
  • What happens when a group of friends get their hands on a VHS tape that, when viewed, teleports you six feet away - arriving with a feeling of intense euphoria? SO much!

    The Third installment of Shortwave’s Killer VHS series has a lot. Stoners, teleportation, urban myths, feral junkies, government agencies, creepypasta, friendship! It’s a super-entertaining, quick read.

    In this episode, I chat with Josh about TELEPORTASM, friendship, horror, and what makes a story work, among other things. It’s a fun conversation, and now we’re friends! Please enjoy this conversation, and while you’re listening, go ahead and pre-order the book!

    For all of you YouTube lovers:

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  • Josh Malerman and Wow Town got together while I was up in Michigan, for a rehearsal of their June 23 performance commemorating the release of Josh’s book INCIDENTS AROUND THE HOUSE.

    I was there, I recorded it, and now I’m sharing it with you all.

    For the YouTube folks (no video! Audio only):

    Quick note

    This recording was made at a racecourse, so you will regularly hear racing engine noises in the background. It’s nothing that will impact the listening experience, but would be one of those “what the heck?” things if I didn’t explain why it was going on.








    “can I go into your heart?”

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  • Part three!

    This time, we talk about Josh’s recently-filmed documentary For All The Books. In case this title isn’t familiar, for years Josh has been looking for something beyond social media where he can express the full experience of writing a book. I could go on, but I’ll just let you listen to Josh explain it. It’s a pretty cool story, and the documentary is great too! I got to screen the most recent edit, and I think people are going to enjoy it!

    Outside the documentary talk, we talk about what authors are in our areas, meeting peers at the end of the world, and more.

    Thanks for following along with this experience. I’m excited to share it with you all, and I hope you’re finding value in it.

    Up next

    I’ll finish up this series with the rehearsal for the Incidents Around The House performance in June, and some fun original music inspired by the book, in my episode titled Incidents Around The Race Track.

    In the future

    I’ve recently set up dates to record with Clay McLeod Chapman, Joshua Chaplinsky, and the second part of my 2024 Horror Preview with Becky Spratford and Emily Hughes. Farther out, I’ll planning episodes with Brian Asman, Zoje Stage, Sofia Ajram, and many many more.

    For those of you who prefer YouTube (there’s no video, but there are captions!)

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  • If you’re looking for a discussion about Josh’s upcoming book INCIDENTS AROUND THE HOUSE, go back one episode. It’s all about the book, and you get to hear Other Mommy speak!

    This time around

    We have a few drinks and talk about super fandom, the lost art of writing letters, and the importance of capturing and archiving the creative process. It’s a sloshy fun time, and especially considering the topic, I’m very thankful that I got it on the record!

    Next episode

    We talk about Josh’s documentary For All The Books, and some other stuff along the way.

    In the future

    A complete recording of the rehearsal of the Incidents Around The House stage performance.

    For the folks that prefer YouTube (there is no video, but there are captions):

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  • This is the first in a series of episodes with Josh Malerman I’m calling Interviews Around The House, from my recent visit to Michigan for a weekend of hanging out with Josh. If you want to know more about what that weekend was like, check out this post.

    In this episode

    We primarily talk about Josh’s awesome upcoming release INCIDENTS AROUND THE HOUSE. In future episodes, we talk about Josh’s documentary, his nonfiction book, fandom and the importance of archiving, and the absolute worst idea for Josh’s 41st novel.

    A couple notes about the audio: First, this series is audio-only. I managed to capture a ton of audio, but no video. Second, these recordings are literally interviews around the house, so there is often background noise like wind, dogs, tree frogs, cocktails, and Jim Morrison. Most of the discussion is good, but there will be occasions where it’s a little tougher to understand exactly what’s being said. All in all, I think it adds to the atmosphere, but apologies in advance if it has an impact on any of the experience.

    Next Episode:

    Josh and Robb talk about the Documentary that Josh recorded, how great Daniel Kraus is, what authors are in Chicago and Detroit, and a bunch more.

    Coming Soon:

    Josh and Robb get tipsy and talk about how important it is to capture the process of creation, and other things I really don’t remember to clearly.


    I’ll also be presenting a recording of the rehearsal for Josh’s upcoming stage performance with the group Wow Town, for the release of INCIDENTS AROUND THE HOUSE.

    For the folks who prefer YouTube (there is no video, but there are captions.):

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  • I’m giving away 25 bookplates signed by Paul Tremblay. All you have to do is pre-order your copy of HORROR MOVIE using my affiliate link, and tell me about it!

    Step 1: Pre-order using THIS LINK

    Step 2: Email [email protected] and tell me your Bookshop order number, and your mailing address.

    The first 25 orders using my affiliate link will have a bookplate signed by Paul sent to them. Yay free stuff!

    *fine print: Because I’ll need to do some back and forth shipping with Paul, these will likely ship out to everyone closer to the release date of HORROR MOVIE. No personalizations.

    The last time I talked to Paul was for the release of his book Survivor Song in 2020, and a lot of things have happened in the mean time. It was nice to get some time to catch up, talk about life, and dig into his amazing new book, HORROR MOVIE.

    It’s almost 90 minutes. We talk about HORROR MOVIE, Eric Larocca, superfans, publishing way back in 2011, and a lot more. I know you’re going to enjoy the conversation, and you’ll love the book.

    Coming soon: A special episode with Josh Malerman!

    For the folks who prefer YouTube viewing:

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  • FIRST LIGHT is coming out on April 23rd! It’s the much-anticipated sequel to Kerin’s debut novel NIGHT’S EDGE.

    First thing’s first: Order FIRST LIGHT right now! And if you’re new to Liz, you can also order NIGHT’S EDGE at the same time, on my Liz Kerin list on Bookshop

    Now that that’s taken care of. If you haven’t done so, go back and listen to my interview with Liz for NIGHT’S EDGE.

    I don’t know if you know, but vampires are back, in a big way. Leading the charge is Liz Kerin, with her breakout duology about a young woman named Mia, who is navigating a world where vampires are among us, but they’re not welcome. And oh yeah her mom is one, but nobody knows, so she has to be mom’s source of food or she’ll go away. NIGHT’S EDGE established Mia and her struggles with her family secret, and FIRST LIGHT takes her out into the world. All Mia wants is to be a normal person, but she’s haunted by her a past she can’t let go of, and she wants answers.

    I really loved these books, and in this episode I got to dig into some of the themes of FIRST LIGHT with Liz. We talked about love, forgiveness, rebellion, and a lot more. And I say “really cool” in this episode enough times that, looking back, I’m a little embarrassed. I need to be better with my choice of words.

    Since it’s a duology, I’ll share links to both of the episodes on YouTube, for you visual types:



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  • The trilogy is complete, so it’s time to bring you our third and final deep dive into the books in the Indian Lake trilogy: THE ANGEL OF INDIAN LAKE. With this installment, that brings the deep dive talk time to about six and a half hours, and I must say that we could have talked so much more!

    For the sake of ease, here’s all the YouTube versions of the episodes all together, so it’s easy to access:



    THE ANGEL OF INDIAN LAKE (spoiler warning!)

    Hey, while you’re here, why not but some of SGJ’s books!

    Here’s a little treat, since I’m gathering a bunch of stuff together. I thought it would be cool to look back at all of my coverage of Stephen Graham Jones over the years. Turns out, it’s a lot!

    Since July of 2011, I have interviewed Stephen four times. Additionally, I’ve done ten full book reviews of SGJ books. However, I know there were other episodes where we talked about Jones’ work, but it would take time to find those poorly-labeled episodes. Missing from the following list are conversations about THE ELVIS ROOM, THE NIGHT CYCLIST, ATTACK OF THE 50FT INDIAN, NIGHT OF THE MANNEQUINS, and probably others I’ve forgotten.

    All the SGJ episodes I could come up with:

    * Zombie Bake Off (2012)

    * The Last Final Girl (2012)

    * Zombie Sharks with Metal Teeth (2013)

    * The Least of My Scars (2013)

    * Not For Nothing (2014)

    * Mongrels (2016)

    * It Came From Del Rio (2019)

    * The Only Good Indians (2020)

    * All The Beautiful Sinners (2021)

    * Demon Theory (2018)

    * Interview 2011 (Booked.)

    * Interview 2014 (Booked.)

    * Interview 2020 (Booked.)

    * Interview 2023 (The ARC Party)

    There is so much more. I’ll probably do a follow up post on Substack just to make sure I’ve gathered all of my thoughts. But for now, that’s a lot to chew on!

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  • Eric Larocca is a master of exploring the boundaries of horror, and often going beyond them. His upcoming collection THIS SKIN WAS ONCE MINE AND OTHER DISTURBANCES consists of two longer, novella length stories, and two shorter ones. If we’re talking overall theme, Eric says that this book is looking into the concept of human connection.

    Along the way, we get some fetishes, some deaths in the family, visiting childhood trauma on others, and some elderly men doing unspeakable things. It’s a great collection, and I can’t wait for everyone to read it!

    Until then, please enjoy my conversation with Eric. In addition to talking about big scary things, we talk about inspirational authors (including a whole lot of Paul Tremblay), Moms who support us, and a lot more.

    For those who prefer video to audio, here’s the YouTubes:

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  • Stephen Graham Jones has two books out this year. One of them is the third book in the Indian Lake trilogy, THE ANGEL OF INDIAN LAKE. It’s the epic conclusion to an amazing story. What better way to celebrate its arrival, than to take a closer look at all three of the books. So, that’s what I decided to do.

    Greg Greene - a noted Stephen Graham Jones scholar. He’s managed to collect all of Stephen’s published books (not an easy task), and is working his way through finding collections, etc. that Stephen has been published in. Greg has read about half of SGJ’s books.

    Greg’s also the guy behind the Jade Daniels is my Final Girl shirt, which you can get at

    Jesse Lawrence - Been reading SGJ since the early 2000s. In Jones’ own words, Jesse has probably read more of Stephen’s writing than almost anybody. Including things never published. Jesse has been enthusiastically championing SGJ for decades.

    We love the book, we love Jade, and we hope you love our conversation/celebration of the book.

    Stay tuned for our final deep dive! We will be recording a discussion of THE ANGEL OF INDIAN LAKE closer to the release date. Be warned, this is a full discussion, with spoilers, so please don’t listen until you have read all of the books.

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  • Cynthia Pelayo’s love for Chicago and its history and people is on full display in this sweet, creepy, sad, entertaining novel. As a Chicagoland native, it was so fulfilling to be able to picture the places she mentions, know the culture of the people that fill the book. But, that’s lucky me for knowing the area.

    You don’t need to know Chicago to fall in love with this book. And I was lucky enough to get some time with Cynthia to talk about things it made me feel, some inspirations for the story, and how we need community, and family, and empathy, and love in our lives. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to have such a great conversation with someone I just met!

    I encourage everyone to get their pre-orders in for this asap, because it’s a great book. While you’re at it, you may also enjoy her other novels which also incorporate elements of Chicago and fairy tales. I’ve got a nice convenient list for you to shop right here!

    For the folks who like video over audio:

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  • Chloe Spencer wrote a hell of a novella with MEWING. A young hopeful model and social media influencer finds her way into an influencer enclave, and will do anything to make her dreams come true.

    It’s a commentary on ambition. It makes us think about what we sacrifice when we create our online personas. It turns our stomach - all while being an entertaining and fun story.

    Chloe has had a hell of a couple years, publishing two novellas already in 2024, and a couple last year too. She’s one to look out for, and I’m especially looking forward to reading AN AFFINITY FOR FORMALDEHYDE.

    Pre order MEWING and buy Chloe’s books here!

    Watch the video version on YouTube:

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  • Stephen Graham Jones has two books out this year. One of them is the third book in the Indian Lake trilogy, THE ANGEL OF INDIAN LAKE. It’s the epic conclusion to an amazing story. What better way to celebrate its arrival, than to take a closer look at all three of the books. So, that’s what I decided to do.

    Greg Greene - a noted Stephen Graham Jones scholar. He’s managed to collect all of Stephen’s published books (not an easy task), and is working his way through finding collections, etc. that Stephen has been published in. Greg has read about half of SGJ’s books.

    Greg’s also the guy behind the Jade Daniels is my Final Girl shirt, which you can get at

    Jesse Lawrence - Been reading SGJ since the early 2000s. In Jones’ own words, Jesse has probably read more of Stephen’s writing than almost anybody. Including things never published. Jesse has been enthusiastically championing SGJ for decades. Jesse is in the acknowledgements for MY HEART IS A CHAINSAW.

    We love the book, we love Jade, and we hope you love our conversation/celebration of the book.

    Stay tuned for more deep dives!

    The deep dive of DON’T FEAR THE REAPER will release in late February, and the deep dive for THE ANGEL OF INDIAN LAKE will release in March, in the lead up to the release.

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  • 2024 is here!

    I know I’ve been planning my reading for the year for a while now. How about you? Are you in need of some recommendations? I have just the thing! It’s The ARC Party’s first ever Horror Preview episode!

    The reason this episode exists is because Emily Hughes aggregates a ton of information about forthcoming horror books every year, and posts a comprehensive, and frankly amazing list of them for everyone to use! You can find it here:

    Becky wanted to celebrate the launch of the list by diving into some of the titles we’re excited about, so the three of us got together and did a month by month round table, talking about books we’re looking forward to.

    Don’t worry! I know you’re going to want to do some shopping, so I made it super easy to pre-order these books, by putting together a list on You can find it here

    Here are all the books mentioned, their authors, and their current publication dates. If you want to read more about them, go to Emily’s list. If you want to preorder these books, go to my list!


    This Wretched Valley by Jenny Kiefer - Jan 16

    Womb City by Tlotlo Tsamaase - Jan 23

    The Best Horror of the Year vol 15 edited by Ellen Datlow - Jan 16

    Midnight on Beacon Street by Emily Ruth Verona - Jan 30

    The House of Last Resort by Christopher Golden - Jan 30

    You, Me, and Ulysses S Grant by Brad Neely - Jan 23


    Your Shadow Half Remains by Sunny Moraine - Feb 6

    Eynhallow by Tim McGregor - Feb 22

    What Feasts at Night by T. Kingfisher - Feb 13

    The Butcher of the Forest by Premee Mohamed - Feb 27

    The Book of Love byKelly Link - Feb 13

    Mewing by Chloe Spencer - Feb 27


    The Haunting of Velkwood by Gwendolyn Kiste - Mar 5

    Bury Your Gays: An Anthology of Tragic Queer Horror edited by Sofia Ajram - Mar 19

    Forgotten Sisters by Cynthia Pelayo - Mar 19

    Mouth by Joshua Hull - Mar


    First Light by Liz Kerin - Apr 23

    Bless Your Heart by Lindy Ryan - Apr 9

    Indian Burial Ground by Nick Medina - Apr 16

    The Skin Was Once Mine and Other Disturbances by Eric LaRocca - Apr 2


    The House That Horror Built by Christina Henry - May 14

    The Z Word by Lindsay King-Miller - May 7

    The Angel of Indian Lake by Stephen Graham Jones - Mar 26

    Supplication by Nour Abi-Nakhoul - May 7

    Ghostroots by ‘Pemi Aguda - May 7


    Incidents Around the House by Josh Malerman - Jun 25

    Horror Movie by Paul Tremblay - Jun 11

    The Eyes Are The Best Part by Monika Kim - Jun 25

    Youthjuice by E.K. Sathue - Jun 4

    Cuckoo by Gretchen Felker-Martin - Jun 11

    hope you enjoy our discussion, and it gets you excited about some of the books coming in 2024. Pre-ordering is crucial to the success of new books, so I encourage you to do so generously.

    Have a book you’re really excited about for the first half of 2024? Share it with me! I’d love to learn about more more more! You can reach out here, or I’m on all the social medias as @thearcparty

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  • Here is the sixth, and final, LitReactor ARChive episode. In this one, I chat with the two head honchos of LitReactor about the genesis of the site, the goals of the site, and some of the highlights over the years. Peppered throughout are some call-in audio clips from contributors.

    It’s a nice little tribute to the site, and a fitting goodbye. I appreciate everything it worked for and represented over the years, and hopefully people like having this peek behind the curtain.

    You don’t want to miss the next episode! It’s the 2024 Horror Preview (Jan-June)!

    Becky Spratford and Emily Hughes join me to look ahead to the first half of the year, and talk about some of the books we’re most looking forward to. It’s a great conversation.

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  • LitReactor, as we know it, is closing down. I’m reposting the episodes I hosted for Unprintable (their podcast) over here on The ARC Party, so that they don’t go away when the site shuts down.

    This is the fifth of six episodes - a deep dive into grammar featuring LR’s managing editor, and two LR columnists who both have written and/or taught classes on the topic of grammar.

    One more to go after this. I’m rounding out the series with my discussion with Rob Hart and Josh Chaplinsky - where they talk about how the site started, and some of the highlights of the first ten years. So keep an eye out for that, and also for my 2024 Horror Preview episode featuring Becky Spratford and Emily Hughes. It’s not to be missed!

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  • In this episode, I say this is the third of six episodes. It’s the Fourth. Oops!

    Check out an awesome conversation between me and Brian Keene and Michael David Wilson, where we talk about the art of interviewing someone. We share some personal stories from our years of experience, share what really matters to us when it comes to respecting guests, cultivating engaging questions, and delivering a great experience for everyone.

    I encourage you all to check out This Is Horror, and Brian Keene’s podcasting ventures as well. And if you’re feeling it, you can go back into my past, and check out some of the interviews I’ve had on my former podcast, Booked.

    Two more to go! Up next is Grammar, featuring Josh Chaplinsky, John Ginegrich, and Taylor Houston! Then, finally, a LitReactor retrospective with Josh Chaplinsky and Rob Hart.

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  • It’s the third of six LitReactor Archive episodes. In this episode, Sadie Hartmann (Mother Horror), and Becky Spratford (The Horror Maven/RA For All) Joined my on LitReactor’s Unprintable podcast to talk about the art of book reviews.

    If you were ever curious about what goes in to a book review, or what some of the dos and don’ts are, this is the episode for you! Hear a social media influencer talk about her take on reviews and how it’s evolved over the years. Hear about a librarian who writes reviews for other librarians. And from me, who just did it on a podcast for a damn decade.

    I’ll be posting three more of these! So keep your peepers peeled for episodes about Interviews, Grammar, and LitReactor’s 10th anniversary.

    Thanks for supporting me, and I hope everyone has the best possible holiday season.

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  • This is the second of six ARC Party episodes, where I’m reposting my small run of episodes of their Unprintable podcast. As LitReactor is closing down, I wanted to give my episodes a place to live on, because they were great conversations that should not be lost to the ages.

    In this episode, Rob Hart joined to cohost an interview with SA Cosby, about his then-latest book RAZORBLADE TEARS. Rob was also on the cusp of the release of PARADOX HOTEL, so there was a good deal of discussion about that as well.

    This episode originally posted on Unprintable on 2/15/2022

    Coming soon:

    There are four more episodes of the LitReactor ARChives to come! Grammar, Interviews, Reviews, and the LR 10th Anniversary episode.

    Also, tomorrow I’m recording the ARC Party Look Ahead episode for the first half of 2024, with Becky Spratford and Emily Hughes. Very excited for this!

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  • With the lights at LitReactor going dark for good in the coming weeks, I wanted to find a way to archive the handful of episodes that I recorded from them back in 2021.

    This is the first of six episodes, where I “re-air” the talks I hosted on their podcast, Unprintable.

    In this episode, Rob Hart joins me as a cohost to speak with Alma Katsu about her then-newly released book RED WIDOW, and also her then-upcoming book THE FERVOR.

    It’s a great conversation, and I hope that if you haven’t read Alma’s work before, you’re inspired to now. She writes great historical horror, as well as epsionage books!

    Coming soon, I’ll be posting the other five episodes that I recorded with Unprintable, including an interview with SA Cosby, episodes on Grammar, Interviews, Reviews, and a 10th anniversary retrospective with Rob Hart and Josh Chaplinsky.

    Also, this week I’m recording an episode with Becky Spratford and Emily Hughes where we look ahead to our most anticipated books of the first half of 2024.

    As you can see, lots to come soon from Arc Party! I hope everyone has a great holiday season, enjoys some throwback episodes, and that you’re all as excited as I am for what’s coming in 2024!

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