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Hear from the leaders shaping the future of work for the better! The 4th industrial revolution, powered by artificial intelligence, machine learning and automation, will change the face of work as we know it. How are innovators creating the future and preparing us for it? Join the conversation!
Schneider Electric vous emmène au cœur de l’industrie 4.0 en vous présentant les dernières innovations pour transformer votre industrie. Retrouvez des témoignages de professionnels de premier plan afin de développer vos connaissances, vos compétences, et votre entreprise. L’innovation n’a jamais été aussi près de chez vous.
Formidable Israeli startups pitch to angels, venture capitalists and industry experts. Join the candid give-and-take between pros with hard-earned wisdom and techies pushing cutting-edge advances. J-Tech Pitch Lounge offers a deep dive into the startup ecosystem that has transformed a tiny country into an outsized player on the world stage. To learn more visit us at
Entrepreneurs ou aspirants entrepreneurs :
que pouvons-nous faire concrètement
pour faire notre part face aux grands enjeux de société ?
“Too Good to grow ?” c’est un format simple pour interroger celles et ceux qui cherchent à concilier activité économique et grands enjeux sociétaux ou environnementaux.
Au travers de ces entretiens nous vous faisons découvrir des invités, des parcours
mais aussi des solutions concrètes à la portée du plus grand nombre !
Bonne écoute ! -
Digital Transformation in Supply Chain Management is hosted by Symphony. In this podcast, we want to talk to you about Supply Chain and Logistics leading-edge technologies and thought leadership. We want to connect you with global experts, thought leaders, and executives in all things supply chain through 1-to-1 interviews. Get insights on how you can transform your supply chain digitally.
Das Audiocenter of Excellence von Crossplan Deutschland beschäftigt sich mit Facetten des Online-Audio-Business vor allem aus der Datenmanagement-Perspektive. Für mehr als 45 Radiosender, mit mehr als 450 Webangeboten, generiert Crossplan mit einer Data Management Platform Insights, die den Programmmachern die digitale Programmplanung erleichtern und andererseits dem Werbemarkt digitale Zielgruppen für die werbliche Kommunikation zur Verfügung stellt. Thomas Kabke-Sommer, Gründungsgeschäftsführer der Hamburger Unternehmung Crossplan Deutschland, tauscht mit ausgeprägter Leidenschaft für Zukunftsthemen Gedanken zu Veränderungen in der digitalen Kommunikation aus. Viel Spaß beim Zuhören.
أطرح هنا مواضيع تتعلق باهتمامتي المهنية والتي كتبت عنها في مدوناتي أكتب وملهم. وتتلخص في مجموعة نقاط هي:تاريخ التقنيةتطوير معرفي (تتمثل في المواضيع جديدة وتحسين الموجود.)، توثيق الأعمال (من كتابة وأفلام وثائقية ولقاءات).. تنمية القيادات (،تتمثل في منح الناس الفرص) و تحفيز (وهو بالنسبة لي إشعار الناس بقيمتهم) تصميم (المنظمات الابتكارية) تاءات خمس (العناية بالمرافق) وأخيرًا وليس آخرًا .. #تذوق_الجمال_نعمة (من تصوير.. تمثيل .. تزيين) وكما تلاحظون أو قد لاحظتم فإن المواضيع تبدأ بحرف التاء .. تاريخ .. تطوير .. توثيق .. تنمية .. تحفيز .. تنظيم .. تاءات .. تذوق .. من هنا جاء بودكاست تاءات..أما تصميم العلامة فكان البحر بجماله و سحره وعمقه خير مايمثل ماستجدونه من محتوى في تاءات .. وبالمناسبة فذا كان تحليل زوجتي لاختيار صورة البحر وهي بالمناسبة من تصويري لشاطئ في مدينة سان هوان في بورتو ريكو. معكم رأفت محمود زيني..شغوف بديناميكا النظم وتصميم المنظمات، قادم من عالم الهندسة، مهتم بالتقنية واستراتيجياتها، محب للفن والجمال،شعاري #تذوق_الجمال_نعمة.
If you are looking for fresh ideas and inspiration on how to propel your tech career to the next level this is the show for you. TTT is conversations with IT leaders. Hear about the challenges they face and how they overcome them. Learn how IT leaders build their teams and help them grow to the next level. Learn about leadership in the IT space and how you can advance your career in IT. Your host is Jodi Kulek Mayer, President of Clearmont Technologies. She has 25+ years in IT Staffing and Search.
Produced by Draper Goren Holm Ventures, LA Blockchain Summit is the leading annual gathering of the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry at the Los Angeles convention center.Every autumn, the summit brings together developers, entrepreneurs, startups, investors, venture capital funds, retail investors, family offices, real estate investors, startup entrepreneurs, issuers, exchanges, broker-dealers, service providers, and members of the media.Previous keynotes include Steve Wozniak, Marcus Lemonis, Shark Tank’s Robert Herjavec, Tim Draper, Dan Morehead, Crystal Rose, Anthony “Pomp” Pompliano, Peter McCormack, Mance Harmon, Ran Neu-Ner, Ami Ben David, Bill Barhydt, Scott Walker, Adam Draper, Apolo Ohno, and many others.
NFT Alpha is the spot where you can get the latest and greatest NFT news, project reviews, and NFT advice. Episodes coming to you twice a week where you can learn about some of the upcoming NFT projects and tokens that have major upside and potential. Follow us on this journey as we uncover what the world of NFTs has to offer!
DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that we are not a professional advisor in business areas involving NFT’s, finance, cryptocurrency, taxation, securities and, or the practice of law. The information and content written, broadcasted, and/or disseminated by and through "NFT Update" is intended FOR GENERAL INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY. Nothing written or discussed is intended to be construed, or relied upon, as investment, financial, legal, regulatory, accounting, tax or similar advice, nor should it be. All content expressed, created, and conveyed by "NFT Update" is premised upon subjective opinions pertaining to currently-existing facts readily available. -
SphereCast is a podcast all about technology — technology advice, technology inspiration, and how real entrepreneurs have used technology to build their businesses from the ground up. If you’re wondering how technology can support your business goals, rest assured. Our guests have been there and done that.
Welcome to the Datasets Podcast. Be well prepared to Learn and Share Insights about Entrepreneurship, AI, Wealth, Biohacking, Cultivating Relations, Surviving & Thriving In The Next Crisis, etc.
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The E-commerce Queen Podcast is a podcast for all things E-commerce, online business, and self-development.
The host of the podcast, Sara Lampela is a 22 year old E-commerce entrepreneur who has 3 years of experience in selling products internationally with Amazon FBA as well as building her own E-commerce brands on Shopify.
The goal of The E-commerce Queen is to inspire other ambitious women to step into the world of E-commerce, help them to start and grow their own online businesses and bring the feminine essence into the E-commerce space.
New episodes every Sunday!