
  • Introduction to Adam Bastock:  Adam Bastock has made sustainability a core part of his life and work. He believes that sustainability is not just about being ethical or environmentally friendly, but also about ensuring financial stability for small businesses. His mission is to help businesses not just survive, but thrive for the next 5, 10, or 15 years by addressing immediate pressures and setting up long-term strategies for sustainable growth. Early Life and Entrepreneurial Beginnings:  Growing up in Rugby, a quiet town in the Midlands, Adam’s upbringing was stable and laid a solid foundation for his future endeavors. He has two older sisters who provided a window into adulthood. Unlike them, Adam chose a different path, pursuing a flexible Open University degree while working part-time at Sainsbury’s. His entrepreneurial spirit emerged in his late teens when he launched an Etsy store selling handmade cufflinks and laser-cut jewelry. Moving to Brighton and Professional Growth:  In 2010, Adam moved to Brighton to be with his boyfriend. The vibrant and diverse community there broadened his horizons. In 2014, he took a leap of faith by quitting his job at Sainsbury’s to work for a small business in Brighton, where he gained invaluable experience in web development and e-commerce. Building Expertise in Digital Marketing:  Adam’s journey continued with roles at an industrial shelving company and an art gallery, where he honed his skills in Google advertising, SEO, and e-commerce platforms. By the time he went freelance, Adam had a comprehensive skill set to offer small businesses practical, actionable advice in digital marketing. Networking and Community Engagement:  Networking played a crucial role in Adam's freelance success. Active co-working spaces in Brighton provided ample opportunities to connect with potential clients. One of his biggest clients resulted from a casual conversation over coffee. Advocating for Sustainability:  Adam’s passion for sustainability extends beyond business. He emphasises the interconnectedness of our actions and their environmental impact. He highlights the often-overlooked origins of everyday products and stresses the importance of making informed, eco-friendly choices.   Conclusion and Vision for the Future: Adam’s journey towards sustainability is ongoing and multifaceted. He aims to inspire others to see the value of sustainable practices, emphasising that sustainability is not just an environmental necessity but a viable and profitable business strategy. Together, we can create a sustainable future that benefits everyone. Join us in this insightful episode as Adam Bastock shares his story, experiences, and vision for a sustainable future. Don’t miss it! Resources:  

  • In this bite size episode with Adam Bastock, we dive into the concept of sustainability in business. Adam shares insights on what sustainability means to him and how it encompasses more than just environmental concerns. It’s about ensuring businesses thrive financially, operationally, and environmentally over the long term. Key Discussion Points: Defining Sustainability: Sustainability is not just about environmental impact but also financial stability. It’s crucial for businesses to operate in a way that ensures their existence in the next 5, 10, or 15 years. Immediate and Long-term Actions: Addressing short-term pressures with quick actions is vital. Setting and achieving marketing goals that ensure profitability and success over the next year and beyond. Public Understanding and Education: Many people are still unclear about terms like “plastic” and the benefits of reducing single-use plastics. Effective storytelling can drive better understanding and adoption of sustainable practices. Making Sustainability Relatable: Relating sustainability to daily life and individual benefits can increase engagement. Marketing missions should highlight the personal benefits of sustainable practices. Challenges in Education: Traditional climate change education methods may not be engaging enough. Inspirational and practical education, like highlighting the impacts of sustainable choices, can be more effective. Responsibility and Action: Individuals and businesses both have a role to play in sustainability. Understanding the scale of the issue is crucial, but action is equally important. Supply Chain Transparency: Visibility into the supply chain can help consumers and businesses make informed decisions. Case study examples, such as a Norwegian supermarket reducing emissions by adjusting their receipts, demonstrate the impact of transparency. Economic Considerations: Economic factors, such as the ability to provide for one’s family, play a significant role in how sustainability is approached. Solutions need to be practical and economically viable for individuals and businesses alike. Call to Action: Reflect on what sustainability means to you and your business. Consider immediate actions you can take to address sustainability challenges. Explore ways to make sustainability relatable and beneficial to your daily life and business operations. Resources:

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  • Welcome back Hannah Cox from the Better Business Network for her second episode on Tales to Inspire. Listen to or read about Hannah’s first episode here. Episode Highlights: Early Passion for Sustainability: Hannah’s eco-conscious journey began in childhood, fundraising for animal rights and continued through university. Transformative Experience: A trip to Bhutan deepened her commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Business Sustainability: Hannah explains that true sustainability goes beyond environmental concerns, encompassing employee well-being and societal impact. Misconceptions Addressed: Sustainability is not just a checklist; it must be integrated into the core of a business. It's about more than just environmental efforts. Critique of Capitalism: Highlights the flaws in assuming infinite growth on a finite planet and points out significant issues like food waste and air pollution. Better Not Stop: Inspired by a conversation with her dying father, Hannah started her business in a spare room and grew it through the kickstart scheme. B Corp Certification: Helps companies achieve this rigorous certification, ensuring they operate for the benefit of all stakeholders. Better Business Network: Originated from an accountability group, now a nationwide community driving significant change in sustainability. Join Us: Help fix the broken system. The Better Business Network offers support for businesses focused on social and environmental impact. Together, we can make a difference.

  • In this bite size episode with Tales to Inspire we reconnect with past ambassador Hannah Cox who shares snippets of her journey from a conventional job to a purpose-driven career focused on sustainability. After transformative travels in 2018-2019, Hannah became passionate about making a difference in the world. She discusses the misconceptions about sustainability and how businesses of all sizes can integrate sustainable practices into their operations. Episode Highlights: Journey to Purpose: Hannah's shift from a traditional job to sustainability advocacy. The travel experiences that sparked her commitment to making a difference. Misconceptions About Sustainability: Challenging the idea that sustainability is a separate department in business. Emphasising sustainability as a core element in all business operations. Beyond Environmental Impact: Redefining sustainability to include employee well-being and ethical practices. The importance of treating staff well for a truly sustainable business.  Business Approaches to Sustainability: How small, medium, and large companies can implement sustainable practices. Assessing current business knowledge and practices regarding sustainability. Empowering Communities: The intersection of sustainability and economic challenges in communities. Encouraging individuals to contribute to sustainability within their means. Resources:   

  • Introduction: Join us as we delve into the remarkable tale of Bea Thackeray, a visionary artist and sustainability advocate whose journey is as inspiring as her creations. From her humble beginnings as a child with a passion for art to her role as the founder of Keep this Cracker, Bea's story is a testament to the power of creativity and sustainability. Childhood Dreams and Artistic Awakening: Explore Bea's early years spent immersed in art and creativity. Learn how her passion for art paved the way for her future endeavors. Discover the pivotal moments that shaped her artistic identity, from her time at the Harrow School of Art to her career with The Body Shop. The Birth of Keep this Cracker: Uncover the inspiration behind Bea's innovative creation, Keep this Cracker. Hear about Bea's journey from concept to reality, including the design process and the challenges she faced along the way. Learn about the sustainable principles that guide Keep this Cracker and how Bea's commitment to the environment drives her business decisions. Empowering Change Through Creativity: Gain insight into Bea's philosophy of using creativity as a force for good. Discover how Bea's passion for sustainability extends beyond her business and influences her personal life. Be inspired to make a positive impact on the world through creativity and sustainable living, just like Bea. Bea Thackeray's story is a testament to the transformative power of art, creativity, and sustainability. As we conclude our journey through her remarkable tale, we're reminded that each of us has the potential to make a difference in the world, one creative endeavour at a time. Resources: Keep This Cracker: Better Business Network: Tales to Inspire Newsletter:    

  • Join us for an enlightening bite size episode on sustainability and design as we delve into the fascinating world of eco-conscious innovation with Bea Thackeray, a passionate advocate for sustainable practices and purpose-driven design. Why Sustainability Matters: Bea shares her personal journey and deep-rooted commitment to sustainability. For her, it's not just about her background; it's a profound sense of responsibility towards the products we create and their impact on the planet. From the materials we use to the end-of-life disposal, Bea emphasises the importance of mindful design and resource utilisation. Embracing Change: With governments increasingly banning single-use plastics and a growing public consciousness, Bea sees a shifting tide towards sustainability. She highlights the need for a mindset change, advocating for products that are not only durable but also repairable—a stark contrast to our throwaway culture. The Quest for Purpose: As a designer, Bea constantly seeks opportunities to innovate and improve. She believes in the power of design thinking to address complex challenges and drive positive change. From problem-solving in design training to fostering collaboration within the industry, Bea explores the role of micro-businesses and individuals in driving sustainable solutions. Building Collaborative Communities: Bea underscores the importance of collaboration and partnership in advancing sustainability goals. She argues that micro-businesses have a unique advantage in adapting and experimenting with new ideas, paving the way for innovative solutions and meaningful impact. Towards a Sustainable Future: In closing, Bea encourages us to embrace optimism and seize the opportunity for change. By aligning our values and purpose, she believes we can collectively build a better, more sustainable future for generations to come. Resources: Keep this Cracker: Better Business Network:  

  • “We are human beings, not human doings” In this episode of Tales to Inspire, we delve into the remarkable journey of Pete Barty, a man who has navigated through life's challenges with courage, resilience, and a deep commitment to personal growth. From his early days as a civil engineer to his transformative experiences as a fundraiser, explorer, and now, a therapist, Pete's story is one of profound introspection and self-discovery. Facing Adversity: Pete's life took an unexpected turn when he was diagnosed with primary bone cancer in his shoulder. This life-altering diagnosis, delivered with solemn gravity by his healthcare team, plunged Pete into a period of uncertainty and introspection. The ensuing surgery and rehabilitation left him grappling with physical pain and emotional turmoil, prompting his first encounter with mental health challenges. Navigating Mental Health Challenges: During his recovery, Pete found himself confronting profound questions about mortality and purpose. Struggling to reconcile his identity as an engineer with the complexities of his situation, he sought solace in therapy. Through candid conversations and support from loved ones and healthcare professionals, Pete began to navigate the intricate terrain of mental health, discovering resilience and coping mechanisms along the way. A Journey of Exploration and Self-Discovery: Motivated by a desire to give back and find meaning in his experiences, Pete embarked on a series of ambitious expeditions and fundraising endeavors, including climbing Kilimanjaro, completing the London Marathon, and trekking to the Mount Everest base camp. These experiences not only raised vital funds for charity but also served as crucibles for personal growth and introspection, challenging Pete to confront his fears and limitations. Embracing Change and Finding Purpose: As Pete transitioned into retirement from his engineering career, he confronted yet another period of upheaval and introspection. Wrestling with the loss of identity and social stability, he embarked on a transformative journey to Mississippi, where he confronted buried emotions and embraced the power of vulnerability. This pivotal moment catalyzed Pete's journey towards self-acceptance and renewal, propelling him towards a new vocation as a therapist. Pete Barty's journey is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative power of self-discovery. Through adversity and exploration, he has emerged as a beacon of hope and inspiration, embodying the essence of what it means to be human – to learn, to grow, and to embrace life's infinite possibilities. Resources:

  • Meet Pete Barty as he shares his inspiring tale of overcoming mental health challenges and embracing the power of resilience in this thought-provoking bite size episode. Discover how good mental health isn't just about feeling happy all the time, but rather, it's about maintaining a balance in life, just like you would with your physical health. In this heartfelt conversation, Pete delves into the nuances of recognising when life's roller coaster becomes overwhelming and how it impacts our daily lives. He sheds light on the importance of building resilience and seeking support when needed, whether it's through therapy, exercise, or mindful practices. But where does society fit into the picture? Pete discusses the progress we've made in making mental health a part of everyday conversations but emphasises the need for more support structures. From increased funding for mental health services to fostering a culture of community support, Pete challenges us to step up and take action. Drawing from personal experiences, Pete highlights the significance of having neutral spaces for discussion, especially for males who may face stigma in opening up within their friend circles. He shares the profound impact of having a therapist as a neutral confidant, free from judgment or preconceived notions. Join us as we unravel the complexities of mental health, resilience, and community support. Together, let's spark conversations, break down barriers, and pave the way for a more supportive society where everyone's mental well-being matters.   Resources:  

  • Join Vicki Roberts on a journey of resilience and empowerment as she shares her inspiring story of overcoming mental health challenges to thrive as an entrepreneur. Originally from Milton Keynes, Vicki's relocation to Manchester at 18 marked the beginning of a tumultuous path filled with struggles and triumphs. Despite facing battles with anorexia and self-harm, Vicki found her strength in entrepreneurship. Today, she is the driving force behind A Balanced Collective, a company dedicated to optimising operations for business growth. In this candid discussion, Vicki opens up about her journey, highlighting the importance of resilience, support networks, and finding purpose beyond the shadows of mental illness. Join her community of resilience and empowerment by subscribing to her channel for more inspiring content on mental health, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. Don't miss out on Vicki's insights and wisdom as she shares her experiences and lessons learned along the way. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment with Vicki Roberts.   Resources: Beat: Mind: Samaritans:

  • Feeling stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed? You're absolutely not alone. In this episode, we explore the key difference between mental health and mental illness, helping you understand your own wellbeing and how to support others. Here's what you'll learn: What mental health REALLY means: It's not just about treating issues, but about nurturing your psychological well-being, just like taking care of your physical health. Recognising signs of mental illness: We'll discuss common symptoms and when to seek professional help. Breaking the stigma and having open conversations: Learn how to normalise discussions about mental health and create a safe space for yourself and others. Practical tips for supporting friends and loved ones: We'll share actionable advice on being a good friend and offering support to those struggling. Join the conversation! Let us know your thoughts and experiences (anonymously if preferred) in the comments below. Share this episode to help spread awareness! Looking for more resources? We've compiled a list of helpful organisations below: Tales to Inspire:  Beat (Eating Disorders):  Mind:  Samaritans:  Stay tuned for more mental health content! #MentalHealth #MentalHealthAwareness #YoureNotAlone

  • In this episode, we delve into the remarkable story of Pete Sincock, a survivor who overcame adversity through resilience and human connection. Join us as we explore Pete's challenging childhood, marred by trauma, yet fueled by his unwavering passion for football. Despite facing numerous obstacles, Pete's determination remained steadfast. Discover how a serendipitous encounter at the Yes Tribe's Yestival event became a catalyst for Pete's transformation. From cycling across countries to supporting mental health initiatives, Pete's journey exemplifies the power of community and kindness. Tune in to learn how Pete's story serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us all that even in our darkest moments, there is light to be found. Resources:  

  • Welcome back to our bite size episode with Pete Sincock! In this episode, Pete delves into the intricate nuances of mental health and the crucial role it plays in our lives. Key Points: Understanding Mental Health: Pete emphasizes that mental health isn't just about extreme cases; it's a spectrum that ranges from moments of euphoria to darker thoughts and struggles. Community Support: He highlights the importance of community and societal support in nurturing better mental health. Pete stresses that everyone, regardless of gender, needs a support system to lean on during tough times. Responsibility: The discussion extends to the responsibility for mental health support. Pete questions whether it lies with the government, families, or individuals themselves. He advocates for a holistic approach that addresses various mental health conditions beyond just sadness or happiness. Personal Support Systems: Sharing his personal journey, Pete reveals the significance of support systems. He acknowledges his own struggles but also the profound impact of having someone extend a helping hand during his darkest moments. Transformation through Kindness: Pete shares a powerful story about how one person's kindness changed his life trajectory. He emphasizes the importance of spreading kindness and positivity to uplift others. Personal Transformation: Pete's journey reflects the transformative power of self-awareness and the courage to seek help. He shares how he found solace and support through connections with others, ultimately leading to positive life changes. Join Pete Sincock as he explores the complexities of mental health and advocates for a more compassionate and supportive society. Remember, a simple act of kindness can make a world of difference in someone's life. Stay tuned for more enriching discussions on our channel!   Resources:  

  • Segment 1: True Education and Empowerment Founder Alex Winstanley shares his personal journey and the driving force behind the creation of Happy Smiles: witnessing the systemic marginalization of disabled individuals. Discuss the importance of amplifying the voices of marginalized communities and empowering them to create change. Segment 2: From Passion to Purpose Alex's upbringing in Wigan and how the shared experience of feeling marginalized fueled his determination to make a difference. Transformational moments in Alex's life, from his passion for rugby to volunteering with disabled individuals, leading to the inception of Happy Smiles. The decision to leave a teaching job to pursue a more impactful role aligned with his beliefs. Segment 3: The Birth of Happy Smiles The initial campaign sparked by a personal connection with Hayden, a person with cerebral palsy, and the foundation of Happy Smiles. Overcoming challenges and setbacks, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the organization's trajectory. The evolution of Happy Smiles from a grassroots initiative to a community interest company, driven by a mission to challenge societal perceptions of disability. Segment 4: Making an Impact Overview of Happy Smiles' initiatives, including training sessions led by disabled individuals on disability awareness and inclusive language. Sharing success stories, including recognition on the Disability Power 100 list and the organisation's impact on over 16,000 people through training programs. Segment 5: Looking to the Future Discussing Happy Smiles' vision for scalable growth and collaborations with other disabled-led training providers. Addressing challenges in sustaining high standards and navigating the complex landscape of funding. Emphasising the organisation's unwavering commitment to inclusivity and making a positive impact in the world.   Resources:   Happy Smiles Training:   Alex Winstanley:   Together Trust:  

  • In this episode, Alex Winstanley delves into the core motivations driving his work in disability inclusion and broader societal inclusion. He reflects on the marginalisation of disabled individuals over the past decade, citing a lack of opportunities and recognition as key issues. Alex emphasises the importance of giving voice and value to diverse communities, acknowledging that many feel marginalised and unworthy due to systemic inequalities. He criticizes governmental systems that perpetuate privilege while neglecting to support marginalised groups adequately. Alex highlights the harmful effects of social isolation and exclusion on disabled individuals, as well as on other marginalised communities. Alex underscores the necessity of elevating individuals with lived experiences of marginalisation to positions of power and influence. He advocates for meaningful representation in decision-making roles to drive positive change at both community and governmental levels. Furthermore, Alex stresses the significance of empathy and understanding derived from lived experiences. He believes that authentic engagement with diverse perspectives is essential for effecting meaningful societal change. Resources: Happy Smiles Training: Alex Winstanley: Together Trust:  

  • Meet Jenny Dakosta Van Mputu, a 48-year-old man from the Democratic Republic of the Congo.   Early Activism: Learn about Jenny's activism against injustice, lack of freedom, and corruption under Mobutu's oppressive regime in the Congo.   Challenges and Struggles: Explore Jenny's journey as an asylum seeker in the UK, facing bureaucratic hurdles, homelessness, and legal battles.   Resilience and Determination: Discover how Jenny's unwavering spirit propelled him forward despite the odds, leading to a transformative journey of survival and perseverance.   Community Engagement: Hear about Jenny's current role as a support worker in Birmingham and his commitment to contributing positively to his community.   Gratitude and Hope: Gain insight into Jenny's gratitude for the opportunities provided by the UK and his aspirations for the future, including becoming a British citizen.   Life Lessons and Advice: Listen as Jenny shares valuable insights on resilience, perseverance, and navigating life's challenges, offering inspiration for listeners on their own journeys.   Join us for an episode filled with riveting storytelling, profound wisdom, and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit as Jenny Dakosta Van Mputu shares his remarkable journey of survival and hope.   Resources:   Tales to Inspire: Mustard Tree: British Red Cross: BRASS: City of Sanctuary Bradford:  

  • In this episode, we hear from Jenny Dakosta Van Mputu, a refugee who shares his personal journey through adversity and resilience. Facing homelessness in British society, Jenny recounts the struggles of not knowing where to start or how to communicate in a foreign land. Jenny emphasises the importance of support, especially from organisations in Manchester, highlighting the difficulties of transportation due to financial constraints.  He expresses gratitude for the kindness of British people encountered along the way, noting the crucial role of community support in navigating the complexities of the immigration system. Language barriers compound the challenges, with individuals speaking diverse languages from their home countries. Learning English becomes essential for accessing vital services and legal assistance. Jenny now advocates for increased funding and support for refugees, including financial assistance for transportation to access resources like food banks and legal aid. Ultimately Jenny’s bite size episode provides a poignant insight into the struggles faced by refugees in the UK and the importance of compassion and support in helping them rebuild their lives. Resources:  

  • In this episode, we delve into the remarkable journey of Yatin Mistry, a proud, gay, British Indian whose story of self-discovery and acceptance shines a light on the complexities of identity and the power of resilience. Growing Up in Essex: Yatin recounts his upbringing in 1980s Essex, where racism was pervasive and societal norms pressured him to conform to a whitewashed ideal. He internalised this racism, feeling ashamed of his own identity and striving to fit into a mold that didn't truly represent him. A Shift in Perspective: At age 14, Yatin's worldview shifted when he learned about colonialism and the atrocities committed against his ancestors. This sparked a journey of anger and introspection as he grappled with his dual identity as a British Indian. A Quest for Meaning: Yatin's comfortable life in London took a dramatic turn when he was confronted with the injustice of famine in Africa. Motivated to make a difference, he left his job and embarked on a journey to India to work with children in the slums. Discovering Dual Identity: In India, Yatin found himself immersed in the richness of his cultural heritage, challenging his preconceived notions of identity. He confronted internalised homophobia and came to accept his sexuality as a natural part of who he is. Navigating Family Dynamics: Yatin's journey to self-acceptance was not without its challenges, particularly within his family. Despite initial resistance, he found support and understanding from his brother, while facing more complicated reactions from his parents. Empowering Others: Today, Yatin is happily married and dedicated to helping others on their own journeys of self-discovery. He emphasises the importance of patience and understanding in allowing others to come to terms with identities that may challenge societal norms. Conclusion: Yatin's story serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration, reminding us that embracing our true selves not only liberates us but also empowers others to do the same. As he aptly puts it, "when you let your light shine, you give others permission to do the same." Resources:   Website: Social Media:

  • In this bite size episode with Yatin Mistry, the discussion delves into the concept of community, particularly focusing on the experiences of those who belong to marginalised groups. The conversation is centred around Yatin's perspective, who sheds light on various aspects of identity and prejudice within communities.   Queer Community and Prejudice: Yatin highlights the challenges faced by individuals within the queer community, emphasising how they often endure prejudice due to their minority status. Drawing parallels, Yatin relates this to the experience of being a person of colour in a predominantly Caucasian society, where success may be hindered by societal biases.   Intersectionality and Protection: Yatin explores the intersectionality of identity, discussing how being a part of multiple marginalised groups can compound the challenges faced. Whether it's due to race, gender, or other protected characteristics, individuals often encounter barriers that affect their personal and professional lives.   Healthcare and Transphobia: The conversation extends to the healthcare sector, particularly addressing issues of transphobia. Yatin, advocates for better training and awareness among healthcare professionals to ensure respectful and inclusive care for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity.   Respect and Understanding: Yatin emphasises the importance of mutual respect and understanding within communities. Whether it's respecting someone's preferred pronouns or cultural preferences, fostering dialogue and empathy can lead to positive change and greater inclusivity.   Changing Norms through Dialogue: Yatin believes that changing societal norms requires ongoing dialogue and conversation. By engaging in meaningful discussions with individuals from diverse backgrounds, it's possible to challenge existing prejudices and promote greater acceptance and tolerance.   Community Support and Empowerment: The episode concludes with a call to action for community support and empowerment. Yatin stresses the importance of solidarity among marginalised groups, highlighting the strength that comes from sharing experiences and advocating for change together.   Resources:  

  • Join us as we delve into the captivating life story of Raji Sundar, a Mumbai-born individual whose journey is nothing short of extraordinary. 🌍 Early Life and Cultural Exposure Raji shares insights into his childhood, where frequent job changes led to exposure to diverse cultures. By the age of 4, he effortlessly spoke four languages. Despite being reserved, Raji's journey was influenced by the fear of failure, hindering him from attempting new challenges. 💼 The I.T Boom and Career Climb The 90s ushered in the I.T boom, and Raji's keen interest propelled him into a career in technology. Join him as he recounts his experiences, from TCS in Mumbai to a challenging first year in the UK, working in Kent and commuting to London daily. Despite cultural shocks, Raji's dedication shone through, leading to a successful project at TCS and subsequent recruitment by H Boss, where he thrived in delivering one successful project after another. 🌟 Beyond the 9-5: A Paradigm Shift Despite corporate success, Raji wondered if there was more to life than the 9-5 routine. His life took a transformative turn in 2015 when he decided to support a friend running a charity 10k, marking the beginning of his love for running. This unexpected passion led to the creation of his blog, "Midlife Runners." 🏃‍♂️ Empowering Others Through Running Discover how Raji's life-changing experience led him to coach individuals worldwide, breaking barriers and making running accessible. His commitment to providing the right advice, especially for women post-menopause, led him to qualify as a Great Britain athletics coach. "Midlife Runners" became a community where underdogs found support, focusing on well-being, friendship, and the joy of running over competition. 🌈 Midlife Runners: Where Everyone Belongs Explore the ethos of Midlife Runners—a community not just about running, but about feeling good and forming lifelong connections. Raji Sundar's story is an inspiration for those seeking fulfillment beyond the conventional, proving that it's never too late for a transformative journey. 🔗 Connect with Midlife Runners:

  • In this Bite Size episode, Raji Sundar explores the profound connection between lifestyle, movement, and societal well-being.    She emphasises the impact of modern conveniences, like the transport system, turning us into a sedentary nation. Raji delves into the essential nature of movement for individuals, societies, and communities, underscoring the importance of a balanced and active lifestyle, reflecting on personal experiences, admitting guilt about opting for convenience over healthier choices.    Raji discusses the societal shift towards greater awareness of movement, encouraging mutual support in adopting healthier habits. She questions the cultural inclination to prioritise speed and convenience, highlighting the paradox of rushing for short-term gains at the expense of mental well-being.    Resources: