
  • Discomfort and distress are common experiences for those of us navigating blended dynamics.

    One key to learning to manage discomfort and distress well is practicing some simple strategies that acknowledge what you're actually experiencing and then choosing clear, healthy responses.

    Now, we know what you're probably thinking…

    …"I've done everything possible to cope with my discomfort and distress, but when it comes to this specific person or certain challenging circumstance, I just get so frustrated, hurt, or angry!"

    We've both felt that way along our journey as well.

    That's why we're continuing our discussion in this 2 part series. In this episode, we're offering practical ways to withstand 'Opposing Obstacles' — those people or circumstances that leave you feeling powerless, overwhelmed, hopeless, or defeated.

    We'll share some challenges we experienced with our biggest Opposing Obstacle and effective ways to approach difficult interactions and painful situations — which can ultimately help you tolerate and manage your discomfort and distress too!

    You'll Discover:

    The value of 'Radical Self-Care' (it's not what you might think)How to guard yourself from other people's bad moods - and not allow their problems to become yoursPractical ways to withstand 'Opposing Obstacles' and respond well to criticism, rejection, and hostilityHow to hold onto your power in challenging situations - and experience more joy

    Resources from this Episode:

    Click here for episodes that focus on impactful strategies and best practices with Co-ParentingTo learn more about our RelateStrong Program, click and schedule your FREE coaching call

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • What if every moment of blended family life felt fun, connected, and peaceful?

    It's pretty hard to imagine. We all know the struggles and challenges that barrage us each day. It might seem like there's way more discomfort and distress than there is fun and connection.

    We've navigated countless seasons of discomfort over the past couple of decades and struggled through intense moments of distress as well. One thing we've discovered is that these difficult experiences don't have to rob us of the peace and satisfaction we really want.

    Discomfort and distress are simply part of the journey — and they're hard to cope with. But even in the midst of these moments, we each have the power to choose how we will respond.

    In this episode, you'll discover a few mindsets and approaches to dealing with discomfort and distress so that you can be free to enjoy the good moments with more confidence and peace.

    You'll Discover:

    Why it's critical in blended dynamics to tolerate and manage discomfort and distress How to move away from avoidance and unhealthy reactions that perpetuate underlying issues A practical approach to reduce your discomfort and distress

    Resources from this Episode:

    Take the Blended Family Breakthrough QUIZCheck out the Blending Together CommunityEpisode 107. 3 Disheartening Realities That No Couple Wants To Go Through - But We All Have ToEpisode 184. The Heart of Motherhood: Navigating Messy Moments with Empathy and LoveEpisode 168. Actionable Steps for Helping Kids Navigate Through Difficult Emotions and Problem SolveEpisode 172. 2 Key Elements to Resolve Your Parenting Style Differences - And Get UnitedEpisode 59. Why are you stuck in a parent-child allegiance? (Part 1)

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Hey Stepdads — ever wonder if you're "winning or losing" in your role at home?

    Most stepdads I meet genuinely want to build trust with their stepkids and influence them toward success in life. But sometimes it feels like there's a bit too much chaos in the home — or you're not quite on the same page with your wife.

    The typical challenges of blending families often feel like they get in the way of you making the impact you really want to make.

    I get that feeling, and so does Gil Stuart, our guest for this episode. Gil is a dad and stepdad who has experienced the ups and downs of blending 7 kids along with his wife, Brenda. Gil is a counselor, author, speaker, and down-to-earth guy.

    If you want to discover new ways to build trust and influence in your home, this episode is for you.

    You'll Discover:

    A healthy mindset around commitment, influence, trustability, and connectionHow to create emotional safety and avoid relational damageUnderstanding the 'Rock-and-A-Hard-Place' dilemma - and navigating it wellThe importance of unity and flexibilityPractical tips for loving well in challenging situations

    Resources from this Episode:

    Click here to connect with GilFor more information on Unsung Heroes

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Have the challenges of blending a family ever left you feeling alone?

    Maybe you've felt like you're the only one experiencing the unique realities of blended family life.

    Maybe you're struggling with parenting complexities and your friends just don't get it. Or communication is tense in your couple relationship and your extended family can't seem to understand why.

    Maybe the kids are acting out or shutting down and it's hard to explain to everyone around you. Or maybe there's ongoing chaos stirred up by a difficult Ex and everyone's "advice" doesn't seem to be helpful.

    The truth is, regardless of the challenges you're facing — you are NOT alone!

    In this episode, we're connecting with a couple from our blended family support community. Chris and Nicole are one of our founding members who felt "isolated" and "horrible" before getting connected to our community.

    Listen in to discover how a community of other blended couples can empower you to make a difference in your home — just like Chris and Nicole who didn't stay stuck in their pain and confusion.

    if you've ever felt alone in your blending journey, this is the episode for you. And who knows, you might discover that a community focused on growth, practical tools, and genuine support could be exactly what you're looking for.

    Resources from this Episode:

    JOIN the Blending Together Community 166. Empowering Benefits of A Blended Family Community — and How to Get Plugged InEpisode 139. The Most Common, Challenging Pain Point Every Blended Couple Experiences (Trapped Teammate & Stranded Stranger Dynamic)

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Resources

    Check out our Blending Together CommunityEpisode 157. 3 Seasoned Stepmoms Share How They've Survived & Thrived in Their Blended Family Journey

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  • Hey Moms and Stepmoms! As this episode drops, I'm betting that Mother's Day is on your radar.

    If you're anything like me (Kim), you're looking forward to being celebrated. But as wonderful as it is to be appreciated on Mother's Day, it might just feel like a drop in the bucket…

    …because being celebrated and appreciated on this one day of the year, might not help you get through all the other difficult days of your motherhood journey. Those days when you feel unappreciated, disappointed, insignificant, unloved, dismissed, or like you're failing.

    I've been there!

    In this episode, I'm going to get real about the challenges of motherhood and share some ways I've learned to navigate the difficult days and still show up well — even when my kids have said and done things that break my heart!

    Resources from this Episode:

    Episode 90. How to Experience a Happy Mother's Day by Minimizing Tension and Disappointment (recommended for husbands too)Episode 133. 3 Tips to Help You Experience Joy on Special Occasions - Including Mother's Day Mother's Day Poem by Jess Urlichs Episode 157. 3 Seasoned Stepmoms Share How They've Survived and Thrived in Their Blended Family JourneyEpisode 159. How to Stay Hopeful as a Stepparent When You're Continually Rejected and HurtEpisode 14. 3 Helpful Steps to Overcome Your "Perfectionistic" Ideals and DisappointmentsEpisode 114. Beware of Common Comparison Traps that Create Disconnection and NegativityEpisode 142. Why Kids Don't Need You to be Perfect - Just Present (Part 1 of 3)

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Does it ever feel like you have a bit of a double life going?

    You have those moments when it's just you and your partner and it feels like all is right with the world…

    …but suddenly, when one or both sets of kids enter the scene — everything seems to fall apart!

    That's because when it comes to blended families, "coupleness" does NOT necessarily equal "familyness".

    This is often a tough reality to accept. You're deeply in love and excited about building a life together, but it seems that you've got some emotional and relational whiplash as it feels like you're tossed back and forth between two dynamics over and over.

    If that strikes a chord, you might want to consider the difference between "coupleness" and "familyness".. Otherwise disappointment and confusion can quickly set in.

    Blending a family is so much more than your couple relationship. That's why it's important to carefully consider what it takes to build "familyness" and prepare for the road ahead.

    In this episode, we'll explore how to intentionally approach "Familyness" so that you can reduce relational tension and create genuine connection in your home.

    You'll Discover:

    How to avoid the 'easy wrong turns' couples tend to make around building "familyness"Empowering insights and practical strategies to successfully build "familyness"

    Resources from this Episode:

    Episode 39. How to Create Strong Bonds with Resistant StepkidsEpisode 130. How to Build Trust that Nurtures Bonds with Your Kids and StepkidsEpisode 136. How to Intentionally Create Positive Family Time and Reduce Relational TensionEpisode 72. The Best Way to Create Healthy Bonded Relationships (How to "Cook" a Stepfamily)All Episodes that Focus on: Bonding Parenting/Stepparenting Books by Ron Deal: The Smart Stepfamily Preparing to Blend Building Love Together in Blended Families

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    Are you ready to join the Blending Together Community?  Click this link:

  • Resources:

    When you and your partner hit a leadership bump in the road and you're struggling to stay connected and communicate effectively, pause and honestly ask yourself these 3 questions:

    Am I really listening to my partner and affirming their perspective…or am I quick to disagree? Am I curious about what my partner might be experiencing…or have I become critical? What am I experiencing emotionally and how might I openly express and manage my own emotions well?

    For additional insight and next steps on this topic, check out these episodes:

    Episode 147. Do Sensitive Conversations end up creating conflict in your relationship?Episode 134. How to Make Good Decisions in Tough Situations and Stay Connect as a Couple
    Episode 108. 3 Unity Breakers that are Detrimental to Your Connection and How You Can Avoid Them
    Episode 105. What powerful traits do you need to successfully blend and stay united?Episode 79. 4 Conflict Communication Patterns That are Hurtful and Toxic to Your Relationship
    Episode 63. 5 Strategies to Help You Get United - Even When You Disagree
    Episode 50. How to Openly Communicate What You Really Want
    Episode 35. Are you controlling conflict or is it controlling you?

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    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • I (Mike) take leadership very seriously.

    One of my desires, even in our current empty nest years is to be the kind of family leader that my children and stepchild want to connect with and listen to.

    But often I feel overwhelmed or frustrated as I lead my blended family. All the complexities can lead to confusion that robs me of the confidence and connection I'm trying to build.

    Guys — have you ever felt that way?

    You certainly aren't alone. And you don't have to figure it all out by yourself.

    In this episode, we're reconnecting with Mike Haney who will offer his insightful perspectives on how to intentionally lead your blended family.

    Mike has been courageously leading his blended family for over 20 years and this discussion will help you to gain hope through a deeper understanding of your role so that you can experience fulfillment in your marriage and in blended family life.

    Don't let the complexities of blending keep you from courageously leading your family. You can be intentional and effective with the right attitude and understanding. Then you can experience the confidence, connection (and peace) you're looking for!

    You'll Discover:

    Why it's critical to gain information and understanding of the complexities of leading a blended family How to manage your anger and frustration when faced with challengesThe 5 Stages of relationships and positive ways to cherish and connect with your wife as you move through themHow to break free from unproductive patterns

    Resources from this Episode:

    To connect with Mike Haney go to: Courageous Coaching for Men

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Resource
    Episode 25. How to Survive Time Alone with Your Step-Kids

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  • Stepdads need courage!

    Navigating all the complexities, confusion, and common frustrations is not for the faint-hearted.

    But it's not just courage stepdad's need, they also need community. Sure, lots of guys operate as if they can fix the challenges, untangle the complexities, and "be the hero" on their own — but most experience relief and reassurance when they discover they're not alone!

    Our special guest, Mike Haney is on a mission to encourage stepdads and share what he's learned through almost 23 years of blending!

    In this episode, I (Kim) will be interviewing two stepdads — my Mike and Mike Haney. Both of these men are experienced stepdads who've acquired loads of wisdom over more than two decades. They've learned from their mistakes and discovered some key elements every man needs to become the stepdad they really want to be!

    If you're a stepdad (or you're married to one), you don't want to miss this insightful (and humorous) conversation.

    You'll Discover:

    Solid tips and valuable insight for Stepdads (and moms too) The unique role Stepdads play and the best approach to parenting The importance of building a partnership with your wifeHelpful attitudes around how to relate with your wife's Ex-husband

    Resources from this Episode:

    To connect with Mike Haney go to: Courageous Coaching for Men

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Resources

    Blended Family Breakthrough Quiz:

    Book: Preparing to Blend by Ron Deal

    Book: Building Love Together in Blended Families by Ron Deal and Gary Chapman

    CLICK HERE to join the waitlist for upcoming membership to our Blending Together community

    Smart Stepfamily Therapy Providers:

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Have you ever felt like you were stuck in an emotional minefield?

    For many couples, when a sense of guilt creeps in, it can be debilitating. They might want to move toward blending but find themselves trapped in a minefield of guilt and regret.

    I (Kim) stayed stuck in my own personal minefield of guilt for way too long. It impacted every area of my life — particularly the way I dealt with our blended family challenges.

    In this episode, I share how I eventually broke FREE from unhealthy guilt and learned to manage my difficult emotions from a healthy, secure place of growth and empowerment!

    Don't stay stuck or burdened by ongoing guilt. Hop into this episode and discover some practical ways you can move forward.

    You'll Discover:

    The difference between healthy guilt and unhealthy, false guilt How to authentically grow security and confidence as you move toward blendingHealthy perspectives and practical steps to break free from debilitating guilt and painful regret

    Resources from this Episode:

    Episode 99. 3 Tips to Help You Move Beyond Painful Guilt and RegretArticle by Paul Coughlin: Origins of False Guilt Episode 168. Actionable Steps For Helping Kids Navigate Through Difficult Emotions and Problem SolveEpisode 98. Is Fear of Being Vulnerable Keeping You From Loving Your Spouse Whole Heartedly? Episode 119. 6 Tips to Grow Empathy and Create More Connection in Your Marriage Episode 147. Do Sensitive Conversations End up Creating Conflict in Your Relationship?

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence, and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Fear is often driven by the unknown…

    …and it's no surprise that many couples struggle with all the unknown factors of blending. Ambiguity is simply part of the blending journey.

    All the ambiguity can quickly lead to fear:

    fear of what might happen if blending doesn't go wellfear of failing. fear of how the kids might react fear of the impact of an unsupportive Ex Spouse

    When it comes to blending a family, there's no shortage of realities that can create valid fear and real concerns.

    But blending can sometimes trigger fear that's somewhat irrational or anticipatory too.

    All of this can leave couples feeling overwhelmed, confused and stuck!

    They want to move forward and build a life together, but they promptly pump the breaks on blending when ambiguity triggers debilitating fear.

    In this episode, we'll explore effective ways to work through ambiguity and fear, so that you can conquer it and embrace your blend with the clarity and confidence you need to move forward.

    You'll Discover:

    The importance of exploring your valid fears and concerns before you blendSome "yellow" and "red" flags to considerHow to separate valid fear from irrational, anticipatory fearHow to manage ambiguity for yourself and your kids

    Resources from this Episode:

    Book by Ron Deal: Preparing to Blend: The Couple's Guide to Becoming a Smart Stepfamily Episode 5. How to Get Over the Hurts and Triggers From Your PastEpisode 109. Preparing to Blend (with Special Guest Ron Deal)Episode 105. What Powerful Traits Do You Need to Successfully Blend and Stay United? Episode 92. At a Loss and Feel Defeated Because the Kids Stubbornly Refuse to Blend?Episode 93. How to Overcome Power Struggles When Kids Oppose Your Decision to RemarryEpisode 141. Can My Kids Be Emotionally Harmed by Blended Family Dynamics?

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Resources

    Episode 178. Surviving the Turbulent Teen Years: Expert Insight and Strategies for Today's Parent - with Special Guest, Dr. Michael Bradley

    Book: Crazy-Stressed by Dr. Michael J. Bradley

    Episode 70. 5 Simple Ingredients for Healthy Tech Habits with Your Kids — with Special Guest, Rob Hayes-St. Clair

    Episode 20: 4 Big Myths About Parenting When an Ex has Different Rules

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    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Ever felt like your teen is completely crazy or maybe you feel like the crazy one — you're not alone!

    Raising teens is not for the faint-hearted parent or stepparent. But what if this "crazy" season doesn't have to be filled with fear or anger? What if you could find practical ways to hold boundaries, stay connected, and experience a little peace even as you support your teen in their journey to adulthood?

    In this episode, we'll explore why teenagers behave in ways that are crazy and how you can equip yourself to better understand, support, and connect with them.

    To help us not just survive the teen years, but discover ways to thrive, we've invited an expert to share his vast wisdom and personal parenting struggles with us!

    Dr. Michael Bradley is a clinical psychologist, a leading expert of adolescent behavior, and is the author of several bestselling books that focus on saving today's overwhelmed teens with love, laughter, and the science of resilience. Dr. Mike has been working with teens and their parents for over 30 years as a clinical therapist.

    If you've got an adolescent about to hit their teen years or you're already frustrated with a teen and wondering how you'll survive getting them to adulthood with everyone intact, this is episode is for you!

    You'll Discover:

    Why teenagers behave in ways that are crazyHow to love and support your teen, while holding appropriate boundariesStrategies to manage your fear, stress, frustration, and anger in tough parenting moments

    Resources from this Episode:

    Book: Crazy-Stressed by Dr. Michael J. Bradley

    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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  • Resources

    Article: How to Cherish Your Spouse - 10 Ways
    Book by Gary Chapman: The 5 Love Languages

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    Ready for some extra support?

    We all need some extra support along the blending journey — we're here to help. You can connect with us for a free coaching call to see how we might help you experience more clarity, confidence and connection in your home. Schedule your free call here:

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