
  • Kick procrastination to the curb with todays organisational hack... MIGHT AS WELL.

    It doesn't need motivation. It doesn't need conviction. It doesn't need perfection. It's a lazy girl way of doing things that you'll be glad you did without having to think about them in advance.

    For example:

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well take out the rubbish from the car

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well take out the jeans I don't wear

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well go through my bathers

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well empty the dishwasher

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm walking past I might as well hang up those clothes

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm think of it I might as well text my friend to let her know I have baby clothes for her

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm walking past might as well pick up the rubbish

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well put the blankets away

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm think of it, I might as well re-order the medications

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well wipe down the bath

    🤷🏽‍♀️While I'm here I might as well restock the toilet paper

    I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :)

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    You Need To

    Time Will Tell

    Because. Really. And

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    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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  • How do you decide if an item is going to be put away or you're going to leave it out?

    Do you need to see something to remember to use it?

    Or do you need to put things away so they don't feel like they're cluttering up your space?

    I'm sure you, like me, have different rules for different items. Toothbrushes - definitely away. Phone charger - definitely out.

    Consider convenience, regularity of use, who uses items, how easy it is to find them, trip hazards, time spent tidying up etc as you make decisions for items around your home.

    I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :)

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Running Out

    Making Do

    Location Location Location

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    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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  • It's time to stop aiming for perfection and embrace IMPERFECTION when you're thinking about organising/ decluttering/ setting standards/ creating systems for you and your family.

    The imperfection you EXPECT is the imperfection you ACCEPT.

    Are there areas in your home where you can LOWER the standard so it's achievable and maintainable?

    I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :)

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Quitters Day

    Bigger Living, Smaller Space

    Filling Your Bucket

    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Have you ever stopped to think about what agenda your items might have?

    If your items talked... how would your item finish this sentence

    You need to...

    Wear me

    Fill me

    Play with me

    Read me

    Cook me

    Create with me

    Organise me

    Use me

    Clean me

    Maintain me

    Sell me

    Value me

    Assess if you have the same agenda as your possessions (do you really want to read the book/ wear the jeans/ use the juicer/ ride the skateboard/ clean the outdoor furniture). Allow yourself to be challenged, think differently about your stuff.

    I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :)

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Binary Decisions


    Object Permanence

    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • "Enough is enough"

    "That's enough"

    "Leave good enough alone"

    "Close enough is good enough"

    It's amazing how one simple word can relate so deeply to our relationship with clutter and our satisfaction with our stuff and life in general.

    This week we talk about how some enough statements can really make you take stock of where you are at and where your satisfaction lies.

    You Are Enough - Stuff won't make you enough. More stuff, less stuff... you are enough regardless of your things.

    You've Done Enough - Do what you can with what you have. Every step forward is a step forward (I know... profound!)

    What Is Enough - What do you need to be happy? How many of something do you need to have enough?

    I've Had Enough - When you reach peak frustration with clutter it's a good thing as it drives you to make changes

    When Is Enough Enough - How do you know when you've done enough decluttering? How do you know when to stop? At what point do you reach the equilibrium of satisfaction and enough

    I'd love to ask you to leave a Google review today - it takes less than 2 minutes and it will make a huge impact on others confidence to listen/ engage/ join with our community and services around the world. Think of it as your way of giving back :)

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    5 Home Truths

    Swedish Death Cleaning

    Making Do

    FOTO: Fear of Throwing Out

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    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Todays episode focuses on 5 Home Truths about clutter and it's impact on your home and life. They're harsh... but true.

    They're not meant to bring any condemnation, they're for you to meditate on and find freedom in how small actions of intention and decluttering can bring such freedom to your life.

    1. Most of the stuff you buy is a waste of money

    2. Stuff can't make you happy

    3. You'll regret living a life impacted by clutter

    4. Your clutter is worse than you think

    5. Everything you love will one day be lost

    Today is a great day to join my Head, Heart and Home Decluttering Course! Experience true freedom from clutter by learning all the skills you'll need to create and maintain an organised home.

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:


    Letting Go

    Object Permanence

    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • How can you keep yourself safe while decluttering? Even in your own home, decluttering can stir up dust or mould particulates and aggravate asthma. Naturally when you're moving items that have been in place for a long time, you'll disrupt dust!

    Learn from Amy's experience of being bitten by a spider and ending up in hospital, to keep yourself physically safe while decluttering. Give consideration to trip hazards, falls risk, insects and pests and do what you can to keep yourself physically safe.

    Bit of a Public Service Announcement episode today from the trenches :)

    Today is a great day to join my Paperwork Course! Say goodbye to the burden of paperwork and use this system that is simple to start and easy to maintain.

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:


    Hoarding Disorder

    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  •  If you've got items you'd really LIKE to declutter but you're a bit nervous... why not give a Time Will Tell Box a go.

    Pop items you need just a little bit more time to decide on into a box to assess again in a few months. Seal it up and write the date on the box. See what you think in a few months... hopefully once you've experienced living without the items you'll then be ready to donate the items in your Time Will Tell Box.

    Before you open the box, try to think what might be in there that you've missed. You might be surprised that you forget what you put in... in which case send it off for donation!

    Remember to declutter as much as you can and then only put the items in the time will tell box if you absolutely need to. It's a backstop, not a full stop.

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Running Out

    Limiting Choice

    Returns Box

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    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • How is your garage faring? Is it struggling under the weight of clutter and disorganisation?

    If your garage has become where items go to semi-retire, where tools and hobby equipment accumulate it's time to both declutter as well as set up functional organisational systems in your garage.

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where you'll receive access to decluttering checklists and organising cheat sheets (as well as some surprise bonuses), all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    This week we're doing our GARAGE.

    Make sure to join to download your Garage Check List & Cheat Sheet

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Sports Equipment

    Bulky Sports Equipment


    Garage & Shed


    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • How cluttered is your home office? Or if you don't have a home office, maybe your study nook/ spare room or wherever you keep your

    stationery and admin. You are definitely going to want to look at this space in your home with fresh eyes and follow along with the check list and cheat sheet.

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where each Monday you'll receive access to a new podcast episode, decluttering checklist and organising cheat sheet (as well as some surprise bonuses), all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    This week we're doing our HOME OFFICE.

    Make sure to join to download your Home Office Check List & Cheat Sheet

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Big Books

    Minimalism at Work

    Home Office

    Office Desk

    Work Stations

    Working from Home

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    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • How is the toy situation in your home? Do you feel like it's a never-ending game of tidying up? It doesn't need to be this way! 

    Remember when you were growing up kids had toy boxes? And now kids have toy rooms? No wonder it's harder and harder to keep toys organised. And with marketing targeting our kids with toys to collect rather than toys to play with collections are getting out of control.

    Today explore what types of toys you want to keep, where and how to keep them and top tips for engaging your kids in decluttering and organising their toys from as young as 3 years old.

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where each Monday you'll receive access to a new podcast episode, decluttering checklist and organising cheat sheet, all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    Make sure to join to download your Toys Check List & Cheat Sheet

    Links to articles about less toys being beneficial for children

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Children's Toys

    Dress Ups

    Kids Books


    Lego 2

    Organising with Pre-Schoolers

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    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • If the kitchen is the heart of the home, the living room is the heart beat... I've found over the years that the state of a living room is a good

    indicator of how a home is tracking along. A living space is where high rotation items tend to live, where people congregate, where community happens and resting and relaxing happen also. It's also one of the first rooms in any home to become cluttered and overwhelming.

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where each Monday you'll receive access to a new podcast episode, decluttering checklist and organising cheat sheet (as well as some surprise bonuses), all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    Make sure to join to download your Living Room Check List & Cheat Sheet

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Living Room

    Sentimental Items

    Like with Like

    Repurposing Spaces

    Board Games & Puzzles

    Room to Bloom

    Behind Cupboard Doors

    Books & Magazines

    Hidden Clutter



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    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Did you know that most people wear 20% of their clothes 80% of the time?

    There are a few keys to keeping your wardrobe organised.

    Sneak peak... "Keep what you DO wear, not what you WILL wear"

    Here is the Decluttering Playlist on Spotify - the songs themselves are less about decluttering than the titles... but enjoy!

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where each Monday you'll receive access to a new podcast episode, decluttering checklist and organising cheat sheet (as well as some surprise bonuses), all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    This week we're doing our WARDROBE.

    Make sure to join to download your Wardrobe Check List & Cheat Sheet

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Magic Wardrobe Number

    Capsule Wardrobe



    Hats & Glasses

    Know Your Colours


    Wardrobe Crisis

    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Does your bedroom look anything like the ones you see on Instagram or Pinterest?

    Are your floors perfectly clear and bedside tables dust free and clutter free? No? Then this weeks challenge is for you! (And if you already have a picture perfect bedroom then enjoy a week off!)

    Learn why it's so important to have a tidy and calm bedroom

    Discover how to keep your bedroom organised and your floor clear

    Declutter your bedside table so you can find things more easily

    Understand what hacks can help you reclaim your bedroom as a place of rest and restoration

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where each Monday you'll receive access to a new podcast episode, decluttering checklist and organising cheat sheet (as well as some surprise bonuses), all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    This week we're doing our BEDROOM.

    Make sure to join to download your Bedroom Check List & Cheat Sheet

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Bedside Tables


    Master Bedroom


    Kids Bedrooms


    Hats & Glasses

    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Bathrooms can be tricky to keep organised as they are different in every home 🚿

    🛁 Some homes have one bathroom... others have 4 or more

    🛁 Some bathrooms service 6+ people in a family or household, other homes have a bathroom reserved exclusively for guests

    🛁 Some bathrooms have ample storage, others have absolutely none

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where each Monday you'll receive access to a new podcast episode, decluttering checklist and organising cheat sheet (as well as some surprise bonuses), all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    This week we're doing our BATHROOM.

    Make sure to join to download your Bathroom Check List & Cheat Sheet

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:


    Make Up


    Sanitary Products

    Share the Dignity


    Health Supplements

    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • The laundry might just be my favourite spaces to organise... so functional and efficient when organised!! When your laundry is working well you see the benefits in your washing cycle, cleaning routine and you'll save both money and time.

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where each Monday you'll receive access to a new podcast episode, decluttering checklist and organising cheat sheet (as well as some surprise bonuses), all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    This week we're doing our LAUNDRY.

    Make sure to join to download your Laundry Check List & Cheat Sheet

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Cleaning Products



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    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Reduce your food waste, save money, make meal planning easier and enjoy the beauty of your pantry being in peak form!!

    It's week 2 of Decluttering and Organising 101

    Learn my key criteria for picking pantry storage containers and ways to organise even if you have a deep pantry where things tend to get lost at the back.

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where each Monday you'll receive access to a new podcast episode, decluttering checklist and organising cheat sheet (as well as some surprise bonuses), all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    Make sure to join to download your Pantry Check List & Cheat Sheet

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:


    Pantries in Isolation


    Meal Planning

    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Welcome to the first episode of our newest series - Decluttering and Organising 101 where over 8 weeks we'll go through each area of your home and I'll share my top organising and decluttering tips for that area.

    You are invited to join the free course for this series where each Monday you'll receive access to a new podcast episode, decluttering checklist and organising cheat sheet (as well as some surprise bonuses), all so you can declutter and organise like a pro!

    This week we kick off with KITCHEN - the heart of the home.

    Make sure to join to download your Kitchen Check List & Cheat Sheet

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Location Location Location

    Lunch Boxes

    Drink Bottles

    Jars, Bottles and Containers

    Shopping Bags


    Cutlery & Crockery

    Kitchen Appliances




    Meal Planning

    Join our community

    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

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    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • Join me as I unpack the newest and greatest decluttering show on TV... The Gentle Art of Swedish Death Cleaning!! If you're in Australia you can watch it via SBS On Demand, you simply must - it's AWESOME.

    My big take aways from the show (which is based on the book) are around the fun and honesty the hosts bring to each declutter session and interaction with their clients. They're not trying to make everyone vanilla, creating homes that could be in a magazine. Instead they embrace the character and life of each person, celebrating who they are in life and in death.

    There is a hysterical honesty that is woven throughout each episode. Nothing is held back, honesty is spoken and humour is used to defuse and encourage people in their progress.

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:

    Deathbed Reflections

    Object Permanence

    Letting Go with Peter Walsh

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    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.

  • When you're decluttering and you come across something you decide to keep... sometimes it can be hard to know if you're keeping it because you do use, love or need it... or if you're working hard to convince yourself on a reason to keep it.

    Try answering this out loud to yourself, "I'm keeping this Because..." Answering yourself out loud can help you articulate something that maybe is otherwise a vibe/ feeling or fear. 

    Next answer this question, "Really?" Out loud, be honest, is your answer true? Are you being honest with yourself?

    And finally answer the question, "And... what would happen if you didn't have it?" 

    The aim of these questions isn't to convince you to declutter everything, but rather to help you investigate why you're keeping things and the simple act of saying things out loud to yourself may surprise you with it's effectiveness.

    I invite you to come and join my Free Wardrobe Challenge, declutter and organise your wardrobe over 5 days with video coaching. Did I mention it's FREE?

    You may also like to listen to these episodes:


    Women's Clutter

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    Become a Patron – your monthly donation makes a huge difference to me being able to produce this podcast. Donations can be as little as $1 a month!Follow me on InstagramFollow me on FacebookJoin my Facebook groupLeave a review on Apple Podcast

    Thank you to my sound engineer, Jarred from Four4ty Studio

    Get bonus content on Patreon

    Hosted on Acast. See for more information.