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Sadhguru, founder of Isha Foundation is a yogi, mystic and spiritual master with a difference. An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serve as a reminder that inner sciences are not esoteric philosophies from an outdated past, but a contemporary science vitally relevant to our times.
Inspiring joy, balance and harmony in daily life through enlightening spiritual discourses. (1) DISCOURSES: spiritual talks by learned swamis as well as experienced devotees. (2) DIALOGUES: question-answer sessions. (3) MEDITATIONS: affirmations and thoughts to help guide our own minds. (4) INSIGHTS: insightful elaborations of simple spiritual concepts in less than five minutes
The complete eleven (11) classes that Swami Vivekananda gave on Bhakti Yoga in New York City, 1895-96. Narrated by Varun Narayan.
Recorded with permission from Advaita Ashrama, publisher.
For more information about Swami Vivekananda:
To order books by or about Swami Vivekananda:
If you would like to make donation to help fund the recording and production of this and the next three series of yoga classes, please email for more information. -
Join us for daily reading of Srila Prabhupada's books. Listen as Kesava Bharati Dasa Goswami reads the verses and purports from all of Srila Prabhupada's books and absorb the nectar drops of insights into bhakti-yoga and devotional service from India's classic spiritual literature. About the PodcasterKesava Bharati Dasa Goswami has been reading Srila Prabhupada’s books, BG, Bhagavatam, and Caitanya-Caritamrita, out loud every day for the last four years. This podcast was developed to provide broader access to these important readings.
Sadhguru, der Gründer der Isha Foundation, ist ein Yogi, Mystiker und spiritueller Meister der besonderen Art.
Sein Leben und sein Werk sind eine beeindruckende Mischung aus Tiefgründigkeit und Pragmatismus und erinnern daran, dass die inneren Wissenschaften keine esoterischen Philosophien aus einer überholten Vergangenheit sind, sondern eine zeitgenössische Wissenschaft, die für unsere Zeit von großer Bedeutung ist. -
Nectar Talks is hosted by Amrita-keli, Namamrita, and Krishna Kishora Kish from the heart of New Raman Reti in Alachua Florida, the largest Hare Krishna community in North America and the home of thousands of Bhakti yoga practitioners. In their ongoing interviews this dynamic duo digs deep into our search for a loving connection with Krishna (God) and each-other. With you, they uncover the real life stories and inner journeys of a vibrant community of friends and special guests. Like bees searching for nectar our hosts seek pearls of wisdom from how they live their lives and the lessons they can impart to us and their listeners. If you're seeking nectar, look no further! Find us also on YouTube and Facebook.