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A crash course in feminist environmental health! Learn with us through case studies of products marketed to women and girls including cleaning products, cosmetics/personal care, menstrual/intimate care products and more. We discuss the health effects of toxic chemicals in these products and hear from feminist scientists and activists who are designing creative solutions by raising awareness, advocating for policy reform, and community organizing for action!
Contact:[email protected] -
Each week, physician, economist, and author of "Random Acts of Medicine" Dr. Bapu Jena will dig into a fascinating study at the intersection of economics and healthcare. He takes on questions like: Why do kids with summer birthdays get the flu more often? Can surviving a hurricane help you live longer? What do heart surgery and grocery-store pricing have in common?
The Reliants Project is a podcast about how networks shape your wellbeing, relationships and community. Through conversations with the leading thinkers in the field of network science the show will help you actively cultivate your network, whether your goal is to build your relationships more deliberately, make better introductions, or activate networks to make an impact in the world.
📃پادکست مدیریت بحران نوین ایران(مبنا) اولین پادکست تخصصی حوزه مدیریت بحران و پدافند غیرعامل است که توسط #شرکت مهندسی ایمن بسترسازان پایداری منتشر می گردد. در این پادکست سعی داریم با بررسی دانش مدیریت بحران و پدافند غیرعامل در ایران و جنبه های مختلف آن نقش کوچکی در بهبود شرایط موجود و ایفای مسئولیت اجتماعی داشته باشیم. امیدواریم با ارائه ی بازخوردهای خود در توسعه و بهبود این محتوا ما را یاری کنید.
我們還有個小名叫「寫作不藏私」——希望能從「在場 · 非虛構寫作獎學金」開始,談中文非虛構寫作生態,分享在場小組從報名後台看見的觀察與發現,跟隨我們的獲獎者、編輯、評委與發佈會嘉賓們,一起聊田野,聊寫作,聊在時代的現場,聊以書寫為行動。
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「阿凡達人」這個名字從何而來? 自從著名導演占士金馬倫拍出一套劃時代作品「阿凡達」之後,其實每個人心中都有一個「阿凡達人」的影子。 節目中主持之一Cousin問各位,如果可以選擇當一個阿凡達星人還是繼續當一名人類,你的答案是什麼? 為什麼最近講述外星人、未日的電影如此盛行? 電視在談論末日先兆、電影在投射「2012」的情節、音樂在唱出世界失控的景況。 世界真的面臨大改變嗎?2012真的會未日嗎?這問題在這數年間忽然迫在眉睫。 有人嗤之以鼻,有人誠惶誠恐。 與其估計不可知的未來,不如認清現在的世界景況。 成為一名「阿凡達人」,思考如何在將來安身立命。
We assume you don’t rush out to get the latest book about our broken healthcare industry. So we do it for you. From time to time we’ll break them down and fill you in on the secrets you should know.
This is one of the best -- about the worst of the healthcare industry. It’s called
An American Sickness, by Elizabeth Rosenthal.
We have both read this. And we have both seen exactly what she’s talking about. The American people are being hoodwinked and scammed by the healthcare industry. That doesn’t mean all people in the healthcare industry are evil, but it certainly means they are stuck in a system that is working purely for profits and not for your healthcare outcomes.
It was released in 2017 is a real shocker about what goes on behind the healthcare industry’s closed doors.
She lays out the “Economic Rules of the Dysfunctional Medical Market.”
Although there are 10 rules, we’ll discuss only the first 3 here...
Let’s go through them.
1. More treatment is always better. Default to the most expensive one. Some people will say this is because of malpractice suits.
The second economic rule of a dysfunctional medical market is -- A lifetime of treatment is preferable to a cure. She documents a researcher at Harvard medical school who believed she was only steps away from curing diabetes. And yet -- no pharmaceutical company or nonprofit would step forward – to fund her research -- including the juvenile diabetes Association. -
What (if anything) makes us—Homo sapiens—superior to (or at least distinct from) our close cousins, those happenin' haplorrhine primates?
WQLN's premier podcast Better than Monkeys posits that it’s our forays into the arts and sciences that make us, well . . . human. BTM takes a monthly deep-dive behind the scenes of the arts and sciences, alongside local luminaries working in both disciplines, in order to answer that unwieldy question: What makes us human?
Listen on, and dig into your humanity with a new episode every month! -
Whether it's relationship advice, politics, combating social injustice, spirituality or many other provocative topics... for over 15 years, "The Dedan Tolbert Show" has provided the realest form of talk radio while encouraging change and self reflection from a Christian perspective. Hosted by Life Coach, Author and Advice columnist, Dedan Tolbert, "The Dedan Tolbert Show" is one of the original urban podcasts, trailblazing the way for a new generation of self expression.
For more information about Dedan Tolbert and his life coaching services, please visit -
Dr Austin Tay is an organizational psychologist. In each podcast episode, he will discuss work-related issues that matter in the workplace. Through the lens of a psychologist, Dr Austin will provide tips and advice to his listeners to help them navigate the complex world of work. Email [email protected] or send via Twitter @psych_chat to send your comments or suggestions.
Dr Austin Tay is the founder of Omnipsi Consulting (
OmniPsi Consulting specialises in executive coaching, leadership assessment and development, career transitioning, training and workplace intervention. -
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