💼 Finances from a slightly different angle: family business finances. 02:30
    🤓 Guillermo comes from a family construction business: all the situations you can have related to the family business. 03:41
    😇 Helping people to make decisions regarding their family business: few options to move on. 08:11
    3️⃣ Three steps in keeping family business: communication, purpose, and legacy as foundations. 12:10
    ⏰ Time matters the most: quality of values and reputation takes time not size. 13:55
    🦸‍♂️ Retirement is the hardest part of being a founder: giving recognition to a family hero and receiving a legacy. 18:08
    🤩 Training to be an owner or understand the responsibilities and emotional connection with the ownership is essential for good leading. 22:35
    ❓ Questions family business owners ask: differences between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation of owners and the motivations they have. 26:39
    🏆 “A Road to Triumph in Family Business”: to reach the goal, there is a path that we have to work on together. 30:46


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    Here’s a simply way to show us some support. Please consider rating and reviewing! This helps me and my team to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! Also, if you haven’t done so already, please follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!

  • If you believe in yourself, others will too!

    A dear friend of the She Leads Media, Cheryl Eisen, is know as 'the celebrity interior designer', and she is a huge supporter of the female founder community and women entrepreneurs everywhere. Cheryl believes strongly in a solid work ethic, resilience, and learning as much as you can as you create your routine and build your business. To become the person you want to become, you have to dig deep and become passionate as well as tough. The reality is that only 2.1% of the total capital invested in venture-backed startups go to women. Therefore, if feasible, self-funding is the way to set yourself up well for the future; a future without debt. Having begun her journey on a limited budget, without fancy degrees, Cheryl deeply understands the scrutiny that women can face. She knows the strength and creativity all women possess and encourages women to go for it, as there is power in knowing that you can do it yourself! Please enjoy the conversation between Tanya Klitch, accomplished editor and journalist, and Cheryl Eisen.

    👠 She Leads Live 2023: Cheryl is a long time friend, supporter and advocate for She Leads Media, and the work we do to help bring visibility to women entrepreneurs everywhere. Cheryl has tremendously supported the conference for multiple years, as well as been a great friend to Adrienne Garland, CEO of She Leads Media. 01:48
    🌟 Cheryl has designed interiors for Bezos, Kardashians, and many more celebrities and high net worth individuals. She is renowned both in her industry and within the female founder community. 05:10
    ✨ Luxury interior design and highest level of real estate properties: IMG is a unique company that takes care of everything needed to sell multi-million dollar properties. . 06:05
    👱🏻‍♀️ Cheryl founded her first company at only 24 years old. 07:22
    🏡 The challenges faced by being unemployed and broke for years: the move to real estate staging and the triumph of her first successful sale. 08:04
    💸 Design on a dime: purchasing items on Craigslist from her own pocket to make properties look great and to get them ready for sale. 09:30
    👉🏻 Lesson in organic marketing: boldly reaching out to brokers and offering staging services. Then, Fredrik Eklund hired Cheryl to solve a problem. 11:40
    🚨 Fredrik’s listing remained empty and didn’t sell for years: Showcasing the James Bond vibe of Daniel Craigs’ duplex. 13:43
    📩 What email marketing was like ‘back in the day’: Cheryl’s pivotal moment that launched her to the stars. 14:59
    💣 Cheryl’s Advice: Dig deep to find your story and sell the person that you want to become: if you believe in yourself, others will too. 17:12
    📈 Key hires and how to scale: rules of hiring and firing. 18:19
    😷 The far and away most difficult time in her business journey: COVID. 21:46
    👩🏻‍🏭🪛 New opportunities: When she could not find items she needed for staging, she decided to make them: an additional revenue stream for her company. 26:02
    🎯 More great business advice: Figure out your unique selling proposition and strategy: how you market your business or product is the key. 29:25
    👩🏻‍💼 While Cheryl has a gentle voice, she is direct and and employs a raw approach to business: When you both make things clear and set high expectations with employees, it may not always be comfortable, but greatness ensues. 30:40
    🙃 How to create a company and hire people that match the culture: what happens when things aren’t all rosy with employees?. 31:38
    ⚠️ Reality check - VCs, the bank, and other lenders may not take your women-owned business seriously: Fact: only 2% of women entrepreneurs get VC funding. The answer: Self-Fund whenever possible. 33:37
    3️⃣ Work ethic, passion, and toughness are the three hallmarks of Cheryl’s incredible success.35:52
    ⬅️ Ladies - Have An Exit Strategy! Selling your business, going public or having a liquidity event is important to operating as a successful entrepreneur. 38:15
    🫂 Cheryl allows all of the conflict, the resolution, and the emotions to have space: after all, we are all humans doing business with one another. 39:37
    💎 CEO with hands in the creative process: the necessary change in roles when businesses scale. 42:10

    We would like to extend a very special thank you to Tanya Klitch, accomplished editor and journalist, and strategic content creation partner of She Leads Media, for her time, thoughtfulness and expert interviewing skills.

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    "I love Adrienne and The She Leads Podcast!”Please Show Our Podcast Some Love. If you enjoyed today’s episode of The She Leads Podcast, Please Rate, Review & Follow Us on Apple Podcasts & SpotifyHere’s a simply way to show us some support. Please consider rating and reviewing! This helps me and my team to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! Also, if you haven’t done so already, please follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!
  • Real estate is a really just a simple math equation.

    Lindsey Lovell, CEO and founder of the Millionaire's March is also a speaker, entrepreneur, and expert real estate investor who helps women learn how to reach financial independence.

    Growing up, Lindsey believed that if you put your head down and worked hard, success will follow. However, she, like many women, was never taught to make money work for her in quite the same way that it is taught to men. Her aha moment happened during COVID when she decided to learn the secrets of real estate investing.

    Lindsey shares practical tips, advice, opportunities, and challenges in real estate investing that have helped her achieve huge success in a short amount of time. She explains what real estate syndication is and how group investment can be used to gain income without any deep knowledge of real estate. Lindsey explains why real estate is I.D.E.A.L. (Income, Depreciation, Equity, Appreciation, Leverage) for investing and how women can be either passive or active investors on the road to achieving financial stability and independence. She is incredibly passionate about making real estate investing accessible to a broader range of individuals, including single mothers and those with limited capital.

    Despite the sometimes intimidating real estate jargon, which pervades every industry, the world of real estate is really not that intimidating at all. Lindsey will help you to explore investment opportunities, check resources, set your goals and make our communities and lives better because – as the tide rises, all boats rise together.

    👧 Growing up believing in the American Dream: being a woman often means not being on ‘the deal side’. 02:35
    🤩 The aha moment during COVID: getting into the real estate business and learning from podcasts with a huge, fast success. 04:26
    🧲 Why real estate is the I.D.E.A.L way of investing: understanding simple math and variables around it. 08:14
    🏘️ Find a market that works for your budget and KPIs: buying residential vs buying investment. 10:43
    🤯 Hiring a contractor to uplift property value, and he disappeared: the power of milestones payments and contracts. 12:46
    😎 Buying properties without seeing them: partnering with trustful agent and landlord. 14:38
    🚪 What does the term “I have 100 doors” mean? 15:40
    🤓 Real estate syndicates are great for certain investments: owning a piece of property but not doing the work as a general partner does. 17:56
    🤓 Being an accredited or uncredited investor: some syndicates have lower entry points for uncredited investors. 19:35
    ✌️ Take your 401K from a previous employer, roll it into a self-directed IRA, and use that to invest. 22:27
    🤗 The real estate community is very helpful: have at least part of your portfolio tied to real estate investments. 25:01
    🎙️ Bigger Pockets Rookie is great show for learning and absorbing: tools and websites to use and learn from. 27:16
    😇 The Millionaires March: Lindsay’s 1-on-1 coaching: focuses on women but also men. 29:18
    🎯 Create your action date, find an accountability partner and real estate agent, and map your investment. 32:27




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    Here’s a simply way to show us some support. Please consider rating and reviewing! This helps me and my team to spread the word about all the incredible guests of The She Leads Podcast and contributes overall to helping women leaders and entrepreneurs everywhere! Also, if you haven’t done so already, please follow the podcast so you never miss an episode. Thank you so much!

  • Life finds you while you're chasing it.

    Sunaina Sinha Haldea is a Global Head of private capital advisory for Raymond James. She's a regular guest on CNBC and has written Five Habits to Build Mental Strength for Fast Company. She had been a senior meditator for over 15 years when she started her entrepreneurial journey.

    Parallel with her entrepreneurial journey she started with meditation and that became a secret of her success in business and balancing her life - as she explained - she could not make it without it.

    The superpower of meditation is in allowing us to control our thoughts and emotions, not to let our thoughts and emotions control us. Sunania felt incredible liberation and huge empowerment when she started controlling her mind and making decisions without her mind running her but learning and focusing clearly on all challenges in front of her.

    Sunaina also enhances the role of meditation in managing the demands of entrepreneurship and maintaining mental strength. In the world where we started talking about mental issues but solutions for those should be proactive, and she advocates for integrating meditation into early education as a tool for building resilience and preventing mental health issues.

    She discussed the importance of setting boundaries and staying true to our values, especially in the face of pressures and temptations, and how meditation helped her with mindfulness and balance. Even her children are practicing it. We control how we live our days, how we experience each day, so take control over your life!

    Show notes
    🎓 Sunaina’s journey from Stanford to Harvard to entrepreneurship: the toil that goes on behind the scenes while creating anything. 03:05
    🧘🏽‍♀️ Her secret to resetting her mental state: learning to meditate and all the benefits meditation brought into her life. 04:26
    ☯️ Preventative mental health: tools and techniques that are building the resilience reserves of the mind. 06:45
    😇 Sunaina has three kids, but they went to a meditation course: learning to quiet their minds. 08:23
    🙏 Vipassana meditation is the purest type of meditation Buddha used: one type is for quieting the mind and the second type is for purifying the mind. 10:32
    ☮️ “You can have it all just not at the same time”: her life and work got very complicated and meditation taught her that peace and equanimity are the base to return to. 14:03
    🪷 Meditation brings the ups and downs in level to a steady line. 18:38
    🤩 Getting back to the driver’s seat with meditation. 22:08
    👩🏽‍💼 Meditation gave her the power to work and strategize in the long run and face the founder’s fatigue more easily: how to focus on your values. 23:59
    🤓 Selling her company to Raymond James: decision-making through the lens of empathetic leadership. 27:40
    👠 Burnout in the corporate world: why so many women are moving towards entrepreneurship. 30:42


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    Vipassana Meditation

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  • Alycia Diggs-Chavis, is an energy healer, intuitive coach, and CEO of BlueViolet Energy Healing. She shares her journey from studying international business at Harvard to working in corporate leadership for over 20 years. After she experienced the issues of becoming an empty nester, she transitioned to entrepreneurship and working with people in a completely different way. Through self-discovery and working with a coach, Alicia found her new calling in energy healing and became a certified master energy healer. Alycia helps leaders reduce stress and find their core through custom energy work in corporate environments.

    Corporate wellness is very important because as human beings we don’t leave our lives behind, but take it with us to work as well. That is why self-awareness, growth, and achieving the state of flow are crucial for all leaders and their success.

    Women especially need to step outside their roles built for everyone else but themselves. Women just don't build the same type of relationships with themselves as with other people. That is why it is crucial to look inward and figure out who we really are, make ourselves centered, and walk with confidence. A need to take time to reconnect with ourselves is huge and results in peace, confidence in decision-making, and getting back to balance is mirroring directly to the business success.

    Only when you're learning yourself - you're loving yourself, you're investing in yourself. When you are showing yourself to others - you're investing in others. Let’s heal ourselves and the whole world.

    Show notes:
    🎤 Alycia spoke at She Leads Conference: Adrienne’s experience with Alycia’s energy healing. 01:56
    👩🏾‍🎓 Harvard and Business undergrad school: major shift and going to Mali, Africa as a part of the Peace Corps. 06:00
    👩🏾‍💼 Corporate job and consulting leaders in Nationwide insurance: moving to support the federal government in Health and Human Services. 08:14
    🧘🏾‍♀️ Leader development and issues with empty nester: working with a coach and figuring out who she is. 10:26
    🌸 Becoming a master energy healer in a couple of years: letting her intuition flourish. 13:29
    ☯️ The gap between corporate and spiritual worlds: the power of custom sessions for leaders and energy work in offices for reducing stress. 17:44
    😇 Alycia’s story about her Native American ancestry: she has her guide with her all the time. 24:17
    🤓 Types of organizations Alycia is working with: work and private life are so combined and tangled. 27:07
    🎯 Leaders today realize that success comes from knowing yourself first: awareness, growth, and showing people how to do it. 28:56


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  • Competence builds confidence.

    Kim Carpenter, CEO and Founder of People at the Center, is a high-performance leadership & executive coach, as well as a corporate trainer and speaker. Using researched-backed tools and proven practices, she and her team help organizations shape leaders who bring their teams together. Kim shares her journey from corporate to entrepreneurship and her vision for creating people-centric work environments. She discusses the challenges of transitioning to entrepreneurship and offers insights on finding speaking opportunities. Kim emphasizes the importance of communication and connectedness in changing corporate culture to be more human.


    Transitioning from corporate to entrepreneurship requires self-reflection and a desire to make a bigger impact.Speaking engagements can be an effective marketing strategy for entrepreneurs, and finding opportunities can be done through networking, online platforms, and intern assistance.Creating people-centric work environments requires a focus on communication, connectedness, and building trust.Identifying the need for change in corporate culture often comes from feedback, surveys, and a desire to improve workability.

    Show notes:
    🖇️ Kim is a natural connector. 03:09
    🤓 From corporate to entrepreneurship and coaching: how we can create more people-centric work environments. 04:03
    😇 Kim suffered from stage fright: but competence builds confidence. 07:40
    🌞 Not playing small: Kim set out to change the face of work. 10:26
    🏆 Overcoming fear of speaking: practices, help from her husband, and competence building. 11:53
    😍 How to get speaking engagements: start with community, then networking and platforms. 15:04
    🤔 Speaking for free vs paid speaking. 17:19
    🥅 Companies are changing and running the world: how to put people at the center of the working culture. 21:33
    🗣️ Communication is the heartbeat of all: understanding the neuroscience of communication. 27:13
    🎯 Is the way we're working workable?: differences and benefits women bring to the workforce. 32:36



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  • Gain your independence with an additional stream of revenue with e-commerce and Amazon FBA.

    Lesley Hensell is a co-founder of Riverbend Consulting and has been an Amazon seller for almost a decade. Lesley shares her journey from a work-from-home mom to a successful entrepreneur. She has personally helped hundreds of third-party sellers on Amazon to get back on track and thrive with an additional stream of revenue.

    Discover the game-changing power of platforms like Amazon and eBay, and the transformative impact of fulfilling family needs through entrepreneurship. When women have an extra dollar to spend, they pour it into their community - and that just makes the world a much better place.

    Are you ready for your entrepreneurial journey? Let's thrive together!

    👉 All the myths about e-commerce businesses: (FBA) Fulfilled by Amazon boom. 03:34
    🏡 Lesley has worked from home for the last 23 years: consulting and family Amazon business 05:48
    👩‍💼 Riverbend Consulting has 85 employees: helping clients solve problems with e-commerce businesses and Amazon. 09:50
    😍 Use Amazon for building additional income for families: Lesley’s experience with a sick son and semi-passive income from Amazon. 11:03
    ▶️ Starting on Amazon with retail arbitrage: tips and tricks for women on how it all works. 15:27
    🎁 Customer complaints and how to deal with them: ship items like you are sending to your mom for her birthday. 21:36
    🤓 Suspension from Amazon and writing appeals: Amazon is a complicated company with its set of rules. 25:15
    😎 Lesley’s business partner: teaming up with their strengths and skills. 27:00
    😇 How Riverbend consulting started: AB testing, and documenting everything that worked in her business. 28:54
    🥅 The Philippines and Costa Rica are amazing resources for Amazon sellers: diversify your team and outsource overseas. 32:21
    📘 Book with basics: Amazon Incubator: Grow Your Business or Hatch a New One. 36:56
    🌞 Teach your kids to run a business. 38:56

    IG: www.instagram.comcom/lesleyhensell
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