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All aboard the Story Train for weekly storytelling escapades designed specifically for your little ones! Dive into fantastic, G-rated tales that transport young listeners on magical journeys to far-off places across the globe. From whimsical to heartwarming, each episode is perfect for bedtime snuggles or serene quiet time. Trusted by parents and adored by children, Story Train is an imaginative oasis for families seeking enriching and safe listening. Join us as we journey through our enchanting train tunnel to discover stories from every corner of the world. Perfect for those in search of delightful bedtime tales and peaceful auditory adventures!
░ 這是誰的節目?
本節目由 NCF 羅慧夫顱顏基金會 製作播出
░ 誰在說故事呢?
░ 什麼時候更新故事?要付錢嗎?
░ 這個節目好聽嗎?
🏆獲得正聲廣播公司 2024 podcastyear播客年會 優質聲音節目競賽「公益弱勢組」優等獎
░ 經典單元-《納美號故事村》🏠
░ 延伸單元-《故事小苗探險隊》🧭
|合作邀約:[email protected]
░ 節目製作團隊
#羅慧夫顱顏基金會 #我們是先天顱顏缺陷孩子永遠の靠山🏠
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小典藏藝起玩 聽故事、聊閱讀 Let’s ART!!
意見回饋&節目合作:[email protected]
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A bunch of super cool story podcasts just waiting for you:
Play with cute animals in fairy tales>>>"Wonder Tales in Magical Realms | Dreamy Fairytale Fables for Little Ears"
Time-travel to dinosaur battles>>> "Dinosaur Friends: Kids' Adventures with Dino"
Solve mysteries cases and learn safety tips>>> "Sheriff Labrador's Mystery Files: Sunflower Kindergarten"
Embark a journey about courage and friendship >>>"Spotty Dinosaur and Friends丨Funny Stories for Kids"
Thrilling adventures? Don't miss >>> "Adventure Journey of Courage and Imagination | Funny Quest for Kids"
So, what are you waiting for? Let's dive into a world of stories that'll take you on the coolest adventures ever!
The Adventures of Foxie and Bunny Coco is a story series full of surprises and joy, telling the story of two unusual friends. Cute Bunny Coco, bad Magician Foxie, although they often quarrel and bicker, sometimes they also have "common dreams and goals".
They explore a wonderful world together, encountering various magical creatures and dangerous adventures. Fortunately, Magician Foxie always uses his intelligence and creativity to make some magical items that help Bunny Coco overcome difficulties and enemies.
Their adventure is funny and touching, exciting and warm, let's join their adventure journey right now! -
2020年2月9號, 8歲既Fely姐姐創立左自己既YouTube channel (
差不多每一日錄一個繪本故事放上YouTube,希望小朋友可以聽多啲故仔,引起佢哋睇書嘅興趣,自己又可以練習吓說話嘅技巧 。
2023年既今日, 經過3年既努力,Channel已經有超過5000個subscribers同350個故事,亦記錄左呢個疫情假期裏面發生嘅點滴。
呢個Podcast會由我第一個故事開始upload同大家分享,亦當係俾自己一個回憶 。如果想睇最新既故事,或者其他有趣既影片,記得subscribe我既YouTube Channel啦!
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Scary/eerie stories that I have made, and that I share with you. these stories may be too scary for younger audiences, but they should be fine. recommended for ages 10+. new episodes every other Monday and Thursday, so one story every week. please note that I take breaks on school breaks, like winter break and spring break.
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MetaTales is a podcast for parents who want fun and entertaining stories that point back to the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our focus is the Meta-Narrative: the Big Story: the story of creation, fall, redemption and restoration. Our belief is that, because we exist in the Meta-Narrative, all stories that we write, sacred and secular, point to the Meta Narrative in some way. Meta Tales begins every episode with a rewritten fairy tale or original story. We end every episode with our sweet and funny host, Evie, who gives a short lesson on how that story points back to the gospel. We hope you Enjoy!
Racking your brain for a new bedtime story every night? Look no further! Welcome to Nighty-night Storytime, the podcast that tucks you in with exciting and imaginative bedtime storiessss 🧸🌙 Snuggle up, relax, and let the magic unfold!
One story for every night 🌠
Got a new story to share? 💡Email us
[email protected], or drop a voice message! -
歡迎收聽我們的童話故事 Podcast!在這個節目中,我們將會為大小朋友們帶來動聽的童話故事,創作各種不同的故事風格,從奇幻風格到世界各地的民間傳說~每一集的節目都會為講述一個令人充滿幻想與著迷的故事。
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Short Stories for Bedtime"Let me help you fall asleep" Support this podcast: