Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
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Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website at
Watch the video version of this podcast on our website at
Watch the video version of this podcast on our website at
Thank you for listening to our podcast! These episodes are available as an audio-only podcast publicly, and you can watch the video versions in the members-only section of our YouTube channel, as well as in the community section of our website.
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감사합니다! -
Thank you for listening to our podcast and studying Korean with our books and online courses! Join our community at
Listen to interesting stories told mostly in Korean, and learn new Korean vocabulary words and expressions through engaging context!
Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다!
감기 / 열 / 열이 나다 / 미열 / 고열 / 삼십육 점 오 도 / 섭씨 / 화씨 / 증상 / 두통 / 머리가 아프다 / 편두통 / 기침 / 재채기 / 에취 / 기침이 나오다 / 헛기침을 하다 / 콜록콜록 / 콜록거리다 / 아침부터 콜록거리네. 어디 아파? / 까딱까딱 / 까딱거리다 / 식욕이 없다
해열제 / 진통제 / 두통약 / 기침가래약 / 링거 / 링거 맞았어요. / 수액 / 주사기 / 주사 / 주사 맞다 / 영양 주사 / 비타민 주사 / 생강차 / 꿀물 / 쌍화차
백신 / 예방 접종 / 예방 주사 / 면역력 / 빨리 나아. 빨리 나으세요. / 푹 쉬세요. / 일 생각하지 말고 푹 쉬세요! / 빨리 회복하세요. / 빠른 쾌유를 빕니다.
Here are the words we talk about in this episode! For a more systematic learning experience, please visit us at 감사합니다!
가구 / 방 / 침실 / 안방 / 안주인 / 거실 / 리빙 룸 / 침실 / 아이들 방 / 애들 방 / 침대 방 / 공부방 / 서재 / 주방 / 부엌 / 베란다 / 발코니 / 책상 / 높이 조절 책상 / 모션 데스크 / 스탠딩 데스크 / 화장대 / 전자 제품 / 세탁기 / 건조기 / 건조대 / 밥솥 / 전기 밥솥 / 반찬 / 냉장고 / 냉장실 / 냉동실 / 닭 가슴살 / 전자레인지 / 욕조 / 찜질방 / 목욕탕 / 빌라 / 아파트 / 고층 아파트 / 단지 / 커뮤니티 시설 / 세대수 / 오피스텔 / 다세대 주택 / 단독 주택 / 전원 주택 / 복층
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