
  • Are you investing in the right type of fund to match your financial goals and risk tolerance?

    In this episode, Angel and Alina Trigub dive deep into the world of various investment funds. From income funds perfect for retirees seeking steady payouts to growth funds for those willing to wait for significant returns, and hybrid funds offering a mix of both, the episode unpacks the intricacies of each type. The guest expert from TF Management Group elaborates on fund strategies, risk mitigation, and diversification, providing listeners with a comprehensive understanding of how to make informed investment decisions.

    [00:01 - 04:38] Understanding Income Funds

    Introduction to income funds and their suitability for different investor profiles Key benefits of income funds, such as generating passive income Importance of dividend schedules and payout frequencies

    [04:39 - 08:29] Growth Funds Explained

    Overview of growth funds and their long-term benefits Typical value-add projects and their impact on investment returns Depreciation strategies and their tax implications for investors

    [08:30 - 13:25] Income and Growth Funds

    Combining income and growth elements in a single fund How fund managers balance the income and growth components Example of the Opportunity Fund's structure and benefits

    [13:26 - 17:05] Questions Investors Should Ask

    Important questions to consider before investing in any fund Understanding the fund manager's strategy and track record Evaluating the safety and potential risks of investments

    [17:06 - 22:00] Risk Mitigation and Diversification

    Strategies for managing and mitigating investment risks Diversification across asset classes, locations, and investment strategies Importance of underwriting criteria and downside protection

    Key Quotes:

    "Diversification and risk mitigation are key to a stable investment strategy." - Alina Trigub

    "Income funds are perfect for those needing passive income from day one." - Alina Trigub

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  • How can investing in a diversified real estate fund minimize risks and maximize returns? In this episode, Alina Trigub, shares her extensive knowledge about real estate funds, explaining how they operate and why they are becoming a popular investment vehicle. She dives into the differences between single-asset syndications and funds, the benefits of diversification, and the distinctions between open-ended and closed-ended funds. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just getting started, this episode offers valuable insights into making informed investment decisions.

    [00:01 - 04:11] Introduction to Alina Trigub

    Understanding the basics of real estate funds Alina's journey from tax accountant to real estate investor The rising popularity of real estate funds

    [04:12 - 08:10] From Syndications to Funds

    Difference between single asset syndications and funds Benefits of a diversified investment portfolio The concept of fund of funds

    [08:11 - 12:14] Why Choose Funds Over Syndications?

    Simplifying investment decisions through funds Trusting fund managers' expertise Greater diversification reduces risk

    [12:15 - 15:38] Open-Ended vs. Closed-Ended Funds

    Explanation of open-ended and closed-ended funds Importance of liquidity and investor goals Scenarios where each fund type might be suitable

    [15:39 - 18:53] Serving the Investment Community

    How fund managers cater to investors' needs Importance of understanding investor preferences Combining open-ended and closed-ended funds to serve different goals

    Key Quotes:

    "Investing in a fund allows you to diversify your portfolio much more than single asset syndications." - Alina Trigub

    "When you're investing in a fund, you're allowing yourself to diversify." - Alina Trigub

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  • How can building the right team and having a great coach transform your real estate journey?

    Today, Aharon Goins shares his journey from being cautious about selecting a coach to emphasizing the importance of having a reliable team in real estate and life. The discussion covers the significance of vetting potential partners, the necessity of teamwork in achieving success, and the role of continuous learning and coaching. Through personal anecdotes and practical advice, this episode offers valuable insights for anyone looking to succeed in real estate or any collaborative endeavor.

    [00:01 - 04:01] Choosing the Right Coach

    The importance of thorough vetting Learning from others' experiences Building trust and ensuring compatibility

    [04:02 - 08:40] The Team Sport of Life and Real Estate

    The necessity of a supportive team Benefits of collaboration over solo efforts Examples of successful team dynamics

    [08:41 - 12:51] Communication and Responsibility in Syndication

    Keeping open communication lines Fiduciary responsibilities to investors Adjusting team dynamics for better performance

    [12:52 - 16:29] Continuous Learning and Coaching

    Even successful people need coaches Learning from everyone and every experience Modeling success without reinventing the wheel

    [16:30 - 19:05] Passion, Persistence, and Giving Back

    Enjoying the process despite challenges Celebrating wins and continuous education The importance of giving back and adding value to others

    Key Quotes:

    "Just like in life, you need a team to help you in the process so that you can be successful as much as you can." - Aharon Goins

    "Make sure that you have a team, but make sure you bet your team." - Aharon Goins

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  • What if changing your mindset could allow you to retire at 40 instead of 60? In this episode, Angel and Aharon Goins discuss transformative strategies for financial independence, emphasizing the importance of mindset shifts and practical steps in real estate investment. They share their own experiences and advice on overcoming fear, finding mentors, and taking calculated risks. The episode is packed with actionable insights and motivational stories that inspire listeners to rethink traditional career paths and retirement plans.

    [00:01 - 06:49] Breaking the Traditional Retirement Mindset

    How a mindset shift can lead to early retirement Overcoming fear and analysis paralysis is crucial Seeking mentorship and self-education are foundational steps

    [06:50 - 11:27] Avoiding the Shiny Object Syndrome

    House hacking as a practical strategy for beginners Surrounding yourself with successful people is essential Continuous learning and ego management are critical

    [11:28 - 16:52] Networking and Continuous Learning

    Networking is vital in the real estate industry Focus on one niche in real estate before diversifying Be careful vetting of mentors to avoid scams

    Key Quote:

    "People you surround yourself is how you are." - Aharon Goins

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  • How could a mindset shift open new doors in the world of real estate? In this enlightening episode, Angel is joined by Aharon Goins, a former military servicemember turned real estate enthusiast. They dive into the transformative power of a mindset shift, particularly in the realm of real estate investing. Aharon shares his journey from military life to real estate, highlighting the benefits of the VA loan, the importance of financial education, and the discipline required to succeed in this field. Together, they discuss how real estate can serve as a powerful vehicle for wealth building and time freedom, especially for those in the military.

    [00:01 - 06:28] Transitioning from Military to Real Estate

    The importance of mindset change when entering real estate Utilizing past experiences to navigate new ventures Embracing real estate as a viable wealth-building tool

    [06:29 - 11:25] Real Estate Strategies and Family Background

    Differences between self-managing properties and hiring property managers Learning from family experiences in real estate The role of property management in successful real estate investment

    [11:26 - 16:35] Financial Freedom through Real Estate

    Understanding the VA loan and its advantages Encouraging veterans to explore real estate investment opportunities The significance of consistent investment and education

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  • What does it take to manage properties remotely and the unexpected challenges that come with it?

    In this episode, Angela dives deep into property management with Gabriel Craft who shares his experiences balancing on-site responsibilities with remote management. The discussion covers the intricacies of creating efficient systems, the importance of hands-on experience, and the reality of dealing with unexpected crises. From personal anecdotes about managing properties while juggling family life to insights on signing complex contracts and training new team members, this episode is a comprehensive guide to the trials and triumphs of property management.

    [00:01 - 05:56] The Remote Investor's Dilemma

    The importance of building reliable systems and procedures Balancing remote management with on-site presence Handling personal challenges while managing properties

    [05:57 - 10:13] Learning Through Crisis

    Every challenge offers a learning opportunity The significance of hands-on experience in property management Developing respect for on-site staff through personal involvement

    [10:14 - 15:54] The Legal and Administrative Hurdles

    Navigating complex contracts and property management agreements The importance of attention to detail in legal documents Strategies for managing administrative challenges under pressure

    [15:55 - 21:22] Gut Instinct vs. Data

    Trusting gut instincts in decision-making The limitations and benefits of data-driven decisions Effective methods for training new team members

    Key Quotes:

    "If you haven't found something you dislike in your business, you haven't dug deep enough." - Gabriel Craft

    "If you are doing something that you don't like doing in the business, then maybe you expanded and landed too fast and delegated too quickly." - Gabriel Craft

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  • Have you ever wondered what it takes to keep going when your dreams are on the line and everything seems to be falling apart?

    In this episode, Gabriel Craft shares an intense journey through the world of property management, revealing the challenges and triumphs faced while navigating complex deals and unexpected setbacks. From imploding teams to finding the right mentors, Gabriel's story is one of resilience, determination, and learning to adapt in the face of adversity. Join us as we delve into the highs and lows of real estate investing, uncovering valuable lessons on persistence, strategy, and the importance of having a strong support system.

    [00:01 - 05:22] The Rollercoaster of the First Deal

    Three GP teams were needed to finalize the first deal Navigating through internal conflicts and securing a loan product The crucial role of support and persistence in overcoming obstacles

    [05:23 - 10:02] Strategies to Handle High-Stress Situations

    Developing a strategy to stay productive and focused The concept of the "bowling alley" for maintaining balance Using brainstorming to alleviate panic and depression

    [10:03 - 15:10] Lessons from Early Real Estate Experiences

    Transitioning from residential to multifamily properties The importance of focusing on key tasks and avoiding distractions Overcoming initial challenges with the help of mentors and team support

    [15:11 - 19:30] The Reality of Onsite Property Management

    Facing the unexpected dissolution of a property management company The chaos and drama of onsite management Learning the importance of chain of command and effective communication

    [19:31 - 23:53] Building and Managing Effective Teams

    The benefits of having a co-general partner and a strong management team The concept of vertical integration without the headache of full control Achieving high productivity through direct involvement and effective oversight

    Key Quotes:

    "It's about having a team that believes in you and supports you through the toughest times." - Gabriel Craft

    "Staying out of panic mode allowed me to be creative and find solutions even when none seemed possible." - Gabriel Craft

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  • How does understanding the intricacies of a local real estate market empower investors to outperform large institutional players?

    In this engaging episode, Gabriel Craft, a seasoned real estate investor and entrepreneur, shares his transformative journey from a non-profit educator to a strategic real estate investor, highlighting key moments that shaped his investment philosophy. Listeners will gain insights into the importance of local market knowledge, the advantages of being a scrappy investor, and the tactical approaches to real estate syndication and value-add projects.

    Gabriel Craft specializes in identifying value-add opportunities within the B&C class segment, ranging from 85 to 280 units in the Dallas-Fort-Worth market. With a solid track record in both owner-manager and commercial real estate investments, Gabriel has successfully managed smaller properties such as Deacon House and Preacher House in Toledo, OH, while also spearheading large syndication projects like RiverBend Apartments in San Antonio, TX, and the Avanti Apartments in Bedford, TX.

    [00:01 - 05:17] From Humble Beginnings to Real Estate Visionary

    Gabriel's transition from public sector work to real estate investing The importance of education in real estate Initial experiences and challenges faced in real estate investments

    [05:18 - 10:37] Scaling Up and Overcoming Challenges

    Gabriel's approach to scaling from single-family homes to multifamily units The learning curve associated with managing larger properties Strategies for dealing with operational challenges like tenant issues

    [10:38 - 15:59] Embracing the Multifamily Market

    The strategic shift to multifamily investments and its impact on Gabriel's portfolio Insights into the Dallas real estate market and finding value-add opportunities The benefits of networking and mentorship in real estate

    [16:00 - 20:55] Mentorship and Market Dynamics

    The significance of having a strong mentorship network Learning from others' mistakes and successes in real estate deals Navigating the institutional and syndication landscape

    [20:56 - 24:15] Future Outlook and Strategic Moves

    Gabriel's future strategies in the evolving real estate market The role of personal development in professional success Anticipating market trends and preparing for potential shifts


    "Even if you're not living in your market, you should still know your market that well." - Gabriel Craft

    "When you take that leverage from the bank and through syndications, you can do very large projects... It made a big difference to me." - Gabriel Craft

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  • How can the pursuit of creating a legacy transform your approach to work and life, and what does it take to make such a profound shift in focus?

    Today, Christy Keeton discusses the transformative experience of shifting from a corporate job in the oil and gas industry to creating a personal legacy through real estate investing. This narrative isn't just about financial independence; it's deeply rooted in the desire to build something lasting for future generations. The discussion reveals the emotional and strategic layers involved in this transition, highlighting the importance of mindset changes, consistent action, and the impact of personal drive on achieving significant life changes.

    [00:01 - 05:31] - From Corporate to Personal Legacy

    Recognizing the shift from fulfilling others' dreams to building one's own legacy The emotional fulfillment derived from working towards personal and familial goals The importance of mindset in initiating significant life changes

    [05:32 - 10:00] - Challenges and Rewards of Independence

    Navigating the practical difficulties of self-motivation and discipline The creation of personal structures, like the Monday meetup, to foster consistency The psychological benefits of having control over one’s work and achievements

    [10:01 - 15:34] - Building Trust Through Consistency

    How consistency in professional endeavors builds trust and reliability The impact of routine and systematic actions on long-term success Insights into personal adjustments needed to maintain public engagement

    [15:35 - 20:48] - The Power of Networking and Coaching

    Leveraging networking to sustain long-term relationships and growth The role of coaching in facilitating others’ success without exhaustive costs Sharing expertise to empower others in similar professional paths

    [20:49 - 26:29] - Sustaining Growth and Handling Setbacks

    Strategies for dealing with market fluctuations and personal inconsistencies The importance of adapting business plans to changing economic conditions Emphasizing the human element in business dealings and community building


    “Mindset is one of the biggest things that will help you succeed.” - Christy Keeton

    "Consistency is another component of trust." - Christy Keeton

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  • How do seasoned investors handle unexpected challenges and still achieve success in different real estate markets?

    In this episode, we delve into the nuanced world of real estate investments across various markets, focusing on due diligence, managing renovation costs, and the impact of local regulations. Christy Keeton shares personal anecdotes from their experiences with mobile homes, single-family houses, and multifamily properties, revealing the complexities and strategies that help navigate these challenges. From dealing with unexpected water leaks to understanding the intricacies of local utilities, this episode is packed with practical insights for novice and veteran investors.

    [00:01 - 04:53] Understanding Due Diligence Across Property Types

    Mobile home investments often involve lower renovation costs, providing a buffer for due diligence errors Single-family investments require precise cost management due to tighter profit margins Handling unexpected issues like water leaks can significantly impact profitability

    [04:54 - 08:14] Challenges and Insights from Real-Life Property Flips

    The importance of having a dedicated meter for pools to manage water billing effectively The potential financial pitfalls when dealing with utility companies and city regulations The emotional and financial rewards of transforming dilapidated properties

    [08:15 - 12:35] Leveraging Local Crime Data for Property Evaluation

    The importance of assessing local crime rates using tools like before investing How crime data influences investment decisions and property values Strategies for effective use of online resources to assess neighborhood safety

    [12:36 - 16:30] Building Relationships and Managing Contractors

    The significance of establishing strong relationships with local brokers and contractors Tips for maintaining top-of-mind presence among professional contacts The challenges and solutions in managing property renovations through contractors

    [16:31 - 20:59] Investing in Different Market Types and Managing Properties

    The dynamics of investing in secondary and tertiary markets The role of market research in identifying profitable investment opportunities Insights into property management and maintaining property standards


    "The mobile home due diligence is a little easier... there's room for error where maybe there's not in a single-family or multifamily space." - Christy Keeton

    "I like just to see the old things become new again." - Christy Keeton

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  • What surprising pathways can lead a seasoned oil and gas industry expert into the multifaceted world of multifamily real estate investment?

    In this insightful episode, Angel interviews Christy Keeton, a former oil and gas industry analyst who transitioned into multifamily real estate investment. With over 15 years in the oil sector, Christy shares her unique journey from analyzing drilling locations to flipping houses and eventually delving into multifamily properties. This conversation sheds light on the unexpected intersections of career paths and the dynamic world of real estate investment, highlighting how skills from one field can unexpectedly propel success in another.

    [00:01 - 04:05] A New Beginning in Real Estate

    Leveraging industry experience for real estate analysis The importance of adaptability in career transitions Recognizing new opportunities in unlikely places

    [04:06 - 08:11] Flipping the Script: From Houses to Mobile Homes

    Economic benefits of flipping dilapidated properties Challenges and rewards of mobile home renovation The impact on community improvement through property investment

    [08:12 - 12:27] Navigating Challenges in Mobile Home Investments

    Strategic considerations in choosing mobile homes for investment Understanding regulatory environments in mobile home investing Financial strategies for maximizing investment returns

    [12:28 - 16:02] Expanding Horizons: Multifamily Investments

    Transitioning from single-family to multifamily investments The role of networking in learning and growth Adapting investment strategies to different real estate segments

    [16:03 - 18:27] A Holistic Approach to Real Estate Investing

    The importance of diversification in real estate investments Benefits of having a robust support network Leveraging past experiences and connections for current success


    "I love to watch these old houses that people don't care about, not only because it's the biggest profit on a flip, but it's also making the neighborhood better. It's bringing the house back to life." - Christy Keeton

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  • How can real estate investors build strong relationships with brokers to win more deals in a competitive market?

    In this episode of the podcast, Agostino Pintus shares valuable insights on how real estate investors can build credibility and win more deals by fostering strong relationships with brokers. He emphasizes the importance of creating a professional credibility book, which serves as a high-level business plan that showcases an investor's company, target assets, and team. Agostino also discusses the significance of understanding brokers' needs and structuring deals accordingly, rather than focusing solely on the investor's desires. Additionally, he introduces the PASE (Practical, Action, Social, Emotional) methodology, which helps investors calibrate their communication style to better connect with brokers and build lasting relationships.

    Agostino Pintus is a real estate investor, developer, and entrepreneur with more than 17 years of experience in real estate. He currently oversees strategic partnerships, capital development, and platform development for Realty Dynamics Equity Partners, an investment firm specializing in commercial asset acquisition and asset management services.

    00:00:00 - 00:02:00 - The Importance of a Credibility Book

    - A credibility book is like a high-level business plan that showcases your company, target assets, and team.

    - It should be professionally put together and include information about your business, target properties, and team members' bios.

    - A well-crafted credibility book can make the difference between getting a call back from a broker or not.

    00:02:01 - 00:07:00 - Structuring Deals to Meet Brokers' Needs

    - Always call the broker and find out what the seller wants before sending an LOI.

    - Structure the deal to meet the seller's needs, which may include terms, timing, or even non-monetary incentives.

    - Be mindful of your reputation and avoid submitting lowball offers that could damage your credibility.

    00:07:01 - 00:11:00 - Building Your Personal Brand

    - The real estate community is tight-knit, and your personal brand is crucial to your success.

    - Your personal brand encompasses the way you look, act, speak, and present yourself through marketing collateral.

    - A strong, cohesive personal brand can help you win deals, while a disjointed or unprofessional brand can hinder your success.

    00:11:01 - 00:17:00 - The PASE Methodology for Effective Communication

    - PASE stands for Practical, Action, Social, and Emotional, which are qualities everyone possesses to varying degrees.

    - Understanding a broker's dominant PASE trait allows you to calibrate your communication style to better connect with them.

    - Adapting your language and approach based on whether a broker is action-oriented, practical, social, or emotional can help you build stronger relationships.

    00:17:01 - 00:22:00 - Cultivating More Than Just a Handshake Relationship

    - Building strong relationships with brokers is essential for success in real estate investing.

    - Remembering personal details about brokers, such as their dreams, kids' names, or unique facts about them, can help create a more meaningful connection.

    - By helping brokers achieve their goals, you can leverage the reciprocity bias, making them more likely to help you in return.


    "Reputation is everything in this business. And if you lose it, you're done. You're baked. You're done." - Agostino Pintus

    "One broker will make you money. Two brokers will make you rich. Three brokers will make you super wealthy." - Agostino Pintus

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  • How can aspiring real estate investors effectively network with brokers to secure their first deal and build long-lasting relationships in the industry?

    In this episode, Agostino Pintus shares valuable insights on how to approach and build relationships with real estate brokers as a new investor. He emphasizes the importance of doing your own underwriting, practicing your pitch, and targeting the right brokers to start with. Agostino also discusses the significance of having a strong team in place, including a property manager, CPA, and real estate attorney, to establish credibility when approaching brokers. By following these strategies and consistently delivering on promises, investors can secure their first deal and set themselves up for future success in the real estate industry.

    Agostino Pintus is a real estate investor, developer, and entrepreneur with more than 17 years of experience in real estate. He currently oversees strategic partnerships, capital development, and platform development for Realty Dynamics Equity Partners, an investment firm specializing in commercial asset acquisition and asset management services.

    [00:00:00] - [00:02:59] Laying the Groundwork: Underwriting and Practicing Your Pitch

    Do your own underwriting to understand how deals are put together

    Practice your pitch with smaller brokers before targeting the top players

    Have a credibility pitch deck ready to showcase your team and assets

    [00:03:00] - [00:05:59] Building Your Team: The Importance of a Strong Property Manager

    A good property manager can help line you up with brokers

    Leverage your team's credibility if you lack personal experience

    Always treat brokers to lunch or coffee and never let them pay

    [00:06:00] - [00:08:59] The Power of Networking and Warm Introductions

    Real estate is a networking business, and warm introductions are crucial

    Property managers are integral to the business and should have broker connections

    Be prepared to sell yourself and your vision to potential team members

    [00:09:00] - [00:11:59] Minimizing Mistakes: The Importance of Preparation

    Practice your script, know the lingo, and do the work upfront

    Minimize mistakes by being well-prepared and presentable

    The real estate industry is competitive, and brokers receive numerous calls daily

    [00:12:00] - [00:18:59] Securing Your First Deal and Building Long-Term Relationships

    Brokers prioritize investors who consistently deliver and close deals

    Securing your first deal is the toughest, but subsequent deals come more easily

    Assemble a strong team, including a CPA, real estate attorney, and SEC attorney (if needed), to establish credibility with brokers


    "This whole business is finance. If you don't understand the intricacies of how financial statements put together, you're going to run into problems and you're going to look like a newbie." - Agostino Pintus

    "The good thing about this business is that it is a networking business, right? That's what this is. It's a networking business." - Agostino Pintus

    Connect with Agostino:



    Visit today and unlock $2,000 of free services exclusively for REI Rocks community members! Get automated syndication and investor relationship management tools to save time and money. Mention your part of the REI Rocks community for exclusive offers. Help make affordable, low-cost education summits possible. Check out Sponsor Cloud today!

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  • How can building relationships and gaining knowledge help you overcome analysis paralysis and land your first real estate deal?

    In this episode, Angel Williams sits down with Agostino Pintus, a successful real estate entrepreneur and host of the Cashflow Podcast. Agostino shares his journey from working as a C-level executive in corporate America to finding freedom and success in real estate investing. He emphasizes the importance of mindset, setting clear goals, and building relationships to achieve success in the industry. Agostino also stresses the significance of learning the language of real estate, practicing deal analysis, and maintaining curiosity as an entrepreneur.

    Agostino Pintus is a real estate investor, developer, and entrepreneur with more than 17 years of experience in real estate. He currently oversees strategic partnerships, capital development, and platform development for Realty Dynamics Equity Partners, an investment firm specializing in commercial asset acquisition and asset management services.

    00:00:00 - 00:08:59 - From Corporate America to Real Estate Entrepreneurship

    - Agostino shares his background and how he transitioned from corporate America to real estate investing

    - The importance of setting clear goals and having a vision board

    - Realizing the finite nature of time and deciding to pursue real estate full-time

    00:09:00 - 00:13:59 - Mindset: The Foundation of Success

    - Angel shares a personal story about how her mindset shifted and led to new opportunities

    - Agostino emphasizes the critical role of mindset in real estate entrepreneurship

    - The significance of defining your purpose and living with intention

    00:14:00 - 00:17:59 - Mastering the Language of Real Estate

    - The importance of learning and speaking the language of commercial real estate

    - Practicing deal analysis and underwriting to gain confidence

    - Understanding what brokers want and how to establish credibility

    00:18:00 - 00:21:59 - Cultivating Curiosity as an Entrepreneur

    - Tips for learning real estate terminology and vocabulary

    - The role of curiosity in successful entrepreneurship

    - Maintaining curiosity and exploring opportunities in real estate

    00:22:00 - 00:24:59 - Fiduciary Responsibility and Investor Relationships

    - The importance of conservative underwriting and responsible investing

    - Building and maintaining relationships with investors, who often become like friends and family

    - The necessity of putting in the work and analyzing deals before investing


    - "Time is one of those finite things. But as you get older, it hits you like a ton of bricks." - Agostino Pintus

    - "The mindset is everything, the mindset is so important. It's not to be trifled with." - Agostino Pintus

    Connect with Agostino:



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  • What crucial factors can make or break your real estate investment, and how can you ensure your property management company is working in your best interest?

    In this episode, Angel Williams and Randy Langenderfer discuss the importance of having a strong property management company when investing in real estate. They share stories of how a property management company can impact the success of a deal, from misreporting occupancy rates to failing to pay bills on time. The hosts also delve into the differences between investing in small properties versus large multifamily properties, highlighting the advantages of economies of scale and the value of one's time. Additionally, they touch on the benefits of being a passive investor and the significance of trust in the operator-investor relationship. The conversation also covers the importance of coaching and mentorship in expediting growth and preventing problems in one's real estate journey.

    Randy is Founder and President of InvestArk Properties and general partner in 1,500 doors representing $250M in assets under management. He has invested in a total of over 3,000 units in TX, OK, AZ, SC and LA. His investment strategy focuses on providing the passive investor significant returns by improving communities using a safe and time-tested approach. He is passionate about helping the busy professional achieve their goals in real estate and has been a part of several national educational programs and is currently a private multi-family coach.

    He is a board member and previously served as the Chief Compliance and Audit Officer for a large academic medical institution in Houston, TX. He has a bachelor’s degree in accounting, Information Systems, an MBA in Finance, and is a CPA.

    00:00:00 - 00:05:00 The Importance of a Strong Property Management Company

    - A property management company can make or break a deal

    - Be aware of potential issues such as misreported occupancy rates and unpaid bills

    - Consider the amount of attention your property will receive based on the size of the management company's portfolio

    00:05:00 - 00:10:00 Small vs. Large Multifamily Investments: Weighing the Pros and Cons

    - Smaller properties may require more hands-on involvement from the investor

    - Larger multifamily properties offer economies of scale and potentially less time investment

    - Consider the value of your time when choosing between small and large investments

    00:10:00 - 00:15:00 The Benefits of Passive Investing and the Importance of Trust

    - Passive investing can provide a hands-off approach to real estate investing

    - Trust in the operator is crucial for passive investors

    - Experienced investors may spend less time reviewing reports as trust in the operator grows

    00:15:00 - 00:20:00 Effective Communication and Follow-Up in Investor Relations

    - Investors should not expect operators to know everything about every aspect of the investment

    - Operators should be transparent about their knowledge and follow up with answers to investor questions

    - Utilizing a CRM can help maintain effective communication and organization

    00:20:00 - 00:26:00 Investing in Coaching and Mentorship for Long-Term Success

    - Coaching and mentorship can expedite growth and help prevent problems in one's real estate journey

    - Find a coach that fits your needs and commit fully to the program

    - Real estate investing is a marathon, not a sprint, and continued education is crucial for long-term success


    - "Just as the operating team can make or break the deal, so can the property management company." - Angel Williams

    - "Multifamily is a team sport. You can't succeed without some kind of team effort." - Randy Langenderfer

    Connect with Randy:





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  • How can the relationship between the operating team and investors make or break a real estate deal, especially in challenging market conditions?

    In this episode, Angel Williams and Randy Langenderfer discuss the importance of trust and relationships in passive real estate investing. They share their experiences with different operating teams and how a strong team can help a deal survive even in tough times. The conversation also delves into the differences between cash and accrual accounting, the pros and cons of vertically integrated property management, and the significance of creating a sense of home for tenants. Throughout the discussion, Angel and Randy emphasize the value of knowing one's strengths and relying on the expertise of others in areas where one may lack knowledge or experience.

    Randy is Founder and President of InvestArk Properties and general partner in 1,500 doors representing $250M in assets under management. He has invested in a total of over 3,000 units in TX, OK, AZ, SC and LA. His investment strategy focuses on providing the passive investor significant returns by improving communities using a safe and time-tested approach. He is passionate about helping the busy professional achieve their goals in real estate and has been a part of several national educational programs and is currently a private multi-family coach.

    He is a board member and previously served as the Chief Compliance and Audit Officer for a large academic medical institution in Houston, TX. He has a bachelor’s degree in accounting, Information Systems, an MBA in Finance, and is a CPA.

    [00:00:00] - [00:02:00] The Importance of Trust in Passive Investing

    - Trust in the operating team is crucial for the success of a real estate deal.

    - A strong operating team can help a deal survive even in challenging market conditions.

    - Building relationships with the operating team is essential before investing.

    [00:02:00] - [00:06:00] Cash vs. Accrual Accounting in Real Estate

    - New investors should educate themselves on the differences between cash and accrual accounting.

    - Accrual accounting aims to smooth out income and expense variations over time.

    - Understanding which reports are cash basis and which are accrual is crucial for investors.

    [00:06:00] - [00:10:00] Vertically Integrated Property Management: Pros and Cons

    - Vertically integrated models, where the property management company is part of the GP team, are becoming more common in larger deals.

    - The success of a vertically integrated model depends on the performance of the property management company and the ability to remove them if necessary.

    - Some investors prefer third-party property management to avoid potential conflicts of interest.

    [00:10:00] - [00:15:00] Creating a Sense of Home for Tenants

    - Using language that emphasizes "home" rather than "unit" or "tenant" can help create a sense of belonging for residents.

    - Creating a sense of home can lead to lower turnover, increased renewals, and reduced costs.

    - The concept of home resonates with people across different classes of apartments.

    [00:15:00] - [00:18:00] Leveraging Expertise in Real Estate Investing

    - Investors should focus on their strengths and rely on the expertise of others in areas where they lack knowledge or experience.

    - Empowering local teams to make decisions is crucial for the success of a real estate investment.

    - Partnering with experts in specific markets can help investors navigate unfamiliar territories more effectively.


    - "You need to 100 percent know that you can trust the operating team because they can make a good deal suck and they can make a bad deal survive." - Angel Williams

    - "I think people want to live someplace they're comfortable with and call home. And that just creates less turnover, promotes renewals. Less cost and more benefits”- Randy Langenderfer

    Connect with Randy:





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  • What surprising advice does a seasoned real estate investor have for those looking to invest in multiple markets?

    In this episode, Angel Williams sits down with Randy Langenderfer, a seasoned real estate investor with a diverse portfolio spanning several markets. Randy shares his journey from corporate America to real estate investing, discussing the importance of knowing your market, the challenges of investing in tertiary markets, and the value of having strong regional managers. He also touches on the changing dynamics of multifamily investing, the significance of population growth and income growth when choosing markets, and how to utilize self-directed IRAs to get started in real estate investing.

    Randy is Founder and President of InvestArk Properties and general partner in 1,500 doors representing $250M in assets under management. He has invested in a total of over 3,000 units in TX, OK, AZ, SC and LA. His investment strategy focuses on providing the passive investor significant returns by improving communities using a safe and time-tested approach. He is passionate about helping the busy professional achieve their goals in real estate and has been a part of several national educational programs and is currently a private multi-family coach.

    He is a board member and previously served as the Chief Compliance and Audit Officer for a large academic medical institution in Houston, TX. He has a bachelor’s degree in accounting, Information Systems, an MBA in Finance, and is a CPA.

    [00:00:00] - [00:03:00] From Corporate America to Real Estate Investing

    - Randy's journey from corporate America to real estate investing

    - Starting with single-family flips and hard money lending

    - Discovering multifamily and pursuing financial freedom

    [00:03:00] - [00:07:00] The Importance of Knowing Your Market

    - Angel's advice on focusing on 1-2 markets and knowing them well

    - Randy's experience investing in multiple markets and the value of local partners

    - The challenges of investing in Houston without being present

    [00:07:00] - [00:12:00] Navigating Tertiary Markets and Changing Dynamics

    - The skinny margins in tertiary markets and the need for larger properties

    - The changing breakeven point for multifamily properties (from 60 to 90+ units)

    - The importance of strong regional managers in navigating local challenges

    [00:12:00] - [00:18:00] Lessons Learned from Asset Management

    - Angel's experience managing a property during a management company dissolution

    - Randy's "PhD in the school of asset management, hard knocks"

    - The value of overseeing property management without doing it yourself

    [00:18:00] - [00:23:00] Choosing Markets and Utilizing Self-Directed IRAs

    - The significance of population growth, income growth, and crime rates when choosing markets

    - The higher probability of success in larger, growing markets

    - Utilizing self-directed IRAs and forming LLCs to get started in real estate investing


    "There needs to be an angel or somebody that's close that can get to the property in an hour. If it's not me, it's somebody on my team that can get to the property in an hour, no more than an hour." - Randy Langenderfer

    Connect with Randy:





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  • Can a simple savings program revolutionize the lives of residents in affordable housing?

    In this thought-provoking episode, Angel Williams and Alex Cartwright delve into an innovative idea that could transform the lives of residents in affordable housing. Alex proposes a resident savings account (RSA) program, where a portion of the rent is matched and deposited into a savings account for the resident. This simple yet powerful concept could provide a financial safety net for residents, allowing them to handle unexpected expenses without jeopardizing their housing stability. The discussion also touches on the challenges faced by low-income families, the importance of accessible amenities, and the potential for partnerships with banks and investors to make this idea a reality.

    Alex conducts macroeconomic analysis on target markets and conducts the underwriting for Vilicus Capital offerings. Alex has also previously worked as a consultant with one of the biggest mobile home - owners in the country.

    [00:00:00] - [00:03:00] The Resident Savings Account: A Simple Solution for Financial Stability

    - Alex introduces the concept of the resident savings account (RSA)

    - The RSA could provide a financial cushion for residents to handle unexpected expenses

    - Even a small amount saved can make a significant difference in a resident's life

    [00:03:00] - [00:06:00] Understanding the Challenges of Low-Income Families

    - Angel shares insights from her experience as a teacher in low-income communities

    - Low-income families often face difficult decisions due to limited resources

    - The RSA could offer an alternative to sacrificing necessities for unexpected expenses

    [00:06:00] - [00:09:00] Making Affordable Housing More Accessible and Affordable

    - The discussion highlights the importance of making affordable housing more accessible

    - Angel's grandparents' experience with affordable housing is shared as an example

    - The RSA could provide longevity for residents who might otherwise have to skip rent

    [00:09:00] - [00:12:00] The Potential for Partnerships and Investors

    - Alex expresses the need for finding the right banking partner for the RSA program

    - Angel suggests the possibility of involving venture capital groups to back the idea

    - The discussion emphasizes the importance of understanding the unique challenges faced by hourly workers

    [00:12:00] - [00:20:00] Enhancing Affordable Housing with Valuable Amenities

    - Alex and Angel discuss the potential for converting hotel spaces into valuable amenities

    - After-school care is highlighted as a potential amenity that could attract and retain families

    - The long-term benefits of on-site amenities, such as fuel and time savings, are considered


    "We see opportunity cost everywhere, right? We see costs on the stuff that doesn't have numbers attached to it." - Alex Cartwright

    Connect with Alex:

    Website: www.Vilicus.Capital

    Visit today and unlock $2,000 of free services exclusively for REI Rocks community members! Get automated syndication and investor relationship management tools to save time and money. Mention your part of the REI Rocks community for exclusive offers. Help make affordable, low-cost education summits possible. Check out Sponsor Cloud today!

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  • Can providing affordable housing without relying on taxpayer money be a sustainable solution to the housing crisis?

    In this episode, Angel Williams and Alex Cartwright discuss the innovative approach of converting hotels into affordable housing units. Alex shares his experiences in offering all-inclusive rental packages that provide stability and convenience for low-income tenants. By eliminating the need for sub-metering and additional fees, Alex's company aims to create a win-win situation for both the residents and the property owners. The conversation also touches on the disproportionate impact of inflation on low-income households and the potential of a resident savings account program to reduce turnover costs and improve the lives of tenants.

    Alex conducts macroeconomic analysis on target markets and conducts the underwriting for Vilicus Capital offerings. Alex has also previously worked as a consultant with one of the biggest mobile home owners in the country.

    [00:00:00] - [00:03:00] The All-Inclusive Rental Package

    - Offering furnished units with utilities, internet, and cable included

    - Providing stability and convenience for low-income tenants

    - Competing with traditional apartments by offering a single, fixed monthly price

    [00:03:00] - [00:06:00] Creating Affordable Housing Without Taxpayer Money

    - Renovating hotel units to provide affordable housing options

    - Reducing rent for long-term hotel residents by 20-30%

    - Generating a free market solution that benefits both tenants and property owners

    [00:06:00] - [00:09:00] The Impact of Inflation on Low-Income Households

    - Discussing the regressive effects of inflation on lower-income individuals

    - Highlighting the disproportionate impact of rising food and housing costs

    - Acknowledging the challenges faced by low-income families in the current economic climate

    [00:09:00] - [00:12:00] Gamifying Rent Payments and Rewarding Tenants

    - Exploring the concept of the Pinata app, which gamifies rent payments

    - Discussing the potential of rewarding tenants with points for on-time payments and lease renewals

    - Allowing tenants to choose their own rewards based on their preferences

    [00:12:00] - [00:18:00] The Resident Savings Account Model

    - Introducing the idea of a resident savings account to reduce turnover costs

    - Contributing to the account as an incentive for tenants to stay longer

    - Providing tenants with the opportunity to save for future goals, such as a down payment on a home or education expenses


    "I'm so proud. I don't have to take any taxpayers money to do that. That means I don't have to take any anybody else's money to do that. This is just pure free market solution where everybody wins." - Alex Cartwright

    Connect with Alex:

    Website: www.Vilicus.Capital

    Visit today and unlock $2,000 of free services exclusively for REI Rocks community members! Get automated syndication and investor relationship management tools to save time and money. Mention your part of the REI Rocks community for exclusive offers. Help make affordable, low-cost education summits possible. Check out Sponsor Cloud today!

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  • Can converting hotels into apartments solve the affordable housing crisis while providing a lucrative investment opportunity?

    In this episode, host Angel Williams sits down with Alex Cartwright, an Associate Professor of Economics at Ferris State University and a real estate investor focused on hotel-to-apartment conversions. Alex shares his journey from traditional multifamily syndication to discovering the untapped potential of converting struggling hotels into affordable housing. He discusses the challenges and advantages of this unique investment strategy, emphasizing the growing demand for workforce housing and the limited supply of old hotels ripe for conversion. Alex also delves into the financial aspects of hotel conversions, explaining how the shift from hotel to multifamily cap rates can lead to significant returns with limited downside risk.

    Alex conducts macroeconomic analysis on target markets and conducts the underwriting for Vilicus Capital offerings. Alex has also previously worked as a consultant with one of the biggest mobile home owners in the country.

    00:00:00 - 00:03:00 - From Traditional Multifamily to Hotel Conversions

    Alex found it increasingly difficult to find deals in traditional multifamily syndication.

    He sought a niche where he could be known as the expert and scale his business.

    A broker introduced him to the concept of hotel-to-apartment conversions.

    00:03:00 - 00:08:00 - The Demand for Affordable Housing and Supply of Old Hotels

    Affordable housing is in high demand, but no one is building it.

    Hotels have a limited lifespan and struggle to compete with VRBOs and Airbnbs.

    Converting old hotels into apartments can unlock their value and meet the demand for workforce housing.

    00:08:00 - 00:14:00 - Navigating the Challenges of Hotel Conversions

    Cities are often open to rezoning old hotels into multifamily properties to create more affordable housing.

    Converting hotels floor-by-floor allows for maintaining cash flow during the process.

    Hotels often serve as "proxy apartment buildings" for those on the edge of homelessness or in need of simple, affordable living arrangements.

    00:14:00 - 00:16:00 - The Financial Conversion: From Hotel to Multifamily Cap Rates

    The real conversion is financial, as hotels trade at a lower cap rate than multifamily properties.

    Buying at a hotel cap rate and refinancing at a multifamily cap rate can lead to significant returns.

    The lower basis in hotel conversions provides upside potential and downside protection.

    00:16:00 - 00:19:00 - A Real-World Example: The Houston Hotel Conversion

    Alex's recent Houston hotel purchase was acquired at $28,000 per door, significantly lower than competing multifamily properties.

    The low cost basis allows for flexibility in rental rates and a cushion against downside risk.

    While finding the right deal takes work, hotel conversion opportunities are not as rare as one might think.


    - "Affordable housing is exactly what no one is building, and affordable housing is exactly what disappears every time another syndication group buys the C class property and upgrades it to a B minus." - Alex Cartwright

    - "The real conversion is actually a financial conversion because a hotel trades at a cap rate, usually in the low to mid teens, and a cap rate. It's fundamentally some measure about how durable the income stream is on an asset is the income consistent and is the income growing." - Alex Cartwright

    Connect with Alex:

    Website: www.Vilicus.Capital

    Visit today and unlock $2,000 of free services exclusively for REI Rocks community members! Get automated syndication and investor relationship management tools to save time and money. Mention your part of the REI Rocks community for exclusive offers. Help make affordable, low-cost education summits possible. Check out Sponsor Cloud today!

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