Managing healthcare needs is no easy task, and proper planning can be difficult for individuals and families of all backgrounds. Add escalating healthcare costs and contested policies to the equation and the challenge is only compounded. Please join us for an informative discussion where we will discuss how Health Savings Accounts (HSA's) can help pay for health care expenses during your working years and in retirement, as well as: the impact rising health care costs can have on your retirement, the basics of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) and High Deductible Health Plans (HDHPs) , HSA eligibility, Triple Tax Deferral and 10 things everyone should know about HSAs.
Retirees are faced with many important decisions. Some are more challenging than others, such as understanding Medicare and how it affects your financial plan into retirement. Learn how to plan for Medicare decisions by understanding the ins-and-outs of the program and its many parts. This is critical knowledge for many reasons, including the impact of premiums, copays, and deductibles on retirement income.
With careful strategies and planning, you can maximize your Social Security benefit to enhance your retirement income picture. Learn the fundamentals of Social Security benefits including who is eligible to receive them and when; how to estimate your benefit, taxes, and Social Security; when to claim benefits; and much more.
Although wealth and income increases overall wellbeing in retirement, studies show that the effect is small. Research suggests that both planning for financial security and preparing for the social and psychological changes that accompany retirement are important for well-being in later life.
A significant share of adults age 65 and older report difficulty paying for various aspects of healthcare, especially those that are not generally covered by Medicare. Research indicates that healthcare inflation will average 5.9% annually for the foreseeable future, more than double our broad-based inflation of 2.4%, meaning it's becoming increasingly important to build healthcare costs into your retirement plan.