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A podcast about creating a healthier relationship with food, free from bingeing, food obsession, and dieting. If you’re a millennial looking for some food therapy, I’m here for you. Come with a glass of wine, we’ll debunk wellness culture, intuitive eating, and more. It’s not about the food ladies, let’s get to what you’re really hungry for.
Craving Food Freedom is hosted by Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist Elise Liu, millennial, dog mom, first-gen Chinese American, yoga-doer, and sourdough enthusiast. Welcome aboard!
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Discussing life, faith, addiction, recovery, hope, homelessness, community, God, work, family, and everything in between. We'll be joined by VRM staff and graduates, as well as special guests from the community, to discuss what everyone of us has to offer...our own story and how it crosses yours.
A küldetésünk túlmutat az élelmiszergyártáson. Fontos számunkra, hogy az egészséget támogató reggelik gyártása mellett szakmai tudással támogassuk a tudatos táplálkozást. 2020-ban a elindítottuk az Egy Finoman Tudatos podcast műsorunkat azzal a céllal, hogy edukatív tartalommal eszközt adhassunk a mindennapokra.
Tartsatok velünk, hiszen elkalauzolunk benneteket az étkezés, étrend, evés és még megannyi életmódot övező kérdés labirintusában.
A tartalom nem minősül szakmai tanácsadásnak vagy orvosi javaslatnak. Egészséggel és táplálkozással összefüggő panaszok vagy kérdések esetén fordulj orvoshoz vagy dietetikushoz! -
“The LGBTQ community is not just for Pride – it’s for life.”
From protests to parades, parties to politics, Pride is all about visibility. The LGBTQ community is loud and proud, here and queer, after many years forced inside the closet.
The Out Crowd is the LGBTQ podcast from Reach, speaking to members of the queer community about their experiences in the past and present, and their hopes for the future.
The battle for equality still remains, and our podcast will look at the history of the struggle from those who continue to fight for it.
You will hear from activists, artists, drag queens, writers, educators, journalists, family, friends, and colleagues about what it means to be LGBTQ today..
This is a celebration of queer voices who fight to be heard against the insidious waves of homophobia and transphobia still experienced today.
This is an education about the history and culture of the LGBTQ community.
And this is a podcast that is loud and proud, here and queer, and most definitely out of the closet.
The Out Crowd is a Laudable production for Reach, in partnership with ReachOut. It is presented and produced by Daniel J. McLaughlin.
The title music is Sunny Travel by Nico Staf. -
Elisa La Compte (30) and Camella La Compte (20) use their 10-year age gap to reach and encourage women of all ages to finally step into their true confident selves and becoming confident in their work space, relationships, and most importantly, in themselves. We share our personal experiences and the ways to ultimately get in touch with that inner boss.
Über 60% der Medizinstudierenden in Deutschland sind weiblich. Aber je höher die Karriereleiter, desto mehr übernehmen – Männer. Nur etwa jede zehnte Führungsposition ist von einer Frau besetzt. Was läuft da schief? Wie können es Frauen trotzdem ganz nach oben schaffen? Oder zumindest die Karriere machen, die ihnen vorschwebt. Das möchte Julia Rotherbl, Chefredakteurin der "Apotheken Umschau", herausfinden. Zusammen mit Frauen, die von ihrem persönlichen Karriereweg erzählen.
Wir freuen uns, wenn euch der Podcast gefällt und ihr uns abonniert. Alle 14 Tage am Montag erscheint eine neue Folge. Habt Ihr Fragen, Anregungen oder Kritik? Dann schreibt uns gerne an [email protected]
Mehr Gesundheitspodcasts gibt es hier:
[ANZEIGE] Mehr über die Angebote unserer aktuellen Werbepartner gibt es unter -
Where there is darkness, there is an immense opportunity for light.
The Big Silence aims to normalize conversations around mental health and empower people to turn their challenges into triumphs. Hosted by Karena Dawn – mental health advocate, wellness entrepreneur, co-founder of Tone It Up, and New York Times bestselling author – The Big Silence is creating a safe space to share our story, and for you to share yours.
Like so many, Karena has experienced profound grief and trauma. Growing up with a mother diagnosed with paranoid-schizophrenia, her childhood was filled with traumatic experiences that resulted in repressed emotions of guilt, shame, depression, and eventually, a suicide attempt. Though filled with this darkness, Karena was able to find deep joy. And with The Big Silence, she's creating a space for you to find that joy, too.
This podcast will feature in-depth conversations with psychologists, spiritual leaders, public figures, friends, and anyone who has been impacted by a mental health condition – either themselves, or through a family member or a friend.
Suffering in silence only reinforces the stigma behind mental health issues and builds boundaries that prevent healing. Wherever you are, whatever you're going through, you have a spark of greatness inside of you.
No more embarrassment, no more shame, only healing.
A non-profit 501(c)3, The Big Silence Foundation provides resources and support to anyone directly or indirectly impacted by mental illness.
'The Big Silence' theme song was written and performed by James Nicholas Kinney.
Executive Handyman, Bobby Goldstein. -
The Addiction Solution Podcast (presented by The Freedom Model) provides an alternative view to the disease-based addiction-help model that has remained ineffective for more than 70 years. The Addiction Solution Podcast and The Freedom Model Team will challenge the current views on addiction and the treatment based on it. They will challenge the claims made by the treatment industry and government leaders that treatment for addictions works, that the 12 steps are effective in curbing addiction, and that treatment is necessary for those who are struggling with an addiction. They will bring forth and discuss the latest methods that have been shown to be far more effective. The podcast is centered on the truth regardless of where that path leads. It is provocative, informative and will change the way you see addiction and how people move past addiction, forever. In summary, the Addiction Solution Podcast provides just that – a Solution to Addiction!
Mike Karpenko shares health, personal, and professional development. Here is your free master class of straight talk and simple strategies with tips, education and real life experiences. All to help you achieve and maintain a healthy and fulfilling life. Submit your questions to [email protected]. For more info, support help, blogs and videos, and to stream the show visit