
  • Brandon starts off with his own testimonial for working with the great Matt Gallant of BiOptimizers, where working with Matt made him more money than he’s ever had at a time when he needed it the most. Then, we get into Matt’s tactical skills on mastering the domains in your life and getting good and being good using sleep and nutrition hacks. Matt shares information about their new product, Magnesium Breakthrough, and we share how this one-of-a-kind magnesium can transform your life.

    Key Takeaways:

    Matt started BiOptimizers to help people optimize their aesthetic and physique both physically and mentally, but the company has grown and branched out to so much more. Their focus is now also on digestion, and just how important our gut health is to the rest of our body and every function of our health.

    When we equip ourselves with the right amount of Magnesium, it can help us repair burn out, reduce insulin, help with our mood and sleep, and reduce inflammation.

    The Magnesium Breakthrough product that BiOptimizers has created is a blend of the seven forms of magnesium that make it extremely effective.

    Most people’s diet has too much calcium and not enough magnesium. We can get a healthy amount of calcium from sources like goat cheese, but we don’t necessarily need to overload our calcium with a supplement.

    It’s a good idea to get a genetic test and blood test done to see where you are deficient in minerals and vitamins, and where you can stand to supplement with more trace minerals.

    Blackout curtains, a good mattress, a weighted blanket, the chiliPAD, and Magnesium Breakthrough are a few of the top things that can dramatically improve the quality of your sleep.

    A great sleep protocol would be three caps of Magnesium Breakthrough, L-Theanine, and CalmAid.

    Always ask what the “M” is for on your chocolates. Ask Matt what happens when you don’t.

    Learn with a purpose that can give you skills right now. Find the ways you learn and retain information — some learn by audio, others are visual or analytical.

    Calculate calories weekly, not daily.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram

    Elliot Hulse



    Exclusive Magnesium Breakthrough Offer - Code “ADONYX10”

    Sam Harris

    Stress Less, Accomplish More


    Craig Clemens

    The Vertical Diet

    The Cycle Diet

    X3 Bar


    “There are an infinite amount of places to go when you meditate.”

    “Are you smarter with Gamma? I think so.”

    “Fitness is one of the most competitive and sophisticated markets on the planet.”

    “If you want to make mad money, it’s all about skill stacking.”

    “Have you been like f*ck it with your diet? Cause I have. The world is falling apart.” — B

  • Dr. John Jaquish is an inventor, author, and scientist whose discoveries on strength and bone density will possibly change the way you think about exercise forever. He talks about creating the X3 Bar and how it can make us grow muscle 3X faster than we would while using weights. Connor talks about his use of the X3 Bar and what he has been loving about it, Dr. Jaquish gives us some tips on fasting, and he even flexes on us while describing the X3 bar set up in his Lambo.

    Key Takeaways:

    We are actually seven times stronger than we think we are.

    Dr. Jaquish saw how the X3 bar not only helped people grow bone density but gave them an efficient and targeted workout with less chance of injury.

    While we can over-load our joints and under-load our muscles while lifting weights, the X3 bar changes the weight as we move. This means more aggressive growth and better results from the muscle being taken to fatigue at a greater level.

    There are a ton of scientific studies done on the X3 Bar, along with Dr. Jaquish now working with the Miami Heat, NFL players, bodybuilders, professional swimmers, and many more.

    With X3 Bar you can do a workout anywhere, and if you are a baller like Dr. Jaquish, you can even set it up in your Lambo.

    Dr. Jaquish gained 60 lbs of muscle and dropped 16 lbs of fat with the X3 Bar.

    Two of the most important factors of health and diet include having high levels of strength and low levels of body fat.

    Fasting is a regular part of Dr. Jaquish’s life, and it is not uncommon for him to do a 5 day fast with only 16 calories a day.

    If you’ve lost a lot of weight and still have that baggy and loose skin, fasting could help your body metabolize it.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram

    X3 Bar: Website | Facebook — use code MURPHY to save $50

    Dr. John Jaquish: Facebook | Instagram | Press

    Mike Mentzer

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  • Dating expert Jonathan of Modern Life Dating and fitness expert Myron Gains joined forces to become the ultimate team of experts in getting girls and building a life you feel confident about. They join the show to talk with Connor about the three most important things you have to know when it comes to women, and why your reputation and money literally depends on them. They share how you can get special access to their course to help you get an online dating profile that actually works, and how to get girls even during this pandemic.

    Key Takeaways:

    After going on over 500 dates with women, Jonathan of Modern Life Dating boiled down the three most important things to succeed not only with girls, but life in general: Wealth, Aesthetic, and Game. His motto is: “Make Money, Make Muscle, and Learn Game.”

    You must always be sourcing for women. Keep your options open everywhere you go, not just a nightclub or dating site. Even Uber drivers can make great hookups.

    It’s important to read female body language and understand if they are open to you being around or if they are sending off the vibe of being disinterested and closed off.

    If you aren’t a ‘10’ in the looks department, it’s okay. Spend some time getting your physique better and take care of yourself, but confidence and social IQ are even more important.

    Don’t be a simp and give away all your power just because you are hanging out with a woman.

    In this current climate of double standards, ladies don’t be surprised if men start putting in surveillance cameras in their homes (or in Connor’s case, their heads).

    The cardinal mistake that Jonathan and Myron see is men giving away their attention to girls for free. They get friend-zoned, and then some other confident dude swoops in.

    You can build work on yourself in your 20s so you have a better life in your 30s. Now is a great time to get an essential job, save up, and funnel your money into real estate to build your kingdom.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram


    Modern Life Dating YouTube

    Body Language Mastery


    Johnny Depp and Amber Heard

    Carol Baskin

    Arizona Cardinals Cheerleader and Army Vet Arrested for Beating Boyfriend

  • Andrew Tate returns as our first repeat guest and one of the wildest episodes ever. He gives his take on the Coronavirus, what women are really like in different countries, why America isn’t really that great, and how to get and keep multiple women around. Andrew also shares some wisdom on how to make money, and we go around the room to give our three basic rules of life.

    Key Takeaways:

    We all have different takes on what’s going on exactly with the Coronavirus, whether it’s the reptile people, a strike against Trump, or just an annoying virus that leaves hot girls stranded in Dubai. Whatever it is, the next thing that comes around that shuts us in our homes better be a zombie apocalypse.

    The way Andrew describes it, Sweden sounds like the promised land right now. It’s open, you can leave your house, there are hot girls, with actually good medical care.

    Andrew loves living in Romania and Eastern Europe in general for the hot women, true freedom, and actually fun parties.

    Even though Connor and Brandon kill him with Instagram numbers, Andrew’s got the best and most interesting, intriguing, and all-around lit account.

    Sorry ladies, when you are a G like us, sex just isn’t enough.

    The dynamic changes when there are multiple women. They become crazy with each other instead of just you.

    Another benefit to having your women in check and dating multiple girls at once — you aren’t having to deny or lie about what you really want. You also don’t have to waste your time with a bunch of girl things and can focus more on making more money and gaining ever more success.

    One of Andrew’s iron rules of business: Never trust people that can’t get pussy. They will sell you out in the end.

    If you aren’t around other men all the time, you will lose your competitive edge.

    Yes, Andrew has had women leave that he wanted to say, but they will never know about it.

    When your girl starts tripping and wants to argue, no response is the best response.

    Want to make more money — stop wasting time talking about and doing things that aren’t making you money.

    Hey, able-bodied men in America — stop being poor. There’s literally no excuse.

    Andrew’s three basic rules for life:

    Don’t die.

    Look in the mirror and tell yourself you are the baddest motherf*cker alive.

    Bros before hos.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram


    Ep 069: Andrew Tate




    PhD Program


    Belly Movie

    Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, by Robert B. Cialdini

  • Mack Major is an expert at building wealth through real estate and non-traditional lending. We love him because he’s just a cool dude who has a lot to share on how you can not only survive but thrive financially through this recession and bulletproof yourself and your business for the future. Mack shares actual action steps on how to get money in your pocket and build wealth even faster in bad times. He also shares some love advice with us about finding love that doesn’t waste your time and actually makes you better in all areas of life.

    Key Takeaways:

    Mack has over 20 years of experience in building wealth from real estate and development.

    It’s all about preparation and there is no better time than the present to learn how to recession-proof your business and to gain knowledge about wealth.

    Start working towards saving money and having both liquid money and built-up credit.

    Find people that know what they are doing and are successful. Let them be your mentor and actually take their advice.

    Whether you are running a small business or someone now on unemployment, make sure you get knowledgeable on the loans and resources available to you. Side note: You better believe that Brandon will find a way to use his resources to make even more money.

    While you can get some assistance, remember that nothing in this world is free. Whether you have to start driving for UberEats or pick up a job at a call center, do what you have to do at this time.

    Be sure who you are dating is helping you, not wasting your time or money.

    Brandon has a theory that maybe all girls spent a little too much time watching Disney movies and dreaming of their Prince Charming. Now, they expect their man to do it all for them.

    Women are liars and cheaters too, they are just better at it.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram


    Mack Major


    Small Business Administration

  • We aren’t doctors, and this is not legal advice, but we have some ideas on how to get yourself even healthier during this crazy Corona time. We tell a couple of our favorite jokes to lighten the mood, share stories of people we know that got ‘canceled,’ and talk about how we stay sane and positive mentally using meditation.

    Key Takeaways:

    Brandon is staying indoors and spending a lot of time in his new sauna that he put together.

    Connor knows someone that did have it, and now there is a 90% chance that he already had it. He probably didn’t feel any symptoms because he has a full health bar.

    We wish people were stressing the importance of immune health the way they were promoting other things that could actually hurt.

    Both the guys are doing well with their mental health. Brandon attributes his to only having his mom as the only female around. Connor practices meditation and has been meditating so much during this quarantine that he is almost at monk status.

    Neither Brandon or Connor feel bored during this time because they know how to focus their attention and make the most out of their time.

    If you have a self-sustaining business model, getting ‘canceled’ can actually help you. Just look at Logan Paul and Charlie Sheen.

    Make sure you aren’t vaping and smoking weird black-market stuff.

    Brandon swore off women, and now they are appearing at his door.

    Women talk about whether or not a guy was good in bed, but maybe they should think a little about their performance!

    Don’t get addicted to sex with women thinking you have to give your soul. Maybe a reason to not be monogamous (trapped) in the first place.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram


    The Wolf’s Den

    Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance, by Emily Fletcher

    Logan Paul

  • The world may see it as a pandemic that stops everything in its tracks, but we see it as an opportunity to get even better. We talk about the benefits that we see personally coming out of this time, our real thoughts on TikTok, famous Eskimo Brothers, ways we are boosting our immune system and biohacking even more, and what it’s like being a single dude in the times of Corona.

    Key Takeaways:

    Connor set up his indoor gym and is sure to get some good gains, but he’s not saying the company’s name until he works out a deal with them.

    Be sure you are taking care of your mental health and meditating. We need a few minutes of calm and peace more than ever.

    TikTok can be fun if you are 12 or Connor getting hit on, but make sure the girls you are talking to are of age, and just know that you look ridiculous doing those dances.

    Who knows what is also happening with 5g, but Connor is going to update us next episode on ways he is protecting himself from cell phone radiation.

    Things that we love to do to get our full health bar even higher: saunas, a lot of Vitamin D, fish oil, garlic.

    Two conspiracy theories that Brandon heard from people he respects - there is a political agenda behind Corona, and it is man made from a chemical weapons location.

    Connor is having girls over, but no kissing. This may also be the best benefit of it all. Brandon is up in his penthouse with not that much human contact.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram





  • We figured that with everyone sitting in their homes and social distancing from the world, you could use a real talk with us more than ever. Even though we aren’t doctors, we still have some advice on ways to boost your immunity during this time, and just make yourself healthier in general. We talk about capitalizing in the time of Corona, how to still work out and stay fit, and why Connor was in the middle of Florida kissing girls during this pandemic.

    Key Takeaways:

    Connor went to Ft. Lauderdale to film for spring break, but it was before all the real craziness went down with Corona.

    Brandon is prepared for EVERYTHING with his hazmat suit and doomsday prep.

    Being quarantined at home is a perfect time to invite girls over since everywhere is closed.

    Here are some things we recommend to help boost your immune system: Vitamin D, exercise, meditation, getting enough sleep, infrared saunas, Zinc, elderberries, and Vitamin C. And even more sleep.

    Social distance can’t hurt, so practice it!

    Legend has it, this whole thing started because someone just wanted to eat a bat.

    Be on the lookout for some new Connor content featuring hot Twitch girls in Vegas.

    You know it’s not a great Chippendales prank until someone gets threatened to be shot.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram


    X3 Bar

    Will Girls Risk Getting Sick to Kiss Me?

    Copper Thing You Shove Up Your Nose


    “Hopefully I never have to shoot anyone. But you never know.” — B

    “If somehow we can forcibly make the word healthy, this wouldn’t be such an issue.”

  • Brandon took pre-workout before the show today, so get ready for a firecracker episode about video games, Connor’s four-way kiss, and what’s really going on behind both their single lives. Connor also shares the news about his new dating course to get your dream girl, Brandon urges Connor to hire a maid, they break down the next presidential candidates, and the guys talk about having a YouTube channel with your girlfriend and whether or not they could do it.

    Key Takeaways:

    Stay tuned for some big giveaway on Connor’s end about a competition show where it’s like America’s Next Top Model but for Instagram, and a house of hot girls competing in Vegas. Who knows, he may be the Paula Abdul judge while Brandon is the Simon Cowell.

    Connor and Kinsey launched 7 Secrets to Get Your Dream Girl, where they give both the girls and guys perspective on how to gain charisma, confidence, and just do better in life and love.

    Connor recommends Nintendo Switch for those of you who don’t want to have video games take up for your life, but just want to play for like 10 minutes a day.

    Brandon is single for life and just meditates while all you losers are having sex.

    Fake weddings like Tana’s and Jake’s seem like a lot of work, and they always seem to get complicated.

    Any hot ladies out there want to clean Connor’s house for free, and he will at least consider hooking up with you after?

    Connor is getting some cool artwork, but would really appreciate it if Brandon got a picture of his naked body on his arm.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram



    Mr. Beast

    7 Secrets to Get Your Dream Girl


    Nintendo Switch

    Fruit Ninja

    Brett and Kristin

  • Brandon is convinced that he has found the best meditation book and technique out there, and he couldn’t wait to share it with Connor and the podcast. Emily Fletcher’s book, Stress Less, Accomplish More, includes a step-by-step guide for meditation for better performance and explains why stress is making us sick and slow, and what we can do about it. Emily shares what the Ziva method is, how we can start at it right away, and some of the positive changes we can expect in all aspects of our life, anywhere from the bedroom to the boardroom.

    Key Takeaways:

    Brandon can’t say enough good things about Emily’s book, Stress Less, Accomplish More. He has done meditation for over a decade and finds it be a powerful way to explain how to get results fast.

    The Ziva method is a meditation, mindfulness, and manifestation technique that is super efficient in clearing stress, healing our bodies and minds, and opening the pathway for even bigger and better things to come in.

    Emily has taught over 20K students and consistently holds live retreats and teachings. Her Ziva method course is available online as well.

    The more we lift others up, the more we lift ourselves up. But yes, Brandon, we do want to beat people as well in competitive sports!

    Connor hasn’t experienced anything negative from meditating, but some people have reported a catharsis as part of the healing release.

    With 40% of couples citing they are often too tired to have sex, lowering our stress will give us more energy and better performance.

    The more energy and clarity you have, the more likely you are to make decisions that save you time and earn you more money.

    Money is energy, and we don’t get what we want — we get what we deserve.

    Stress is responsible for 90% of our doctor’s visits and costing us time and life decisions and productivity.

    Stay tuned for Emily’s kids’ meditation training, out most likely late this summer.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram


    Ziva Meditation

    Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance, by Emily Fletcher


  • The guys return this week, and they aren’t holding back! They talk about the good, bad, and ugly of life in the new year; Connor shares what dating apps he loves the most and how he’s getting around new videos too risque for YouTube. Brandon explains why he loves cold showers and only plans on wearing one outfit for the rest of time. Welcome to 2020, Adonyx style.

    Key Takeaways:

    Connor switched up his YouTube content and it’s going well. His video of girls reacting to going from dad bod to muscular god was quite a hit.

    It’s a hard life for Connor having his junk grabbed and being forced to make out with fans, but he powers through for all of us.

    New girl rule for 2020: cut off the toxic girls, and know how to spot ’em early. Ain’t no one got time for that.

    If you see Brandon out in his Lululemon pants and Target V-Neck shirt, just know that’s his new uniform for life.

    Connor is feeling like Bumble and Hinge are where it’s at for dating apps now. No one takes Tinder seriously anymore.

    Could TikTok be the next big social media platform? Time will tell, but in the meantime, Connor will be sure to blow up on it.

    These three things make Connor feel like a million bucks even when he doesn’t get a good night’s sleep: meditation, cold showers, and Wim Hof breathing.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram






    Stress Less, Accomplish More: Meditation for Extraordinary Performance, by Emily Fletcher

    Wim Hof Breathing

    Phillips Hue

  • The guys are back, and better than ever! In this comeback episode, Connor talks about how he finally got verified on Instagram, and the ways it has changed his life forever. Brandon is thinking about trying out for American Ninja Warrior. Then, the guys discuss how to make soccer better, why football can be confusing, and Connor’s new partnership with Bang.

    Key Takeaways:

    Connor is finally verified! That little blue checkmark wasn’t easy to get, but worth the effort. A company named Full Screen helped him submit and resubmit, and to know the steps to take to make his chances bigger of getting verified.

    If you aren’t working with a company like Full Screen, three (not so easy) steps to getting verified: Build a huge following with at least half a million followers, look like an aesthetic god, and work out hard for the past 10 years.

    Brandon is working on his video submission for American Ninja Warrior, so just stay tuned for possibly more.

    Maybe Connor and Brandon will hold a tournament for YouTube fitness stars, even better than Challenger Games.

    Hey NBA commissioner, listen to Brandon’s ideas for a way to change up the same.

    The guys have an idea on how to help soccer be more exciting — add extra goals and make the field half the size.

    If you don’t really understand football, don’t worry you aren’t alone.

    Connor is stoked to be partnering with Bang Energy, and his new interview style is already a huge hit.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram


    Full Screen

    Business Insider


    American Ninja Warrior

    Challenger Games

    Pro Bowl


    Bang Energy — Connor25


  • Sean Batchelor, ICN Men’s Physique Pro, joins the show to share his experience as both a completely natty professional competitor and (today is your lucky day, ladies) a former dancer for Australia's Thunder Down Under. Sean talks about all the preparation and training that went into his ICN Men’s Physique competition, his choice of diet that helps him stay lean but gain and maintain muscle, and if life on stage as a male dancer really is the same as what they show on Magic Mike.

    Key Takeaways:

    Sean performed with Australia's Thunder Down Under for over two years. It was great exercise and a ton of cardio every night, fun to travel the world, and just a crazy, wild time.

    Sean is an ICN Men’s Physique Pro, which means “I Compete Natural.”

    Sean was a fat little kid, and always wanted abs. After playing some sports, he threw himself into fitness and discovered he loved to be responsible for the hard work that led to his own success.

    If Connor were to compete again, he would incorporate some refeed days. Not only is it fun, but it resets your hormone levels so you continue to drop fat.

    Sean ate lean and lowered his carbs for competition, and found that intermittent dieting with 4 days of diet and 3 days of refeeding worked for him, and helped with gradual weight loss while keeping muscle.

    Sean’s training schedule was 3 push-pull days, lower body 2 times a week, and abs 2 times a week. The hardest part was trying to function and fight fatigue while eating low-carb.

    Practice makes perfect when it comes to posting. Sean posed at least 3 times a day and worked with a coach to become more fluid and natural.

    Yes, Thunder Down Under really is like what you see on Magic Mike. The women could be like ravenous animals, hungry for just one bite.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram



    Magic Mike


  • It’s a good one this week, folks. We reveal a huge guest we almost had on who still may hang with us in the future, talk about Connor setting a new World Record, and Brandon going off keto in Europe. We also explain why it’s easy to get girls on a cruise, share our favorite camera equipment, and give our take on working out when you’re sore vs. taking a break.

    Key Takeaways:

    We almost got British far-right political commentator Milo Yiannopoulos on as a guest. We still may
 stay tuned.

    Don’t only have friends that back up your own personal opinions. It’s cool to have people around with different viewpoints.

    Connor has some room for a couple of gay friends! Actually, he has room for a few friends in general.

    Connor is back from the Rolling Loud rap festival in Oakland and had a great time seeing headliners G-Eazy along with Future and Migos.

    Brandon has three favorite white people: Connor, Auntie Trillsteen and G-Eazy.

    Connor thinks he may have set a World Record at the Rolling Loud Festival. He curled 100 girls in 24 hours. That, friends, is record-setting and breaking.

    If you work out when you are sore, it should help the soreness. But, you can also come back stronger after breaks.

    Get ready for more main channel videos on Connor’s page. Maybe he can borrow Brandon’s new iPhone 11 and film some hidden camera stuff.

    Brandon went off keto in Europe and is fine. You can take a break, as long as you are consistent and on your game the rest of the time.

    Looking for girls? Try taking a cruise. Everyone is there feeling the vacation vibe and you are all right next to each other. Connor wasn’t looking because he is currently taken, but there sure was some Big Deck Energy on his last cruise.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram



    Rolling Loud

    Curling 100 Girls in 24 Hours (World Record!!)

    Go Pro

    Sony RX 100

    Canon G7x

  • Brandon jets to Europe for some business and is ready to get his solo bonbon on. Connor hangs out with a guy that’s even more attractive than him, and then we both get honest about where we fall on the attractiveness scale. We talk about why we are scared of steroids and if we would ever use them, remind people you can go off keto, and pose a challenge to you, listeners, to have sex without Google Translate in a foreign country.

    Key Takeaways:

    Brandon is getting ready to fly to Europe for some business. He isn’t looking to hook up with girls while there but more looking forward to going off keto for some croissants or whatever.

    It is possible to go off and on keto. Just because you have one off day doesn’t mean you have to stop it forever.

    Both Brandon and Connor have been talking about testosterone for so long, maybe it’s time they put their money where their mouth is and try it out. The upside is that they aren’t concerned about losing any (more) hair. The downside is the girls may not find them as attractive, and no one wants to be the crazy dude with no eyebrows.

    Testosterone gets lowered as guys get older, and according to the statistics, there are definitely some alpha babies running around nursery school.

    It’s an Adonyx challenge: If you are about to hook up abroad with someone who doesn’t speak American as their first language, try to do it without Google Translate.

    Connor is at his peak attractiveness and looks pretty damn good even in moderate lighting. Brandon also basks in having it all — LSM or Looks, Money, and Status.

    A guy's view of attractiveness is way broader than the range of girls. One girl’s 6 is another 10.

    Connor ponders if someone not as hot as him could possibly do the same videos that he does with as much success. Stay tuned...

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram



    Rich Homie Quan

    RSD Derek

    Let’s Get Checked

    Tai Lopez

  • We kick this average-to-good episode off by talking about the south side of Chicago, and what Brandon really thinks about it. Then, Connor gives an update on who won at Olympia, we get into the cultural reason behind who wins expensive sports, followed by a deep discussion on who really built the pyramids. We also share some tips on having an Instagram that makes it seem like you have a cool life and rate our own to see who is winning the online game.

    Key Takeaways:

    The southside of Chicago may be cool and home to Obama now, but Brandon remembers when McDonalds and movie theaters there were getting shut down due to violence.

    The Olympia competition just happened in Las Vegas, and we have some feelings about it. Brandon Curry won, along with a bunch of other awards going out, but we aren’t sure how anyone had fun without us.

    We ponder how the Jewish people were able to build the pyramids if they weren’t jacked. Brandon feels like the most difficult sport on earth is hockey. It’s hard to fight, win, and skate all at the same time.

    You may think it’s genetics that gives black athletes the advantage, but Brandon raises a point that it’s the sports that are cheap that they often excel in. Expensive ones like golf and swimming may be another story.

    Theory: serial monogamists are just guys who are shy and have no game. It’s simply the only way they know how to get laid.

    Dudes — if you put on tights and your ass looks too much like a hot girl, we’ve got an issue.

    Connor looks like a crazy douche on his Instagram, but it’s worked out well for him and his crazy high fan engagement rates. Brandon may have the best Instagram of them all, as he seems rich with a cool life.

    Here’s what makes a good Instagram:

    Take photos where you look attractive but not douchey.

    Don’t try too hard.

    Post photos where you are having fun in different locations.

    Get some good action shots of you actually doing something rather than just sitting or standing there.

    Clean videos without a ton of text.

    Make it seem like you have friends! Take photos with other people and sprinkle a few of them in.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram




    @cbum — Chris Bumstead




  • You will never believe this, but talk about sleep, girls, and gains on this episode and then we manage to somehow get off track. We give our theories on why you don’t really need weed, alcohol, or Hollywood parties to be cool, Connor thinks about who may be the lucky one to carry his seed, and Brandon opens up about being bipolar.

    Key Takeaways:

    Brandon averages four hours a night, but kids
 don’t do that at home.

    Any women out there that are willing to let Connor spread his seed without any responsibility? Similar to a Genghis Khan type situation, where they can sign a pre-partum agreement and Connor will mend the relationship years later when he sees which one grows up to be a successful professional athlete.

    Connor hardly drinks at all, and will only do the courtesy shot when it’s someone he doesn’t know too well offering him a drink.

    When you feel good and confident about yourself already, things like weed and alcohol are more of a downgrade than an upgrade. People tend to abuse drugs when they are hiding from something or trying to mask their own pain.

    Energy syncs up, so be careful who you hang out with and let in your close friend circle.

    Everything in moderation. You don’t have to switch from being a monk to like Dan Bilzerian with multiple girls every day, but somewhere in between is most likely where we are happiest.

    Too much of anything will burn out the receptors in the brain and make pleasure even tougher to come by. Things like meditation and charting your mood can help make your base state happier.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram




  • Ready, all you great and introverted, yet intelligent people needing help with your social skills? Connor announces his new program, Social Momentum, which will help guys gain more confidence, and learn to not care so much about what others think. You may think ‘game’ is all about showing off a chiseled face and fine aesthetics, but that’s far from the truth. If you wonder how Connor has the ability to go out in a crowd wearing nothing but a speedo and get numbers from the hottest chicks, this is where you will find out all the secrets and tips. The guys also talk about making love with manatees, why being good looking isn’t as easy as you may think, and Brandon’s new Best Keto drink.

    Key Takeaways:

    Brandon is still swearing off girls, and between his meal prep and indoor gym, he will soon have no reason to venture into the outside world.

    If Brandon continues to not even touch or look at a woman, he may fall prey to The Mermaid Effect. When pirates would go many months without female contact, manatees and sea cows would start to look like really hot mermaids.

    It’s not just Connor’s looks that get him all the girls — he really is an insanely good pick up artist. He and Brandon have had to overcome the typical challenges of being super good looking, which is that people think you are douchey and “too attractive” to be taken seriously.

    Looks are great, but being on your game really does conquer everything. And to take it even one step further, you don’t even need great game if you just are naturally cool, fun, attractive and successful.

    Every guy can be more attractive in the way he dresses, his accomplishments, and the way he carries himself. Connor’s new program, likely called “Social Momentum,” will help guys gain these skills.

    Connor is taken now, but the minute he is single he will have sex with the nastiest girls he can find and try his absolute hardest and see if he can shake off an STD like he thinks he can. The risk is high, but the reward is even higher.

    Social Momentum will help people go for what they want out of life, without worrying about what other people think of them. The course includes 69 steps to raise confidence, starting from just going to a social setting all the way to walking through a crowd wearing a speedo. It will also cover mindset and attitude, and sage advice from other pick up artists.

    Stay tuned for some news in Brandon’s world about Best Keto.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram


    Keto Prep Pro

    Keto Pre Workout



    Social Momentum

  • Connor has been seeing the Get Better Game account everywhere around social media, so he figured it was probably time to get them on the show. Zeke and Max join him this week to talk about how and why they started Get Better Game, and the ways their army is helping men all over the world get the confidence they desire. They talk about ways to boost both inner and outer confidence, social skills, games, and status and why these are real things that can actually lead to hotter girls, and more of them. They also talk about what they are doing personally to be high-value, ways to build social momentum, and why starting a YouTube Channel may be the best pick up idea, yet.

    Key Takeaways:

    Zeke and Max started @getbettergame because they saw a need for men to actually be masculine in a society that is very much trying to rid itself of toxic masculinity. Men didn’t know how to act or where to go, so Get Better Game became a resource.

    Guys that join the group not only get skills on confidence, but attraction skills so they can game girls they may have previously been intimidated by.

    True confidence comes when we put in the work on both our inner and outer selves. It comes with taking action, otherwise, it’s just a delusion.

    It’s great to build up social momentum so that by the time you arrive at a party or date you are loose and fun instead of uptight and self- conscious. Even just talking to one girl every day who is on your path can help build the muscle of fun and ease.

    All the guys are big fans of keeping the mind free and open, and meditation is a great tool to use to get there.

    If you are gaming girls in the city, you may notice they are more masculine in their approach (not always their looks) because they’ve had to rise to that occasion for their career.

    Girls want high-value guys and ones that make them feel they are winning something just by getting to be with them.

    A few of the inner and outer confidence boosters that are game-changers for Zeke and Max: yoga, sun-gazing, fasting, ice baths, and even dancing and playing the piano.

    Connor has been doing a 72-hour fast once a month, which is like a 2-week cut in a few days. He loves it and feels energetic and sharp while on it.

    Find what you are good at, and join a MeetUp to meet other people with the same interest. Or, start a YouTube channel and you will find others are interested and attracted to your confidence on the subject.

    Even if you don’t have as many followers as Connor on Instagram, you can still act as though you do. Post daily about something cool you are actually doing, and you will start to see the messages come in.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram



    #031: “Sex Robots and Romance Novels”

    #071: “Let Go Of Your Mind and Become One with Reality”

    Get Better Game Army



  • Wow. All of this from Connor having just one little cold. Connor rattles off his theories on how we can cure STDs, and why intermittent fasting and keto may have something to do with it. Brandon thinks he is crazy but is sure in for the ride. They talk about how common STDs are, some of the different types, and ways to avoid them or recover quickly. Then, they do the science on why we are having less sex as a culture, but with even more people.

    Key Takeaways:

    Connor may sound sick in this episode, but he swears it’s not throat gonorrhea.

    Pulling out may be more effective than condoms for STD according to Dr. Connor, but don’t forget about that whole baby protection thing. Also, let’s be real, no one pulls out effectively anymore.

    New business idea maybe — Condom Shorts? We can sell them at colleges and make it fun and fashionable to not get herpes.

    Infectious bacteria can’t get into your system and survive without glucose. This theory lends itself to why Connor believes that keto and intermittent fasting may help heal or stave off STDs.

    An estimated 80% of people have herpes, and they are not all the giant weird blister lip things you see in medical journals.

    Let’s get to the conspiracy theories: maybe some of these diseases are government made. Maybe to control our population, maybe to keep people from having premarital sex, or maybe it’s something even weirder. Whatever it is, Connor is open to the idea that these diseases can be a scare tactic from the rich and powerful, so just stay open to new ideas and learning.

    While the rate of how often we all have sex has gone down by almost 10%, we are choosing different people to have sex with more than ever. This means it’s important to be extra careful about everything mentioned today to be safe.

    Mentioned in This Episode:

    Connor Murphy Talks YouTube page: @ConnorMurphyTalks

    Brandon’s YouTube page: @HighLifeWorkOut

    @KingKeto — Brandon Carter on Instagram


    University of Texas