The climate change and its impact on Afghanistan
Context Analysis of achieving Environmental Sustainability through development projects: Context analysis is a method to analyze the environment or situation or conditions in which an entity operates. An entity could be an organization or an institute or an agency. In the context analysis the internal and external environments of an entity are considered. And the strategies adopted by the entity to bring environmental sustainability through development projects or programs. Every organization will do planning before implementation of activities. Planning is an important aspect of strategic planning in a geographic area of operation. The activities implemented should be appropriate considering the present and future needs. The activities implemented should also be sustainable. In any context analysis the external environmental factors to be considered are: political, social, economic, technological, natural, physical, historical, cultural and human aspects. Some of the cross cutting aspects should also be considered such as Gender, Human Rights, Environment, Climate Change and Disaster Risks. The internal environment consists of the entities, vision, mission, ongoing projects, Human Resources, partners, stakeholders, processes, networking, communications, technology, reporting structures and deadlines. Here I am sharing broadly the context analysis of achieving environmental sustainability through developmental projects especially in the context of Afghanistan. -
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Rainharvester is for harvesting rainwater for reusing the rainwater directly and also for recharging the local aquifers and increase the groundwater table. For more details see the link:
Geo Filter is a system of Rainwater Harvesting for reuse or recycle. For more details see the youtube video
Cursed Lives In Fluorosis Affected Regions. First-hand narration of the life and suffering of people in the areas with high fluoride in drinking water.
Biomass stoves are still used by millions of poor people globally. There are consequences and impacts too. By facilitating good biomass stoves on could facilitate the poor have good stoves and also mitigate its impacts.
All about Open Knowledge for integrity, sustainability, and freedom. Open Knowledge is beyond source which will lead to the development and well being of all.
Earth is our only home, every living thing on earth creates or lives in a place called home. Home is a space for living and meeting one's aspirations too. The podcaster explains from his observations and practices about the living space.
People had been living in the lap of nature with least impact on the earth. In the past, billions of people lived and left the earth, without much impacts. In the last 50 years, the ecological footprint is increasing as people are using exotic and non-sustainable materials in the construction of living spaces. In this podcast, all the aspects of traditional green buildings are presented. The materials used in the construction industry has high embodied energy too. The elements of nature - light, air, ambience, a niche for everyone, privacy and socialization were existing in the traditional green buildings. The podcaster explains from his observations and himself adopted traditional green building concepts.
The economic activities are broadly grouped into primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary and quinary activities. These activities in sequence can be considered as a pyramid starting from the base of the pyramid i.e., primary activity. As the majority of people dependent lessens with every increase in level, people engaged at a lower level of economic activity lead a life with more integrity.
Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation into Development and Planning. Mainstreaming climate change adaptation is the iterative process of integrating considerations of climate change adaptation into policy-making, budgeting, implementation and monitoring processes at national, sector and subnational levels. It is a multi-year, multi-stakeholder effort grounded in the contribution of climate change adaptation to human well-being, pro-poor economic growth, and achievement of the SDGs. It entails working with a range of government and non-governmental actors, and other actors in the development field.
Food Consumption and Sustainability of resources
The contribution of efficient biomass low-cost stoves by Dr Sai Bhaskar Reddy is presented in this podcast.
Freedom with responsibility will lead to sustainability
Reuse Sanitary Pads and Diapers for Planting Trees using biochar. A solution for a great global challenge of disposal. I am sharing my idea on the occasion of World Environment Day with the theme of "Beat Plastic Pollution".