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On today’s show we cover questions including…
Can you make your own grey treatment shampoo at home?Is an at-home micro needling system a great addition to skin care routine? What is squalene and why does my skin love products that have it in it?Why can’t you feel the menthol effect everywhere as strongly?What’s the difference between body lotion or cleanser and face lotion or cleanser?Beauty News
Are beauty labels lying to you?
Can you really create beauty products that are different for tweens & teens?
Top ten beauty brands on Amazon
Pure Sensitive Shampoo by Nature Clean.
Sky line by Green Cricket.
Time Stamps
0:00 - Intro and chit chat
5:45 - Beauty News
19:35 - Listener feedback
20:45 - Making your own grey shampoo
24:45 - Microneedling
28:50 - Squalene
35:45 - Menthol
41:45 - Face vs body products
47:50 - ending
50:00 - Whipped cream dreamsFive Ways to Ask a question -
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3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
On Bluesky we’re at thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On this show we cover questions including…
How does a dye shampoo work?How do you deal with excessive sebum?Are dry shampoos dangerous?How can a company sell azaelic acid products without requiring a prescription?Does Sh-Polypeptide-9 stimulate capillary growth?Are natural fragrances toxic to aquatic life?Beauty News
Biggest fragrance trends for 2025
What is antipollution beauty?
Instant Dye Shampoo
Vivier GrenzCine serum
Time Stamps
0:00 - Intro and chit chat
4:35 - Beauty News
19:45 - Beauty Questions - Dye shampoo
25:50 - GrenzCine-Serum
33:10 - Dry shampoos
39:00 - Azaelic acid products
46:10 - Natural fragrances
52:10 - EndingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
On Bluesky we’re at thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
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On today’s show we cover lots of questions including…
Can you mix chemical exfoliant with a hydrating serum to dilute the exfoliant?Is using a topical minoxidil for women safe to use on eyebrows?Does shampoo really strip all the lipids from your hair?Is the Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Cream properly preserved?Do we know of a good website to find allergenic ingredients in products?Beauty News
First lawsuit of the year!
What you should know about the toxins in beauty products.
Question links
Nature article
Time Stamps
0:00 - Intro and chit chat
4:45 - Beauty News
17:26 - Beauty Questions - Hydrating serum
21:18 - Minoxidil on eyebrows
25:05 - Shampoo stripping lipids
29:35 - Aveeno properly preserved
38:10 - website suggestions
42:00 - EndingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On this show we cover questions including…
What are our thoughts on eye lash glues?What polymers are used in tubing mascara?What is inflammaging and is it going to be a big trend this year?Does Estriol cream live up to its claims?How do you restore hair's natural texture and manageability after washing?Beauty News
Top 10 most beautiful women according to science?
Best ingredients for mature skin
Time Stamps
0:00 - Intro and chit chat - bug bites, cat in the wall update
6:40 - Top ten most beautiful women
10:20 - Best ingredients for mature skin
15:50 - Eye lash glues
20:50 - Tubing mascara
24:20 - Inflammaging
31:25 - Estriol creams
38:23 - Restoring hair texture
43:00 - EndingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On today’s show we cover lots of questions including…
How much should you trust seals of approvals on product labels?What do you think of Brooke Shields hair care line?What makes a good lip mask and day cream?What are your thoughts on the Geek & Gorgeous brand?Why would a brand include two hydroquinone-based lightening creams with the same active ingredient and concentration?Beauty News
FDA bans red #3 from food.
Time Stamps
0:00 - Intro and chit chat - black eye, cat in the wall
8:56 - Tik Tok ban
11:25 - FDA bans dye from food
15:15 - Seals of approval
21:35 - Brooke Shields hair care
26:45 - Lip masks and day creams
33:35 - Geek and Gorgeous brand
41:10 - Brands making two of the same product
46:45 - Ending
49:05 - Cat in the WallFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On this show we cover lots of questions including…
How effective are growth factors in topical products?Can low dose Minoxidil pills treat hair loss in women?Does air drying cause more damage than blow drying?What shampoo & conditioner won’t weigh down fine hair?Can a dark spot serum work to reduce pigmentation?Beauty News
The Rock - Papatui
Study validates anti-aging benefit of collagen peptides?
Time Stamps
0:00 - Introduction / chit chat
7:45 - The Rock hair care
10:30 - Collagen peptide story
16:05 - Beauty questions - topical growth factors
23:25 - Minoxidil pills for hair loss
27:40 - Air drying and damage
36:00 - Shampoo & conditioner unscented
43:10 - Dark spot serum
50:00 - EndingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On today’s show we cover lots of questions including…
Is it ok to use self-tanner under your eyes and around your lips?Are PFAS the ingredients that cause products to self-foam?How can a silicone protect hair up to temperatures of 450 degrees?Are certain types of products worth getting the more expensive product?What is the chemistry of nanoplasty?But first…
Beauty News
FDA proposes new test for talc containing products.
Walmart says it won’t hit its’s emission goals.Five Ways to Ask a question -
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2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On today's show, we just chit chat about the year in beauty, our goals for next year and answer a couple of questions.
Thanks for all your support and we look forward to more Beauty Q&A in 2025!!
Five Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On this show we cover questions including…
What do you think of Oneskin products?Are there any good beauty finds in the EU that you can’t find in the US?Will hair water damage hair over time?Do you have to wash the sweat out of your hair every time?Can a cream really “firm” or lift the neck?Prediction show!
Time stamps
0:00 - Intro and chit chat
5:00 - Prediction review from 2024
14:15 - Beauty predictions for 2025
25:30 - Oneskin products
29:00 - European Beauty Finds
34:00 - Kiyoko hair water spray
39:00 - Washing Hair After Exercise
48:00 - Neck Creams for Firming
50:00 - EndingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On today’s show we cover questions including…
What can you use to fight static?Is it ok for babies to eat sunscreen?What are the best ingredients to use for conditioning?What is the difference between body wash and hand soap?How does the performance of the various retinols compare to retin-A?Beauty News
Company is being sued for calling themselves “natural”
Beauty influencers.
What do we think of these DIY options
Time stamps
0:00 - Intro and chit chat
4:00 - Beauty News - Natural company sued
9:00 - Beauty influencers and brands
12:35 - Heat protectants
15:35 - DIY home treatments
20:00 - How can you fight static
23:55 - Babies and sunscreen
28:46 - Best conditioning ingredients
34:41 - Body wash vs hand soap
38:39 - RetinoidsFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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It's a solo episode today but lots to cover including...
Are quats in hair conditioners causing bacterial resistance?What do you think of WISH skin health products?Do more expensive heat protectant products provide better protection?How do you figure out whether hair is high or low porosity?Is it worth buying products online instead of in drug stores?Are patented ingredients really game-changers, or just marketing tricks?Time stamps
0:00 - Intro and chit chat
3:30 - Quaternary compounds in conditioners
8:45 - WISH skin products
12:35 - Heat protectants
20:35 - Porosity in hair
26:05 - Beauty pie products
36:20 - Patented ingredientsQuestion links
WISH skin health Phyto-Active clearing Serum
Kruidvat heat protector
R&Co heat protector
Beauty Pie serum
Five Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On today’s show we cover lots of questions including…
Can layering sunscreens make them less effective?Why can’t you use L’oreal wonder water on your scalp?What’s the history of using blue light to treat acne?Is it damaging to use a pre-treatment on hair?When can you call a formula a “dupe”?Beauty News
The Beauty Brains were on the Pretty Curious podcast.
Approximate timestamps
0:00 Chit chat - Pretty Curious podcast, Thailand, Lip problems
7:40 Vitamin C derivatives follow-up
13:20 Sunscreen layering question
19:45 Wonder water on your scalp
23:45 Blue light treating acne
27:40 Pre-treatment and hair damage
33:20 Product dupes
36:45 Difference between men and women's products
38:25 Using hypochlorous acid on skin
40:00 How long to wait between skin product applicationsFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists Corner
Follow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram accountSupport the show
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On today’s show we cover the following questions…
What is required to become a cosmetic chemist?Why don’t beauty products always have a safety seal on them?Questions about makeup spongesHair bonding questionsApproximate timestamps
0:00 Chit chat - Who's responsible for beauty industry misinformation?
6:00 Cosmetic Chemist Career question
15:30 Safety seals on cosmetics question
22:15 Makeup sponge question
27:30 Hair bonding questionFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists CornerFollow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram account
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Sorry we haven't gotten an episode out in a while! I've been literally traveling (South America) and it was difficult to get a joint episode recorded.
But Sarah Bellum stepped in and Valerie and her put together this episode where they talk about their favorite products.
We'll be back next episode with all new Q&A!
But for now, enjoy some Beauty Product Talk.
Perry, 44
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On this show we cover lots of questions including…
How can a cosmetic company claim their product “fixes” DNA errors?How does hair coloring and hair bleaching affect hair damage differently?Why isn’t there an SPF rating on hair care products that protect from UV damage?What are your thoughts about rejuran skincare?How good is 3-O-Ethyl Ascorbic Acid? How does the Rebond Leave-in Miracle Bond³ Building Mask work?Beauty News
The next 5 years in Beauty
Skin benefits of Collagen supplements?
Question links
Rejuran brand
Approximate timestamps
0:00 Chit chat - Who's responsible for beauty industry misinformation?
8:08 Beauty News - Trends,
16:15 Collagen supplements
22:00 Beauty questions
56:00 EndingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists CornerFollow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram account
Support the show
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On this show we cover lots of questions including…
Are silicones like amodimethicone and dimethicone environmentally sound?Is it ok to use both a rinse-off and leave-on conditioner?What do you think of the dermatologist recommended brand (Defenage)Are there any problems with spraying fragrance on your hair?Is exfoliation just as important as SPF for maintaining youthful skin?Beauty News
Shiseido is emphasizing the importance of fragrance in skin care
Beauty Question links
Approximate timestamps
0:00 Chit chat - sunscreens and cats
3:40 Beauty News - Fragrances in skin care products
8:15 Listener questions
39:00 EndingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists CornerFollow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram account
Support the show
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On this show we cover lots of questions including…
What can Batanna oil do for hair? Is there a benefit to looking for “quat free” products?Can you use a clarifying shampoo more than once a week?Is there a difference between men’s and women’s products that treat thinning hair?Plus career advice!Beauty News
Are fish guts going to help smooth your wrinkles?
Are you paying too much for shampoo and conditioner?
Selena Gomez is a billion dollar brand?
Approximate timestamps
0:00 Chit chat - cicada welts and kittens!
5:00 Beauty News - Fish guts, Salon vs Drugstore, Celebrity brand
17:00 Listener feedback
19:30 Questions - Batanna oil
23:15 Quat free hair products
29:00 Clarifying shampoo
33:00 Thinning hair products
40:00 Career questions
49:00 endingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists CornerFollow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram account
Support the show
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On today’s show we cover lots of questions including…
Does a shampoo really contain 3% citric acid?Does deodorant work even if you have long armpit hair?How good are sulfate free detergents?What do you know about Albage & bioprogramming technologyIs the Andalou Oil Free Lotion effective and are the natural things in it gimmicks?Beauty News
Collagen banking?
Celebrity Athlete Launch
Question links
Kerastas shampoo - 3% citric acid?
Andalou lotion
Approximate timestamps
0:00 Chit chat - sunscreens and cats
5:00 Beauty News - collagen banking & tennis deodorants
17:00 Listener questions
40:00 EndingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists CornerFollow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram account
Support the show
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On today’s show we cover lots of questions including…
Does topical collagen really work?How good is the whatsinmyjar website?What is the best product/ingredient for long lasting hydration?How good is the Trophy Line Manely Long Hair Polisher as a daily leave-in?Is Ascorbyl Tetraisopalmitate & Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate the same ingredient?What is the isoelectric and isoionic point for hair and hair care products & should anyone care?Beauty News
Women use more makeup for parties but less carefully if they feel threatened.
Can your beauty products and shower really make you more creative?Is this the future of beauty products, augmented reality?
Approximate timestamps
0:00 Chit chat
5:00 Beauty News
18:45 Listener questions
45:00 EndingFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists CornerFollow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram account
Support the show
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On today’s show we cover lots of questions including…
Can a scalp serum or electric wands actually help you regrow your hair? Is it ok to have alcohol in a hair product?What do you think of Mother Science and MalassezinWhat do you think about the Skingredients products?How does color changing makeup work?Beauty News
Can brands really educate consumers?
Clean beauty democratization?
An advert linking deodorant to breast cancer is banned.
Question links
Mother Science
MalassezinFive Ways to Ask a question -
1. Send us a message through Patreon!
2. You can record your question on your smart phone and email to [email protected]
3. Send it to us via social media (see links below)
4. Submit it through the following form - Ask a question
5. Leave a voice mail message: 872-216-1856
Social media accounts
on Instagram we’re at thebeautybrains2018
on Twitter, we’re thebeautybrains
And we have a Facebook page
Valerie's ingredient company - Simply Ingredients
Perry's other website - Chemists CornerFollow the Porch Kitty Krew instagram account
Support the show
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