從新加坡來台灣工作的Aaron,一開始來台灣是加入虛擬貨幣公司擔任marketing directer,後來加入acer擔任全球產品行銷總監,Aaron在這集從職涯規劃切入,聊行銷的各個面向,以及作為一個行銷主管的心態調整,最後再從全球行銷的角度分析擔任行銷所需的軟實力。
儘管近兩年全世界的焦點都放在新冠疫情的防範,但其實溫室氣體排放所造成的極端氣候,仍在影響人類的世界。氣候變遷議題不再只是政府所要面對的問題,已經有不少新創公司是圍繞著氣候科技Climate tech發展。本集邀請到在氣候科技領域擔任BD以及Sales職位的Rich分享從氣候願景到BD和Sales在科技領域中定義以及性質上的差別。
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
這兩年,不管是人還是產業都在學習如何與疫情共存,其中最明顯的例子之一就是旅遊業。Seal 是著名的台灣旅遊電商KKday B2C產品部門的主管,今天我們就和Seal 聊聊,經歷過工程師、創業家、成長駭客等角色後,如何在疫情期間仍持續達到用戶的成長,以及能夠擴大招募自己的團隊。Many industries are beginning to figure out a way to co-exist with COVID-19, and the travel & tourism field is no exception. In this episode, we talk to Seal Chang, Head of B2C Product at KKday, a market-leading online travel agency, about how his past experience of being an engineer, entrepreneur, and growth hacker led him to his current role, and how he managed to achieve constant user growth and team expansion in the midst of a global pandemic.**More about Terminal 1**📌探索更多APAC軟體科技職缺:📌公司找人才? 一同體驗科技輔助的最佳招募體驗:📌成為T1er,展開科技獵才之旅:
泓其在拿到博士學位後創業,經歷公司轉賣後擔任分公司總經理,到現在成為寵物照護科技公司Moment Pet Wellness CTO。一起在這一集當中探索泓其的職涯軌跡之外,也聊聊他擔任工程師還有創業者的初衷。Hungchi started a business after graduating with Ph.D., and when the company was resold, he served as a branch manager, and now he has become the CTO of @Moment Pet Wellness, an online wellness company for pets. In this episode, Hungchi walks us through his unique career trajectory and what being an engineer & entrepreneur means to him.**More about Terminal 1**探索更多APAC軟體科技職缺:公司找人才? 一同體驗科技輔助的最佳招募體驗:成為T1er,展開科技獵才之旅:
Gina曾在17LIVE (當時的17直播) 服務過5年的時間。這段時間內,Gina從直播主的招募、遴選、訓練SOP化、內容變現策略執行、美日市場業務擴展等等,無役不與。這一集我們透過Gina一窺直播產業樣態,也談談從直播主營運做到全球事業副總裁的這段經驗,對她帶來的意義。
In this episode, we talked to Gina about her 5-year experience with 17LIVE (17 media back then), during which she set up the management SOP for over 5000 live streamers, executed content monetization and go-to-market strategies for Japan, US and other overseas markets.
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▌Season 1 (EP4) | 加入獨角獸電商在台灣設立R&D Center的義大利工程師 – Damiano Tietto, Engineering Director @Carousell ▌今年9月,Carousell旋轉拍賣獲得一億美元投資,成為新加坡最新誕生的獨角獸。在這間獨角獸電商公司裡,有一位來自義大利,已經在台灣生活8年的軟體工程師Damiano。這集就來聽聽Damiano幫助Carousell成立台灣R&D Center,以及他和台灣工程師共事的經驗分享。Carousell, the online classifieds marketplace is now the latest unicorn from Singapore after raising US$100 million in September. Damiano Tietto is an Italian engineer who joined Carousell in 2017 to help set up the Taiwan R&D Centre. We spoke to Damiano about his experience throughout the journey and his management philosophy.Damiano's LinkedIn profile: is hiring:**More about Terminal 1 **Land your dream job with T1: your winning team with T1: a T1er:
Jayson目前是亞洲最大二手3C產品的電商平台 – Rebeelo 台灣區總經理。Rebeelo來自新加坡,目標是透過推動3C零售轉型,以及減少電子垃圾的產出而達到永續經濟的願景。年紀輕輕就當上Country Manager的Jayson,過去的每段職涯中都能夠留下成績,並持續向更寬廣的舞台邁進。他是怎麼做到的呢?
Jayson is the Country Director of Rebeelo, APAC’s leading marketplace for pre-loved tech devices. Originally based Singapore, Rebeelo’s vision is to reduce e-waste by building the circular economy for refurbished electronics. Throughout his career, Jayson has been able to leave remarkable achievements in his previous companies, while heading towards roles with larger scopes. What are the secrets behind his progress?
Episode Highlights:
Q1. 超前部屬新南向: 如何從頭經營東南亞市場? Running ASEAN market from ground up.
Q2. Rebeelo - 亞洲最大永續EC平台的商業模式? On APAC’s leading marketplace for sustainable electronics
Q3. Country Manager的工作日常? Day-to-day work of a Country Manager
Q4. 轉職上你必須考慮的四個”WHAT”? The 4 WHAT questions to be asked before career transitions.
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Rebeelo is hiring!
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Kevin目前在BlueX,一家做貨運市場數位化的美商科技公司擔任CTO的角色。這次訪談聚焦於過去的IT職涯,Kevin在轉換不同產業的同時,一路從Software Developer逐步發展到Head of Engineering/CTO的過程,所遇到的挑戰以及心路歷程。
Our guest Kevin, is the CTO at BlueX, the world’s first commerce platform for freight forwarding business. He took us through how he climbed the career ladder from a junior developer all the way to Head of Engineering/CTO, while experiencing multiple different industries.
Episode Highlights:
康乃爾大學主修Computer Science是段怎麼樣的經驗? Studying Computer Science at Cornell
如何帶領一個超過100個人的工程師團隊? Leading a 100-people engineering team.
市值數兆的貨運科技,是個怎樣的產業? What is Freight Tech – a trillion-dollar industry
軟體工程師想轉換跑道,有甚麼其他可能路徑? The alternatives to a software engineering career.
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對於數位科技領域的求職者而言,在選擇海外職涯發展時,美國或中國往往成為最熱門的選項。但這集的來賓至偉,過去大學時主修機械工程,因緣際會之下進入廣告行銷領域,並進一步前往歐洲的德國發展他的廣告科技職涯,一路當到世界上最大的獨立賣方廣告平台 Magnite 柏林分部的客戶總監。When pursuing an overseas career in IT/software sector, the US and China are oftentimes the primary options for those in Taiwan. Yet our guest speaker Chih-Wei chose a different path and built his career in Germany’s ad tech industry. In this episode, Chih-Wei walks us through how he went from having a BS in Mechanical Engineering, all the way to becoming the Account Director of Magnite in Berlin, which is the world’s largest independent sell-side ad platform.從主修機械工程到進入廣告行銷領域的契機? From BS in Mechanical Engineering to the world of marketing & advertisement.沒有前往熱門市場,反倒選擇德國的原因是甚麼? Why Germany? The decision-making process.不知道你就輸了! 德國職場獨有的生存之道? Way of survival in the German workplace.創意致勝! 短時間讓客戶忘不了你的B2B業務秘訣? Creativity steals the show. The hidden trick to impress the clients.只想到汽車工業? 一窺德國網路科技圈樣貌 Germany’s IT & start-up ecosystem.Chih-Wei’s LinkedIn profile: Professional in Germany:至偉個人專欄 (Beyond CV):**More about Terminal 1 **Land your dream job with T1: your winning team with T1: a T1er:
在講IT科技領域眾大神的故事之前,我們希望用一點篇幅介紹T1 自己。
我們邀請了最近剛加入我們的資深獵頭顧問 Amanda 來聊聊。
Before telling some of the most compelling stories of our guests, we've decided to use an episode to introduce a little about ourselves.
Amanda Fang, T1's Sr. Consultant who recently joined our team, speaks about the career landscape of a recruitment consultant, and how she sees her life as T1er going forward.
Q1. 當初踏入獵頭這個千變萬化的行業的背景為何? The inception of a career in recruitment.
Q2. 跨國知名獵頭公司的職涯風景 Landscape of a recruitment consultant in a multi-national agency
Q3. 令眾優秀獵頭聞風喪膽的情況是…?! The most intimidating episode in recruitment
Q4. 身為科技招聘公司,T1厲害在哪裡呢? What sets T1 different from the others.
本集日記主角: Amanda Fang, Sr. Recruitment Consultant at Terminal 1
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