Hao and Jay 来聊现在的健身环境,为什么现在健身房那么难开?环境的门槛是对的吗?
有空可以去看看虹桥的 Bellula贝露拉健康管理工作室:虹桥万科中心LG2 15A单元
Zijn er afleveringen die ontbreken?
Leon has been around the world doing psychiatric therapy, but has been recently doing a lot of traveling/camping on motorcycles and going through life very differently from our normal Shanghai-er. Again check him out on Popcorn club as well as his new venture with regards to teaching and promoting mental wellbeing.
Yang 做自己的edc 品牌在中国真的不容易。特别是在中国然后卖去国外是比较累,然后这个行业现在也比较卷。他们去完美国shot show 再回来跟我们录。
Angus 跟老婆主韩国一年回来跟我们分享体验。聊到吃喝,跑步,然后一些礼貌上的文化差异。
Marco is the local “bee guy” in Shanghai, working with a group of volunteer beekeepers doing things like swarm rescues, making honey, and bee products, all while trying to hold onto the principles of ethical beekeeping. You guys can check them out at Urban Bees Shanghai on Wechat. And book a tour!
大牛Daniel‘s second time on the podcast, he’s been a leading influencer on Chinese social media for a few years. We talk mostly about life in this new age as well as a bunch of wellness tips.
Tennessee has also been in Shanghai quite a while and to talk to him about the fitness industry here in China over the last 10 years has been a real pleasure.
Anyone interested in a workout near the Nanjing West Road Area in Shanghai can go look up Fit Monster on Jiangning Road (江宁路418号,和一大厦6楼H室)
王多鱼来聊射箭,从他开了 CodeX 的射箭馆到现在取消之前的射箭比赛的酒店。为什么现在这么多箭馆出现可是并没有更多射箭运动爱好者?
Kate [一只海胆] and Prin 来聊食品安全,饮食,还有运动。Prin 是个 Food Scientist,Kate 是个运动爱好者。
我们聊到WoTC 吃掉 RC 这个角色,还有禁牌在比较 C 的环境有什么影响?
认识 Eric 这么久了,聊到健身房的一些趋势还有他们家的 B Active 必爱体24小时健身 (东直门店)的一些想法。健身行业的比较黑暗的一面也碰到了。大家有空可以去听听Eric 的 podcast 叫 Passionfruits!
毛毛是个电子音乐爱好者,也在这个行业混了一段时间了。做MC 泡吧,玩这个圈子的人。有空可以去找他别的号,都是:BICyuen。我们聊的关于电子音乐的未来还有这个行业的发展,还是挺有趣的。
New BANS in EDH and how they affect our playgroup, as well as our thoughts on the overall industry.
卢馆长来上海比赛参加了王珏的女子比赛还有AJP 上海。拿了不少金牌然后顺便来录电台。聊到柔术个方面。有空可以在合肥找卢馆长。
Elijah 从新西兰回来跟我录电台我都很感恩。
他作为一个壶铃运动员,我们圈子有挺大的重叠性!他的俄罗斯经历也是跟我们Bushido 柔术圈的Leo 特别像。大家感兴趣可以加 Eli 的小红书,微信视频号,b战 都叫 路径Podcast
Joe 的店快一周年了,我们聊他今年学到什么。
Simon 还真的是一位很久没见的朋友,人家经常跑国外找一些学习拳击的资源。Boxing Republic 已经开了这么久也算是在上海比较稳定的一家拳馆:襄阳南路218号1506室。
Daisy 是一位想打比赛的女拳手可是发现很难找到对手!
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