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How can a person constantly challenged by adversity and controversy succeed against all odds, develop a successful long-lasting career and live a rewarding life? Join multi-talent Joey DeMaio (founder/bassist/composer of iconic rock/metal band MANOWAR, studio owner, producer, engineer, and entrepreneur) as he shares his life lessons that he believes can help you lead a
powerful life. -
The leading online music marketing podcast just for musicians!
Expert interviews, strategies, the latest changes in social media and Facebook advertising, album launches, crowdfunding, student success stories, and MORE! We equip musicians with the knowledge and tools to live their dreams in the new music industry. -
The Modern Music Show is where musicians can find tips, tricks, tactics and strategies to help them lead fulfilling and financially successful careers in today's modern music industry. Daily interviews with inspirational and intelligent guest bring musicians into the modern world quickly, and show them what it takes, and how they can accomplish the same thing in their careers.
The Entrepreneurial Musician with Andrew Hitz will help you make more money in the music business. Andrew brings his experience of performing in almost 40 countries over the last two decades to conversations with the most successful musical entrepreneurs in the world to provide actionable advice for anyone trying to succeed in today's ever-changing music industry.
Crushing Classical is a series of interviews with classical musicians who are forging unique paths with their talent, creating their own artistic fulfillment and financial comfort, and finding ways to thrive. I celebrate these brave people who are taking routes outside of traditional orchestral or academic employment! As always, I invite you to listen for your own sparks and breadcrumbs, and use these interviews to find the possibilities that exist in your own life.
Candid conversations with the working force of the music industry.
This Nashville based podcast explores what it really looks like to make a living in one of the fastest changing industries in the world.
Hosted by singer/songwriter and Nashville For Hire founder: Andrew Galucki -
Music Talks...The alternative music industry podcast. We talk to everyone and anyone in or around the music industry. From the fringes to the mainstream, we bring you the big names and the guests others may overlook. The series is inclusive, informative and entertaining. Taking time to explain the acronyms, putting examples into context and making the sure the listener isn’t left behind, be they industry veteran or student starting out.
Whether you’re an aspiring music business professional or a seasoned vet, every Thursday, The Music Business podcast brings you the trends, tactics and insights from some of the world’s most innovative minds in music. Hosts Artist Manager Jordan Williams and Sam Hysell of NOX aren’t teachers, we’re entertainment industry professionals, drinkers, wannabe comedians and, most importantly, fans. Come learn and laugh with us.
To learn more visit the or follow @musicbusinesspodcast , @samhysell , and @jordanchude on Instagram.
Opinions expressed are solely our own and do not express the views or opinions of our employers.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Don’t let the “business stuff” hold you back from running a successful home recording studio. Very few of us went to business school, have any sort of formal business training, or have experience running businesses in the past.
Throughout The Six Figure Home Studio Podcast, Brian Hood and Chris Graham will help you learn what actually matters in this confusing world of business. -
Hva ville du spurt ditt største forbilde om? I Mentoren får unge og ambisiøse folk muligheten til å intervjue sitt største forbilde innen samme fagfelt. Hvilke smeller har en skuespiller gått på, eller hva med en arkitekt? Trenger man vitnemål for å bli influenser, og er det egentlig mulig å bli den nye Helsesista?
Music is a powerful tool for personal and political change. Unfortunately, cis women, trans, and gender-expansive folks have not always been well-represented at the mic (or guitar, bass, drums, keyboard… you get the idea!). If you are a music gear manufacturer, retailer, or venue-owner who wants to learn how to make your customers’ and employees’ experiences better or a musician who wants to hear both hilarious and horrifying stories from folks like you, Mid-Riff can help. Mid-Riff features interviews with musicians, makers, and sellers from a variety of experiences and identities as well as tips to create awesome music spaces and workplaces. Follow for more:
Arrangørpodkasten som løfter og snakker med de gode folka i kulissene.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Lise viser hvordan livet blir bedre med kontroll på økonomien, og inviterer gjester som kan gjøre oss enda bedre med egne penger. For annonsering: For booking av Lise som foredragsholder: For mer pengesnakk besøk og følg @pengesnakk på instagram.
Økonomitips til trange tider. Dine Pengers Andreas Fredriksen og Hallgeir Kvadsheim gir deg drøssevis av konkrete tips slik at du kan ta smarte valg med dine penger - enten du vil spare, investere eller noe helt annet.
Hør oss gratis hver torsdag i iTunes og Spotify og alle podkast-apper. Du kan også høre spørsmål-svar-episoder, eksklusive for abonnenter av PodMe i PodMe-appen, eller Dine Penger-abonnenter på
Ansvarlig redaktør Gard Steiro.
Hallgeir Kvadsheim er tilknyttet Max Social, som er et heleid profilbyrå i VGTV AS. VGs redaksjonelle vurderinger gjøres uavhengig av dette. Redaksjonen står fritt. Oversikt over bindinger for profiler som gjør oppdrag for VG ligger her:
Velkommen til økonomiterapi på øret! Pengetabu av DNB handler om det du lurer på rundt økonomi, men ikke tør å spørre om.
I hver episode får Agnete Bråtun besøk av sin faste gjest forbrukerøkonom Silje Sandmæl, og sammen med en ekspert løser de lytternes utfordringer.
I denne sesongen vil du høre om alt fra impulsshopping, masete barn og parøkonomi, til forventningspress og hvor mye vi bør ha i buffer.
Har du noe på hjertet? Send inn til, så kanskje er det deg vi hjelper neste gang.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Hege Janson Skogen (30) har ambisjoner om å bli toppleder. Næringslivsleder og forfatter Anita Krohn Traaseth (48) har allerede tatt den reisen. Bli med som flue på veggen når Anita og Hege diskuterer små og store utfordringer som Hege, og sannsynligvis du selv, møter på veien oppover karrierestigen og i selve livet.