
  • Get ready to transform your approach to feedback! This episode delves into the art of giving and receiving critiques on career materials. 

    Career Strategy Lab Coaches Erin Lindstrom, Becca Santilli, and Steph Knox share their extensive experience from reviewing thousands of resumes, portfolios, and LinkedIn profiles.

    They discuss the importance of being specific when asking for feedback and how staying mindful of your goals can make the process more effective. 

    Learn how different methods, like live sessions and prerecorded critiques, can help boost your confidence and refine your materials. 

    Whether you're looking for a new job or aiming for a promotion, this episode will guide you to get the best feedback possible. 

    Tune in to discover actionable tips that ensure you get the feedback you need to succeed.

    Reflection Questions

    1. What strategies do you typically use when asking for feedback on your career materials, and how can you apply Erin, Steph, and Becca's advice to improve your approach?

    2. How do you handle receiving conflicting feedback from different sources, and what steps can you take to discern which feedback is most valuable to you as suggested in the podcast?

    3. Erin mentioned the importance of building the skill set to improve any career material bullet point in the future. What specific skills or actions can you focus on to enhance this ability in your own career development?

    4. Considering Becca's point about the importance of the compass statement in gaining clarity and confidence, how would you articulate your own compass statement, and in what ways might it serve as your North Star in your career journey?

    Time Stamps 

    00:00 Introduction and Special Guests

    00:11 Understanding Feedback in Career Strategy Lab

    00:42 Demystifying the Critique Process

    01:30 Meet the CSL Coaches

    03:17 The Critique Process Explained

    04:50 Personal Critiquing Processes

    06:07 Importance of Compass Statement

    09:45 Live Calls and Community Support

    11:36 Tips for Asking Feedback

    16:12 Your Next Steps 

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  • Want to stand out in your job search? In this episode of the Career Strategy Podcast, Sarah breaks down the AIDA framework, a four-part methodology used by top companies to capture your attention and spark action. 

    In this episode, you’ll learn how AIDA can be applied to your resume, LinkedIn profile, and even cold emails to potential employers and discover how small changes in how you present your skills and experience can make a big difference in holding a recruiter’s interest and getting that coveted interview.

    Whether you’re just starting to update your career materials or deep into your job search, these tips will help you think more strategically and communicate more effectively so you get noticed, book more interviews, and are offered more roles.


     "The process of you getting hired is very similar to the process of you going and buying that new pair of shoes or booking that hotel."

     "The goal is that something about your resume catches their attention, and to do that we need to create a resume that makes you stand out from other candidates."

    "Be thinking, what am I doing to capture attention, interest, desire so that they take action?"


    00:56 Interest leads to desire, prompting action ultimately.

    03:58 Effectively capturing attention and generating action is the goal of your career materials.

    09:11 Be mindful of how you’re taking action.

    12:05 AIDA has been around for a while, it’s time to apply it to your job search,

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  • Eager to boost your professional growth but struggling to find the time and right flow for your life? Figuring out how to best use your time is a regular topic inside of Career Strategy Lab as we help clients navigate how to focus on progress over perfection while juggling the realities of life.

    In this episode of the Career Strategy Podcast, Sarah shares practical strategies to fit professional development into your life regardless of what your calendar looks like. 

    From tips on scheduling dedicated time for growth to managing perfectionism and expectations, you'll learn how to navigate either a jam-packed schedule or, the ample free time a lay-off presents, to invest in yourself. 

    Whether you're balancing a full-time job and other commitments or have an open calendar to focus on growth, this episode provides actionable advice catered to your unique situation. 

    Get ready to uncover the importance of setting priorities, build a supportive community, and break tasks into manageable sprints to maximize your efforts. 

    00:56 Making time for professional development: actionable tips.

    03:46 Schedule professional development with focus and energy.

    08:22 Commit to intentional, efficient professional development.

    11:25 Break tasks, focus on energy, quality work.

    13:17 Prioritize tasks, schedule and say no.

    17:31 Learn practical tips for professional development journey.

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  • A few times a year we open the doors to Career Strategy Lab and host an Open House so prospective clients can learn about the program and get to know some of our clients. In this episode, we’re sharing the audio from our last Open House (it’s an imperfect podcast episode but we think the stories are worth sharing!) 

    During this episode, you’ll hear from three Career Strategy Lab clients (two Product Designers and a Senior UX Designer) on how to tackle mindset issues like imposter syndrome and procrastination as well as how they improved their communication skills and confidence in CSL.

    Tune in to hear how these three women accepted new job opportunities by applying the “Product of You” framework Sarah teaches in Career Strategy Lab.

    02:00 Work meeting, questions, introductions, Career Strategy Lab.

    05:26 Enhancing communication skills through enrolling in CSL.

    09:08 Focused on single case study with significant impact.

    13:01 Surrounding with career-focused community creates accountability.

    14:22 Embrace promoting yourself to communicate your value.

    18:04 Consistency in touch points shapes brand perception.

    23:36 Coaching and CSL sessions significantly improved performance.

    25:35 Optimize resume for ATS, keep it simple.

    30:33 Mindset calls provided support and guidance.

    34:45 Program rekindled confidence and passion for work.

    37:17 Allie found his flow; advice on sprints.

    40:54 Organize sprints for career roadmap and job search.

    43:36 Detailed course materials for career development available.

    45:51 Weekly sprint check-ins, events, job alerts available.

    49:35 3-month CSL course requires dedication.

    51:35 Encouraging self-compassion and growth in career.

    55:42 Private questions? Use the email or link.

    57:44 Thank you for listening to career strategy podcast.

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  • Navigating a layoff can leave you feeling frustrated, overwhelmed, and scared. In this episode, Sarah will walk you through how everything from feeling your feelings to updating your career materials.

    This episode offers 9 practical things you can to do feel more in control and to save time as you navigate the journey to finding your next role. And, if you're happily employed, these tips can help you prepare just in case you ever face an unexpected layoff.

    If you've recently experienced a lay off or spend time wondering what you'd do if you were to be laid off, this episode is for you.

    00:00 Allow time to process, evaluate your finances, seek support.

    05:37 Update your resume, LinkedIn, then career materials.

    08:23 Use LinkedIn's "open to work" setting discretely.

    13:42 Personalize messages, be active in communities.

    15:26 Posting your vision to leverage visibility.

    19:35 Find joy, recharge, and relieve stress.

    21:52 The power of helping others.

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  • Struggling with getting responses to your cold messages? Discover a straightforward approach to crafting communication that's more likely to get you a reply. This episode dives into a four-part structure called the GAIN framework, designed to hone your messages to be concise, clear, and effective. Learn why keeping things short is critical and how specificity in your queries can significantly up your chances of receiving the response you need. Plus, avoid common mistakes like overly long messages or unclear intent that might be sending your emails straight to the ignored pile.

    Want more support? Grab our communication swipe files and so much more inside of Career Strategy Lab.

    00:00 Be clear, concise, and specific in messaging.

    05:45 Use strong anchor when reaching out professionally.

    09:18 Efficient email communication framework for networking.

    10:32 Use GAIN framework for clearer, impactful messages.

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  • Unlocking potential in your career can often feel like a maze with no clear exit. This episode takes you inside one of our weekly Q&A calls that we do with our Career Strategy Lab clients. These calls allow our Career Strategy Lab members to come together in real-time to talk through their wins, struggles, and questions. Forget edited scenarios; you’re getting the raw and real questions that our clients grapple with, and the practical advice provided by our expert coaching team.

    In this episode of the Career Strategy Lab, you'll hear from individuals in different stages of their UX careers as they tackle challenges like articulating work, determining the ideal number of bullet points for their resume, and curating a UX portfolio with just the right amount of case studies. The discussions delve into whether it's better to stick to a career path closely or to pivot when unique opportunities arise, even if they don't perfectly align with long-term goals.

    Have questions? Join us in Career Strategy Lab to get your questions answered and career materials critiqued!

    00:00 Tips to improve your "about me" or what we refer to as a Compass Statement

    03:39 Suggest 2-3 bullet points, vary by content and context.

    08:47 Portfolios vary, no set limit. Tailor to showcase skills. No one-size-fits-all.

    10:33 Submit assets after going through the curriculum to match CSL standards, avoid quadruple work for feedback.

    16:07 Discussion about decision-making mindset and past experience parallels.

    20:22 People are encouraged to share and listen to others' experiences for support.

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    Tired of the usual hustle of trying to make more connections without truly connecting? This episode of The Career Strategy Podcast cuts through the networking noise, offering a breath of fresh air with simple, down-to-earth strategies for building meaningful career relationships. In this ep, Sarah shares a quarterly plan for deepening ties with professionals who align with your goals and interests. By establishing clear career objectives, creating a targeted contact list, and fostering conversations beyond social media likes, you'll learn how to make every interaction count. 

    00:00 Strategic tips for building relationships at work.

    03:51 Create list of active platforms, engage intentionally.

    06:13 Nurture relationships with check-ins and engagement.

    09:15 Thank you and stay connected for more.

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  • In this episode of the Career Strategy Podcast, we explore the impact of first impressions on LinkedIn and why complaining on the platform during a job search may not be the best approach. 

    Sarah discusses the downside of posting negative content and offers practical tips for job seekers to make a positive first impression. 

    Tune in to gain insights into alternative ways to express frustrations and job-related interests on LinkedIn. 

    🎁 Get our free e-book, The Career Strategy Roadmap

    00:00 LinkedIn users complain about job search treatment.

    03:13 Negativity in posts can affect job prospects.

    08:49 Engage and share insights for professional growth.

    10:23 Share insights on LinkedIn for positive impression.

    13:55 Spots available now, advance your career! 

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  • 👉 Get your free UX Career Roadmap

    Navigating the job market can feel like a maze. In this episode, Cheryl Platz, a seasoned UX professional, lays out a map for job seekers to present themselves effectively.

    Cheryl shares with Sarah her own job search experiences, sharing insights on how to adapt to feedback and connect with interviewers. She stresses the importance of engagement on platforms like LinkedIn, and how sharing genuine content can open unexpected doors in your career. Additionally, this episode delves into the process of evaluating portfolios, the critical skill of storytelling in interviews, and strategies for career transitions. Hear personal anecdotes on maximizing LinkedIn and tips for your first day and the first 90 days in a new role.

    Whether you're starting, switching, or advancing your career, this discussion provides practical advice for making the right moves on your professional journey.

    05:33 Post-9/11 economy disrupts computer science career.

    07:53 Diverse skills: production, writing, UX, game design.

    11:30 Transition from Gates Foundation to Riot leadership.

    14:40 Focus on strengths, strategize for interview success.

    17:23 Incorporating gaming experience into professional interviews.

    20:32 Engage with community, share work, mentor.

    23:29 LinkedIn as a career tool; use wisely.

    28:46 Flipping hiring practices, vetting applicants for interviews.

    30:40 Prioritizing criteria and quality in portfolio evaluations.

    34:20 Specific criteria for job search impact assessment.

    36:31 Celebrating wins and saving companies money is important.

    40:38 UX designers must design for others, not themselves.

    44:29 Presentation foreshadows potential client meeting behavior.

    47:39 Evaluating skills, problem definition, and case studies.

    51:15 Start by learning, absorb, set goals, learn rhythm.

    54:24 Quick social media post leads to resolution.

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  • You are the leader of your career.

    In this episode of The Career Strategy Podcast, Erin Lindstrom, a seasoned CEO and CSL coach, reveals the strategies for becoming the leader of your own career.

    Diving into the idea that waiting for motivation is a trap, she stresses the importance of creating routines and structures tailored to your personal life. Erin challenges listeners to rethink their approach by stepping into the CEO role of "The Product of You." It's not just about job performance; it's about shaping a career that truly fits the life you aspire to have. 

    Listeners will learn to take command of their career journey by knowing their worth, making strategic decisions like a CEO, and managing their internal team of one with confidence. The discussion also tackles imposter syndrome by calling for a balance of humility and assurance. Erin demystifies the concept of motivation, showing how action breeds the drive to succeed, and underscores the power of self-recognition in your professional progress.

    Whether you're navigating uncertainty, wrestling with self-doubt, or simply looking to refine your career strategy, this episode offers practical tips and relatable advice to guide you forward. Tune in for a realistic roadmap to cultivating the mindset you need to design, market, and propel your career—and ultimately, yourself—towards your goals.

    00:00 Crafting, marketing, and selling yourself for success.

    03:32 Discussion about career development, CEO roles, and support.

    09:57 Strategies for self-managing work and decisions.

    13:17 Recognize and manage internal and external roles.

    14:40 Struggling with progress, seeking recognition and validation.

    19:58 Embracing confidence leads to humble self-assurance.

    21:27 Boost confidence by owning gifts boldly, acknowledge achievements.

    26:22 Reflect on past experiences, consider current capacity.

    30:38 Take action to start the motivation cycle.

    31:50 Track effort, progress to boost motivation cycle.

    35:05 Effective communication through asking and answering questions.

    40:04 Navigating self-doubt and growth in career.

    41:43 Professional outcomes, powerful storytelling, identity formation, human experience.

    46:06 Likability and openness matter in professional interactions.

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  • In this episode of the Career Strategy Podcast, Sarah delves into the intriguing concept of career compound interest. She draws parallels between smart financial decisions and strategic career moves, emphasizing how small investments in your career today can yield significant results over time.

    Sarah discusses three key areas for creating a compound interest effect in your career: investing early, negotiating wisely, and building authentic relationships before they are needed. She offers actionable advice and real-world examples, highlighting the importance of proactive career management.

    Tune in to gain valuable insights into unlocking exponential success in your professional journey.

    00:00 Early investment in time and career important.

    03:35 Update LinkedIn profile before starting job search.

    07:08 Negotiating is crucial for long-term salary.

    10:58 Build authentic, small professional network early.

    14:20 Negotiate wisely, network for success, career roadmap.

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  • In today's episode, CSL Coach, Erin Lindstrom, takes over the podcast to dive into the common mindset challenges that arise when professionals start working on their portfolios. Erin discusses the emotional and psychological barriers that can make the process feel overwhelming, and she provides practical guidance on how to move through these challenges. She emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, a structured process, and being part of a supportive community.

    Erin's insights shed light on the deeper, emotional side of portfolio creation, offering valuable advice for anyone navigating their career advancement. So, grab a cup of coffee and join us as we explore how to overcome portfolio mindset hurdles and take charge of your career growth.

    00:00 Framework benefits all career stages, freelance leverage.

    03:42 Erin Lindstrom discusses challenges in creating portfolios.

    07:07 Avoiding grief from toxic work experiences.

    12:49 Clarity in design leads to marketing success.

    16:09 Community support boosts motivation and success.

    18:27 Email for help, focus on portfolio storytelling.

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  • In this episode of the Career Strategy Podcast, Sarah shares actionable advice on how to stand out in your career by applying a sales strategy to your portfolio. By understanding the difference between features and benefits, you'll learn how to make a lasting impression through your portfolio, resume, or LinkedIn profile. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking to level up their career and leave a lasting impact in the professional world. So grab your headphones and get ready to unlock the secrets to making your career stand out!

    00:00 Opportunity to enhance UX portfolio in 3 weeks.

    05:23 Companies should focus on benefits, not features.

    09:00 Summarize your work with its impact and why.

    13:12 Focus on benefits to capture people's interest.

    14:17 Closing plea for engagement and feedback. Goodbye.

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  • In this episode of the Career Strategy Podcast, Sarah discusses how sprints can serve professionals regardless of whether they're just starting out or seasoned leaders. She addresses frequently asked questions and invites listeners to enhance their presentation skills and make a meaningful impact in their careers by developing their portfolios. If you're looking to elevate your career and master the art of storytelling through an effective portfolio, this episode is a must-listen.

    00:00 UX portfolio sprint benefits all career stages.

    04:52 Limited VIP spots available for UX portfolio sprint.

    09:09 Revive portfolio sprint for improved job readiness.

    10:58 Follow framework for year; FAQs about UX.

    17:33 Create a timeless portfolio with effective presentation.

    19:04 Enrollment closes on March 22, starts March 25.

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  • Let’s dive into the hotly debated topic of portfolio formats. In this episode, Sarah provides valuable insights into the strategic considerations that professionals should keep in mind when considering how to put together their UX Portfolio.

    Sarah discusses the pros and cons of website portfolios versus presentations and explores crucial factors to consider, such as time, cost, customization, user experience, and accessibility.

    This episode is a valuable guide in making informed decisions about your portfolio format. Tune in to gain a fresh perspective on this critical aspect of your career development journey.

    00:00 Choose portfolio format strategically for the best reception.

    05:34 Portfolio not for learning code, consider costs.

    07:58 Customize portfolio to match each job's requirements.

    12:07 Use job application portfolio for interview presentation.

    16:02 Portfolio on website for job opportunities unlikely.

    18:38 Follow Sarah Doody on social media, share.

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  • ✨Reminder → Enrollment's open for our 3-week UX Portfolio Sprint. Doors close on March 22 or when seats are sold out!

    In this episode of the Career Strategy Podcast, Sarah explores a crucial aspect of the job search process: attention to detail.

    Drawing inspiration from a surprising source—the band Van Halen's infamous "no brown M and M's" contract clause—Sarah highlights the importance of demonstrating attentiveness in the job search. Through anecdotes and examples, she illustrates how failure to pay attention to crucial details can speak volumes to potential employers.

    With actionable advice and thought-provoking insights, this episode offers valuable strategies for job seekers to elevate their approach and stand out in a competitive job market. Tune in as Sarah Doody shares valuable lessons on the power of attention to detail in the job search.


    01:15 How to stand out in the job search

    03:24 Testing attention to detail with Brown M and M's.

    05:35 Secret words in instructions

    06:09 Attention to detail is crucial in job search.

    08:41 Thanks for listening, see you next time!

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  • Reminder → Enrollment's open for our 3-week UX Portfolio Sprint. Doors close on March 22 or when seats are sold out!

    Feeling worried about explaining career breaks in your resume? You're not alone. In this episode, we debunk the myth that work history gaps are a red flag to hiring managers.

    With insights from LinkedIn's research, we show how normalizing these breaks is increasingly accepted.

    In this episode:

    ➡️ Discover how LinkedIn's career break feature can help you openly represent time off and translate the skills gained during your break to potential employers.

    ➡️ Learn why embracing your career journey, from caregiving to dealing with pandemic waves, is an asset.

    ➡️ Dive into why it's crucial to align with companies that value your experiences, and how to spot these opportunities.

    Ready to reframe your perspective and feel empowered about career breaks? Then this episode is for you.

    Share it with someone who might be worried about their breaks too!

    00:00 Gaps in resume are not a red flag.

    05:10 Value career breaks, don't hide them.

    07:07 Pandemic normalized career breaks, shift mindset, share.

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  • Reminder → Enrollment's open for our 3-week UX Portfolio Sprint. Doors close on March 22 or when seats are sold out!

    Welcome to episode 55 of the Career Strategy Podcast which is a compilation of Sarah’s Job Search Series!

    Navigating a job search can feel like a lonely journey, but it doesn't have to be. In this episode, we unpack practical strategies to refine your job hunt and stand out to employers. We start by exploring the importance of defining your "career value criteria" (CVC)—a personal checklist beyond job title and salary that includes factors like company culture and growth opportunities. Get insight on making intentional choices, tapping into your community for better job leads, and why quality trumps quantity in your applications.

    Facing rejection? In this episode you’ll earn how to turn setbacks into growth and recognize when to tweak your approach. Instead of sending out masses of resumes, find out how targeted communication with key people can open doors that job boards can't. And when it comes to interviews, we discuss how presenting your past projects effectively can make all the difference.

    Let’s dig in to how creating genuine connections within companies is crucial, not just for the job at hand, but for your career trajectory. If you're feeling bogged down by the job search process, this episode offers fresh perspectives and actionable advice to keep you grounded and moving forward.

    00:00 Define career value criteria to guide job search.

    09:28 Consider company culture, growth opportunities, and travel.

    10:55 Define career value criteria to streamline job search.

    20:00 Strategic, clear, concise, and friendly cold emailing.

    23:52 Leverage LinkedIn for networking and job opportunities.

    30:42 Focus on impactful activities, build relationships, customize.

    34:33 Pause, review career materials, focus on quality.

    40:36 Companies use social media to attract talent.

    48:04 Ensure your application materials create strong first impression.

    50:40 Reflect on what's working, focus on improvement.

    01:01:08 Find community support to navigate career challenges.

    01:02:52 Reflect on job search, grow beyond rejection.

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  • Today's episode of The Career Strategy Podcast delves into the topic of ghosting in the job search, shedding light on why it happens and how to cope with it.

    In this episode, Sarah shares a story from a restaurant manager's perspective, emphasizing that ghosting isn't a one-sided issue and is often not intentional.

    This episode offers practical advice, encouraging listeners not to take ghosting personally, and to take proactive steps to gather context and follow up with potential employers.

    00:00 Dealing with ghosting in the job search.

    03:49 Ghosting may not always be intentional in hiring.

    07:54 Follow up for information, keep it concise.

    12:34 Control negative thoughts, focus on what's manageable.

    13:45 Reframing ghosting in the job search.

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