
  • For centuries we have been hearing about the ushering in a New Age where we would be heart centered, in alignment and stepping into the most aligned version of ourselves possible. 

    I have been hearing about this since my energetic journey began in the early 1980's. 

    We are now stepping into the promised energetic corridor and on a whole new learning curve. 

    The best news is that what you most desire is more available than ever before!

    But there are also a whole new set of rules, a new set of energetic tools and the old ways of doing things are rapidly falling away. 

    So we have ALOT to unpack!

    On this show I will share:

    - An overview of the Evolution of our 5D Frequency, where we started, where we are now and where we are going forward

    - The new "rules of the road" and what you need to clear out asap

    - All of the amazing new things that will be available to you as we move into this big new era

    - The most important skill you need to Master

    - The Most important question you need to ask

    - The next steps you need to take now to maximize the new energy that is here to stay!

    Our Fall Registration for my 5D Academy Level 1 and our Advanced 5D Visionary Mastermind are now open! To apply email us at [email protected] and we will send you all the info you need to learn more!

  • 5 Hidden Signs That You Have an Ancestral Block and Why You Should Care!

    Just like you inherit your looks and mannerisms from your parents, you also inherit a long downline of emotional patterns, idiosyncrasies and karmic load from them as well.

    We inherit things from our ancestors in all categories… mental, emotional, physical and energetic.

    And just like you establish a health profile for mental, emotional and physical health, having an energetic profile is just as important.

    In order for you to be here today over 4097 people contributed to

    making you in the last 400 years.

    That’s A LOT of people! And A LOT of issues that have been passed down!

    On this show I reveal:
    The energetic update that is pushing EVERYONE to dig deep and sort out long standing issues and stuck points, whether they want to or not!The 5 Hidden Signs that are letting you know that you have an ancestral block that you need to clear.Why you should care and move forward with probing to sort out what baffling patterns you have been sifting throughHow 5D Frequency and your Higher Self can be the shortcut AND solutions to complete clearing that you have been searching forWhat it feels like to finally breakthrough and lighten your ancestral loadThe Remarkable impact to your Ancestors that comes from you Clearing your Ancestral BlocksThe next steps you can take to identify your blocks

    If you are really ready to get some major clarity and relief from those long standing challenges that have illuded you, book a private Ancestral Clearing Session with Mari!

    Email us at [email protected] for more info and available session times!

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  • If you have not yet noticed, we are in unprecedented times right now!  

    You may be feeling seismic shifts in both your personal and professional life. 

    And the world events are also in free fall mode. 

    What is going on? 

    Well on this show I am going to shed some light in the darkness and talk about the messages that I have been getting on things like:
    What is happening in the world politically and what it means from an energetic perspectiveWhat is happening for many personally and how you are potentially being impactedThe two big questions to be asking yourself now and how by doing so you can smooth out the jagged energies of all that is swirling aroundThe energetic practices you can do to balance out your nervous system and give yourself some grace to manage through this big shiftsHow to get some support along the way
    And much more!

    If you would like to learn more about our upcoming new courses and private retreats and programs send us an email at [email protected]

  • If you are the least bit energetically sensitive, you undoubtedly are feeling very different than normal during this mercury in retrograde, eclipse season and all of the other influences at play in 2024.

    Sensitive’s are feeling off, discontent, disconnected, confused, anxious, worried yet strangely optimistic.

    Like something is brewing. The winds of change are blowing.

    But nothing is clear. And when they try to check in with their intuitive guidance, their Angels or normal Guides, it seems like everyone is out to lunch!

    Here is the missing piece:

    When we go through these huge transits of energy and planets and eclipses etc. we drop a lot away AND we are prepared for the new paradigms loading in.


    The Guides that were “covering” you and your life before, move on and a new team configures!

    Your Higher Self is always there, but your frequency elevates FIRST.

    And everyone and everything reconfigures.

    On this show I will share:

    - The telltale signs that you are going through "The Changing of Your Guides"

    - The key things you want to start doing right now to ease the shift

    - The categories of Guides that are available to you and what they help you with

    - The role your 5D Frequency plays in the process

    - Next steps you can take to sort out who your new Guides are and how to know they are trying to get messages to you

    And much more!

    If you would like to have a privately channeled Changing of Your Guides session with Mari please email us at support@ahamomentsinc,com for details!







  • On this episode we continue our conversation on Vibrational Alignment and go over the second 5 key indicators that you are hitting the mark!

    If you are tired of confustion around what is going on and why things are taking so long this is for you!

    It usually takes a few small adjustments and things can start to kick into high gear. 


    On this episode I will share:

    - The second 5 Indicators that you are in Vibrational Alignment 

    - How to now align with energetic infrastructure and put it to work so you can do less and attract more

    - Steps you can take to start getting yourself in the vibrational zone of your desires 

    And much more!

    Ready to get in sync with all that you are asking for and stay there? Register for my brand new 5 part 5D Alignment Accelerator Master Class!

    For privates, customized personal Alignment Days by the Sea, upcoming Retreats email us at [email protected] for details!

    Want to learn more about working with Mari to get fully fluent in your 5D Abilities? Go to 

  • How is your manifesting going? 

    Feeling like things are taking longer than you would like? 

    Assuming that your stuff is off in the distance and you have to wait patiently for them to arrive? 

    The truth is that since everything you desire already exists in the Quantum Field and 5D Frequency all you have to do is be in "vibrational alignment" with them. 

    This is not a new concept. All of the top Manifesting Coaches and Spiritual leaders talk about it. 

    But how do you know that you are actually in Vibrational Alignment? 

    Well there are 10 indicators that let you know that you are in Vibrational Alignment. 

    On this episode I will share:

    - What Vibrational Alignment actually is and why you want to work towards it for yourself and desires

    - The difference between energetic infrastructure and physical infrastructure and how the two fit together and are very sensitive to your ability to manage your vibration

    - The first 5 of 10 indicators that you are in Vibrational Alignment! You can get the second set of 5 in Part 2!

    - Steps you can take to start getting yourself in the vibrational zone of your desires 

    And much more!

    Ready to get in sync with all that you are asking for and stay there? Register for my brand new 5 part 5D Alignment Accelerator Master Class! Email us at [email protected] for details!

  • If you take a moment and consider the last 72 hours, where has your focus been? 

    On the goals that you have? Basking in the anticipation of reaching them? Feeling them into existence? Celebrating your accomplishments?

    Or have you been more focused on:

    The struggle of how you're going to accomplish everything?

    The timing of when you will get to the goal?

    Wondering if you can make it to that goal in a particular length of time?

    Procrastinating on the tasks because you are not sure if you can accomplish what you want?


    In my thirty years of working professionally with thousands of clients, I have absolutely seen a lot more preocuppation with the struggle of how and when people will get what they want vs being genuinely invested in the desire itself. 

    And if you REALLY want to DELAY your dreams, focusing on the struggle is the cryptonite that will do it!

    On this show we are going to take a deep dive and discuss:

    - How to evaluate what you are desiring and take stock of what you have really been putting your focus on

    - The 3 most popular things that people accidentally do that stops their forward manifesting energy in its tracks

    - The MOST important thing you can do to break things down, put the struggle energy behind you and find your Energetic Momentum with your 5D Frequency

    And much more!

    Ready to learn more about all of your 5D Senses and all that you have to work with? Check out Mari's free 25 minute training Get Your Messages! Go to:






  • There's been a lot of talk these days about Timelines and jumping from one to another in order to get what you have been asking for in record time. 

    So... Is this real? Is it possible? How does all of that work?

    Yes, Timelines are real and when you get your head, heart and habits around them you can very quickly accelerate your manifesting like never before.

    One big distinction is that if you can get yourself in conscious connection with your own Parallel Realities, also called Timelines, you can skip right to the version of you that already has what you desire.

    That can be a different state of finances, health, relationships, material goods, lifestyle and more.

    It is way quicker to solve your issues and get the stuff you want if you know how to move through the Parallels / Timelines where you already have it!

    On this show we are going to talk about:

    - Timelines / Parallels what they are and how they work

    - The Quantum Field and how to navigate

    - How to get access to your full catalogue of your Parallels /Timelines

    - The various categories of timelines that are available to you

    - How to avoid a lot of slow, frustrating and exhausting processes by moving Timelines

    - The best steps to take to genuinely get into your Highest and Best Timeline for you at this time

    And much more!

    To register for a Custom Jumping Your TImelines, Guided Meditation Session with Mari email us at [email protected]

    To get Mari’s Free "Get Your Messages" Master Class and get to know about all of your 5D abilities go to: 

  • Your “5D Calling” will Always Make More Money Than Your “3D Job.”

    Even if you are an entrepreneur and the word "job" is no longer applicable, alignment to your "Calling" is going to far outpace doing a business just for the sake of it. 

    If you have been restless or feeling like there is something more... you are right!

    Have you noticed all of the big shifts going on in the world right now?

    Old frequencies are dying out and so much new stuff is coming in faster than ever. 

    Alignment to your Highest Frequency is what will make you the "safest" now! Everything else will be a bumpy ride!  

    As we throttle forward into a 5D Frequency based life we have more access to our 5D abilities on a personal level than ever before in history.

    And the new gateways opening will make it much easier and even more important to take your leap and heed that call from your Higher Self!

    If this has gotten your attention, consider it a sign from your Higher Self that a CALLING that is coming your way!

    On this Show I will share:
    The top signs that your Higher Self is trying to get your attentionWhat a calling actually is and what it is not.Why it is so important for you to go for it now more than ever beforeHow and why “5D Callings” make so much more money than traditional “3D careers/businesses” doWhat’s the best way to get the confidence to make the shiftSteps you can take now to get on your way
    If you would like access to Mari's brand new "Get Your Messages" 25 min Free Training Class and to apply for a free 15 min 5D Frequency Assessment Call with Mari email us at [email protected]

  • Three Telltale signs that your Higher Self is trying to send an important message to you!

    Contrary to what many think, you always have guidance coming your way from your very own Higher Self.

    Small, medium and large messages are being sent to you over 100 times a day!

    And you DON'T have to be in crisis in order to get them!

    If you have every tried to manifest a desire and feel like you are stuck, or worried about what you should be "doing" to get it to come to fruition, you are actually searching for the guidance of your Higher Self. 

    You were NEVER meant to go it alone! 

    And communicating with your Higher Self goes WAY BEYOND the basics of intuition and wayward signs that seem to come out of the blue with no full explanation!


    On this show I will share:
    The difference between getting direct guidance from your own Higher Self vs that of angels and other spirit guides and why your Higher Self always takes precedenceThe step-by-step process that your Higher Self uses to let you know that a message is waiting and what you need to do to interpret itThe huge piece that most people are completely missing when it comes to receiving their messages and what to do to get on the path to getting real contextual with your Higher Self that are accurate and reliable. If you are writing a book or seeking guidance on your own calling or mission, need advice for important decisions and feel like you have hit a wall this show is for you!
    If you would like to get a Free 5D Frequency Assessment done and learn more about getting fully fluent in connecting and communicating with your own Higher Self to rapidly solve any dilemma and get all those missing pieces to your manifesting, reach out to Mari at [email protected] and we will get you going!



  • If you have been on the manifesting path for a while with a good chunk of success, and then things seem to stop dead In their tracks you are not going crazy!

    If you are feeling like you used to be confident and now that has been shaken, especially when it comes to you believing in yourself, hang on, 

    If you have taken an emotional leap toward your biggest dreams, and then things start to look like they are going off the path you really wanted, it is usually a BIG sign that you are right on track to your desires coming to fruition in their own way.

    Sounds a bit frustrating right?

    Well on this show I will share:
    How to deal when you hit a rough patch in your manifestingThe 2 Systems that work hand-in-hand to make your thoughts a reality.The counter intuitive rules that Energetic Infrastructure runs by and how that effects your manifesting process.The telltale signs that your manifesting is throttling ahead to coming to fruition even when it seems like everything is falling apart.How your Higher Self can help you get through the rough patches without abandoning your dreams
    And much more!

    If you are ready to get your personal 5D Frequency Assessment and see if you are a fit for our 5D Academy fluency programs be sure to email Mari at [email protected]

  • Are you accidentally using your frequency against yourself?

    How was your day today?

    Did you feel it flowing, unfolding, presenting you with evidence that what you truly desire is arriving or very much on its way?

    Or was it a blur of tasks and reactions to people doing things that you really didn’t like?

    Were you feeling the connection to the inner voice of your Higher Self and as you made choices did you check in and feel that two way partnership supporting you along your way?

    Or did you feel a bit like you were on auto pilot, maybe reacting or feeling the need to procrastinate and put things off for another day?

    Well on this show we are going to talk all about how to smooth out the average day and use all of those hours… Yes all of them to your best advantage!

    I will share:
    How to actually connect in and establish how you would like your day to flow from a 5D perspectiveWhy its so important to engage your frequency with deliberate intent each and every day so it knows where to flow and what happens when you don’t!The top 3 things you should do each day to get in the flow and have so much more ease
    Vs angst as things pop up in 3D
    How to use your emotions to your very highest advantage and actually create the day you really want along with the help of your Higher SelfAnd how this can all start happening as soon as tomorrow when you take the 5D steps!
    And much more!

    If you would like to join us in the 5D Academy to get totally fluent in your entire 5D Toolkit and make your life SO much easier email me at [email protected] to get the details and next steps!



  • Stumped and need a solution? The most important thing to know is that the vibration where you have the problem and ask for the solution is a TOTALLY different vibration than where the solution is found. 

    Do you know how to switch into the vibration of the answers that you seek? In 5D Frequency no 3D issue goes unsolved. 

    When you are not fluent in your inborn energetic abilities, most importantly your ability to get and interpret the messages being sent to you, it can become very disconcerting. Your Higher Self is sending communication throughout your day. Every. Single. Day.

    We all have that stubborn, issue that seems to elude every bit of intellect, reason, analysis and advice, right? What's yours?

    In 3D there are A LOT of Dead Ends! However, in 5D there are absolutely no dead ends. Your 5D senses and guidance, the ones you were born with have complete access to the Infinite. There is a version of you that has easily acquired everything you could ever want and a whole bunch of stuff that you could not have even thought of.

    On this podcast I will share:
    How to know when it is time for you to put 3D down and turn to your 5D abilities to solve a stubborn problemWhat to do when you hit that combo of anxiety, frustration and worry that can jam up all of your circuits and short out all of your abilities to get the messages you need3 very cool, and very reliable ways to stop the crazy racing thoughts and let your Higher Self get in there to send you some optionsHow to stay connected so you can get out of your own way and check in with your Higher Self, even if you are not yet fluent and have not gotten messages before
    And much more!

    Ready to learn how to become as fluent in your 5D frequency and abilities as you are in your 3D senses and physical abilities? Email me at [email protected] to learn more!

  • 5D Frequency is so subtle. And if you are not careful your "yes" can really be perceived as no, energetically. 

    While most are really open to asking for what they want. 

    Praying for what they want,

    Begging, bargaining and negotiating for what they hope to get,

    There is a much bigger question at play!

    And that is...

    Are you TRULY open to receive what you are asking for? 

    How strong is your YES?

    If you don't have what you are asking for yet, you need to strengthen your YES.

    And that does NOT mean talking louder or asking more. 

    It also does not mean giving more, people pleasing or sacrificing to the point of no return. 

    There are 3 KEY questions that when you ask them, and answer them honestly you will strengthen your YES right up and burst the doors open to finally getting that intention to come to fruition

    I will share:
    The 3 key questions that you need to be always asking yourself when it comes to making sure you are in “alignment” with what you are seekingHow to identify your “weakest” link so you can fix it and move onThe best things you can do to start energetically strategizing for manifesting speed and accuracyHow to give your 5D frequency the space to top your best ideas and maximize all of the manifesting work you are doing in your 3D world
    And much more!

    If you are ready to learn how to become as fluent in your 5D frequency and abilities as you are in your 3D senses and physical abilities email us at [email protected] to learn more!

  • Are you ready for Part 2 of "Are You Energetically Canceling Out Your Manifesting Results?"

    Well here it is! CLICK HERE to listen now!

    There are many ways to cancel out what you have been asking for and on this show I want to bring another set of things that are easily overlooked and immediately cancel out what you want!

    On this show I will share:

    -  5 more of the most common ways that you can be accidentally telling

        the frequency NO to what you have just finished asking for

    -   How to look at your intentions and sort out what you may be

        doing to get in your own way and accidentally misread the signs that are

        being sent to assist you 

    -   How what you desire most often comes to you in totally different ways than

        what you were expecting

    -   Some key ways to really strengthen your yes starting

        now and get on track to rapidly receive what you want!

    And much more!

    Would like the free video master class training on how to start your journey to 5D Fluency with the 5D Academy? Please send us an email at [email protected]

    Enjoy the show! 

  • These days the word manifesting is certainly not a new one. It is being thrown around everywhere.

    But what is not being stated much is that when manifesting is pulled out of context and without 5D fluency, the process can be very haphazard and disappointing.

    We love the idea of asking for what we desire, outlining it, describing it, doing old fashioned vision boards and other little practices.

    But once all of that is done, we often revert back to the very things that cancel out what we just did to make our request.

    There are many ways to cancel out what you have been asking for and on this show I want to bring them to the forefront so you can get after it and make sure that there is a clear channel for you to receive what you have been setting intention on.

    There are so many I am splitting this topic into two episodes!

    On this show I will share:

    -  The first 5 most common ways that you can be accidentally telling

        the frequency NO to what you have just finished asking for

    -   How to look at your intentions and sort out what you may be

        doing to silently hold yourself back from what you think you really


    -   How telling your old stories and comparing what you are desiring

        now to what you had before may actually be creating the

        pathway to repeat what you don’t want

    -   How to clear things out and start to strengthen your yes starting now!

    And much more!

    If you would like to learn more about or register for one of the remaining spots in our all new Advanced Alchemy Mastermind, a powerful new fluency program in my 5D Academy, send us an email at [email protected]

  • Several times each year we have some planetary aspects and shifts that really can throw even the most energetically advanced people off their game. 

    This week we have a pretty big combo of influences including a lunar eclipse, a full moon, meteor showers and Mercury in Retrograde! And even if you are listening in after this particular set of events pass, it is really important to know what to do when it feels like everything is energetically working against you!

    One of the biggest ways to soften the effects of these seemingly "untouchable" energetic events is to be as fluent as possible in your 5D Abilities!

    There are several things you can do to majorly minimize these aspects and actually even benefit from them occuriing. 

    On this episode I will share my tried and true systems that I personally use to navigate and mitigate when we have "energetic storms"

    We will discuss:

    - What is going on and why these things happen from a personal perspecitve as well as a global perspective

    - Key questions to ask yourself to know when something is energetically off and how to decipher if it is a personal thing or a planetary thing

    - What 5D tools you were born with to support you during energetic upheavels and rough patches

    - The top 3 actions to take during these temporary windows of wonky energy to still make progress on your dreams, goals and projects

    And much more!

    Without 5D fluency things can feel REALLY off. But when you engage your 5D Frequency tools things will smooth out very quickly for you, even if everyone else is going a bit nuts! Lol

    Let's Talk!

  • Mercury in Retrograde, Eclipses, New Moon and all sorts of swirling energy, can be troublesome for many, but when you have you're 5D Frequency activated, you can head so much off at the pass! 

    We are back with a full season of all new episodes coming up and want to share all the new stuff that we have in store!

    In this episode i will share:

    - Energy Update! What's up with Mercury in Retrograde, Eclipse Season and this New Moon? 

    - What you can do to take care of yourself from a 3D perspective and what to do from a 5D perspective to head some of the spicy energy off at the pass

    - Special details about Mari's upcoming second book, the new podcast and exciting new programs in the 5D Academy

    - The top 3 things that you definitely want to do right away to maximize this corridor of energy when things are eclipsing and retrograding around you!

    And much more!

    If you would like to get more info on our new programs or a free frequency assessment and access to a free video Master Class on 5D Fluency send us an email at [email protected] and we will send you the details!


  • We are back for a new season! 

    Recently I was channeling and a BIG new distinction was brought to my attention. I'm sure that you have been given the advice to follow your passion at one time or another. 

    And many have tried to leap into that but ended up heartbroken as it was not successful. 

    The truth is that there is a BIG difference between a passion and a calling! And we all can have many passions yet those may not be what is meant for sharing with the world. 

    On this show we are going to talk all about how to know what your passions are, what your actual calling is and the BIG difference between the two. 

    As we march on through the spring it is very important to start asking yourself the big questions and then engaging your 5D energetic abilities to gather the guidance, info and support that you need along your new pathways. 

    Intellect alone will not be enough support to move forward with success... 

    So let's talk!

    On this show we will cover:
    The Current Energetic State of the Union and what is really going on nowThe Great 5D Awakening that is taking place amongst Light Leaders WorldwideHow to determine your passions vs your callingHow to know if you are a Light Leader who is meant to pursue their calling nowNext steps you can take to sort it all out and get moving!
    And much, much more!


  • Isn’t it about time that you get what you truly want, become who you truly want to be come and get on with elevating your life beyond anything you have accomplished before?

    Let me ask you… What do you REALLY want to transform in your life?

    From a 3D perspective we start to think about what we can DO to “Transform” ourselves into who we want to be personally, and professionally.

    Transformation is a very popular word that is used constantly by success and other coaches and one that we can all relate to on some level.

    Transformation sounds amazing...

    That’s until we think about all of the work it will take to do so.

    3D Transformation is HARD at best and often takes longer than we could ever imagine. 

    Here’s the truth thoug, the traditional approach to 3D Transformation is missing a MAJOR component.

    When we only focus on the 3D transformation based on our intellect, analytical abilities, logic and linear goal setting strategies we are setting ourselves up for a big fall.

    We have all been born with a set of Energetic (5D) abilities that are MEANT to be carrying 80% of our physical and emotional load as we go through life.

    On this show I discuss:
    The path to full transformation and why getting to the ultimate finish line eludes most peopleThe BIG difference between 3D Transformation and the 5D Transcendence that you subconsciously craveThe hidden energetic tools that you were born with that make true Transcendence and spectacular change easier than everHow engaging in these 5D Transcendence tools RAPIDLY speed up results, fine tune your deepest desires and light up the exact road you should take step-by-stepAnd what you can do now to get going right away on your own path to 5D transcendence!
    See you on the show!

    Questions? Email us at [email protected]